The Black Candle | Full Drama Movie | Catherine Cookson

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[Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] hi this weird pet i could do with you right now shut your filthy mouth all right if you're that hot on her my oh my see what she's do not with well it's just hey you can have anybody if you've got the money lucky booger yeah 50 50. i'm checking it to lilly are you mad at the builder not familiar little brother i know all about you were thieving and i've said an out but if a whisper of this gets out you won't know what else has kicked you check the cart home and tell ma i've gone courtney hello lily hello i saw what happened here take it lily i have to ask you do you dislike me no well do you like me then yes i like your all right will you marry me you would just for that oh god in heaven you think that man's hush money is what i'm after well why it's you i want i can't be as bad as the workhouse cunner you really would yes i'll never forget this jaw [Music] i'll be true to you hey you korea you'll not leave here like that you know what are you why would you like to say that to me or is it just women you hate you get back in this house [Music] so mark i suppose fred gave you me message message rigmarole that's all i'll get lily stay in here till we get married she won't mind sleeping on the birthday are you making any trouble and i'll go and rent a room and we'll live in sin you'll just lose your wage packet that much sooner joe oh butter wouldn't melt getting wet when yesterday you weren't even courtin you soft lout you've been hard i'd sooner have the workhouse today sure i wouldn't stay here if you paired me oh we'll be doing plenty of that don't tell me i'm the first one to smell a rat you were don't misses be in a close relation to one i'm ready why are you doing this i thought i told you oh i know what you said i can't take it in well why i just love you i've always wanted you when the band comes it'll be as much mine as yours nobody'll know any different [Music] [Music] nobody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] so oh my gosh [Music] um let's go oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] morning miss morton you mr me johnson tell you that the mrs is coming good morning george good morning miss george when you sit down no no miss i'm used to being on me pins don't worry about me george you and i both know it's high time you retired you'll be well looked after hi well perhaps i will sit down so now i need your advice on who could possibly replace you miss bridget you're flatteriness we're both know who's got the job you don't think he's right joe's fine but his family wants locking up but you know when you made him gaffer he was rescinded yes george because he makes them work he does that oh your dad would have made a manager but your dad would steer them you don't think i can manage people as well as my father miss bridget you could have been your dad soon [Music] well joe skinner what's your answer i don't know what to say miss i didn't think well george had legally dropped down dead on the job he'll show you the ropes and then we can make changes we will miss what is it i was going to call you ask you about a house a house i'm getting married married to lily whitmore this is sudden joe i know but at the same time i've never felt less hesitation about anything in my life [Music] i don't mean to take advantage miss i'm grateful for the job i thought just do the job joe you'll get your house [Music] i'm in your debt miss [Music] uh you're back will you take timus no peg cold beer is victoria in uh she's up in her room she had a visitor again oh bridget do you do look robbie let me get you a drink one's coming i understand you've had company do i need two guesses as to who your visitor was nobody there just one oh i'm so happy i could fly i guess what we're invited to a ball what ball oh just a ball of grove house here let me help you all right then you are going to the ball not me oh don't be stuffy darling please to it here you are thank you i feel as old as the hills nonsense do you just look at him what you wear you could look lovely if you dressed in fashion yes if i didn't have to breathe or do any work is something wrong no you're not cross no so don't try to sweeten me up for the ball but bridgette this one is different lana wants us to get engaged let's be serious he's very handsome and what does he do all i'm saying is how well do you know him what if you never saw him again if he said he wanted to marry someone else come on [Music] uh [Music] well last stop before the great leap ain't lying over boy and you still don't know how soft your landing is going to be do you i can't very well go up to the other one and say by the way how much is victoria actually worth can i well i don't agree why not it comes to something when we have to be saved by a blacking factory i can tell you well if you hadn't sold every scrap of our land we wouldn't be faced with this at all or if i died off in time you mean lionel you are the most unlucky bugger on god's earth so don't mess up your chances this time i guess do you want people to think there's limitacy in the family they'll be here in a minute don't panic father panic you'll get in there now and put on a show this nonsense won't bring the money in i sold two pieces last week for cash yes and i've spent it on tools and better stone i've got three more orders i'll be buggered the rent of the litter earning a living well we can't all marry heiresses can we my this [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen [Music] are you enjoying yourself miss bridget yes thank you must be glad of a change from the polish works no i enjoy that too i say you're an absolute treasure [Music] responsibilities at last come and see me if you ever want a position [Music] you know my sons bernard and simon ladies and gentlemen take your partners for the wedding bells poker [Music] [Applause] [Music] dare i ask for the pleasure sir i regret i have need of my feet but i would consider it a favor if you would sit with me come on [Music] i warn you a woman who runs a business is considered a dead lost for civilized conversation [Music] [Applause] [Music] i was dreading tonight the only thing i've enjoyed all evening has been your company you've made it most enjoyable for me too even my dancing no sir do you expect me to lie i cannot believe you have only two feet what what did you say i said i admired you for taking her on you're right all right the man's a maniac all i said was that she wasn't the one with the cash nice party attacked by the host ladies and gentlemen the next dance will be the edge of real didn't lionel know i think everyone assumed that the victoria was the heiress and i was the working cousin yes what if victoria has no money of her own i'm sure lionel is very fond of victoria but these days ladies don't die of unrequited love what do you know about it find lionel tell him to do nothing till tomorrow morning i shall be here at half past nine prompt and i shall want to see him and your father [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes miss [Music] good morning good morning [Music] undefined state of affairs this bloody fine state of affairs sir doubtless had a hand from you i don't need a chair what i have to say is better said standing up then you'll excuse me if i sit down my cousin's only income is an allowance from me of 500 pounds a year that being said you intend to keep your promise to victoria and marry her my son is in no position to support a wife and i'm in no position to support him then what if she were to sue him for breach of promise victoria she's not the kind how do you know what kind of a woman she is i have a proposition to make i never imagined you earning a penny and i knew that victoria would only too happily share your poverty poverty if money is all that stands in the way i am willing to make your son an allowance upon marriage of two thousand pounds a year but there will be conditions the first is that he finds employment within the first six months of his marriage god then heaven lionel what talking business at last and do go on the second is that he remained faithful to her or i shall withdraw the whole amount and persuade victoria to return home there it is if you agree be it my solicitors at three o'clock on monday victoria must never know and i trust you'll do your utmost to keep her happy during her engagement good day to you congratulations father now you can order some fresh cigars [Music] all right what'd she want do you know oh she's also on the want me mark she's a bitter pill what really gets there though is i don't have to swallow it anymore boy well that's the finest display of poverty i've seen in a long time is the tea in the pot or is it just water yes there's tea stewed aldi i'm reduced to this how was that then none of your bets come up look i've seen the show so come on out with it have a heavy date tomorrow i want to get home heavy day tell me when a manager has a heavy d well if i was a waster like you blue-eyed fred you'd love me wouldn't you if i was fred you wouldn't need to drag me down oh who'd bring your poor old mother down not now you're sweating on your precious bloody wife listen to me you our friend hasn't brought a penny piece in for three weeks you can't give him a start god you really led up to that didn't you the kind welcome how are you son and how's your family well you can go to hell oh sorry sir did i over balance you oh you won't over balance that big head he won't even give his own kevin ken the chance to win a living you know why it's so hard to earn a living because you're born idle and all he wants is easy money and he's too thick to learn a way to do that think i can't see easy money lily's bad the father wouldn't want his fame wedding pots up nobody throws all that and i'll do for you julia i'll finish you off just try to stop me okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello there are you lost no no sir i know where i am evening sir good evening [Music] so [Music] [Music] please cool another way you're stupid oh i'd like a word with you mister about lily whitmore what lily's been came a fortnight ago and you've got a grand wedding lined up but not to her you kept this sweet didn't you yeah with a few loavesy quid in a washed leather bag [Music] so i heard she'd married someone hi may brother but he's not the cane to look after his family know me i'd like to see justice don't [Music] how much justice i reckon we could manage on 50 quid a month 50 quid a month [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] final not riding he had a gate back there in the field well he threw you the admiral but he sprang he said he's spraying a shoe it was a bit loose i can't blame him whoever else you blame you'd never blame a horse good job there's a day or two before the wedding yes quite fortunate [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] line up lionel can you lend a hand out in the woods there's a fellow with his throat cut needs a doctor he's alive i'm sorry you've had a fall get yourself a brandy we'll manage looks too late for a doctor anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so hmm you'll want more oh thanks last i'm full don't sit by the fire and i'll make some tea you've been on your feet all day lily all the love words you could say wouldn't mean as much as what you've just said now nobody in my life's ever worried about me even if my feet are freezing or dropping off hey [Music] [Music] i love you too uh [Music] mr skinner hi your brother's dead his body was found last night in brooks wood i'll have to go to my mars i don't think you'd better do that we want you down the station why joe what for it's alright guys i'll be back [Music] factory manager at the morden works but you wouldn't give your brother a job would you so why did you threaten to kill him your mother made a full statement after she identified the body you had a fight she had to drag you off so you decided to finish the job later a what isn't that what you said i'll finish you later my mother so yes this is the man that you saw yesterday in the woods yes that's him well uh thank you for coming in mr fillmore well what were you doing in the woods [Music] thank you five minutes miss [Music] what happened joe i wish i knew miss god i wish i knew have you no idea did your brother have any enemies more than enough but the one they all know about me you'll need someone who can defend you i'll take a lot of defending miss i threatened fred that night mima has told him that and more i was out there and i was mad enough and i was seen mr fillmore identified us what were you doing out there joe i'm sorry miss i didn't do it but they're not looking for anybody else i can tell you that now joe you're my manager and i'm going to get you back to work if i have to knock their heads together myself do you hear i miss thanks i'll do everything in my power look after yourself do you hear [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] uh up uh silence in court mr pearson continue my lord i'll do for you i'll finish you off were those your words mr skinner yes sir speak up please yes sir your mother has testified that as you shouted those words you grabbed your brother by the throat do you admit that it wasn't like that it was like that later though wasn't it no sir did you not pursue your brother and murder him in an identical attack no no because this time you used a knife [Applause] my lord i really must reveal sit down mr pearson you will rephrase the lord mr skinner you have been identified by mr fillmore as the man he saw in the woods near the time and place of your brother's death do you deny that no sir perhaps you can explain to the jury what your purpose was in being there no sir no further questions mr skinner you were in the woods looking for your brother were you not yes sir did you find him no sir and what did you do then i went home now mr skinner your mother has told us at length how you refused your brother a job will you now tell us why in fact that was was no vacancy now think back mr skinner had your brother ever held a job before not for any length of time was he in fact wholly unreliable a known life had you ever known him to lie yes sir yes was he also a thief at times yes at times so was he not in fact someone all too likely to attract the fate which he did i cannot see how your line of defense is going to help joe ms my client has done nothing to help himself but asking him to vilify his brother it makes it seem as if he has a motive oh well perhaps you should defend the man yourself and simply declare him innocent look that judge has a dozen cases to try in as many days now mr skinner's own mother has as good as taking the noose around his neck your concern for him does your great credit but i must destroy the jury sympathy for his brother i shall establish reasonable doubt you can rely on it believe me will the former the jury please rise members of the jury have you reached a verdict upon which you're all agreed we have do you find the prisoner at the bar guilty or not guilty of willful murder we find him guilty and so see you all we do my lords the queen's justices do strictly charge and command all persons to remain in silence our sentence is passed prisoner at the bar this careful trial is now ended by the verdict which your fellows have pronounced the sentence is that you'll be taken to the place from whence you came and from thence to a place of execution and there you'll be hanged by the neck until you'll be dead let your body be buried within the precincts of the [Music] prison [Music] i told her not to worry we all have to go sometime what's got into you joe you're giving up without a fight at least tell me just between us yes enormous you can't do everything let it be and let them hang you i have to hang someone if i told him why i went after me brother believe me it wouldn't save my neck it would only do others a great deal of harm others you're protecting lily i'm a common man this but what i feel for lily is not a common thing i married her to protector and i've been proud to be your husband and father to her child i'll not betray that now oh dear skinny [Music] [Music] love makes fools of all of us what else is worth the candle [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] have you thought what you'll do yes miss go back to the factory what about the baby mary next door would take him in lily i'd like you to take up a position with me in my household live in your house where he could drop in with your fine cousin no i would kill joe twice he what do you mean lily nothing don't tell me nothing look at me joe was more farther than that man ever was that man lionel fillmore yes and joe knew yes oh lily did fred know nobody knew fred's the last person you would have told but if fred found out somehow fred had found out and was going to tell i believe joe would have killed him come in mr douglas fill more mom thank you good afternoon please thank you i'm ashamed i haven't called since you don't blame me for the trial no well i confess i've come on an errand i understand you've refused to receive lionel is that true it is may i ask why you may not bridgette you must know that victoria has not settled at grove house she's the one who will suffer from this she's the one who married him but bridget you made that marriage i know lionel has his faults but with your good influence my influence my precious influence i will not tolerate that man in this house and that's flat lionel is the father of lily's child joe knew it he kept it a secret for lily's sake douglas please don't stay away of course i won't i'll call again even if it's only to tell you i've killed my brother you know that job you were looking for yes well i need a supervisor in the shipping office i could pay you a thousand pounds a year to begin with the boys won't like it and that's their own silly fault for keeping mummy in the dark what'd you say uh lionel i want a word with you oh you do do you i'll be in the dining room i don't think you'd want this spread about in there you think you can get away with murder don't you lilly whitmore's child don't try to deny that you're the father you're a funny fellow doug so i have a bastard son one that i know about should i say what do you intend to do about this vileness bridget is going to look after lily and the boy oh aunty bridget now you listen to me whatever's in the past you're married now you signed a condition for your 2000 a year and if bridget won't enforce it i will you i have to earn that money every day you dare crawl out of the woodwork douglas hello bridgette didn't you see us i didn't wish to intrude did you say anything to your brother oh i said something to him all right well at first he seemed guilty then he just laughed i got so angry we almost came to blows don't look so surprised bridgette sorry would you like me to show you the grounds yes i would good it's too big of course i think father only built it so that we girls could be introduced to genteel society you miss him still when he died i was adrift although i did attract a number of suitors mostly gentlemen well set in years you seem to feel that my estate more than compensated for my other drawbacks what is it is something on my hair no bridgette i would tell you you had beautiful hair if you didn't dismiss anything that sounds like a compliment not at all i know i have beautiful hair [Music] it's my latest project it's nearly finished there's a mitten in here this way and once it's ready once it's ready it's for lily i hope she'll be really cozy here yes i'm sure she will be good evening hasn't been for me stupid girl belly full and afraid to talk about it i mean all i asked was how he got there silly [ __ ] women where are you going i haven't clapped eyes on you for days i've got some work to finish oh yeah yeah tucson's working now the bloody lot of good they do me lionel's off on business with blousy old daisy barnet do you remember her just a touch over 40 seen off two husbands already there's not much shipping in carlisle but there are a few hotels i can tell you oh and as of that stupid goose victoria i mean it's lying all this online wake up every morning and i hate the bloody light it's all right i can manage the stairs if i fall down let's hope it's near the bottom so i don't have to make all that effort it's clambering up what's wrong with admiral i needs exercise but mr lionel doesn't like anyone else riding him when he's awake perhaps in case he springs another shoe oh the admiral never spring shooter he's got that kind of hard hoof you know good pizza lionel lionel not riding riding no yes he's spraying a shoe it was a bit loose i can't blame him can you lend a hand out in the woods there's a fellow with his throat cut and he's a doctor he's alive [Music] [Music] jesus did you enjoy your trip to carlisle yes thank you bright most productive no have the bags taken up i'll be in the library [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr douglas jimmy what are you doing there this stone is perfect for something i'm making hi but mr lane i'll have us repair that wall just before the wedding he'll murder us if he sees what you're doing mr lionel hey jimmy i intend to take full responsibility for this i promise jimmy it's all right get back to bed [Music] [Music] give me that knife oh right you can sort this out tell them if one word of this gets out they go out with it what's got into you too he murdered joe skinner's brother lionel it's not true he was blackmailing me him and his brother i did for 2 000 a year remember don't make the messier chances this time that's what you said i should have saved my breath for the police don't miss that what will you do ruin your own family the harm's done it's finished and if you go through with this you'll finish me too i'm going to leave this house but before i do i want a letter written by him renouncing every penny from bridget then it's finished final what's the matter douglas has just persuaded me to stop being paid for being your husband do you need to explain my dear i was bribed to marry you by miss bridget not because you're poor but because you're a useless empty-headed stupid little [ __ ] that she wanted off her [Music] hands [Music] i can do it on my own i can do everything on my own that was always going to be my lesson wasn't it what's the matter you seem ill are you surprised yes don't bother lying all you want to know is why the money you paid to get rid of me has been refused to get rid of you lionel said that oh yes dear most eloquently and you believed him bridget you see me as a silly girl well the silly girl would refuse the trifling allowance you still give her but i'm afraid this silly girl has caught her death what's left of me knows i'm going to need the money if i could tear my stomach open at this moment and rip this thing out i would i can't tell you what happened because it had nothing to do with me there was a fight and lanlan douglas decided it all between themselves i follow your example in that respect surely douglas would tell you i can't ask him because he's left the house seems they might have killed each other if he hadn't where's he gone i don't know and i don't intend to worry my pretty little head about it [Music] steady [Music] good day hello douglas bridgette how on earth did you find me i have my sources um my master mason sam sam miss bridget mordent mom how'd you do i'll take me break now sir stretch my legs a bit yes do that douglas you're not living here madam i'll have you know my trade is very comfortable be quiet why didn't you let me know let you know what that i'd left home and would you kindly do something about it as you do for everybody else i'm sorry so you should be making me sound like some do-gooder maiden aunt what caused the trouble at the house it must have been quite drastic to have got lionel to part with his allowance it was drastic i earn my living now and i sleep peacefully in my bed at night you rent this they should pay you not this farmer as sam says his skin allows for its hide i'm not quite in that category myself but i do have a building to let you do the one i showed you bridget you were going to put lily in there yes but lily prefers the lodge anyway after the money i've spent i wanted to see a return so i'm letting it what are you asking by the way has rent i really couldn't tell you my agent is dealing with that in newcastle but you could pay me a visit or or come to lunch on sunday now on that you have a bargain i've never needed a christmas so much it would be happier for me if we were married what can i do she point blank refuses a divorce you've told her i'll make a settlement yes but don't expect sense from that silly little [ __ ] i'm going grey my dear it had better be soon daisy got me mr burner and mr simon are here ask them to wait in the study i will receive them there listen what the hell are they doing here they have arrived for christmas christmas but i thought oh lionel i did so want to be with you but i can't turn my sons away if we were married [Music] see if i don't [Music] so [Music] oh victoria my dear come in sit down [Music] how nice of you to come and sit with me [Music] [Music] by god we have come to something victoria married into a blacking factory we didn't even get now you have a beautiful daughter but the father's run off and we can't even afford you a wet nurse [Music] but i envy that child [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so it'll warm up in a minute douglas i don't know what happened to bring you here but i'm glad it did i know you bridget you think if i won't tell you directly why i left grove house perhaps you can coax it out of me another way preposterous listen happy new year bridgette [Music] i will tell you something i plan to kiss you tonight and sir that's the return on my investment because this building was never for rent when i told you it was [Music] [Music] daisy daisy daisy daisy daisy what's this what's happening she had a heart attack on new year's eve she died almost instantly oh my god i don't believe it no i don't suppose you do anyway we'll pack your things send them back today bastards you killed her now see simon is not worth it your mother share in the business was hers only while she lived you would never have got it even if you could have married she had a heart complaint for years well i don't think she told you about that either well matched i would say you killed her all right [Music] uh oh it seems you lost your job my boy i take it my things have arrived then yes i had them sent up to your room supposing i went away took a ship to america could you raise the money what do you bloody think how much do you think we'd get if we set up set up not while i'm alive oh no no no more no [Music] did you want to see me dear no oh i thought you might want to increase your offer for a divorce or have we had another failure i loved her i loved her oh my god and i'm glad you know how it feels no well i think you should know that bridget and douglas are to be married it's happy news isn't it bold charming lionel tied to a silly [ __ ] without a penny and the runt of the litter gets a rich one [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me father i just wanted you to know i'll live oh victoria [Music] can i can i be of help sir all right open the drawer there please the case can you bring it thank you and now would you get me a glass of brandy from the next room you know where i've been hiding it go on thank you is the couch made up in that room i'll say to it sir have someone look after the baby for tonight could you see to that first for you my dear for you [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh oh [Music] i'll be damned [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] and you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 370,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Catherine Cookson, The Black Candle, Cathy Sandford, Nathaniel Parker, 90s tv movies, movies adapted from books
Id: tDvdJjOK0vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 12sec (6192 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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