How To Turn 1cc Of Liquid Culture Syringe Into Unlimited Spawn.

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in this video I'm going to show you how I use a minimal amount of liquid culture to create more liquid culture and grain spawn I use all my liquid culture and spawn syringes as Masters and only ever use a tiny amount of the liquid culture to seed a spawn run treating your liquid culture syringes as Master syringes in this way has a number of benefits you'll save space save money before each use the liquid culture will be tested for contamination and finally because the cultures are being stored in the fridge they will be preserved for longer by the end of this video I will have created this jar of liquid culture and all of this spawn using less than 1 cc we're going to start by creating a few pots of light malt extract no poor AAR this should be very easy for beginners to do so if you've never done this before don't panic because you hear the word AAR trust me here this is the best way to make lots of liquid culture and SPO start by measuring out 500 mL of cold water into a pan and then add 10 G of agar and 15 G of light malt extract and then stir this mixture around and turn the heat on I like to add a touch of red food coloring because it means that you can see the melium better when it starts to grow and just keep stirring this round and then once the pan begins to fro the agar is activated and you should move it into a measuring drug for pouring next you want to pour the egar out in the pots and then leave the pots to cool down pour any of the excess into a bottle to store for later once the pots have cooled down wipe any excess condensation off and then put the lids on the pot these are polypropylene pots you can see normally it'll say PP or five PP on the bottom of the plastic that means that you can put them through a pressure cooker make sure the lids are on but they aren't on tight the pressure inside the pot needs to be able to equalize with the pressure outside the pots if the lids are on too tight then the plastic will warp finally sterilize at 15 psi for around 30 minutes inside the St a box now it's being sprayed with soapy water and everything's been wiped down with alcohol before going in you want to take your eggar pots into this delay box and your master syringes so give your hands a wipe down with alcohol and then just make sure that the outsides of these pots have been given a good rub with alcohol as well now so on the syringe here you can see that we're starting on 9 and the next CC up is eight so we're not even going to manage to get to that number eight you want to loosen the lids off the top of the egar pots you want to make sure that the pots Lids are so loose you can just lift the lid off straight up and then put them back down take your syringe and then flame sterilize it outside the still air box when it's glowing red bring it back into the still air box you're going to knate the AAR but you don't want to push very hard on the plunger you want to be very very restricted on the plunger so only the tiniest little drop is going to come out and you can see here I've got a tiny little drop on the end and and that's kind of what I'm doing I just the tiniest drop goes onto the AO and now secure the lids back onto the AAR and then just kind of roll the AAR around to spread the solution inside and now we're going to do the same for the king oista mushroom loosen the lids make sure that they are easy to take off flame sterilize the syringe so here I hit the outside of the pot with my liquid culture syringe so I take it out flame sterilize it again and then bring it back in I just do that out of habit flame sterilized again comes back in and then we're just going to inoculate with the smallest amount of liquid culture possible and it can be kind of difficult cuz you've got to be quite restrained on the plunger it can sometimes be difficult to get a drip off but just persevere and there you go same again just a little drop inside the AAR and then we're going to mix it around again I'm just wiping the excess off the syringe there flame sterilize again and lift the lids off the AAR honestly you just want to lift it off the tiniest bit and stick the needle through the Gap and just try and tap out a little bit of liquid culture into there and as you can see I haven't even used the CC so I secure the lid back on the AAR and put that to the side and now what I'm going to do is so I bring the my flame sterilizer inside the St a box because I don't have to worry about creating air currents in there anymore and what I am going to do is so I wipe the end of the needle off and then I flame sterilize it one last time until it's glowing red and then I place the cap back on and then these go back into the fridge to be stored long term the water on the top of this still air box is now blocking The View with the camera so sorry about that okay so after about 7 to 10 days you'll have a full AAR plate which is grown out might take a little bit longer depending on strain now the egar is finished we want to make some light Mt extract liquid culture so measure out 1.6 G of light maltt extract put put this into a measuring jug add 1,000 mL of water and then stir pour this out through a muslin cloth into your jaws this should give you a nice clear liquid culture where you can observe the melum it's important to put a stir bar in the there and use a stir plate as it will speed up the colonization of the Jaws the faster we can use the Jaws the better and healthier melium within them is going to be if you're just using basic Lids like I am with micro por tape then cover them in foil and then you want to sterilize these Jaws at 15 psi for around 20 or 30 minutes so now we are inside this delay box again with our sterilized liquid culture or colonized egar pots and I've also put a couple of sterilized grain jaars in there as well first things first wipe your hands down with alcohol and then remove the tin foil from the top of the Jaws and move them to the side of the still air box next thing I do is organize the still airbox so that everything is within Arm's Reach and everything that I'm going to be using the most often is closest to me such as alcohol wipes spatula and probably the EG or plates really important to give these AO pots a real good wipe down with alcohol especially around the rim of the lid I'm going to be using that to Anchor the pot when I cut away the melum later on so make sure that you give the edges a real good wipe with alcohol you'll see why soon [Music] so Scout Al has been wiped down with alcohol I'm getting close to inoculation so loosen the lids off all of the Jaws and then place them to the side bring the liquid culture to the front right beside the eggar pot as I'm going to be doing that first and then I loosen the lid on the liquid culture next I open the sterile packaging of the scalpel not removing the blade keep a hold of the blade and then click the scalpel onto the blade without removing it from the sterile packaging make sure that the lid of the AAR pot has been loosened so you can swiftly remove it quickly remove the lid off the egar pot and then anchor the lid to the bottom of the pot so the pot doesn't move around when you try and make an incision cut away a small piece of AAR and then quickly transfer it into your liquid culture I then turn the pot 90° and do the same again moving the AAR into the grain Jaws this time this is just another example of how you can pinch the egar pots to secure them but I prefer the other method as as the pot seems less exposed as the LD is protect T it before you move on to the next AAR part make sure you secure all the work which you have currently done this means if you have a disaster and knock anything over it won't be as bad because the lids will have been secured so when you're cutting away wedges from your AAR plates you should normally take them from between the center and the outside edge of the so this is normally counted as the most sterile area for since the scalpel has already been taken out the packaging and we are changing from one AAR plate to the other I am going to Flame sterilize the end of the scalp B and then wipe it down with alcohol again and continue with the transfers just note I don't wipe the scalpel down with alcohol just a handle for [Music] for once You' finished you want to put the liquid culture straight onto a stiring plate and get some of that melum broken off from the aore and then in about a week it will be completed it'll look like this from here I then use the liquid culture jaw to create many many Jaws of grain spawn in one sitting I don't sit around with jaws for weeks or months on end what I do is I go Master syringe to AAR AAR to liquid culture jar and then that will be used up within about 2 weeks making loads of Spawn and then I'll do the whole process again next time I need to to do a spawn run this helps to keep the melum dormant in the fridge keeping its Vigor until we need to use it to actually inoculate the grain spor I think this is the best way to manage your liquid culture syringes if you don't have any space or a dedicated fridge and you are looking to create a small culture Library I've got probably about 20 syringes in one shelf and whenever I want to grow a mushroom out I will put it on the agar create some liquid culture spawn it and then I can sometimes cut away the AAR again create another liquid culture and then spawn it and then eventually I have to go back to the master liquid culture syringe and then do this whole process again there you have it hopefully you enjoyed this video like subscribe and I'll see you for the next one bye
Channel: EzMushroom
Views: 14,305
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Id: XFvEy0aFiDc
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Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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