Laddio Complete History | The Boys Season 4

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[Music] the boys has dropped a brand new episode inviting us to spend an evening with tech Knight which was just good wholesome family fun if your family happens to be the Manson family now we already have a full video breaking down the comic book history of tech Knight so if you want to see that video uh it'll be pinned down in the comment section below but today's video is going to cover some additional characters from the BCU that's right we're now firmly planted in the boys Cinematic Universe with multiple spin-offs on the way but hey you guys know how this is you've been around Marvel these companies they never saw a reasonable opportunity to milk an intellectual property to death that they did not take right so they just give you enough cameos for the other shows to remind you that it's all still relative while doing their own thing why am I spending time discussing this well in the first spin-off series gen v a character made his debut that comic book readers were super excited about tech Knight well old TK is back in a truly diabolical episode of the boys but think of tech Knight as the boys universe's Twisted apparity of Batman mixed with Iron Man Tech Knight in the comics is not a soup but much like Iron Man or Batman he uses his Keen intellect in a suit of battle armor to wage his never-ending war on crime within the show he's more like a superpowered master interrogator but that is not what's important today's video is about ltio tech Knight sidekick think of ladio as a role very similar to Robin wherein there have been multiple ladios all acting as the sidekick to various Heroes within the boys Universe the first appearance of ladio is in the boys Issue 7 as part of the Ark get some tech knite visits a psychologist to determine the root cause of a sexual fetish he has recently began exhibiting symptoms of feeling very unlike himself we learned that Tech Knight was on the team payback and kicked off after he tried forcing himself on fellow team member mind Droid among other various people and objects this will tie into lao's story in a moment I know you're probably thinking why am I still talking about nothing but Tech knite butcher takes huie to a local comic store to meet the legend a former vault employee who was responsible for creating the lore around superheroes that VA managed effectively think of him as the BCU Stan Lee and I have a whole other video on him as well it should be linked on the screen we learned that one of tech Knight's former ladios named swing wi may have been involved in the death of the Legend's sister's grandson who was recently killed by being thrown off of a roof the boys go to interrogate Tech knite and they don't get much information on the case however we do learn that Tech knite is desperately trying to get his current ltio out of his employee in his ltio and when I say he wants him gone I mean he wants him gone now Tech Knight believes that his recent sexual proclivities are caused by stress or a psychotic breakdown and he can't control himself or his impulses and it's scary to him he doesn't want to traumatize his current ladio so he effectively sends him off on this Quest on his own that is basically complete but it's mostly to get him away while Tech knite figures out what's going on so that kind of ends the history of that ltio we never really see him again however remember that ltio much like Robin or Captain America is not necessarily a single person but a mantle that can be passed on from one hero to the next the most accomplished former ltio is swing-wing Swing wi is a clear homage to Nightwing and the relationship between Tech Knight and swing-wing is similar in complexity except way weirder they had a falling out over a woman that they were both mutually in love with a villain named Talon uh this is also covered in Greater detail in our Tech KN Night video the boys go to Tech knite to get background information on swing wi swing wi was being marketed as one of the very first openly gay Heroes and a major Ally in the gay community the only problem was swing wi isn't gay and he's actually kind of despises gay people just a real Gem of a human you know what I'm saying when a local bartender and gay man named Steven Rubenstein admitted to swing wi that he had strong feelings for him swing wi reacted with disgust causing stepen to accidentally fall off of a rooftop where they were conversing swing wi attempted to flee when confronted by the boys but was ultimately interrogated and let off the hook kind of Billy messes with his jetpack which causes him to die shortly thereafter because Billy is a sist all right so for anybody who's counting swing wi who was Tech Knight's first ltio is now dead Tech Knight's current laddio who doesn't have another name he's just known as ladio is off on some quest to keep him away from Tech knite which means we have one more to go the original ltio that we learn about also just simply known as Lio was present in a flashback story that takes place during the events of World War II in issues number 52 and 53 this story titled barbery Coast sees huy travel to meet Lieutenant Colonel Greg mallerie the man who started the boys this story mostly tells the backstory of the first soups to see action in World War II this ltio is the sidekick of Steel Knight a member of the first superhero team the avenging Squad we cover all of this in our video on Payback and guess what we have a whole last video on that too check out the card on the screen now the long and short here is that the avenging Squad consisting of the original Soldier Boy the first Crimson Countess Eagle the Archer manbot steel Knight ltio and the buzzer were this first team the avenging Squad was sent in to boost morale for the battle Harden veterans in the south of Germany however within minutes of being in the Battalion the team accidentally gives away the position of their troops this leads to an ambush by German soldiers killing the entire Battalion and all of the avenging Squad members the only person to survived was the original founder of the boys Colonel mallerie so ltio dies in this and there you have it that is the complete history of all three ladios in the comics the original ltio died in World War II swing wi was killed by Butcher and the new ltio was sent away to avoid being assaulted just you know fun wholesome sidekick activities and that is it for us here at Key issues on today's video thank you guys for watching I hope you learned a lot and if you did consider giving us a like and you know subscribe and do all that other crap that YouTubers ask you to do this has been Nick with key issues thanks again for watching and remember the motto ltio over everything
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 146,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laddio, the boys, the seven, homelander, firecracker, tek knight, hughie, season 4, comic books, comics, history, comic book history, explained
Id: OoWjG3pP0QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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