STAR WARS Original Trilogy Ultimate Breakdown | Every Easter Egg In New Hope, Empire & Return

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welcome to the heavy spoiler show I'm your host Paul and this video we're breaking down Star Wars the original trilogy changed Cinema and there's so much going on in each one of the movies throughout this video we're going to break it all down and talk about all the things that happen when putting together these films this includes Easter eggs hidden details little character moments and it's basically love let out to George Lucas's work I hope you enjoy our journey through the movies and if you do then please hit that thumbs up make sure you subscribe a videos like this every week and with that out of the way thank you for clicking this now let's go to a Galaxy 4 Far Away you're all clear kid I like go home according to the Legends George Lucas came up with the idea after he made his first full length feature film titled THX 1138 Lucas had been a big fan of The Flash Gorden serials and he'd actually been planning to adapt them in some form or another apparently at the 1971 K's Film Festival when he was showing THX he started putting feelers out to see if he could buy the rights for Flash however they were owned by Dino de lenes and thus Lucas decided to do his own Space Opera returning home from the festival Francis Ford Copler recalled him being very depressed he couldn't get the right so in the end he said well I'll just invent my own great impression there and pouring through John Carter of Mars go around Mars in June the ideas started to form in his head that would lead to what we got spending 8 hours a day 5 days a week he steamrolled through the ideas and found that the World building wasn't just something you could Dive Right into Lucas said he made little notes came up with names and compiled a two-page synopsis titled the Journal of the wills the wills themselves were thought of as being spiritual and religious beings who recorded ancient tales and told them in the form of stories this is why we started with a long time ago on a galaxy far far away because it was meant to evoke the idea this is an ancient story being told to us the Guardians of the wills of course appeared in Rogan and they've become something that's connected to the greater Legends telling the tale of an apprentice known as CJ Thorp this Jedi bendu and his Space Commander mace Wendy would be who the story centered around now you probably sort of recognize that last name there and though a lot of the names Lucas came up with didn't make it the first script he did end up including them in the later movies the Jedi name itself came from the samurai Jedi geki and these Knights would follow an honest system like the Jedi realizing that this original Will's story was too difficult to follow he then started again from the ground up with the Star Wars sharing elements of Kur sour the Hidden Fortress George put together a 133-page outline and then shoed it around the Hidden Fortress actually gets a little n in the film with us getting this line from General mty your sad Devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes or given you Clairvoyance enough to find the rebels hidden Fort C3 p and R2D2 were also based off the bickering peasants with the Imperial and rebel logos also resembling Japanese crests originally U could actually speak English with him constantly cursing and according to IMDb trivia though his speech was removed they kept c3po's reactions to him I've just about had enough of you now Lucas unfortunately faced another knockback when United Artist declined the treatment they said the budget was too big and this was something the other Studio shared as well Lucas Sho the script to Paramount and Universal with both thinking that it was way too ambitious I find your lack of faith disturbing Disney turned it down too which cost them a couple billion decades later but in the end 20th Century Fox picked up the project Lucas was given $150,000 to write and direct which looking back is absolutely crazy no one had faith in it but this actually proved to be good for him cuz it allowed him to negotiate lots of things surrounding it he secured the rights to the sequels got most of the merchandising money and also became best mates with everyone that hit the Thumbs Up Button Now by 1974 he'd done four different rewrites swapping out characters and plot lines in search of a story in these he' created the Sith and dead star along with a general named Anakin Star Killer Star Killer was then changed to a teen and he became a side character to a family of dwarves yep not joking and Lucas did eventually use dwarves in Willow which isn't the only idea that he's safe for later an solo was made but he was a green skinn alien with his homy chewbaca who was based on his dog this just so happened to be called Indiana which yet no prizes for guessing what he later used that on now George said he used to ride with his dog in the passenger seat next to him and he'd often remark as him being like a co-pilot Anakin was changed to Luke with him then becoming his father who was a former Jedi Knight that had died during the war Luke and his brothers all lived on a farm and it then evolved into a fairy tale fetch Quest that took place across the Galaxy the force was created and this draft ended with a text scroll that talked about what was going to happen in the next movie again you can kind of see where they shifted across but one big text changed George's mind that is Joseph Campbell's the hero with a thousand faces which is something that he said to have been inspired by this is something we've brought up in a lot of breakdowns before and it's a journey that Luke follows almost beat for beat they all send it up taking elements of the legends of King Arthur with Obi-Wan becoming a wizard echoing Marin C3PO calls Luke sir Luke I see sir Luke and Jedi and I are of course based on Knight no prices if you got that one about the third draft things really start coming together and at this point Lucas ended up pulling in Ralph mcari he started creating Concepts art which you can find online and a lot of this has been repurposed for different projects for example stuff like the Stormtrooper designs have been brought up as Easter eggs in other properties and you can catch this as a bridge between the clones and the Stormtroopers in the bad batch now they're of course inspired by by the Nazis with a lot of the Imperial gar echoing their uniforms from World War II everything about them is rules and bureaucracy which is why all the characters appear in black white and gray it's all very formal whereas the rebel characters that don't connect to it have more of these sort of natural colors to them now in this draft Darth Vader is pretty close to what we got and we can also catch the evolution of chewbaca if you're a fan of rebels then you're going to instantly recognize the original design and this is the same species that zebis and that show c3po's design was inspired by Maria from Metropolis an ed whose name was brought up on American Graffiti the crew asked for real number two of the second dialogue track which ended up being R2D2 all in all it's Han Solo who under went the most changes as the guy's got a lightsaber big beard cape and a headpiece and to be honest I actually quite like this a lot now mcari created lots of the ships in the set and he pretty much set the look for the entire Saga this third draft was also where Luke's father died and Lucas brought in Ben canobi to play as the character's Mentor titled Star Wars the adventures of Luke Star Killer he worked with Gloria cats and Willard hook and they finished that fourth draft in 1976 with help from Brian De Palmer Lucas cut down the text crawl as originally they' said it was long enough to cover an entire driveway Lucas said he wanted it to come across almost like a poem and that it had to convey a lot of information in as shortest space as possible now this mimic The Flash Gordon series IAL which two opened up with one and it even contained things like chapter titles and capitalized Words which Lucas would end up later bringing across to the series now the limited budget also helped Lucas with a look he was trying to attain and rather than just going with new and shiny stuff they gave the universe and almost bad lived in look this most notably carried across to the Millennium Falcon with them using elements of scrap metal planes to build out the entire ship what a piece of junk in total they built 30 sets of an nine Sound Stage at El stre Studios with this being one of the most expensive films of all time the rebel hanger was placed at Sheeran studios in Europe and finally after the film was cast everything was ready to go and that takes us into the movie itself with us getting that Infamous title and text C the kick started off originally the movie was just titled Star Wars but in later re-releases they added the episode count and the New Hope titling we of course also hear John Williams score blasting away and like a lot of elements in this movie too was inspired by other works back when Philip Molina was at new rock stars he did lots of Star Wars breakdowns and pointed out that part of the score Rift and the one from King's [Music] Row now from here we c a space above the planet tne and watches sat tantive for desperately races across the Galaxy looking minuscule and imposing it's completely dwarfed by the Star Destroyer which comes in and engulfs the entire top half of the screen in just this moment alone we instantly get the David and GLI Stakes here with a tiny Rebel Ship appearing minuscule compared to what's chasing it the tantive comes into the shot and disappears in the Horizon in what I counted is roughly 2 seconds just supposing this the star destroy eats up the whole frame for a total of 11 seconds before we finally get to the point where we actually see its engines that's an incredible time difference and it shows Lucas's Ingenuity when it comes to framing the two sides we're immediately aware of how expansive and far reaching the Empire's grasp is and its tooth shaped ship feels almost like the mouth of a shark closing around its prey in the end we can't even see the tantive cuz it completely covers it up and lets us know these guys stand no chance now from here we get a front-facing view of it and watch as it gets battered it tries to fire back but this doesn't do any damage whereas in the next shot we see is it's almost torn apart bought by one of the Destroyer Blaster bolts on the top we can see a rectangular satellite and this design would later be brought across to the Millennium Falcon in the sequel Trilogy both are corellian craft so that makes sense especially with a falcon containing lots of used parts also I will reference some of the stuff in the later movies just to show how later things were recycled cuz I'll probably never cover those films in depth if I'm being honest not a massive fan of them but I think I'd be remiss to not point out where certain lines and elements reappeared and that's actually important to bear in mind as well cuz c3po's first line in The Saga also ended up being his last line in Rise of Skywalker did you hear that did you hear that I'm not keep hopping on about those but it is kind of interesting to see how retroactively things were changed that seen Invader himself who originally was thought to have breathing apparatus as a way to travel through space this was of course later changed to be due to injuries with him becoming Luke's father originally Lucas actually wanted Austin WS to provide V's voice but he did feel like it might be too recognizable thus he settled with James L Jones who was less know at the time and David PR provided the physical performance and vocal work on set start tearing this ship apart peast by pe until you found those tapes find the passengers of this vessel I want them alive know what you're talking about I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic miss you are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor take her away kind of funny looking back at this and I if if this isn't what Vader sounds like in your head mate you're not a real fan you're not a real fan now unfortunately as much as I love joking about this prous got really [ __ ] over the bodybuilder learned every line only to be told that his voice had been edited out he brought so much to the role and was promised to actually get to show his face at some point down the line however come the end of Return of the Jedi even that was taken away from him replaced by Sebastian Shaw prow never got to show his face and it is kind of a sore point for me when I look back at this role I'm sure they did something recently where they CH channel four or something they reshot the ending and had him in the costume for a sort of what if thing but unfortunately I couldn't find it online still though he was brilliant and I don't think ba would have worked half as well without his physicality now c3p was also supposed to sound different too with him being more along the lines of a used car salesman Daniel's performing the line sun set though was what w Lucas around and his snooty Bri Butler portrayals shaped the character going forward now in hindsight we know from rug one how princess L got the plans and they based this guy around the person Vader strangles here they also brought over his red eyes for that movie and a little part of the costume that you might not have noticed before here we can see that he actually has a sash over his shoulder piece which to appears in that film as for Carrie Fisher's costume she wasn't allowed to wear underwear because you'd be able to see through her clothes and notice that she was wearing a bra and stuff Carrie joke that she guessed there was no underwear in space which Lucas then retorted by giving her a bikini in Return of the Jedi now you might also notice that C3PO has a silver leg and I did some research on exactly why this was I discovered that when Anthony Daniels wore the costume for the first time that one of the leg pieces shattered and the plastic actually stabbed him in the foot I don't think this is a replacement though as the the rumors say that was a left leg piece and it might have just been a design choice but yeah if you know yeah let me know later on in the can and they State a bomb was placed into it but the leg wasn't dipped in gold paint but yeah you know what the comment section it's perfect for stuff like this now C3PO talks about the spice mins of kessle what are we going to do we'll be sent to the spice mines of kessle smashed into who knows what and as mentioned earlier Lucas took elements of June including spice which is a hypnotic drug Min from oracus Tatooine is based on that planet and the voice was brought over to the force where obi-1 can Jedi mind trick Stormtroopers just like how Paul can convince people to do stuff moisture farming is of course a big part of June as well and that's of course what Luke and his family do on their farm and the spice mines appeared in Solo a Star Wars story and it's here that we saw more of the wook slaves later on when Luke tries to put the handcuffs on chewbaca he seems genuinely angry even though he isn't on the plan and we know about them being enslaved and people have theorized that's why he was angry but yeah whether that's the case or not is completely up to you interestingly we were originally going to cut to T J this and get introduced to Luke watching the battle overhead this scene introduced bigs who would later appear on the Yavin and he also Inception Luke with his plans of joining the Rebellion now this took place at tshi station which later appeared in the book of Baba Fett during episode two we saw the couple C and Laser who were brought across from this deleted scene the taten scenes were also shot in Tunisia with tne being a real place that inspired the planet's name anyway Leia gives over the plans and she's eventually stunned and taken in watching her peer around the corner Blaster raised high is such an iconic shot and it instantly lets you know everything you need to know about the character I also love how Lucas had the foresighted change what the Blaster bolts for this look like and it's really clever how the stum blast spreads out almost like a net or like there some Bowlers these are of course used to capture things and again it shows how much the imagery Lucas presents does a lot of the heavy lifting now 3p and R2 manag to escape which is when they crash land right below on the planet after the pair split up we can catch the skeleton of a CR Dragon which has of course appeared in lots of the expanded law Obi-Wan ends up mimicking the Roar of one later on and this has actually been changed and updated a lot of different [Music] [Applause] [Music] times wo [Applause] now apparently they didn't actually clean up the bones and you can go and see them out in the desert kind of hoping in 1,000 years when people have forgotten about this film that humans can come across it and just make up some [ __ ] about how there actually used to be crate dragons now this was actually the repurpose skeleton of aticus which was a carryover from Disney's one of our dinosaurs is missing the pair splitting up leads to a cool moment with R2 and they actually reuse the sign of the ja here for the Ewok in Return of the Jedi and the sand crawler appears like a hulking giant structure but this was actually a miniature that was about 2T tall with some creative camera work though they managed to make it an imposing Behemoth and inside we see several Star Wars droids this includes an ra7 protocol Droid which was nicknamed an insect Droid or a death star Droid depending on what you read later on when they're waiting at the lift to go to the prism block we can catch the same model walking along showing how this costume was actually repurposed there's also a periscope Droid and you can catch a Gunk as well these are basically walking batteries and they've appeared in a number of films and spin-off projects including the bad batch now in the desert we see Stormtroopers riding on Dbacks with the scene being reshot withed CGI for the 97 special editions originally they didn't have the budget to have them moving about and lots of the Dbacks in the film were replaced with digital ones so they had more animation to them [Music] [Music] now eventually the droids arrive at the farm and Luke's Uncle Owen purchases c3p what I really need is a Droid who understands the binary language of moisture evaporators evaporators sir my first job was programming binary loadlifter very similar to evaporators in most respects in hindsight we know that C3PO was built by Anakin and him having this functionality makes sense due the where Anakin lived we also get this line but I was going in Tashi station to pick up some power converters which hamist said people constantly make fun of him about Owen also tries to buy the Droid R5 and lots of things have come from this moment with there even being a non-canon comic about it that said the Droid was actually Force sensitive titled Skippy the Jedi Droid this this said R5 purposely self sabotage because it sense that R2 had to meet with Luke it's really funny but R5 has of course been brought across to the Mandalorian where it still carries its bust up motivator we watch c3p taking an oil bath and see Luke playing with a t16 skyhopper which we can actually see the real life version of to the rightous behind him in the expanded law Luke piloted this a lot and it's something that he used to fly through Beggar's Canyon this model actually appeared later in the Saga or earlier cuz Obi-Wan gave it to Luke at the end of his solo series at this point in the hero's journey we're hit with a call to action which comes in the form of Leia's message Luke clearly wants to go on adventures but his uncle just wants him to work around the farm and drink blue milk will not will not go into what happened with blue milk later down the line but Mark HL actually said that the original blue milk in the film was what they call long life milk and it was based on what you'd find in camping stores where you don't have to refrigerate it blue milk is actually taken from banther which we later meet along with the tuskin Raiders now their masks were based around World War II gas masks namely the ones that British kids used to away Owen mentions anorad and this has been brought up in the expanded law along with the book of Boba Fett it's a small town on tne that offers some connection other towns namely MOS Eisley and M esper I also love how Lucas puts in the little line about his father that actually gets better after he watched the sequels Luke's just not a farmer own he has too much of his father in him that's what I'm afraid of as we mentioned Lucas didn't originally have Vader as his dad and this was just supposed to reference an being a Jedi however in hindsight it adds so much more to us giving us the feeling that there's a worry he could go bad Luke then looks out over the binary Sunset which instantly hits every Star Wars fan right in the fields this idea of Looking Over the Horizon and longing for a life of excitement is something I think everyone can relate to we're also hit with the two alien Sons giving us the feeling that something's magical about this world on top of that the score does a lot of the heavy lifting and it just makes us see been one of the best in the entire Saga it's no wonder every Trilogy in the series has mimicked this scene and both the prequel and sequels end with A Moment Like [Music] This turn it off me get going to cry anyway Luke goes back to c3p and he finds him standing in the dark next to a v35 land speeder this is what we later see upon entering most Ely with the prop being used to build out the world we discover R2 has a SC escaped and Luke ends up going out looking for him in his land speeder which is an x34 back in the day they of course couldn't CGI out the wheels so they used a mirror and then rub Vaseline onto the lens to hide it eventually they reached some Panthers and these were actually elephants dressed and banther guard with fake fur and horns they obviously weren't used to the Heat and apparently on set they kept pulling this off they're then ambushed by tusken Raiders with Lucas having to play a shot and then reverse it so the Raider seem like they were on screen for longer U ends up high away at this point and this is something they've updated for the re-releases originally he wasn't hiding behind that many rocks but they added more ones IND digly but there is just one problem mate how did he get in there anyway Obi-Wan then save seron says hello there this is something the characters repeated throughout the Saga with it sort of becoming like the character's catchphrase hello there hello there noi one then takes Luke to his home and tells him about his father he shows him his lightsaber which he pulls from a wooden chest now this was actually later used in 1978 Superman with it being the box that the Kryptonite was stored in at this point the Clone Wars are mentioned as well and we also get a bit of backstory on the Jedi for over a thousand Generations the Jedi Knights were the Guardians of peace and Justice in the Old Republic before the dark times before the Empire Al we can see there's a little mock on Obi-Wan's shoulder retroactively it's been said that this happened during the battle with Anakin and he took this wound to the shoulder which has then remained on his ropes now from here we could to the Death Star which again symbolic of the Empire's dominance in the Galaxy resembling a mechanical moon this shows how they've stripped out all life and replaced it with unfeeling Machinery that's very much the case with Darth Vader too with him no longer being a man and he's more like a machine now bit of behind the scenes trivia that strips away how threatening this all is token's Boots didn't actually fit so a lot of these scenes with them were sh from the way start with him then wearing slippers now it's kind of while looking back to vaer knowing what we know now and they fullon just disrespected the man and called his religion stupid you forget how much of a lacky Vader was in this movie but eventually he'd be shifted to become the most important character in the franchise dressed in white we can also see wolf yaren who's a big character in the expanded LW Leslie scoffield is also there as well who was an actor that appeared in a lot of British stuff and we also have Casio Taj who's cameo in a lot of the expanded stories anyway back to the sand crawler Obi-Wan talks about how precise the Blaster bolts are which means it's Imperial but I mean I don't know mate them Stormtroopers they don't seem like they could hit the Subscribe button on a brilliant breakdown hey now Luke finds out his uncle and antie have been roasted like Mar H's performance of but I was going in tshi station to pick up some power converters and from here we then cut to L Itachi Dr is brought in and this has become a main stay in Imperial interrogations as we later learn her resist distance to the mine probe is considerable it'll be some time before we can extract any information from her which in hindsight we could attribute to her being for sensitive back with L and Ben we see Ben's gutted gut that Luke's family's been killed and it now means that he's got to follow him on this adventure what you mean you also try to kill his dad anyway they head out to M eely and Lucas of course vastly changed this with the release of the special editions as they go in we see wamp rats before cutting to the main city which has a rebel ship behind it we can also catch The Dowager Queen which according to the Legends crash landed on the planet as they drive in we can also see Dash render ship the outrider leaving most icely star of the N64 game Shadows of the Empire render's G to call following and this is such a cool little addition there also a sop bike from that game which passes by oronto and this scares it into dropping its chers honestly I feel like they just kind of went a bit mental with the CGI on this in later years and every frame just has stuff flying around nonstop getting in the way they started asking whether they could and didn't think about whether they should which leaves a kind of feeling just a bit of a mess to me anyway they head to the m eyes the Cantina which is meant to resemble an old timely Western one C3PO is ordered out of it and retroactively this was said to be because of tensions with droids raised during the Clone Wars why it's said in the book from a certain point of view that the bartenders family were actually killed by battle droids also I'm sure you know but just in case you don't the cens on the B will L repurposed to be used as the head of ig88 the Cantina really brings the universe to life I feel and there's a ton of different aliens here that help flesh out the world so many creatures and of course the Cantina Band which just helps to add character to the universe now amongst the aliens we get Pond Baba and Dr Cornelius everon who ended up cameo in Rogue one Obby onean shows how deadly that a lightsaber can be and I love how it immediately kills the mood in the bar before people just return back to their drinks this reminds me a lot of a western Cantina shootout where there'd be a quick draw and then everyone would just put their heads down and avoid making trouble at this point we meet Han Solo and chewaka Lucas brought over Harrison Ford from American Graffiti but originally he wasn't supposed to star in the film in auditions Lucas used Ford is someone who would read lines with the other actors but he quickly realized he was the best person for the job he's sort of the quote unquote hand solo of the Star Wars saga and yeah what a bloody geizer now he talks about how the Millennium Falcon did the castle run into Al parex which caused a number of people to be like what do you mean what do you what do you mean what do you mean this is because Parx are a measure of distance and not time however in Solo they had them completed by going through the mall which shortened the distance down now that's been done retroactively but in the line I actually found a script showing that Ben reacted in disbelief at this clear misinformation Luke doesn't because he hasn't been in space so was a nice little touch I realized upon reading the screenplay now from here Han runs into Greedo which is something that Lucas has changed multiple times whether he shot first greo shot first I don't even know at this point but he's added in things like digital dodging misses even though greo that opposite and yeah what a mess to me I'll I'll always see him is shooting first and that's cuz he's a scoundrel that's always one step ahead Lucas said he realized so that Han should be a more noble Cowboy like John Wayne but yeah people they kind go on character ocks mate I bet you have my Mony now the latest Disney updates added in the line mclunky which was a mclunky thing to do but it's becoming clear that this scene's constantly going to get updated now greo actually reappears in the scene with jebba the Hut later on and this two's been updated numerous times throughout the years originally it wasn't part of the film's theatrical release and that was purely down to the movie's budget they actually filmed the scene with an actor and had the intention to put a stop motion creature over him and originally was going to look like a humanoid and then they'd fig F out the design and post over again due to those budget and time constraints they had to scrap it and thus Lucas ended up writing around this scene Paul Blake who played greo said his scene was then written and this was as a result of having to cut this moment now he actually got a deleted scene in The Phantom Menace with a young greo that [Music] yeah and the jabis scene also gained the addition of Boba Fett in the 97 release they had hand step on his tail to solve them walking around the back of Jabba and this is also something I think they're constantly going to update you can catch a white Dro to the right and this was reused from the wreckage of the sand crawler now we can also catch the alien gendan spying on them and his voice was actually made up of processed recordings of John Wayne this actually marks this as being the actor's last appearance in something and he sadly passed away in 1979 later on as Luke goes into the hangout we can also see 94 placed under the wall arabish would become a language in Return of the Jedi but in the original release they just used English in the cockpit we can see H's golden dice which has become an iconic prop in The Saga and we watch as the Storm Troopers close in on the Death Star we see is tken threatens to destroy alderan and you could say the people here end up in alderan places maybe Leia should stop talking like talking like boo you suck and the planet of course popped up in obi-1 and Leia gives the name of the Rebel's base as being on dantoine this actually turned out to be true from a certain point of view and Rogue one was going to show the rebels escaping the planet before moving to Yavin either way Taren still decides to blow it up and if you slow down the blast taking the planet you can actually catch its atmosphere set on fire before the beam hits the body C to ob1 and we immediately see him grabbing his chest as he senses all the deaths as a kid I never really drew the connections to nuclear weapons but this is happening roughly 30 years after the first Adam Bomb was dropped as an adult I do wonder whether Lucas saw this as an an eventual conclusion of warfare and planetary destruction is the way where destined to go now we also see Luke practicing with his lightsaber against a marksman H flying remote these would appear in the sequels and prequels and they became a pretty standard way for Jedi to train you also see the hollow chest board and originally they wanted two extra pieces on here however VFX artist Phil tippet said It felt too cluttered so these were removed in Solo we see chewy breaking the table and these two pieces fall off as a nod of this cut the chess board also gets [ __ ] off and in the force awakens they actually pick up from this movie and then finish out the animations at this point the ships pulled into the Death Star and they have to hide under the floor Lucas of course had Han as a Smuggler so it makes sense his compartments would be part of his ship sneaking into the base disguised his Storm Troopers we also see on the back of the uniforms that they have tubes on them in the original Ralph mcari designs the gods all had their own lightsabers which this tube was originally meant to be luk later says I see a thing at this helmet which is actually improvised by Mark Hamill it said he couldn't see out the helmet and in the end they kept the line in oh we want Avent are believing them and we get this line are you said at chewy where did you dig up that old fossil in the script we know this line is him actually saying the old man's gone mad and chew backer all sense of scaring off a mid which was apparently made up on set on the day going to the prison block they then give the number 113 which is a call back to Lucas's THX 1138 they also say 2187 which also ended up being Finn's number in the force awakens AKA FN 2887 nice little detail if we go back to just beforehand chewy and Luke left the droids we can see THX 1138 on the screen on the monitor behind them now according to the rumors Harrison Ford actually refused to learn his lines for this part as he wanted the conversation to come off as being spontaneous but uh everything's perfectly all right now we're fine we're all fine here now thank you how are you in the trash compactor we see a dianoga which actually ended up becoming a big boss in Shadows of the Empire the game also showed off the actual true size of it with these tentacles being something that could have pulled Luke to his death filming wasn't too easy either and haml actually burst a blood vessel from holding his breath for so long now the door here was actually the same one as the one on the tenta 4 with it being painted wide to be used on that set the scenes on the ship were actually shot after this and due to the budget they had to reuse parts of the sets in order to film other parts of the movie now upon escaping haml kept insisting that he should have his hair constantly matted down due to the water and according to IMDb trivia arrison Ford arrison Ford said kid it ain't that kind of movie if they're looking at your hair we're all in big trouble now alongside the trash compactor scene we get a playful little Gaff when the Stormtroopers finally get a 3PO and R2 I'm sure everyone knows about the Stormtrooper banging their ahead but originally this wasn't noticed until after its release in later additions Lucas actually added a little sound effect on it take over take over take over it just kills me but they added this in and Lucas later had Jango bang his head when entering slave one in Attack of the Clones one thing you might notice is that they kept the Storm Trooper belts and this allows Luke to repel with layia across one of the chasms shooting a stormtrooper we also get what's the first Wilhelm scream in The Saga this has appeared in I think every Star Wars project where it's sort of becoming like a running gag also this kind of set up the rule of door controls in Star Wars being something you can shoot to lock a door but if the door's locked and you you need it to open you can also shoot it and and just depending whatever the writer needs at the time it's going to work like that just shoot the panel now Mark HL and Carrie Fisher actually performed this stunt for real with them getting the swing in one take without the need for stunt doubles such a cool scene and it Segways perfectly into Obi-Wan versus Vader this of course carries a lot with it and over the years it's become one of the most referenced jeels in Star Wars the original version it was kind of all over the place with the sword shattering at several points during filming Al when they clashed a weird green light would strike up the recording and OB one's blade remained Almost White due to the rotos scoping not really being there now this is one thing they really cleaned up in the re-releases with the coloring being added to the blades and the green glow being cut down now originally this was the only meeting between the pair since Obi-Wan beaten mutilated him however the Disney plus series completely reconed all that based on Samurai fights this was originally slow methodical and deliberate with all the strikes intended to be killing blows now what I love about its ending is that the last thing I'll be want sees is Luc and Leia reunited he glances over and sees them safe before sacrificing himself and letting vaded dealer killing blow so he can become one with the force I love how in hindsight Obi-Wan was there when they were born and he was instrumental in splitting them up to hide them from their father in the end he gets to see them back together and his final Act is buying them time to get away from their dad again it's sort of like poetry they rhyme and from here the group then make a break for it now all the battles in space were INSP Ed by World War II cockpit footage to add this feeling of authenticity to the dog fight attacked by Tie fighters this stands for twin iron engines which has retroactively been given to it cuz at the time Lucas called it that cuz it looked like a bow tie bad of course has his own one later on and this was done to help the audience distinguish which one he was in from here they then reach Yavin 4 and the outside of this was filmed at mine Temple Gardens in Guatemala at this point we see the Death Star plans which were lost a time after the movie wrapped thus they never had this as an asset and had to rebuild them from the ground up to be used in Rogue one that movie actually retroactively sets up some stuff in this scene with red five being killed at the Battle Above Scarff that film includes stock footage from this movie as well and it also finally gives us blue Squadron now originally red Squadron was going to be blue but with the blue screen backgrounds they ended up having to change it the numbers were given because on the wings of the ship you'd have extra Stripes denoting the numbers unfortunately when Lucas redid All these scenes digitally all the models were replaced with identical wings now they head out and bend talking to Luke and the cockpit would throw me off I'm not I'm not going to lie man's voice just drops in out of nowhere as he's taking off and it's like luk the force will be with you like you could have legitimately crashed off that mate and there's also Parkins who you might recognize from the movie Batman either way it leads to a big battle in the trench which is based off the film The dambusters it's mistakenly thought that the trench is a line that runs right along the center of it but if we look at the plants you can see that the trench is actually located at the North Pole of the station Darth Vader comes in and if you look at his helmet in some shots you can actually see David PR's eyes in there now we are of course also introduced to WAN Tilly played by Dennis Lawson and he's actually the uncle of Y mcgreer now the first shot the rebels takes misses and it means that Luke has to be the one to come in and Save the Day a nice little detail is that later on when he shoots at the Target you can actually see the mark of the Miss in the top left of the screen Vader closes in but he gets saved by Han and in the end uses the force instead of his targeting computer he hits the Bulls I like hits the like button and we end with them blowing this thing and then going home I know it's cliche for Hann to come in the last minute and say the day but something about this just hits so hard and it's one of my favorite moments in the entire Saga there's so many different elements going on here and it just makes the see in the sense of alleviation so tense you've got the Death Star getting in range to fire at the base U gets taken out Luke turns off his targeting computer and Vader's on his ass like the neglectful father that he always was he gets him in his sight and then Han comes in last minute and just wreck shot I have you [Music] not look out love the score here as well and it just Dr drives home the Triumph as we see the death star explode and talking along with [Music] it Bader of course gets away after his tie spins out of there and Lucas had a real battle to keep this shot in the movie people behind the scenes felt it set up a sequel which at the time were considered inferior cions as we know though it of course got kept leading us to be able to get the character back in Empire now Luke returns home to a hero's welcome and though a two is busted up he's going to be okay I actually wonder if they messed him up because of the blue screen cuz they had to darken his colors down for the space scenes again for that blue background messing him up just takes the focus off but yeah that might be wrong and just one big reach now they're all presented with medals and I'll always remember this ending getting carried over the Star Fox 64 chewy doesn't get one which was a big sore point for the franchise but he does at least get the last line in the movie now Peter Mayu who played him actually worked as an orderly at a hospital whilst filming the first three movies but he gained a ton of publicity off the back of this role eventually he realized he could just make a living off appearances and he decided to go and do that fulltime now this was such a revolutionary film that changed how sci-fi was made from this point and it's hearted an eye how influential it was I still thinking you is my second favorite film in The Saga with it only being Tau by what comes next it's an incredible start of the story and it's got so many things in it that it's difficult not to Marvel at how well it's made this is a movie that was meant to be a nightmare in post-production but it was famously saved in the edit Lucas couldn't do re- shoots because Mar Hamel suffered a car accident and they run into roadblock after roadblock after roblock after roadblock George Lucas yeah he was so sure this movie was going to bomb he actually went on vacation in Hawaii instead of showing up at the premieres here with Steven Spielberg they came up with the idea for Indiana Jones which to be fair wasn't a wasted trip as for this it was the first movie to take 300 million at the box office and in total it sold over 178 million tickets this is across all of its various different runs with it only being beaten by Gone With the Wind the most said 20th Century Fox had made before this was 37 million in a year but this movie Saw the end profits being 7 9 million the cast looked out along with Lucas as well and he gave Alec Guinness an extra 0.25% of the gross which turned out to be an additional 2 million Payday for him in the end I think it's impossible to deny how much this movie changed Cinema and yeah I still love it as much now as I did all the way back when I was a kid just watching it takes me back to those days you know playing with Star Wars Micro Machines whilst I had the movie playing in the background it's one of those films that shaped my entire life and I hope guys have enjoyed this breakdown as much as I have The Empire Strikes Back Now when New Hope Came as a massive surprise to everyone most notably George Lucas expecting it to be a bomb he didn't even go to the premiere and in steady vacation with Steven Spielberg whilst the movie was being shown whilst the pair were away though they came up with the idea for Indiana Jones and George felt like this next project might save his reputation however as we know Star Wars was an incredible phenomenon and after it blew up the box office it also achieved a best picture nomination Star Wars earned more money than any other movie had ever made in history and thus the sequel was quickly put into production now if you checked out our last video then you'll know how stressed out Lucas was when he was making that first film had a severe impact on his health and he knew that the sequel was going to have to be bigger and better if he made the movie he'd have to work out the finances run the production company and also be there everyday directing it this would undoubtedly lead to a much bigger toll and this he decided to put things in place to take a step back whilst overseeing the production Lucas actually toed with selling the rights of the sequels of to 20th Century Fox but in the end he felt like it couldn't be in trusted with others which Moving On Now using the 12 million he made from a new hope he decided to put that money into his production company ilm and he also set up Skywalker Movie Ranch out in California taking out a bank loan he also sell Finance the film and went for a budget of $25 million which was double the first movie written by Hurley from Lost Lucas worked away in his Ranch on the screenplay whilst concept art was created for completely alien locations that were the opposite of the first film Lucas wanted to do more than just reash that movie so he had Luke training as a Jedi and also a romance between Han and Leia now Lucas originally offered the director's job to David Lynch but he turned it down due to his CA style not matching with Lucas's Vision Lynch later went on to make 1984's June which though I enjoy was a pretty major flop taking his old teacher Irvin kers at a lunch he pitched in the idea but this was initially turned down and I said Gee George I don't think so kersner was someone who was known for small character driven indie films but this is why he felt that he'd be perfect for the role convinced by his agent he then got to work and the crew created 60 sets which vastly outweighed the first film I though this movie it it was going to be big and bump ftic it was very much a character piece that would see the heroes at their lowest points now to me this has always been the appeal of Empire and Lucas went through numerous idea changes when putting it all together he wanted to include the emperor in a big bad way but he also had to explain how Mark haml had suffered facial injuries haml actually got into a very serious car accident just after filming the first movie and this actually left Lucas unable to re-shoot parts of it Lucas had apparently told them that had he died then they would have recast him and then Focus the story on Luke's long lost sister you can kind of see how that would play in the future and haml apparently got told at one point that his sister was in fact layer now they ended up explaining the slight change in Hamill's appearance through the wamper attack as the surgery adjusted his face a bit from how it looked in the first film he got a fractured nose and also a cheekbone but to be honest I never really noticed the difference and yeah let me know if if you picked up on it I'm sure you've heard the rumors though about them purposely shooting that scene to explain the scars but at the time most of them had healed up that whole story is a bit of bapo and the scene would have been in the film anyway as they needed a way to have Obi-Wan return to tell him to go to deapa now these scenes were all shot without them actually knowing if Alec Guinness would return and had he not then they would have been completely fed hello there now Lucas actually hired science fiction rer Le bracket to help punch up the dialogue and they worked away and came up with the core ideas firsty that'd be something on the W home world the emperor a gambler from 's past a frog likee creature and someone called MCH Yoda the name Yoda was taken from the Sanskrit word Yoda which translates to English to mean warrior now after some changes there was a city in the cloud added the snow Planet Hoth and a chaser an asteroid belt there was also a battle between Luke and Vader and originally they wanted the ghost of Anakin to visit his son and be accompanied by Obi-Wan now this is where stuff starts to differ and it was from here that things diverted off completely Han was going to go on to recruit his powerful stepfather and Lando was going to be revealed to be a clone from the Clone Wars Lucas made notes and tried to reach out to bracket but she sadly was hospitalized and died of cancer just a few weeks later now because of this Lucas's hands were tied and after bringing Lawrence casden on they then reworked the script actually enjoying the process this time Lucas made changes based off her work but in the end he struggled to close out the third act instead he flooded with the idea of dropping invader's castle and his fear of the emperor which gets brought across the main film V's big thing is of course trying to get his son to join him and he very much gives away that they can rule the galaxy together that would be without the emperor and there was plans in place that the pair would join up and then fight him together join me and together we can rule the galaxy as Father and Son now bounty hunters were also brought in to track down Luke and at this point they started conceptualizing Boba Fett he was going to be based on the man with no name and this is actually why the sounds of SP are used when he's on screen introduced in the Star Wars holiday special there were also plans at one point to give him an all-white costume Lucas testing this out can be seen in certain images with the idea being that he could be named the super Stormtrooper he also bring across the scalp of a wook which Jeremy Bullock kept brushing out the way cuz he thought it was a dislodged hairpiece this is all discussed in his autobiography flying solo not lying where he talked about how he also played an imperial in the movie who drags Slayer out the way the actor who was supposed to play him didn't end up showing up and thus bulock stepped out of the costume to play this minor pot imagine right all the bragon rights and the work that guy could have got off the back of being an Empire and he L he literally had one job and and couldn't even do that go to the TR a f does appear in the special edition of a new hope when Han meets Jabba but it's important to bear in mind that that was added in with CGI and bracket's draft she also had ob- one telling Luke to leave his training Ras Lucas felt that gave Luke more agency to decide to do it himself the scene in the cave with a vision NOA was also reworked too and originally Luke's flirting with the dark side was shown completely differently Luke was going to Wally Massacre Stormtroopers which somewhat got reused down the line when Anakin murdered the Tuscan Raiders I killed them I killed them all and not just the men but the women and the children too all right M Cal calm down calm down I hate them and titling it The Empire Strikes Back Minch Yoda was reworked to well he guessed it and originally this was going to be a slimy swamp creature he was supposed to show Luke to not judge a buck by its cover with him eventually combining him with a frog likee creature planned in the original outline Stuart Freeborn designed him and and I tell you when when you see him in this video mate you're going to instantly recognize the resemblance Jo showed me if few origal sketches and uh I thought well that's interesting but I want something in more depth you see and so I looked in the mirror and I thought well uh something perhaps a little bit amusing about my face so I modeled something of myself now I got to make him look intelligent I got this photograph of Einstein and put the Einstein wrinkles in all around around I did a lot of thinking about it cuz he's got to be full of subtle action and movements especially in the face and the body and uh put it all in what was necessary and then finally it all worked now Frank O really struggled with it because until this point there had never been a movie done to this scale with a realistic character portrayed by a puppet they also had sound issues with haml being enable to hear Yoda's voice because franos had to be several feet below the set they had to use earpieces which they covered with his hair but in the end that even caused issues itself I had an earpiece where I could hear oh many years have you ever and then if you turned your head the wrong way you'd pick up radio one and it was the Rolling Stone singing Fool To Cry Lucas said the entire movie either lived or died on Yoda and it's kind of a miracle that they managed to get it right too old to begin the training I'm not afraid you will be you will be sorry um problems snakes on the set also caused trouble too with one even biting haml at one point I'm tired of these [ __ ] snakes on this [ __ ] set and beyond that haml got really really annoyed according time Tob trivia he had to bang his head 16 times onod his Hur before kersner finally got the reaction he was after and from what I've heard the guy was completely miserable and said he was the only actor on the call sheet for 99% of these parts and he spent spent a lot of the movie on his own away from the other actors now Frank Oz originally wasn't supposed to provide 's voice but Lucas ended up enjoying the performance and thus he's stuck with it Lucas actually pushed for oz to get a best supporting actor Oscar but they ultimately rejected it because he was just puppeteering ironically he voiced Kermit the Frog and Miz Piggy and when they were designing Yoda Lucas said he saw the creatures being there elit MCH child now the voice thing is similar to what happened with c3p in the first film with Anthony Daniels also winning Lucas round now out of the whole cast only Hamil and Fisher was signed on for sequels with B refusing to do a multi-picture deal due to bad experiences in the past he actually wanted his character to get killed off and the reason he was frozen in carbonite was because they genuinely didn't know whether he'd do a third film Lucas of course refused to AR kelh Han and he promised Ford a much bigger heroic part for that third film David prous was also very apprehensive too with him feeling like he was more of just a prop rather than being an actual performer PR's voice was of course replaced by James ear jones but fearing they might recast if he refused he ended up signing on ear jones actually felt bad for taking money for his work in the movie and he apparently refused to be credited when the film was first released he also only accepted $115,000 pay for what he saw as being just a couple of hours in a recording booth Alec Guinness was someone who also didn't take a salary and instead he got .25% of the film's final gross due to his failing eyesight he only worked a couple of hours onet and this was seen as a way that both sides could win this is of course a similar deal to what he had on a New Hope but even a 0.25% ownership of this led to big bucks in the end Guinness earned over $100 million which is equivalent to about 370 million today hello there now as always the production was plagued with problems too and though they had space booked out at El Street Studios this clashed with the filming of The Shining that took up most most of the space there and the Star Wars team were forced to give up two stages so that they could then film they actually pulled across some of the snow sets from that movie though and a couple of moments on halfth are pieces from that film poor weather delayed the construction though and this was also seen in Norway where they filmed some of the hot scenes getting hit with the worst snowstorm in half a century the production was blasted with blizzards and 40 mph winds Camal lens's iced over and paint froze and its tin making everything even more difficult than it was shooting on Owen now being shot in Norway little little bit of heavy spoilers trivia our own Simon a bman who helped us out on our bad batch videos is Godfather Ian Liston actually played Wes Jensen Simon actually helps make movies out of Norway and he's massively helped out this channel so it was really cool getting hit with this extra bit of heavy spoilers history now that takes us into the movie itself which begins with the text of episode five in the classic title crawl back in 1977 A New Hope didn't actually come with that name and instead the movie movie was just titled Star Wars adding this in gave the idea that it was a grandest story and upon re-releases Lucas and added in the episode 4 and New Hope titling now I don't know if it's just me but watching the 4K Blu-ray on my OLED really made the space scenes pop this week with the stars burning and blinking in the background and made making that tile crawl really stand out beginning with the text it's a dark time for the Rebellion this instantly lets us know the tone for the film and that'll be taking things down to its lowest point the movie actually bummed a lot of people out upon its release and it received quite a few negative reviews for where it took the characters you can kind of see why as the first movie was so beat and it started the grand tradition of people complaining about Star Wars no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans and Lucas actually issued an apology for how it made people feel now after cutting to the Imperials we once more see a star destroyer and watch his Pro drw to send searching for Skywalker like bugs descending and spreading out we learn the Empire sent that thousands of these across the Galaxy desperately hunting for him the idea of them being like insect bug things is of course carried across to their design with the appearance of them moving appearing spider like Judo all the eyes whereas I know it's Inon it yet but whereas the first film tried to do the comedic Duo of 3PO and R2 to start the film this probe Droid has a far more Sinister side to [Music] it if you if you read the transcripts you can actually figure out what it's saying and the line apparently is scan into the system I can see the rebel base now the prob going to Ho Echoes the shot A New Hope of the Escape pod crashing down on tne this gives us the idea this movie will be an opposite of the first as that had a hot desert Planet whereas this is a baron Iceland you should have called it C he said it he said it anyway NASA actually have a planet on their radar that they've nicknamed Hoth which is a super Earth planet orbiting a sun 3,000 light years away now in the intro we actually get two things crashing down with the first prob Landing before we cut to Luke riding at Tor Luke sees another thing come crashing down and this has always made me wonder whether this is two probes or if it's the same one the screenplay actually clears it up with it stating that we see before we cut a Luke's perspective of the exact same event personally yeah Steven Spielberg over here I probably would have just done the one but I guess it would have been weird to show the prob DED hatching in between these moments before we then get the one attack the T tones were originally designed to look lizard like but due to how cold it was the creative team made them carry across sheep qualities to keep them warm when crafting the creatures they lurked out a lot of different designs with them originally settling on the beasts at the nekron 99 rode in in the 1970s film Wizards at this point Luke gets attacked by The wamper Who itself was based on the Abominable Snowman is abom abominable now filming with these creatures was a complete Nightmare and Lucas ended up having to cut around a lot of their due to how bad they looked on camera but the special edition they went back and reshot several moments with them including the cave scene which it was originally completely absent of the moment where it's crouched down eating something they made a much smaller set for this so that the wamp would seem bigger with ilm's howy weed playing the part of the creature Lucas originally only wanted to do a special edition version of A New Hope but they saw the benefits of re-releasing these movies due to the big bucks they got back on them however he was kind of pushed TimeWise to get the other ones done which is why marus and Jedi have fewer changes in them now wampers were going to play a much bigger part and originally there were going to be some lines of dialogue where we discovered that they'd attack Echo base at one point when H's walking to find out about Luke you can catch a dead one on the ground and this was supposed to be in the aftermath of one of their ambushes there was also a deleted scene involving wampers trapped in a room which c3p would use as a white a trick some of the snow [Music] troopers now Luke hanging upside down is a motif that repeats throughout the movie and it always comes at transformative points in his life the first time hears him reaching out and using the force to pull his lightsaber which is the first time we'd seen something like this in the Saga this then leads to Ben speaking directly to him and this is so he can move on to the next part of his training that involves Yoda with him doing an upside down handstand and once more having to tap into the force as part of that training the last time comes after he learns Vader is his father and he hangs upside down under underneath Cloud City in order to escape this he has to use the force to speak to Leia and again it's sort of like poetry they Rhyme now Luke's costume here also highlights as changing with it being a mix between gray and white this is something that we see evolve throughout the original trilogy with a character wearing all white in that very first movie come the end of this it's shifted to fully gray with Jedi being where he ends up Dunning all black it's a really good progression of his color scheme and it also hints to the audience that he Los is the Innocence he's once had now cutting off the one's arm this neatly foreshadows his hand being lost and it slips in the idea that lightsabers can do this I know that it happened with ob1 in the last movie but they're really hammering at home here so it fits in with the end now when Luke escapes we watch him run out into a blizzard which was a real one happening in the area the crew talked about how they all huddled in Huts whilst HL had to do this and they Taun taunted him about him freezing his nuts off now at EO base we hear solo mentioning jaab of the heart and also the Bounty Hunter anord mantel I thought you were decided to stay well the Bounty Hunter we ran into anord Mandel changed my mind this is somewhere that you visit in Shadows of the Empire with Dash render riding on the back of a train to take him to the central partt of the junkyard upon arriving there you face off against ig8 which was clearly riffing on this line from Empire the story with the group running into a bounty hunter would later be explained with a radio show titled Rebel mission to or Manel this dropped in 1983 and a featured most of the original cast and retold this story we actually get a bit of a clue to the Rivalry between the bounty hunters later on and you can actually catch what looks like ig88 on Cloud City in the room where the ugots are dismantling the Droid if you look just by the furnace you can actually see the machine lying there knowing the expanded law it was explained that ig88 arrived at Cloud City tailing Fair which is when the pair duked it out with the ladder winning over there's conflicting reports over this with it also being said to be ig8 six in Shadows of the Empire Dash actually destroys 88 so yeah you can kind of pick your poison with that and decide who this body is for you now we also get the romance between Hann Leia which is played up a ton throughout this entire movie canonically this is set three years after the first film and Lucas wanted to put these characters together which is why they barely share scenes with Luke there is still that whole thing with the kiss though which will just chalk up to being based on Greek myths to be fair neither knew that they were related and it does kind of push Han ler to accept that they like each other now Carrie fiser actually stood in the box for a lot of his scenes with Ford cuz it turned out he was an entire forer than her I love Han's moments where he's getting annoyed by chewy cuz they just want to leave and though he he's wanting to sort things out with Jabba the mood changes when he learns Luke's missing you really get the friendship that these people have built between the movies with Han genuinely worried that Luke's out on his own I'm not sure what the whole idea of Hell in this universe is based around but even Han saying this just it really hits home then I'll see you in hell let you know that he's willing to risk it all and just at scene where the door closes it adds so much with chew's agonizing cry showing how much he cares about the character now before goes down we get two of the rebels discussing that they've had no word and on the right's John ratzenberger who played cliff and cheers not really much of an Easter egg but Obi-Wan delivers his message and I've always thought it was so cool how han appeared behind him I don't know if Obi One in the blizzard was what Dro to Luke or if he just dropped the message cuz he knew he was coming but it's such a great transition from one character to the other I doubt it's cuz Han sees him but you know we try and look at it from all angles though he probably would have seen the ghost in the Jedi if he could see ghost either way he also busts out Luke's lightsaber and as a kid I always remember playing as him and doing like the other thing with it cuz I thought Han at least still could smash about with one if the situation call for it now I always always liked the idea that Han saved Luke from getting Frozen but in the end Luke failed to return the favor both are encased in something that keeps them alive but one goes off to a dark C fate whereas the other doesn't H manages to save Luke using the old survival trick of sleeping in an animal's inid and this was something that they also showed in the Revenant now one touch up Lucas did was the color of hans's cod as this basically became the first blue or gold dress back in the day the toys had a blue coat whereas some people swore that it was Brown in the film for the special editions they turned up the blue H to match the toys cuz that's the main thing that people tend to remember nice bit of trivia for you there and the next day we see the snow Speeders heading out and are introduced to Rogue 2 Commander Skywalker do you copy this is Rogue 2 this would have course gone to influence the name Rogue Squadron and also Rogue one which centered around the rebels little little bit of cheeky costume design here but you can catch bubble wraps on the shoulder straps that he's riding around with now Lucas placed in a back to tank and these have been lacout The Saga with with don't get me started on bck of boba fet Mak because like every every time something got interesting it just go back to the tank now Gareth Edwards also had one appear in Rogue one and Obi-Wan later used it to reintroduce Vader with those scenes riffing on his son here again I will be talking about how some of these moments pay off in the other movies down the line as it's unlikely I'll ever cover them in depth or talk about them when a breakdown I know it does some of you guys head in when I mentioned and stuff like The Last Jedi but I'll try and keep it to a minimum as we go through the breakdown the Han tells Luke don't look so bad to me he looks strong enough to pull ears off a gun dark which is a giant Rancor like Beast that comes from the planet vancor now obviously you guys know yeah I just have to put a disclaimer in this movie was shot in 1980 so some of the elements are a little bit dated they're they're a little bit problematic shall we say and Leia calls har a Nerf hurder at one point which look I apologize if you're watching this we just have to use the word in context to explain what you meant now a Nerf herder was someone who hered Nerfs and this was seen as a lower class profession that didn't require any skills or competence this became an insult throughout the Galaxy though I I I've never used that word in my entire life I've never even thought it and i' definitely never said it when I've wrapped along with a song on the radio now after picking up the probe Droid we also get this line 10 rad 10 and 11 to station 38 which is a reference of George lucas' film THX 1138 this was also dropped in A New Hope 1138 showing that it's all connected now after destroying the pro we C to St destroyers in space and literally see how they're overshadowed by Vader's new vessel the Superstar D drer completely engulfs all and one of its hyperdrive engines recently popped up in aoka we've actually just launched a new aaka inspired t-shirt just below on the merch store right under the video and every sale helps you look slick and helps videos like this get made make sure you send us pictures of you rocking on Twitter as well and we can drop them in the videos as a big thank you to say you know what we appreciate your support now accompanying this is Vader's Imperial March which was based on the planet Mars bringer of War I love the bickering between the officers and Vader just calmly shutting down any of The Descent just something out militaristic about the whole thing and even his spin to catch a guy standing very close behind him it's just like everyone's fixated on what he says now we get a cameo back at Echo base with Concept artist Ralph mcari walking through a scene in his hand he's holding a Sketchbook and according to the Legends this contain his original drawings we can also see Han fixing up the Falcon and can catch a periscope Droid which appeared in A New Hope This is actually a final farewell between Luke and Han and they wouldn't actually see each other again until return of the Jedi back on the ship we see his Vader Force chokes Admiral oel calling back to him doing it to krennic in the first movie kind of I kind of smirked watching this back you know seeing oel slowly die while Vader just keeps barking orders and nobody around Aussie tries to step in and help him out kind of shows how Imperials are unen exactly bothered about labor laws but we actually get a really subtle detail that builds off this scene pet is promoted from Captain to Admiral and later on the characters got a slightly extended batch at this point the adats arrive with them being designed and filmed in stop motion by Phil tippet according to tippet he based them off the alien walkers in War of the Worlds and also on Gantry cranes which land ship docks studying elephants they wanted their movement as realistic as possible and there some of the most memorable things that we encounter in this film a little cool thing they do is that when they target The Shield generator we can actually see the Blaster bolt way bigger than the standard shots now suddenly Lucas lets us know that the rebels are screwed here as the first thing we see them do is evacuating the planet the entire speeder scene is simply to buy them time and rather than being like a heroic battle from the first film their only interests escaping now I do poop on I do poop on the special editions a bit but one thing it allowed them to do in these moments was tidy up the effects originally the mat on the ships and Walkers wasn't as developed as it is now and you could actually see them through the pots of the cockpit they cleaned this up for the re-releases with transparency now being completely removed but if you had the the old special edition VHS then you'll know they discussed it on that luckily for you if you don't have it I actually dug out the old tape but a warning yeah some of these clips may be in 480p a challenge when we did it because nobody had ever done uh blue screen matting on a white surface usually do it on dark surfaces here we go then [Music] action we used Optical technology of course to to do all that that compositing and a Telltale sign that something's been optically composited is a black line around it and when you have a sequence that takes place in outer space against Stars it's easy to reach a point where those black lines don't show up but when you have a sequence that takes place against snow in the daylight every hint of that that black mat line becomes very visible and so the first time through doing the doing the snow battle here uh 17 years ago a lot of effort went into finding ways to minimize that black line one of the ways was to not print all of the elements at their full opacity all right I'm coming in consequently when you see the snow battle on film you may notice that there's part of the the scenery is visible through the cockpit and it was a constant trade-off of how transparent can we make the cockpit at what point is the black line more objectionable than the transparency and so there was uh an opportunity to go back into those shots use the computer technology and eliminate all the transparency but also not have any mat [Music] lines now during this attack we also get our first willhelm scream which is something that appears throughout almost every [Music] movie we also meet Luke's co-pilot Dak who always felt like he was brought in so they could just kill him for this battle he's actually named named after editor Dwayne Dunham's dog Dak and this brings a sort of bip playe aesthetic to the ships Dennis Lawson also returns after fan interest due to him being one of the only survivors from the Death Star Mission now I'm sure you know but just in case you don't Lawson's actually you McGregor's Uncle who of course played Obi-Wan now all the scenes involving explosions with them such as when Luke throws a thermal detonator under one and the down one blows up they had to be shot using different techniques due to them being Miniatures they had to be filmed on highspeed cameras with which were then slowed down to make the tiny explosions look big also I know there's some back and forth on the pronunciation of whether it's at at or 88 with Lucas saying it's in fact pronounced atat I don't think they care though cuz like loads of these names get pronounced differently even from scene to scene Han gets called Han I actually call him Han but I've been purposely calling him Han throughout the video just to avoid comments and Donald Glover actually made a joke about this during the movie solo Billy D Williams accidentally called him Han and no one corrected it so Glover did the same thing in Solo which Han then corrected they also have a moment where Billy D Williams calls him Han and you could tell it throws everyone off in the scene cuz they all start doing the same thing it sounds like H there's still a chance the same head now the Accents in general they tend to decide how something said and it was actually during this movie that kersa made sure to make the sides have distinctive ones in A New Hope Leia has a more British sounding voice but Carri in this movie leans into her actual one Aura made sure to have all the rebels speaking American and all of the Imperials speaking with a British accent this was done to make the story an analog to the American Revolution and even though a lot of the actors in the hot scenes were British they actually ended up redubbing a lot of the actors to keep up this consistency you can spot this when the guy sees the adad and his mouth doesn't move along with what he's saying Echo station 38 Echo station 38 station 38 amongst the adats we can to spot atss which you know looking back maybe it should be pronounced at8 either way they play a much bigger role in the followup film and Lucas actually filmed more scenes involving them just for this movie however he found the adats were far more menacing realizing the smaller ones would be better for Close Quarters combat after Dak dies we get a really heroic moment with Luke where he shows he's capable of taking down an 8080 single handily I'm just going to call them 808s cuz that's what I feel I should do and from now on I'm also calling them Han don't Boo don't Boo Boo this man now using his light saber he busts one up and it shows how skilled that he's becoming as a fighter we also get a moment where a walker shoots down a speeder and I just love the stop motion here where it tilts and takes it out looks really cool and it also changes the tone of the scene to give the Imperials the upper hand The Shield generators destroyed and we then cut back to the base where we see Hannah and Cole desperately racing to the falcon the snow troopers storm in and the uniforms were actually based around German Troopers who were sent to the front lines to fight the war with Russia might be a reach but I always felt they look like KKK cloaks as well with the point being removed from the top of their heads either way hurs out one of the Falcon Surprises with a gun dropping down from underneath the ship This was later rifted on in the force awakens with us getting a similar one dropping out of Po's X-Wing the Falcon escaping also transitions perfectly into Luke seeing a take off and yeah just some really tight storytelling taking us from one character to the next on Luke's X-Wing we can also catch the marking ZZ which in the universe is Ares for this could be related to the rebels but so far no one's found out what it actually means but if you know then drop it below now the Falcon flies into space which is where we see it's pursued by a bunch of Tie fighters throughout the film 3po's been constantly trying to tell how on the hyperdrive is not working which means they have to fly directly into an asteroid field now the fail jump comes with a stock sound effect of a plane starting up to which I'm sure they were used in Raiders of the Lost stock watch this get lots of slapstick comedy with the tool smacking off Han's head which lets us know they're heading towards the asteroid really love how C3PO gives the odds for survival as well and after doing it early yet this kind of becomes his catchphrase whenever I think of him he's giving the odds and yeah I love the band and dialogue between the whole crew here now the asteroid field pushed the creative team to the Limit and they had to build a new version of the Falcon that could pull off these complex twist and turns be watches these Maneuvers cause the Stardust stries to almost crash into each other and these almost appear like their teeth kind of feel like this foreshadows the space slug Escape later on and how its jaws almost close around the ship the asteroids themselves apparently had some that were made out of potatoes and even one of the VFX artist shoes are in there now even get a moment where a TIE fighter flies directly into an asteroid and you can catch the pilot getting flung out into space to me this is also where William scor really sings and it's probably one of my favorite pieces in this entire [Music] franchise now back on the Star Destroyer we see Vader's meditation chamber and get a brief Glimpse at the back of his head yes apparently the sound effects for this uses an entire block of alcatra doors slamming shut and seeing Vader like this is another hint to the subtext he and Luke are of course related and they're both shown to be scared and inside of a white chamber the atmosphere in here is altered which is why Vader can breathe without his helmet however he does have a small mask that we see being pulled up as we get the shut of his head such a funny detail happens here when we get to an establishing shut of the asteroid field and can see a star destroyer being hit directly with one we then jump evaded talking to holog GRS of his Admirals and can catch the guide of the left reacting to the impact before the transmission cuts off just a nice little bit of dark humor and it also shows how little Vader really gives a [ __ ] about his underlings now Vader ends up moving out the asteroid field to speak with the emperor which is when we get one of the big special edition changes originally the emperor was played by majer Eaton with them superimposing chimpanzee eyes over her face This was later referenced in Rise of Skywalker when we had a chimpanzee fixing kylo's helmet with a visor over its eyes Clive Rebel provided the voice with the scene and dialogue later being updated to have e mcdermid now there are some line changes here so it expands more on Luke and also him being The Offspring of Anakin Skywalker we have a new enemy Luke Skywalker we have a new enemy the young rebel who destroyed the Death Star I have no doubt this boy is The Offspring of an Skywalker now originally Anakin wasn't mentioned in name until Return of the Jedi with Obi-Wan's Force ghost saying it for the first time really clunky mclunky you could say and yeah I kind of prefer the way that they had it originally anyway on dear U gets swallowed by a swamp creature which in the expanded law is known as a hagad this is actually an anagram of dear and something else got altered in these scenes too if you saw this movie in the theaters then you might remember Luke dropping a line about R2 not t tasting very good you're lucky you don't taste very good you were lucky to get out of there now why this was changed is because when the movie was originally sent out different prints had slightly different sound mixes when they made the special editions they ended up picking the one with the final line though personally I still prefer the original now Luke says that he feels there's something familiar about this place and it's strong connection to the force likely gives his notion he can also sense that they're being watched showing how is Con nection to it has been improved Luke then runs into Yoda and Lucas has kept a lot of his species backstory a mystery I love how Yoda just plays about with him and this is all done as a test to see if Luke has any patience Luke fails by getting angry and frustrated and this is when he reveals that he can't teach him I cannot teach him the boy has no patience Yoda really embodies the teachings of the Jedi which themselves were based around the Eastern ideologies of self-defense martial arts like karate and Judo you know the key word with them is defense because you're not meant to go on the attack and use them to bully people this is why when we see 's training it mainly involves running and meditation rather than going on the offensive and practicing sparring even the little floating dry that luk practice within a new hope that was all about blocking and it's rare that the Jedi are supposed to go on the attack now when we first cut tooda in his backpack we can also see a winged creature known as a dag bat Luke questions whether the dark side is strong stronger because from what he's seen evil makes things easier however like Yoda says it's more difficult to master your feelings and having power over this is where the true control lies y even says if Luke picks up his lightsaber and anger that it will drastically change the course of his entire life that's definitely the case and it actually reflects what happens when Luke goes into the cave Luke was told to not take weapons with him but doing this showed why he got what he got as Yoda says only what you take with you now Luke went looking for a fight and th he found one this somewhat foreshadows the ending as he purposely goes looking for a battle with Vader and in the end that's what he finds the cave shows you your darkest thoughts and that explains why Luke sees a vision of himself in the mask now they actually tried to use a prosthetic head for this but it looked too unrealistic when it was revealed thus haml had to stick his head out the ground and then sit with a mask covering his face however this proved to be really difficult as he wasn't allowed to Blink even with all that SM blowing in his face there's actually a hint that this Vader is fake and we can hear that his breathing is slightly different his lightsaber is also colored to be more orange looking and this gives off the effect that it's more of a vision than reality they purposely made this Vision die in a similar way to Obi-Wan which makes it seem like Luke's becoming more like his dad now Luke's face inside Vader's helmet also highlights a connection between him and his dad and it helps set up the theme of the next two movies which is about the Father and Son relationship Vader of course wants to make his son come over to the dark side and the word Vader actually means father in Dutch though it is pronounced differently I also love how as Vader walks out the cave we can see as the environment creates these slanted archways later on when Luke fights him down the cdor on best bin we can also see the archways return to build off this moment and the following scene is Luke trying to lift the X-Wing out the b and Frank Oz does so much with the puppet here just the luck of Shar really carries a cross and it's moments like this that embody the true power of a Jedi I keep telling my wife that size Matters not and we see that in the case of Yoda lifting the ship and the timeline of this is a bit all over the place as the Falcon manages to get to bin without the use of a hyperdrive people obviously wonder how long of a trip in space that is but Lucas film have actually never nailed down how long it took alongside the training It's s to be about 3 days so like I said it's never been confirmed now Luke clearly hates all of his training and yeah maybe you should have taken the online course instead of going to the planet he ignores both the warnings of Obi-Wan and Yoda and decides to leave which is when we get this clue about Leia that boy is our last hope no there is another they actually somewhat reveal who this is subtly as the next character we see after this line is actually Leia they do some overly long shots of the X-Wing going to space followed by some Cloud steady moments but the next time that we see someone it is her in the window now Luc has put this line in not only to allude to this but he also wanted the audience to feel like Luke could actually die doing this might make us think they were going to replace him which is a nice little way to raise tensions for the fight now in these establishing shots in the special edition at least we see it toan a gas platform which mine it from the planet Below in Rogue Squadron they had a mission where you had to attack Imperial containers on these and the gas in general plays in the fight at the end the Carbonite chamber is full of it and this is actually what Luke sprays invader's face during their duel a Vader ends up calling in lots of band Hunters including characters like BOS his costume was actually grabbed from The Archives of Doctor Who with them then adding the lizard mask to top off the look fet ig88 and dangar are also there as well with a lad having a rivalry with Solo in the expanded law a Fett's voice was redubbed after attack of the Clones to make it so that he sounded more like tamura Morrison looking back I actually prefer the original I don't know watching with Morrison it it does kind of take me out of it even though I like the actor you may take Captain solo to Jaba the Hut after I have Skywalker is no good to me dead he's no good to me dead what if he doesn't survive he's worth a lot to me what if he doesn't survive he's worth a lot to me across space We join the Millennium Falcon hiding out on a slug lot of clear Illusions to Pinocchio in this with a creature even appearing wellik when we see it later on Treo talks of the f in and in this movie you really get the feeling that it's its own character it breaks down chugs along talks to the Droid and takes on a bit of a life of its own sir I don't know where your ship learned to communicate but it has the most peculiar dialect and this dialogue with the ship would later get expanded on in solo with l337 getting uploaded into it Han and Leia have their first kiss to a bit of John Williams which is then interrupted by C3PO now on the outside of the asteroid we watch as bombers sweep the area which was a new design created for this film this was actually based on the World War II German Vos BV 141 reconnaissance bomber which had a dual fuselage to it that these also carry now this is of course coming from World War II aesthetic and the Stormtrooper blasters themselves are based on a sterling l23 MK love this line by Han as well sir if I may Venture an opinion I'm not really interested in your opinion 3 and after fighting myox on the ship Han realizes they're inside the belly of the Beast and they make a dash for it the noise of minox was actually ated by playing a horse scun and then reversing it which you can kind of hear watch out these masks that they're wearing would later appear in The Saga with rayan Finn using them in force away I'm going to get so much [ __ ] for mentioning the sequels but that's that's where the puup again anyway after their escape we see the Falcon being chased by destroyers and they pull off a desperate maneuver to get out of the situation hiding on the back of a star destroyer this was a technique Lucas reused by Obi-Wan in the prequel trilogy r interactively I think this was dropped into attack of the Clones to show why BBA was able to sus out the Falcon doing the same tactic down the line slave one appears in both of these films with its color scheme reflecting the armor of its owner in both instances now the crew fly to best beenin after hand suggests it with chewbaca hitting at the history between him and Lando this is expanded upon more in solo with is seeing how han actually won the [Music] Falcon well that was a long time ago I'm sure he's forgotten about that as we know the character cheated but he used Lando's tactics so fair is fair now they're also escorted him by Cloud cars which are atmospheric cars produced by best Ms Reddit users zenom morosa surus theorize that the Falcon was fired upon at first because Lando is actually trying to warn them off from it the Empire would of course want them to land this aggressive tactic might be the only thing Lando could do now again it's don't there but yeah let me know below exactly what you think the Cloud City actually builds off the back of a concept from the first film with it originally being conceived as a prison Above alderan This is where Obi-Wan Invader jeel was going to go down but it was just all pushed into the Death Star for some economic storytelling a lot of this approach was redone for the special editions with them also changing out the background so it showed more of the city greeted by Lando I feel like this was the role that got Billy D that cult 45 career here we also meet a Zade lobot who's got cybernetic Parts placed over his head in the movie This covers his entire ears and ironically the actor John Hollis did something similar in the past Hollis also played a cadus observer in Flash Gordon but in that he had a cybernetic device over his eyes the band tip between the pair instantly comes through and we get a sort of love triangle with L in the mix now in the scene where L takes Leia's hand hand grabs it off him and we get a little smile from Carrie Fisher this moment of hand grabbing her was apparently improvised in the moment which caught her off guard and caused her to break character not really breaking but you know what I mean and the smile here seems genuine instead of being acted given a lush white penous it's clear Lando's trying to win them around with comfort so that they stay longer for the Empire to put things in place even says to Leia absolutely beautiful you truly belong here with us among the clouds thank you hitting at the part of the deal of how they now have to remain prisoner there taking a dinner they immediately greeted by Vader and I absolutely love the way the scene plays out it shows just how quick to that Han is whilst also cementing Vader's true strength on ver Vader is a match up that you'd never really think to see and even watching it here you can instantly see why even though he's one of the best characters in The Saga he's got no chance and Vader just blocks his Blaster bolts by lifting his hand he's made you look a right knob I've always kind of taken this as being akin to bullets bouncing off Superman and it sets up the idea that Luke doesn't stand a chance now from this point hans's interrogated or tortured due to that not really asking any questions they never even ask me any questions this is purely because Vader wanted to lure out Luke and he knew doing this would give him visions of his friend suffering there'd be absolutely no point in asking him anything which is why he just tortures him instead of standing there chitchatting now from here he's taken to be frozen which is when Princess Leia says I love you you probably already know this cuz you you're very far deep into a Star Wars video but just in case you don't here's what happened with H reply there was a moment in it when Han Solo was about to be cast into a object later to be purchased by curtzman and hsy made into frozen into carbonite and finally the princess reveals her great love for him and her line is I love you and George had artfully contrived for Hans Sola to say I love you too right no not for you well I thought it was a lost opportunity yeah sure I mean this character never behaved so unabashedly emotional and conventional uh before and I thought are we pissing away this great opportunity for the for the character you want your bad asses to be a badass to the end you want them to go down uh the way they the way they lived so I I I said um I mean what's the last thing uh a woman wants to hear when she says I love you she says I love you and I say I know right and so we shot you shot one like that right well we shot one you know just for protection where I spoke the line uh as written and George I think that this is fair enough to say he went ape [ __ ] he thought it was horrible and that it would get a bad laugh so I was obliged to sit next to him when he tested it for the first screen meaning there was a laugh but it was a laugh of recognition mhm kind of ties back to him teasing her before come on you want me to stay because of the way you feel about me and something about the way he's dumped down almost like a living death where he's become part of the coffin it just sticks in your mind as a big point in this movie just the drool and the look of pain on his face froze and is something that always been part of my memory and every time I think back to this movie this is one of the first things that pops up it's almost like a frozen Agony with this being such an impactful way to close out his Arc in the film this would later be rifted upon in Solo a Star Wars story when the character Falls in some mud and poses in a similar position you also see a really subtle change in Lando here as he grabs his neck after Vader tells him he's altered the deal typically people do this when they feel vulnerable and it might show that the constant changes have now gone too far Vader has also chugged out multiple people in this movie too and it could be symbolically building off that to show how close he is to getting it done to him now this scene is also the only moment in the Original Trilogy Where Vader and 3PO are on screen together watching the prequels and knowing what we know I thought he would have been like oh [ __ ] is that 3PO That's my boy after this moment Luke sneaks through the location which is where he sees Han's body being escorted through as he draws his Blaster we see fet to his head and this is because he actually hears the gun getting pulled out this is why he goes back and starts shooting and it's such a cool detail to show how aware he is funnily enough Luke P's Blas out throughout the movie at several points but he never actually fires it throughout the entire film now the battle between Luke and Vader is shot brilliantly with this getting the two different sides almost in every aspect blue and red are the two key colors here with both blades representing dark and light this is carried across to the environment to with a blue background clashing with the reddish glow of the stairs the reddish glow can also be seen in Vader Superstar Destroyer with the engines of it appearing the same color at roughly the 22-minute mark Vader fights with just one hand egg suing confidence and it's clear that he's just toying with his new Padawan however after Luke tricks him he goes back to using two showing that he slowly realizes he needs to take the fight more seriously the longer it goes on the tougher it gets with Vader even getting to the point that he just starts throwing stuff at him he also disarms him which causes Luke to drop his blade and this disarming moves a trick that he does later on however Luke Luke refuses to let go of it and the second time Vader disarms him by literally disarming him now after Luke falls down the stairs we get a little moment where we can actually see him looking above Vader's head it's a very subtle glance but it telegraphs his next move which is to jump above him after he gets dropped in the pit now the shut of Luke pulling the lightsaber to his hand was actually achieved by haml just throwing it and then reversing the footage bit of a gaff in the Carbonite chamber but when it when it goes into his hand if you slow it down yet you can see it lighting before he actually grabs it nitpick it's a nitpick and Vader also turns luk about his training with Obi-Wan Obi-Wan has Tau him well this is because he's unaware that Yoda was doing it and he still thinks it's his previous master who was teaching him now later on the pair gets separated and Vader actually hides from Luke down one of the coros upon appearing his breathing speeds up and this is because the car has been holding his breath to not give away where he is [Music] these corridors would again appear in Ray's Vision in the force awakens just before she discovered Luke's lightsaber which gets lost shortly after this scene sending a look out the window we can see how far this fall was as you can catch it in the top left when we cut the establishing shot when he's hanging you can also see his lightsaber just sitting on the walkway explaining how he managed to get it back after this fall and while this is going on Lando ends up helping the rebels escape and we watch as he races after the Falcon with with them at the end we see him wearing hands clothed and for years I was like wao that's that's a bit [ __ ] cold mate now but what the theory is is that Lano left his home with just the clothes on his back so he would have had to fish around in hand stuff in order to get a change of them not like how needed them and I actually heard they smell better on the inside and just before rushing through the corridors U gets electrocuted on the power socket and this moment was something that appeared in the original novelization for a New Hope in the end Lucas didn't end up using it but he brought it across for this film after thinking it was a funny gag racing through the Corridos Lando runs past the character will R hood and we can see that he's carrying a container turns out right this is actually an ice cream maker but it's something that's been actively now brought into the franchise as being a container that holds stuff popped up in Battlefront where he could get rewards from it and the Klein also had one in the Mandalorian now cutting back to the fight Luke actually gets first blood and he manages to cut Vader's shoulder which is when he realizes that has to wrap things up throughout the battle he's just been toing with his son but he finally realizes the kid could beat him and decides to end it there cutting off his hand we then get the big talking pun of this movie with the twist being revealed that Vader's Luke's father spoiler alert now this was kept completely under wraps from everyone in set except for Mark Hamill who was actually told the reveal just moments before shooting the line used on set was no Obi-Wan killed your father with it then being dubbed over by James L Jones David prow he was a bit annoyed he got kept in the dark because he said he'd have played it differently to make the body language more impactful AML actually said that when he and Ford first watched the movie that he leaned over and said hey kid you never [ __ ] told me that now James L Jones was so sure that Vader was lying that he actually thought it was intr until he read the sequel script I love how devastating this moment is even now and everything about it is carried across perfectly even just the way the Imperial March changes to give it this more impactful feel we we slowly start to see as Luke realizes it's true no I am your father no no now this lines became discussed in a lot of collective false memory syndrome because most people swear it's Luke I am your father even James L Jones said it but yeah no mention of Luke in the entire thing now another reason this whole thing is so painful to Luke is because he realizes that Obi want is lied to him this was someone he looked up to and trusted and now he really doesn't know what he should believe Luke says see a chump and throws himself under the chasm showing that he'd rather face death and join with his dad however as he falls down he goes into a shoot which could have something extra going on with it now this is probably down of the force but this viewing I actually had a different Theory what if right Vader was someone who was actually guarding him and this is because he wanted to save his son they actually added in a screen for the special editions but I think this has been removed in the latest update also lots of extra audio in this movie is just explaining certain things cuz Lucas thought people were too stupid to get it so they just spell it out in the special editions oh this is suicide oh this is suicide there's nowhere to go either way he reaches out to leer and for the special edition they added in an extra hatch on the Falcon to block out the white background now from this point we get what in my personal opinion is the wor the worst change in the special editions not kidding you but now Vader in the original cut he it was Furious and this was so well reflected in James's slightly toned back but still angry delivery bring my shuttle it's just so badass bring my shuttle but then cuz Lucas was worried that audiences wouldn't understand that his shuttle and Star Destroyer with two different things they changed it to this I let my star destroy to prepare for my arrival Lucas yeah he felt he really had to underline it and then we got added in shuttle shot where he he flies up to the ship and then shots of him stepping off it these were actually unused ones from Return of the Jedi which were then used to help Pat out the journey now reaching out to a I love this shot of the Falcon turning around on the clouds and the Tie Fighter Chase turns what what could have been a d rescue scene into a really exciting one the sun coming up behind the planet and the hyperdrive being broken it all just adds so much to it and r two saves a day allowing them to jump from here we get a shot from behind V's head which Echoes the way that he was introduced in the movie both scenes use the same Framing and it brings it full circle from that beginning guys too lost in thought about his son to even kill pet even though he promised Vader they deactivated the hyperdrive did your men deactivate the hyperdrive on the Millennium forcon yes my Lord good I love how after they jump each just turns around and walks away and everyone's just kind of staring like is he going to kick off honestly there aren't really that many jokes in the film but there's a lot of little humorous bits like this where I just laugh cuz everyone's so scared shitless evader kind of reminds me of when I drop an 11,000 word script on the editors and I'm like you better [ __ ] get this done in an hour's time mate or you're [ __ ] dead at this point we could to the medical friger with Luke getting replacement hand put in place works too well and he even feels pain through it but it carries a special meaning with it as well Vader is more man the machine and Luc is slowly starting to come closer to his father through the replacement of his limb though it is a little touch it's him slowly stepping forwards towards the vision that he had in the cave from here we cut to Luc and Leia looking out over the Galaxy and a feeling that they have a long road ahead of them to go and get Han now this does sort of have a bit of sweet feeling to it and it's not as d as it originally was Hami said they shot This Moment 4 months after principal photography rap because they wanted to add a slightly more hopeful ending to the movie this would later go on to get echoed an attack of the Clones where we close out with Anakin and Padme Anakin has a mechanical hand and bothy and Padme look out over the lake in a similar position to luk and Leia either way it closes out the movie ending what an incredible film impressive most impressive it's hard to overstate how much of it it was and even back in 1980 it grossed about 400 million at the box office adjusted for inflation this is the equivalent to about 1.9 billion which would make it one of the most successful movies of all time unfortunately Lucas still had a bit of a rough time behind the scenes and when making the film there were constant spiraling costs the bank threatened to pull the loan we talked about before and Lucas was then left in a position where he had to again approach 20th Century Fox they agreed to secure the loan but wanted a bigger cut and Lucas managed to do it without losing the sequel of merchandising rights however it's still stuck as a soul point for him and because of this he took Raiders over to Paramount this easily ended up with 20th century possibly losing out on more in the long run and yeah whether it was a good deal for them or not remains to be seen ALC is still well they're all owned by Disney now anyway ALC is still benefited of this film massively though and it's difficult to deny how much it changed Cinema even as a kid I remember this being a movie that really changed my perspective on stuff cuz to me yeah the good guys they were always meant to win this flip the script and dealt a devastating blow that a lot of franchisees still try to mimic today still though I feel the original is the best and this is a masterpiece in movie making from start to finish this is a film that took Star Wars from being a franchise with a fun film into a behemoth that altered how we look at movies time throughout this video we're going to be going through it scene by scen a talk about all the things you missed as well as those well-loved special edition changes no coming off the back of two of the biggest Blockbusters of all time George Lucas had the galaxy in the palm of his hands but he was faced with the almost impossible task of sticking the landing for a film series that had completely changed Cinema I know looking back people tend to complain about the Ewoks and how Luke's chabba plan makes no sense but when I watched this as a kid I never had any problems with it I guess I've been lucky in that because of my love for it none of the criticisms ever bothered me and it's still a movie that I absolutely adore I think the biggest problem with the movie is that it unfortunately had the difficult task of following a new hop and Empire which to me are still some of the best films ever made now Empire was of course a massive success and at that point it was one of the highest grossing films of all time impressive most impressive the sequel was quickly put into production with Lucas then financing the entire thing continuing to remain as a producer Lucas began searching for directors with him initially approaching longtime friend Steven Spielberg however due to issues with the Director's Guild Lucas unfortunately had his hands tied the filmmaker found himself unexpectedly mired in Hollywood politics to preserve the dramatic opening sequences of his films Lucas wanted the screen credits to come at the end of the movies it was a highly unusual choice and for the first Star Wars the writer Guild and Director's Guild had allowed it but when Lucas did the same for the sequel they finded him over a quar of a million dollars and even attempted to pull Empire from theaters next the DGA went after irin kersner to protect his director Lucas paid all the fines to the guilds but the situation left him feeling frustrated and persecuted Lucas was so upset that he dro dropped out of the Director's Guild The Writer's Guild and the Motion Picture Association thus Spielberg was enabled to do it and Lucas turned back to David Lynch again he apparently approached him for Empire but he still felt his style was too distant from what Lucas wanted and David Cronenberg also declined the job eventually settling on Richard Marquand it's actually thought that Lucas somewhat ghost directed the film due to marwan's inexperience with special effects at one point Richard joked it was like trying to direct King with Shakespeare in the Next Room as Lucas was on set for a large part of the production now during Empire he was in the process of setting up ilm and a number of different Production Studios so he wasn't physically able to be onet as much however man now had way more free time and this was the case in the writing too working once more with Lawrence Cen the screenplay was created with the original title being Return of the Jedi before it was then switched to Revenge George came to me and he said the title of episode six is um Return of the Jedi and I said uh I think it's a weak title and he came back one or two days later and he says we're calling it revenge of the Jedi however this idea of Revenge it never sat right with Lucas he felt like Revenge was against the Jedi way and thus it went back to the original before the film hit Cinemas and they also had a bit of an issue with Harrison 4 that was a carry over from Empire though Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher sign on for the sequels they never actually got for to agree to them bringing him back for Empire had been a bit of a negotiation and he actually wanted Han to get killed off in the Carbonite scene his status as an actor had also risen with Indiana Jones and Lucas even went into crafting the screenplay with the idea that there was no way he was going to come back however Howard kazanin got lucky when dealing with his Agent Phil gers who was on vacation at the time of the negotiations when Howard called up the agency it was luckily his son who answered and together the pair then negotiated the deal so David his son he he saved Star Wars and he's bloody bloody bloody top BL now Phil wasn't too happy when he got back and he thought they'd taken advantage of his son but solo was on Lock and he was then added to the script anyway both Ford and cden thought that solo should be killed early on in the movie and this would put some Stakes into the rest of the film I thought Han Solo should die I thought he ought to sacrifice himself uh for the other two character characters I also felt someone had to go you know I felt someone had to die I said he's got no Mama He's got no papa he's got no future he has no um story responsibilities at this point so let's uh allow him to commit self-sacrifice this would happen during a r on endo and then Luke would end up like a lone Gunslinger and the solo hero however luk has shut down the idea and it has been thought this was down to how many Han Solo toys they'd managed to sell over the last couple of years Bo said Lucas didn't see a future in dead Han toys and the solo stayed alive until the end of the film and the Ewoks were also originally Wookies but I'm guessing those toy sales made Lucas change his mind to make something cuter Yodo is also someone who was completely absent from the film but director Richard Marwan felt like they needed to bring things full circle from the prior movie Lucas also saw this as an opportunity to confirm Vader was indeed Luke's father as many suspected The Twist at the end of empire was actually a lie this included James ill Jones who didn't believe they were related until he sat down and read the script for return now production began at L Street Studios with a movie occupying nine sets with a budget of 32.5 million Lucas actually saved roughly 18 million by using his own company ilm to carry out the special effects given the working title Blue Harvest will not will not do a weekly planet and this was due to the production feeling like they were being ripped off because of the success to the prior movies it was assumed that Lucas film had enough money to build an actual death star and thus they constantly got overcharged when they went out to buy things for the film people felt like they could invoice more because the company could afford it and thus they created the working title to keep it out the public Eye Blue Harvest film from January to May 1982 being a shoot that was six years shorter than Empire this allowed ilm to get way more time to work on the effects including a massive space battle at the end which would culminate on a richly detailed set of tunnels in the second death star now the movie also ended up leading to the creation of THX due to some test screenings failing to Output several of the sound effects and themes in the movie th Lucas did the old if you want to do something you've got to do it yourself and he implemented THX which became a staple in the industry all in all the entire Saga not only changed a lot of things for Lucas but it also changed a lot of things for Cinema in general now the movie begins with the usual text crawl but there's a slight difference to what's come before and what followed the crawl ends with three ellipses sciss scissors whereas in every other title crawl it ends with four this was actually put in place because Lucas wanted to leave us with the idea there'd be no other films after this though he did have ideas of doing three trilogies at the time Lucas also said he was inspired by Lord of the Rings and its third iteration Return of the King which he felt was a fitting way to close things out like a lot of Star Wars titles there's a layed meaning to this one with the titula Jedi more likely being a reference to Anakin rather than being Luke Luke never really went away and thus the returning Jedi here makes more sense when you think of it as being Anakin now he can of course apply to Luke as well and the first sentence of the craw talks about how Luke returned to his home planet the idea of returning is also a staple of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey which we've talked about in these breakdowns before Luke went through all the steps beat by beating the trilogy with the final stage being the return we've also seen this reflected in his color scheme throughout with his clothing going from white to black across the three films in a new hope he of course War white which changed to gray when he got to Empire come return he's dressed in all black and fans at the time thought this might show he'd actually turned to the dark side when the original screenwriting process for the movie began they they did toy with the idea of making him turn evil and we then wonder if he turned back again which ties into the idea of the return elements of this are still apparent in the film with Luke arriving in a dark silhouette of kinda showing up on the tantive forign A New Hope however the flap on the front of the uniform aeni folds down symbolically showing a lighter side within him now speaking of A New Hope before Force awakens basically became a remake of it this movie actually redid a lot of the elements of the film for example we start on tne and have another death start with the emperor sort of being a switch out of talking even the opening shots almost look exactly the same and we have a star destroyer coming into view from the exact same angle blow it is a planet and off in the distance we can see the Death Star which has replaced the original moonshot again it's sort of like poetry they rhyme and we see Vader arriving on the second death star smoke comes down off the ramp and it's very similar to the cloud that also surrounded him when he stepped through the door in a new hope these shots will later RI on an Ahsoka when Balin and shinh hadti arrived on the new Republic Cruiser there's lots of things that Ahsoka actually takes from this film which we'll talk about as well cuz it's still freshing my mind now on the shuttle we also see the language arabes which was created by Lucas after replacing the original English words in A New Hope also as the shuttle comes in I've just noticed for the first time you can see a tie bomb parked up in the bottom of the hangout which we get a clearer view of in the next shot now on Ted we see C3 p and R2 arriving at Jabba's Palace which Echoes their Journey arriving on the planet in A New Hope learning that Lando and chewack and never a return from here this sort of foreshadows what the next parts of the plan are chatting with a security guard that speaks at ease we also get a vastly expanded fr front door for the special editions side by side we can see how they stretched it out and this was going to give the appearance that it was way more expensive however yet nitpick when they get inside we can see it's a lot smaller so I never really got the point of why they did this in the first place and that that's mainly with a lot of the special edition changes in general anyway we arrived to Z Jaba getting faned by a jaer and slobbing out dining on frogs George said oh I need something that's you know alien and grotesque that's like uh like Sydney Green Street oh okay when I had kind of gotten this idea down to this big slug like thing that was just this big pulsating mass of Flesh at one point I did put I put a had a fez on one of the characters like cdy Green Street and then uh steuart freeorn in England's job was to you know fabricate the thing and that was operated with uh one Puppeteer for each arm two puppeteers for the arms another guy doing the head another guy radio control guy doing in the eyes there's like like a couple little people in it you know pulling things to make the tail move around was quite a thing jabos later added into the special editions of a new ho with Lucas originally planning to include him he had to get these scenes because of time and money which was rectified when they had the resources to finally put him in he's joined by bib Fortuna and this is a character that would later go on to take over the throne Sat by jabas also the quacking monkey lizard salacious crumb who Lucas wanted to be sort of the equivalent of a laughing C Chester 3PO and R2 have come to deliver a message from Luke which I always loved growing up as a kid it's something that these days we see Denzel doing all the time in The Equalizer movies and I love how he's basically just saying we don't have to play [ __ ] around and find out just give me hand back and you can crawl away from this it's so badass but we watch as he rejects this and the droids are taken to the cells that lie beneath the palace we see a Gunk dried being tortured and also catch it white dried against the back wall which 3PO bangs into this was actually a reused prop from the sand crawler in A New Hope with it being in the corner when 3PO and R2 talk and we see Jabba dancing away to the max Rebo Band who ended up returning in the book of Bara Fett the musical number here was originally quite scaled back with a puppet of snce noodles not really operating that well in these shots though you can catch Lando before they updated the performance for the special editions [Music] [Applause] this disguise was later brought into solo with Woody Harrelson's character Becket wearing it and leaving it on the Falcon for land out to then find and news also apologies and I'm going to keep referencing movies that come down the line but I feel like if I don't Point them out then I'm I'm I'm personally going to go insane being like I should have just mentioned it I shouldn't have been scared either way Joe yaa I'm sorry guys I know you hate them either way Joe yza was added into these as well with his vocal performance being based on Joe Cocker [Music] my me written by John Williamson Joseph Williams he was also a lead member in the band Toto now the song is titled lapy neck which translates into Haz to mean work it out you can also catch a flowing mic flying around the backup singers and I have to admit this song it always makes me tap my feet fol this man the Dan at AA is dropped into the rancor pit with her back story being pretty dark OA was part of the Twilight clan on riyo before she was basically kidnapped and trafficked by bib Fortuna Jabba demonstrates his callous disregard for life with Ula and at this point plan B is put in place we hear a gunshot and then catch a rodian spinning round who ends up standing behind C3PO as he asks this what did I say this guy was actually wearing the same vest Leia had on during the start of Empire Strikes Back which I kind of feel like is people on the set giving us a clue that this is actually here might be a reach but yeah she arrives dis sky as a bounty hunter Bou and in a bit of behind the scenes info the numbers 1138 are etched into a helmet which you can see in the photographs of it this is the no to Lucas's film THX 1138 and this numberers appeared in all the trilogy movies so farock 1138 Rog 10 and 11 to station 38 Now Pawn whipping out at them animal Detonator we watches Boba Fett draws his gun and they actually had to flip this shot so it looked like he was aiming in the right place the antenna on the heads normally on the other side but they found it didn't match up with the way he walked off so they ended up spinning it around now after a shut of the W and binary sunsets we see leayer approaching the Carbonite case as Jabba's crew seemingly sleeps in the top left we can see a toror head hanging up which of course would be a rare item on it as a planet I love how in the curtain's drawn you can also see a Gran with their hand over 3po's mouth and this is so that he doesn't shout and try and warn his friends ler is grabbed and she ends up wearing a metallic bikini that fueled a lot of teenage fantasies for for most of people my age most of the life they stuck with you it's meant to Echo Flash Gordon once more with Jabba later saying she'd come to appreciate him which was supposed to reference Ming the merciless forcing Darden to marry him as for her bikini there were actually two versions of this made with the second being robber so that Carrie could move about easier this is what they whip out during most of the action scenes and it was due to how uncomfortable that the metallic one was luk arrives at this point and we get further teasers that he might be turning evil due to him Force chalking the gods which is a signature Vader move using the Jedi mind trick he gets bib to take him directly to Jabba but we actually see through Jabba that those who are mentally strong don't fall Folly to it you will like the like button and he's dropped into the pit where he comes face to face with the ranor who he defeats by throwing a scor switch I always thought this was a rock but nope slow it down and you can actually see this is a human skull which belonged to the character buildo quve there actually a big backstory that's been written for them because it wouldn't be Star Wars if they didn't have an expensive backstory and they carry the moniker of having the most important skull in the Galaxy the ranor Batista is killed and we see we see my man got it's p [Music] now in the expanded law we learn ptis are actually saved his life and the pair have bonded ever since then the bad batch told us about the sacred bond that rancors have with their owners and this was explored in an episode when the batch got a young Rancor named muchi for jaaba originally intended to be a man in his suit they ended up using a rod puppet after the initial effect didn't seem convincing enough recording Ben B's dog Max they created the creature's signature sound by getting its spks and growls and then pitching them down now fromia they taken to the s black pit and in the buildup to it we see some migrating banther they would often get caught by Tuscan Raiders who would use them as rides like we saw in the first film and the pit itself was updated to have a beak like head for the special editions as Lucas felt the creature didn't feel alive enough U then gets into play so he can launch Luke's lightsaber and Boba Fett's the only character who notices he's doing this me I would have sounded the alarm but it allows Luke to launch his plan to destroy jabber and his cronies as we see Jabba soldiers moving through the BGE I love how you can catch a mural of Jabba hanging up and it shows the guy's ego is bigger than he is now Boba Fett of course gets thrown into the solac pit with him escaping in the expanded lorean his solo series Lucas has admitted he still to this day has no idea why the character became so popular and kind of regrets not giving him a more impactful death when working on the 2014 DVD release he actually planned on including an extra moment where we saw fed escape the pit in the end he decided against this as he feared it could tease things that he'd never get to make Luke's lightsaber is also green but originally it was planned that it was going to be the classic blue if you go back and look at the posters you can see this in the marketing showing what the original plan for the blade was going to be however a number of issues popped up when they made the movie with the first being that the blue got lost against the Skies of T they also felt there might be confusion over how he lost it during Empire and then it turned back up though us nerds would have been like look at mate it's a completely different lightsaber so what they did is they had a deleted scene showing him constructing it but it kind of slowed the pacing and stopped this big reveal of it here so Lucas just settled on it being green and in the expanded law the original one was then wielded by a clone of Luke before it was retaken and given to Luke's wife Mara Jade uh as the creator of uh Mara Jade wait I am not the creator of mar Jade and I want you to get out of this office right now I'm sorry S no way you brought it you brought it on yourself I don't want you here I'm so sorry George I didn't think it would go like this out I got your voucher out so I just had to come with an excuse to use that clip cuz it it always cracks me up and I'm a bit a bit bit of a [ __ ] anyway there's also a moment where when Boba Fett flies across the sky and hits the barge we can see Luke kicking someone in the foreground the kick is Miles off from hitting the guy and Mark Hamill is jokingly said that Luke actually Force kicked him and the creative team looked at a lot of swashbuckling pirate movies in order to craft this scene and there's definitely that feeling with ropes and boats being a big thing here Luke is also made to walk the plank but like a lot of those pirate films he flips it on his [Music] head Luke is also shot in the hand as well and this Mark later returns at the end of the force awakens when he takes the lightsaber off Ray now Billy D Williams didn't come out and skate either and apparently during the scene in which hand shoots at the tentacles the Pyro Technic went off close to his leg and it ended up burning him his son Cory D also makes an appearance in the scene as well with him actually playing one of Jabba's henchmen c3p is also attacked by salacious crumb and this led to Anthony Daniels having a real life panic attack I got claustrophobia once and it was I didn't even have the whole suit on I was lying on the floor the camera is about that far away from me uh salacious crumb the wonderful salacious crumb animated by Tim Rose and he's pulling out my eye I take I am and something went in my mind I didn't catch a breath or something and I suddenly could feel Panic just absorbing into my body my eyes start and I I was think get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out and I just kept repeating it until they managed to whiz the head off now as a ND to longtime friend Francis Ford Copla Lucas had layer chug jab out with their chains which was supposed to resemble Luca brazzi's Death In His movie The Godfather Lucas was actually originally in talk of direct apocalypse now but he ended up exiting it so that Copler could take over the Francis actually left a little ND to him in the movie as the character Harrison Ford plays is called Colonel G Lucas the final battle involving the Ewok s bills of the back of Lucas's original idea for the movie with the jungle setting riffing off the back of Vietnam come the end of the battle they use all manner of gorilla tactics at the dispos with Lucas modeling these after the Viet Kong anyway they get out of there before blows up and don't forget the droids which gives us a brilliant Victory to start the movie off with h says I owe you one now but like he owed you too so I I we not deduc in that mate like what what's this maths anyway in his X-Wing we see Luke exam in his hand which he covers up by putting a black glove over it this shuts reference later on when Luke sees Vader is missing one echoing the fact that he could end up going down that path now at this point point we C to the Death Star and amongst the fleet of ties we can also catch tie interceptors for the first time in The Saga the emperor arrives who's also played for the first time by Ian mcdermit now this blew my mind when I was doing my research but he was actually only 39 when he played this partt yeah he's just seven years older than Mark ham is but I've got to say the man can play old now according to him he was just brought in to do a physical performance similar to what David prow did with Darth Vader this was the going to be redubbed with clyve Revel who originally played the character in The Empire Strikes Back however mcder completely knocked it out the park when delivering his lines and thus they decided to stick with his performance which has become iconic now a lot of these moments where we get the widest shots were actually made using matte paintings so what are we looking at here here is just a wonderful example of all these Stormtroopers and nobody knows that it's a map painting you just assume that this is a very large [Music] set so there are some real Stormtroopers on the set and then the rest were added by The Mad artist V also kneels before him which is a similar thing to what he did during the hologram scene in Empire showing who's really in charge now Luke returns to De gabar where he comes face to face with Yoda I right that the guy was just like sick of answering questions and he'd rather turn over than die than dealing with with more Skywalker [ __ ] however he does spell it out that Luke needs to confront Vader to complete his training and this word confront carries a lot with it rather than killing him he just wants to face his dad because he could be the person that ends up bringing him back and knowing what we know about the prequels I actually think it makes V AR better in R respect in the end his love for his son is what ends up saving him and he turns back in order to save him from the emperor the scene of him electrocuting luk also get rep played in Revenge of the Sith with him standing there and allowing palps to take out Mace Windu here he refuses to stand by and allow it to happen again and I actually think the prequels improve all this even though it works well on its own he also mentions how once Yoda dies that he'll be the last Jedi which careful mate we don't talk about that here now Yoda's last words here also build off the back of his last words in the prior film that boy is our last hope no there is another there is another SK yeah it's in the word Skywalker which is then clarified outside by Obi-Wan he explains that Leia is his twin sister and also how Anakin's death was caused by Vader because he killed all that he stood for Alec Guinness only ended up shooting for one day for this movie and we talked last time how he did this with Empire as well Lucas made a deal with him year where he got .25 of the gross of these films and in the end that netted him $100 million that adjusted for inflations roughly $400 million meaning that he shot the stuff for a New Hope and then basically did a couple of days on top of that and got 400 million now this is the only time where Luke calls him Obi-Wan instead of Ben Kenobi Ben was the name he knew him as but this is showing that he's now detached from him due to the lies about his father now we could to home one where we meet mon mothma alongside mon calamari Legend Admiral abbar the ship ended up returning in ahoka with mothma also returning in the same room as the Hologram this table has been used several times throughout the expanded L to plot out and plan attacks and it is nice going back to the scene and seeing where it all began now D cradley who plays General maen he apparently showed up to the set with a shave face to the script not specifying that he had to have a beard however the K ey based on him that had been given one and thus they quickly grabbed a fake one to match his action figure setting out we get Hans saying he feels he's never going to see the Falcon again and originally there were plans that they were going to destroy it this would kill off Lando and also pay off on Han's bad feeling though Lando promised not a scratch not a scratch it got out with just losing its satellite dish which they somewhat touched upon in Solo during that when it was under Lando's ownership it had a flat dish on top so he didn't really compensate for that one flying through the trench now the third Act was also going to take place on the Imperial home planet called had abdon with this letter being renamed to well you guessed it coret this was Lucas taking inspiration from June with the Hardon in home planet appearing in in that now instead we C to the emperor's throne room on the Death Star 2 inv Vader asks what of the reports of the Rebel Fleet massing newst a cist was actually named after a Roman Senator and in the expanded law Nan n was from the planet and he stole the shuttle at the rebels R in tying these lines to that in case you don't know NS Lando's co-pilot with him speaking kikuya a language that actually pulls directly from Kenya we also see the emperor's advisers who would go on to form the Imperial Council in the wake of his death now Endor actually comes from the Bible with it being a village found in Israel King Saul went there before his final battle with the Philistines and he came across someone known as The Witch of Endor as the group leave the shuttle we can catch a bearded Commando who later pops up disguise to a scout trooper when they get caught retroactively it's been said that this is Captain Rex the legendary clone trooper from the Clone Wars in Rebels we then get the Speeder Bike Chase and in this layer's middle switch is pulled back and this is what's used to down their Communications now according to IMDb trivia the pony view shots here are achieved pretty easily with a cameraman walking through the forest holding a study Cam that shot one frame per second playing this back at 24 frames per second It sped the footage up and it made it appear at normal speed giving this the feeling of whizzing through the forest the sound of the Speeders themselves were actually created by using stock sound effects of Thunder which were then spliced together with a P38 airplane after Leia comes off she meets none other than Wicked that Ewok played by War Davis this gu became a mainstain Star Wars with him being in almost all the movies that followed this both in and out of costume War went on to play Willow and if you haven't seen Life's too short with him then i' definitely recommend that you check that out that's War he's just going there H Yeah Yeah we actually were together on Star Wars phant Menace oh yeah yeah we had a scene together it was Cutler do you remember okay Kenny Baker AKA R2D2 was originally meant to play Wicket but Destiny stepped in and gave him the [ __ ] joining the asked was war Davis who was just a youngster at the time but also a DieHard Star Wars fan I was an 11-year-old boy at school and my grandmother happened to hear a radio commercial on the London radio station and they were putting out a call for short people to be in this new Star Wars movie I don't think anybody on the movie was quite as excited as I was you know being an 11-year-old on a Star Wars set there was there was no stopping me in the role of Wicked Davis became the film's most prominently featured Ewok but only after Kenny Baker was suddenly taken ill I had this scene with Carrie and the and the speeder bikes in in California in the red redwoods and I was looking forward to this oh not K's nice I like working with Carrie come the morning of the shoot Kenny was very ill in bed with what I believe was food poisoning I was seriously in in pain and um said well we go got to do it because we've got Carrie Fisher in we've got the scene set up so War took over 72a take two I am B camera don't forget I had a dog at the time and I remember whenever he would hear a strange noise he would tilt his head from side to side uh to look inquisitive and I took those kind of movements and and use them in the character so whenever he sees something or hears a strange sound he would you know tilt his head kind of wild knowing how much War would gone to work with Lucas film and wickets of course one of the most memorable new characters in the film of the name Ewoks based on the Native American tribe Miwok and although they get a lot of [ __ ] they actually carry an important message thematically throughout the entire film and I think they're in there to really show that you don't need technology you need the will and the belief to to to take you through anything uh and the fact that you know the Ewoks were able to defeat the Empire only using ropes and rocks I think that said something about them as a race of creatures f is coming in doesn't matter how much Machinery you had if the will of the people is strong they will always win you failed your highness I am a Jedi like my father before me and action if you love CGI blinks added in you'll love them too and to be honest I've I've never really had a problem with these these cute little fuzz balls now from Mei could a meeting with the emperor and can catch his Red petorian Gods and the name comes from ancient Rome and these tended to be skilled Warriors who were two task with guarding Empress as well also little tidbit when designing the throne and window behind it Lucas said that he wanted it to appear webike at the center of it is the Emperor who would resemble a spider waiting for a prey to get caught in its net webs are traps that spiders build for their prey and the entire Emperor's plan is devised as a trap it's a trap this is scene with Luke the space battle and Endor all being designed to catch these key factions the Death Star is actually fully operational and thus the entire scheme's divised to get everyone in one place now that line it's a trap was originally it's a trick but this was changed after it got poor reactions in test screenings AA then manages to sense his son whereas the emperor doesn't strange that I have not this shows that he's blinded to the connection Vader has with his kid and this ultimately is how the pair beat them in the end at this point they get caught in an air with with a dead animal luring our chewbaca this actually has the back end of a white tailed the air with fake teeth stuck into its butt which is a nice little bit of trevia for you guys watching at home I'm believing 3PO is a God we actually have a translation for what one of the Ewoks [Music] says said in Ewok kees this actually translates to that guy's wise could you could you tell they takeen to the Ewok cam to get eaten but Luke uses the forc to show his magic so that these little murderous Bears don't make a barue Backa and also says really bad feeling about this which is a line that's been said in every movie so far I got a bad feeling about this I have a bad feeling about this I have a bad feeling about this also also like the video and subscribe yeah hurry up will I haven't got all day now Luke reveals to Leia that he's a brother and she recounts stories of her mother we know in R respect that like I don't I don't know how you remember this but there were actually early things in the script that would be worked into to become Padme in the first tra she talked about how her mother disguised as a handmade which she of course adopted during Phantom Menace now Luke surrenders and appeals to Anakin inv Vader because he knows that's the way that he has to get through to him rather than going in to confront him like how he did last time he instead hands over his weapon and gives up willingly this is a lesson that Luke learned from the cave and Empire and in that Yoda told him only what you take with you had Luke gone in unarmed then he would have been okay but he took his weapons and went looking for a fight this is what happened with the jewel at the end because he went looking for a jeel in both instances and that's exactly what he found this time he's is going into to appeal to his dad directly which is why instead of fighting they first talk it out allowing Anakin to hold the Jedi lightsaber once more this may make him remember exactly what it was like I always felt there was a deeper meaning to how he held it and studied it and this likely brought back memories of his time with the order however he turns his back and delivers what's easily the most personal and vulnerable moment that we've seen with feder so far it is too late for me son I feel like him saying it's too late for him is him also thinking about how it's not too late for Luke and the pair calling each other father and son now connects them on a more personal level LC has actually based this around the conflicts of Zeus and his father Kronos Which pull directly from the myths of ancient Greece beta also refers to the Empire's Master a lot and he's very much a slave almost begging to be freed I always feel like Lucas had it planned out exactly what his origin story was but even if he didn't we we do see through his life how he started off as a slave and then ended up being brought into a life of servitude before he was once more made a slave Again Luke is the only one who can truly free him and it laces this moment with a lot of extra subtext now we end with him looking out over the forest again and it shows aide tomb that we've never really seen before across Endor we see an Ewok stealing a bike and we watch Han getting handy to get his way in now if you look outside as they enter you can actually see a rebel dressed as a scout trooper putting a helmet on come when the rebels get caught later on we see my guy irx standing in a scout uniform showing that some of the good guys were disguised as them during the fight now inside we seean throwing something at a guard and at this moment we get what sounds like a willhelm [Music] scream now this is something that's appeared throughout the Star Wars saga with it being used in almost every film the guy making the sound here is actually sound designer Ben B who popularized the screen whilst also coining the name for it he's used it in a number of different movies that he worked on and this is him doing his best impression of what it sounds [Music] like now we cut to the battle out in space and see both a-wings and b-wings added to the fleet a-wings originally had blue paint on them instead of red but this got lost against the blue screen and thus they had to change it however when they showed up in the first episode of ahoka they were back to being blue because they were no longer relying on models and blue screens realizing the shield is still fully operational the rebel Fleet pull away from their run and head right into the Star Destroyer Fleet back with the group on Endo there saved by Ewoks and then the fight it just it just kicks off we then hear chew back as tanel and can also catch a cameo by director Richard Marwan is one of the atsd drivers the other is co-producer Richard watts and the roof of the atss actually have a design based on German Tiger tanks from World War II they have big blast marks on the nose of the chewbaca one and this at least gives the audience the heads up of who we should be following after L his shot in the shoulder we also get a brief moment where Han has to move his hand because he goes to grab it but realizes it's on fire now back with the emperor he finally tuns Luke enough to get him to strike which is immediately blocked by Vader looking back I just view this as him reacting quickly but I actually think there's a deeper meaning going on with this as the emperor says if he strikes him down his journey to the dark side will be complete and thus if he landed this he would become a Sith this would be because he struck him down in anger and it would become a path that he'd never be able to walk away from however Vader blocking this is him stopping his son from making that mistake and thus he doesn't succumb to the dark side and can remain in the light now during the duel Luke kicks Vader down the stairs which is a flip on the battle and bpin in which he did the same thing to him lots of these moments in this fight Echo that jeel during that but this time it's Luke who has the upper hand beta says will be one has taught you well and hey look M man's got The High Ground back on indoor we see his hand tricks the Imperials to going outside and he does a little shrug that kylo would late Riff on in the rice of Skywalker setting the charges they blow the generator allowing those in space to finally attack the Death Star in the shadows Luke ends up hiding out and we see Darkness covering his face showing that he could end up succumbing to the dark side if he's not careful symbolically This was later used in The Saga when Anakin's return brought across the same technique as well like his father lover is used to lure him towards the dark side and it's only upon his sister being mentioned that he begins to go on the attack he plays into the emperor's trap managing to beat his dad and cut off his hand but in this he's starting to lose himself now it's very much a reversal of the ending of Empire with him starting to realize he's becoming the man his father is staring at his own hand he then tosses his weapon which again was used when SAA pass the test with Anakin I'll try to stop bringing all this stuff up but it's just fresh in my mind and I do like talking about how these movies influence things down the line cuz yeah you can see how it's sort of like poetry they rhyme and the emperor realizes that he's lost and that luk can't be turned which is when he decides that he has to die beta says no which was added into the special editions to tie losing pad M to potentially also losing their child during the scene in which V lifts palps above his head we can also see electricity charging his skeleton and can actually catch metallic Parts in his body throwing him down into the Death Star reactor he was NE was never seen again and never no way somehow did Palpatine return at this moment Williams also plays the Jedi theme over the top of Vaders to highlight the characters come back to the light Lucas would actually pull several moments from this for the finale of phantom menace as Darth mul sent down the hole much like how Palpatine was there also a similar shot used for Obi-Wan cradling a dying Qui-Gon much like how Luke cr's father here you also have the Jedi funeral at the end before the celebration and looking back it's sort of like poetry they rhyme and this we can see the fire burning stronger on the right side of the helmet which is why in later appearances it's more melted on that side now this scene was actually thrown in at the last minute with it being filmed up in the hills next to Skywalker Ranch A's breathing then changes to become weekend and we see him later on masked for the first time originally David prow was promised he could find get to show his face in this moment but Lucas went back on it due to some strained onset relationships lots of leaks about the movies had come out over the years and it was suspected that PR had been behind them this is why Lucas refused to tell him the true twist during Empire and instead the script he had said Obi-Wan killed his father in the buildup to the returns release the Daily Mail also ran a story revealing that Darth Vader was going to die at the end in it it suggested that prow was behind it and thus he was kind of shut out from appearing in the film he wasn't interviewed for the DVD release of the original trilogy and he did carry the reputation of being behind the leaks however it was revealed that it was actually a crew member who did this which kind of sucks when you look back at it fake scripts were actually sent out once more to cast members to dissuade them from spoiling stuff and some of the leaks contained elements that had Lano being the last hope now Sebastian Shaw was brought unaware of what he was filming and upon arriving on set he had no idea what was happening until he spotted his old friend Ian McD ID Shaw originally had eyebrows as well when he was in Mass but these were removed to keep it more consistent with his Burns now the cut in his head was also explaining in later duels with his Mas getting split during obi-1 in Rebels kind of pick your poison with that but I love how the unmasking scene shows Vader in a human way that we've never really seen before all that we've encountered is this robotic silhouette but this shows him as a man rather than just a machine now the Death Star is destroyed at this point with both wedge and Lando delivering killing blows I love how while the Superstar Destroyer gets taken down and people start celebrating we see his Akbar just kind of Mourns those that had to die and it's suching almost like like a weight off his shoulders seeing that the fight was actually worth it at the time the battle on Endor was the most expensive space fight ever put to screen and in order to fill up the background lots of things like the ships in the distance were actually just chewed up gum based on operation chastise this was adapted into the movie The Dam Busters which Lucas based a lot of the the aial attacks on in ch dies a group of technicians develop bouncing bombs that would skim along riverbeds and eventually hit a dam in order to destroy it these scientists were known as buffins and this is the time that it popularized the term now Lucas actually gave this is not as well with a spies who got the plans for the Death Star 2 being called bothans now I dug in I dug into some of the behind the scenes stuff and there was apparently a day called Black Friday in which 100,000 ft of film was apparently dumped by Lucas this was because because it couldn't be read by an optical printer and the ilm team behind it had to go back to square one for it a lot of them got drunk when they heard the news now back on Endor we watched the scene that might have been altered the most over the last couple of years originally this had a completely different score which was later updated into [Music] this Lucas also added in celebrations across the Galaxy with corusant being worn that appeared in the special editions always remember seeing this back in 1997 and wondering what was going on because kusan actually hadn't been fully shown to us at this point in in our lives this had a statue of the emperor being toppled over with us also getting a shot of tne this was then updated in 2004 with the Senate and Jedi Temple buildings appearing and as also getting aoo dropped into there as well lastly the force ghosts were changed with Hayden actually completely unaware of what he was filming he's going on to say that he would have played it differently but it does kind of feel like they just dropped him into the scene without him actually being a part of it kind of makes no sense as well cuz Luke wouldn't recognize this well but M I'm not I'm not going to go into it I think my my thought on it will be very obvious here also I've I've always kind of been like there's no way Obi-Wan and Yoda would be standing there all all friendly like with Anakin he murdered all their mates and billions of people and they're basically stand there like oh oh you're all right mate you're back I nice to see you again it would be like bumping into Hitler in the afterlife and being like Oh how's it going mate how's it going you would you would tell the lad to [ __ ] right off there's no way that the mace wind Force ghost doesn't see him and kick the complete [ __ ] out of him now they did go back and forth on how to end the film and in some drafts Luke would actually take Vader's helmet after the unmasking we'd watch him put it on and this would give the idea that he'd in fact turn to the dark side according to Gary CTS there were also versions where he'd walk off alone like a spaghetti western hero with him going into seclusion in the tadine desert in the end Lucas opted for a happier ending due to him feeling like merchandise sales would be boosted by closing on a positive note either way that wraps up Return of the Jedi which would go on to become the highest grossing movie of 1983 off the back of its 32 million budget it banked 418 million with the additional releases taking it to 475 after its release they dropped two Ewok spin-off movies called Caravan of Courage and the battle for Endor which the less said about the better doubt we're going to be doing a classic movie breakdown for those pieces of [ __ ] however it's undeniable how much of a success this film series was and this original trilogy still stands as an outstanding achievement Lucas went against the studios to make one of the biggest film franchises of all time and it has to be said it captured the imagination of billions now that wraps up our original trilogy breakdown and huge thank you to everyone who's checked out this series extra shout out to the members who pledge money to the channel every week and it goes such a long way to helping videos like this get made if you want to support us then please click the join button and as a thank you you'll get access to videos like this every week the second we get them edited now if you want something else to watch then make sure you check out our Brighton of Starship Troopers on screen right here right right in the corner or maybe it's below over the next couple of weeks we have a lot that we're covering as well and we're going to aim to drop videos on Apocalypse Now the thing prequel Terminator 3 and a lot more we've got breakdowns on genv ahoka and potentially the exis 3 to look forward to as well so
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 361,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, a new hope, george lucas, star wars a new hope, a new hope movie breakdown, a new hope hidden details, a new hope easter eggs, easter eggs, hidden details, things you missed, sci fi, ending explained, a new hope movie, a new hope explained, a new hope breakdown, classic movies, sci fi thriller, obi wan kenobi, luke skywalker, han solo, star wars 1977, star wars easter egg, harrison ford, death star, the force, empire strikes back, return of the jedi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 8sec (8948 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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