Best Chili Ever

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[Music] [Music] hi guys i'm laura vitale today we are making the ultimate chili i've made this recipe for literally the past 10 years and if you've been following me for a long time then this recipe will look very familiar to you it's not that much different than the one that i shared with you over 10 years ago but it just it does have a few little tweaks in there that i think make it even better and it's just so good i have gotten so many dms from you actually as of late uh telling me that this one of them in particular was so funny it said your chili recipe is the best wendy's could never i don't know why that made me laugh for hours i don't know why that made me laugh so much but i did i also heard that you guys used this recipe in chili cook-off which makes me really happy because it's such a simple simple recipe but the ratios of everything is kind of perfect and i'm going to talk to you about a couple little tweaks that i've made along the way that kind of make this even better the first thing is i'm adding some ground sausage along with the ground beef it kind of adds another element of flavor this is just bulk sausage it's italian sweet sausage you could also use hot it's totally up to you it is divine absolutely divine do not skimp on this it's amazing the original recipe also calls for a little bit of red wine which i occasionally do but i much prefer a lager so that is what i'm adding today lots of spices which you can also use whole chili like dried chilies that you dehydrate like you could use anaheim chili you can use some guajillo chilies i like to use plain really good quality chili powder though simply because it makes everything really really easy and there's no specialty ingredients for you to look out for so there is that in my big dutch oven i have a little bit of oil just getting hot and i'm going to add my beef and my sausage and i'm just going to cook this until it's pretty much fully cooked through um i want to render a lot of the fat so i'm just going to let that go and i will cut i will come in here to break it up occasionally one of the things that i've actually removed from this recipe is bell peppers i removed bell pepper because it was getting into like taco soup territory for me with a bell pepper i don't know why so i removed it i also felt like the pepper was just a little too assertive a little too strong and i just took it out you can leave it in if you want to because remember you're the boss applesauce and you can do whatever your heart desires but i do prefer leaving it out i'm just gonna take a big onion and i'm going to finally finally ah finally mint it along with about four to five cloves of garlic i will let my soul guide me into how many i think i need for this recipe the rest of the ingredients you'll need are very simple and we'll go through them as we go but for spices you need chili powder cumin i like using mexican cumin mexican chili powder and mexican oregano i think that the best you can get your hands on and then i using some diced tomatoes the kind that i use also have garlic and herbs in them but you can use plain diced tomatoes you could use rotel um any diced tomato mixture will do you'll need some beef stock and you will need some tomato paste um and that's pretty much like a salt and pepper obviously but for now i'm just going to keep my eye on my beef and my sausage get that all cooked up and then chop up all my onion and garlic my sausage and beef or just about fully cooked through you can see it didn't really render a ton of fat my beef was really mean so i'm not going to worry about straining anything but it's obviously if your beef and your sausage are rendering a ton of fat you're going to want to remove some of it because there's just nothing worse than like a thick layer of grease on top of any soup or stew or chili like i like a little fat fat equals flavor but i don't you know i don't want to be put off by a lot of grease so i'm going to go ahead and add my onions and my garlic i also have a jalapeno here that i am going to put in whole later i'm not going to put it in right now simply because um i don't want to chop it because it'll make things really spicy because it's a really spicy jalapeno it's some that we grow in our garden and i freeze them um which is why this looks a little bit wet it's because i freeze them and then i just put them whole into any soup and stew it's fabulous because i'm adding a lot of chili powder the chili powder is obviously spicy i don't want to add a ton of spice um otherwise there's a good chance that i might not be able to get mia to eat it so well you can put as much or as long as you want and i went ahead and added a pinch of salt and i'm just going to cook all of these together now like medium heat i'm going to knock it back down a bit for about like 10 minutes one of the things that makes chili or really any soup and stew or sauce really good is not necessarily how much ingredients you put in it but it's sort of how you allow each ingredient to really shine by developing its flavor to its full potential if i were to go ahead and add all my liquid now it'll be good but once i give the onions and the garlic a really good amount of time to truly concentrate and cook down and for those flavors to develop then it makes this the final dish so much better so just give it a little bit of time and everything cooked together and for those flavors to develop and those natural sugars to come out of the onions and really add just phenomenal flavor well again about 10 minutes over medium heat for spices i already told you've got mexican chili powder cumin oregano and i also have a little brown a little bit of brown sugar to offset the chili and the tomato product but i'm just gonna keep my eye on that and that's it for now that looks fantastic you can see the bottom of the pan lots of good things are happening so now the next thing is we are going to add all the spices and the brown sugar to the meat again you want to bloom those spices you want those flavors to really come alive and toast the natural oils in the spices before adding your liquid so adding them to your pot is immediately going to do so many wonderful things and make such a big difference as if you were just literally adding them to your liquid and they just have to bloom in there for like 30 seconds it doesn't take very long at all in fact you can just almost immediately start to smell them as soon as they hit that heat and it's fantastic just keep everything moving because spices especially when you've got brown sugar in there too they can burn so you just want to give it some time and just make sure you're mixing the entire time so nothing burns and this is also the time now that they've blended in better i'm going to go ahead and add the tomato paste same concept tomato paste has just been sitting in a tube really concentrated for a very long time so we just need to give it a little bit of love and kind of wake it up and have it merry with those spices for just like 30 more seconds i'm going to go ahead and add my beer a little bit more than that awesome you don't really don't need a ton but it does make a really big difference you can completely leave it out if you don't want to add it um i'm adding how big is how much is this 12 ounces yeah so let's say i'm adding about eight but again you don't want it leave it down you don't even have to let that cook out or anything that is good enough because this is going to take a long time to cook so i'm not really concerned i've got a mixture here of kidney beans and diced tomatoes my good friend tony soprano would say beef broth now this is going to look soupy right now but remember this is going to get a couple hours of cooking time um and i'm not adding anything else right now now i'm not gonna add any salt just yet because i already seasoned my ground beef mixture i'm going to just partially cover this with a lid turn it down to low let it cook a couple of hours i'm just gonna do this like that that's it jalapenos add the jalapeno right in some mild heat can't believe i almost forgot now that in my humble opinion is what good chili should look like it is thick it is so good i've already tasted it for seasoning i'm not adding any additional salt because remember i seasoned the ground beef with the onions and everything really well with salt and then the beef stock is really salty so i don't feel the need to add anything extra it is not soupy it is complete perfection it is deep in flavor it's spicy it is so good i am somebody that like i would throw down for a bowl of chili like if you came to me with like and teasing me that i could have chili but maybe i couldn't i would throw it down to get a bowl of chili you know what i'm saying i'm a chili girl um you can eat it as is i always have to have shredded cheddar which it's upstairs and i'm not getting it right now um and sour cream and scallions that's just how i prefer it but you absolutely don't have to you can eat just with sour cream you can eat it over chips you can do really whatever your heart desires but i do love a little scallion and sour cream situation and like i said some cheddar that i just did not grab but that's okay because it's actually not dinner time yet this is my pre-dinner snack and just look at the consistency of this chili i love a thick bowl of chili what can i say just a little bit because like i said this is indeed a free dinner snack and then i have to have a little sour cream just a little bit because it does also like cool it off because it's so spicy and lots of green onions and then as you know i do one of these just to disperse the cooling effect of sour cream throughout the chili oh it's going to be hot wendy's could never you were right um it's just so good it's one of those things that gets better as it sits if you make a double batch it freezes really well and when you reheat it it tastes even better like i said it's good with anything my husband loves chili it's one of those meals that you can definitely make a big pot of and eat it from for a few days and you'll never get tired of it but this is just the best recipe it is it's easy straightforward it's simple it doesn't require any fancy ingredients but the balance of everything is absolutely perfect the written recipe is i hope you've enjoyed spending time with me and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 98,856
Rating: 4.9481139 out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, chili, homemade chili, how to make chili, best chili recipe, cooking shows, cooking videos, cooking channels
Id: WWBx5yf5KDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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