The Bosses of Cuphead Ranked from Worst to Best

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commonly regarded as one of the great gaming masterpieces of the 21st century and even more commonly the souls of basically anything cuphead and its distinct 1930s rubber hose style made a name for itself through its unique artistic design fresh take on two-dimensional platforming and most notably its boss fights unsurprisingly cuphead has on average the best bosses of possibly any game we've ranked to date which in fairness needed to happen for it to succeed considering it's a boss-centric game all 19 are unique and have at least something to enjoy so without further await let's get into the ranking of the cuphead boss fights [Music] we've got a few weird picks later on but i'd say for now we're well within the confines of public consensus that consensus being that rumor honey bottoms is an obnoxious pissy fest that's about as fun as jumping rope with live wires for starters the way the platforms work is offensive plenty of bosses have moving platforms in ways that work fine like grim matchstick and the phantom express but here it's simply irritating more often than not i think it's because moving upwards is sort of awkward and it doesn't pair well with the attacks like the big parable orbs since if you jump to parry them you tend to just land in another platform which is super annoying the bullet attack can feel like a cheap shot as well if you get screwed over with platform rng then you can wind up in a bind with no clear way to avoid a hit for example here i watch the clip over and over and there was literally nothing i could have done to avoid damage the first phase is probably my favorite it's layman dies in about five hits but that's better than the heaping piles of fury the later phases have to offer phase two is the biggest defender i'd say since phase 3 has low enough health that you can nuke it straight off the bat and spend a pretty low amount of time with it if it does get to attack it's got a saw blade move and some fist rockets both of which can prove to be a nuisance so i usually take it out asap unfair and unfun this is one of the only fights in cuphead that i would say makes me feel genuine rage [Music] regular mode saved wally warbles from being the butt of this ranking he is a nightmare on expert and to be blunt it's not that much better normally at least in terms of improvements and design the main issue is that it's boring nearly the entire fight has been hugging the back wall and by doing so you're practically unhittable with any semblance of movement exhibit a phase one the first phase can be taken care of quickly through the variable flyby bird that's always at the backs of the groups of four if you track well three rounds of birds will fly through giving you more than enough of an opportunity to build up super cards for the nuke super i'd actually recommend saving the nuke for the animation that kickstarts the bullet hell phase well you can do either i guess considering this quote-unquote bullet hell is more so a test to see if you're still awake you can dodge anything coming at you with a simple strafe up or down and it sucks that this phase is arguably the easiest because it sets you up for miserable failure during phase three will be warbles is hilarious also he sucks once again wall hugging's the key he rotates in a figure eight motion around the entire screen and every so often moves into the safe zone wherein you have to go in mini and fly in and out of the rotating spike balls every so often he shoots little paintballs so if you've got a money parry game just nuke the hell out of this guy to me it's simple and fun and you know what's the exact opposite phase four it's like a preamble of rumor honey bottoms random flies everywhere i don't know what the hell is ever going on pills and trash and hearts and i don't know just try and come in with max health and stay high up and on secondary weapons staying low is a grave mistake as his feet are deceptively dangerous and can hit you if there were more clear tails or fairer attacks then this phase would be pretty awesome too bad it's as terrible as it is and in turn it brings down the entire boss fight as a whole [Music] there is very very very little to be set here the root pack is most people's first boss but to me goopy always felt like the guy they wanted you to go up against first his design is pretty typical and he has the most boring attack pool of all time he just jumps sometimes he'll shoot his face out at you or whatever but it's nothing really worth noting phase 2 sees him popping some roids and becoming a bigger version of phase 1 with the only difference being a bigger hitbox and a punching attack you can duck under keep up the pressure and you'll kill him but his sentient gravestone will start running around trying to crush you because why wouldn't that happen it's got literally one move so it should take minimal effort to desecrate his grave and finish the fight this is near the bottom just because it's pretty generic but i'd still rather throw down with goopy than rumor honey bottoms [Music] like goopy this is more a boredom and easiness placement over being subjectively bad what can i say it's an introductory boss and at that excels at silently explaining the ins and outs of the game but by the simple nature of design it's doomed to fall towards the back end of the average like we said a bit ago all of these bosses have at least one shining moment of joy throughout their fights and the root pack across the board is fun for a first time player for a first time player that is i kid you not on my second fight with them ever i got an a-plus each member of the root pack is based on a major aspect of the game to improve upon as you progress like parrying with south sputter positioning and movement with ollie bulb and dodging or rather a lesson in how to use smoke dash with chauncey chantineae and horus radish who teaches you to avoid him altogether my favorite section is the hypno carrot simply because it's the only one that provides a decent challenge especially on expert but otherwise the root pack are too easy to be appreciated in our eyes and deserve a low spot [Music] all right these guys are placed higher since jack and i have pretty different views on this encounter but i'm just gonna say that i hate these bosses and i want them to burn in hell well i guess they're already burning in-house and since the devil's casino but whatever pretty much all of these bosses are annoying and that is a recipe for disaster when to even fight king dice himself you need to kill a minimum of three of these casino goons i was horrible at using the dice since i hadn't played in a while so i had to fight literally all but two of them before squaring off against him to piss you off there's even a start over space which i actually got this time and it's just insult to injury i'll give my thoughts on all the casino bosses as quickly as possible so as to not drag this out too much tipsy troop hate these guys i suck at them for some reason everyone but me and jack seems to find them easy which is sort of irritating chip's bet again is cool simple and offensive he gets a pass mr wheezy is a stupid repetitive tanky piece of nothing makes me happier than watching king dice stamp the life out of him at the end pip and daughter probably my favorite i find him kind of fun just jumping spikes and avoiding projectiles with a cool looking arena hopper's pocus isn't entirely awful either he's pretty okay fear lap is a weird one since i find it to be not that hard and usually no damage him which is generally regarded to be difficult from what i can gather he's a whole different beast in expert mode though so i won't deny that kind of neutral on him i guess piroletta is nice it's a super easy freebie if you use smoke dash which anyone who's played the game for more than five minutes knows is easily the most useful charm the eight ball who for some bizarre and comprehensible reason is named mangosteen is way too frantic for being a mini boss in my opinion you're being constantly assaulted by his weird cube dudes who hit you from off screen which is total finally the real boss of this level rears its head i am convinced that mr chimes the memory game monkey was created to torture prisoners of war or something i would rather yank my teeth out with barbed chicken wire than fight this stupid-ass monkey ever again in my life i already am lousy in memory let alone when all the things you're supposed to memorize look practically the same add to this the monkey freaking the hell out when you screw up and you have a nightmare on your hands this thing is just evil and finally king dice he's a weird boss he just looks down at you like a weirdo and sends cards at you sends cards at you okay yeah sometimes this happens which is honestly preferable to the real deal all you do is parry to avoid the normal cards it's really disappointing that the devil's right hand man can do nothing more than this hell i could beat this guy in real life i'd bust his up for making me play through his casino of horrors all those times in expert mode for the platinum trophy the sheer number of people who think baroness von bonbon is a great boss is shocking to me yeah she's decently fun very colorful and unique sure but so is literally every boss in the game this placement for me is due to the miniature details jelly beans i don't like them at all in real life and i especially don't like them at all in cuphead why they're there i don't know but i do know it's quite the unfortunate mechanic and due to most of the mini bosses being er centric like the waffle candy corner gobstopper you don't even have time to notice a little itty bitty jelly bean the mini bosses are for the most part easy although personally the cupcake being the butt of jokes is ridiculous he kicks my ass on a fight to fight basis and i just don't know how to take him down the final of the three can be a bit more difficult thanks to von bon von entering the fray but her shotgun pellets are unidirectional so either baiting a miss or simple positioning should keep you safe and the last phase is where you lose me there's a plethora of examples of the delayed follow mechanic throughout the game and all of them are terrible i think just the shotgun alone would have sufficed but the head adds an extra layer of both luck and skill which i'm fine with but by the nature of the mechanic can be a bit of a nuisance fun but questionable in some departments baroness von bonbon could have been exceptional but fell short where it mattered this is the only boss that i like to use something other than the charge or spread for which is sort of refreshing i feel like those two are just objectively the best weapons in the game so it's nice being given a boss that has a different meta for once in this case the roundabout is nice since it can hit him for decent damage and take care of all his seeds and flowers which is handy i didn't get gameplay of it since that was more something i only did in my expert mode run but it's worth noting i'm gonna get one negative out of the way which i know isn't a common one but i don't really like cagney's theme that much it's just not my thing my personal favorites are ribbon croaks werner wormans and grim matchsticks if i had to choose three anyways back to cagney he's got a pretty chaotic fight going on i'd say he's the hardest io1 boss for me personally you've got those floating platforms that you don't technically have to stand on but with all the seeds and stuff landing down there it's just not somewhere you want to be unless you have to there are two different types of seed and based on their color the either spun a green plant that follows you around or a flying one that shoots projectiles at you from the top of the screen i like how they force you to move around rather than settling in one spot it makes it a lot less repetitive and feel more dynamic the last phase is pretty fun also in my opinion it's easier than phase one i'd say since all you need to do is avoid the vine platforms and jump over the pollen shots but i still have fun with it lastly i gotta point to his death animation that thing is horrifying his eyes just vanish and he becomes this creepy pasta looking hollow creature that definitely isn't just a flower whatever he is he's a pretty good time and i'd say this is another case of abnormally high boss quality where i have nothing but praise for the bosses from here on out on expert this fight can't eat rocks i hate that on regular they're fun it puts into perspective how effortless these guys are dealing with just the bugs or just the boxing gloves over both at once feels insanely passive the bugs if anything are a time waster if you use spread like i do so i recommend cashing in when ribby or maybe kroos i don't know whichever one throws hands this is also the only chance you'll get at perry's in the fight so make them count but be warned they're a bit of a tough nut to crack the second phase is far and away the least memorable maybe any in the entire game it's like a nerfed version of the first phase without any of the notable moves push against the wind when you need to and let go when you need to simple as that the final phase unquestionably one of the most difficult portions of any boss in any game when it's on expert is fun for me but actually gets dragged down by aesthetics the bowl gets a pass but the frog and tiger slots are not only boring but straight up ugly the tiger is regarded as the hardest which it is on expert but on regular it's pretty simple stay near the back in either short jump or smoke dash otherwise this pair of amphibious bruisers are a fun but somewhat uninteresting night in the speakeasy [Music] as the first airplane boss hildeberg does her job pretty well she teaches you to generally hang left and has a few attacks that encourage many plane use like the ufos at the end and on top she isn't hard enough to be two nuts for an introductory boss i commonly see hilda in people's top three and placing her in the middle isn't because we think she's lame or anything she's just visually less entertaining and mechanically demanding than some later bosses which anchors are here the blimp phases are probably the least eventful you just dodge her laughter and evade the shots fired by her mini blimps the main gimmick is that she'll turn into various astrological signs like ares and some other one i don't know i never got into astrology the bull form discharges at you sometimes so it's nothing too complex and similarly the other mode just fires a rotating current shot that you usually need to use the mini plane to avoid finally there's the moon phase this is probably my favorite since it's pretty chaotic and it actually does take some focus to get through unlike the others you've got to watch the ufos up top for the lasers and carefully time your forward surges to not get zapped which is sort of stressful but in a good way there's this uncertainty of whether or not the laser will go off you can only really avoid by going right after it fires earlier all the while stars are coming at you and hilda is sometimes jutting her face out at you which is definitely plenty to contend with although there isn't really a reason to ever get up in her face unless you're using your special so that attack isn't too troublesome as an introduction to plane combat hildeberg is a solidly fun bout that's definitely our favorite on aisle one [Music] it's unreal how much less intriguing and exciting this fight gets the more you replay it usually that's how it goes but for the man behind the game it's a new level of downgrade he was my number one for two years then i decided to fight him again he snuck into the high tropes at number five then i tried getting an s number eight replayed for youtube number ten from the top dog to the halfway anchor it's no surprise i'm not filled to the brim with compliments for the finale of the game which by the way is another point he's not exactly the greatest closer there could have been but he's still pretty damn good and the excess length and uniqueness of each phase stands out as well done the first is definitely my favorite the variety and theme make it fun and while certain components like the spawned in bouncy balls or fire troop are pretty bad for the most part it's solid i think another great mechanic was the mini devils they're like baroness von bonmon's jelly beans but they have a fixed ratio of spawn and timing plus the game gives you a heads up when they poke their head around the devil's throne but really the curtains close on the act the second the devil breaks out from his skin and drops into hell each of the following phases get increasingly lazy and repetitive and the first is definitely the best and least chaotic for the rest of the fight i can imagine the design process was fairly straightforward phase 3 is my achilles heel the fat slob bat things are just another example of this fight depending on outside enemies to cover a lack of moveset variety and i recommend going out of your way to knock these dudes out if you decide not to even one alone can cause a major fit especially with the extra small bat enemies that hover above not to mention the decrease in platforms plus the increase in casino chips then after a short while he shifts from angry to sad and starts cutting onions in turn dropping periable teardrops and if luck so happens to be on your side fall in tandem with a chip thus allowing you to drop off parry back up and avoid any damage this phase should be done and dusted in about two rotations of this cycle so yeah it's about as anticlimactic as can be and while the devil was a surefire disappointment he's still pretty ranged in terms of phase change and overall quality so we like him enough aisle three has an odd amount of ocean themed content and it's for the most part pretty good stuff for starters calla maria has a super varied move set and her tendency to pair one move with a random other one can make for some unique combinations of stuff to deal with by far the most difficult combo to dodge is the ghosts and puffer fish at the same time you can really get screwed over by that but it's not impossible and also it's very satisfying to pull off successfully not to brag but i actually first tried her and had a pretty impressive run with lots of close dodges you might notice fights that give you opportunities like that are great in a game like this you want to feel like you're dodging crazy stuff you want to feel skilled and there are an abundance of opportunities for that when fighting cala maria which has a lot of merit to it her second phase is still fun it's a bit more simple and can occasionally feel unfair but as long as you target the eels when possible you likely won't get caught with too many shots whizzing around when she freezes you it's a lot more up to chance than i might have preferred but it makes it much more satisfying when you get lucky and don't get hit so i can excuse that phase 3 sees her ditching her body and entering a cave for you to fly around in which is pretty original in my opinion it actually reminds me a lot of those donkey kong country barrel rocket levels which i absolutely love the only problem with this phase in my opinion is sometimes it really does feel like the game is purposefully screwing you over with bad timing for the medusa waves i'd have gotten an a or an a plus if i didn't get boned right at the end which was sort of hissy she's also a bit too tanky in my opinion or at least in phase one you can drop loads of bombs on her and it'll still be over like a minute long making s rank much much harder to get calamaria is a really fun fight despite these minor gripes and one i look forward to each time i get to aisle three [Music] sally stage play is not replayable great fun whatever adjective you please but still not replayable i can't speak for alex but i can say sally got off big time considering i first tried her s-rank otherwise i would have bored myself to a miserable death getting splashed by milk bottles and impaled by little wind-up rats on repeat that being said with a long time between fights and in truth nearly an entire year of my life under my belt since my last go at her she's straight up charge blast in action what i enjoy most about this game is theme and sally's about top of the pack in terms of both theme and consistency mdhr really nailed the theatrical aspect of this fight well i guess the plot of the play sucks but otherwise each phase feels like an act from a shakespearean format play starting with the introduction rising action that is phase one it's an underrated one for sure it develops sally's main component that being her umbrella and generally gives the player a feel out for the rest of the fight she teleports around and drops in where you're standing throws out fans and all that jazz and actually there's a secret phase that's only accessible through her periable hearts notice the two angels up there harry at the right time and get on both individually then play it passive and then you get the sweet reward of getting crucifixes chucked at you by a nun aka a big thumping waste of time i won't even mention the other change some sexed up cloud god and a baby who throws spin wheels add nothing to it besides an extra hitbox to aim at so just crash the wedding and move on to the second phase this time around it's the same attack pool with the inclusion of an rng-dependent baby that drops milk bottles out of any given window and also the previously stated wound of rats this phase is the easiest for me just avoid stuff and do things really next up is the most memorable of the four phases or the climax you could say the wooden cutout sally is pretty damn awesome it's got three possible moves either a lightning storm a big wave or a meteor shower the meteor shower in truth is a breakable object that unlocks a periable star useful to those of you without smoke dash to get over the big wave otherwise just sort of camp out during the thunderstorm jumping all but guarantees will take a hit and lastly phase four the resolution scene gets and clapped by chaser that's it i feel like i should just throw that out there her umbrella works exactly like the radish from the root pack or really it should be the other way around sally came first but either way i'd recommend using charge and firing when you can staying stagnant makes it more than easy for her umbrella to corner you and by this point you're better off just finishing off the job sally's stage play is a great boss and her thematic development through increasingly chaotic phases are only further proof to her enjoyability this was another placement jack and i differ pretty greatly on it's not that jack dislikes beppy i just like him a good deal more for starters i didn't include him in my top three themes but beppy's theme is another one of my favorites i really like how he looks too this game's art style is one of its main draws and i think beppy is one of the most fun fights in that regard the background is super interesting looking to me and it's neat that you can see when the roller coaster is coming by by looking back there you get some fun phases out of him like when he blows himself up into a huge balloon and when he turns into a merry-go-round for some reason the first phase is pretty simple especially if you use smoke dash like 99 of people do he generally sticks to his one side of the screen so you just need to watch for the ducks with the light bulbs that fall down enough shots will knock him off his bumper car and start phase two where now you need to contend with a passing roller coaster and some balloon dogs that are easily killed by the spreadshot this one is pretty fun i actually like it when bosses have stage hazards like this so the roller coaster adds a lot in my opinion however the only phase i really have a problem with is the third one where he's on his horse that thing can just come out of nowhere and hit you instantly which pissed me off when it happened here there are two colors of horse you can use the green one sends out a wave pattern of horseshoes at you and the yellow one sends out a straight line that comes back and drops from the ceiling later i'd say the yellow one is the lesser evil but both have the same annoying habit of hitting you right off the bat if you're too close the last phase is fine but i find it a bit too difficult to dodge the baseball penguins oh yeah i didn't mention that yet his main mode of attack is having a bunch of penguins hop out of his mouth and throw baseballs at you this means you need to stay on the platforms and there isn't much room to work with all the balls flying around even with smoke dash i don't think i've ever no damage this phase just get here with two health and tank one round before the coaster runs over all of them beppy isn't super complex but neat visuals and fun hazards make him a much more memorable boss for me [Music] i really hope we didn't unleash a pandora's box of why is he so high comments but maybe it's an actually good take objectively either way captain briny beard is undoubtedly deserving of a spot this high in our opinion there are some faults that i'll get to eventually but for us this is arguably the most fun boss in the game why isn't he higher you ask well put simply he's way too easy spread and charge make it virtually impossible to take damage in phase one and they totally negate the octopus and dogs in hell i wouldn't even be surprised if you can kill the shark and otherwise positioning is key i always hug the back wall as it makes parrying grinding beard shots easier but also allows for low effort bait with the barrel i won't even talk about phase 2. it's the same thing but this time the ship reveals its taro card and becomes the strength stand from jojo's the third and final phase is the worst in my opinion the ship's uvula harnesses its kyber crystals and launches mega lasers which like half the time you over in tandem with the barrel you can stay up top and parry repeatedly but personally i suck at those kind of infinite parry whoops like king dice or this per se so i always burrow under and hope i don't get pummeled once again this phase has minimal health and a mixture of charge in a super we'll put this fight to rest in a relatively quick fashion dr cal's robot is pretty awesome he's got a lot of attack variety in phase one and some strategy about which parts you disable first based on your ability to handle whatever move takes its place he starts out with a head laser some periable nut-looking things that come out of his chest and fire vertical lasers and some obnoxious flying things that come out of his lower torso if you can't tell the moving guys are the ones i find to be the most troublesome you can hit his chest and stomach at the same time with bombs if you aim just right at least i think so because i've seen them both light up at the same time as if they were taking damage the laser seems to have the least health but destroying it replaces it with a rather annoying scatter shot of robo parts so i try to save that for last since the laser isn't typically that hard to work around of course his arms and chests get new attacks if destroyed as well the chest destruction gives him a screen splitting arm move that fires off sparks and the stomach starts firing incredibly irritating homing bombs these things can be total sometimes if he decides to start spamming them while doing the arm attack so they're sort of scary too once you lay waste to all three of his parts his heart pops out and it might as well just be a button that says shoot me i tend to just nuke it out the gate since i have no interest in dealing with all three of his upgraded moves which does beg the question why does damaging him make him more powerful i guess this applies to a lot of video game bosses but you'd think nailing the robot with bombs would take him out of top form right i'd rather walk into a fight on harm than with a broken arm and a migraine anyways that's the main gist of the fight the rest is pretty simple phase 3 sees you attacking as flying ahead for a little bit and what is definitely the easiest stage and finally the last phase is the most infamous while not quite as ridiculous as say touhou there isn't a better word to describe it than bullet hell you've got to dodge a ton of projectiles that fly out of the diamond while evading these long metal things that come out of the floor and sealing on occasion this phase lasts for maybe three cycles if you use your super whenever it's available that's all there is to it the last stretch is fun enough in my opinion but the first bit is what really stands out to me is the most well-designed phase for creative difficulty and memorability dr cow's robot cements its spot near the top of our list the phantom express could have been the best boss in the game but the minor issues that arise in the final phase bring it all the way down to number four the first is a point of contention in terms of weaponry personally i go down spread street but some recommend chaser peashooter or even charge as well there's not much to my strat because there's not much to the eyeball coast he shoots out long volleys that vary in height so stand on the edge so you can hit him and repeatedly jump to break any incoming pot shots you can also cheese phase 2 just stand on the edge of the cart and by doing so you'll be totally devoid of skelly fist at the trade of time and damage you can also just parry it wherever need be it's not that hard and otherwise just stay under and fire away phase 3 is for sure the most boring both of whatever the hell these things are supposed to be have one single move a lightning spray that stretches all the way from one end of the train to the other meaning you have to parry the cart to either side if you want to avoid being hit once again they basically have no health so take out each individually and make use of the ghosts who are in essence free perry cards it's a real shame the last phase is hands down a top five war style three boss though if it didn't feel like a narcotic dream then maybe i'd appreciate it a bit more but for what it is hoping you don't get hit over actively trying to not get hit is a killer long story short parry his tail and fire away at his heart in which resides in a chamber that gets propped open by parrying said tail while on the lower side of health the express gives what feels like five to six seconds before closing it meaning you have to time your moves very carefully it's not the end of the world that this phase sucks but it's a major fall that prevented the phantom express from reaching the remarkably great territory of cuphead boss fights [Music] along with having a funny name warner worman has one of my favorite designs of any boss in this game i just find the idea of a rat in a soup can tank with a pickle hob and a cigar really funny he even speaks in a german accent on the death screens and salutes when he charges and stuff he has sort of a world war one german soldier look going on which i guess makes sense since this game is supposed to be styled around 1930s animation and this is probably what everyone thought of soldiers as looking like back then his first phase is cool he's got some fun attacks with plenty of variation in ways to handle them allowing for creative dodging the tomato bombs are the trickiest i'd say sometimes you can fire them in ways that really get tough to handle without thoughtful dashing and short hops to get around it's always fair game though i've never gotten nailed by that and found it to be undodgeable retrospectively the trash firing attack is pretty easy and usually where your parries will come from the springboard attack is creative but as i've said a hundred times by now the smoke dash trivializes this nail him enough and my favorite phase starts wherein he begins using a flamethrower and calling in some sawblade-like bottle caps from the walls besides being dangerous stage hazards they also have some funny references that imply the devil has some kind of soda company subsidiary along with his casino these are sort of like the roller coaster from the beppy the clown fight but a lot more dangerous since you can get some weird patterns with them that may require you to switch sides at an unideal time it is handy to know that you can duck under them though and stand in the wooden stick part warner will move up and down trying to roast you but on normal modification prove too challenging to evade the last phase is probably the least interesting but it's still fine he gets eaten by the cat you may have seen in the background and it paws at you and sends prisoner rat ghost to chuck balls at you there's not much to this and with a special attack it should go down pretty fast revealing that it's actually a robot called the katzen wagon also controlled by werner which i find funny it's a small twist but one that made me laugh a bit when i first saw it creativity and amusing visual design are a large part of why i love this guy but he's also really fun and has pretty much no bs to deal with which is great he definitely deserves a top three placement in any list in our opinion grim matchstick is awesome the most surprising aspect of the whole thing is that he has well-made moving platforming it's both in pace with the boss and player and also in a high quantity meaning if you say falloff on accident it's as likely you'll land on a cloud as it is that you'll take a hit double that with the fact that this is the only boss i can think of with this mechanic that isn't a heaping pile of and wham you get a top 3 boss each of grimm's phases play well into this mechanic phase one the least notably but still working well with it nonetheless my main point being the meatball attacks through varying patterns they force you to utilize the abundance of clouds and specifically the meatball plus tail move is a great way to prevent the player from exploiting the all too common back wall hug tactic but for the most part phase one is short-lived the second phase is universally hated by newer players but after a long time attempting this fight on expert you get a really good understanding of how it works the fire dudes work similar to a targeting missile from star wars squadrons or battlefront 2 when they initiate their jump animation to make the sound they're locking in but when they actually jump they shoot off towards the spot you are in when they enter the next frame in their animation sequence of course there are some exceptions i've seen that randomly hop around but for most this rule applies and for once i'd recommend something besides spread in charge rather charge and lobber lobber feels specifically made for this and the last phase it's both high damage and easy to work with and definitely save me time on my expert run the final phase is surprisingly my least favorite however i don't know i just don't like how the fireballs explode into like smaller fireballs this mixed with the issue of platforming always seeming to not work with you whenever the middle head goes full flame nozzle and you end up feeling robbed due to questionable design notice how all the problems i pointed out were hypothetical if a boss has reasonably no issues for the average fight it's not only deserving of a high ranking but respect and praise as well the best boss and cuphead in both of our opinions is the jimmy the great unfortunately fan fiction writers seem to agree and googling his name suggests art of him getting nasty with beppy the clown as the fourth result seriously try it yourself that unfortunate trivia fact aside he's one of the only bosses to pull off the feat of being incredibly difficult in expert mode and yet still totally fair other than the phase one cat attack that is just evil he's got the coolest arena background in my opinion it's like this 3d pyramid maze thing which is super neat looking i've said it a lot but i love deserts and games and even as background locales i appreciate him and i like his look too he's got this dapper pipe and snazzy turban i'm watching lawrence of arabia for my film class right now and it's sort of making me think of that anyways his attacks are in keeping with his design with plenty of treasure slinging sword flying and metal cat avoiding to be done survive enough of these and he'll turn himself into a ton of pillars with flying saw blades between them that you can easily blow open with a single bomb this makes this phase a cake walk so long as you're good with the mini plane and don't rush too much it's still really fun though and i like navigating this part as a sort of interlude phase 3 is easily cheatable even on expert i always hug the left wall and stay in the middle of its twisty orb move and you'll pass right through and kill any mummies that come out as well provided you hold the trigger down i dig the sarcophagus and the laugh he makes to kick this phase off is pretty funny to me too anyways enough of a beating sends him scurrying off to try to make a cuphead clone puppet to harass you while having his hat fly around and make a nuisance of itself with a rotating pellet shot this can actually be skipped if you remain in mini plane mode during the scanning animation although that sends you to the last phase of the mini puppet chasing you down which makes it super hard so i always just take the normal route the puppet phase is pretty tricky though so it's not like you get off easy this is definitely the part that trips me up the most although the last phase gets hectic as well he suddenly becomes huge and summons three pyramids that make me very very thankful that i'm not editing a 2012 mlg video these illuminati things fly around the middle and fire off a four directional laser every so often that for whatever reason i find incredibly difficult to handle you need to predict where it'll be in a few seconds from when it starts and move to that quadrant which can be hard to picture on the fly this is not helped at all by the fact that the jimmy is periodically sending telekinetic blasts at you which are quite large considering how little room to operate there is in this part it's hard sure but i would not call it cheap at all and i actually like having a challenge like this in the mid game isle 2 is definitely my favorite of the three and the jimmy is a large part of why he's got a good deal of everything that i love about this game going on so for me and jack both it was a pretty obvious choice for number one thanks so much for watching and we hope you enjoyed i'm excited for next week since i finally get to upload my ranking of the levels of do maternal my personal favorite game of all time as well as the origin of our profile picture and banner if that's your thing then make sure to stay tuned next week that's all for now deuces
Channel: Cytonox
Views: 621,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cuphead, Mugman, Devil, King Dice, MDHR, Indie, Bosses, Ranked, Worst to Best, Studio MDHR, The Delicious Last Course, Cuphead The Delicious Last Course, Cuphead DLC
Id: viBjPPKyDlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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