Ranking EVERY SINGLE BOSS In Repentance

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what's going on everybody it's a brand new tier list video coming at you live from btw or not live but coming on youtube from bd1p today is the every single boss is tier list now there are a lot of things to factor in when talking about this tier list here the first thing i think being when do you encounter these bosses where do they show up in your run the final floor the first floor whatever then you have your actual like true blue difficulty here how hard are these bosses to fight on a very average run and i think finally the full design are the attacks telegraphed well do you have a good chance of getting hit things like that so without further ado let's get started we're gonna go in order from this boss like id and also like what floors they appear on here so let's just get going off the bat let's start with dingle dingle is one of the tankier bosses on the first couple floors and with very few attacks only has three primary attacks he can dash at you uh he can spawn dips and shoot or he can just shoot the attacks are very well telegraphed he's got a lot of hp to be a difficult fight but nothing too overbearing i think he's perfect i mean every first floor boss is going to be easy obviously i'm trying to like think about you know if you start an eden run that has like decently bad stats you still should not get hit by this guy because his attacks are very well telegraphed but his tanky nature and his high hp can make the fight a little bit long and kind of get to get in your head sometimes occasionally we're gonna put him in perfect i think he is a very well balanced boss then we have duke of flies duke of flies has the the the trait to overwhelm you he can spawn a bunch of ads that can you know just overall swarm you and get you hit however if you truly just focus on killing the big red flies and the splitting flies as fast as you can you really shouldn't be getting hit by him too much if at all because he does have like zero hp you can knock this guy down on like 20 tiers maybe just make sure you get you gotta look for your openings get go put your tears you're gonna look for your openings put your tears right in between the dude and his flies go right in there because once he dies you cannot spawn any more flies obviously there so i think he's a very easy boss gemini this is one of those bosses that can feel unfair but i generally don't think it's unfair at all um the reason they can feel unfair is because if you corner yourself which is also probably your fault for cornering yourself if you corner yourself you're gonna be in a bad place uh once you're fighting the second gemini if you hit him in a weird angle he can kind of fly at you super fast because of the knock back on your tier if you're just watching you know where you're shooting and just being extra like you know careful on where you're shooting that second baby around it is it is by and large a perfectly designed boss it's not too hard it's not too easy is it running for your money on battle runs but you can definitely do it hitless the gurglings now we have different variations down here on this we have like you know the turtlings are here and stuff like that but i'm gonna start factoring in the champion versions now with these it didn't really matter because these guys don't change too much based off their champion variants uh but the gurglings do they have two that i can think of right now one of those being whenever they dash it spawns troll bombs and one of those being the super fast dashers if we're gonna be doing you know like overall what is it i would put the super he's pretty fair he is pretty fair and challenging i think he's again another one of the perfect bosses for where you are on the floor the first floor is the easiest like florida balance for boss fights because more likely than not you're gonna have the same stats on your first boss fight every single run so it's the easiest floor to balance i think a boss fight for but if you get a bad variant and you are slow enough or you're giving them [ __ ] to your right stuff oh i can't swear i'm sorry terrible tear rate like you can get overwhelmed but generally speaking like it's a hard it's one of definitely one of the harder bosses on here so we'll be going i think uh in the higher tier over here but again like well i don't know because you can get a hit pretty like i take some hair from the gurglings i do you know what maybe you are hard because you are definitely not in the same league as these two are are pretty like you know they're not easy but they're they're fair there are some really dumb rooms with these guys and plus knocking them around with your tears can push them off their path and stuff like that i'm going to put them in hard actually i think maybe i'll change that later at the end but i'm going to put them in hard for right now just to balance out our tears i think that was next we have larry who uh is going to go in and easy as well he's borderline pushover for me but because of the arenas that he can spawn in like with rocks you know every grid pattern there's a rock that can kind of mess you up now his pathing is essentially random he has a little bit of favoritism for going away from you when he gets close but generally speaking he's a random moving boss the difficulty comes from the arena his hp is like very average like he's just an easy boss you know every first floor boss is going to be in either the easy or perfect thing i think i i do want to put kirklands back down here i'm going to wait a quick second on that next we have mantra mantra monstro who is like the be all end all of boss fights he's like the most i think average boss in the game but he is definitely on the easier side if if you think of a monstro fight right there there are two ways to fight him you can play really up close and personal so he doesn't go like really high in the air and slam back down or you can play really far away and pretty much never get hurt you should i will say this confidently you should not be getting hit by maestro on a run even his his like a tier attack well if you're just standing still like it can often times just fly over your head or fall short of you you can just you can run through that usually and not get hit it's it's a pretty standard thing so i'm going to put you in easy i'm going to put you in the easy huh we got famine next part i've had runs where this guy has really screwed me over i've had runs where i've like walked into the boss fight and i've had not the greatest items in tears it's been like a five-minute fight he's just been you know knocking down on me constantly but i i don't take hits to him i don't take very many hits to him because at the end of the day he literally also only has three attacks which is bash spawn fly or when a second phase just shoot at you and because these are all very easily telegraphed and his dashing is pretty controlled i'm gonna put you in perfect and fair because he is he is one of the bosses i think that if you start with a really bad start with eden he can do a number to you but generally speaking he's not that bad not that bad now next up is mr steven himself uh steven is pretty much just gemini with a couple added features uh the baby has homing and when they die they become like mega man tear splits but i he's the same thing as as he's the same thing as mr agenda he's the same kind of dude there's really no i don't really have to go in depth on that i feel like he's the same boss pretty much uh okay so these next two bosses are uh the only two bosses in the game that are universal what that means is they can spawn on any floor from one to five or four seven and take the place of any boss that you're fighting because of that it's really hard to place these guys on the off chance you find either one of these guys on basement one hold r the headless horseman arena on basement one is brutal and one of my i think it was the eden streak i walked into a headless horseman boss fight floor one and over half of the arena was a pit and the other half was ground and because the body shoots out creep shots and the head shoots at you and can charge as well occasionally this boss fight was borderline impossible i did it with one hit but i was like mega focused it was not fair at all it depends on when you encounter because most more likely than not you're gonna have flight by like four or five so the creep becomes not an issue and your damage should be pretty high by then so it's not going to be an issue fighting him at all because he does have the health of like a floor three boss maybe four four maybe it just depends on when you encounter them if we're gonna put it in the prospect of both of these being um floor one bosses i think the fallen is in general harder than the headless horseman but because of that one arena he can spawn in he is definitely harder if you get that one arena i would put him in almost i put him in borderline unfair in fact i would put both of them in here but again it depends when you encounter them i think the headless horseman can be a bit more he's very they're very rare to encounter this guy i've seen like twice in repentance maybe he's very rare to find we should just make a new tier hold on let's do a new tier here uh add row below and we'll just call it the universal tier because it and we'll talk every chapter we pass into where i would place them on the list but right now they're universal so it doesn't really matter we're putting out here for now i will say for this though uh definitely borderline unfair for a basement boss for sure for for caves and catacombs i'd put them in like hard but doable and for like depths onward i'd put them in in perfectly fair i think the phones are hard you've fallen is dangerous occasionally but if you just if you have one bomb the fallen's done right as the fallen splits if you put a bomb at his feet it will instantly kill the other two because the bomb just does so much goddamn damage so they become easier exponentially for every floor you go down but we'll put them in the universal tier right now uh we have dangle mr dangle he i would say is a bit harder than dingle but not by much uh his whole difference is that when he dashes he has a poison uh cloud that goes around him and his like creep becomes slippery behind him aside from that he has the really erratic little dips that those dips are harder than the boss itself depending on where he shoots those out those guys fly they rock it forward at you so the actual boss himself is here he is definitely harder than dingle because of those two attacks right there and the differences but him only dashing twice and and the poison cloud never being really close enough to hit you i think makes them a perfectly fine boss decently fine at least remember we're going off when you encounter these guys too if this was like based off your your four six damage you guys would all be in the push over to your 100 but it's based off when you encounter them little horn once again man it it's so easy to balance a first floor boss that there's no excuse for having any boss be in any tier except for this because little horn is again one of those bosses that has ways to self-damage themselves which is a very cool thing if you have bosses that can self-damage themselves and you can play around with that in unique ways it makes the boss fight so much more fun so for that that reason alone i love little horn a lot i think he's a really cool design boss uh he he is not too easy his hp has been up there in the height scale uh the the little black floating balls that he has can can occasionally catch you off guard if you're not you know focusing on those but you can generally run circles around them and be fine so here you're perfectly fair decently challenging well you might actually be easy because you can just bomb him yeah you know he's easy his champion variants though one of them doesn't place bombs down and one of them has hot bombs i would still put him in easy i'd still put him in easy ragman though here's here's the thing right is that i don't find this boss to be particularly hard but he has one mechanic that i think just ruins him and that's the fact that he can heal himself back up there you shouldn't have a boss on a first floor that can heal themselves that doesn't really make any sense because at that point if your dps is truly that low i've had runs where i've been fighting that guy for like five minutes on a floor one fight because he spawns too many spiders which can you can spawn like i think four to five spiders max and that can be super overwhelming if you get a really bad cycle with the spawns or he's just overly healing himself up every single time you want to fight him it becomes extremely hard for that reason i want to go in the heart with doable i think that makes sense other turtlings these guys i might if i'm putting the groupings on hard you gotta go under [ __ ] borderline the the reason these guys are so hard is because their boss room is a is a hazard when it's like when the gurglings hit a wall after they're done dashing they'll shoot out like five tiers that's pretty much it or they'll just fart and they'll be done the turtlings then will shoot out occasionally four of the really hard challenging dangle dips in all directions cardinal direction as that is and because those guys are so fast and they move erratically it makes dodging in this fight a pain occasionally now they have really really really fragile hp uh really really really fragile hp which i respect a lot but you are going to be hit on this fight as a floor one fight there is no way around i mean you can dodge obviously but like you are more likely than not going to be hit against these guys on the first floor i'm trying to spread out my options here too like obviously i would put all these guys in like in the grand context in in this tier but against all these other raiding them against all these guys these are the top hardest ones for sure they they're at least the most [ __ ] in my opinion uh we next have we next have the blighted ovum who i think is one of the most well designed first floor bosses on this entire list blatant ovum to me is like a perfect boss he's like gemini and steven but he has a bit of a twist he's just one guy the baby cannot be killed and when you cross the baby's line of fire horizontally it will fire brimstone at you and behind the bite of ovum he lays creep which really puts you in this place where you have to watch your horizontal axis and you gotta watch how fast you're going and it sounds like it could be over if something could be in the heart right because it's a bit overwhelming to watch a bunch of things but somehow some way this boss just makes sense to me like it's a really cool way to really min max your movement in a boss fight and have you feel pretty rewarding for for beating him so i i do think this is the perfect boss uh in the game for the basement uh we have dukka flies we already covered i don't know why he's here twice are you is there a second i'm not thinking of here you're gonna you're gonna go to the bottom of this list i don't want to deal with you right now we are we already rated you man you're in the easy tier fistula bishila is also he is not in the first floor anymore i don't believe he can appear in the first floor let's double check that real quick um yeah i'm not seeing him on this list oh no i guess he is okay no he can't you can't so he cannot appear on the first floor anymore i believe you yourself are like a caves boss yeah okay uh the medium medium forms yeah so caves and flooded caves and stuff okay cool so we're going to put them down by these guys then uh we'll go into the haunt who i think a lot of people would put the haunted hard but doable uh i would have to agree i'm not saying the boss himself is hard but the way his attacks can manifest themselves is hard like for example the uh little ghost coming out like the ghosts have a lot of for a floor one thing those ghosts when there's two of them especially have a lot of hp to work around and they pop your keyboard movements right dude you're gonna get mixed up hard by them the combination combination of the ghosts plus the brimstone and everything else and this pink champion variant and the the black champion variant you definitely are on the harder side of these bosses for sure for sure um pin it's a pushover i think he's the first pushover on this list in fact actually monster you're also a pushover because you you should not be getting hit in either of these fights and because i can't spawn well you can spawn uh can you still spawn the guy down if you can still spawn the tapeworms but either way you should never get hit on pin and never get hit on monstro literally ever it shouldn't happen larry can cross you up you can get overwhelmed against duke of flies sure but you should never get hit by pin or monstro it's it's just the easiest thing in the world we have widow next who uh previous this update would have put an easy first or second floor boss man like i don't know i'm inclined to put him in hard but i can't recall a time in the recent like two months where i've been hit by him on the first couple of floors because i think once you learn once you adjust to his new changes he becomes an easier boss again but if you for some reason cross over his white creep and you're slowed down there's a free hit he's gonna just you know pounce on you immediately there it is no it's not fair occasionally it's your fault for walking over the creep obviously but whatever the semantics i think he's pretty fair though i think that his buffs definitely made him a more fair boss and i respect it a lot so we'll put him in the perfectly fair but challenging tier and now we are on to the um the alternate path bosses here we're going to start seeing some different ratings little blob is a harder duke of flies most of these bosses minus wormwood i think i would put in hard uh except maybe not rainmaker oh i hit my mic there sorry uh little blub you are fine you will occasionally take some because his when he jumps up and his tears come out you know like in the eight directions and they're slower and faster and whatever it's challenging but uh generally speaking you can just play your cards right be patient and kill this boss free so you're going in the perfectly challenging tier the reason is not easy because you can get caught off guard by his tears the leeches are too small to see sometimes etc wormwood that's an easy boss that is an easy boss uh i know i get hit a lot by him because i'm i'm impulsive and i don't really care because on the first couple of floors getting hit it's not a big deal your hp should last you for a while with wormwood in specific though you want two bombs take them down obviously uh his only attacks are popping up going back down hale time by gex it's it's pretty easy i mean he has nothing like really he he can't really cross you up right so you can walk into a pit and get trapped and you can't move and there's a free hit for him but just watch where you're going like cross the street properly you're going uneasy brain maker perfectly challenging but fair where you encounter you in the game you are perfectly challenging and fair i think uh yes the tears can spawn on top of you keep your distance if that's less i had to learn the hard way and another slot keep your freaking distance dude um but yeah i mean he doesn't again like he's the same thing as a little blubware as long as you're being patient and you're just playing your cards right you should not take a hit against him if you stand far enough back and you you focus on where he's putting his tears and where they're coming out of you're going to be fine man now minmin i hate you i genuinely hate mimi with a passion part of me is like borderline unfair uh i had a run on the streak recently it was a lilith run where i could not hit fireflies because of the the way they go around you and your where your incubus is situated and walking into an arena where two fireflies spawn and um you're there it was rough on a normal run though a couple bombs once you're out of your first form you're fine your first form is so tanky though you're definitely in the heart of a doable category you're not unfair i'm not going to be an [ __ ] about it you're not unfair but you need some work you definitely do you you i think not need work but i think that like i just need to play better against it i'm really bad at dodging the willows in general and a lot of the tier patterns that happen i'm just not adjusted to properly yet still this far into the game so you're hard you're doable i'm you're you're not hard i'm gonna break you are a hard boss but you're doable clogged people will put this boss in the hard tier i'm gonna mix it up here you're an easy boss he has okay let me let me talk for a minute here stop writing put your pitchforks down chat a lot of hp there's a big caveat a lot of hp on this man tons of hp out the freaking wazoo right there's a trick to him though the biggest attack that can get you hit is his spin when he spins the room it's hard you can hit random you know gray flies you can hit his little ads it sucks if he does not have more than two dips if he does not have two dips or two enemies that are active in the room whether it be one fly and one dip or two flies or two dips he cannot spin minimum of two enemies make him spin so if you just put your tears if you stand like to the left and below them and just kill the ads as they come the only attacks you can do is spawning useless poop around you or shooting tears which the poop can help you block he pretty much gives you defenses and as long as you're killing the adds you will not get hit against his boss it's pretty easy the hp is a big caveat but every boss down here has a a lot of hp anyways speaking of having a lot of hp elastomer i do want to put you in borderline affair because i've had some runs where i have just okay you know what there is actually a mechanic that pisses me off with you if you are doing too much damage or i don't even know why it activates but there are occasional moments where once he goes into his second phase and is up for the first time he's invincible you can't you tears just go through him which you lose an entire attack pattern of of of hitting him which is a lot of a lot of misters if you think about it which makes you want to put you in unfair just because that mechanic is broken but but having played the game for as much as i have i've learned tricks about you i know how to bait you out and how to dodge your tears however you are still a difficult boss you need to be nerfed somehow so i needed to slow you down give you less tears of shoot when you're dashing and just calm that god damn he makes bomb trails for himself dude he makes bomb trails you can't even self harm because his bombs are our butt bombs they will heal him any poop boss gets healed by butt bombs if they're not you know direct bomb damage the concussive effect kills them i don't think your own bombs kill you but still like you you're not able to take damage to your own bombs it sucks you're the opposite of a cool boss but you're going hard but doable you are you have some attacks like if you spin the right way or i get cornered by you i can get hit because again you're pretty much like larry where your movements are essentially randomized uh you you do come towards me but it's not direct you go in like little circles right so you always have a way out against him you're decently easy i've been hit a couple times sure but one black car takes you down one bomb takes both your forms down things like that i mean this boss is very weak and occasionally will catch you off guard sure but if you're just shooting him consciously he should die before i catch you off guard he has no hp dude but there's your a list of um hey we're going to stop right here for for a moment this is your list of uh basement bosses let me organize this real quick and we'll come back and do our next segment with everybody else okay so let me explain how we're gonna rate this here in terms of order um the far left is it basically goes from like far left is like this is the hardest this is going more towards the fair side the the most perfect harder bosses for the perfect fairer or for perfect easier bosses i guess down here then it's easiest to easier and push over to push over rest and then universal so i would put colostoma being the hardest boss out of any of these floors i think is is fair to say i think that colostomia is is the worst um followed by minmin pearlings uh mr heal himself haunt gurglings you have the most perfect boss in all basement uh going down by other variants down to the poop variants then very weirdly similar looking textures for both of these guys is famous actually a spider who knows and then rainmaker to blubber like the easier side of this well maybe i'll put i'll put widow down here like this this is a bit better i think then you have your easier bosses down to your easiest easy your ignore my english please then you have your pushovers and your universal ones so pretty if they're there yeah we're on the same page good let's move on this isn't we're gonna be ranking these guys ignore everything on here right now ignore all this imagine it's a clean slate right imagine we're in a very clean slate this is based off the caves now now chub uh chub spawns in a room that can have anywhere from one to three chargers and he can spawn charges himself and his champion forms can spawn boils you are pretty fair you're pretty fair you're difficult when you have like a bunch of guys in the ground and you can definitely get hit by i'm like you know off on the off chance the chargers are going like in a t at you and you're in a corner you can get hit pretty easily by him if you're not paying attention very strongly but you're a pretty fair and easy boss i would say you're gonna be more on the easier side by the end of this list but you're pretty fair dark one honestly dude are you still a cave's boss at this far end of the game have we not evolved past this god damn you are still a floor 2 boss i guess you're not that bad you're not terrible but like you are definitely on the harder side you're a bit better than your your adversary counterpart for sure but uh you're definitely on the harder side of these bosses here 100 100 um the birthstone being the spiders the darkness the tears the charging he's gotta the thing is like a lot of these bosses so far in fact every single one of these guys is like a max of like three attacks pretty much this is like one of the first ones you see where he can do like in a wide array of [ __ ] and really mix you up so you're definitely in the harder tier uh you are like easy i'm putting gur mama gertie down here in the easy tier stagnant boss can only really shoot and spawn things take out her boil stand to her left just go up and down she shoots like that it's so easy the boss is like it's not complicated boys now you're you're your son your daughter your kid your offspring your spawn i don't know i'm gonna put you you're you're you you you your champion variants suck and uh there are times where i've walked into the boston and had you just immediately charged me down which can really suck you're definitely on the harder side like if you just paid him to go sideways i mean he bounces around for so long that you i guess [ __ ] to she she bounces along the walls for so long you really can't get hit by it unless you're being like stupid you're fine actually you're fair you're on the harder side but you're still fair like a fatty i hope you die i hope you perish um well i said earlier that this like having a big like big hp is not a huge deal what this boss it is this is like the tankiest man alive what's what even is your full hp count here what's your full hp count 600 base hp let's look at the dark one shall we who is another pretty tanky boss 400 you've got 200 plus hp then a boston already i consider the dark one to be a tanky boss you having more is it scares me and beca and plus you should be moving slow at all times you going and slamming down on me has caught me off guard more times than i want to admit however you can literally just like stay farther back and not have that happen but i'm a little [ __ ] so i just stand closer no matter what uh you're gonna be in hard with doable this is what we're seeing some more difficult bosses on a run the hp is what kills it for me how much to actually how much do you have does collat or does uh the clog have uh 1.5 how much hp does clog have i'm curious 4 20 jesus christ i know you have a lot but holy [ __ ] blazing man uh i stand by what i said it it's the it's the amount of attacks you have that determines your difficulty i think plus your hp as well but clog is a pushover pretty much it's easy uh you just have a lot of stuff like this hit you off guard randomly you can't do a ton of stuff but something you can do is dangerous anyways uh now listen listen here listen to me you're an easy boss you're very easy i'm gonna keep doing easy but we gotta talk about something here something very important red mega maw who is possibly the hardest non-story boss in this entire game red mega maw is a menace if you were splitting the two bosses you'll be here red maw would be borderline unfair i i'm going to keep you in easy because i think it's pretty lame to move him up like six tiers based off one champion form but let it be known let it be known that you uh you you can get [ __ ] up by him i read magama especially fistula uh you're a little hard but i'm gonna put you in fair the reason being is that you can get hit by his little bits and they can do a whole heart of damage to you if you just focus on splitting one piece at a time you should be fine it's just like playing atari breakout just do not touch the ball it's not that hard to dodge him we're gonna go a little faster just now because like we're getting we're i'm already like 40 minutes into recording and we've got like no we got so many more bosses to do here we'll pick up the pace here for a minute hold on all right peep keep his heart with doable you are harder than the bloat in my opinion i hate you i'm just kidding uh you have your eyes that can come out and just block the entire arena pretty much the effect of your tear patterns cycle between like three different patterns and you can shoot out six eight ten tears and they can really catch me off guard in particular the creep sucks as well you're a harder boss pestilence pestilence you are fair you are a fair boss although your [ __ ] can be a bit overwhelming overall uh you shouldn't be getting hit by him his second phase is a pushover his first phase can be a bit difficult but overall you're a fine boss chad you are just chubb but a little bit worse but you're fair you're gonna you're like what chub should be by getting faster uh and i think you're pretty fair boss luca flies get out of here uh the forsaken easy no hp you know the attacks are it's the same cycle every single time once you learn it you're done for good braille frail is a bit on the harder side occasionally but i'm gonna put you in perfectly fair because your first phase is easy but once you split in your second phase you are a menace occasionally the brimstone beams going around the room you know just as long as you're moving i guess you shouldn't you should be fine but it's the tears that get me the ones that go into like a t shape and then a cross shape those are t shaped in a diagonal x shape it sucks but you are very manageable if you just take time stain stain stain stain i'd say your fight you're fair as well you're not too easy not too hard you're like goldilocks you're just right you have a you have like three attacks spawning tentacles and then shooting and all those attacks are manageable usually in the arena with him you have a poop you can hide behind for the the tears if you're too scared to dodge them but the tier attacks are very easily patterned to dodge that's fine as well big horn the caves are a great floor for bosses hot damn bighorn is tanky but again he attacks in the most obvious cycles of all time it's it's not too bad you spawn bombs occasionally can hurt you but if you're just shooting at the bomb shoot them away run from the troll bombs and the mega troll bombs a lot of stuff you should be perfectly fine you are going well okay here's the thing with this next boss here is is rag mega uh it this is the one that i think this is the first boss in this list that really depends on your run like it this is this is the maker break point for battle runs because he's got these three purple things around him down here those orbit him and you can't break them you can maybe bomb them i think and you can break them but um he hides in a super armor also the first boss with the actual super armor here he hides in super armor for like a long time and then once he pops out you can barely ever hit him because of his balls around him his big ass rag mega balls so you're you you're not a fair boss but i feel bad for putting you in hard i would say personally because one bomb does kill you you're a bit on the easier side just read that opening attack and you're fine bombino you're my first unfair boss i've learned to dodge you but depending on the arena that you're in you can really mess me up it's the dash it's the swipes are always bigger than you expect uh now that i've learned him i feel like he'd be hard but doable but he is i think one of the bosses that will take you off guard and you least expect it so i don't think he's super hard but in terms of going to the caves and fighting him it can be a bit of a [ __ ] it truly can harry and queen carry on my wayward son queen you're fine you're you're really cool bombs stop you uh your second phase can be a bit annoying but again it's just atari breakout it's apparently a running theme with this floor with the the balls and the balls and the and everything else i guess too uh you're fine though you're like a harder version of chad i would say well you are but still hollow push over dude this guy dies in like two hits leave him alone there's no question about that he can sure you can atari break out again catch you off guard another we are there's so many atari breakout bosses holy [ __ ] one um i would say one i would say two for his his balls three um four for his eyes five for the jesus christmas dude there's five atari breakout six no five five five five five five atari breakout bosses hot damn oscar is well pushover he's an easier version uh because where is he where is it where's my man at luka fly's difficulty comes from the fact that he can surround himself with flies and you can't hit him this dude's just spawns less flies and has like the same amount of hp what is even is your hp like seriously dude i feel like you have like um your chapter two i feel like you have like less hp than duca flies does at some extent where are you am i blind oh here we go your hp he's got 150 hp that is baby mode whereas your other guy over here um your other guy over here duke of flies 110 yeah you are you are like easier i would rather fight you first for them fight duke of flies first floor 100 uh polly schefelis is another pushover boss again you can definitely get caught off guard but he has like no hp he probably has less hp probably the same as the other guy does um he really you can't explain why he hits you because you can just bait him out dude there's 200 look at that it's it's baby level and he can't even he can spawn tapeworms hit with the tapeworms are easy to dodge he's easy to dodge he can shoot tears sure but he just dies he's easy he's pushover i see polly oh free free boss fight here i find polycephalus there he's crazy wretched wretched or wretched wretched i'm gonna put you wherever i put widow [ __ ] like a widow widow with a widow widow you're probably in here somewhere oh you're right here yeah wretched is is still like pretty easy um he's the same thing as widow there's like literally zero difference there that's that's it he's just widow but with more hp i'm guessing and i'm now around to the mines the mines in the ass pits there is a reason this floor is called the ass pit uh you reap creep that's your name you hide on the wall and you do some crazy funky attacks you are you're definitely in the harder side you're not unfair at all but you're in the harder side for sure because of the brimstone attack i don't know how the tower the attack is going either way it's hard to see i say honestly and uh the spider's spawning and the tears i've gotten hit off guard by spiders i can't see and stuff like that more times than i want to admit so you're going in the uh the heart with doable tier i think that's fair horton fell honest to god you're an easy boss the chance to drop two boss items is is amazing um bombing yourself is fun you don't really do a lot your attacks are easy to dodge you're an easy boss you guys you know you're fair you're not hard at all but yeah i i hate when i'm fight like i have a couple runs i was like super op right and there was a boss in the room like why can't i kill this boss you got to bomb a shell open uh that can make you take some damage if you bomb yourself but that shouldn't happen ever you're fair once you break that shell the only difficult part is breaking the shelf and once the shell is broken open those things that his like sections his segments dying like two hits it's so ridiculously easy again you are going a borderline affair uh because there are waves of you have spawned on top of me that hit me frame one that i can't dodge uh the insane amount of rock spiders you're you're stupid attacks out of your mouth i hate you no one has a wave okay i do not mind wave-based things in isaac i think greed mode is actually quite fun and you're doing it and meet in like moderation like a drug pretty much uh for example it's like heroin greed is just heroin just do it moderation but a wave based boss in normal mode that can spawn enemies on top of you needs to be fixed that's all i got to say about that you i also want to put you up here because there was one time i remember like vividly where you went under you were going bottom left and you popped up where i was dodging top right and i was like you you pissed me off but you are definitely doable your hp is not too high the attacks now that i know them are easily choreographed and easily uh dodged but you are one you are probably the hardest boss on the caves floor outside of the unfair ones singe dude you might actually belong in borderline unfair no because they fixed they actually they patched them out this arenas are fixed now no you're hard previous to this update dude i would have definitely put you in hard and unfair kilburn just saved your ass kilburn saved your ass right now he would have been unfair so you don't know he cannot explode and fart with whatever the funny isaac stuff is and push these spike rocks around the room at you and kill you with them however uh they did finally tone down its room design so you're not gonna ever really get i mean you can still get hit and there are times where it just feels unfair but you are definitely doable because your hp is pretty low as well uh where'd i put the you're the same thing as these guys don't even question it um and then this is this is the next phase of bosses here okay why don't i take a quick break here and organize these by difficulty and we'll see what happens see you in a second okay so in the borderline unfair but doable tier they're both unfair for their own reasons so like it's fine like who cares um but the hard but doable ones i put uh this guy the pile out in front because of his spike attacks and his weird nature of not going the way he's supposed to next is repeat because recruit has you know spawned spiders on you the tears the purpose and all this good stuff plus he's a decent amount of hp i was looking at for being like where he is in the game so you're definitely going to be in the the harder side of this then dark one you know peep singe singers i think i'm giving singed too much credit for being a hard boss really it's not that bad when you get down to brass tacks here huh so you're gonna go right there your only heart is your hp so you're staying right there the fair ones the harder side of the fair bosses are these two for sure then richly because richard is just widow who can jump real fast on you big horn from the hp and spawn little horn occasionally the stain is telegraphed pretty well okay with pestilence here carrying queens like i think i was gonna put the chubs all together but carrying queen is definitely harder than the frail or gertie i think because he just is a charger uh which is what gertie does uh gertie jr here i put fistula in between as well just because i think that fistula if you're splitting the wrong things at the wrong time to get ahead of yourself are gonna be in a hard position but overall these are pretty unordered here i mean they're all gonna be fair as it is it's not really you can't really order who's more fair than the other fair person right the possible look at that's how the trojan war started actually you know choose who's the fairest lady i don't want to make that choice no more trojan wars baby uh we have the easy one so i think hornfell is on the harder side of the easier bosses however he's still pretty easy you're here because of red mega mod existing uh the haunt rag mega you know gertie uh mama gertie that is and then you have the pushovers which i would honestly put you easier than google flies 100 poly because poly can occasionally pop up on you maybe in a blue moon on the hollow pin monster you know you're you're easy stuff anyways it is now time for the depths and then the mazo liam ah i'm the freaking story boss that's gonna be a hard one to rate huh anyways uh the dark one or the adversary you can go see the thing is i don't find them to be that hard of a boss it's the double adversary of rooms in the chest that screw me over one of you alone but i gotta move if i'm gonna move you i gotta move i gotta move dark one as well right i'm gonna move you down i gotta move dark one i think you're fine by the depths you should have around like seven to eight damage and maybe even at that point max tier rate you can get max t rate pretty early on in our patterns i've realized you're fine you know what dark one you're on the harder side but you're still fine as well i'm moving you you guys are buddies together the cage yeah you're going on hard but doable because you have that really one unfair attack that can the spike rocks holy [ __ ] the spike rocks i have been playing this game for almost 3 000 like 200 hours on record and i still do not know how to properly dodge the spike box they did they home on you it's terrible mamma mia you got the gates who is is actually extremely easy you brimstone other enemies in the room for me you're so kind you are so kind loki as well easy boss these really well telegraphed tier attacks the bomb flies deal damage to him the harder the only thing like that makes loki hard is that one lone spike bot that goes around the room with them you're an easy boss monstro 2 you're perfectly fair dog you have well you've attack and you know telegraph cycles your difficulty comes from you spawning ad you can kill your own ads and it makes it a really fun fight you're perfect you're honestly perfect uh war this guy i have a love hate with because there are there was the run of the appalling one where i had to like literally hold the stick with all of my might to not get hit by your running because this is one of the bosses that they all scale with your speed but this guy will match your speed uh minus like .05 so you really have to like i don't know how it works properly that's you know my my current experience with this you really have to really dodge this [ __ ] and it's scary uh but you you are fair you know if you just keep the tnt barrels kill you all that good stuff gish same thing as monstro amazing guy i forgot you were a devs boss mr brownie mr brownie i thought you were that's boss dude um no you're easy dude yo decent amount of hp and your ads get annoying but at this point in the game because dips only have like i think they only have at that point like four stage hp on top of their current like four so you have max like eight hp dips and that's really you should be one shotting dips at this point in the game it should be six to eight hp on them so you're like dude this is like the this is just dingle again it's easy it's he's a fair boss but he's not challenging at all he's an easy fare uh sister fizz as well easy bosses like now i think when you get to the depths the problem is is that there is such a power shift from the caves the depth floors because within those like few seconds are those few floors you're finding more libraries more arcades more devil deals and your power goes up exponentially or at least it should in the perfect run so these bosses become less and less powered plus think of it this way you're only going to be having one floor of a non-mom fight in the depths these bosses are all clogged into one area and one like potential chance to see them all so they're pretty pretty weakly balanced i would say bloat perfectly fair boss if you think the bloat is still a hard boss in 2021 get over yourself seriously my god if you people who struggle against the bloat don't know how a [ __ ] compass works the the north direction is like you just stand there and you're fine he goes over you oh no you gotta wait for four seconds so he [ __ ] jumps again just put a bomb where you're standing and go up again it's not that hard he's an easy boss leave me alone he's an easy ass boss he's like he's fair he can be challenging a little bit mask of infamy you know you are a harder but again you're you're fair this is one of my favorite bosses in this game you'll see too the right this this guy right here the visage is my favorite boss in the entire game the design is so cool it makes some really cool attacks and designing a boss a bigger version of an enemy and have giving some extra stuff is is very cool i love you a lot you are challenging because you can only hit one of your parts at a time and it makes dodging it a bit of a pain but a challenging fun pain siren the rule 34 boss uh i [ __ ] hate this boss there there is one reason i had a lilith run when this game first came out i was going for mother as lilith and i went to fight the siren and i had been obviously stocking up on familiars because i'm little i had like brother bobby i had incubus i had succubus i had sister maggie ghost baby and like dry baby and the knife pieces obviously and i walk into this boss and just by this new really cool boss and once it takes all my familiars all i have is incubus left and am i i'm in a nine lives loop as well the knife kills you in one hit that was a full heart of damage if you don't know by the way knife kills you one hit uh i couldn't hit her for half like the entire fight it was rough i think that the knees i think looking at it now she's fine and i was made maybe was just like a bad run who knows but you're going on the harder tier oh god oh god what's happening why is there a baby do you guys see a freaking i isaac made this tearless dude okay the siren's going on the hard but doable you're hard boss and there are runs where you are really unfair but overall you're just right like regularly hard now you you are going in the unfair now this is for the community not for me i'm not gonna you know jack myself off too much here but i can dodge every attack of his easily pretty much except for that one brimstone fire thing you need to have more time to react to it the trick with the brimstone fire is that you gotta look at where fire one is and where fire three is if fire two did not spawn in between those two you should stand in between fire one and three that normally works unless fire one and three are both in the same access and not diagonal that you do won't work but normally you can just do that the uh i think it's a pretty fun design boss i like it a lot there's just that one attack that just makes it like that that brings on attack is pretty unfair i'll admit you're perfect i love you every second of you your chain is amazing your eyes are beautiful i love your body your hair smells amazing you're just perfect like honest to god this you could not have designed a cooler more challenging more fun boss than this the way he whips you around is like and you can just like walk this way it's just so fun to fight against this guy i i get hit maybe once or twice but against most of these boss there's gonna be a one-hit fight around these guys mostly i think he's my favorite boss and i love you thank you kilburn the horny boys you are easy for your floor i have never gotten hit by you guys even when this game first came out you are ridiculously easy there is no question about it you are like one of the easiest bosses ever made um the tiers can get too fast but if you're literally just keep pushing it back with your tears and standing against the wall the tears will break before they can actually hit you you just can stand still pretty much it's not that bad he's really really easy i mean loki's easy as he is and horn fell is easy and this combination of horn felt and loki you don't get much easier than that obvious and here we have an interesting next three these are all believe it or not uh depth bosses regular mom you're going hard honestly mom might be for where she is in the game one of the hardest story bosses the hand thing being changed just amazes me that has not been nerfed yet i feel like the the hit detection on that hand and that door is is too much i'll stand like uh an inch above the door and the hand will still come out and it's like you know pick me up and shoot me away uh you're hard mom is hard uh and you're i honestly like fighting this version of mom more i feel like it's easier let me explain why because the eyes stay out for so long that is so much constant damage there's a lot of constant damage for you i and you plus you have the knife to do damage to her if you're going to mother as well so like i think mom mausoleum is easier than mom or mom dabs that's just my take though it's just having the the cause like the biggest the hardest thing about mom is that you can only hit her when on a part of her showing you can't just always be firing and doing damage having the longer eyes out like it it makes the fight go a little faster a little bit easier maybe and now we have mazo mom's heart uh so uh i refuse to learn this boss's tear pattern when i fight this boss my hope is that i can kill her in two hits anyways now i've learned to dodge it a bit better but you are the hardest story boss in the [ __ ] world your tier patterns are crazy you better have a good ass run when you're fighting this boss or you are going down down down jesse oh yeah that's the end of our devs bosses there why don't i uh take a minute to organize these well i'll come back in a second three two one cut this joe can cut now okay we're back so i stand at my decision here uh i don't even move you yet you're not as bad as these two are you have one attack that's bad that's it so you're you're better than you're better than gideon and bombino here obviously the heart is harder than any boss on this list so far i will stable what i said and said that regular mom is harder than mausoleum mom believe it or not i will stand by that i think mom's difficulties times for me to be able to hit her constantly and having that consistent source of a hit or hurt box down there makes the fight a bit easier the visage i think is the perfectly made boss ever followed by your counterpart followed by war who i think is generally genuinely better or harder than the bloat just because war cannot hit you at any point and the tnt barrels can also put you through it makes the the whole entire like arena a freaking death match but i guess is the point because he's a war themed enemy um after the blood i put gish because gish is oh no i go like this you just eat in the monstro i could just be easier than this guy too i guess you're the easiest out of all of these and then uh dark one or adversaries like whatever they're all this is like pretty much doesn't have to be ordered because they're all perfectly fair bosses pretty much uh easy you're the hardest of the easy ones horny boy then sister viz then loki then gate then brownie then horn fell no horn fell you're the you're the you're in the harder side of this you're right there that's more fair to me and yeah now it's time for the corpse in the womb for some reason the corpse bosses are in front of the woman's here but whatever we have a rottgut who again another like love hate here because rockgut if you have a melee build like a spirit sword thing it is extremely hard to try and hit the uh the third phase of you but you are a really [ __ ] i'm gonna take i wasn't gonna take a coolness into account here but your boss fights whole idea is really really cool and like in a crawl space you can go to you can go to a black market through him you can go through an arrow room if you have the right speed and size it's crazy you're you're a really fun boss i like you uh camara you i do want to put you i'm gonna put you in hard just because i think that the head coming off is too erratic and i think that the speed is like too much sometimes uh your main attacker is throwing to the head that's pretty much it by the corpse you should be killing these bosses easily the the hardest thing with these guys is it's lack of practice because you don't really want to go to mother every single run and when you do you only see one of these guys like per run and normally it's rocket he's the most common one on all of them the lack of practice puts you in hard and because you got nerfed you're gonna be in hard i would have put you in unfair because those tendrils that i used i would call it a ghost hitbox uh before the the recent patch came out if you killed him too fast the like his his little like viper you know fangs there would disappear but if you walk into where it used to be you would still get hit uh which made which made it borderline unfair honestly because you couldn't see where the hitboxes were but now you're hard and doable i think uh first story boss first i mean most of the story bosses are gonna go in hard but doable if if this was like first month or pence bd1p you'd be going in borderline unfair because of that one spinning gray attack but i i can now do mother hitless and i feel confident doing it hit list so yeah i feel good about that i practiced against you and i understand your moves and stuff now thank you for player file so yeah i'm putting you there you you are hard uh now back to the womb bosses blast assist is a [ __ ] pushover 100 the only attack that can hit you with this guy is when he goes into the air and comes down and a random tears come out there are womb enemies that are harder than this boss is in an entirety like 100 you're going to push over daddy long legs i literally think you might be an unfair boss you're not hard to fight but you the the problem with and we're worth him he's the same exact boss um the problem with you is that you're in you have no hp but the entire fight is spent with you being invincible you can't hit the legs when they stomp down you i can't hit him when he's spawning enemies you can only hit him when he's standing still that's [ __ ] the fight is artificially longer because you just can't hit them it's it's annoying and it's stupid you're hard because i can't hit you at the time but sometimes he just comes down on top of you man you can't prevent it if you're too slow you're you're hard you're a difficult boss i hate you i would put him like a tear lower he's not too difficult but he is not a perfect boss he is not fair at all uh split loki again easy like you are the same thing with all the other red boys down here uh master hand from smash bros you are a i'd say you're an easy boss like you you are pretty easy same with fred and with skull x them with teratoma like all these bosses are very easy stagnant stagnant uh doesn't do [ __ ] is fistula with just spiders death you're you're fair like conquest you're another pony you're fair i don't got to explain these it's the same thing as the other horsemen um matriarch like you actually are going to be in a heart i think uh they they buff they patched you so you don't you don't drop in as much hearts anymore that kind of sucks and you're scary you you have had runs against you where you've just spawned too much stuff on me and i haven't able to do anything about it when those little chargers come at you from like the the little ball ones that when you kill them they charge at you those guys have caught me off guard more times than i want to admit it lives uh it's easy that's an easy boss the the the eyes are the only hard part of this boss the lumps as well but generally speaking like yeah i don't get i've i've been hit on this boss by its tears in runs it's been a long ass time coming and i guess we can start do we can oh these are all story next are they oh [ __ ] duke of flies you're unfair um why is baby plump we didn't even rape baby plum yet dude uh you for where you are in the game you you're you're right down here you're like on the harder side of these guys i'll put you like right here um that i want to organize my womb list now we'll come back in a very hot second three two one cut okay and we are back so mother is obviously the harder side of these womb and corpse bosses here then i went with uh sir viper the pokemon because it's all i why do i always call them what's your actual name i don't think i know your actual name but what are you i feel so dumb now but like okay this score you're not you're not a pokemon you're doing the scourge uh scourge by camaro because score just has more tears and more more attacks you can just generally catch you off guard the spiral thing sucks it's really hard to dodge so you're going to go above camara there i think the daily long legs duo right here i think they're harder than you're not that bad it's just like occasionally in a run if you don't have the right dps or even piercing you're gonna be suffering a lot against these two boys the two chargers up there so you're gonna go right there i put uh rakka as harder than both conquest and death because he has three phases and all three of those phases have some pretty gnarly attacks whether it be epic shots spiral tears throwing up on you things like that you get you have a you have faster and less reactable attacks i think then followed by uh conquest is harder than death because of the charging thing and the holy light and all that the homing shots and all that good stuff post that we have easy mom's heart or slash it lives who i would put above skull x who i would put up mr fred because these are two stagnant bosses honest to god i think teratoma because he splits into multiple parts is harder than split loki because loki's just low-key at the end of the day does the same exact stuff every single time but yeah there you go and then there's push over down here huh actually no i might even push you and push over i don't think you're genuinely because like nah yeah you're gonna put you get so much damage at this point in the run you're fine okay now it's uh pretty much all story until we find the mini bosses and then it is down to the the last few story bosses but we'll do ultra green greedier on the same thing okay we have hush next i don't think hush is unfair hush is very hard though you don't want to go down there i'm prepared you don't want to is hush borderline unfair you know what with the super armor and the really speedy attacks even though you did get a slight nerf recently plus like the continuum shots and there's just a big room and all that stuff you are borderline unfair but you're very doable i think well i thought i feel like i could realistically just beat hush with any run though like i don't think it's hard until i find them no i'm going to keep you in borderline unfair because well the thing is hard now right because this is the first boss on the list except for like the mausoleum ones that you don't have a choice for encountering um but you do have a choice to encounter him so on a normal run if you're for if you're going to hush intentionally you're not going to have a bad time in that case you're going to hard with doable because if you're choosing to go to hush you should be able to beat hush no one forces you to go to hush they force me to go hush um okay let's think here let's think here satan i i think satan might want to be going a borderline affair because of the second phase recently i had a run where i fought satan and because i kept walking by the bottom of the screen his feet would stomp down there but he would spawn the exploding leeches on top of the screen but i couldn't see him because his feet were blocking the image but that's my own fault i should always play high with him so you're hard but you're doable i think there's going to be a lot of of these bosses it's going to oh where'd i push you oh god isaac where did you go oh you're right here cool um you're going to go in hard but doable like you're going to go in hard but doable you're going to go in hard well you're you're actually going to go on easy [ __ ] god uh you're going to go a little weight on mega site now because he's a different one but i'm putting living easy uh well i don't know i guess i guess like the lamb is like fair and isaac is like fair i would do this because isaac the lamb could just you know i just dash at you like out of nowhere and just kill you it's stupid isaac every isaac fight is the same you know what you're getting yourself into and it's very manageable the only like thing i hate about isaac is the the angel fetuses those guys can occasionally suck massive balls and [ __ ] but everything else is fine the lamb that one dashing attack and the crickets had tears that he has it'll go on forever just happen to you know put him in hard but doable um mega satan well mega satan mega satan mega satan you're funny because you are every mini boss plus the angel statues i guess already are mini bosses plus yourself previous to repentance you would have gone on easy well yeah because you can well he's another boss you get to choose to go to but because you now have damage scaling in repentance you're going where hush is you're the same thing as hush to me if you you're choosing to go to him you should be able to beat him you can always just choose not to um no one ever forces you to go there obviously so you're gonna you're gonna go on hard but doable that should make sense to me you have a choice there you all been waiting for you're still unfair now this is what pisses me off right is there is a video on my you know what you know what give me a second here let's let's watch this video real quick okay down here in the bottom left i have my frame counter whenever i hit this arrow down here it goes one frame forward this is me walking into lyrium fight for the first time let's see what you are oh it's you never mind no archie boys you just spawn you see that right there instantly took damage i want to do a frame by frame yeah yeah that is delirium i'm off centered now god damn it that is an unfair boss that is uh right there that video should convince you that boss is ridiculously unfair now somebody in the comments that video was like well i make frame perfect reactions every day in my speed runs and i'm like yes sure you do but the problem is it's between expecting it and not expecting it if you're expecting a frame perfect reaction you can maybe practice and learn that but there is in no way in hell you should walk into a randomized boss fight and be hit in literally five frames it was four frames it was a four frame actually nobody has the reaction time to react to a randomized four frame attack and you have not gotten any nerfs plus the mom's foot attack which he comes up when he comes mom's foot and it stomps down the hip box for that attack on the third stomp happens before the foot comes down so you just get hit by it no matter where you are in the room it's ridiculous you're an unfair boss get the [ __ ] out of here dogma you are a perfect boss it's great first second phase cool mechanics cool aesthetic like you just shoot perfectly every single time the attacks are well choreographed and telegraphed like it's amazing beautiful uh beast as well perfect but fair boss you get a holy mantle of like a full healer you're honestly almost an e actually beast if we're not including the harbingers here you're easy because we're gonna do ever doing all of these like separately which you shouldn't be but whatever you're all going in easy because if you're going to beast again it's a choice you make and you should be going on there at a good point in your run um actually it's not really a choice as it was for hashtag because that's like a last so you can always finish without going to those two if you commit to the beast path you have to go fight beast you're still individually you're all still pretty easy though like if if that depths what that's to you choose to go to beats at that point in the run like you are signing up for fighting these guys and you should be able to take down the super harbingers pretty easily all right and that's it for store well you guys do these you all we gotta do these guys don't forget these guys exist uh regular ultra greed borderline nah actually you're fine you're hard but doable you're not that bad you are borderline unfair there's a difference here um you should be in borderline fair and you should be unfair and unfair but i'll give you benefit of the doubt i haven't played greed in a while this guy's hitbox is there they're both [ __ ] jank right when he spins the hitbox like filters like 500 pixels down and he just has the biggest hitbox imaginable it sucks but again you the the benefit here is you know what you're getting yourself into you know how to play around it you know what you're building up towards the entire run there's no path changes anywhere in the run you know exactly where you're going to and then you can use it use that to your benefit in these in these fights you're in borderline unfair because your second phase is too much hp 100 greedier already as a mode it's not it's greedier is not just a harder boss it is a harder game and making the difficulty and then making all that culminate in a harder boss at the end it is borderline unfair i think this boss is too powerful hundred percent i don't gotta lecture my viewers on why greedier mode sucks and you guys already know that but we're just gonna move on from that and now we're gonna do our mini bosses in a minute here let me organize this tier be back in a flash okay we're back and i have my tears organized by the hardest bosses so we have borderline unfair you're obviously going to be harder than any of these because you're a story boss you know weirdly enough but you also just have the added like thing of just having jank hitboxes jank attacks everything about you is you're like jank jr this is jank senior you're jank jr a hardwood doable i honestly would stand by the land being hard on the mega state because of the troll choice aspect like i said in the beginning you where you encounter these guys matters and that also means having a choice to encounter them also matters these guys should definitely be down but they are formidable forces um you don't get a choice if i say you can choose polaroid negative but you're fighting one or the other either way so you don't really have a choice in going to these guys one of these ends your run uh the lamb i think it has too much variability mega satan is always the same fight this guy's got whack patterns two phases two really [ __ ] attacks like i don't know in the general run i'd rather fight mega satan than lamb just because i i know mega satan's fight better and it's a choice you have a choice to go there you know what you're gonna get yourself into there same with hush and uh mother as well i i would say mother is is probably well no you're you're stronger satan's each of them obviously mother in terms of story bosses here satan's way easier mother is harder than hush though because it's just oh no actually i don't agree with that mother mother is harder than hush for sure um i think that just the tear pattern randomness and all the attacks makes it harder hush is just a bullet hell the entire time you are a movement and bullet hell moving on from that we have dogma and we have isaac uh isaac is the heart i think when you're going the path to polar right isaac is the hardest boss you'll fight part harder than blue baby by a long shot blue baby is a pushover you might honestly be in pushover for real but uh dogma is harder than isaac just because it's got more phases the attacks are a lot tighter to dodge it's more high octane i think moving down here i think the horsemen go in descending order from ease death is the hardest you get the size if you don't kill them fast enough you got that weird like bone wave and the actually yeah you know you're fine the dark archway and stuff like that you're all pretty easy though i would say beast is is maybe a little bit harder yeah you know what beast is the hardest at all is because like don't kid yourself right if if you don't kill a beast fast enough and the weird like soul in the fireball wave happens that's rough that is extremely rough to fight this is a good list right here i think and now it's time for our final categories the mini bosses oh boy oh boy um so here's the thing too is is every single boss here is a universal boss you can encounter any of these at any point so they're all going to go on the universal tier and i will rate every boss universally by its difficulty i think that seems fair because you really can't rate fighting wrath on the cathedral to fighting wrath on basement one it's a different fight entirely so we'll start out with krampus who is a a um i wouldn't call him optional but it's a chance encounter in every devil do you walk into krampus and the fallen are like pretty much the same thing the fallen's a bit harder and we'll put the harder ones at the front the easier ones at the end so we'll go like that for now i'll put you back here obviously depending on when you encounter him we'll get to that in a minute the angels our our our our father are um are also choice encounters you can choose when you want to fight these guys unless you have you're forced to go one path for whatever reason for that reason alone because your choice you're going to be the easiest every one of these bosses down here you pretty much have no choice to fight because you have a choice on this guy i you guys are the i'll rank you accordingly if i fought you out like i made up like a medium floor but yeah you know what i mean uh envy is who's okay who who's the hardest out of all let's go let's go different order here who's the hardest super mini boss it's probably you all no no no yeah yeah yeah super pride you're the hardest out of the mini bosses then i think i would go because you spawn enemies as well and you can't kill your own ads and you take money from you you suck then i mean gluttony can take you off guard this guy's troll bombs as well we'll go bang we'll go bang we'll go bang no i'm not gonna put you there yet we'll go bang uh and then we'll go bang bang and i'll explain myself in a reason in a minute here bang bang and we'll put you like right here so here's my reasoning you have you know troll bombs mega troll bombs you have lasers tears crazy stuff happening you are the most powerful mini boss i think that you have no choice to encounter 100 next up the reason he's so high is because he takes your money and also can spawn ads and the thing is too most of the guys who can spawn ads here wrath who actually can't um you can spawn bombs i guess but uh if we look at gluttony who can spawn things i believe um you can spawn chargers you guys can both kill your enemies that you spawn so you guys aren't that that difficult you you've killed me multiple times actually i wouldn't got lucky respawns because if you hit him with the right tier he does go flying around the room really fast it's for the unpredictable nature there then you got gluttony who just has double laser and the like you know the tier splurt can can take you off guard occasionally too again these guys are insanely hard they're all pretty easy but still the hp is very low on all these guys you're just annoying and and you're extremely easy uh we'll now organize all of these will go fallen because you're going to counter them like in a boss room you're going up there uh krampus because you take away a devil deal you make my runs way worse and i would put you harder than any of the mini bosses 100 red angel would go higher than you you actually go higher than krampus as well i put you right here uh and then you are you go like right here no you go right here and then we'll organize these guys by order accordingly we probably are going to be putting down i would say lust is the worst just because no keepers i was like keepers the worst here because keeper just has he's just triple shot of this guy who's already a super um then i would probably you have fast tears in this new repentance like biz you're you guys are interchangeable you and you and lust are interchangeable because lust can just run you down immediately but you also push them back with tears pretty easily uh i'll put you in front of lust right here and i would say sloth no you're the these get like like this is the hardest out of these last three but like that seems fair to me and you i don't know why you're here twice so let's go over our final listing here remember this is not like a huge like you know this is every boss ranked against each other this is just every boss based on the floor that you find so for example out of any story box you're the hardest you are unfair and you're next because you are also kind of unfair right gideon is pretty unfair because of the stupid wave base like spawning on top of you your dash is a bit too much i think sometimes sometimes i'm italian now and then you have that one burnison attack um i don't even know you know you're not up there anymore you're down here where are your friends you're uh you're right here you're right here yeah that seems fair um yeah ultra green regular ultraviolet i think is like the next hardest story boss just because the the way to get to him sucks like just having to you know farm for items i don't know i put you harder than like you know mother damn his mother harder hey you know what mother is harder if you're gonna go past hush you're going all the way over here and uh are you harder than hush absolutely not absolutely not yeah i like that then you got it going down the list here of of corpse bosses obviously you got scourge or survivor as you will um the long legs triaconid who are also pretty interchangeable here like i don't i don't i don't have to go this is just a normal you know i've explained myself so much i'll go over it again you guys just look at this now you'll see my list right here we'll make any last minute changes um based on where they are on the floor but i think as it stands now this list is pretty good yeah i feel comfortable ending oh [ __ ] i got to put you somewhere you're going unfair honestly this is a pretty i'll give you guys a moment like if you want to like screenshot this hold on i don't want to zoom out all the way and this this is this is your final list this is your final list in my opinion of uh story boss is based i'm actually gonna like because i don't even take it out of context here uh i'm gonna put like can i get like a notepad open note add okay uh let's go with let's just based off when based off or separated by separated by encounter separated by when you encounter or i don't want anybody to take in my list look at this idiot right don't spell flora that makes you more of an idiot and don't forget your other like thing right there boom okay there's your full tier list oh i gotta move it over now i gotta move it over god damn we're gonna run for my money here okay boom boom boom okay there's your final list take all the screenshots you want to take right now there you go there you go well in the meantime guys i've been bd1p hope you enjoyed this list comment down below any changes you would make aside from that i have been bd1p peace out and goodbye
Channel: bdLP
Views: 49,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, isaac, tainted, tier, list, tier list, bosses, beast, dogma, ultra horsemen, greedier, greed, delirium, afterbirth, plus, ranked, mother, corpse, alt, new, patch, release, console
Id: CPlKV9jUqGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 47sec (4607 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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