Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - How to get Angel & Devil rooms

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hello everyone and welcome to weapons world today I would like to talk about devil rooms and angel rooms in Binding of Isaac rebirth and how to make sure they spawn so do note that this video will contain a lot of spoilers so first thing you probably saw a lot of angel rooms and devil rooms already when you beat bosses but there are certain mechanics behind the game in how they spawn so first the thing that you need to know is that after a boss fight there is basically a chance for a devil room to appear after that there is another chance that this devil room instead will turn into an angel room so everything that influences the spawning of devil rooms will in a sense also influence the spawning of angel rooms because if no devil room will spawn there is also no chance for an angel room to spawn so the chance of a devil room appearing is influenced by quite a lot of things this includes having items such as the book of Belial or even better the Goathead which actually guarantees a devil room appearing you can also destroy beggars which are these little guys with a dollar sign then you can't take damage against the boss or even better not taking damage the entire floor because that will also really increase your chances of getting a devil room however these are all percentage chances so even if you take a lot of damage as you can see here for example where a mess at this fight a devil room still appear so you can still get lucky and get a devil room and furthermore the chance is also influenced by whether you saw a devil room 1 or 2 floors before so now that we know how a devil room appears what can the devil room contain so the devil room can contain a lot of different things such as red chests black hearts as well as deals and the deals they will cost you life and they sometimes cost you a lot of life but the effects that they give you can be very powerful do note however that if you for example have one red heart and a couple of black hearts that all the deals will be calculated in red hearts so let's say you have 3 deals that all cost one red heart if you don't take one of those you can't take the other two anymore because you don't have any red hearts anymore if you came into the devil room without any red they would be calculated in black or Google arts instead so do note however that once you take a deal with the devil the entire run will not spawn any angel rooms anymore so once you made a deal you don't have any chance for angel rooms anymore so how do you get angel rooms well first of all as I said you have to decline Satan you have to say no to all his life costing deals however you can still pick up his hearts and open the red chests as well as using a credit card which will make the devil deals cost no life at all that also doesn't prevent angels from spawning furthermore sometimes instead of the devil you get Krampus or like instead of the devil statue you get Krampus fight and if you kill him he has some drops that you can pick up and they also don't cost as deals so let's say we said no to Satan's trickery how do we get angels to like us well basically the same conditions apply don't take damage because you remember angel room spawn from devil rooms however there are some things that influence whether the devil room will be an angel room instead and this is calculated through think'll bonuses and there are two kinds of bonuses there are strong bonuses which are holding a rosary beat as well as donating ten point to the donating machine in the current floor do note however that the donate donating machine can jam which can prevent you from getting that bonus then there are weak bonuses which are obtained by killing devil beggars key masters and shell game beggars which are those guys in the in arcades as well as holding different key pieces however key pieces are very much an endgame item which are obtained by fighting angels which is not even possible before you unlock to hold a lot of other stuff so I won't really talk about those even without bonuses though the chance of a devil room changing into an angel room is 50% so it's not that bad and the strong bonus immediately already changes at the 75% so an angel room always contains a free item which is really nice because devil like dividers cost you life but angel rooms are always for free but you only have a choice for of one item so you don't even have a choice lastly if you kill kill mom's heart then either a devil room or an angel room can also appear which doesn't give you any items but in that case it can send you either to show or the cathedral if you kill it lives instead which is like an upgraded mom's heart then they will both appear and you can kind of choose whether you want to go to the Cathedral or to Sheol so in the end should you take deals with a devil well they can certainly make you very very powerful allowing you to one-shot some bosses however as a new player I don't really recommend it because as a new player you really have to learn to dodge a lot of enemy fire you need to learn the enemy patterns so there's a strong chance that you will lose a fair amount of life in the process so if then you take also devil deals that reduce your life even more that might not be a good idea so I would say to once you feel comfortable with all the enemy fire and enemy patterns then start taking devil deals and see how powerful you can get because they can be very very very worth it so I hope you found this video tutorial useful and see you next time
Channel: Waervyn's World
Views: 161,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorials, tips, The Binding Of Isaac (Video Game), The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth (Video Game), roguelike, roguelite, angel room, devil room, evil, sin, faith, guide, tip, help, tricks, Tutorial, Room
Id: mn9nw7MtabA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2015
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