Short Film: Mando vs the Hacksmith!

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It has been such a long journey to get here, to the Hacklorian series finale. In December, 2020, I decided to build my very own Mandalorian suit as a limited TV style series. Work got underway in January and over the past six months, we've released eight chapters documenting the entire process. Of course I could have never done this alone. Contributions were made by every single member of our team: from co-ops conducting behind the scenes R&D, to the shop team assisting with test shoots. And of course the video team putting it all together. It's been pretty amazing getting to this point and I am so proud of all the work we've done as a team. In chapter one, I built Mandos flame thrower, in chapter two, Bogdan and Caleb, and made the blaster and spear. I returned in chapter three to build Mandos iconic helmet. And in chapter four, Ben made baby Yoda float. In chapter five Bogdan made me float. Well, not really. In chapter six, Ian stole the show with the world's fastest grappling winch. And in chapter seven, Jeff brought the mouse droid to life while Caleb disintegrated Jawas with his new Amban rifle. Finally, in chapter eight, after months of round-the-clock work I completed Mando's beskar armour. And if you guys want to own a piece of Hacksmith history, we've actually made a small run of collectible Haskar ingots available at Now without further ado, it's finally time to don the suit and the gadgets in its entirety. For the very first time. What can I get ya? Is he here? He's over there, sweet cheeks. Just the Man...dalorian I hoped for. If that won't make you smile. Maybe this will... Who says I'm not smiling? Seventy-five thousand credits. Why so high? High market value. We don't ask. Remember? What are you hiding? Earth. Earth? as in the planet? Young planet way out in the Milky Way Star System, not known for playing well with others. If you catch my drift. That's the bounty's last known whereabouts, you want the job or not? Oh, and Mando... Don't underestimate earthlings. They may seem harmless, some can be downright sweet, but a lot are stupid and dangerous. And the rest, are just dangerous. I'll bring a big stick. Jed Isaac Masterson! What in the name of Kenny Rogers roasters is you doing? Fireworks is fire brokes in the daytime. Don't you know that? Quit your clucking, Daisy. These are my fireworks! I bought 'em with my own money! Imma light 'em how I want, when I want. and that's the end of that! You coulda used that money for your insulin shots, but no, no, no. You simply can't abide a practical expense now can ya Jed? Instead you choose to purchase fireworks with your earnings. It's truly ludicrous logic if ya ask me and I'm not talking about no rapper. I also bought candy, so... What is the damage in you boy? Was you dropped as a child? Nah I was launched! Hmm, doesn't look dangerous I told you wasn't gonna see nothing. well... That was a dud. I saw...that. WOO My mistake, sir. I, uh, I mistook you for a deer in that there get up. Get up? Your costume. Costume? You mean my vestments? No, not your vest. More the, um, the armor you're wearing over your vest. And from what I just seen, it's bulletproof. Bullets? combustive, projectile cartridges. These couldn't pierce the skin of a bantha youngling. Well, they, uh, they kill deer pretty good. Now I hope you know I wouldn't have shot at you if I had known you as a person. Now, in my defense, you, you were not wearing the regulation minimum of reflective attire for peak season in a game park. Are you spear hunting? No, I'm looking for this man goes by the Hackmith. Golly, look at that gizmo! Now wait, wait, you're hunting a man. I know they are the ultimate prey but I don't want no part of that evil. I'm not hunting anyone for sport. I'm bringing him in. If you help me, I'll make it worth your while. Like, like a bounty hunter. What do you want from me? I need to repair my ship. The sort of ships we service here are more like boat type ships. They are boats. I think sir, what you're describing is more of a aircraft or spaceship. Dang. You were talking about an airplane. Why didn't you say so? I know just the guy. gosh dangit! Howdy Jed! I don't see any venison in your tail bed, but I do see a moon man of some kind. Who's your friend? My ship, which is not a boat is in need of repair. It's an airplane! It's a laser cannon equipped Starship with hyperdrive. How did y'all twos meet? I shot him. Oh, he don't look shot. My pauldrons stopped it. Who are you Moonman? What are you hiding under that helmet of yours, huh? You horribly disfigured or something. All right. You got it. You got a joust to attend? I am sworn never to show my face. Hmm. That just sounds oppressive. This is the way. the way to hwhat. I'll show you. Yeah, no, that's going to have to go Yeah, no, that whole, that whole left... ...side... That is the engine, right? Can you fix it or not? I'm going to need some parts. I can give you 5,000 Imperial credits. Fella, I don't want your moon money. What do you want? Tell you what, you throw in that there hand cannon. You got yourself a deal. Unacceptable. Parting with it would be parting with a piece of myself. Well, how about I make you a trade. More cartridges, this weapon is even more ineffectual than yours. Hey! Now, look. She may not look like much, alright especially next to that, there alien blaster. But say for example, you have four men approaching you and they're insulting your mule. You going to take that?! No, you're not going to take that! So what you do is you take this here thang You just, you just pound that hammer, bang, bam, bam, bam, bam. You load into them. Eastwood style. You blown three ways to next Sunday. Eastwood? Eastwo- as in Clint? Eastwo- Clint.... Oh, don't tell me you ain't seen no man with no name. What? Get a load of this guy. Ain't seen no good, no bad, no ugly either. Isn't his name? Eastwood or Clint? The man has many names. Dang. He don't know no man with no name. Wait wait, is that what it's called? I mean, there is a man. Yeah. But he hath no name comes in and nobody comes i No one knows his name, but, but all animals here. If a cat, no time to haggle I'm going to get that back from you. Have you seen this man? Uh, I can't say that I have, especially if he's not wanting to be trifled with it, but I do know a man who, uh, might have, he's not too far down the highway. I'll give you a ride. It's the least I can do for shooting at you. Do I look cool? I was told you could help me. Well, you were told wrong. Now, why don't you go back to the loser convention you came from and host your little Halloween party there sweet cheeks. Jed sent me. Got a lot of balls speaking that name around here. And a big mouth for a guy with no face. I don't wish to fight. Wishes don't always come true. He's right you know. You do look like a nerd. You look like you crawled out of your momma's basement. Actually it appears to be authentic Mandalorian armor. A spartan an inspired star wars civilization that swears an oath to the Resol'nare . You can tell from the helmet and the bra-, ces.... proving that this guy's a nerd. ALRIGHT KILL HIM! Okay. Okay. Okay. Have you seen this man? Of course. Who hasn't? Where can I find him? I don't know. Google it. Do I need you for that? No. Then leave. Before my trigger finger slips. I've made a real hot mess of my life man Everything I touch turns to a dumpster fire. Sometimes I just want to quit. Hey, come on now you got a long, beautiful, abundant life ahead of you. You're smart. You're handsome. You go to the gym. Got a good girlfriend. Just going to give up? Lay down? No, no. You got the opportunity to fix past mistakes and make amends. So this is what you're gonna do. You're gonna go in there. You're going to make the best damn video of your life. All right. You know what Darryl? You're right, man. I- Where's the Hackmith? Do you have an appointment? No. One moment, please. Yeah he's uh, not available today. No, you're still not getting it, Hack like Hackmith. Lorian like Mandalorian Hacklorian.... ohhhhh Oh, sick cosplay bro! That's what he does in the show. What are you doing here? Hey, I figured I'd come help you out, split that bounty yours. Huh? Tried sniffing this? I don't need your help! Fix the ship The ship is fixed hombre Alright? I flew it here myself. You flew it here??? Yeah. I mean, wasn't that hard. A few buttons, a big old, big, old lever. I figured it out. Help me pack him up. Pack him up? Like with bubble wrap err....? Dang! Boy's heavy! Thought you said these things were supposed to float. You know, even like this, you can tell he's got kind eyes. Put him down! Or I'll aim the the next one at your head. Okay. Easy now. All right. This here is a wanted man. All right, y'alls is up stop.. Obstoppting justice... Obstruct this! I can take them out, but I need my pistol! nuh uh this here's mine! we don't have time to argue are you going to give it back to me afterwards? No... Well what if I just don't give it to ya then? Then we're both dead. *deep inhalation* *Jed makes epic sacrifice* Jed! Jed! Jed! You fool. Who you calling a fool Moon man?? We gon' be rich! My old armour.. Had to see for myself if it were actually bulletproof. You took a bullet for me I was kinda hoping not to LET HIM GOOOO!!!! Leave him! We have to go! Go on, git! Hi guys. My name is Josh and I'm the content director here at Hacksmith Industries. We really hope you enjoyed this very special episode of the Hacklorian. To send the series off with a bang, we wanted to try something different and produce our very own short film. To make a film like this is a huge undertaking and takes a lot of hard work and collaboration. There is absolutely no way we could have done it alone. A huge thank you to Astrodog M edia for coming on board. Astrodog is a full service production company from Kitchener, Ontario. From pre-production through post-production Astrodog led the charge. Make sure you check them out via the link in the description below. There are so many people that contributed, so please take a minute to have a look at the credits in the description Hacksmith Industries was founded in part to inspire people to pursue STEM, and people are constantly asking us how and where to get started. For that reason, we are absolutely thrilled to partner with Brilliant, Brilliant's online platform and app teaches you how to think and solve problems with fun, interactive lessons in STEM. With a hands-on approach, you'll learn by doing. And before you even realize it, you'll have mastered a new subject in STEM. Over the past year, Brilliant has redeveloped their platform with a strong focus on interactivity: math fundamentals, algorithm fundamentals, and pre-algebra courses feature even more storytelling, interactive challenges and problems to solve. With more courses coming soon. Whether you're just getting started or already ahead of the game. Brilliant is a fantastic resource for anyone with a passion for learning. If you'd like to join us and a community of 8 million learners and educators today, click the link in the description below. To commemorate the Hacklorian series. We're offering 10 prop Haskar Beskars for you to win. All you have to do is fill out a survey to be eligible to get one. Follow the link in the description below to enter now. And if you can't get enough Hacklorian, don't forget to check out all the build episodes that got us to this point as well. We'd love to know what you thought of The Bounty. And if you'd like to see more content like this from us in the future, let us know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe. This is the way.
Channel: Hacksmith
Views: 1,457,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, mandalorian, hacklorian, chapter 9, star wars, the mandalorian, hacklorian finale, starwars, real lightsaber, lightsaber, blaster, the bounty, pedro pascal, flamethrower, grappling hook, mouse droid, jetpack, helmet
Id: WmrbwJHXOc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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