Entire Life Of Homelander (So Far) | The Boys Season 4 | The Boys Gen V

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homelander was born sometime in the spring of 1981 he was created from the DNA of Soldier Boy America's first and greatest superhero born with unbelievable Powers he was raised in a lab and was surrounded by doctors like Jonah vogle Bal who named him John in a conversation with butcher Vogel Bal remarked that John was a Sweet Child in his early days between ages five and six who'd cuddled up to him and loved hearing stories however needing Jon to become the strongest man in the world came at the cost of him turning him into a violent aggressive wrathful and downright hateful individual throughout his childhood Jon was put through painful and traumatic physical experiments and surgeries to test the true limits of his abilities some of these tests included having his hand forced into a furnace being boiled alive and being forced to fight strength in enhanced vult guards he was also put under long strict and tedious mental conditioning and was forced to spend hours sitting in front of a projector that displayed images that were chosen to mold his personality and turn him into a symbol of the nation itself as a child homelander had accidentally killed countless female tutors the most notable incident of which being on March of 1994 when he hugged a woman using far too much strength breaking her spine and instantly killing her while these behaviors were usually motivated by indignation this time it was by isolation induced depression at some point during this period he also developed a sociopathic alternate personality that helped him get through the badroom growing up homelander was a fan of soldier boy watching all of his movies hundreds of times homelander respected soldja boy for being the only other super in existence who was nearly as strong as him and idolized the latter as his hero not knowing at the time that they were Father and Son years later John became the new member of the seven vorts Premier superhero team he was presented by Stan Edgar and meline Stillwell to the public as the homelander after his introduction Noir came onto the stage immediately stealing much of the attention that Jon had garnered under the spotlight to his and Stillwell's anger following this Stillwell convinced Jon not to let black noir upstage him and to Simply go by the name homelander homelander is soon teamed up with Noir on his first mission which is stopping a group of terrorists who have taken hostages at a chemical plant refusing to wait for black noir homelander immediately went inside and subdued two of the terrorists breaking one's nose in the process he then confronted the rest when they refused to back down homelander twisted their guns however one of the terrorists still held a hostage at gunpoint despite the gun not working anymore homelander horribly underestimating his abilities used his heat vision to heat up the gun causing it to explode killing the hostage and destroying the man's hand when the man's associate started screaming at him he lost his mind and clamped his hand over her mouth accidentally ripping out her jaw this leads the hostages screaming at him and calling him a monster resulting in him killing everybody in a fit of rage leaving only one hostage still alive black noir then appeared in the doorway thinking that Noir would rat him out to vote homelander attempted to kill black noir with his heat vision but ended up accidentally Bringing Down the entire plant after pulling himself out of the rubble homelander saw the hostage crawl out of the wreckage and towards a still alive black noir however to homelander surprise Noir coldly snapped the woman's neck while comforting her Noir then helped homelander come up with an excuse to cover up the failure of the mission this event led to mutual respect and genuine friendship between the homelander and black noir homelander met Becca butcher at a vort private Christmas party in 2011 he talked with Becca the new senior director from the Department of digital marketing of V and said that he loved the work she did with his official Twitter profile before ending the conversation to see Queen mave homelander said that he would like to talk about her taking over the rest of his social media accounts shortly after the two met homelander Coes Becka into having sex with him ultimately leading to the birth of Ryan sometime in mid 2012 this event also sparked the course of the entire series as it fueled Billy butcher's hatred for Soups and led to him informing the boys however unbeknownst to homelander and butcher Becca went to meline Stillwell and Jonah Vogal Bal after getting pregnant the two secretly kept Becca in witness protection where she began to raise homelander son alone later after finding out that the mayor of Baltimore had knowledge about compound fee homelander assured that the existence of the chemical remained a secret by destroying his private jet taking the May life in the process as well as his son who was excited after receiving an autographed poster of his favorite hero homelander himself in an informal meeting homelander asks about the whereabouts of translucent Stillwell gives a direct answer saying that she doesn't know where he is yet after that Stillwell makes an observation about the mayor of Baltimore homelander tries to play it cool but she knows that it was him who took the jet down the two of them them have a discussion about what homelander represents unhappy about the Deep's choice of telling Stillwell about the Jet's destruction homelander request the presence of his fellow associate in the meeting room of the seven Tower there they talk about the unfortunate choice of telling Stillwell about the laser beam marks on the jet that the Deep made homelander makes his points clear the Deep keeps his mouth shut or there will be no deep to sniff him anymore later homelander goes to crime analytics and asks anakah the last known location of translucent at first she's not sure if she can share that information with him to which homelander replies with a straight I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want anakah gets the message and gives homelander the information he wants homelander flies to the 10 blocks where translucent is expected to be there he sees a van inside the van there is Frenchie homelander doesn't know he's an enemy so he casually asks for his ID Frenchie gives it to him but refuses to let homelander get a look at the back of the van this causes him to be suspicious homelander decides to look anyway with his x-ray vision only to see nothing there soon an explosion happens some blocks away part of a plan to keep homelander off where translucent really is homelander then goes for it flying in the direction of the fire however he finds nothing there later Queen mave and homelander go to a high-rise building where a sniper is hiding a SWAT team is in position but the arrival of two members of the seven makes them step back homelander with his impressive theatrics praises the lore officers and calls them real heroes after that mave and homelander enter the building homelander kills the sniper by penetrating his hand through his chest in order to keep up appearan homelander shoots the sniper's gun several times at Ma's armor just to make it look like they were attacked first then homelander arrives at the race when Queen mave is being interviewed drawing all attention to him he makes a speech to the spectators and after that he says almost Whispering you [ __ ] [ __ ] showing his true feelings about everybody there that isn't a soup then he and mave start a conversation and homelander remember remers the time when the two of them were dating he looks back with sincere joy and a feeling of nostalgia he even tries to get closer to her with the attendant shouting kiss her but mave steps back after the conversation is over homelander sees that Billy butcher whom he vaguely recognizes is looking at him in an odd way after the race is over homelander goes back to the seven Tower there he and the Deep show Stillwell a box she opens it and sees translucent remains homelander asks deep what the box is made of to which he answers zinc the only thing homelander can't see through inside the box there is a message coming for you which is basically a declaration of war against homelander and the Seven after some time when a transatlantic flight is hijacked by terrorists Stillwell sees an opportunity to promote her agenda of getting soups into the military while the plane is over international waters she sends mave and homelander to save the plane believing that a successful Rescue of the passengers means that no Congressman will dare vote against soups in the military homelander and mave are easily able to board the plane and kill the terrorists to the Applause of the Grateful passengers however when they enter the cockpit they find one more terrorist pointing a gun at the pilot before the soups can stop him the terrorist shoots the pilot home Lander then uses his heat vision to kill the terrorist inadvertently destroying the flight controls in the process ma appeals to homelander to try and save the plane but homelander points out that he could not carry the plane without a solid surface to stand on homelander maintains that they can only abandon the passengers to die mave then appeals to homelander to save at least a mother and her daughter homelander refuses saying that if they save some passengers and let the rest die the few who survived will tell the world that the two of the greatest heroes of the world did nothing to save the rest mave seeing no other choice Embraces homelander and together they get out of the plane and fly off in the distance they see the plane Falling Towards the ocean hours later homelander and mave are seen on a beach where the plane wreckage is washing ashore mave is truly grieving the loss of the passenger passers meanwhile homelander decides to act up and gives a speech to the news crews there appealing to the audience saying that if superheroes were on the chain of command of the military the tragedy of Flight 37 would never happen in the seven Tower Stillwell watched the speech on her TV with a smirk on her face knowing that in a way homelander did his job later at train tells homelander that he killed his girlfriend popclaw after she told some guys about comp V homelander then said to his colleague that he did the right thing by telling him homelander Comforts at train but not before making an ominous remark like I'll always be watching you in the memorial made for the victims of Flight 37 homelander gives a speech mentioning every victim by name and job homelander then mentions Susan Lopez and her daughter Maya the two people ma wanted to save homelander after finishing the speech finds mave Seated on a wood bench mave justifies her leaving the memorial early because she hates boring speeches homelander sits on her side and tries to talk to her he says that the one thing he loves in mave is that she takes initiative by the end of his pep talk mave says one more time that she hates boring speeches after the remark silence strikes the place homelander then arrives at the festival and seconds later a huge crowd starts to follow him asking for photos and autographs the leader of the seven just waves and smiles at them and right after he enters a private place where he can be alone there he asks Ashley Barrett where's Stillwell to which she responds that the vice president of vort international isn't there homelander then goes to see Stillwell who is taking her son Teddy to the pediatrician homelander wants to make a speech that appeals to the public of the Festival focusing on faith and a John Wayne Justice while Stillwell wants a moderate speech that can make Congressman identify when homelander doesn't get what he wants he says that Stillwell is running off the discussion to play a strong single mom and that she is using the baby as an accessory Stillwell just answers that they need boundaries before leaving homelander stares at the baby homelander then gets back to the festival and enters the vi P room there he talks to huy Campbell A friend of Starlight they talk for a short amount of time then Ezekiel says that everyone in the room will be re-baptized by homelander one by one the participants are re-baptized in hu's turn homelander asks if something is wrong with him because his blood pressure is 15090 huie just says that he's afraid of water then homelander proceeds to re-baptize him but but this time homelander is taking longer to get huy out of water afraid huie Rises after almost drowning homelander then gives the speech but instead of following the script as ordered by Stillwell he improvises putting a speech biased in Christianity and patriotism and everyone in the crowd rejoices homelander then flies low towards the crowd making him look like a Messianic symbol later Stillwell notices Homeland watching her through the wall she invites him in mockingly asking if he is lonely she warns about the speech he gave and has him lay on the couch suckling her breast as a way to tame him in order to further sell the idea of supes in the military vort decided to make a reality show featuring members of the seven homelander then was brought to a house he had never seen before and he had to make up a story about his childhood there so the vort crew could shoot it and send the footage to the reality show homelander said a lot of things about his childhood from baseball trophies to cakes when he reached the bedroom he saw the blanket he really used in his childhood locked in a lab triggering some painful memories homelander became angry and asked who put the blanket there and left the place right after that Stillwell found homelander in a barn homelander explained to her why he didn't want to shoot the promotional videos but still well managed to make him change his mind using the sexual attraction homelander had to her later after meeting with the boys mesma called a train and asked to see homelander saying that he had useful information with his request answered mesma goes to meet homelander on a rooftop there he shows homelander spy cam photos of the people he was looking after a french guy a black guy a skinny white guy and a British guy mesma then proceeded to ask home Lander for a job at vort but homelander just flew away without any promises after looking at the photos of the boys he stops and sees one photo in particular he realizes that Billy butcher is the same guy who was staring at him at the race of the century who happened to be the man he met in 2011 when he talked to his wife Becca at a vault private Christmas party soon after this at a meeting homelander criticizes the seven for having been unreliable and sloppy recently except for black noir since he's been obeying orders very well recently homelander then shows the seven a picture of huie declaring that huie is responsible for the death of translucent blackmailing mesma Ezekiel and popclaw he throws it over to at train who doesn't recognize huie at first until the photo is zoomed out to show that it was from when they shook hands in that very room homelander also says that huie is targeting the seven following Robin's death blaming at train for it and seeking Vengeance Starlight after she recognizes Hue is the main target of homelander homelander begins to suspect Starlight of any possible involvement in aiding the boys after a tense confrontation in which Starlight feared for her life mave was able to calm an angry homelander promising to take responsibility for Starlight and her future actions after the reunion homelander entered Stillwell's room after Stillwell finishes a call with a senator she reveals to homelander that they only needed three votes to get the seven into the military homelander questions if still well remembers Becca butcher revealing that she is missing presumed dead homelander asks what happened to her however Stillwell says that she presumed Becca just quit raising homelander suspicions homelander arrives at the Mansions of Jonah Vogel Bal a a former scientist at vort who raised him in a lab homelander tries to be formal he asks some irrelevant questions but Vogal Bal is direct and asks homelander what he really wants homelander then questions Jonah about Becca butcher Jonah reveals that 8 years ago Becca came to Stillwell after conceiving homelander child which baffles homelander who was under the impression he was sexually impotent he reveals that both Becca and the child died on the delivery table due to the amount of blood loss Jonah apologizes for how homelander turned out admitting that he was his greatest failure later in Syria US troops approach a Drug Warehouse under cover of Darkness but suddenly homelander arrives on the scene homelander tells the troops to go for a break as he will handle the search inside the building homelander uses his laser eyes to kill all the asant except for for one he accidentally wounded so homelander approaches the man and crushes the terrorist's head under his foot homelander then exits the building but one of the asants gets out and tries to escape but homelander simply uses his heat vision to bisect him at a vult fundraiser homelander confronts Stillwell over his findings from Vogal Bal the two of them talk about Becka and homelander lost son after that homelander admits that he planned for n to show up just as they needed to sway Congress into letting them in the military homelander admits that he and at train used compound V to supercharge terrorists much to Stillwell's shock homelander says that there are soups that only the seven can fight all over the globe now Stillwell takes homelander to her office where the two have sexual intercourse however homelander seems to find the activity painful then when homelander and Stillwell are lying on the couch spending some time together Stillwell reveals to homelander that Mr Edgar offered her his job in the future but homelander worries whether meline will still be there for him on the dayto day they both promised to not keep any more secrets from one another still well apologizes for not telling homelander about his child as she wanted to spare him the pain Stillwell says that Bea died from miscarriage a different version from what was told by Vogel Bal homelander real izes that and starts raising suspicions later homelander arrives at her house just to find Billy butcher after putting an array of C4 explosives in Stillwell homelander brings Teddy believing that butcher would not put the child in danger homelander pushes butcher boasting about the sex he had with Becca homelander questions Billy's endgame to which he reveals he just wants to hurt homelander questioning if butcher has any proof that home homelander killed his wife Billy goes quiet with homelander questioning Stillwell about Becca and his baby homelander goes on a rant Furious that Stillwell hid secrets from him again then homelander reveals that he went back to Vogal Bal and got the real truth out of him that vort put Becca and her child into witness protection for the past 8 years still well admits that she is scared of homelander to which he appreciates kissing her one last time before sh shooting his laser vision through her eyes and head not so after butcher decides to release the trigger which detonates the explosives after the explosion Butcher awakes on a lawn confused he sees homelander standing over him in a house near them a woman and a kid appear and go to see them butcher is shocked to see Becca alive with a child homelander questions if the child knows who he is however he reveals that he doesn't homelander reveals to the kid that he is his father sometime after homelander showed butcher that his wife was alive and that he had a son with her homelander held the funeral for translucent along with translucent family and his son homelander lies to the nation that translucent was killed by the soup terrorists and that he will kill them to avenge his death doing it so for the people for America and for his dear old friend translucent himself he even cried eyes after saying that making everyone there applaud him later at Madeline's former office now an empty room with little Furniture homelander opens the fridge and finds a bottle of her breast milk homelander grabs it then smells and warms it with his heat vision and then he drinks it Ashley walks in on him awkwardly and thanks him for helping her get Madeline's old job she says she'll fill her shoes as best as she can she says that they found them a new hero to replace translucent at the gym blind spot a blind superhero is seen training he is skilled doing a lot of acrobatics and showing his skills with a staff after the training Ashley introduces blind spot to homelander and explains to homelander that blind spot fits a specific demographic that will really serve the Seven's image homelander greets him and tells him he's a hero moments before bashing his ears in and ask asking a terrified Ashley why on Earth he would allow a [ __ ] to be a part of the seven he threatens Ashley to tell him every single thing that happens in her job and explains that he is the boss not her then mave and homelander shoot a commercial for their save America campaign about defeating the super villains soon Stormfront comes to the set and introduces herself as the newest member of the seven shocking Ashley homelander and mave Stormfront explains that Stan Edgar made it happen Stormfront live streams the whole meeting to her fans on Instagram and homelander fakes excitement but soon walks away in a huff homelander pays a visit to Stan Edgar where he asks to be consulted on the new additions to the seven homelander threatens Stan that he might move on when his contract is up at the end of the year Stan asks him what he knows about Frederick vort the founder of vort Stan explains that homelander is under the impression that they are a superhero company when in fact they are a pharmaceutical company and homelander is not their most valuable asset but compound V is he accuses him of Distributing compound V around the world to terrorists and says that homelander is not as significant as he thinks he is while homelander and queen mave were discussing things while taking a break from filming a movie Ashley shows homelander footage of his fight against another Super terrorist in Africa which results in homelander killing the super terrorist with his heat vision but also accidentally killing an innocent teenage bystander who succumbed to homelander heat vision as well homelander handwaves it and asks Ashley about how many views the video received before vort scrubbed it off the internet he then goes to a demonstration where people are protesting against homelander for his War crime homelander gives a speech about how Freedom comes at price but this exacerbates the protest to where homelander has a vision of him using his heat vision on the protesters and killing many people but then he decides to leave the protest and flies away troubled by the results of the protest homelander goes to Stormfront for her assistance in helping him regain popularity Stormfront helps him by churning out memes like better there than here as well as denying the footage as fake homelander returns excited and breaks up the confrontation between Starlight and Stormfront in one of the fewest moments of gratitude homelander thanks her for her assistance to which Stormfront socialites him by asking how he can repay her the two go back to the seven Tower and have rough sardo masochistic sex homelander and Stormfront relationship becomes official as the two even having public sex in the same area right just moments after they kill a criminal later homelander has a surprise for Stormfront however she tells him she can't see it right now and that she has a meeting at the seven Tower with social guys that won't take any longer than 20 minutes when in reality she Ventures to Sage Grove Center to check on the patient results reluctant homelander lets her go eventually homelander gets tired of waiting and is suspicious that Stormfront lied to him so homelander visits the seven Tower and finds no information from anyone about her meeting or that she was even there enraged by the LIE homelander returns to the movie Set and burns down his trailer Stormfront arrives at the set where homelander calls out her lie incited further by her continued talking homelander grabs her neck with his fist and squeezes it the two meet back at the seven Tower where Stormfront apologizes for lying to him still raw from the event homelander dismisses her apology at attempt Stormfront then promises she will tell him the truth starting with her real identity she goes to a nearby chest filled with a Nazi uniform and a dagger a liberty costume old newspapers and a stack of photos showing the photos to homelander she reveals that the old woman in the photo is not her grandmother but her daughter continuing she explains that she was born in 1919 in Berlin where she became a member of the Third Reich and had her daughter with Frederick V who also gave her the first successful compound fee injection she continues to explain Frederick's true intentions were not to create a shallow superhero entertainment company that V is now rather it was to create an army of Aryan super soldiers to launch a global race war she congratulates homelander calling him the one to lead the Army and that he is V's true destiny while confessing her love to him after she finishes explaining homelander grabs and passionately kisses Stormfront simultaneously forgiving her homelander and Stormfront meet in the middle of a crowd and explain the most recent breaking news Stormfront first addresses the recent supervillain paranoia leading to a shooting at a local convenience store as being unacceptable and vort will donate to Samaritans Embrace in honor of C deep Singh homelander then continues to fuel the crowd's paranoia and and hatred by addressing the recent super villain immigration Stormfront attacks Victoria Newman and the opposition by stating they can't just let the soups into their country additionally stating the superheroes are there to protect the citizens she continues stating they will need more compound V and need more superheroes and the crowd begins chanting in support homelander stops the chanting and announces that Starlight is a traitor to the seven and has been captured and contained where she can't harm anyone further earning Starlight negative publicly by stating that she conspired alongside the same people who killed translucent after the speech homelander meets with Stormfront privately to discuss how they're going to deal with Starlight homelander think that it is a mistake to keep Starlight alive because he underestimated her once but not again Stormfront assures him to trust her by keeping Starlight alive it will cause the public to Rally against a common enemy he then notices Stormfront staring at a baby girl and asks her if it reminds her of her daughter to which she agrees homelander then says he wants to show her something homelander and Stormfront drop into Becca's backyard interrupting Becker and Ryan playing with Legos homelander introduces Stormfront to Becka and Ryan he then apologizes to Ryan for pushing him too far last time and Promises never to do it again stor conf front then meets Ryan and asks about his powers and tells him he is the first Natural Born superhero however Becca discourages her from talking about Ryan's powers and States homelander should inform her next time he wants to visit homelander explains to Stormfront that Becca doesn't want Ryan to talk about or use his powers at all regardless homelander continues stating that he wants to be around more and he wants a family Homeland Lander Stormfront and Becca watch a Lego animation Ryan did of The Blindside both homelander and Stormfront pretend to be interested they both then ask if he likes other kid things like video games YouTube or one of homelanders movies Ryan is then interested in one of homelander movies however Becca says when he's older they'll talk but homelander dismisses her Claim by saying Ryan is old enough for those movies homelander and Stormfront continue to urge Ryan by telling him about things he hasn't heard of ignoring Becca's comments on talking later Becca then demands homelander to talk with her outside homelander agrees and leaves Ryan with Stormfront while he and Becca talk outside Becca believes homelander is trying to take Ryan away from her or trying to turn him into something he's not but homelander states he has Ryan's best interest at heart he explains that he was raised exactly like Ryan is and he knows that if Ryan finds out about the real world too late it will mess him up homelander doesn't want his son to go through what he did Becca tries to convince homelander that Ryan is different and won't turn out like him because Ryan has a mother homelander then points out a flaw in Becca's argument that she is lying to Ryan and hiding the truth about the outside world from him Becka states that it is for his own good and begs homelander not to tell Ryan soon after Becca finishes making dinner she finds Ryan outside with homelander and Stormfront Ryan calls Becca a liar revealing that they showed him the truth the neighborhood is fake and there is a whole world outside the complex homelander doesn't deny it saying Ryan deserved to know the truth after Becca fails to convince Ryan homelander suggests that Ryan needs some space and to come with him to which Becca refuses and grabs Ryan Ryan runs past Becka and jumps into homelander arms as homelander and Stormfront Fly Away later homelander stands in the seven Tower watching a news article about the recent events that have happened until Stormfront walks in he asks her about Noir to which she explains Noir is alive but unresponsive possibly suffering from brain damage homelander expresses concern over the recent events however Stormfront reassures him not to because of the Congress hearings attack homelander then tries to deduce just who killed Vogal Bal after narrowing down the search He suggests that it could possibly be Mr Edgar Stormfront then tells him to relax because despite the sacrifices they're close to accomplishing their goal of creating a soup Army homelander asks her about the wrong people to which Stormfront tells him that Frederick had a solution for everything soon homelander and Stormfront head into Ashley's office to check on Ryan homelander apologizes for leaving his son alone because his work requires him to be very busy homelander then suggests they could play a game together but Ryan tells him he'd rather memorize the US states homelander calls it unnecessary but Ryan says something Becka taught him to do to always be learning homelander tone quickly changes when Ryan asks if he could call his mother before anyone could answer him Stormfront intervenes by suggesting they go to a restaurant to which homelander approves when they sit down at a table Ryan is initially Overjoyed until fans approach homelander and Stormfront wanting to take photos with them Ryan begins to panic and becomes overwhelmed by the crowd homelander stops the photos and checks on Ryan Ryan begs for his mother so homelander carries his son out of the restaurant and flies away with him leaving Stormfront at the restaurant Stormfront tracks them down to a cabin and asks where Ryan is homelander tells her Ryan is inside and wants to be alone but Stormfront convinces him to go talk to Ryan by saying he's the strongest man in the world homelander and Stormfront enter the cabin and find Ryan curled up on the couch with his back turned towards them Ryan apologizes for freaking out but homelander reassures him that he messed up and should have known better Ryan explains there were too many people and homelander still reassures him by telling his son the first time he was exposed to crowds homelander explains he knows that feeling of drowning in crowds Ryan asks him what he did homelander admits he flew away and vort found him 80 M away Crying Ryan then asks homelander if he cries homelander admits he does but only once in a while because he's a man homelander then suggests that maybe Ryan will fly away too next time Ryan then says he can't be just like his father homelander then tells Ryan that he had no one to teach him how to use his powers because everyone around him was too scared to get near him so he had to learn on his own he then offers to be a teacher to his son and show him how to use his his powers Ryan then hugs homelander and homelander puts his arm around his son homelander looks up to see Stormfront smiling at him soon homelander and Stormfront are encouraging Ryan while he tries to use his heat vision on an action figure of the deep when Ryan fails homelander encourages him not to give up and then tries to teach a tip that will help he tells Ryan that it helps to think about someone he hates but Ryan insists that he hates no one Stormfront then intervenes and tells Ryan that he can't afford to not hate because they're under attack homelander expresses a face of discomfort as Stormfront continues to lecture Ryan on white genocide he tries to ignore it and encourages Ryan to focus more on using his heat vision to defend himself and the people he loves homelander then encourages his son the try again but before he can finish his sentence Stormfront interrupts him when she finds out information on her past was leaked to the public homelander and Ryan return inside the cabin and watch the news about Stormfront leaked information while they watch Ryan asks about the word Mal feasant before homelander can explain the definition they're both stunned in pain when they hear the distraction Frenchy made that admits a frequency of over 190,000 Hertz homelander tells Ryan to stay in the cabin while he leaves to go stop the signal leaving Ryan covering his ears in pain homelander approaches the frequency Source a collection of vult ultrasonic speakers and promptly destroys it with his heat vision when homelander returns to the cabin he finds seven vort mercenaries asking about butcher he then hears dispatch on their radios ask if they secured the boy homelander closes the cabin door and questions them where's my son with no answer homelander then splits one vertically in half with his heat vision and shouts where is my son after slaughtering the men homelander walks out of the cabin covered in Blood and he prepares himself to get ready to find Ryan then a blood coated homelander flies in from the sky in the middle of the forest and sees the aftermath of Ryan using his heat vision he finds a charred unresponsive and critically injured Stormfront homelander kneels down and attempts to touch her but stops himself he clenches his fists and begins to sob a little homelander then asks Ryan if he was to one who hurt Stormfront Ryan explains he didn't mean to homelander stands up motions and tells Ryan to come to him Ryan walks away and moves behind butcher who refuses to let Ryan go homelander silently laughs and demands Billy to hand him over butcher refuses and homelander sarcastically questions Billy if he's going to blow himself up again all to save the boy who killed his wife butcher still refuses saying he promised Becca that he'd protect Ryan before homelander can attack them Queen mave intervenes and demands homelander to leave them alone homelander questions what if he doesn't mave shows him the footage of him abandoning the passengers of Flight 37 to die she then blackmails him to let Butcher and Ryan go to stop hunting Starlight and to leave her and Ellena alone otherwise she'll release the video footage homelander then threatens to destroy everything and everyone if she does mave challenged es him saying for him to do it because everyone will see the Monstrous lunatic he really is and no one will ever love him homelander starts to lose his mind as he starts hearing the crowds chanting his name in his head he stands paralyzed and starts to cry as butcher picks up Ryan and walks past him leaving homelander Paralyzed by his emotions and thoughts later homelander appears at the public announcement after Stan Edgar address him homelander speaks on the stand and says that Stormfront has been incarcerated and she wrongfully framed Starlight as a traitor he then welcomes Starlight back into the seven he continues to thank mave and starlight as his eyes twitch more and more violently with each word he speaks homelander does several interviews about how he fell for the wrong woman and didn't foresee that Stormfront was a Nazi these are lies as he still has feelings for Stormfront and continues to visit her in the Hospital homelander grows increasingly tense and unstable lashing out at those around him at the studio homelander runs into the deep who gives him a big hug homelander seems confused that the Deep had an interview slot on the Cameron Coleman hour show before him but deep explains it's for his new book homelander asks again tensely how he got a slot before him the Deep tells homelander he's a nobody and that he never should have been for him later Stan invites both Starlight and homelander to a meeting at vort to inform them that they will be co- captains of the seven homelander is outraged about having to share the spotlight but he is unable to do anything about it and so he has to agree homelander confronts at train about getting fatter claiming he's just eating his feelings and making the seven and him look bad homelander seems to be taking out his bad mood from the co- captain thing on others at train mutters [ __ ] you under his breath triggering homelander to grab him by the back of the neck and yell at him to repeat what he said all the while threatening him with his laser eyes later when it's homelander birthday he goes to visit Stormfront who can seemingly barely breathe and talk he asks her to wish him a happy birthday but to no avail later he goes to help save a girl Chelsea who's about to kill kill herself by jumping off a building he initially tries to explain how pointless her jumping is because he easily could catch her however on a nearby building a news clip airs announcing that Stormfront is dead now homelander notices this in shock due to the fact that the love of his life has seemingly killed herself on his birthday he then rants to Chelsea about how he doesn't have a real birthday because he was poured from a test tube he only continues used to spiral into his ramblings when he Compares himself to Jesus questioning how it is fair that humans get saved while a beautiful and perfect God referring to Stormfront gets killed frustrated he tells Chelsea that maybe she should jump after all but Chelsea has a change of mind and says she doesn't want to anymore blinded by his rage he threatens her by shining his laser eyes at her indicating that if she does not commit suicide he will force her to or give her a fate worse than death on American Heroes there is a big special for homelander birthday a man in the audience at the special screams homelander your Nazi died attempting to frustrate him Starlight tells the audience that everyone including homelander makes mistakes and that he deserves a second chance before transitioning to the Starlight house she tells the audience that homelander is going to donate $10 million to the Starlight house but he interrupts her by repeatedly saying no homelander states that he doesn't make mistakes and that he is better than everyone else going on a long rant about how the audience needs him and needs him to save them soon homelander finds out much to everyone's surprise that his polling numbers are up after his rant on TV his fans think he's confident and Unapologetic then homelander forces starlight's hand to choose the deep as one of the new members of the seven and she concedes after a lot of back and forth to celebrate homelander invites the Deep to a seafood Feast much to his horror homelander tells everyone that no one can stop him now that he knows that people love him for him he brings the Deep alive octopus called Timothy the Deep tells him that Timothy is his friend and he can't eat him homelander tells him to eat Timothy to the Deep's horror but afraid of the Reaper cussions of not following homelander orders the Deep obeys after the new members of the seven are announced homelander unexpectedly announces that he and starlight are also in love and they kiss on screen Ashley informs homelander that Victoria Newman is doing a press conference about him he tells her to find out what's going on homelander manages to convince Victoria to not turn on him but rather on her adopted father Stan Edgar Victoria exposes Stan at the press conference and homelander pays her a visit afterwards commending her on her decision to stand by her kind Stan is forced to step down Paving the way for homelander to be the head of vort so homelander is now in charge he tells the board to promote Ashley to CEO knowing she'll have his back soon after this when news of soldier boy breaks Starlight tells homelander they need to handle this situation directly homelander tells tells Ashley to book the news channels to tell everyone there is nothing to worry about then homelander confronts mave about betraying him because he can smell butcher all over her she tells him he's crazy and doesn't know what he's talking about he asks her if their love was real and she tells him that from the start she hated him and beyond that pied him when she turns around black noir attacks her and knocks her out homelander is in the crime Analytics room reviewing camera footage which shows soldier boy walking away after killing Crimson countis then he snaps at Ashley after she suggests giving a press conference to reassure the public that everything is under control homelander opens up to Noir about his stress about Soldier Boy's recent actions receiving no reply he Pats Noir on the shoulder praising him as his only friend then leaves alone in his private quarters his reflection in a mirror starts talking to him he expresses his fears about being defeated by Soldier Boy and asks himself if taking over the company was the right call his mirror self reassures him that he will get them out of trouble just like he always did when they were young homelander confesses to the real reason for rebelling against Stan Edgar wanting to be loved and admired he also blames homelanders failed relationships and his need for affection on his human side which the reflection sees as a cancer that must be removed in order for homelander to be free and pure later homelander goes to the tea and te twins house to find soldja boy to kill him he confronts soldja boy and butcher in the ravaged building he quickly incapacitates butcher with his heat vision unbeknownst to him butcher had had a temp V injection and was still alive homelander confesses his previous admiration for Soldier Boy due to his near equal Powers but Soldier Boy scoffs at him and Brands him a cheap [ __ ] knockoff homelander calmly replies oh no I'm the upgrade before attacking Soldier Boy homelander soon gets the upper hand on his opponent pinning soldja boy to the wall with prejudice but the newly awakened butcher assists soldja boy and with the arrival of huy the tide of the battle momentarily turns and they manag to pin homelander for a moment homelander vigorously Fights free and escapes through the roof later he applies concealer to cover up a bruise when he meets mave homelander explains how soldier boy is burning the V out of some su's bodies and that it could happen to any one of them she tells him he's the only one of them who cares about being a super he tells her he always dreamed of having kids with mave and that he plans to harvest her egg then in an attempt to discredit Starlight and distract his fan base from her allegations against him and vort international homelander makes up conspiracy theories about her during a rally lying to the crowd that Starlight is using her charity Starlight house to traffic and abuse children he also condemns the media and his opponents as biased and corrupt claiming they are simply trying to destroy America's greatest hero and last line of defense during the speech homelander thinks he sees soldier boy and his eyes light up but he wasn't there so he tells the crowd he loves them and leaves he finds a cow in a farmhouse and milks it soon Victoria Newman findes and confronts him she derides him for his speech and harshly advises him to get his act together overextending her hand homelander lashes out and seizes her by the throat daring her to go on she manages to convince him that she can be a worthwhile Ally after handing him a letter later home homelander finds Starlight at V and tells her to recant everything she said on TV he tells her that Fame is the only thing protecting her he warns her what will happen to huie now that she betrayed him she tells him she's been recording him to her 190 million viewers and he tells her she's not supposed to be recording while they're running lines then homelander argues with Ashley on the phone about starlight's secret taping he gets a call from soldier boy who tells him that the situation has changed he tells homelander that he realized that homelander is actually his son because back in 1980 he put his sperm into a cup in a lab in 1981 a baby was born from that sperm and it was homelander homelander finds Ryan using the documents obtained from Victoria Newman and complement his rapidly improving fast ball Grace runs outside and tells him to stay away but homelander tells her he just wants to see see Ryan Ryan asks homelander if he's mad at him for what he did and homelander in a rare moment of gentleness Comforts Ryan over his guilt he tells Ryan that their Incredible strength sometimes entails accidents and that homelander understands this and will always love Ryan later homelander sits in his room watching his numbers drop in response to Ma's imprisonment until Ashley interrupts him to explain mave escaped black noir then returns and homelander hugs him relieved at his return homelander later meets with Noir as they prepare for Soldier Boy's arrival homelander confides in Noir that soldier boy is his father and asks what he is like when Noir vaguely answers his father is bad homelander confronts Noir asking if Noir always knew who his father was when Noir nods homelander cries that he has been lied to all his life homelander then punches Noir in the abdomen and rips out his intestines homelander remarks Noir should have told the truth sooner before he leaves Noir to die homelander then meets with his only remaining allies Ashley the deep and at train the Deep tries to plan that they could use Noir as bait but homelander reveals he killed Noir for keeping secrets homelander vents that he always wanted a family and team but instead is stuck with them when deep offers to help homelander asks the Deep to kill Lamar Bishop the VP nominee as part of his agreement with Victoria Newman he then humiliates Ashley by ordering her to take off her wig he then turns to at train and questions at Train's loyalty after he murdered Blue Hawk and how he could kill one of his own kind while his hypocrisy is being displayed by Noir mask propped upon the table homelander reminds them that Noir was worth more than all of them combined and that none of them are safe from his wrath should they betray him soon homelander is confronted by butcher Queen mave and solder boy in the vort tower homelander reveals he already killed Noir and he merely wants to talk homelander States the situation that together him and soldja boy would be unstoppable when soldja boy isn't convinced homelander brings out Ryan before the trio Ryan greets his grandfather and homelander insists the three of them could be a real family and never be alone ever again Soldier Boy appears moved wishing he could have raised homelander to be better than him but he harshly rebukes homelander instead and restrains him for a blast along with mave and butcher homelander seemingly unwilling to fight is saved by Ryan whom attacks soldja boy with his heat vision homelander still does not resist mave or butcher instead urging Ryan to run upstairs away from the fighting soldja boy recovers and brutally hits Ryan unconscious against the wall and homelander rushes to tend to him Soldier Boy prepares to blast both the distraught homelander and injured Ryan but butcher attacks him giving homelander enough time to turn and violently blast soldja boy out of the room as fighting breaks out between soldja boy and butcher's crew homelander finished tending to Ryan before turning to resolve the situation he is punched by Queen mave but he insists not to fight right now because soldier boy is a bigger threat but mave only continues to attack him he defends himself while insisting that she stop with increasing malice eventually she hits him hard enough that his nose bleeds he's forced to incapacitate her and promptly gouges one of her eyes out mave then stabs homelander eardrum with a metal straw and stuns homelander she stops fighting when she tackles the dangerous nuclear soldier boy out of the building ending the prolonged spectacle homelander regroups with Ryan after a silent confrontation with Butcher and Ryan leaves with his father later homelander shows up to a rally and introduces the crowd to his son Ryan the crowd cheers for them both until a vocal Starlight supporter loudly denounces homelander as a fascist and throws a can at them he hits Ryan and homelander immediately Shields Ryan before locating the man enraged at the man's protest homelander splatters him on the spot with his heat vision after a stunned silence the crowd slowly begins applauding homelander and homelander looks uneased but eventually Smiles for the crowd so far this was everything that we got to see from homelander so yeah that's all for this video and thanks for watching
Channel: Allen The Guy
Views: 1,315,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homelander vs billy butcher, Homelander vs soldier boy, The boys season 4, The boys Gen V season 1, The boys Gen V season 2, Soldier boy vs Homelander, Homelander death, The boys comics, Homelander vs black noir, The boys season 5, The boys theme, Life of Homelander, Homelander anatomy, Soldier boy anatomy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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