Best of Stranger Things S4: Joseph Quinn, Maya Hawke, Joe Keery, Jamie Campbell Bower & Natalia Dyer

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-This is Joseph Quinn performing a scene from "Stranger Things" with different accents. Whenever you're ready. -Whenever I'm ready. -Yes. -Okay. Is it to this? -Yeah, this one. Yep. -To this guy? -Yep. -Okay. First one. -Yep. -Scottish. [ Scottish accent ] We are the freaks. [ Normal voice ] Why's he got a lisp? -He doesn't have a lisp. -Wait. -He's got a lisp. -No. -Why not? -Okay. -[ Scottish accent ] We are the freaks, because we like to play a fantasy game. [ Ding ] -That's a double. Double points for that. Alright. -Okay. Liverpool. Okay. -Liverpool. [ Liverpudlian accent ] Boy... Boy, as long as you're into band or science or parties... [ Ding ] -That's pretty good. -[ Normal voice ] My mom's from Liverpool, and she sounds exactly like that. Australian. [ Australian accent ] Oh, a bloody game where you toss bloody balls into bloody baskets. [ Ding ] -Yes. Very good. Oh, New York. -New York. [ New York accent ] New York. Oh! It's forced conformity. Oh! [ Ding ] Uh...Welsh. [ Welsh accent ] That's what's killin' the kids. That's the real monster. -That's how you do it right there! Now, what can you say about these episodes? Anything -- No spoilers, right? -Well, the thing is, we filmed them a long time ago now. It takes a long time to -- put it together. -Sure. -And so, I know -- I know that I know what happens. -Mm-hmm. -But can I tell -- I don't remember exactly. [ Laughter ] I -- I haven't seen them yet. And I don't remember exactly, but that's why I'm excited 'cause I'm so excited to just see how it all wraps up. -Those guys are pretty amazing, those Duffer brothers. -They're so smart. They're such good writers. I don't know if you've noticed that I'm talking like Phoebe Buffay on Adderall. Like, I do this really fast-talking thing. But they noticed when I come on set -- I don't do it all the time with my friends, but when I get nervous, it, like, all -- And so they noticed that I do that 'cause I was nervous on set and then they wrote me so much dialogue this season. I know if you noticed, but I have these giant page-long monologues, and they're like, "No, do, don't worry. You'll just do it in 2 minutes. You'll do it real fast." -But a normal actor would read this, it'll take them 30 minutes. Maya's gonna nail this in 2 seconds, yeah. -One breath. Brrr! -Brrr! Yeah. You're so fun and so good. I love your character. And you just -- You fit right in because -- Was it last season was the first season you debuted, right? -Yeah. -And I was like, "Oh, my gosh. It's Maya. I love you." -"I held that baby!" "I held that baby!" -"I held that baby!" -"That's my girl." Yeah. -She likes "Ferdinand the Bull"! -Yes! Of course! And you just nailed it. -Steve Harrington, this is your first big break. -For sure, yeah. -Yeah. Where were you working before then? -I was a waiter. -Good. -Waiter. -You have to. -Have to, yeah, waiting tables and doing commercials. -How were you as a waiter? -I was a pretty good waiter, I think. -Really? -I was a great waiter. I was pretty, uh, charismatic. -Okay, I like that. -And what I lacked in organization, I made up for in maybe, delivery, I guess I would say. -Yeah, and you just got the audition, and you were like, were you working when you found out? -I was, so I auditioned for, you know, they did the big cattle call or whatever. You know how it works, they send out across the country. Taped it, didn't hear anything. Moved on. 3 months later, got a callback for some different role, for Steve, and I was like, "Oh, man, the jerky boyfriend? Okay, whatever." And sent that in, yeah. -That's hilarious. The jerky boyfriend, yeah. -The jerky boyfriend. It was what he was. It was like, you know, James Spader in "Pretty in Pink." Something like that. -Yeah. -And so my friend, Matt Williams, he would kind of help me tape all my auditions. And we just, you know, set up the camera. Got, like, two mugs, pretty DIY, and did the tape, and then he worked at the restaurant with me, and so when they did call and I ended up getting the job and stuff, there was a nice moment of, like, a silent... He was a food runner and I was a waiter, and I got the call in the back, and was like, "Oh, my God. This is great. I don't have to work at a restaurant anymore!" [ Laughter ] And I saw him. He was probably stocking the truffle aioli or something. An I just gave him, like, a, "I got the job!" -Yeah! And he was like, "What's up, buddy?" -He was like, "Yeah! Get back to work, though!" -Get back to work, yeah. "We'll celebrate after." -"Is this for 9? Are you table 9, right?" -You didn't think you were gonna make it past Season 1? -Yeah, the brothers wrote, you know -- I read one, maybe, episode of the show, two episodes, and it was kind of like, we read three episodes and then they had two more and stuff. So it was really, they were building it as they were going. -It was day-to-day for you. -It was day-to-day. -I can't imagine the show without you. -That's very nice of you to say. -You are "Stranger Things." We need you. We need Steve. [ Cheering ] -Thank you. -You make the whole show. I love you. -Thank you. I will tell the brothers that you said that. -Yeah, please. They made me nervous. Because, you know, before this season, Netflix put out a billboard. I don't know if saw this but... -Yeah, I did see this. -Look at this. This is on the billboard. It says "Protect Steve." -Yeah. So I actually paid for this. It was really expensive. [ Laughter ] -Wow. -It was. -Oh, that's a lot of money. -I pretty much broke even. It was worth it. -It was totally worth it. -Yeah. -But you obviously -- we can say this. We're allowed to say it, because... -I'll let you say it. -I'll do it. Noah came on the show and said, someone dies. -Yeah. -Yeah. -It's not you. -It's not me. -Okay. There you go. We can say that. [ Cheers and applause ] -Are you tough with the spoilers and holding in the secrets and all that stuff? -Um... -Like your family wanted...? -Not super. -Does Caroline know? -Yeah, she knows. Well, she doesn't -- She gets very scared. A lot of my family doesn't like scary stuff, unfortunately. -Especially if it's to do with their family member. Yeah, exactly. -Joe? You can't, yeah. -You know, they'll watch some, but mostly kind of through... It's pretty scary. -It's a global phenomenon. Congratulations. It's the biggest thing. And you just got nominated for, like, 13 Emmy Awards. -Those brothers, it's like their life. They deserve it. They're the best. -The Duffer Brothers are great. -They're the best guys. -They are, right? And creative and fun. But when did you realize, like, that it is global? It's, like, bigger than just... It's bigger than Chicago. It's big in America. It's bigger than. -We did some press. My other sister, Lizzie, came with me, and we went and did some press in in Italy, which was my -- I had gone in high school as a trip. Pretty cool high school trip, actually. To go to Italy. I mean, that's pretty cool. -Wow. -That's a story for another day. But we went for the press, and we were kind of walking down the street and there was just -- we were walking, and this little Italian girl, saw me, clocked me. I could tell. And then I heard her go, [ Italian accent ] "Stranger Things!" From behind. I was like... -Wow. -Oh, my gosh. -In a different accent. To hear "Stranger Things." [ Italian accent ] "Stranger Things!" -"Lizzie, let's go!" -Wow. This is actually becoming giant. -Exactly, yeah, you kind of... You know, it feels like such a small thing when you're doing it down there, when you're shooting and working. -And then to see the final product. -So many people have seen it. It's crazy. -I heard this backstage, but this is your talk-show debut? -It's my first-ever talk show, yeah. -I appreciate it, buddy. Thank you. -It's so nice to be here, because I very nearly didn't make it. -What? What do you mean? -I was held up at immigration yesterday. -[ Gasps ] Oh, gosh. -Ever been secondary? Ever been secondary? Anyone? -No. -No? Oh, it's not so fun. I was taken into -- I guess what you could call it -- It was more of a dungeon. And I was asked to wait there for about 20 minutes. And then I was summoned to this desk, where someone asked me, "What are you doing in the United States, sir?" I said, "Well, I'm actually here to meet Jimmy Fallon on 'The Tonight Show.'" -Yeah. -And he didn't believe me. And one of his colleagues looked over at me, looked to him, said, "Leave Eddie alone." And then... ♪♪ And then he said, "Who are you? I don't know." He's like, "It's Eddie from 'Stranger Things.'" He's like, "You're Eddie Munson?" And I was like, "Kind of." He was like, "Do you come back next season?" And I said, "Um, I don't know." And he was like, "You better," gave me the passport. -And there you go. That's the power of Eddie Munson. -Crazy. Crazy, crazy. But I'm very glad that you let me come, because I brought you a present, Jimmy. -You don't have to bring me -- -Well, no, no, no. But I wanted to. -What? -We're missing a member. [ Cheers and applause ] -Wow. -Hey. -No way. -Yeah, no, no, no, no, no. -Really? -We'd be honored. -I am honored. I am part of the Hellfire Club? -Come on. -Yes! [ Cheers and applause ] Dude... Come on. I am honored. I will wear this. I cannot wait. Thank you so much for bringing me this gift. -No, it's our pleasure. -I'll wear this through immigration. It'll be fantastic. It's probably been a crazy couple months for you, I can imagine, huh? -It's been pretty weird, yeah. It's been amazing, though. I went to Brazil. I've never been there before. [ Cheers and applause ] Aah. You've been. -Yeah. People are passionate about your character. People love you. You crushed it. -Oh, bless you. -You're so good. But, I mean, what are people connecting with with your character? -I don't know. I think -- I went to Comic-Con recently, and it was so moving to see how much people have identified with him. And I think it's probably the fact that he's an outsider, a little bit kind of on the fringes of society. And, yeah, I mean, it's just such -- It's so moving to see how much he means to people. -I know Jack Black gave you a shout-out the other night. -I know. -I know. -I love that dude. -He's the best. -He's the greatest dude. -I've, you know, worshiped that guy since "School of Rock." And, yeah, that was pretty crazy. -But, also, I mean, it's great to even just hear you talk, because I didn't even know that you're -- that you're not American. But you're -- Sorry. They should've told you that at immigration. Yeah, yeah. That's the first thing they tell you. Yeah, you're not -- But you played it so well. And this was my favorite scene, I would say. [ Cheers and applause ] You're doing "Master of Puppets" by Metallica, and it was just the greatest thing. Do you know that song is nearly 40 years old, and because of you, it became the number-1 song in the country. -Yeah. I get no royalties, though. -Yeah. Ah, you got to work on that one, yeah. -Yeah, no, it's awesome. -Metallica -- they're, like, the most legendary band of all time, and you go, like -- Do you get nervous going like, "I'm going to do 'Master of Puppets'"? -It was kind of nerve-racking, but it was a weird point in the pandemic where no one had seen any live music for ages. And it was me and Gaten. You've had Gaten on. -Yeah. -Come on. [ Cheers and applause ] Yeah. He's the best. And it was so fun. I was nervous, but it was kind of like a rock concert, and I got to feel like a rock star for one night, and that was pretty great. -Yeah, one night -- that's all you need. -That's all I need. -But it's legendary. It's now legendary. And what you did, even what you did for Metallica too, even, like, you weren't connected. It was like you'd made that song number 1. I go, "Oh, my gosh. They must have freaked out." People also -- they love your relationship in the show with Dustin, with Gaten, who we love on the show. -Romantic boy. -Yeah. He's a special dude, right? He's just a talented kid. -You've had him on here. -He told me -- he goes, "You have to meet --" He goes like, "You got to meet Joe." -Oh, did he? -Yeah. So did Joe. Joe Keery said the same thing. -Have you had him on here? -Yes. -Sorry. -They both love you and they're like, "Oh, wait till -- You're gonna love this guy." They had the greatest time with you. -I had the best time with them. I think I was quite nervous about this dynamic, because, I mean, yeah, I think you guys have seen the show. Gaten and Joe's character, their dynamic is something that people really, really like. And I was very conscious, like, stepping into it and being Gaten's side Joe and not really wanting to step -- -Side Joe. -Yeah, no, his Joe on the side. And kind of not wanting to step on anyone's toes, but actually became, like, the thing that -- one of the things that I most enjoyed about it, because me and Joe would just compare little Gaten anecdotes constantly. -Congratulations on everything with "Stranger Things." I mean, it's the biggest thing. You joined the season this year as the villain, as Vecna. You instantly became a fan favorite. People love you. And... [ Cheers and applause ] There it is. How much of a... [ Cheers and applause ] I love that -- did you ever think that you would ever get to play a character and wear all these prosthetics? I mean... -Absolutely not. I mean, I never even imagined I would be on a show like this, let alone playing this thing. [ Laughter ] Yeah, it's amazing. It was just such a blessing. The whole thing feels like such a whirlwind since I got it. It's bizarre. -How much is CGI and how much is real? -It's about 90 percent real. So it takes about eight hours to put the whole thing on, so I have to kind of... [ Audience groans ] Thank you, I appreciate that. [ Laughter ] I feel sorry for me, too. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -I'm working with Barry Gower, who's amazing, who works on "Game of Thrones" and "The Witcher." Duncan Jarman, Mike McCash, Nicks and Eric Garcia. Shoutout to those guys. Thank you so much. -Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] -Um, yeah, so it's about eight hours in the process. And we start at like 3:00 A.M. in the morning to be ready for about 10:00, and then -- -And then you have to act. -And then I have to act, yeah. -And how fast is it to take off? -It's about an hour, hour and a half, yeah. -Yeah. I like these random photos they took of you behind the scenes, like backstage. Your fellow cast members who love you so much. They just take photos of you and post them on the Internet. Here is one of Vecna drinking a Starbucks, which is just thought... [ Cheers and applause ] [ Laughs ] I just love that. You got to have a little caffeine in there, yeah. -Always, yeah. -Always. -That's only way to get through. really. Powered by caffeine, Vecna. There you go. -And when you do the -- on top of the physical transformation, the voice of Vecna, did you always know which voice you were going to go with? -No. It took -- it took a few months to get right. We had to read through in March of 2020, and I had been doing a bit of work on Vecna and on Henry. I only got the job in January, so I had kind of February to prepare for it. We did the read through, and I was there kind of at the table reading with everyone. I sat behind Milly, and I was doing the voice and it started in this like very kind of like nasally kind of area, kind of more like Freddie Krueger and it just wasn't landing. So I went home and worked on it, did a bunch of reference work on like "Hellraiser" and Doug Bradley, in particularly. And said that, you know, this deep, booming voice kind of comes out of the darkness. And I was like, "Oh, yeah. You can tell." -Yeah. You're getting somewhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I like that. -I loved it. It was amazing. So I just kind of worked on that, and I'm a singer so I kind of just relaxed myself, relaxed my larynx. You're a singer, so you know what it's like. Relax your -- I've seen you sing. You can sing. Don't give me that. -No, I mean, you're a singer. I sing. I sing, but you're a singer. That's the difference. Fans of "Stranger Things" have called Vecna the scariest character that they have ever seen. He's pretty terrifying. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing the Vecna voice for us right now. [ Cheers and applause ] -For you Jimmy, anything. I got you, I got you. -But here's what we did. What we did, we put some of your lines on cue cards. -Okay. -Okay, and the twist is that there are all things that Vecna would never say. Okay. -Whenever you're ready. Roots, can you give us a little music? [ Sinister music playing ] -I'm sorry about this everyone. [ Laughter ] [ Deep voice ] I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. [ Cheers and applause ] -Try this one. Try this one. This is good. -I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. [ Cheers and applause ] Jack? Oh, Jack. I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. [ Cheers and applause ] [ Laughter ] ♪♪ [Normal voice] This is a daily affirmation for Vecna, okay? [ Laughter ] [Deep voice] I am strong. I am beautiful. I am kind. -Yeah. I was going to ask if you're Team Jancy or Team Stancy. -I'm Team Stancy. -You are? -What? -I want Steve. -Stancy. -There's Jonathan, and there's Steve. -Let's talk about it, though, because -- -Let's discuss. -Yeah. -Let's figure it out. -So, boom, at first, you liked Steve. -Right. Yeah. -You was into Steve. -Yeah, I mean, Steve -- what a guy. -Right. And then you just kind of, like, dumped him. -Oh, wow, it's getting real. -No caution. He didn't know what was happening. -Poor Steve. -Poor Steve. -Y'all kept throwing the kids on him to babysit. He keeps saving y'all life. All he's doing is save y'all life. -These are... -He was beating everybody up. -Yeah, saving your life, and you're like, "I'm moving on, dude." -And you're like, "Oh, man, I'm going to Jonathan. Sorry." -I do feel bad. Honestly, I think the way Jonathan and Nancy happened, I was like -- She doesn't always make, like -- I don't know -- the most morally right decisions all the time. But that's human. -Is she about to make a decision -- -She's a hot girl. -She is a hot girl. Yeah. She is a hot girl. [ Applause ] Will we find out this next season? Do you know anything? Have you read anything? -Okay, wait, wait, wait, 'cause we didn't even get to the juicy part. -Right. -Okay. So, then, in this last season, you was flirting with Steve. So, like...what's it really giving, Nancy? -Yeah, Nancy. -Yeah, Nancy. Stancy. -Stancy or Jancy? -I feel like you like Steve still. -You know, you just got to have options, I guess. No, that's -- No, I'm just kidding. -Yes! Nancy has options. You heard it here today first. Nancy has options. -Also, Robin, by the way -- -Jonathan, you're out. -Speaking of options. -Well, you and Robin, from up to the part that I'm up to, you kind of really had a lot together, screen time together. It was kind of a ro-Nance is what they're calling it. -That's the word on the street. Yeah, that's the name that -- -Do you miss Barb? -[ Breathes deeply ] -Oh, Barb! Nice call! Yes! Thank you! -Do you miss Barb? -Do you miss Barb? -Can y'all write her back in? -Wow! -That's above my pay grade. -Bring Barb back. Hashtag that. -Oh, no. -Yeah, what happened? Nancy just kind of forgot Barb. -Yeah, she started going with Jonathan. Barb don't even matter no more. -Do you think about Barb? -Yeah, no, I think this is -- You know, this is kind of -- I never am allowed to forget about Barb. I get it. You know, it's part of Nancy's arc. It definitely drives her forward. Has she completely dealt with it? I don't know. But, yeah, we have not forgotten about Barb for sure. -I haven't. I miss Barb. -Yeah, we love Barb. -Barb tried to talk some sense into Nancy. -She did. -She was a good friend. -She was a good friend. -And y'all just let her go. -People need to stop leaving. I think that's the thing is, they should just stick together. It's when people go off by themselves, you know -- -This is a lesson to friends everywhere. -Yeah. -Do not be a third wheel, because Demogorgons will come get you. -That's the lesson? -That is the lesson. -But, now, I don't want to know what happens at the end of this, but I kind of see where it's going. -What? Watch it. -I'm taking my time with it. I'm dipping it in ranch and enjoying it. At the end of this season, which I don't want to know, Vecna is coming -- Vecna is involved in everyone's life. So you're probably not even thinking about love triangle. -Right. -Yes, you are. -I mean, that's really how I feel. You know, everyone's Stancy, Jancy, but I think, honestly, she just probably needs a little me time after all of it, right? -So much to think about. Jonathan is boring. -Like, they're still in high school. It's pretty intense. -She's so smart. She's so pretty. She's got things to do. -We love Nancy. Come on. -Yes, we love Nancy.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 1,156,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy fallon, tonight show, Joseph Quinn, Maya Hawke, Joe Keery, Jamie Campbell Bower, Natalia Dyer, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, stranger things, best of, Season 4, lines, characters, cast, interviews, highlights, compilation, plot, line reading, stranger things on tonight show
Id: B8WZ3VtRZq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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