The Biggest 'Princess Syndrome' Red Flags (r/AskReddit)

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men of Reddit what's the biggest timer princess red-flag stepson had a girlfriend who was pissed because he didn't buy her a one-week anniversary gift run dude run they are pretty young not 12 though she didn't get him anything girl was nuts would call him over and over if he didn't answer she would text him eight million times luckily he has since moved with me new school and different city altogether which is good because they dated like four times over the year she would break up with him and then want him back being able to feel a P through 99 mattresses is always a giveaway in my experience oh yeah you can feel a P through 99 mattresses and yet you still ask me is it in yet it's just that small don't worry they'll tell you they're a princess huh that sounds an awful lot like a pilot joke a police officer a firefighter and a pilot walk into a bar how do you know which one is the pilot he'll have told you already my neighbor is a pilot he insists that everyone in the building calls him captain had a girl recently say this I'm a super nice and loyal girl unless you piss me off then I become a psycho [ __ ] I think that one is a pretty big red flag if someone uses a distinction unless you piss me off it always means everything this is them off spelled your name wrong at Starbucks psycho [ __ ] time sold out of Gucci handbags psycho [ __ ] time forgot which way o'clock turns psycho Butch time why do they get all tomboyish if they can't tell time properly because they can't tell that it's actually psycho [ __ ] time this reminds me of some very good relationship advice if someone tells you something about themselves believe them can confirm X once told me she was a terrible person turns out she was very right X told me I was vindictive made sure she never said that again if you can't handle me at my worst okay duck off then you're clearly a moody petulant nightmare if you can't handle me when my palms are sweaty you don't deserve my mom's see aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper aren't you a little ungrateful for a prisoner aren't you a little sandy for a senator well this is awkward horses you'll always be third in line with a horse girl behind her animals and her daddy's money horse girls are weird this is just something I've learned over the years horse people are just cat people with more money dated a horse girl for six years sex was phenomenal but everyone is right if you have any aspirations for a healthy relationship that allows your perspective to be valid and considered look elsewhere I'm a woman but I've noticed women who are obsessed with Marilyn Monroe you usually are terrible in a variety of ways mail here ex loved Marilyn ditched me for some guy who made more money apt building caught on fire she stole her mmm painting from the apartment next to ours and half my insurance check she wouldn't sign off on it unless I gave her half happened days after she took all her [ __ ] and moved out yes I fought and did my homework no-win situation she even went on to stop responding to me when I had a grand worth of checks I needed her to sign for my expense reimbursement the insurance company got to keep the money whoa that super sucks this is why can i sings about prenups if a dad is acting really interested in your feasts your vast tracts of land I don't want vast tracts of land I want to sing I'm not like the rest I hate drama I'm not like most girls most girls my intro line on my old dating profile was I'm not like most guys most guys are Chinese it doesn't do too well always classy never trashy and a little bit sassy translation sucks duck behind Macy's and when ridiculed for it posts Facebook statuses about knowing the whole story and don't talk about me when you have your own history etc edit figures that my top comment of all time will be about sucking duck FML this is so perfectly specific I'm high maintenance enjoy the finer things in life is the thing what you said is totally cool as long as she can pay for it herself my mother has shoes that cost over $1000 but she earned that money and can spend it how she likes she says she's not high maintenance but well-maintained I'm convinced what's your mother's number punishing you silent treatment etc in public especially in front of friends yup also scolding you or embarrassing you in front of her or your friends bet you can't handle me but dating you shouldn't be a challenge duck out of here with that shut the only proper responses you win that bet and walk away bet you can't handle me I bet you can't handle yourself girls are too much drama that's why I only have guy friends I'm a girl who has no friends do I still fall in this category after going out a few times woman man I've gone so overboard spending lately hey can you take care of my credit card debts for me me silent looking at her oddly trying to decide if this is a bad joke woman I mean you could be a sugar daddy couldn't you me no I'm not that old yet nor wealthy and I wouldn't be even if I were woman you don't want to be my sugar daddy that was the end of that relationship I could maybe be your aspartame daddy that's about it any girl who blames their attitude actions on their zodiac sign ID see if you're a Taurus Lexi you're being a ducking [ __ ] that's so Gemini of you ugh typical guy I knew kept an astrological chart on the wall in his living room once I asked why because he was not into astrology that so any girl I bring home if she knows what it is and if she's interested in or happy that I've got it I know to dump her ass immediately dated far too many freaky chicks man guy had a point he had dated too many freaky chicks and it and most of the time I knew him going forward when they have a college degree in think Africa as a single country I beat the [ __ ] out of a bunch of turtles mushrooms ghosts and a dinosaur just to find out from your friend that your [ __ ] asses in another castle edit a gold coin and I didn't even have to break a box hot damn referring to herself as a princess or I can really be a diva but cutesy smirk gotta love me no no I do not usually having princess written across the rear of their pink sweat pants is a dead giveaway in the 90s it was a big trend to have princess written down one leg of the track grunts I made myself a pair in black with crack or written down the site in red letters in the princess font I'm starting to remember why my parents considered me to be such a huge disappointment constantly taking out her cell phone while talking to you interrupting you doesn't stop talking about herself today I learned one of my guy friends is a princess I'm gonna start calling him that was seeing a girl for a few months and I gave her something on Valentine's Day that read be my Valentine or some other variation she responded with that sweet bit my daddy will always be my Valentine she was in her second semester of law school and in her mid-20s oh that hole my daddy is the best man in the world thing was off-putting she ended up being high-maintenance and unpredictable that combination Wow super cute as a child super crunchy as a young adult the typical princess isn't an adult they are children who Freaky Friday their way into an adult's body birds landing on their fingers are facing the pointy hat with a veil thing on top princess not clan member talks about how much she hates the $200 marble iPhone case her mom bought her constantly calls her brand-new MacBook Pro opposed just because she doesn't know how to use it then proceeds to throw it around and drop it all the time breaks the $200 marble iPhone case excited when mom buys her a new one yeah I didn't stick around refusing to do something on the grounds that she's too good for it not taking out the garbage cleaning a bathtub whatever nobody's too good to be humble and helpful anyone who thinks there is an [ __ ] one of my best friends had a girlfriend once say she likes to have nicer things than other people but doesn't want to work so he needs to have a good job same girl so said she should come before family and god I'm not religious but that still pretty nuts for people who are which they were I was dating this girl that absolutely loved KFC's fried chicken while she was in the shower one time I decided to run to KFC and surprise her with a quick little meal I did not get mashed potatoes never really cared for their take on mashed taters she threw me out upon finding out there were no mashed potatoes threw me out I have expensive tastes now you have no taste you only know what numbers are as a female I'm just going to throw this out there twee arty testa - and/or Tinker Bell car mats run I always thought this as the trashy Walmart dwellers the minions of the 90s throwing a tantrum and being pissed at your boyfriend for not proposing in the right way knew a girl who did this exact thing we have a tradition at our university where you propose under this huge tree on campus only some people do it not everyone she literally threw a tantrum even though he planned a sweet proposal that would have pleased any other girl just because he didn't do it under the ducking tree
Channel: Rebbit
Views: 134,091
Rating: 4.9157062 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, askreddit funny, reddit top posts, Redditors Share Their Princess Syndrome Red Flags, r/, r/askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, rebbit, rebbit reddit, ask reddit tts, Men of Reddit what's the biggest I'm a princess red flag?, reddit red flag, reddit stories, reddit funny, The Biggest 'Princess Syndrome' Red Flags
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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