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hey guys Susilo and welcome back to another episode of mystery of Monday let's just go ahead and get into the case this case is honestly crazy is a roller coaster start-to-finish is so interesting this case was huge in Mexico and it is the death of Paulette Jabara so Paulette was from Mexico she was 4 years old at the time of her death and she suffered from developmental disabilities because of when she was born she was really really like they didn't know if she was going to make it but she did and unfortunately because of that she did suffer from developmental disabilities and she was unable to talk or walk properly she did go to like a normal school and stuff like that but she needed like special help because she really just couldn't do these things on her own she couldn't string together sentences she could say like mom dad food you know small word but she couldn't say sentences and she needed assistance when walking before her death Paulette went on a weekend away with her father Marie gir and her seven-year-old sister to ballet D Bravo I believe it's pronounced just for the weekend my mother was that was not with them she was on a weekend away as well but she was in a list of us to meet up with a friend and I don't know if I said that right I tried googling out and say it but I just can't get the grasp of it it was later found though that was that was not actually having a weekend away with her friend and she was having an affair so she was there to meet up with the person she was having affair with she had a weekend of partying and drinking and both of them both parties arrived back home on Sunday the 21st of March in 2010 Paulette I brought home about 9:00 p.m. and soon after her mother was putting her to bed she distinctly remembers giving her a kiss on the forehead before putting out of it and then in the room so the next morning the Gov nani's Erica and mark I've got Paulette all this history to school and then they waited with her until the bus came at around 7 a.m. a.m. they went to go and get Paul that ready for kindergarten and that is when they discovered that she was missing from her bed they looked everywhere they looked into her closets in her bathrooms they looked under the bed when they couldn't find her anywhere in to her room they even went to check Marika and lucetta's bedroom but she was nowhere to be found when they couldn't find her anyway they got really worried they went and told Paulette parents obviously who kind of seemed to unfolded by which is kind of strange they didn't really do anything they didn't help look but Erika and Mama ended up searching be arrested the apartment building they searched the elevators they asked the security guards they searched literally everywhere in this apartment building no one had seen her and they couldn't find her anywhere so the police are called and a forensics team was called who then came to the apartment apparently they searched the apartment something like five times in the first day that they came there like as they showed up they searched me of having like five times with such everything everywhere and they could not find pull that anywhere there were no signs of forced entry there was no sign of struggle it just kind of was like she disappeared into thin air so because no one could find out and no one knew what happened to our Paulette Paris turned to the media to get some coverage they were a well-off family and if well-off families daughter goes missing people are going to take notice so they turn to the media they do talent interviews especially live that her mother did a lot of interviews live that was crazy in an interview saying that Paul that was an angel she never cried she never threw tantrums and she also mentioned that the night that she disappeared that nothing seemed off the dogs didn't bark they didn't hear any weird noises everything seemed normal nothing alerted them to the fact that maybe someone was in the house or someone was taking Paul that everything just seemed normal these interviews basically put Paul s face everywhere she was all over the TV she was on Billboard's she was on newspapers she was in magazines she was everywhere everyone was talking about this case it was huge I think a lot of the reason and that this case got so big is because as I said her parents were quite well-off was that with a lawyer they lived in a luxurious apartment and a safe neighborhood like it was meant to be safe I have no idea like nobody had any idea how she could have been taken there was no signs of forced entry but I feel like most of the reason is they were quite a well-off family it was also really strange because despite her disappearance there was never any ransom note or any ransom call to try and get money for the kidnapping of that of Paulette basically so this is something that a lot of people talk to that everyone thought was really weird and then why would you kidnap a child and not try and get any money from it so on the 27th of March the lives that actually did another interview and she did it in Paul Epps room she invited many news crews in to interview her while she was sitting on a Paulette's bed and the weird thing about this is on the 31st of March Paulette body was found wedged in the corner of her bed she was wrapped in her own sheep she was found at the foot of her own bed and it's just really strange that there were so many people in there and there was someone sitting on the bed and people have actually slept on the bed in the nine days that she was missing people had slept on her bed and nobody smelt anything no one saw her there and that he could changed the bed sheets and didn't find her like it is actually crazy to me how there was so many people in there her mother actually sat on the bed and nobody smells it like I feel like a body after that long would emit some type of disgusting smell but just nothing just nobody had any idea the bed had been changed people had slept on the bed and you know people had such the whole place so extensively but nobody found her in her bed forensic experts say that the body couldn't have been there any more than three days so they started saying that it had to have been a homicide they said that is no way the body could have been hidden there for any more than three days without being noticed without smelling and they just was sure that it was a homicide case that they were looking into but um by the coroner the death of Paulette was actually ruled an accident they say that she died from asphyxiation and that she got stuck there she was in the covers it compressed her lungs and that she wasn't able to breathe and died up that way to further the theory of the nanny's had actually made the beds while Colette was still there as I mentioned before but they did reconstructions of this where the nannies after they had found Paulette funny and they were trying to figure out what had happened and they were investigating into her death they made they made reconstructions of the nannies and making the beds and it is possible from these reconstructions from what they found they think it's possible that they didn't find her even while making the bed a lot of people though do not believe that this was an accidental death and they definitely think there was some foul play involved because I mean it's just such a weird case and it's so hard to imagine that she died and no one noticed her in nine days but if something did happen to her and foul play was involved then it's really really like it would have been just so hard to figure out who did it because the hundreds of people had come into the apartment that was footprints everywhere fingerprints everywhere DNA everywhere people had just come in and out you know the house wasn't a crime scene and it was just so incredibly contaminated that it would have been so hard to figure out who had done it from just the crime scene alone so that is pretty much all of the evidence and now I'm going to go ahead and get into some theories and the first theory is that Lizette actually killed her and daughter because she had disabilities and it was just too much for how to handle was that was described as intelligent and capable but she was also described as cold lacking empathy and without emotional attachment off the Poulet disappearance she was actually and I cannot even believe this quoted saying even if I lose Paulette I have another daughter that just blows my mind she didn't show any signs of grieving which is why a lot of people think that she is guilty when she was accused she just seemed defensive she seemed anxious she seemed uh nymphet ik and she seemed angry so I think I already mentioned this earlier but I didn't mention that this was only discovered off to pull a twenty was found that her parents have been lying the whole time was that Emma Rhaegar did not help look for her body at all he didn't even call the police it was actually Marie kurz sister I believe it was that called the police after hearing up from records brother just seemed like they were really disinterested in the whole thing and when the nanny's told them that Paulette was missing they just seemed you know kind of blood lay back they just did just was just another day was enough seeing like they just seemed so unbolted by it by some of them most people in Mexico who knew of this case think that was that is guilty just because of the way that she was acting and just everything around this case I feel like most things point to Lisette if foul play was involved was that at one point actually trying to point something out her husband saying that he was guilty which leads us to the next series that Marika is the one that killed pullet some people even think that maybe pullet was dead before they got back from that holiday I'm not really sure how that would work I don't know if they flew back from their holiday or if they drove it wouldn't make sense if they flew she was already dead but some people think that is possible that she was already dead before she got back from that holiday Alberto about that he was the Attorney General for Mexico at the time of Paul s murder and it said that it's possible that he coveted up former anchor because they were close friends at the time so it is possible the inner Marika is wealthy and they're friends and he's an attorney general so it is possibly helped to cover up the case for him that was also adamant that Lisbon had something to do with the matter he just a hundred percent thought that she killed Paulette and he was trying to point a finger at her the whole time and I guess that seems like something that you would do if you're trying to cover up for someone is try and shift the blame from the person you is guilty to someone else to give reasonable doubt or to just shift the blame but with that being said it's not you know the craziest thing in the world that he thought it was her because as I said previously most people in Mexico saw that it was her another theory is that both of the parents are actually involved and that it was a staged kidnapping so that they could get some money because apparently they were having some financial struggles they didn't know if they were going to be able to afford the apartment that they were living in afford the life that they were living they were having marital problems as I said before that had a had an affair at the time of Paulette disappearance so the theory goes that maybe they staged the kidnapping so that they could extort money from Paulette grandparents and from the government and the media and the people of Mexico so the theory goes that maybe they staged the kidnapping so they could extort money from Paulette grandparents from the government from the public has all the interviews where they're asking for the daughter pleading for their daughter and making it such a big deal I mean of course they're making it a big deal of course of course of course I'm not saying that you know what they're doing is wrong but the theory goes that that is why they did so many interviewed all the time as so that they could get some money for her kidnapping it's believed that maybe they had pull out in an air duct and they said wait here we'll come get you and obviously you know she has these disabilities where she can't say anything and she can't walk if she needs help assistance walking so they left her in there and they said we'll come get you but then the case just blew up and it got so huge that they couldn't get back to her in time and she suffocated before they managed to get back to her so another thing in this theory I want to mention is I'm not sure how credible is is I only saw this on one sort so the district attorney and the time of the disappearance was Alfred Odell mother mapa I believe that it's pronounced and he was friends with Lisette and her family so basically some people believe that the investigation was just you know raised from the start it's strange that the house was apparently searched five times and nobody found anything nobody found her when she was in the house wedged at the foot of her bed and they searched it five times apparently another thing is apparently when investigators arrived at the scene they did not they would not allow to look for anything other than forced entry and pretty much as soon as they started looking at they were ordered to stop looking so it's possible that the case was covered up by the district attorney because of the relationship we live that family I mean there's so many inconsistencies in the case and in the search for Poulet body that I definitely would not put it past a cover-up for this case another theory is that the nanny's had something to do with it this has little to no evidence at all as pretty much a series of every single person in the family and that they did it and people who were in the household there's a theory for all of them and one of them is that B and nanny's had something to do with it because they were the ones who were looking after the girls and they were the last ones to see her well I mean not the last ones to see her but they were the ones who discovered that she was missing they're also the ones who made the bed while all that was missing but still at the foot of the bed another theory is that Paulette sister accidentally killed her they say that she was jealous of the attention that Paulette receives because obviously she got more attention because she needed more attention because my disabilities but some people think that maybe Elizabeth and Mary Kay was fighting on the night that they got back the night that Paulette disappeared which wouldn't be true far-fetched considering they were having their own problems and some people think that maybe Paulette went into her sister's room and she was crying she was scared she was upset and pull that tried to shut her up and accidentally killed her in the process as a loved theory of course the official ruling of death is asphyxiation so as I was looking into this case I was very torn between this theory and the fact that it was a cover-up and that Lisette was the one who turned off just because a lot of the evidence and the reconstructions that showed that you can you know make the bed without finding spotty and there are people saying that the sheets that she was wrapped in actually prevented people from being able to smell the odor but I am definitely leaning more towards Liz that having killed her Endora or someone having killed her like I feel like South players involved there's so much evidence that's missing there's so much things that might make it seem like this was or is a cover-up the forensics team said that she could only have been there for three days before they found her and said that they were most likely looking into a homicide case I mean the fact that nobody brought in nobody thought to bring in any cadaver dogs considering they did with the Madeleine McCann case and she was just missing she still is missing and they said what could have gone into that so I feel like they should have brought cadaver dog and for this case and if they did then it would have alerted them that she was either at the bed or she wasn't there because you know somebody killed her you know the whole scene was contaminated so many things were just done wrong so many things about are just really weird which definitely makes it seem like a cover-up because there's just so many inconsistencies so many just I remember it's a really like stressful case and if it's not a cover-up then the police honestly did such a shitty job with this case it's unbelievable so that brings us to the end of this case I really hope you guys enjoy it I would love to hear your opinions in the comments down below make sure to give us one our sums up if you do enjoy and these mystery Monday's and we're going to continue making them and do you leave down any evidence that I may have missed or anything that you know about the case that I didn't include in the video but I really hope you guys enjoyed and hopefully I'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 2,175,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery monday, paulette gebara, mystery, conspiracy theory
Id: nTNQykeZgzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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