The Boys RECAP: Season 1

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welcome to the man recaps this is the boys season one welcome to a world with superheroes all right but this is not your pg-13 avengers things get very dark and extremely gory i'm going to keep this recap advertiser friendly though so don't worry you're safe with me meet huey campbell a mild-mannered electronic salesman he's got a girlfriend robin and they are very happy together till one day oh what it's one of those gory scenes i can't show as she was run over by a speedster hero basically like being hit by a train very scarring for poor huey he gives a standard corporate apology and he was offered a small settlement if he signs the non-disclosure agreement but huey doesn't for now and so the next day his life changes when he meets carl urban as billy butcher he acts basically like an r-rated captain jack sparrow he curses in every single sentence he claims to be with the fbi on a special task force who brings supes to justice yes superheroes are mega celebrities not just fighting crime but starring in movies brand deals all that jazz they get up to all sorts of bad stuff but it's often just swept under the rug because money the superhero mega corporation is vot they manage hundreds of little heroes across the country but the big money makers are the seven basically the justice league one of the seven lamplighter has just retired so the search is on for his replacement meet annie she's a small town superhero from iowa goes by starlight because she's got light beam powers and she is chosen for the seven so overnight she's one of the seven most famous people on the planet on her first night she meets the deep the aquaman guy he was her favorite growing up but don't meet your heroes because he immediately demands sexual favors from her gives her the whole hey gotta do what i say or i'll have you kicked right off the team which is freaking awful but come on not all superheroes can be this bad right not homelander the superman type truth justice in the american way publicly he is a paragon of heroism but being basically a god has given him zero regard for human life in fact he enjoys killing people kind of a psychopath his handler at bot is madeline stillwell a pretty high up executive when the mayor of baltimore tries to lowball a deal because he knows some of those dirty secrets homelander pays a visit to his plane and oh laser eyes crashes this thing yeah evil superman is very scary so butcher's got a plan to bring him down he'll have huey go in for a personal apology and while he's signing the nda we'll plant a bug at the table but he was no master spy he dropped the bug when he was getting it out and who's creeping in the bathroom it's the invisible man type translucent he follows huey back to work roughs him up a bit about to kill him but oh billy butcher crashing in fighting supes is what he does [Music] except fighting an invisible man is very difficult but together they managed to electrocute him and take him down he was like oh my god translucent tried to kill us you gotta call this in but butcher confesses he's not actually with the fbi and technically they're criminals so butcher recruits one of his old friends frenchie who is a mad genius superhero killer unfortunately translucent has diamond skin he's basically invincible nothing can penetrate it but finally frenchie figures it out his skin may be impermeable but they shove a bomb up his butt yeah that would probably do it translucent starts talking tells him all about eight trained secrets but he almost escapes and huey has to decide if he's a killer or not he's about to let translucent go but then remembers what a train did to robin and boom blows him up it's another of those very gory scenes then butcher goes through grouped another old friend only known as mother's milk mm he's reluctant to join the team he's got a serious girlfriend now who he's always on the phone with but he does join and the boys are back together now the info that got on a train was about his secret girlfriend popclaw she's kind of a d-list superhero was famous years ago for her sexy movies hewie manages to hack the cameras in her apartment so the boys are watching when a train comes over and they're doing some drug compound v it's a super steroid which a train needs for his big race to prove he's still the fastest man alive the boys are infiltrating but when he sees starlight turns out he knows her yeah they just had a random meets cute on a park bench she's very happy to hang out with a normal guy like huey being in the seven has continued to disappoint even the fighting crime and saving people theoretically the whole point is basically all staged just for the social media likes anyway it's the speedster race which is a little anticlimactic because they just do one lap but a train wins cause he's juicing the boys weren't able to steal his compound b but popclaw's got some and she's doing it right now getting all jacked up just then her landlord comes over to collect the rent and they've worked out an arrangement where he gets to live out his superhero sexual fantasies it's another scene i can't show any of but basically because she's jacked up on compound b she loses control and accidentally kills this guy but that's good news for the boys they've got some serious blackmail on her now and get her to tell them everything she knows about compound b they go to the spot where a train picks it up but there's something else here a locked up young woman afraid she decides to let her go but turns out she was locked up for good reason she's a soup and is a feral crazed killer friend she thinks he can reach her with kindness though he keeps trying and she keeps proving to be unreachable he and mother's milk have a big fight the boys are about to disband but butcher steps in with one of the funniest pep talks of all time he goes into deep detail about the spice girls and what their solo careers have been like since the band broke up moral of the story being a part where useless but put us together now it's a big problem for a train that popcorn talks it's a complicated relationship he really loves her but she's too much of a liability now and oh he kills her makes it look like an overdose so sad for him her security camera though did catch frenchie so hunting him down is one of the seven black noir he's a very funny minor character because he never says anything or takes off his mask but he's in a bunch of hilarious random scenes he's about to kill frenchie though but he's saved by oh the feral girl we have a bit of a superhero fight where black noir wins it looks like he's killed her but oh she's got regeneration powers she's okay bot's big goal right now is to get their superheroes into the military get those sweet military contracts but the politicians are all against it but a great opportunity arises when a plane gets hijacked in international waters if they can go save it it'll go a long way for public support so homelander flies up there don't worry everyone you're saved but in the cockpit homelander gets a little trigger happy with his laser eyes and totally wrecks the controls oops queen mame is like hey do the superman thing where you get under the plane and fly it to safety but he's like yo that's just not how physics works so there's nothing they can do they watch this plane crash which is spilt milk for homelander but queen maybe at least starting to have a crisis now annie and huey start dating he's really falling for her but on butcher's insistence he does bug her phone she takes him as her date to the believe expo which is a big old jesus fest as a good christian girl starlight did a bunch of these growing up especially pressured by her mother who's a classic pageant mom but with a refreshing perspective about how awful a lot of things in the world are behind the scenes she realizes that this brand of christianity is all about homophobia and hate so when it's her turn to make her big praise jesus speech she just can't do it instead has a real talk from the heart including calling out the deep for sexually harassing her on her first day of work she had a conversation with the deep earlier where she put him in his place and somehow he transitioned into a comic relief character he had a wacky side adventure where he tried to rescue a dolphin from ocean world but there was no seat belt so oh dolphin out the window then after his public sexual harassment scandal he's unofficially demoted from the seven and sent to sandusky ohio where he tries to rescue a lobster but also gets it killed also the reason he never takes his vest off is because he's got super gross kills oh so we leave him in ohio a broken man who's shaving his head while crying now back to the believe expo it's led by the christian superhero ezekiel who's got stretchy man powers but like most superheroes and real-life celebrity preachers he's a huge hypocrite and the boys are gonna blackmail him huey goes in for a private baptism but he's never blackmailed anyone before and at first it doesn't go so well but eventually he gets the hang of it they learn that compound v is being given to babies to turn them into supers this leads to a wonderful fight scene where butcher uses the laser eye baby as a weapon that was diabolical boys find out this isn't new in fact no superheroes are born naturally they were all made this way homelander's all-american backstory is a complete fabrication he was raised in a lab this explains his weird relationship with madeleine that is somewhat sexual but also kind of motherly she's like who's my good boy it's weird made even weirder because she's just had a real life baby and homelander is like super jealous of it now feral girl is less feral but she still can't talk so to find out her story they bring her to ellie joel osment he's a mind-reading superhero mesmer who much like real life was a big child star long story short they get them to read the girl whose name is kimiko turns out she was drafted into a people's liberation army yeah french your girlfriend's a terrorist they now understand botseville plan to create a superpowered terrorist then the government would have to let the supes into the military they have enough evidence now to bring in the feds yeah butcher does actually have a cia contact though he was reluctant to use her they're going to take down vat to expose the whole conspiracy but it's too late another supervillain terrorist has just emerged they need vot now the government rushes through the bill letting homelander into the military where he can slaughter terrorists as gruesomely as he wants and sergeant homelander has saved the day yeah we assume madeline was the architect of this compound be supervillain conspiracy but turns out she didn't even know about it it was homelander so with the pot investigation shut down this leaves the boys high and dry especially because mesmer has just blabbed a homelander he now knows exactly who they are you give star like the bad news your new boyfriend's a villain who's been using you in fact he's the one who killed translucent and he wants to arrest him but he was like no i'm sorry i was kind of using you but i also really do love you also we're the good guys the real villains are bought in the other supers she's not ready to hear this yet but she confronts her mom and finds out yeah she wasn't chosen by god she was injected with sketchy drugs and her whole life's been a lie the other boys get caught but huey's got a plan to save him getting himself captured but smuggling in his seventh grade retainer so they break out though it's short-lived but flash of light yeah who's here to save them it's starlight full superhero mode like you said i'm a superhero a train shows up and it's a superhero fight he's real fast but not faster than light except i guess he kind of is because he knocks it down and he's about to kill hughie but oh he's been juicing too hard having a heart attack right now he was like yo i know he wants to kill me but we're the good guys let's call him an ambulance billy butcher meanwhile on his own solo mission turns out his beef is with homelander personally back when he was clean-shaven he had a wife named becca and they were very much in love in fact she worked for bot she was homelander's social media manager but eight years ago she mysteriously disappeared and according to the evidence he found homelander raped and killed her but now homelander investigates two talking to the old doctor that raised him cause he didn't kill rebecca what happened to her turns out she got pregnant with the homelander baby didn't survive the birth though and bought swept it under the rug to protect homelander but now butchers captured madeleine to lure homelander out he's like you killed the woman i love now i'm gonna kill the woman you love but homelander is like yo love is a very strong word for this mere mortal especially one who's been lying to me yeah he asked her about butcher's wife also but her and the doctor's stories were slightly off and so the one person homelander maybe cared about oh he lasers her in the face but she's like well guess the jig's up then and boom blows himself up but he survives homelander grabbed him and flew him to safety he's like hey man i want you to see this you're gonna flip turns out his son survived oh man a mini homelander he's been raised by his mom becca butcher yes the woman you dedicated your life to avenging is alive and well and that's how season one of the boys comes to an end if you like this recap hit that subscribe button i'm bringing you the best recaps of tv and movies so don't miss out
Channel: Man of Recaps
Views: 1,432,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the boys, the boys recap, the boys season 1, the boys season 2, amazon prime the boys, the boys review, the boys explained, everything you need tot know, what you missed, theories, ending, homelander, the deep, starlight, billy butcher, black noir, queen maeve, translucent, a-train, the seven, the 7, the boys honest trailer
Id: DQvr9KL36s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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