The Blessed Life III - Paula White-Cain

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I was studying and praying in 33 years pastoring and just to give you a little bit of history because you can't appreciate a person's destiny without really kind of understanding where they came from I didn't grow up in church I was totally heathen I grew up in a family that my mother has two masters or doctorate and everything was you're going to get an education a minimum of masters my father came from a well-to-do family but when I was five years old he committed suicide our world changed drastically sexually and physically abused from six to thirteen never heard the gospel living in America Ty's 18 years old and was chasing this guy now don't look at me funny because it's under the blood amen some of you act like you've been saved all your life and I went to his grandmother's house and his uncle looked me in my eyes and said open up this book and it was a Bible and he said I've got the answers to your questions like he said I've got the solution to your problems in your pain and I looked at him very defensively like what are you what do you have to say to me typical overachiever because I had abandonment issues because two and two didn't add up to four if you love me so much why would you leave me and I didn't know how to interpret so I had some really false filters in life and that can be dangerous because when you let life define you or an event define you you you will miss the essence of who you are because what you went through does not define who you are you are a child of the Most High God and it took me really getting in the word and the revelation of Jesus Christ to see that life had lied to me and so he took me through literally the Bible not only salvation but also deliverance and I walked out him for the first time I saw life and living color I'd been living in black and white and I didn't know the power of real love until I encountered Jesus Christ and I just got in the word for two years and did nothing but stay in his word and God is such a good God and at 18 years old I was living in a trailer on Bill Moxley Road my mortgage was about three hundred and seventy six dollars and they called me trailer trash my parents had cut me off and you know they didn't they kind of thought I'd gone crazy they thought I was a Jesus Freak which I absolutely was later my entire family would get saved and there's a whole plethora stories behind that but don't you give up on your family don't you give up on your children don't give up on your family because God will bring them to the Lord you keep standing strong because you're the living epistle but he'll show his glory through and so I'm living in this trailer and what they called trash God called treasure you see because our God is in the recycling business so somebody might say you're living in a trailer and they call you trailer trash but God says I see you as treasure and I recognize that God doesn't consult our path to determine our future and at 18 years old I'm 51 now the Lord said you'll see nations shaken well I thought you know IIIi thought as ministry progressed I never thought I'd pastor or I wanted to be a mom and a wife and everything else but God had a plan for me and a purpose for me and and I didn't know it would be this way in the way that he would do it but I started out and started in the inner city and started preaching the gospel to kids and just God took me on this whole level of training then one thing led to another and the short of the long story is when I started television I started out with a Christian television kind of blackballed me and they wouldn't let me on because I wore jeans and I was a woman and different things and so I signed a contract with BT well if you don't know that's Black Entertainment Television and if you haven't figured it out yet I'm white and that was an I think the late 90s or so and I was paying 23,000 I think $700 for an episode now here's the crazy thing I had ten thousand dollars to my name and I signed a contract that obligated me two million and a half dollars but I have a big God and a big promise and I found out if God says yes it doesn't matter who says no and so I signed this contract and I went on television with a black curtain drop and a single-camera rent to rent to own furniture and a secretary that typed 23 words per minute literally and suddenly we had to pay our bills there you know they give you a 30 day advance and all these people just started driving in we didn't have a Pio box I knew nothing about television I knew nothing about ministry no p.o box no call center nothing pastor bank but people start driving in from Georgia and Alabama in Texas and New York all over and they just say here God told me to give you this here God told me to give you this and we never missed a payment never missed anything God was so faithful and he just expanded it and went on 47 networks and actually that's how President Trump saw me was watching Christian television 17 years ago and he repeated to me verbatim caught up one night and and he said they or during the day and they said Donald Trump's on the line I'm like yeah right sure they said no no Donald Trump's on the line I might go surely all right they said no he is I said okay so I get on he said you're fantastic and he repeated to me verbatim three sermons that I'd preached on the value of vision I thought he listens to this more than my congregation I said he's pretty good here and I was doing a Bible study for New York Yankees and one thing led to another and the Lord said show him Who I am little did I know like any of us that he 17 years later would be President and God would open up a door for the body of Christ to have access and I say people go what do you do I said I'm a professional construction builder they said what do you mean I said I build bridges because I believe God just uses me to build bridges to bring us all together for the church oh come on I said for the church that's a great place to start because while I respect government and I respect education and the market and financial institutions a media and whatever it is there is only one legal entity that has the ability to bring for true change in the earth and that is the blood-bought Church of Jesus Christ because you're rich slap somebody say you're it if we're gonna change our families change our community change our nation the church is the only legal authorized entity in the earth they can bring for true change and so I begin to seek God what is 2018 hold for us and 18 means to be alive to be full of life and the Lord spoke to me and he said Paulo I have a blessed life for you now I thought and I just shared a little bit I mean when you've come out of a background like I have and God saved you just the fact that he loved me a woman like me the fact that he rescued me and set my feet on a solid rock and pulled me out of the miry pit that that is more than blessed to me and I thought this is awesome no and God says I have a blessed life for you 33 years of staying in the word every single day and every day God showing me more and more because you I feel like you have this much knowledge if you can spend your entire lifetime in the word and he just keeps revealing greater things to you and he says I have a blessed life for you and so I started thinking well God what does blessed mean to you and I begin to study it last year and I spent my whole I mean year just going what is blessing over 300 times God talks about the blessed life can I share a few things for you because I want to get somebody to the place called promise you ready say bring it on pastor Paulo and so in Genesis chapter 1 go there with me in verse 26 through 28 God said let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them now that's so interesting because those are different words it means one of them is to create and the other is to form it's like God created Jakub but he formed Israel and Israel means to prevail with God and with man and so he created and then he forms and form comes from a root word which means to press to squeeze it's where we actually get the word trouble it means to vex and so whenever you have trouble in your life it's just an incubator for greatness to come forth because you're going through a process and inevitable series of events that's gonna produce and bring forth exactly what God has for you that's why you can stand on his word not everyone this isn't for everyone but Romans 8:28 says what the enemy meant for bad for those who love God anyone loves God who are called according in harmony with his purpose the intention the choice the decision that God has he takes what the enemy minions for bad and he'll turn it around for the good see God is using whatever the enemy sent for bad for the good to those that love him and are the called according in harmony with his purpose you see you were born for purpose I feel like preaching a little bit different here today I'm gonna get you in the good life but you've got to understand that God in since he the person purposes before person so you are a sick person with an assignment of purpose you didn't just show up you weren't invited here you were sent here you were in the loins of God before he ever released you your mom and dad had to go to motel 6 you had to come together they had to have that night of passion you know why because God sent you into the earth with a purpose with an intention God is very intentional there is nothing accidental he's calculated he's concise and you carry weight on the inside of you the saddest thing to do is to live in life and to die saved but never fulfill the purpose that God had for you because God has greatness for you to bring forth you are literally a world changer in history maker and so God wants you by your acts of faith to create history not just to live by what has been but to create what he intends you see we are to take possession for the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God and the Bible says the kingdom of God suffer violent but what the violent take it by force because God's original intention before the very foundation is the next thing he said and God blessed them after he created the very next thing is God blessed men you're already blessed because God bless you know I don't care what what which doctor what hex what devil what generational curse has come after you it cannot mess up what God has already said is blessed the only person that can mess it up is you and so God blessed man and then he said this is the offspring of being blessed be fruitful multiply replenish the earth subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth in other words God gave dominion over everything he said you have dominion over everything except each other and isn't that crazy because the one thing that man tries to control is other people and he says you have dominion over at all I've given you authority both in heaven and in earth psyche kingdom come Thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven and it literally means through the power of prayer we superimpose the decision the decree and the determination of God so you are simp person that carries out a purpose I don't know who I'm talking to but I feel faith in here I feel that there's literally world changers and God's just looking he's standing he says I'm I'm standing in the gap in looking for a man that'll make up the hedge you'll stand up and be who I've called them to be and so the devil is a liar whatever has been falsely labeled on you whatever lie you believed about yourself today I believe it's gonna be ripped off by the Holy Spirit and God's gonna show you through Revelation who you are what you can do and what you can have and so God blessed you somebody say I'm blessed now you need to understand because we all have filters of what blessed is it comes from a root word of Barak witches are a word of worship and worship literally means worth Skype to build a life that denotes the worthiness of who God is and so Barack means a primitive route to kneel by implication to bless God as an act of adoration and vice versa for God to bless man as the beneficiary so when God blessed you it's literally mutual adoration it's an intimate relationship that you have with God where as you begin to worship Him not just what we do on Sunday mornings for 15 minutes but worship is a lifestyle it's not just something that I do it's Who I am I can't help but to praise the Lord I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth Psalm 150 says let everything that had breath praise the Lord look at somebody say you breathe in say then praise him come on are you breathing because if you're breathing you should be praising him John chapter 4 says there's a day then all that worshiping will worship Him in spirit and in truth and if we don't worship Him even the very rocks would cry out God says he makes his sanctuary in Judah in praise and his habitation he makes in Israel so in other words his domain his Dominion is in Israel all the church but he takes up residence with those who praise him and so to bless is mutual adoration so when you start saying god I just thank you there is none like you I give you praise I thank you for the breath in my body I thank you for waking me up today I thank you for keeping me in my right mind I give you honor and homage there is none URL should I thank you for my salvation thank you for deliverance thank you for opening my eyes and removing the scales I thank you then I have ears to hear and when the Sun rose again today it gave me another chance to fight for word I thank you for putting my feet on a solid rock called Jesus Christ I thank you for opening the door and calling me I think you've forgiven me favor come on divine endorsement as you begin to praise God and thank him for his goodness for you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living come on God has benefit packages for you according to Psalm 68 tene that he'll load you up daily with his benefits and is you begin to thank God and praise him for who he is and what he's done then and he goes oh yeah you think that's something let me show you this then God begins to bless you it's mutual adoration to adorn as a verb and it literally means love and respect worship to glorify to praise to revere to extol and so as we bless the Lord come on somebody's gotta praise in them when you bless the Lord and you begin to pour out there's there's five offspring can I show them to you real quick just in case you weren't here so it says the God created man and he created male and female so he creates he forms he blesses and then he gives five authoritative commands the first offspring of being blessed you are blessed I said you are blessed the first offspring of being blessed is to be fruitful and to be fruitful means to bear to bring forth to make fruitful to cause to grow to increase it literally means to make large look at somebody say you're fat now tell him say you're fat for the liberal soul shall be made fat and it means to be anointed and there is an anointing that destroys every yoke in other words the anointing God's manifested presence causes whatever limitation whatever restriction to be broken off of you they would put yolks on oxen and they would try to restrict them and direct them but there was an anointing God says that destroys everything that wants to hold you back they wants to keep you small because the life God puts you in is larger than the one that you're living and so the first offspring is that you're gonna be fruitful and then out of the blessed life he says you'll be fruitful then you'll multiply to multiply means to increase in abundance to make plenteous to continually enlarge and Excel Jesus said here's my mission state for you the thief comes to steal kill and destroy is so easy to preach here it's hard for me to stay limited but I'm watching the clock faster Mac I'm going to be good because I understand and if you don't submit to Authority it's illegal to have Authority hold another message I'll have to be invited back to teach you all so what happens here he says the thief comes to steal can destroy to steal stolen goods the only way the wicked prosper is to still from the righteous that's the only way and so their spiritual transactions that take place food money sex that's why you have to be booked very guarded I'm just kidding in the very beginning of its spiritual transactions that take place because the wicked can only prosper by stealing from the righteous don't give away your goods to steal to kill to kill is to murder murder comes from a root of bitterness that's why no one is worth forfeiting your destiny forgive them let go of it get over it they're not worth you getting a root of bitterness which is a stronghold to murder to be full of Rage and to destroy the word destroy means to annihilate your purpose the devil is a liar because you are sent with a purpose but I have come Jesus says to give you life Zoe God breathed into dirt and man became a living soul and God bless you I've come to give you life and life more abundantly which means superior in quality and quantity what an awesome God so he says the offspring of a blessed life is to be fruitful to multiply you ready to replenish to fill her to be full to overflow dissatisfied so a blessed life isn't just about me a blessed life is about everyone that God allows me to come in contact with a blessed life is that I overflow that out of my belly according to John 7:38 flows rivers of living water come on I walk into an atmosphere and change it wherever I go God has given it to me I can command atmospheres situations to shift because all authority both in heaven and in earth you have to know how to work your keys to the kingdom come on have been given to you and then it says you'll subdue some do means to conquer to force to keep under and bring under bondage to bring under bondage I'm telling you something God does not have a problem with the enemy he didn't then and he doesn't now and he'll teach you and train you how to be a weapon of warfare how to bring under bondage how to conquer because according to Romans 8 you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus either you have to believe his word is the infallible Word of God that it's all truth or it's no truth and I believe it is all truth and God is not just it's not just you can pick and choose it's not buffet take the Word of God and the Word of God will work for you isaiah 55:11 for the words shall not return void but it will prosper to prosper means to break out to break forth to break through somebody's gonna not just break through and break forth they're gonna break out you're gonna be contagious that's what a breakout is you're contagious so when you replenish come on you and when you subdue you conquer and then finally he says and have dominion which means to prevail against to rule and to reign now watch this who's to be reigning in the earth who's to be reigning not the wicked not systems made of man the righteous or Terrain the Church of Jesus Christ is to reign in every area we should be the one dictating what comes out of Hollywood we should be the one dictating what comes out in the marketplace we should be the ones to dictate what's happening in government in man's systems or the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God God has given us all authority not some Authority and so you go yeah Paulo but then Satan came in and he took it away yes there was a high treason in the garden but Jesus came and gave it all back Jesus said it is finished when he said it is finished it means it is perfectly perfect and completely complete somebody slap your neighbors say I'm blessed say I'm probably your biggest blessing and you don't even know it look at them just say you're sitting next to blessing then we get over we go okay how do we possess promise can I give you a few principles this morning say bring it on because I want you to live the blessed life in a place called promise because all of us have a promised land a land flowing with milk and honey all of us have a place both individually and corporately that God wants to show his glory glory means wait he wants to show his goodness so in number 13 you can study it out 23 through 33 they go over and reach the valley Vesco and they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes and they carry it on this poem with pomegranates and figs and they go up and they show it and you see what happens in verse 27 they gave Moses this account we went to the land which you sent us and it does flow with milk and honey now remember God's not saying hey go check this out God's not saying um see if you want to live over here see if you like the conditions God has told them over and over and over go what possess the promise so God's already told them there's so much God has already told us so go possess your promise and he said go possess the promise and they go over him and they said yes and dust flow with milk and honey and here's the fruit here's the evidence that's very important because God will always give you a foretaste you'll always give you a like glimpse a trailer so you see you get a foretaste of what you're going to inherit and they said yeah there's evidence God wants to show evidence through your life that he's who he says he is he said there's evidence but now whenever you say but you just cancel out everything he says but the land watch they say the people who live there are so powerful the cities are fortified and very large we even solved the descendants of anak there Amalekites are there Hittites Jebusites amirite s-- k nights all these heights are in the land they've got the i'ts problem all right and Caleb silence the people and said we should go up and take possessions land for we can certainly do it God's looking for someone with a we can do this he doesn't need everyone he just needs a group he needs a tribe he needs a people that say we can certainly do this I can do all things how through by my relationship of resting in Christ Jesus but the men who had gone up said we can't attack this people they're stronger than us they were intimidated by what they saw they were intimidated by the situation intimidated by what was around them so they spread a bad report and this is what they said in verse 33 we saw the Nephilim they're the descendants of Enoch we seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes so we look the same to them the King James said we weren't on our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight because you attract what you think or what you believe you deserve you literally bring to yourself because if you see yourself as a grasshopper you're gonna get a grasshopper syndrome but if you see yourself and I won't deal with it this morning but if you see yourself as a child of God of who you are a sick person that you weren't invited you showed up on time in time that God created time for man's benefit he exists without outside of time but he sends you with a very specific intention oh I don't know who I'm talking to because you've got to understand your caring purpose and he forms the person that's why you have to love yourself if you don't love yourself you can never love anyone else you are fearfully and wonderfully created in the image of an Almighty God fearfully means reverently wonderfully means distinctly you are different I can always tell when someone knows their identity because they embrace their differences you're not a cookie cutter mold of everyone else you carry something that no one else you have a unique handprint you have a uniqueness your designers original that you are sin in this earth to do something specific for the Lord that no one else can do walk in it be who God has called you to be do what God has called you to do oh I've got to preach on this I'm just got to keep going but you you've got to get an attitude I walk my grapes come on look at somebody say I want my grapes I want my grapes I mean you've got to get an attitude there just is like I'm tired of living less than what God has for I walk my grapes I want to see God glorified we're taking our nation back we're taking this generation back we're taking our schools back come on we're taking our children back we're taking our families back I want my grapes I want the promises of God and so when you realize that corporately and individually God has a promised land for us then you have to do something to possess what well first proverbs 29:18 says where there's no vision the people perish some vision and perish means to cast off restraints it literally means there are no boundaries and it means that there's no Direction no focus so what is vision vision is from a Hebrew word of sight mentally it means to dream now this is important it is revelation so where there's no revelation where there's no Oracle or from the root it means to gaze that mentally to perceive vitally important as I lay this foundation to contemplate to have a vision to behold to look to prophesy that's why I would not miss pastor Mac series I'm telling you I might fly in if you'll teach it on midweek I'll come up here all right and I'm telling you you can't miss this because your prosperity and prosperity is not just finances it's so much greater than that has to do with your perception and so vision is the ability to foresee or to perceive something that is not actually visible so we could say to have a vision is to have a mental picture of my future that is forceful enough to mold my presence now that's important because remember blessed ties back to this mutual adoration and has something to do with my praise now all this is vitally important because God lays this pattern and I'll get a little ahead of myself but God lays this pattern and this pattern here is called all the feast the feast seasons and y'all know those very well you understand Israel well and so all the feast seasons are tied to the rhythms of worship for God and God was teaching the children of Israel something so God himself before he ever creates man right on the sixth day before he ever creates what does he do he says he creates and he says it is good right and then he creates and he says it is good he's giving it praise and he creates and says it is good and then finally Mike he says it is very good so God is praising what is created now the seventh day accolade if you missed that you'll delay or interrupt the cycle because it's the cycle of worship and what it is is every time that something is done there is a praise that is to be given because praise produces and when I end up preaching a praise if I'm not careful because praise produces so when you praise the Bible says you look back what just happened and you reflect and you say man it is good thank you lord thank you for delivering me thank you for rescuing me out of that thank you for your goodness thank you for salvation thank you that I'm no longer an addict thank you you provided my money for trailer thank you that you did thank you God that you kept me in perfect peace thank you for the joy of the Lord which is my strength thank you for breaking every spirit of of generational curse off me thank you God for all your goodness and as you praise God you reflect back then when you do that you expect because it builds your faith but expect literally means a chord like attachment that binds you to your future it's like an umbilical cord for a person who is pregnant that it's given nutrients and nurturing the baby which is to come forth so when I reflect I expect when I expect I'm pregnant when I'm pregnant I produce that's why your praise produces when I produce I look back at what God just did and I give him praise and I'm reflecting and when I reflect I expect when I expect I get pregnant when I get pregnant I produce when I produce I look back and reflect and when I reflect I expect and when I expect I'm pregnant when I'm pregnant I produce when I produce I reflect when I reflect I expect when I expect come on I'm pregnant and I produce when I produce I look back seeing is a cycle and you keep going from glory to glory you're blessed somebody Sam blessed now this is so important that you understand that that cycle and why why it's crucial and that's why God always told the children of Israel to put a memorial to look back and have an expectancy and so what happens here is God says to them over and over it's yours somebody say it's yours and so they're headed to the holy city they're headed to the place that God's promised to the land that is flowing with milk and honey and when they get ready to go there the Bible declares this they got that Moses would send over one from each tribe the choice is the best and the reason he would do that is because there always has to be somebody who penetrates them that's what Judah that's what praise is all about remember in judges God says send Judah first Judah had to go first because Judah praise has a commencement has an anointing on it to open up things praise has an ability to give you passage god bless you remember it's mutual adoration is tied to your praise and so Moses dilemma is he cannot lead people who have no vision of where he's trying to take them what is vision a mental picture of your future that is forceful enough to mold your present so if a person doesn't have a vision if they cannot see how do you see when I praise I reflect when I reflect I expect which is a chord like attachment that binds me to my future oh I'm gonna try to help somebody right now because as you begin to praise oh I'll get way ahead of myself let me go ahead when you begin to praise you get a vision how Revelation chapter 5 remembered that there were seven books there were all these books with the seals and there were seven seals and it says that the the prophet Jonah stand there literally weeping because he says nobody can see there's no one that can open up this book and there's no one can see and at the end you read down it says but one came from the tribe of Judah the root of David that was worthy to open the seals in other words you can see as begin to praise praise brings revelation because of what Jesus said he gave you the ability to have the mind of Christ according to Philippians 2:5 that you do not hold the thoughts and the feelings of the Messiah and so praise brings forth revelation and some Moses dilemma is he's trying to lead a people who cannot see where they're going that's why I always say to you you have to have people around you they can see what you can see keep sending them back to they get your vision that's what Elijah told us over in 1st Kings chapter 18 he said I hear the sound of an abundance of rain and then he said to serve it he said go out and look in any win he said there's nothing he said go back again he said there's nothing go back again you have to keep sending people till they can see what you can see it's called revelation it's called revelation see somebody's about to see something come on the Bible says when they crossed over it was during the season of harvest now these are farmers they've been in the wilderness and they're crossing over and then harvest when you go to Israel usually the Jordan is just this little creek but now it's all swollen up and there's grapes everywhere because it's harvest time so they look to the right in there's grapes they look to the left there's grapes in front of them there's grapes behind them there's grapes there's grapes everywhere there's harvest everywhere but what you look at longest becomes strongest and so they see the grapes they're like yes the land does flow with milk and honey and the Israelites who've been in the wilderness for this long time see these grapes which are indicative and symbolic of God's blessings because what is the first thing and the first offspring of you're blessed to be what fruitful to have the ability to produce I've got to take you one more place remember the the woman in Luke chapter 13 she had a spirit of infirmity and the Bible said she could no wise lift herself up for 18 years 18 means life 18 years she's bent over which means she's become one it's a preposition she's become one with an event and she it's not that she didn't want to get up she had no ability to lift herself up until Jesus comes in why because Satan had her bound even though she was a daughter of Abraham for all these years and she was dealing with the spirit because you cannot solve a spiritual problem with the natural solution and so you got to understand how to deal in the realm of the Spirit somebody say bring it on pastor Paulo bring it on and so Jesus says when he saw her he's not looking at her for the first time when he saw eternity in her when he sees himself in her he says woman thou are loosed you're divorced you're dismissed see God has a deliverance for you right now that you can leave word of life today totally changed and once you came sitting in your house God can change you right now you don't have to leave with the same thing that you came in on God can bring healing to you he can bring deliverance to you you might have walked in here with a secret sin or an addiction or a habit but when you leave that thing is gonna be broken off you in the name of Jesus because God is all-powerful God is able he will set you free and so when he says woman now are loosed and immediately not ten years later not 30 years later not seven classes later but immediately God has an immediate for somebody this morning God has an immediate for someone I just feel like preaching at the 11 o'clock today God has an immediate for someone today immediately she was made straight immediately she had a her structure it has to do with Reformation because God is not just bringing revival he's not just bringing an awakening he's bringing a Reformation and Reformation is a structural alignment because the enemy got in and he's messed up things but we're about to bring a structural alignment it's a metathesis which is uprooting of one thing for laying down of another thing than that which is not eternal is not going to be able to stand so that which is eternal will be able to stand in the name of Jesus I'm telling you there's a shaking going on and it's a good taking it's a good shaking come on because God is laying down there's a Reformation there's a structural alignment and adjustment and so you have to have people that have a vision they can see that's why I'm so excited about what pastor Mac is I'm not even in the series yet and I'm so I'm gonna be downloading it every week faster because it's vitally important God always sends someone to get a foretaste why do they need to get a commercial because they're gonna go back with a new courage taking the challenge in the face of fear because they know that God is going to do something great that's why you can rejoice in the wilderness because you know if God has said take possession you will possess in Revelation 12:11 says they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and what the word of their testimony well the word of your testimony means by evidence God wants to bring evidence in your life that he is who he says he is God wants to bring evidence in this nation God wants to be bring evidence in our family and in our children no matter what they're going through he's gonna show his evidence I don't know who I'm here for but it's a foretaste and then the next thing is the reason he sends them it was a test and this is the in crucial point I wanted to get you to and may I have maybe three minutes pastor max five minutes Oh pastor max said I have all I want but I won't take long I'll get you out I now even slowed down that Mississippi talking that I was going 100 miles per hour so he exposed 12 men to the same thing but they see it in a different way they all come back with a different report how can 12 people see the same thing but see a completely different perception perception no different than when the children of Israel come out of bondage in captivity remember the young men came out and they start rejoicing and dancing because they were born in bondage the old men are crying and weeping they're all looking at the same thing but one of them is rejoicing and one of them is crying because the old man knew what it took to build and to sacrifice the young men were born into captivity so they had never seen so they're seeing all this brokenness they're like hey we can build something with this and what happens is a dilemma because the mourners are weeping over what used to be and the laborers who are the young ones they're people who are doing things the laborers are rejoicing and God says oh the mourners are gonna hurt the laborers so here's your solution put Prazeres in between them because the praise will drown out the heard of the past in order to build the future because you cannot pour new wine in old wineskin I'm telling you the way that you get out of the heard of your past is you praise your way through it you worship your way through it to know that God is doing a new thing I don't care if you're ninety or nine years old God is doing a new thing right now behold you will see that God is doing a new thing so twelve people have to see something different though they're looking at the same thing it's called perception because perception means to attain understanding of it's the capacity for comprehension it's what you see as a result of understanding I'm not gonna take you through right now the difference between what knowledge understanding and wisdom are a vital that you understand that it's crucial because your perception will determine your acquisition of God's promises the key is to have a vision with proper perception or to see with spiritual eyes not these not the appendages on my face but spiritual eyes to see by the spirit or the eye of God this is called revelation because people look but they don't see people look but they don't see people here but they don't listen that's why Jesus always said let them that have an ear hear what the Spirit of God saying because it's deeper than knowledge knowledge has to do with facts understanding has to do with how those facts fit into the big picture wisdom has to do with the application of understanding and so he said in all you're getting get your self understanding right that you have to have wisdom and understanding so it's deeper than just knowledge because revelation is a special extraordinary manifestation which removes the veil from something let me talk to you for a minute that's why you cannot speak the Bible says no man can comprehend the kingdom of God can understand the kingdom of God unless he's born again so you can't even have comprehension understanding a revelation of the kingdom ba Celaya the royalty the rule the realm god's way of doing things and who God is unless you're born again there are three people natural persons not born again they have no relationship with God they have no ability to have revelation and they're many that are carnal carnal means I'm born again but I'm led by my sensory mechanisms by what I see by what I hear and what I taste by what I smell by what I touch but then there are spiritual people spiritual people are people who are born again and their mind and their heart is connected and controlled by the Holy Spirit so God is downloading to you and just like you were saying up there Mike and just like my husband was saying like how he just put those 14 songs and I'm reading it knowing that John who grew up Catholic and all he knew was how to be a sinner and make confession and then he gets really born-again gets baptized and I watch God just to radically change his life and I'm looking at what he's writing and it's so scripturally in alignment I'm going he's not been to Bible School he doesn't know this by the natural and then he's going needs looking studying to make sure everything scripturally in alignment how is that happening revelation revelation so they're people that read but they don't read revelation somebody said give me real revelation Lord the psalmist cried out in him psalm 119 verse 18 opened out my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law so revelation is based on how God wants me to see things how God wants me to perceive and I'm almost through that's why I must develop a certain type of mentality you're thinking it puts God in my circumstances so no matter what I'm going through if I'm on the mountaintop or I'm in the valley I can put God in that situation because I trust the Lord I know that there's not anything that my footsteps are ordered by the Lord I already know that all of man's plans will always fall but the Lord's will prevail I know that that God has already ordained my steps I know that God has already numbered my days before one of them ever came into being that God knows exactly what is going to be tomorrow oh I I don't know who I'm here for but his word becomes the filter for my life so all revelation comes out of illumination no word no revelation faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God but in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God so God makes himself synonymous or one with the word he doesn't separate himself from it right and so all revelation and illumination comes from the Word of God and when God illuminates us from a greek word a photograph he puts a picture there's that vision he puts a picture on the inside and it's much more powerful than anything on the outside so everything on the outside can say no to you you can have all these messages coming to you either consciously or subconsciously it doesn't matter because that's not what is eating me my spirit is leading me when I have a picture on the inside I can promise you I don't know when I don't know where I don't know how but I've known since I was 18 years old the nations would be shaken God's ways are not man's ways but when I've got a picture on the inside hell or high water can't stop it it doesn't matter who says no to me it doesn't matter what they think what their opinion is you will come to a place where you're gonna decide either I'm gonna be popular or I'm gonna be purposeful and when you decide you're gonna be purposeful then you will see God's plans come to pass I'm almost through just two more sentences but I'm telling you there's an open heaven right now for revelation just ask the Lord to show you because you're gonna get things your spirits gonna grab things right now because Revelation is a result of God communicating to my mind through faith in his word this creates the realm of all things possible I don't think you're hearing me I I was getting exciting about pastor Mack's teaching on giving you see when he was saying God is able yes God is able but it's not just up to God God has done his part Jesus is sitting down cuz he already said it's finished so all Jesus's do I say all Jesus is doing it's a lot he's ever living to make intercession for you he's praying over you every day but he sat down cuz it's finished so now what are you doing come on what are we doing because he said I'm giving you and all things possible there's nothing too difficult for God all things are possible to the children of God so revelation then creates perception perception is the capacity for comprehension to realize the possibility for change oh you aren't hearing what I'm saying so in other words I'm through with this I've got to finish my perception determines my conception so based on what I perceive and perceive has to do with through severity what I can't have the ability to see through my perception determines my conception it means I can see remember what I was telling you you can see if you get pregnant by praising I told you you already blessed because when you're blessed it goes back to Barack you're adoring God and when you live out the blessed life a life of adoration God it begins to open up realms in you you can receive revelation and the first thing you start producing is you are fruitful you're multiplying come on you're replenishing you're subduing and then you're conquering you're reigning you're in a place of rain that's why you're not intimidated it's not an arrogance it's a confidence Philippians 1:6 says I can be confident about this one thing the same God that started the good work it's the same God that will finish it further and execute it his name is alpha and his name is Omega he is the beginning and he is the end he's the author and the finisher of my faith I am sure that the God who opened to remove the veil in the first place is the same God that's gonna lead me show me there is nothing too difficult I dare you to believe come on I dare you to open up your spirit and believe with God I can do all things I'm gonna possess my promise I'm gonna live in a place called promise I'm gonna be fruitful I want to multiply I'm gonna replenish I want to overflow I'm gonna subdue ready ready ready and I'm gonna I am going to conquer have dominion I'm gonna reign in life do you get anything out of the word I'll go back and give you this one thing as you remain standing my perceptions determine my conception conception is to conceive what I get pregnant with so if I can't perceive it then I can't conceive it and remember when I praise I reflect when I reflect I expect when I expect I'm pregnant when I'm pregnant I produce what I produce I give God praise for when I praise on reflect what God just did when I reflect like expect when I expect I'm pregnant when I'm pregnant I produce when I produce I give him praise when I give him praise I look back and I reflect and I reflect and I expect and when I expect I dare you to really start praising and praise your way through it come on worship your way through it honor God give him praise because somebody's getting ready to go to a whole nother realm of Revelation and so they tell me that I just live crazy they just say this girl's crazy because I just did crazy things and then when when I just believe that God is who he is I don't call it crazy I call it faith I call it living in his word I call it living the impossible which is really so possible because it's not about us Jill it's about him and God's not gonna mess up his reputation for anyone if he said it in his word then I'm gonna live it in my life amen so look at somebody Sam your biggest blessing and you probably don't even know it say you're blessed now grab that person's hand let's pray because I'm gonna pray over you that every scale would be removed because what happens his life comes to clutter you and the enemy is really good at doing his job because what he is is he is he's a few things he's a thief he's a liar so he lies really well right but he's a deceiver so he deceives you he blinds you he blinds you and and but God comes and he removes those blinders he removes the veil that's why every day lay your hands on your spirit and I start to open up your eyes open up the word and ask God to give you revelation because the Holy Spirit wants you to see with the eyes of the Spirit and there is nothing possible I'm telling you God's just waiting for someone to say yeah let's do this we can see nation shaken we're taking back why have we been living on the defense so long when the kingdom of God suffered violent and the violent take it by force let's take back what already belongs to us what has already been given to us so I'm gonna pray for you right now that you take back your children for you and your house you will serve the Lord your generations take back your finances and take him back doesn't mean restoration is not just before you went through something restoration means back to the original condition is back before the fall so God wants to put us back in original intention a position of what he had they were ruling we have dominion and we're reigning so that you're gonna you're gonna have faith in who God is and what God said if you were in here last night I talked a lot about identity you've got to know that just get the tapes to preach it a little different every single time but you're pregnant with purpose I don't ask God to work on your site how many of you would say pastor Paul there are some things I just need to walk in Revelation I need God to remove some veils amen amen about a hundred percent of us grab the person's hand next to you spirit of the Living God and do what only you can do remove every veil from our eyes let us see let us have a vision a mental picture of our future that is forceful enough to mold our presence right now I command every lie every whisper of the enemy every seed that has been planted in our heart in our mind and our soul that is not of you to be uprooted that every code that has been canceled by the superior blood of Jesus Christ that in our life every generational curse from our mother's side from our father's side will be overturned right now in the name which is above every name the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I declared that your eyes would be open and that you would be able to see with the eye of the Spirit Holy Spirit speak with clarity speak precisely we thank you for direction we thank you for answers we thank you for revelation and then we will prosper in our soul and our mind our will and our emotions so we will produce that you will be glorified because you give us an entire entire parable and talk to so much about if we don't bring forth fruits we'll cut down the tree God and then even when we bring forth fruit you cut back you prune and you purge so that we can bring forth much fruit that our father may be glorified so God we recognize we can do nothing outside of you but with you we can do all things that our life's bring you glory
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 2,816
Rating: 4.7209301 out of 5
Keywords: Mac Hammond, Lynne Hammond, Living Word Christian Center, Online Church, Live Church, Church Service, Church, Christian, Jesus, Faith Explosion, Faith, Jesse Duplantis, Jesse Duplantis Ministries, Jesse Duplantis 2017, Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Kenneth Copeland
Id: Ah4WA5b-QrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 17sec (3137 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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