The Boys Season 4 Episode 7 Ending Explained - Will Ryan End Up Killing Homelander?

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if you thought that The Narrative of the ongoing fourth season of the boys couldn't go any crazier welcome to the penultimate episode of the season the episode titled The Insider UPS the anti yet again and the everchanging Dynamics continue to keep the viewers on the edge of their seats in this video we will break down the episode for you and also elaborate on the tricky final moments and their implications there will be a few Major Spoilers along the way so you have been warned before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you let's begin early signs of homelander moving away from Sister Sage as his guide we finally get to see the consequences of the last episode's outbreak event where sister Sage was shot in the head and lost her intelligence at a crucial juncture meanwhile firecracker has increased her rapport with homelander especially after getting him access to his favorite beverage now we see them at a meeting at VA towers and clearly firecracker is calling the shots now Sister Sage is back in her own Elements which means that the Damage Done to her was only temporary and her brain has healed itself like it always does however she soon finds out that homelander no longer favors her Wise Cracks or opinions in fact homelander is quite pissed about how there has been such a delay in finding the leak and he even points out that Coleman was wrongfully executed because of Sage's ideas he states that firecracker will assist him in finding the traitor in Vault and even though Sage tries to outweigh firecracker it doesn't work with homelander anymore it shouldn't take long for sage to figure out that homelander has been manipulated quite smartly and while this meeting takes place a train is eavesdropping standing outside courtesy of his super hearing abilities did butcher really have a change of heart the boys have never really been the perfect team so far in season 4 they have been in total disarray the lack of Harmony in the group is clearly visible yet again and each one of them continues to fight their own problems besides dealing with the impending Global Doom in this episode we first see Starlight having an uncomfortable conversation with her mother who obviously doesn't approve of her abortion and Life Choices we also get to know that huie had retrieved her Starlight costume from the trash and maybe we will get to see her in full gear when the time comes of course for that to work she has to get her powers back first unless she wants to look like a glorified cheerleader next up butcher finally seems to have gotten his act together Joe Kessler is still around him but seems to have a hold on himself now he comes up to his team and tells them all about how Samir has been held captive and how he wants to use the anti-p virus contrary to Joe Kessler's constant provocation to use it on every soup in the world butcher plans to develop a special type of the virus that will only affect homelander and Victoria Newman he admits that he doesn't want a soup genocide and even though the likes of mm and Huey are shocked they agree to this proposition there is another major revelation and Frenchie is introduced to us yet again butcher talks about how he pulled a few strings with mallerie and freed Frenchie from prison even though Frenchie doesn't approve of the idea however he is now an integral part of the team because he will work alongside Samir to get the virus ready is it just us or do you also feel that Frenchie going to jail was a completely unnecessary story arc how will butcher deal with his new leadership role one of the distintive changes about the boys in season 4 is how butcher has been moved away from his leadership role Marvin has been leading the team and he has done a decent job as well but things have changed since the events at Tech Knight's Party now mm feels like he is not fit to be a leader given his health condition which jeopardizes the safety of the entire team instead he reappoints butcher as the leader once again much to the skepticism of everyone in the group including butcher himself meanwhile Marvin heads out to talk his wife into leaving the country with their daughter and he has also made all the arrangements when things get really messy here he wants them to be safe and maybe his concern or his wife Monique's vulnerability makes her kiss him in an emotional reunion she even asks him to come along and leave all the mess aside to be with his family mm considers the option quite seriously and for a moment it almost seems like he is all set to embrace his new life who is the new shape-shifting suit and how does she function at train has been helping the boys for quite some time now and in this episode we can see him spying on sister sage and her plan of action she meets a mysterious man who is assumed to be the one who would take down Robert singer at an opportune moment tipped off with this information butcher leads huie and starlight to find the mysterious killer and they reach an apartment that is seemingly empty however they soon come across a bloodied woman hiding in the closet she tricks them into believing that she is a victim and then suddenly she slashes across hu's arms pushes Starlight aside and makes a run for it Butcher huy and starlight chase her across hallways and stairs but she is extremely fast and she keeps Ripp off her skin as she runs then she comes across an elderly woman in the hall and touches her momentarily before continuing on her Escape later we see her shredding off the last layer of her skin and when she turns to look into the camera we find out that she looks exactly like the woman she met in the hallway later Butcher and starlight discuss how difficult things will be if such a shape-shifting soup is assigned to kill Robert Singer because it is almost impossible to identify them evidently sage has picked the right person for the job and it will be quite a task to stop her Sinister plan of inciting a nationwide riot after getting Robert Singer assassinated can VA and homelander have a global impact how does at train convince mm to give up his family plans we cannot imagine mm going away leaving the boys to fight the war with the soups in almost unexpected lines a train arrives to knock some sense into him he tells mm how his new life as someone making a difference has made things better on his conscience and he asks mm to reconsider his decision of abandoning his team to be with his family a train also offers a valuable insight into the futility of such a plan he says that VA and homelander wouldn't stop at the us alone and they would most likely try to assert their dominance all over the world wherever mm would go with his family wouldn't be truly safe unless the soup threat is dealt with permanently it seems to have an impact on MM and just a little while later in the episode we will see him turning back on his decision the boys face off with deep and black noir this episode dwells quite a bit on deep and his troubles with his octopus fantasies but his decisive moment comes when homelander assigns him a mission to hit the boys at their secret headquarters as Butcher and starlight walk in they are ambushed by Deep who is eager to prove his Worth to homelander and get his revenge on Starlight for getting him removed from the seven earlier he reveals that homelander has sent him to kill them both but Butcher and starlight soon find out the seriousness of the situation when they realize that even black noir is there to help deep the guy in the black noir suit may not be the real black noir but he's still a soup and as it turns out quite a powerful one together they are quite a match for a powerless Starlight and weary butcher but there is a surprise interruption in this tussle a train runs in and gets the better of deep and mm arrives with a flurry of bullets for black noir this allows them the time to get away but both deep and the guy in the black noir suit Sur survive the onslaught now you know that it is only a matter of time before a train's cover is blown and homelander finds out about the real leak in the team where does a train go why doesn't Ashley come along ever since Ashley found out about at train being the leak she has helped him out indirectly and it has been their secret now that at train has turned over a new Leaf he is no longer a selfish prick who only cares about himself he realizes that homelander will find out everything from black noir and deep in no time and he rushes to inform Ashley about this so that even she can get away from all this while there is still time however Ashley decides to stay put and it is a train for himself as he gets out of va Towers in a jiffy later we learn that he has also taken his family away to safety which is a really smart move and he also removed his tracking chip which Ashley advised him to do we are wondering why he doesn't just join the boys full-time and fight VA and homelander openly also where might he be headed did he seek shelter from his estrange brother or is it someone like Marvin who has found him a safe hiding spot we expect him to reappear in the season finale and maybe he is not even hiding in the first place now that at train has got the taste of being a proper superhero you might even see him fighting the evil soups gallantly and maybe even sacrificing himself in the process what will be the implication of sister Sage's removal from the team homelander has finally had it with sister sage and this might actually be good news for the boys after learning about at train being the leak homelander is distraught and comforted by firecracker he is particularly annoyed by Sage for not finding out about this sooner when Sage tells him that she knew all along he is furious about not being kept in the loop earlier in the episode firecracker and homelander cornered web weaver as the leak and homelander rips him in half for his involvement but now he knows that it was a train all along sister Sage tries to explain that at train only leaked the information that she wanted to reach the boys but such concepts are far too complex for homelander and currently he even has access to breast milk so he needs nobody else it is a decisive moment in the show as sister Sage is fired and she walks out fuming it even gets an amusing touch when deep in the soup in the black noir suit realized that sage has been using them both for her physical needs and they both thought they were special for her but on a serious note this might mean that it is time for sister Sage to switch allegiances a brain like her will be an asset for the boys and we cannot wait for her to sign up against homelander and watch his demise for this humiliation can Victoria Newman change her mind and turn against homelander well given how many times Victoria Newman has changed sides she is one of the most unpredictable characters in the series in this episode huie tries to convince her about choosing the right side one last time he tells her about the prison camps planned by homelander for anyone who opposes him and appeals to Newman to consider the dangers associated with such a coup she seems Disturbed after learning about this but she doesn't take a decision straight away it is too early to say if she will have a change of heart but we expect Stan Edgar to play a key role in shaping her final decision it will be very interesting to watch out for her next move especially if she goes up against homelander for the greater good H's trist with the shape-shifting soup what happens to Starlight next it seems like an innocent and romantic moment at first and turns out to be the biggest shocker of the episode Starlight appears before huie dressed in her Starlight costume and she claims that huie always fantasized about her in this dress they share an intimate moment but the night of passion soon shows us the reality after huie goes to sleep Starlight wakes up puts on a mysterious grin and then proceeds to retrieve a laptop from the safe this is probably the laptop that holds all the information on homelander and Victoria Newman but we will know for sure in the next episode the bigger Revelation is that the woman huie slept with is not Starlight in the first place someone has impersonated her and the episode ends with the real Starlight chained up in an abandoned house it is quite clear that a shape shifting soup maybe even the same one from earlier posed as Starlight to get the job done it all happened when someone asked for a selfie with Starlight at the pub and the slightest of physical touch is all the shape-shifting soup needs later Starlight was knocked unconscious and held captive while the shape shifter succeeded in an important mission of course Starlight will free herself very soon or maybe the boys will find out about her location however there is a worrying fate awaiting her if homelander finds out about the spot if the shape-shifting soup is working with homelander in the loop you cannot rule that out the only good thing is that sister Sage is the one who managed all this and currently she has been removed from the team how will the soup killing virus work Frenchie and Kimiko are assigned to work alongside Samir to fine-tune the virus that can potentially kill homelander but Samir pulls an unexpected move and stabs Kimiko with the virus in her leg Frenchie is quick to react and amputates her leg in quick time to stop the virus from spreading but even in the matter of seconds we can see the virus affecting her she is in excruciating pain and her leg almost rots away before Frenchie can chop it off Samir uses the opportunity to get away and we can only imagine the one-legged lover boy to run to Victoria Newman for support meanwhile Frenchie has preserved the severed leg of Kimiko in an ice box and we will see him extracting the virus from this leg in the next episode and get it ready this is a glimpse from the trailer of this ongoing season and we hope to see the final product of this soup killing virus in the season finale is Ryan finally out of his father's influence for the longest time the boys has been teasing us about which way Ryan would go in this upcoming conflict between the soups and those who oppose them finally the penultimate episode of Season 4 seems to have settled the debate for now and Ryan has done something that we didn't really expect him to do especially after his previous interactions with his father where homelander manipulated him to no end the episode begins with Ryan doing a vault program with a a trained dummy and he doesn't really like the lines however when the director tells him that the lines were approved by his father he hesitantly agrees to go ahead with the shoot are these early signs of Ryan becoming more and more like homelander with each passing day well the concerns are addressed later in the episode when we see glimpses of the goodness in Ryan he fondly looks at gift from Butcher and he also isn't too happy about how homelander is away for a long time finally when the program goes live he stands up for himself and stops the show Midway he also doesn't allow the telecasters to cut away to advertisements and he protests about the propaganda of the show on live television he also talks about how he still misses his mother and that his mother would have never wanted him to participate in such lies it is certainly going to be a deal breaker for VA and we are going to find out the repercussion of the daring attempt by Ryan in the next episode as of now it has pleased butcher to no end and as he is drinking at a bar he points out to Joe Kesler how he was right about trusting the good nature of Ryan and not going ahead with kesler's plan however in a sudden twist butcher is knocked unconscious as he walks away from the bar stool we see a woman calling 911 as butcher lies helplessly on the floor what happens to butcher next Billy butcher may have decided against going ahead with Joe Kessler's brutal soup genocide plan but he is still on the verge of losing his life at any given moment the hallucinations haven't gotten any better for him and he continues to see Joe Kessler even now more importantly Kesler no longer helps him out when he needs him to and as he reveals silent treatment works both ways this makes us wonder what will happen to butcher next you can be sure that he wouldn't be dead so soon but how will he recover with Kesler unwilling to help him out whatever symbiot likee entity is inside him only works when he acts according to its instructions and so far we have seen two sides of his conscience in his hallucinations of his dead wife Becky and Kesler now butcher has clearly gone Becky's way with the better alternative and maybe that side of the entity inside him will resurrect him from yet another near-death situation but the tumor inside his head continues to kill him slowly and butcher doesn't really have a way out of this mess in fact if his character in the show mirrors that of the graphic novels things are only going to get Messier for him from now on Mark verdict time to reain in the story there have been some glorious and shocking moments in season 4 so far but we can all agree that the story is still all over the place even though we are into the penultimate episode of the series there are far too many loose ends and the season finale next week needs to address some of the lingering questions in order to set up the fifth and final season properly we would love to know what happens to Starlight now that she is in captivity or where sister Sage goes from here at train has gone missing and cannot wait to find out what he is up to last but not the least we need less of Kimo and Frenchie's Guilt Trip ruining the greater story arc we get it they are traumatized by their past but as soldier boy would say no point in being about it if the final episode cannot settle these issues we have to conclude that this was not the impressive season in this illustrious series do let us know in the comments below about your thoughts on season 4 so far and also tell us where you see the story headed next do you think the series will end on a cliffhanger to make the anticipation higher for the next season or will they offer some sort of closure for the viewers and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks everyone [Music]
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 38,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RGQztNMEb9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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