The Binding of Isaac: Road to Platinum God [82] Eyy a video

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hello everyone and welcome back to baru plays The Binding of Isaac rebirth continuing our road to becoming a platinum God are we actually gonna make it no no's alright so let's go ahead and start off so we're starting off with a little rim and a blood bag a little bit less damage we're starting with negative luck lower speed pretty decent pretty decent shot speed and pretty careful tear rate so you'll notice a little Hut here that is on the screen ie I like this little HUD this Hut is nice because it allows me to see hump with my actual stance argh I've wanted some way of displaying this kind of information so that way those that kind of you know don't really watch the entire video have some method of well being able to see how exactly the one is currently going so these are pretty average stats outside of our tier 8 being have the absolute worst but starting with little brimstone I have to say is pretty crazy not to not to Vaughan of our current health situation but we can definitely change that and starting with the blood bag definitely means that we will be getting quite a bit of cash as well so let's go find our item room so I haven't been uploading too many videos I've been kind of busy lately with some real life things been going to a bunch of doctors so yeah not the healthiest the person's right now but hey I'm actually getting time to sit down and make some videos so that's kind of nice alright now you're gonna give me a quarter here now where is the item room at and the best part is we already have more damage we already have more damage than the last run just because of the little brimstone so I'm pretty happy with this run as is like in our current state we're only gonna get better and if we can find a best friends forever then he'll know then we are gonna be able to be pretty much set I would say we're really pretty much sent because that is going to in double the damage of our little brimstone so I think that's gonna be pretty much it for these floors I want to kind of start getting through these episodes such a little bit faster you know I will be making sure to actually edit out some of the I would say tedious stuff like getting donation machines over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again but I kind of want to get through these because I don't want to have like one hour long videos all right well monstros long is pretty nice interesting synergy I have to say interesting synergy with a little brimstone that may have not been the greatest of ideas but I think we're gonna I think we're gonna stick this combination it's definitely very damaging but I don't know if it was such a good idea I really want to get to some of those consumables a hangman would be nice right about now I've got a lot of keys but no real bombs right now speak of the devil and it shall appear thank you for the bomb all right cool now I've got a bomb now some more on now some more bombs would be nice and probably see if we can't get some more red heart containers so we can for some more healthier although we're probably gonna lose it to the devil deal now I think about it I really don't know what exactly I'm gonna want in that devil deal in its current state should be able to put this here and get a free penny right yep so we can do that to both sides actually so let's go ahead and get the free penny here every little bit counts there we go and let's see what we have here we're gonna be taking ourselves to a very good dangerously low health we need we need it we need a little bit more THC the problem with this combination with little brimstone and monsters lung is that you're basically gonna be on two different timers and you can't utilize either them effectively all right torn photo that's definitely nice and look of sin you know I think we're gonna keep the book of sin the reason we're gonna keep that is because it has a chance of spawning us a few more consumables here in there and I believe my secret room would be right about here there we go see we have a couple more keys um let's go ahead and get that great chest and that should be about it for this floor still really not that much to talk about in terms of this build right now we've got monsters long so we have a lot of potential synergies down the line chocolate milk would be definitely one of those things that I would like should have come into this room at the start maybe we could have I know we couldn't really get any extra bombs all right so let's go and head on to the next floor here it's kind of interesting looking at the looking at I guess the stats for picking up all the different items because I didn't exactly know how how most of the stuff worked like just how effective it was if you look at the tear rate which is the multiple arrows that's our tits are teary right now face is 10 we're at 37 because the monster is long that's kind of put it into perspective just how how crazy it is all right some more bombs key we can probably afford our shop this floor so we're more than likely gonna check that out yeah more than likely gonna check it out this time hopefully we can find a couple of things maybe even get rid of some of this negative luck that we've got going on right now negative luck is the absolute worst and some tears down oh it's not what I wanted to see right now thankfully I've still got a little brim you know being a bro for me and doing most of my damage but definitely not what I wanted to see all right where you popping at there buddy there we go let's see what we have in here stigmata a little bit of damage up and a red heart which I won't say no to get a little liberty cap that'll be nice mmm a nine-volt and a treasure map I feel like the treasure map would be really nice being able to navigate my wound floors my cathedral the the chest later on like that's gonna be a worthwhile investment so we're probably gonna look into getting some of that and that head just went flying I had just went flying all over the place it looks like we do a little loop here - looks like we did a little bit of a loop okay well you do a loop it kind of just throws wherever the boss is gonna get thrown wherever it wants to go and redheart can't do anything with that make a mall good news is that we do a lot of damage right now it's not as bad as the last round a little bit of an all stats up and good old Krampus he's gonna show his head eventually might as well show up now and then three hits it's all it's gonna take lump of coal not the strongest of items but it is useful if we can get just a little bit more shot speed up I feel like we can actually abuse the lump of coal pretty pretty well actually well that sucks there we go got a tarot card lovers we could actually instead just get a get an arcade on our next shop and kind of abuse that that's definitely an option because as much as I love the map in the nine-volt there are better things out there and I feel like I should save I feel like I should save my cash and yeah with the shot speed up that we currently have and this lump of coal it's actually doing some pretty significant damage and little brim you know just kind of doing his own thing little brim honestly can carry you all the way to your cathedral without too many issues it's just kind of getting past that you're gonna have you know somewhat of a problem actually let's let's look for there our secret room real fast can't be that one can't be this one it's got to be right here it's really the only place left there we go and a little bit more cash so yeah we're gonna save that's it see if we can't find one more cent uh actually I don't have any bombs let's kill him no okay actually no we have one Center can I not reach that I can't reach that um see if we can't find a penny I want five cents that way I can force an arcade on the next floor but at the same time I really want that I really want that map and I don't think it's gonna happen I don't think it's going to happen no all right well we'll leave the map for later there's better things in the shop we can even donate a little bit more so it's all good so let's go ahead and head on up and see where this is gonna take us this is probably one of my least favorite rooms in all of Isaac from rebirth just that room right there I hit him so hard it pushed the Lord all the way over here nice I don't know if I actually want to take lard that's not actually too bad yeah it's actually not that bad a little bit of extra some extra heart containers that I can throw into my double deal is very nice and in addition yeah we do have an arcade that's pretty much it it's just the it's just the heart containers I was gonna say in addition actually it didn't lower us to negative speed negative speed is where it really comes into play we do have a cursed room that we will definitely be checking out I cannot go over there let's go get our arcade and all the stuff over there as well as our item room and we're definitely gonna be definitely checking out the shop I just like that I hit him so hard it pushed him out of where he normally goes speed up definitely something I want to see after taking a speed down let's go ahead and hit this see if we can't crack it open got plenty of cash for definitely I'm tried donating and a blood bag very nice more health and in addition let's go actually go ahead and donate here yeah let's just donate me we can get rid of our negative luck yeah that's so good but I was gonna say in addition if we can find one more speed out that'll be a double speed up so you'll be just fine here let's go ahead and go into our cursed room and would you look at that ago end very nice that is exactly what you want to see when you have this many red hearts and very few soul hearts is a goat head that will guarantee your ability to get your double deal so now we have potential to make a really strong build here especially since Krampus is out of the way we aren't gonna see his face anymore let's go and see what we have in our item room a book of shadows you know that what next would be that bad Book of Shadows is a very good item to bring with you the battery even better to go along with it because that way I can charge it up in rooms that I wouldn't normally use a book of shadows in like that one so real quick that that build came together real fast gotta say I'm very very happy with where we are current standing especially considering last run last one was already gone awful see if we can't lose little brim there there we go and we have a battery so we might as well when there's no reason not to there we go and we got some more shot speed up so now we can really use that cold huh sorry ghost baby is not enough for me to want to take that I apologize the ghost baby is not enough for me there is one more thing that I want to do before we leave this floor there is a golden chest that I can get for basically free and it's pretty loaded I got us a couple of bombs and a little bump from some cash there we go secret room not much in here we're just gonna go ahead and bomb that and that'll be everything so let's go and head on out all right I like where our build is at right this moment let's go ahead and donate just a little bit more here definitely happy with where our build is at it's a hell of a lot stronger than last time and with the goat head we're only gonna get better especially with how many hearts we have to gamblin we find anymore arcades we're just gonna turn that into potentially more health I love this room they just kill themselves and that's a dead end all right I want to bomb that and another dead end I don't really feel like doing a full challenge room for one great chess if I'm not hurting for it and we're just gonna go ahead and do this for a little bit see if we can't break this machine I do have a book here that we are going to abuse we're gonna be able to get plenty of cash and hopefully this blood bank will end up breaking there we go another blood bag that'll give us even more speed up I believe and even more bread hell which with a goat heads we I'm fine with I'll take all the red health that you have you got a bomb will really do anything for that speed up one-point-eight speed right now very nice very very nice speed that we have emperor card the Sun let's see what are we yeah I'll just hold onto the Sun card no reason for no reason to hit the Emperor no reason to take that I'll just stick with what we currently have here I'll go back and grab that chest kind of want to get off this floor as quickly as I can I don't like curse' too lost it's probably one of my least favorite and I am gonna go ahead and pass on that item as as much as I feel actually know what no with book of shadows guillotine could be guillotine could be he actually very very powerful you know what no that's that's that is good there that is good I'll take it it's useful let's find her shop and let's get out of this place and I will be able to use it on the Isaac fight as well didn't even really think about the fact that I had the Book of Shadows so good little Bram just taking all those little guys out and just the damage so good this time around I don't mind a bat you know I don't really mind a bad run you know I get them from time to time I get them but having runs that take like an hour long I if we have a run like this where it's you know slowly progressing getting better and better and better I don't think we're gonna edit out too much but if I get any more of those one hour long just painful just stall fests where nothing really happens for 20 minutes at a time I think that's what we're just gonna be like all right we're gonna we're gonna cut this down because we're not progressing we're just kind of enduring at this point now where is my shot we're just kind of in during the run we're not kind of having a run anymore at this point we are definitely not having a run anymore at this point right shop and it's greed oh that's bad too because after you get greed super greed is soon to follow that is not very good all right let's go ahead and kill our boss see what we get our devil deal and head on to the last one and since okay just just go ahead and throw our head in there we have a very good chance of actually getting our our boss rush now I think about it and we've actually hit speed cap so the speed down actually didn't do anything which is kind of funny let's go ahead and hit our card here check out the arcade see if we can't get another blood bag get some more red health the mark was definitely nice a little bit of damage up is always appreciated let's go at this point I don't really need the cash so yeah I don't really need anything that this guy is this thing's gonna give me outside of the blood bag I'm probably gonna donate all the money just so we can get that 999 out of the way are you gonna break it all hello please break alright well guess it's not gonna break on me see we have here Oh full help ok thanks appreciate it give me just all of this cash again let's go ahead and donate here maybe we can get rid of this negative luck maybe we can end up doing that uh-huh no negative luck alright we're just gonna be stuck with our negative luck very well then let's head on to our curse room maybe them sold hard and I don't think a boss rush is gonna end up happening I could make it but I don't know how much I really want to try and like force it yeah I'm not gonna care about it too terribly much another full health pill what's this one tears up there we go and I'll get rid of that tears down that I had earlier okay what do we have here - a clump double our bombs I'll take it yes not my favorite I don't like little dish but I'll take I always I always take and even though I say hey I really don't like them and that is actually very nice to see if we do get a if we get super green inside of our secret room that means that our shop is breed free our shop is breathe free so what do we have fanny pack and a speed up that I'm already capped on speed so it doesn't really even matter yeah and we're done I'm not gonna make my boss rush but that's fine I don't really have a teleport out of it anyway and I really don't want to do the boss rush and we got we got the easy mom we got the super easy one all right suit we have here hmm pretty strong pretty strong deal but I think I'm only gonna take the sacrificial dagger the reason for that is that I I have I want to keep my red health kind of where it is these items really aren't that big Santana Bible is just gonna take away my red hell and not really give that much back Oh baby actually mm no no I want to keep my book of shadows and Guppies head is kind of irrelevant right now yeah yeah we're not gonna take Guppies head because there's very little chance that we're gonna make the cat this late so we're gonna go ahead and bypass all of that I'm gonna get that inner rock me a little bit more healthier you know what I'm gonna go ahead and take up his head just in case just in case that we do find two more pieces of the cat I've seen crazier things happen and I would hate to be kicking myself later on for missing it so we're gonna go ahead and do that now talking about our build here having sacrificial dagger and having Book of Shadows basically means that we just walk into something and it dies which is just beautiful for our build right now and another soul - gimme gimme the only thing I really wanted you know maybe I would maybe I should have taken the book just so that way I could remove just a little bit more just a little bit more read health and I can maybe get on a Polaroid Prok for the rest and we're get a free one here I probably should have waited I don't look good me since I didn't actually lose anything here nail nah that's not what I wanted to see I would have put myself on a Polaroid frock which would have been really nice but uh nails not really that necessary and hey would you look at that our boss Oh yep just just just get it in there because I do not want to fight anymore this one cage you know one cage is fine double cage not so much we actually got out of there pretty pretty calmly pentagram a little bit more damaged definitely appreciated and we already know what's in our double deal what's the nail so let's just go ahead and move on shall we let's just go ahead and move on um beggars yes I would like you to give me another health and I'm actually gonna go get some charges for my book of shadows and play out that demon beggar you give he could give me growth hormones he could give me a variety of things be down irrelevant twist up double tears up our tears are going real fast now very nice let's go get it let's go get a charge for our Book of Shadows and then we'll see if we can't get that demon beggar to play out for us well now it's a carry now it's a true carry got old got old able with us alright so we have our book of shadows and wine this um hit that and let's go demon beggar hey out for me no I know you've got it in you ain't walk-in walk-out now I've got a Polaroid frock up which is very nice tempting but no I think I'll pass I our build is good actually no we have negative luck alright so we lost a little bit of shot speed we lost more walk we got a health we went above the speed cap what did that do for us I didn't really do a damn thing thinking about it now that really didn't do a damn thing for us it okay cool and this is why I like having this HUD it's that way I don't have to like guess how much the how how much the experimental treatment actually did it'll just straight-up tell me it's like yo it took out this and that and this is what you have left so I think I'm gonna be keeping it on just for that simple facts like that and guillotine fighting pin is very wonky go ahead and take this if we get anything in here we leave with an extra soul art so one charge for soul hearts basically like using the nail I'll take it and let's go find our boss and get out of here because we don't want to be on here any longer I took a little hit there just a little tab you know eating is still very awkward to try and use but it's everything's okay yeah I repent a little bit of extra help very nice we're doing very good on health very good on damage I don't think we're gonna have any too many issues here going forward I don't really need any of that normally I'm the kind of guy that kind of collect everything but at this point I just want to make it through especially when I don't I don't want to waste my time with like rooms that aren't just gonna be spikes and I'm terrible I'm terrible with like dealing with spikes and things like that not dead-end from a big room no less alright we go that is gonna be another tears up so we'll go ahead and take you back oh we've hit our tear rate cap so I can't actually shoot any faster until unless we get tear breaking items which I don't think we're going to find go ahead and take out these eyeballs first before nice and that double orbital damage beautiful goin out and hey would you look at that I'm making it to the Cathedral in about 30 minutes rather than you know an hour so there's that there is that going for us I'm so happy I don't actually don't really care about you now that I think about it I really don't even care about that ah a little too slow on the book use little too slow on the book usage there I saw the damage happening it could leave now we'll stick it through we'll stick it through I shouldn't have I shouldn't be afraid to take read health I don't need I don't need to have you know it's a little help right now where did all of my health go I could have sworn I had a little bit more I could have sworn I had just a little bit more help where did it all go II thought I had like two rows of hearts or something oh well we still have a book of shadows so as long as we keep a double charge Book of Shadows Isaac is gonna be no problem at all no reason to take that tears uphill if we just said can't get any more to your rate and let's just go ahead and just jump right into him oh my god the boss is dying at a decent rate so yeah that'll be : monstrous long and all the shot speed that we have is doing a pretty decent amount Abel Abel just kind of chillin right there he's just kind of doing his own thing don't don't worry about him and into the chest it's been a while since we've been here it's been a while alright let's see what we have we've got Oh a chair breaking item so this is actually a good way to show it this is my tier rate right now and it's at 17 and now we're at about at 12 so that's a tier break item very nice and the mind well I was holding on to this world card I guess it we don't need that now we'll take a little chat he gives kisses so our tier rate is pretty ridiculous I have to say especially when we're using a monster oh so long yeah it's a little annoying to try in use I will say that much a little bit it's a little annoying to try and use but it does work encounter a bad room I can just go ahead and just never come back for that battery because I never want to backtrack to that little spike trap room ever again we're getting real close here we have an extra heart there we go a little bit of extra health we're not on a polaroid Franck and no reason to not grab it and that's pretty much be a pretty solid run I have to say this has been a very good run I'm very pleased with how this turned out I would like to see what's in my secret super secret not gonna take it to lower my health if it made guppy I would take it but that's only my second piece that's only my second piece if any one ends up playing the seat let me know if you end up making the cat and let's finish her off I don't think blue baby is gonna survive yeah I don't think blue baby is gonna survive even one shield I kind of did it kind of did well that's gonna be the run everybody I hope you all enjoyed it the start of an actual streak I definitely had a lot of fun with this one and if you enjoy it want to see more do me a favor hit the like button does support me in what I do and I do appreciate it and yeah that is that is the run let me know how you feel about the HUD I like this heads-up display it lets me see my speed my my shot speed my tear rate my damage all that good stuff that we that we like to know I liked how I tried to get rid of my negative luck and instead I just went further into the negative I just went further into the negative but hey that's just how it happens thank you all for watching and I'll catch you all in the next one everybody later
Channel: Admiral Bahroo
Views: 29,753
Rating: 4.979424 out of 5
Id: 3gNs-zFN7RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2015
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