The Boss plays around in Arena Kings

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i mean i can just castle here oh my god i blundered queen a7 oh yeah wait what let's check what was that   did he forget that i had a pawn on e2  that could capture his rook what was that uh let's go c5 and again this is 3-0  so i can't really move too slowly   also it's the first game so i kind of don't  want to get down on time and porter's just   played pretty fast here he goes e3 which i don't  actually know if i think is great i'm gonna get a   little bit aggressive here with knight e5 i don't  know if it's right but i'm gonna get aggressive   what what country is chesterfield i were  talking about um i mean now take is kind   of interest no he actually just takes the  queen so i don't want to do it let's go back i think i'm gonna go oh i don't like d6 my bishop  is kind of passive here this is a weird position   i honestly don't know what i'm doing here this  will go here and obviously trade if he wants   it's a weird very very weird position in this it game i mean i can actually take with  a g pawn which is kind of interesting   i want to get this aggressive this earlier do  i want to be stable as the question i think i   want to be stable it makes more sense let's be  stable here 95 that's that's reasonable um the   funny thing is i can actually i can just trade  i guess i also play f5 maybe let's go f5 here   this will go like i mean here maybe just castle  play rookie eight pretty dry position i might just   offer a draw to save us both some time soon rather  than drag this game out this is very very dry   this castle yeah this looks extremely dry i  think i'm just going to offer him a draw i'm   just going to offer him a draw oh i can't offer  him a draw yet i guess let's go here once we're   to move 20 i'm going to offer him a draw because  this is just very dry i mean he can wait which   is happening oh that was on the other it was  uh the grand chester like what's that noise   now let's just go back i mean you can play b4 but  i just go like b6 let's play b4 if i think i'm   going to take maybe and go rook c8 i was going  to offer him a draw but after this move i'm not   sure if i am now still i mean actually it's still  going to be a try still it's just going to take   still just gonna be a draw go like here i guess  still can't offer a draw i need to play one more   move um unless i actually decide that i want  to try to win you know what let's maybe try   to play on for a little bit not that this is  very exciting it's really not exciting at all uh let's just go here come on offer draw no but i kind of want  to actually i just want i blundered this   pretty careless blunder by me just one just  when i thought uh or is it a blunder wait   here let's see what can he do so i can get  the queen to e6 or play d4 maybe it's okay gotta be a little a little  bit more on the ball here it's queen before i think if i go queen d6  it's just it's fine oh actually he gave me   c5 and d4 maybe which is interesting i want to  go see actually let's go see oh but he's got   queen a3 d4 and queen i'm gonna get a little bit  messy here i think in a second like very messy   potentially actually i don't think it's gonna  be a draw now i don't think it's gonna be a draw i think i can oh i had queen e6 there  why did i play queen e6 and one go   oh wait no i have queen e6 wait i have  queen c7 oh then he takes wait i have queen   eight maybe wait let's go here i threatened  mate actually i've made mate in one threats actually not bad this is complicated  now it's not clear cut anymore   it still is probably a draw but why am i up on the  clock why would i want to draw well actually i did   before i kind of want to just play on but now now  i'm not so sure that i that i that i want to uh   take a draw i don't think i actually do  so i'm just gonna take and go rook c8   yeah i mean now it's now this is now this  is very unclear yeah now i think i'm gonna   win the game actually there's no time  very slightly worse i mean maybe chuck back not really worried about that either here hit the pawn let's go here i mean it's  starting to get really dangerous now for white   here i mean this is really dangerous i thought it was maybe it's not i misplayed this shoot uh c5 a threat maybe oh what was that wait what am i doing he's got no time though so okay we got the win let's keep going one up  one down i need a snow peeler for the 12 things   slick prod as well thank you so much appreciate it  thank you all right let's keep rolling good start   good good start very good start okay  we're playing a soca loco soko loko   in round two what's the movie e5  maybe d5 okay once bishop f4 i guess   i'm gonna play f5 to chop at the  center or maybe knight h696 here   go here because if he goes bishop 4 i always  have knight g6 that's my idea at least maybe   c6 and bishop c7 is an idea potentially and i'm  going to go here on bishop c7 this seems to oh   he goes that way interesting so i'll play d6  to cut i also bishop a5 maybe to hit the rook   i'm gonna play here to hit the rook i'm gonna  i'm gonna basically make him move the rook so   he he actually can't castle anymore which is  important because by moving the rook he can't   castle this way and the rook is actually the way  so he can't castle long either this rook actually   this rook move is very unfortunate for him see  he knows he has a king problem to deal with it's important to note that this  is a big big problem for him   i miss important information on obs it's  completely fine what are you talking about it's   all good but all good it was a3 i don't like a3 at  all um i mean i don't know is this idea i'm gonna   go e5 i'm not too worried yeah so that's what  i say chess boom or we're due to pandemic here   we go again no it's not but it's early there are a  lot of events going on and secondarily it's summer   more than anything i mean i i don't like pretty  soon i'm going to start banning people for   for saying that because it's like it's literally  ridiculous number of people who keep who are   being viewer andy's now is just insane um i can  go here and hit the pawn i mean it's just it's   too much like it's like every day now it's like  it doesn't matter if i 5k have 10k whatever the   number is like oh this boom over you know  oh my god the world's ending like seriously   ah it's getting really tiring you guys let's  just go i can actually castle that's pretty good   he can't castle yet okay see he goes  kingsley too i'm gonna kick the night out okay i'm just gonna scoot my king out of the way i   mean he might be able to move his  working castle manually not great i'm still slightly better but i'm  not as better as i should have been let's go i'm going to go here  maybe try to hit the pawns   but i think that's a mistake because  now he's got a problem with his pawns and play f3 if i want here i don't really want  to play it um oh here maybe hit the pawn again i'm knight f5 here maybe not go h5 let's drop back i want to go like knight g5 maybe   i can go here it takes i take back  he's pinned so he can't take that one   yeah chesney's xqc again well there are a couple  like i said they're many things first of all no   one's streaming chess if you if you look at  it they're literally two channels that are   streaming chess honestly right now during this  period there's uh there's our channel obviously   and there's chess bras if you look at the stats  there are no other channels that are stream more   than i think like maybe even a hundred hours  in the last 30 days so it's actually like   it's pretty it's rosen has not been streaming  much either rose and it's been streaming like i   looked at the stats last night and rose and shrimp  something like 30 hours for 40 hours in the last   30 days like it's the numbers are really really  off it's not just like yeah it's not just that   yeah i'll give you another example feingold i  i saw feingold too feingold had i think bennett   streamed like 50 hours in the last 30 days in  the last 90 days bench stream's in like 420 hours   420 hours in the last 90 days and the last  30 it trimmed like 50 hours so like that's   that's what i'm saying like i mean it's it's  pretty insane when you look at it that way   oh and i just wonder h4 i  think i did shoot let's go here   i have a check on b3 maybe i'll go here take the  pawn yeah let's take a knight g5 rook h3 so yeah   they're many factors and they they all combine  together to add up summer summer is the most   obvious one though all right queen bee's rachel's  winning but whatever i'll do it next move take good d3 maybe queen f2 let's take  the pawn knight c3 maybe next move okay we got the win we're on we're on two  out of two so far pretty good you put in   the work and i appreciate well i mean that's  what i would say for anybody who's looking   to become a streamer um you have to you  really can't like you can't be expecting   instant success or always expect numbers  to be high if those are your expectations   you're never going to make it as a streamer  because you're going to have ups and downs   and when you have those ups and downs and you  you aren't really adjusted or ready for it   uh and you lose all your motivation because  you're like you have bad numbers for a month   like the it's it's a long term game it's about  the long it's about the long game you guys so yeah but yeah no like i said though when you look  at it when you look at the numbers though   it's not i mean there are many many factors  going on oh wait this has been lay i just   realized i wasn't even looking at who this was  i think he's played this doesn't look right i'm   gonna go knight h5 hit the pawn this really  does not look right somehow i mean maybe it   e5 also looks wrong philly mentally is misplaying  this but i'm undoubtedly i'm gonna misplay it   myself and i i feel like i should take i  go knight g3 okay so i guess i should take i'm going to go here to hit the rooks if he  blocks i can go e4 and he gets double pawns   really really riley i guess it's okay  though so i'll just go here in knight of five you need a donkey kong for  the elevator gluten free for   the five dollars appreciate it thank you so much but yeah so i mean there are many things going on  but i would say first and foremost if you look at   twitch pretty much across the board most streamers  numbers are most most streamers numbers are down   during the summer and i think it's largely because  it's summertime uh and people are not stuck   at home people are able to go out now federer  is out did federer lose he lost in three sets   badge i'm not surprised i mean i think  we all knew it was coming i mean like   federer is getting old like he you just know  there's gonna be that one day when he plays   really badly and you just hope that his opponent  plays worse because you always know there's gonna   be that one day now in a tournament like he he  might play like five great mad he actually played   like five really really good matches didn't he  i think he played like five really really good   matches and then like yeah and then i mean it's  just like body just doesn't hold up i'm gonna   castle here and take with the h pawn which is  interesting or the knight both moves are playable   very tough decision for me here um i think i'm  gonna say with a pawn i really wonder if it's   right i'm gonna go like rook rook off tune maybe  f4 he doesn't have a five so i just take of course i want to go f4 maybe bishop f5 too i think i'm much better here i don't know if  i'm winning but these these ops are incredible   do i go f4 or not he's supposed  to be four so i'm gonna go here   he's to worry about many problems  here like everything is under   major pressure i have f4 too because there's  no bishop e4 the bishop holds i'm gonna go f4 if i take oh i missed queen h4 though yeah i misplayed this i'll take   take i'll have to take and i guess i'll go back to  f5 or something maybe i'll go back to h3 actually oh wait actually wait if he  takes i've queen b2 maybe also   actually wait this could be  very dangerous for men lay maybe not we'll see what he  does eggs okay so if i take i think i'm okay here unless there's something  that i'm missing f1 queenie one okay because   queen g4 i want to go f5 i like i i know that  i'm better but it's still very tricky here go   here i want to go queen d1 oh i blender bishop  f3 oh no i didn't wait i have e4 wait i got to   be careful queen you want to allow bishop 3.  now can i go queen b2 or not as a question my instinct says i probably can i'm gonna do it i think it works oh i  just blundered it's got no time maybe   yeah i just blundered very badly ugh very very poor this knight is still bad on h4 maybe i think i'm winning here here we go   here we get the doubles keep going i need a  blundering phd for the 28 months they don't   these for the five dollars thinking so  much dolphies uh what is this this is um   but whoa they don't is for the five gifted subs  thank you so much appreciate it thank you adult   these appreciate it okay let's go here maybe in d5  very weird position i don't know what's going on   i guess it's d4 i want d5 do i want d5 right away  i think i'm gonna go here and d4 i'm gonna take   and go d5 like this i think i'm just gonna go d5  we're gonna have a lot of play here in the center   it's gonna be action city usa let's take this is  the queen i mean i'm gonna go 96 to hit the queen very imbalanced position and maybe it's just going  to be peter out to a draw   here somehow with queen f7 we both get castled how do i do this i don't want to go d4 i don't  really want to take but i think i will take   go here in castle i guess i'm going to castle long  maybe i also have some f5s here i think as well very unclear position i'm gonna go knight g5  if he takes i just take a2 is under threat here   i can get my bishops developed i've got  a lot of play oh wait what was that that   was probably very bad by me yeah that was  actually not a smart move the rookie eight oh i also just blundered i think  yeah i just wonder what am i doing my knight doesn't belong on g5 it's  just people like on f8 or something i can play h6 i don't want to let's  go knight f8 but i think i kind of ha go here h6 i'm gonna go g5 and  knight g6 plays knight of five   surprise and move so i can take and i can  take this one guess i should just take it miss bishop c2 i'm a little bit lucky  i think bishop c2 was winning for him   oh here and do i trade or not it's still very  very un imbalanced go here 95. i think i just   want to make a draw here because i don't like my  position at all well he's going to let me trade i   mean i'm up upon so even though these two bishops  i can't be worse the main thing i want to do here   is avoid risking a loss so even even  if it's even if i'm not really better   as long as i can take that out of the equation  i'm pretty happy okay let's just go here maybe   i don't know if i like this move though  actually oh there's 93 what am i doing go b5 nadal won the french open every year  into until 2015. i don't think so   actually he lost to djokovic i mean he's  still very very good but i i'm skeptical   i want to play c4 or not i think  i do just like knight b6 maybe   and like knight e6 or 97 just try to hold the  glue here i'm way down on time i just realized   so i got to move faster way down on time  this is 3-0 not 3-1 so i need to move fast here and trade some rooks he's trying to avoid   trading so i'm going to put  my knight on d5 let's just go why did i do that so here just f5 i mean i can play g5 i'm just gonna go  here that was a mistake don't wait like cake i   mean i can obviously trade i don't have time  i just gotta go i just don't have time here if i had more time i could probably try to try to   play on but i don't have more time  so i just have to make the draw here i think i'm winning but i'm not sure yeah i'm winning i've queen or am  i yeah i'm winning he has no time yeah there we go we got the wind to  cyber cow for the nine months thank   you so much to cyber cow appreciate  it thank you so much cyber cow okay let's see um i'm gonna go a four here let's see what can i do i can  play e4 just take the center   i know why i'm thinking so long  here but anyway let's keep going because d6 he's trying to contest  the center i'm gonna play e5 just   take as much center as i can here and  create the lines with the double ops if you place f6 i can go e6 we have some issues   here his bishops are not very  good i'm taking all the squares it goes f5 so i mean i have e6 here  if i want but i think i just played g3   and my assumption is that his bishop is very bad  this bishop on e8 is just bad because it's walled   by the pawns he's trying to create he's trying to  ship the structure but i'm not going to let him like this bishop on h8 is really  really poor here for black bishop d5 i can obviously trade and just go  like c4 actually knight t3 is a good move here   guard the pawns and now i also  guard the center i guard these two   and i guard against this so  i can play like c4 castle i'm gonna go c3 maybe a knight  c2 rotate my knight this way i still should be quite a bit better here between h6 i'm actually not worried  so i can just take the d-pawn move the king out of the way i'm probably  going to queen of 3 or 93 next move play 93 c4 knight of 493 looks   strong just 93 and i think i'm winning also oh i  hung wait i hung the palm but i have knight of two   i'm actually lucky i hung that pawn  but i have knight of two if he takes oh yeah still should be okay despite that blunder so here okay so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna  go like clean up two hit the pawn maybe b3   gotta get rid of these knights these  knights are kind of annoying here it's also got no time so i  should be i should be fine let's see i can go queen of three i'm just  going to take to open up the lines for the rooks oh here hit the knight no knight d2 anymore  because he closed the diagonal 93 i just take there okay so i guess i go here hit the pawn i blundered here queen g6 he missed it okay okay take cause i've checked oh my gosh what  is this what oh my gosh i just blundered again oh my gosh i just blundered again what was that it takes i mean maybe i can flag it so bad so bad okay i get the pawn though now i mean  i shouldn't be i shouldn't lose this there we go sheesh that was close there we go next game all right let's keep going   four out of four not a good  game but we got the dub go here no it's right right no threat okay let's go here this will go here how do i play f5 it's also  an idea i don't really want to play f5 i don't   i kind of can take it doesn't seem right  though so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm   gonna play something funky i'm gonna go f6  and knight f7 here i just want to see what   he's doing i'm on fire today i'm doing okay  it's not not so great but it's something i can go here uh because d4 i don't really  believe in this bishop e5 i also have 96 i   think i'm going to go here trade and go knight  d6 this queen is worse than my queen here go here that's like f3 i'm wondering if  i can go f5 or something to ship   the structure but i don't really  it's not really here i do this so go here i'm looking at sack maybe on c4 oh there maybe i'm just going to castle maybe a6 is a move here   maybe i can sack somehow i'm trying to find a  sacrifice on c4 but i don't like my position 92 that's a strange move   i'm just going to play f5 just try to attack  open this up here f4 wait if i take take looks bad i've worked the eight here at  the end i don't really believe in this   and do i take with the pawn or the bishop is  also a question my instincts as i take with   the bishops i've rooked the eight at the end here  cakes wow okay let's go here i think rookie traps   this queen thank you very much he takes and  i take and his queen is just trapped he just   trapped his own queen my man needs to protect  his queen more or he's going to lose it queen is   just stuck just no squares literally no squares  the next game coming up in a second i believe and play i think i'm gonna go  b5 open up the diagonal here i'm gonna just develop my knight here try to  oh but he gave him e4 which i shouldn't have   okay i guess i'm gonna go f5 to stop e4  maybe here i guess in bishop g7 next move very strange position i don't want to go d6 i kind  of i guess i'll just go a6 to consolidate here   there's g3 logical move kind play this with e3  and g3 hmm i guess i'll go here and just castles strange position very strange  i'm gonna play d6 here maybe just   h4 i don't want to play h6 i'll go here five let's go g5 h6 g4 very messy position very complicated here g4 attack the knight this night he wants him to take problem is my pieces are not ideal i think i  still go here maybe queen of six and just target   i also have workout six maybe as  well so here and collect the pawn unless i've blundered f4 i can play un peasant   um i think i'm fine here oh  he's got knight f4 good move oh well let's just play this down in  exchange it shouldn't be that bad objectively   shouldn't be that bad weak pawn on d5 which is important as well let's develop i want to go knight f6 next move  oh maybe i have e4 here as well i just realized   but what does this do i still understand the e4 i  just trade now before i just take i think he just   misplayed this they needed a lobo on twitch for  the four months thanks so much to lava appreciate but yeah anyway let's see i think i just   take i don't understand oh he's got knight of  five shoot wait but how bad is this in reality   in reality is this actually that bad i  don't believe it is because knight c3 not great this could be worse i just blundered rick d1 he missed it  he hit rick do you want just winning uh let's just bring the king close i guess  i'm gonna try to do something over here okay four okay let's get the king closer  i've got to go rook f3 or something sure maybe takes maybe knight f4 hard to believe that i can stop all these pawns  actually maybe i can go here in id2 i'm trying   to make a draw there's no way that i can win  this game but a draw is better than a loss   if i get this and check it's just a  draw there's nothing you can do about it   he spends too much time maybe i try to win she ate i think i'm gonna try to win he's  spending too much time probably a backfire i'm gonna try to win this it's probably  very wrong but i'm gonna try so i've got   this pawn it's it's kind of okay also king of  five king g5 he pushes moving way too slowly over here uh here i'm just gonna start running i should  have played c5 that was a bad move by me   it's a very bad move let's go here okay let's see how can i win  this game i guess i'll go here all right this just wins i  have 95 and i win the game   there you go another one another one in the books  we got the win not a good game we got the win six up six down so so far we're cruising so  a long way to go in this event we're cruising okay let's see what's it gonna play okay because  knight f3 again this guy's 1900 so i want to play   quicker in this game maybe i go g6 here just guard  i'm probably gonna go only once okay let's go here and play c5 i don't know it's a  good okay does it okay straight   oh here i'm gonna castle in a move or two check oh i blundered that okay let's go here maybe queen d6 attack everything there's queen d1 i play b5 here  i can also play bishop c4 i'm   going to go rookie eight to attack  the knight of bishop c4 to attack so how do i do this i guess i'll go here maybe   bishop three i also have b5  b4 move just all in attack i don't know what knight a3  really does i guess just b5 b4 i didn't go b5 try to go b4 and fork the  bishop on the knight f4 was also hanging there   remember 960 isn't blitz that's a good point j   shaper that's actually a very valid  point i kind of forgot about that very true point see what he does we're doing very well so far  that really doesn't do much i mean there are   many ways to win here it's a question  of what's best i'm just going to take you to okay carnage for the tier 2 thank  you so much okay carnage appreciate it   thank you for the tier two okay so it goes  king b2 so i'll just drop back and trade 960 doesn't affect the blitz no it doesn't what is okay carnage that's like the same thing   as co carnage same thing so  king b7 here and just take i can obviously trade the juicers  let's just trade the juicers   two pawns cleanly pretty cleanly winning go  back oh this guy's ahead of me actually which   is important he's not 26 points this will  be good just to knock him down a peg here oh here new queen e5 next move i wonder how many tier three subs are there  there are a fair amount um let's go here   they ask me how many tiers three subs do  i have i could actually check let me see   currently what do we have currently  we have um we have uh we we have 20   tier three subs 20 tier threes there you  guys go let's try to up that 95 next move now i'm just going to go rook  c8 hit the king maybe 95. i'll do this actually let's just go here go h5 and maybe i can play like h4  knight g4 or maybe these sorts   of moves i mean i don't know if it makes  any difference let's take the file go here take the pawn i mean we have knight d3 here uh let's just go here guard the  knights because there i check him   isn't this checkmate it is checkmate let's keep  going okay another win 29 points pretty good stuff   look at that chase for the four months so much  chase appreciate it thank you so much chase go here open up the line oh this is this is actually legit  this is tomaszewski i'm gonna play f5   so here he can't play f4 because after  takes takes takes he loses the rook   i mean maybe it's bishop g5 here but i don't  really believe in it how's my rating so low   uh is this a free pawn or am i crazy looks  like a free pawn to me but what do i know probably knight d6 maybe 96 he's  probably gonna go g3 to open up the line   g4 which also is very logical let's go here i don't like that i think i just dropped back he  wants knight d5 if i play e5 the first question   is whether it's bad or not second question if  i go queen f7 bishop f4 am i in trouble or not   and then i don't know what the third  question is so let's just go e5 i think i'm actually doing queen e6 and queen c8   so i keep the castle and king side  ideas alive here after knight e7 just knight f6 okay that was not a move i  was expecting i'm gonna go here and i mean   i should be much better here if i'm not better  here i'd be very surprised play e4 even he has   f7 but i just take and take and i assumed i was  fine here but maybe i'm not i said okay we take he's got a bad bishop too he has a very bad  bishop on each one it's walled by the pawns   connect four is very problematic here he plays f3  so he wants me to go e3 e2 i think i will do it i mean i can just castle here oh my god i blundered queen a7 wait what let's check what was that   did he forget that i had a pawn on e2  that could capture his rook what was that   oh my god that was so weird like the weirdest  thing i've ever seen let's go c4 here   that was so weird i uh thank you we might get  another quick win which would be cool here take f3 just stop the checkmate i'm just  gonna go here trade some bishops and okay so i'm just up a piece here  so this is just completely winning so here maybe i don't know why he hasn't  resigned yet he should resign here   a four maybe a five i mean go f5 [ __ ] about four next move  i guess let's go here new queen g4   free piece free pawn resigns keep going another  win up to 37 points doing pretty well so far   is 960 harder to win the regular i think 960  objectively the the event itself i think is   probably harder to win but i think qualification  is a lot easier i think qualifying is more is   a lot easier in in 960 than it is in regular  but i think winning the actual event is harder   thank you brett weaver for the 12 months  oh it's my what am i doing it's my move i think i'm going to play  yeah i don't want to go e3   i'm gonna do something weird i'm gonna play b4  i don't know if it's right but i'm gonna do it so here target the pawn maybe bishop d4 next move i mean i guess he just goes bishop g7 here it's a6 okay let's go here i'll play d3 and trade do i play c4 or not as a question i mean  i always use this weird bishop a7 idea   and obviously trade also yeah i think i trade here  and i probably go g3 maybe bishop g2 next move   c4 here probably knight c2 or e3 uh he wants  to go knight a4 so he has an actual idea here   i'm not super concerned though i  think i just go here and castle anyway e3 i'm gonna castle next move of course complicated position i think it's  pretty balanced oddly enough i don't   think there's much going on for either side  can't go d4 i can't go b5 it can't go c5 or   actually let's go c5 let's see what he does  if i get d4 i should be pretty happy here can we hit 57 by 45 minutes 20 points and what  in 20 20 20 and um that's 20 points and uh   we hit 57 by 45 so it's 20 points in 30 minutes i  would hope so uh he plays the e5 okay that's maybe   that's either a good that's either a great move  or a terrible move i don't know which one though i mean it's like he's trying  to create an imbalance   it's imbalance that i'm really unsure about but very unsure about it so i guess i can  also play 92 but i don't like that   i guess i'll do it though i think it's  reasonable if it takes i'm going to take and take   also with the knight on e2 i stopped knight c3  it was e4 now that's kind of surprising to me   i actually didn't expect that move  i'm gonna go here maybe just double up   phil's wrong it feels kind of wrong somehow 97 actually that's that makes a lot more sense there maybe i can go here and here if i play ombu oh actually what am i  doing i'm gonna rotate my knight and   move my queen around i guess way down on  the clock again so i need to move quicker i get the queen of d2 i think i'm fine his night is actually out to lunch  here on on the edge so like i can   actually kind of rotate everything to some degree now i just blunder or not oh maybe here it might  be three i also get the knight   to a5 maybe i play okay let's go here in  here go here i have knight a5 next move   complicated position down 10 seconds  but the time is evening up now   i can take i think i go here except knight c6 just  i mean there's 95 as well it's also got no time uh i guess i'm gonna take here and go knight e5 oh i blundered queen h3 geez it was a terrible  blunder by me oh oh wait let's go here yep and we got the win keep going all right  good win okay play z4 let's play e5 here go here c3 i think i play c6 maybe bishop b6  i'm gonna go f6 and knight f7 here probably does that actually threaten anything  it doesn't so i'm gonna go g6 and i have knight f4 i'm gonna go b5 i  mean i don't know if this makes sense   scoot out of the way yeah let's play i don't know if i want i think  i'll just play a6 why not just consolidate there's   d3 i think i'll put the bishop here oh this was a  terrible move by me maybe i think that was a very   bad move my pieces are not where i want them  to be i'll get away with it because i'm me um   actually let's just go here queen d8 is  my move let's go here in queen seven um   oh did i just pogo it yeah i did yeah  i'll get away because it's me right okay let's go here um yeah okay i can play d5 next take it's actually pretty balanced i don't really  have much of an edge here i'm gonna go five   though try to open this up a little bit i  mean f4 looks quite reasonable you can't take if he goes knight d1 i mean okay i mean yeah  let's just go for it i don't know if it's   good let's do except 95 here a very tricky  position okay trades i mean i have to take i can play just e5 i'm just going  to consolidate my pawns here see okay let's just go actually i don't  want to go k7 i can play queen e8 maybe   how do i guard this pawn as oh no not 96 wait a  second how do i guard the pawn is a good question   or do i just actually no let's just take  let's just go for it there's rookie one i'll go here i thought i'd queen of six but okay let's go here i feel like i'm close to being better i don't  know how close this knight is actually very bad   here because i can't jump in and i get queen  of six and knight g5 i mean i assume i must   be winning here somehow there's just massive  pressure towards f2 i think he misplayed this   it's well-being for the two months ago zmos for  the prime thing so much to see most appreciate it let's see let's see what he's going to do rk8 i mean i have queen f2 i  also wait but knight g5 looks   i mean it's hard to believe this isn't winning  i go wait do i go g7 or h8 is a question i'll go to h8 i mean really hard  to believe this isn't winning   really really no this this must be just  checkmate it's f4 so i check and i just take   i just already resigned let's keep going up  to 45 points i think you did t-boils for the   six months there's so much t-boys valerie r for  the nine as well thank you so much appreciate it   i had to lose leave her but did he who did the car  lose to drop to paltry 2031.7 this is a 960 chest   not not not regular this is not regular so this is  960 okay we're playing an m but it is an atom so   even though it says 1902 he's he's probably better  than that so i can't blitz too fast or too hard he tries to take the wing which is not how  you're supposed to play in 960. so we'll see   i mean i'm playing just traditional  chess just take the big center a fork i'm just going to  keep taking my center here i'm going to play here create the pyramid  of jesus on the uh the center of the board go here cut him off at the pass no 96 here wow this guy is very bold but again he's  given up so much of the center here that like   i just don't believe it i  really just don't believe it see what his next move will be goes knight c3 i  mean again i'm just pushing him back like he's   really getting pushed back here and obviously  saxophone wants but i mean just gross no matter   how you slice it um i can even go c4 is probably  too extravagant but i almost want to do it   yeah let's just do it it's so extravagant  but his knight is getting trapped here   uh i think i just trap it unless i'm insane i'm gonna keep the app for thirty  dollars enjoy your videos on youtube   decide to decide to come to twitch to  watch thank you so much to keithyapp   thank you so much my man appreciate it i think  for 30 dollars i don't want i don't know why   this dude this dude isn't resigning okay he does  we're up to 49. that yeah his nights everything is   just misplaced just very very very misplaced  that's what i would say so yeah it happens all right let's go next game we're playing  a shubalov candidate master okay let's look   at this piece placement i'm going to play  symmetrical here it makes a lot of sense   actually this is a bad position actually this  is really bad i might have already blundered   blender maybe being too strong a word to  use but i'm down am i gonna go here try to   play like a petrov or something maybe like  f6 to kick the knight and then take on e4   because the probably gets d4 i'm already much  worse i go let's kick the juicer i guard against   this idea and then i take next move so it's  like a just an improved petrol that's all it is just improved petrol e5 oh i blundered yeah  let's take i mean i'm gonna go f3 and kick   my knight back problem is even though it's  the petrov all petrols are equal so like   i'm actually not doing wonderfully here  but he doesn't move his knight out of the   way he makes a fundamental mistake here and  now i get a great diagonal towards his king move one oh no i blundered yeah exactly oh he finds g4 though which is actually a crafting  move let's go back i'm just gonna gan but that's   g4 is a good move i didn't see it if i take his  f3 and i have nothing i'm gonna take the pawn   i mean i don't know to me somehow i feel like  i don't know this looks bad for white i feel   like he's so open he can't castle and and all  his pieces are really very very badly placed i can just castle i can also go here i'm just  gonna castle why not i mean he has problems   with his development it's just very hard to  develop these pieces even though he's up a pawn will magnus play today i don't know what that  means will magnus play he's not playing the   grand chess tour so i don't know what you mean  by that let's go h5 try to activate my queen here   obviously bishop c6 at some moment like  maybe i take or not i think i should   i'm gonna go here to hit the knight first and  then i'm gonna go rookie four hit the queen let's take the pawn open this line for the  queen oh i can't go 97 which is a problem so   i guess i'll go this way to hit the pawn  this way i mean i'm very slightly better   i just don't know how much better i am oh no  did i miss a trap no i didn't miss i thought   bishop 84 actually might have trapped its  queen there but it didn't exceed this square this a4 to stop it i think i just  take he missed it he thought he won   he wins but i block in between i just block with a5 i will just stop him again no  development here these pieces are not   coming in because he put the knight his  knight and queen are in front of the two   pawns and with the knight in front of these  two pawns there's just no way to develop   he's gotta move some pawns here let's  just go like i don't know like queen there maybe just no development because  this knight's in front of the pawn   over here let's trade i'm gonna go bishop  d5 oh that was a bad move i gave him c4   but maybe i reroute it target tonight from this  direction still probably losing but annoyed that   i allowed this i'm gonna go here and it's  hard to believe that he can survive this   so here great ops in the center of the  board i've before rick d3 should be winning   let's see two okay let's go check go here again  this bishop's not getting into the game it's   still blocked before i'm just gonna slowly move  my bishop back and just ask him what he's doing let's just go i don't know  let's go here and hit the pawn thank you for the eight months will  well and thank you to the ruminator   for the three months thank you so much  to sandwich man for the 13. thank you just taken i mean i don't know it's all just  winning wait that was wait why did i do that check check in here okay next game we're up to  53 points we're pretty much cruising so far   definitely on cruise control  at the moment i would say okay let's see what can i play i'm going to  go f5 here i'm gonna go d5 i don't know we're   playing blitzstream i just noticed okay let's go  maybe here to consolidate our chain let's go here   i don't know if i like i'm gonna get i'm gonna  get chippy and aggressive here because i have   knife to c4 like i don't know this is good  but knife to c4 i mean you can play a3 even   i'm gonna go a3 knight b2 kind of weird  go here open up the diagonal plays f3   so he guards against himself i feel like i've  actually misplayed this just a little bit   i've been a little bit too  aggressive here i think let's go here yeah i've been a little bit  too aggressive in this opening   okay let's think about how i want to play  this i can obviously trade i mean maybe it's   still good i don't know let's trade oh but he  can just stick with the rook what am i doing   okay let's just beat him in an end game then  let's go here this c3 i can play e5 if i want to   i'm just going to castle e5 open it up plays e4 i  don't think that's right so i can take and play f4   takes interesting choice so i take the brook i  guess like i've misplayed this quite severely   the d5 looks like a slightly wrong  move to me i don't know why but it   feels slightly wrong i'm just going to go g5 it might be a little bit too slow i should  have brought my bishop into the game   why did i bring my bishop into the game oh is there something here's a draw here   okay i really misplayed this do i try to win or  not that's the big question ugh i really shouldn't   i shouldn't try to win this but i think  i'm to try to win it anyway i mean whatever let's just try why not  we're we're coasting towards uh   we're going to qualify no matter what  so let's let's just go for it with c5 although even this was stupid he still he still is  a draw he still has a draw with knight a7 i think   he still has a draw this is very funny uh he goes to e7 which is good but  actually i don't think that's the best   move okay i guess he's trying to win now  i guess he's trying to play the game again   game is a foot he puts tonight on f5  which is fine but now the game goes   goes on okay let's let's just go here now i can  obviously take but i'm just going to go back the game goes on white's probably  still very slightly better   oh did i just blunder i might have just plundered  here let's see this i did blunder let's go here or no i didn't i can still take what am i doing  not thinking at the moment i'm gonna go knight   to five back i mean i i'm not in terrible shape  it's gonna be pretty hard to win this i would say   go h5 maybe g4 h4 i'm still down on clock which  really doesn't help matters either go here again another move that i don't understand why  i played it i just wondered this too am i doing   this game take i can still probably draw this  i'm not gonna win so here in rook h4 is my idea still down on time though oh that was an awful move too i just  gave him king d3 very very bad move   i'll be able to draw it's going to be a  draw it's not the end of the world i suppose let's go here chuck i think this should be a draw still there's gonna be a draw it'll it'll be a draw i mean unless there's some trick here that i'm  missing this actually reminds me a lot of my   game against nepo but it was very similar to  my game against iana pomoniacci from the grand   chess tour or not grand chester melt water event  where there was a trick and i had a draw where it   was like a bishop in three pawns but i didn't see  it where i could have gotten like a 93 and drawn   yes obviously draw it's like king g3  i bring the knight back and i mean   must be a draw or is this a draw weight i  feel like somehow maybe this isn't a draw maybe this is not a draw actually  maybe i misplayed this wait   i think i might have misplayed this although he also kind of just misplayed this too yeah now it's a draw because i can i can blockade  he was winning there for a move but now it's just   a draw yeah i just the night always a square  somewhere yeah no as it draws i have no mating material yeah the knight just has too many squares here yeah that's a draw okay let's go again  um i'm at tsm yeah yeah i'm a tsm   yeah so i tried to i tried to keep it going  and it was a draw anyway which is pretty funny   we're doing so well it's not it's not really  that big of a deal i think we're pretty cleanly   actually we're 10 points ahead of third  place so as long as i just play smart   chess and i don't lose any games we'll just  coast into the uh into the uh knockouts   in a fee game i would have won this probably  he played well think chipotle stands for the   he missed a win though he'd win in the bishop and  pawn end game uh he missed it go here and i guess   we'll go knight three this is actually looking  very it's looking very unpleasantly like a real   game of chess like why is this looking like a  real game of chess looking very unpleasantly   like a real game of shots here knight c6  is interesting wait if i take and go here i think he blundered i need to destat this d stop this for  the uh for the prime thing so much do i think vishyanan can still fight for the  cannon in the candidates obviously i mean he's   an amazing chess player why wouldn't he be able  to because a force who wants a3 b3 i mean i can   play a3 i don't really want to i think um simple  way of plays has just developed a simple way to   play this just avoid any nonsense and develop go  bishop c3 queenie one maybe it's five i'll go here   to hit the pawn again probably he'll go like queen  g8 but this this should just be very good for me   now i can take the pawn here but i'm  not going to i'm just going to play b3   avoid any weirdness i need to leslie  stardust for the 14 thank you so much go here like knight f3 queen one i mean obviously castle  here as well i'm just gonna go queenie one does it feel better to be the building where  you're streaming i would say overall it doesn't   make a huge difference but it feels more like uh  it feels more serious like it's it's much easier   to get in the mindset i would say when i'm here  than if i was at home okay now i mean now i've   got the dream i mean i'm just much much better  let's go queen e2 i give him bishop b4 which maybe   wasn't smart kind of not very smart i guess let's  go here force him to trade let's have c5 here   i can take the knight or not i think i i  mean why not no reason not to let's go b4 how do i castle i think i do let's just castle oh well that's brutally unfortunate  my man i actually saw that i don't know   what was the news on newegg i didn't understand  why it was gapping that way at some point today   it was up like 150 percent i don't know where  where it is now but there was no news so it   looked like something very weird it's up 114  percent again i don't i saw that this morning   i didn't understand why they swagger sunset  for two months i just wanted e5 unbelievable let's take i guess i have e4 here rook  f1 let me think about how i can win this this should be winning with rook f5 i'm assuming there's blundered so careless actually  did i know what i can go here and hold   close to a blender but it's not actually blunder i can take here trying to think about  whether this is the winning end game   and rook c1 is obviously a pretty  good move let's just go here and trade now i can take i guess i think i just take and  go like king f3 maybe actually let's just go here i guess i'll go here guard the pawn hit the  pawn on a3 new rook c4 the free pawn i think   i don't know what that does i just come  up and now now now it's a technical win   crm is down one percent due to low company  morale after getting destroyed by hikaru in   front of their co-workers that's a good  one that's a good one thank you for that   um now i know rook 85 wins but i'm  not going to play it that's a good one   that's that's a good one um just go i  don't know let's just go here maybe i mean   everything is winning i just have to  find the right one to win over here here over here you got three next move i mean  everything wins here basically   he has rick g8 i guess but g4 still is winning here um take check take go here i'll go here good g4 i mean pretty clean one here move the king they did techy pt for the prime thing gfx 99268  for the prime thank you so much appreciate it   all right you guys i had to run some ads  for a little bit sorry but i kind of have to   contractually required to  run ads um let's go e4 here but i think is the second best um let's go  b3 here go f4 knight f3 actually wait he   had bishop h a whoa he had bishop  a3 which i didn't even see track yeah go um how do i want to play this i can play  d3 i think i'm gonna go queen of two though in   rookie one i think i actually want to castle long  here i think i want to cast my king to this side   of the board in this situation and play d4 here  which looks very aggressive i'm going to do it   just try to open it up here i need a powder  hound for the two months thank you so much   appreciate thank you powderhound appreciate it  thanks thanks for the resub there's a free pawn   at a7 there's a free bishop on something but  he he can't castle so yeah so he just resigns okay so we're up to 59 we're doing well um i'll  play g6 looks fairly balanced i'm gonna play f5   i'm gonna go here maybe oh knight six game b3  take advantage let's go d6 putting his knights   in front of his pawns now traditionally that's  not what you're supposed to do in 960 chess let's move the queen i might play d5 or c5 i think  i'm gonna go c5 here i'm probably castling to the   king side as my guess i don't know yet i think  it punished us for the 15 months thanks so much   that's my guess is that i'm playing d5  here i mean is he really oh i didn't mean   to do i didn't mean to do that that i was  just touching the king in a castle for me   whatever let's go here and takes fortunately  it's not really a blunder i'm still okay   what would happen if you don't respect your ads  contract uh i wouldn't get paid pretty simple   because knight of two let's trade i have d5 heroes  move i also queen f6 um i'm gonna go d5 so i can   take and go queen g7 also you can't move the  knights you lose the pawn so he has to take   oh i thought he'd take the knight okay fair enough  and play b5 maybe i'm gonna do it it's very bold probably not a good move though  probably i should just go on d4   it goes here i want to play h5 i kind of want  to go knight f6 actually i'm gonna play d4   maybe just c4 i don't know if it works but it  looks like i'm getting i don't know it looks   exciting he's got no pieces near his king  just pawn so i'm gonna pawn storm him i mean it looks very scary maybe it's  fine for white but it looks scary   plays e3 i kind of expected something  like that like i said it looks scary   but is it actually scary probably not  probably is a little bit too ambitious   but maybe i go here and take maybe  it's too ambitious but maybe it's not   maybe not actually because i take i mean  d2 is very weak i've ripped the eight also   i get a classic double stack  the pawn on the center is solid   it's not so bad maybe not so bad oh i think yeah  everybody got paid right everybody knight c3   so wait so i can take i don't think i'll do that  i'm just going to push him back because knight p1   let's go here keep up the pressure basically  keep the pressure alive keep the dream alive   there's g4 now i can obviously take here if i want   and it feels like it's very in the spirit  to do it so i'm going to do it and go check   actually i shouldn't premium that's probably  a bad pre-move but let's pre-move it anyway   because king b1 so i can take with  the pawn and play knight e5 i mean   actually this probably is just winning  let me think for a second takes   wait a second takes rick d1 queen c5 g5 queen f2  gf6 is complicated and obviously take the rook   pawn takes looks like the right move but i don't  have a way to win after the next couple of moves just take oh it goes rookie two i didn't  expect that at all so here maybe knight d5 95 hit the pawn of e3 knight c3 coming into  mover two this looks really really bad for   white but maybe it's still okay trying to hang  in there i mean queen c5 is the move that i   want to play queen c7 is also a good move i  think let's go here so i can take the pawn   at f4 if i get knight c3 i mean it's very  hard to believe that i'm not just winning maybe i had bishop b7 a6 was also an idea too g5 the only move that i think  doesn't lose on the spot   knight f4 i mean knight c3 is also probably good  here but is it winning or not it's a question   great trade takes queen d7 a6 rook d1 king 165  king of four probably winning but i'm not sure   so i think i'm gonna try to get cheeky here  i'm actually down on time i just realized   okay let's just go here i'm gonna go uh let's  go here that's a mistake he just blundered i   he's just going to lose because i get a queen  or is he wait no maybe it's not what i just do here and here maybe oh my god i just wondered geez or did i not exactly kind  of did what kind of did not   yeah i blundered but i'm going to get away with it wait go check let's just put the final nail  in the coffin queen c3 is a very nasty move   just ends the game on the spot okay resigns keep going classic ecori blender but it doesn't even matter  to some degree that's true sometimes can't you   know you can't always um you can't always be lucky  like me but you know sometimes you can't renato   should be a gm was that dirty it was just i mean  it was just a nasty move it was dirty not in like   a flagging sense but it was just it was kind of oh  it's my what am i doing before why am i thinking   good g3 open up the diagonal place g6  play e4 i don't know if it's right um   i see six i mean knight c3 seems logical i  don't know it seems pretty reasonable let's go   uh here maybe take with the knight maybe let's go here because i can always take and take oh now i control the square he's gonna go  like knight f6 i guess and i go bishop   three who's g5 interesting choice i'm  probably gonna develop the bishops and castle short if i want to i don't  really want to though i also go d4 um   i'm gonna go here it's kind of a weird  move but i want to prevent it from castling let's go here target this file there should be six logical move  i'm just going to castle here maybe d4 d5 next move d4 i mean if i get d5  i'm probably winning although he does have this   then rookie 2 and h3 it's  still very very complicated   so here if i get h3 there are still big problems  here for black you can't castle this way   you and cushing for the two things shiny uh  giraffe draft for the prime thank you so much okay uh he does that but doesn't he just win  material because if he goes back i fork him   oh but c3 hang oh no i don't blunder by me but he he re he returns the  favor by blundering because he's playing me   um so now i just take and i just take   i mean this is actually winning or not  wait a second let's think about this   i see if i can't find a way to mate if i take  takes oh let's just take i guess i just take it takes maybe i go knight b5 here this is very  weird okay i'm gonna go king b1 just sidestep   everything they also can't move the rooks he if  he moves the rook he loses this he can't go here   because i made him it's a very very uncomfortable  situation for black he also can't takes of mate   because h4 that just does not look  right at all i can take if i want but   i don't want i want to get a mate how  do i made him here let's just go here i'm just going to take a queen a6 i  probably should have traded pawns i   don't know why i did this why did i just  give him this g3 pawn it's so unnecessary so here i have night night knight c6 next move   is winning but i could have just traded  pawns i don't know why i didn't do that insane just there so let's check and take i mean giving  in this palm is absolutely insane there's no need   for it whatsoever we need five i think i can just  go like c3 here and rook d7 which is working or   d5 is not the way i want to play so let's just  go here no g2 because i can just take bishop f4   actually yeah see this is why i never should give  him the pawn that's just absolutely insane by me ridiculous why did i allow this  one let's go here 21 i've rick d1   fairly annoyed at myself right now fairly annoyed this queen e2 but i thought  i had this in like rook d8 okay but i can just take let's  just check me and i just block   with the rook there's no ice skater at the back wait did federer federal retire or not wait you guys are saying federer what  are you saying the federal retire   no i think i think you're trolling no okay no i mean i think federer should play he should  probably play the us open and just retire that's   my guess i think that's what he should do i think  i think when he does badly and i think he'll do   badly in the u.s open most likely he should  just retire after that like i can't imagine   it's fun when when you're like when you when  you're just losing to guys who you like in   your prime you would just smoke in merlin's for  the two months i just can't imagine that's fun i don't know maybe i'm crazy but  that's just how i view it i don't know   i mean come on federer's prime would have  absolutely wrecked this guy no doubt f6 and e5 surprising loss i don't i don't think  it's surprising i mean you saw it   happening when he lost to the canadian  guy he lost that canadian canadian kid   um so i don't know to me it  doesn't seem that surprising   and it wasn't even close right i think it  brought this machine for the eight months right um okay i think i'm just  going to go like here maybe   was it it was like felix aguero aguero us  limiters i i don't i don't remember his name but   but yeah he lost to the uh he lost to that  canadian canadian kid who's like 19 or 20 and   and was it queens or whatever it was right before  so alastime okay yeah so like he lost that match   so to me i don't know why everyone's acting  like some huge surprise i mean it's very clear his name is felix longjel yeah exactly  you guys thank you for that let's go here what is 94 great move which i completely  forgot existed for some reason i need a leak geek for the 11 months  thank you so much the leak appreciate i it by rook i did right i did yeah i moved the  queen sidewalk so i can only castle uh i can only   castle king's slide which is still okay but i  think i actually will castle king's side like   now maybe only promise my bishop hasn't moved on  h8 that's the only problem here but otherwise my   position is pretty good i can trade trade let's go  like i'm gonna line up the legendary triple stack over here line up the  legendary triple let's go here all right queen d5 also okay he so he lets me get  the bishop in i think i should just be better here   i'm gonna take i don't know if it's  good but i'm gonna do it anyway g5 maybe good g5 maybe takes h6 consolidate  my past pawn here don't mind an end   game so i mean this this should be winning  the i have this past protected past pawn here uh i think i'm just gonna bring  my bishop back around somehow   he's trying to use his past pawns  but i i think this end game is losing   pretty confidence is losing so i can create two  connected pass pawns here go here g3 g2 i think   i'm pretty sure this is just lost go here take  the diagonal now i go g3 and game over g2 g1 ggs   oh he has a bishop f2 i get actually   f2 is kind of a move weirdly it still  must be losing yeah it's got to be losing okay we're up to 71 we're just cruising here  it's like saying you should retire when you're   making the fir first only the first round  of knockouts in chess championship event   i think that's a bad example because anything  can happen when the players are really strong   but i would give you a better example let's say  i were to go play a tournament and i'm playing   against players for 2600 and i have like a bunch  of draws and i lose the game somewhere that would   be the equivalent like i would not want to play  chess professionally if that happened because   like you know that in your prime you would have  dominated these guys so so that's what i would say i don't think chess champion sewer  is a good example but it's like yeah   it's like literally i was playing  against guys for like 25 50 2600   and like i was just like drawing and  losing games to them and i wasn't just   dominating like i would not i would not want  to play i would not want to play seriously that's just an honest take you guys i mean you  can hate me for saying that but it's the truth   just go here control the center i'm gonna play  like b3 and c4 maybe yeah imagine 2600 well i mean   that's something of a joke obviously but i'm also  kind of not joking at the same time let's go c4   i gotta develop my pieces here let's go here  and get my knights in he's got he's very very   passive i just want to go here in castle go here  guard against his pawn push maybe i go rook c1   i don't really know where my opponent's  going here go here guard the pawn   federer will continue losing rating if he doesn't  retire yeah i mean i mean obviously but like it's   not really about that for me i think it's a  question because they think he can win another   major and i mean i don't know to me it just  feels like there's always gonna to me it seems   thank you to plane speaking for the prime but  it seems to me that when he plays in the majors   there's always gonna be one day when he's just  off and you just hope that off day is like really   really early in the event um and if it's early in  the event against someone maybe you can squeak by   and win but like if it's not early in the  event like i don't know i just don't see it go here and double stack it i think i'm just going to go here there's a lot  of pressure my opponent has a very open king here   his problem with opening it up here is my king his  castle his king is not so and he can't even castle   here because it's he's stuck i know i can take  wait actually i think wait okay let's just take i   i don't even know this is right but it looks  right just play like a yonder poem miata here   let's just take the whole center of the board take  let's just take to take i mean if you can counsel   he's okay but he's not going to get to castle  i don't think i'm getting in bishop d4 and d6   okay he goes key seven let's go here his [ __ ]  is also basically dead behind the pawn wall here i mean everything wins but i'll just go here to  hit the bishop and i have this check next move   but yeah that's what i would say is i mean  i to me it just seems like federer is always   gonna have one day when he's off and you just  hope it's really early and if it's really early   uh maybe it's a chance to still  still like compete in the final   against like djokovic or nadal but like  if it doesn't happen early in the event   it just feels like he's gonna always  have that one off day and it's just a super wombat for the gifted sub appreciate it   show the leaderboard yeah we're cruising  here we're we're cruising to victory i mean that's just what it seems like to me  it just seems like that but jokovich will end   up with the most slam so irritating  uh it happens the fact that federer   at 38 i think it was in 2019 was in that  final and he should have beaten djokovic   i think speaks volumes about  about how good he really is because that was still pro that was probably novak i mean that was prime novak and and  federer should have beaten him in wimbledon   what's a low viewer account lately thank you  for being a viewer account andy my friend um   pretty simple it's summertime people don't want  to be inside everybody's going out they're getting   we're getting over the pandemic fingers crossed of  course um we're getting over the pandemic and uh   and it's everybody wants to be out weather's  nice i mean it's just it's it's a good time okay let's see i'm gonna go  maybe i'll play c3 here on e4   time to ban i'm not going to ban yet but yeah go e4 it's actually turning into a very normal  opening although our knights are kind of weird   here knights are very weird i'm going to go c2 and  e3 i guess i'll go here i'm gonna actually stop   him from castling it's kind of a funny move  but i don't know how he's gonna castle here go here like i i can castle  but he can't castle him he   goes here and trades then he can't  castle because he moves the rook kind of funny to think about buddy pranav might winning as  altai safari i will um i will   i'll be covering some of his games i think  tomorrow or the day after uh whenever that   event is over we'll go over a few of his  wins like i said um you know he's he's   been playing amazing chess and it's it's great  to see i i mean he i said that when he started   playing he would become an im automatically  but he might even skip over i am and go to gm so let's go okay let's just go with d1 i mean he can try to castle queen slide but i  just i really don't believe in it here i'm gonna   go here to open up the queen side okay it goes  g5 which is a move but i think i have a f4 here   it's hard for me to see his castles  working out here on the queen side   it takes i mean i can take with the bishop i  think i should put pressure on this diagonal how do you skip an im title if  you if you get the grand master   performances you can skip right over  it because you're just that special   i'm gonna take with a night kind  of a weird move but i'm gonna do it yeah andre sepenko went from a feeding master   to gm as well like it does happen  okay i mean i really want to get   i want to get i want to get freaky with it so  i'm going to go knight f5 and take the pawn i think i think i have stuff happening here  so it's pretty good here looks pretty good kramnik also skipped over international  mastery he went straight to gm as well   yeah gary i don't know if gary did  i don't think gary actually did yeah uh djokovic seems quite likable i mean  there are many i mean he's just he doesn't   exude the same class he yells all the time  on the court he just doesn't exude the same   class that's the reason people don't like  him um i think i go here and take with the   rook i can also just take the bishop on e8  okay now i taken after f7 this game over i mean that's just a simple reason okay next game okay we're we're  really crushing it now we're 79   five points ahead of the field looking  very very good so far let's just play d5 i can take the pawn here i  think i will it's very dry   i'm gonna go uh i think i'll  develop my knighter pawn   i haven't developed a pawn so that i have scope  with the bishop first go here to hit the pawn we need a libid for the four months why do the  people think jokefish is to go because he's   going to have the most slams most likely not  guaranteed but it's hard to see anybody i mean   it's really hard just when you think sitsi pass is  ready to step up he loses in the first round like   just like team for what it looked like team  was going to be the guy then he faltered   now cetsupos goes really deep came very close to  the french and now immediately he's somehow not   able to uh he can't keep it together and now he  loses to tfo was it i think in the first round   like that's the thing it's like it's just all  these guys i feel like everybody's been waiting   for like the last 20 years for someone to step up  and they have like one good result and you're like   all robber raw about them and then as soon as they  do you know they fall to her immediately medvedev   is another example when you watched um like when  i watched medvedev play rafa in the in the in us   openings 2019 you're like oh man this guy's really  good like he's going he's going to be really he's   going to challenge these guys and then it's like  literally as soon as that happens suddenly he just   like you fall you just like you never hear  about him it's just like it's just bizarre   i'm gonna go here maybe bishop g4 it's like  every time someone someone's supposed to   step up they don't step up and it's like  it's actually quite frustrating to see yeah it's just it's just like you just see  that happening it's just like frustrating   but medvedev made the finals on  australia yeah but i didn't feel   like he could it didn't feel like he was  gonna ever win that match to me at least let's just take the bishop so here collect this   uh wow okay so here we're going to line this  up the double op combo because 95 i mean wait a second so if i take and  go knight g5 and he takes i   take i think i'm just winning let's go here  peter shanklin for the five months thank you   so much to sam shanklin for the five month  resub they need a bantam for the two as well   big shout out to sam shanklin who finished in  first place in the recent tournament in prague or wait actually wait a second is that the real  wait that's not the real sam shankland is it   wait i don't think that's the real  shankland i feel like we've had this   this time before and i thought i thought i  thought it was a ruin it i i don't think it is i don't think it is actually yeah i don't i don't think it's sam let's just take the juicer oh is shankles doing banter bliss right now   okay yeah so sam's taking time out to sub  highly doubt unfortunately let's go here okay uh i think i'm just running  this pawn down the board here   um yeah he's doing both at the same  time right let's just keep rolling we get the dub the good news is  we're just coasting at this point   no worries all very all very very smooth  now all just fun and games at this point go uh let's play c4 playing tomaszewski  i don't know where everybody is   it's been a very it's been an arena that seems  pretty dry one draw so far go here knight b3 maybe d3 consolidate my chain   i don't know what bishop d7 does exactly  so i don't want to develop as a question i don't want to play e4 then i'm just going  to go e3 and knight t2 maybe makes some sense probably castle i have that f4 here  i'm gonna go for it let's play f4   i don't know if it's good but  it looks interesting let's take   okay so the pawn i can move my knight to f3 maybe  to target the pawn oh i gave him wait e4 i take i blundered e4 not smart okay maybe i still can take and just play the  position pretend that nothing happened   maybe it's an idea at least i feel like  magnus and joe is djokovic in some ways   i need to go cool for the sub magnus are you  crazy magnus i mean magnus can be disliked for   little things but magnus is not disliked  the way that djokovic is you're insane i i mean you're insane like that's a new one i literally  that's a new one you guys that's a new one to me yeah magnus is not  hated magnus as much as like federer like   he's definitely not hated i mean magnus and novak  both yell and get frustrated yeah but the thing   is the difference is i mean there's you can't  compare them at all yeah magnus is generally   very well liked i mean he has his antics during  the games but he's very well liked you know who   could be you know who could be like you know  who could be like um you know who i would say   could be like uh could be like djokovic though is  ali reza i could see that because a lot you know   it's had a lot of controversy and a lot of things  have happened i can see ali reza being like that i think i'm going to rotate my pony to f6 if i can ali reza is french now true no but i mean oli  reza i can see that just because there's been   a lot of controversies but he's the only  uh he's got an id5 ooh this guy's tricky   this dude my ombre is tricky here um you can go here and here it's an annoying  move that he just found very annoying i   thought i was on my way to a dub but maybe  i still am because i have rookie 3 rook d5 i also bishop b3 wait yeah i have  this and actually i am on my way to   dub because knight f6 is unstoppable  still yeah i need for the gift of sub   to every loss man or review thank you so  much for the gift of sub to review osman   okay so now i'm just going to take and go 906  and this should just be winning on the spot so yeah all right it goes queen d8 so  of course i'm going to take the juicer   this looks awful for black maybe you can  survive somehow but really hard for me   to believe that he can survive this just go  here i'm gonna take the pawn i'm not going to   i think the way that i want to win this is  probably to put the rook on c1 i want to put   the rook on c7 at some point and then just  dominate the board with this awesome pony on f6 but maybe i allowed something here okay  let's and obviously go queen d4 here also trade i mean there should be something  here maybe there is nothing huh maybe there's nothing actually okay hmm let's  go here and force a trade i take the pawn on   a7 i mean i'm up a pawn awesome awesome piece  play let's go a3 queen d4 of course next move   i don't see how he can he can't dislodge his  knight this knight is all up in his business   there's nothing you can really do  here i think it is just lost for black   what is this it's coming home weirdness  by the way you guys keep talking about   it's coming home like in some euro thing  is this like the soccer thingy go here   what does that even mean i don't even  understand i think i'm just going to play h4   go here bring the king in i mean black actually  can't even really do anything okay it does this   but i just trade bring my king in it's just  surely just lost for black he resigns okay let's   keep going we're up to 87 points my opponent  streak ended so if i win like one more game   i think it's over one more game and i'll finish  first and then it's all about the knockout phase   let's see so we're playing matt kolowski uh  i am from poland of course have i never heard   his coming home no i haven't actually have no  idea i have not i'm sorry i apologize you guys   that's what i would say okay d4  what am i going to play um d5 maybe c5 maybe e6 i mean  he's putting the knight here um i'm gonna go here too why not go e5 attack  the center this might be wrong by the way   actually wait what what is the deal  with this bishop i'm so confused   everything's more or less on its original squares  except for the rooks and the knights everything   else is the same so it's just the knights  and the rooks everything's the same okay wait uh how many euros did  england win but wait england's   actually why is england allowed to complete  compete they left the european union didn't they i mean what they they are competing  right or am i crazy let's just take   is football is different no but they they  voted to leave leave so why should they be   allowed to play a sporting event if the  people voted to leave leave the union don't talk about that i think i can just take the pawn uh i mean i  don't i guess i can go actually let's go here   this pawn if i get it i'm just winning kind of  he has to do something to stop it and now i just   trade so my rook guards and now now i should  just be winning here i'm just up a pawn here   much better position let's just go here maybe i  get castle i'm just i'm just winning essentially   i'm just up a pawn there's no play i can obviously trade if i want i'm just  going to trade and trade some queens maybe so here i've rookie 8 maybe to hit the uh castle  and now i'm just upon it completely winning   go here maybe let's try trade some pieces knight f4 maybe at some moment  as well looks very very good it was knight h5 not a bad move um  let's trade again the goal here is   for me to just exchange the juicers because  again i have one extra one here's one two   three four five and i have one two three  four five six so f6 drop back drop back drop do this actually this knight h5 is  very pesky like very pesky in fact um uh how do i get this how do i untangle  it's very hard okay let's go here maybe i'm gonna go here maybe  knight d5 to c5 or something maybe c6 consolidate the knight position here 53 i'll go beef b5 is probably a terrible  move i don't know why i did though let's go a6   now he goes f5 i still can't  really move the king in or can i maybe i can but i don't really  want to so i'm gonna go here what do i do this is surprisingly  difficult to play okay i'm going to go a5   go here and now he gave me g6 my night cards upon   now i should be able to untangle the  whole position i should be winning there okay that doesn't really concern i'm just  going to bring my king closer it doesn't really   concern me because now i trade the rooks and  again i have an extra pawn so it should be winning   anita hoffner for the three dollars thanks  so much to hoffner appreciate it thank you oh i don't think it's been affected at all i  think i'm still 102 papaya like i always was   pretty simple you guys pretty pretty simple okay   now the funny thing is it's actually  quite hard to win this game let's go   um i'm gonna go g5 i think it's bad but i'm  gonna do it anyway let's go here in 85 maybe uh that cannot be right  however this must be winning   wait this has to be winning  is this really not winning first things first let's put this pawn  on white but he can't do anything okay   now second thing we guard the  pawns okay this must be winning here in g4 i think this is just winning everything's on the  wrong collar here i don't know what knight c7 is now i go here though now i win the pawn and  now it's just quite quite routine keep going so what do we have um 10 minutes left so  hopefully two more games two more games in the bag   uh we're playing vucor with sulov who  i think is actually doing quite well   he's also guaranteed and he's on 75 so he's  definitely going to qualify as well but here play b4 it's a weird move but i'm gonna play it drop back d4 maybe 93. i'm going to want  to get something i want to develop i   don't quite know how i'm going to  castle here i'm going to play e4 293 here game knight a5 not very smart either by  me i have some rook b6 um let's just go for it hit the pawn hit this there are a lot of  forks that have booned in this position   knight before as well a lot of options go here collect the rook maybe just push a four o'clock  the pawn i've rookie one   see i mean rookie one just looks very clean for me   i'm just gonna put my knife back here and  that's just winning yeah i drew a game against   blitzstream and i think that's it one draw so  far go back i'll just go here and take maybe yeah the brook sack worked out yeah the  work work did what did happen can we   pass the first round there's a knockout after  this phase you guys there's a knockout stage   so that's what it's referring to okay  i'm just going to keep developing   okay bishop one okay goes push page three let's  see this i think is wrong it's like don't i get   knight f5 or something i also just trade of  course yeah let's just trade keep it really simple because queen e6 a trade i mean it's  obviously a winning end game if i trade   i don't have to trade on the other  hand i mean this must be winning   just d5 d6 worked behind the  pass pawn was just winning takes which is bishop e3 i mean just pretty clean at  the dub let's keep rolling up to 95 six point lead there's one more game one more game left  in this of that let's try to finish off in   style we're playing at 2090 but it's  a gm so we got to be careful go here   or sorry it's a cm okay so what do i do do i  take or not no i think i think we want to go here   h4 kind of a weird move but maybe it'll work oh it's a cm not a gm yeah cm yeah bishop h7 i also have rookie  h1 here maybe a very weird position why am i not playing the gct uh because it was  not i guess actually there's another question i'm   gonna be asked like a hundred times uh the reason  i'm not playing the gc is pretty pretty simple   and straightforward actually one second go here to  blunt the knight jumps go here and castles because   they asked everybody to commit to the event uh in  december when the world was still locked down and   nothing was clear and i knew for a fact the  meltwater events were going to be happening   so it was quite easy to pick them out water  events over the grand chess tour pretty simple yeah just a no-brainer honestly you must have getting tired of why are you not   playing questions yeah they're kind of  annoying oh it's my move let's go here i guess i'll just take and go like i mean i've  known a five i can also just play like queen d3   i'm gonna castle next movie doesn't have queen h1  because i cover the square so looks pretty simple do i regret not playing no  absolutely not i've had a lot   of fun playing the meltwater  championship so no not at all uh i think i have this i mean this  looks great i've got double ponies here   double pony combo should be really strong knife  to f5 i mean i also like i'm just gonna go   i'm gonna go here because again i can just lock  the juicer i can lock the knight on the square   i'm gonna go queen d5 i think next move  looking pretty bad there's gonna be some   kind of checkmate coming up here so here  at 96 i mean i think that's just losing lots of res i'll talk about that afterwards  not not right now but a little bit later checklist this d6 i think i can just take  and it's just a free juicer   something you can do is just down a pawn looks  pretty bad should be game over pretty soon   so here maybe just move the knight to f5 f7 or  q one's a move everything's collapsing once the   next test two returns that will be at the end  of end of july it'll be like july 28th roughly let's go here hit the night let's go here hit the queen trade next move   oh wait he's got oh wow i actually missed  queenie too that would have been really bad yikes   take okay i mean i'm still winning but it's going  to take some work now a four guard the pawns we actually have the double i don't know what you  call this what do we call this you guys go here   what do we we have the uh is this like the  escalator double escalator or something go here   hit the pawn of g7 let's take and let's just  let's go here in our cage seven next move um let's keep rolling next game we're up  by 10 points 320 left i think that's it   i think that's it actually i think i think i'll  yeah i think that's it we're good we wouldn't   we we're going to win we're three minutes left  we're up by 10 points all good so i'm gonna set   it out for the last three minutes i'm gonna take  a break go use the restroom um we'll come back   and then we're gonna have the knockout portion  of the event so i will be literally right back   you
Channel: More GMHikaru
Views: 18,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, chess tricks, Hikaru plays arena kings, Hikaru wins arena kings, arena kings chess prize, arena kings chess rules, arena kings season 7
Id: 4VPsJ9j0-Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 38sec (7058 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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