The Ultimate Grain Experiment for Mycology

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foreign [Music] PGT and welcome back to class to this class I'll be sharing with you the results of my Ultimate Green experiment many people keep asking me which grain is the best screen for cultivation so I've decided to put all the greens in a test to see how they stack up against each other and how they compare the goal of this experiment is to find out what the effect of the greens have on mycelium during colonization which one's going to colonize the fastest what the effect the grains would have when it comes to fruiting and what's the best overall grain you should be using stay tuned into the end to find out it's going down the list we have wheatgrass wild bird seed brown rice millet popcorn Rye Berry sorghum red Milo and oats for this experiment I want to try and keep on over here it was the same I decided to do silk and simmer I left all these grains soak for 24 hours and then I simmered them each individually until they're fully hydrated I'm sure the grains are hydrated by taking out a few during the simmering process and I cut them in half and observe the inside if there's still white starch from the grain I'll let it simmer again until it becomes more translucent looking and then after this I would dry the greens out to make sure the outside of the greens aren't wet and then I'll load them into jars dml2 ball two Port jars worth of each grain type with 18 jars Soto the jars are modified with a quarter inch hole and covered with micro pulse filter and these are ran into the pressure cooker for 90 minutes at 15 psi so comparing from before and after this is how the grains look after they're fully hydrated and prepped and they're ready to get sterilized after the jars are sterilized I let them cool overnight and they'll be ready to inoculate the next day for sure we have here is wheatgrass not too familiar with wheatgrass but they seem to be a suitable grain and they're abundant in certain areas so we added them into the experiment next one we have was red Milo you can find these often mixed into bird seeds I want to see how this does by itself here we have Millet this is the other half of the bird seed mix all screened in our trial and my bet is probably going to be the quickest to colonized due to all the inoculation points here we have popcorn it's very popular very easy to get you can pick it up at your local grocery store typically cleaner than Deer Court and easy to work with here we have brown rice Cog for the broke boy Tech the one that got me started similar to popcorns food grade easy to find and because they're food grade they're relatively clean makes them a great choice for beginners that don't have like a pressure cooker here's whole grain sorghum very similar to the red Milo and here is Ribery this is the gold standard for mushrooms hydrates very well and almost any mushroom species I get I don't use it too much because it's pretty expensive in my area but it's very good green if you can get a hold of it the eighth jar here is oats good old-fashioned whole oats the horse feed kind there's also another popular one because it's cheap and the last one we have is the wild bird seed mix this is a mix of Milo Millet crack corn and some sunflower seeds those are the grains let's see how they stack up against each other I decided to split 10 millimeter syringe joke culture into three jars so it was roughly three milliliters each chart don't really need as much per jar however more culture creates more inoculation points and as a result in Faster colonization really wanted to see how quickly that my ceiling moves throughout the drain jars to get to full colonization all these cultures were worked out on malt extract agar and I wanted to make sure to not Glade against the glass the jars and watch some mycelium go down the side of the jars with all jars being inoculated I set them aside on the shelf and I left them alone here's a quick rundown of how I do my inoculations I make sure my clothes my tools and my work area is sanitized with 70 isopropyl alcohol and I always wipe down the jar lids and the area around it with alcohol doing this will go a long way and reducing your contamination rate I always prep my jars by loosening up the lids and when I go to inoculate them I would open them up and an oculate and then I close them right away I reduce the time exposed to open air for the jars and that'll also reduce contamination rate I went did this for all 18 jars two jars of each screen I'll go ahead and fast forward this process so we can get to the good part [Music] all right here we are four days after inoculation we're starting to get good clean growth across all the jars yeah wheatgrass here's the red Milo here's our millet and it seems a little bit light it's almost very similar to the red Milo in terms of colonization here's our popcorn popcorn is doing exceptionally well lots and lots of growth already compared to the other three jars [Music] here's our Ribery our gold standard green seems to be doing pretty well Freight seems very similar to the wheatgrass they're kind of similar in size so I think that might be a contribution here's our bolts oh it seems a little on a light side and our brown rice brown rice is right in the middle there seems to be doing pretty well a lot of my sim is taking to it next on the list we got sorcum this one's doing really well look at that so much growth on here this has more growth in the popcorn Maybe looks like I understood sorghum look at that and the last jar we have on here oh there's the other jar of sorghum in the back so yeah sorghum's doing pretty well I use the bird seed bird seed is not not too bad so we got good growth across all the jars and we'll check back in in a couple days and see how they're doing 10 days later 14 days total after inoculation here's how the jars are looking at this point in my soon is starting to adapt to their grains and they're starting to take off and take off their colonization being very fuzzy this is called tomento's mycelium as they go they're going to start to shift form and stretch out and find more nutrients type of stretchy growth is called rhizomorphic mycelium all right this is about 20 days after inoculation here's our recrest jar he's starting to fully colonize it's not quite fully got the bottom your red Milo the bottom is fully colonized and it's starting to make its way around here's our millet so we got close to they're both touching almost there and popcorn I thought this one was going to be the slowest one because of a lot of spacing between the greens but it looks like popcorn is doing really well Harris so definitely a great Contender for grains whenever you go shopping at Walmart you can just grab some popcorn and temperature getting them for movies but in reality you're gonna grow mushrooms with them anyways here's Ribery student not too bad it's kind of slow so far but all the jars are looking clean here's our old jar old student very similar to the library actually quite reached all the way around yet brown rice looks like uh well it's reached all the way around and even more look at that it's hard to get that rhizomorphic growth going along stringy looking mycelium there's sorghum is doing the same thing it's colonizing just as fast as a brown rice I would say and here's our wild bird seed getting rhizomorphic growth as well the bottom hasn't quite fully touched but it's getting there and people ask about the sunflower seeds for the bird seeds I just keep them in there I know I don't find them have any issues all right the 20-day Mark I decided to break and shake the front jars I decided in a real situation is probably the fastest way to get full colonization I want to see how quickly the mycelium recovered and I would work their way back to getting fully colonized so after the break and Shake process so my sin continued to colonize quickly the decolonization speed was as follows the wild birdseed was the fastest followed by sorghum and brown rice and my own popcorn were a close third Millet oats and Ribery were about 75 fully colonized and the last place was wheatgrass being around 70 percent these are all estimations based off the museum inspecting the jars chapter 24 day soda we have full colonization on the wild bird seed jar then the Sorghum it into brown rice at the 29 day Mark pretty much all the jars were fully colonized now it then decided to break and shake the rest of the back jars because I wanted to use both of the jars for the green spawn so I would let these consolidate for a few days and then I spawned them all out these were spawned in 20 quart tubs in a one-on-one ratio of green spawns at CVG by Bobby any conclusion brown rice was the best overall brain for the cultivation on this experiment both in terms of colonization speed and fruiting yield it was the fastest to reach pins as well as the Harvest the full flush was about 501 grams however other grains such as Ribery and sorghum had their own advantages and produce good results as well Barbarian second place with 492 crabs and sorghum is third place with 429 grams Millet Milo bird seeds oats and popcorn averaged about 300 to 380 grams important to keep in mind that different mushroom species may have different preferences and requirements when it comes to grains so further experimentation and research may be necessary for optimal results quick note from a recent comment it seems people are having trouble with the colonization speed of the wild bird seed although it did very well in this experiment some people were worried that it's been slower to colonized in their own setups it just kind of goes assure you that it's important not to solely rely on one experiment or source of information and always be open to trying and learning new things so what I believe makes brown rice is so good is that my sin can eat it up very well it's relatively easy to work with and it has high nutrient contents like carbs proteins and minerals this supports healthy robust mushrooms it's pretty affordable to start out you can find them at the grocery store it's also less prone to contamination than other grains because it's clean and it's food grade other grains you have to soak them and sterilize them through a pressure cooker and with brown rice you can use these for oyster mushrooms Lion's beans shiitake it's very versatile and in second place we have Ribery it's also high in nutrient content it also has a high protein and it's also easy available in most areas it's been the gold standard in mushroom growing barberries more prone to contamination if it's not properly sterilized it was a bit slower but it made up for it when it came to yield and with third place is sorghum the screen did very well in colonization speed and overall yield I believe one of the key things with this whole grain sorghum is that the grape didn't have a hard exterior shell they made for an easier time for my seam to colonize the green is less widely available from a degree depending on where you live but you can find them online all right I'm making a tier list here based off of my experience with these screens open the S tier I would put brown rice and popcorn up there mainly for the ease of use and access these screens are food grade cleanliness and they provide a great yield for a tier we have Rye Berry sorghum and Millet they're all very good producers for Youth and fruiting but require more attention and sterilizing for beets here we have oats red Milo and the wild bird seed mix they're cheap grains but they still provide excellent results and seeds here is just wheat grass it works a little slow and it was the weakest out of the flushes in conclusion all the greens work and I will suggest try out a few that you can get a hold of and see if there are preference for your setup and the way you like to prep them personally I prefer working with brown rice and Millet for their ease of preparation and oats and bird seed when I'm on a budget I hope this video provides another perspective on City ongoing debate about grades a comment down below about which screens you prefer to use and if you want to see the full version of this video where you can watch the other half of the experiment you can find it on my patreon support goes a long way in helping to sustain the channel and its content thank you for watching if this video was helpful hit the like button and subscribe if you haven't already I'll see you guys in the next video foreign
Channel: PhillyGoldenTeacher
Views: 218,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mushroom, Mushrooms, How to grow mushrooms, how to grow mushroom, mycology, fungi, mushroom cultivation, pgt, agar agar, grain bag, substrate, fruiting conditions, broke boi tek, uncle bens, bucket tek, grain spawn, grain spawn jars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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