The BIGGEST Mental Beatdown in Boxing History!

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The biggest mental breakdown has gotta be when Oliver McCall broke down crying in the middle of the ring.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Sarcasmic_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

it all started in the sauna

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/torpedo_lagoon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

TLDW - It's mobile footage of Joshua hyperventilating in a disabled toilet cubicle in Madison Square Gardens for 15 minutes. It starts off with one of his team telling him the Ruiz training footage wasn't sped up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RoadmanFemi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of the worst HW championship fights in recent memory.

Downvote away Fury Fanatics.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cohleture πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That’s brilliant such a great watch. Can’t wait to have him back to beat AJ!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mmb10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
he's a small man as well he's old he's going grey and he's finished he's getting knocked out i've never been so confident of ever a fight before then i am confident knocking this video fight fans welcome like a back fingers getting stuck to the money velcro in boxing the smallest margins can make a huge difference and with the psychological warfare of weigh-ins press conferences and stare-downs the fight begins long before the opening belt 44 steps to the plate and 44 will come up short guarantee that whether it's intimidation confidence or mental punishment some certainly do it better than ever no what won't repeat itself this time david's gonna win they say that if you speak something into existence it's yours and this never seemed more true than with the calculated and systematic dismantling of the heavyweights 10-year super champion you can say you don't know what i'm talking about but i'm seeing i'm not seeing it and you know it didn't exist so keep your composure and clear your mind as we look at one of the biggest mental beat downs the sport of boxing has ever seen history does not lie history says all old champions move over for the new ones i am the new one welcome to a motor video presentation glitch does get done i tell you and that's a promise um i've got power and i don't mess around i like to fight the best out there i'm just going to bring something new to the other eight division confident outspoken and incredibly talented on his rise through the ranks the gypsy king was always going to be a handful anybody the coach goes anyone they're big as me but they're not as fast they've got no movement they're like would if you know i mean robotic as it said though where his attitude and his antics saw him labeled as a joker by some those that knew knew and clisco when i was watching him was a man what 24 25 they were seasoned this kid's a baby and he performs better from the bottom of my heart i feel that tyson has the ability to be glitchy after coming i'm all things going well i'm going on a klitschko [ __ ] hunt yeah i'm going to hunt him down all over the world and i'm going to force him to fight and if he doesn't want to fight which i don't think he does then i'm going to make him relinquish the titles in 2013 fury knocked out steve cunningham on away soil before coming back to beat joey abel and derek chizzora in a comfortable fashion the where the 26 year old continued to shout from the rooftops looking for a breakthrough it seemed the division's biggest names wanted no part of him i have one other question for you vladimir is tyson fury next for you um i in mandatories and have mandatories i don't know who is exactly in the line i believe they've been avoiding me for a while now and the late great emanuel stewart said so as well he said if you fight vladimir you will win and even said to vladimir when i was there said this is the air to your throne and here i am two years later knocking on that door something that was only amplified when british rival david haye pulled out of their 2013 showdown so you can be usain bolt as well yeah no i can beat you though i don't need to beat you same ball do it but you believe you can do it deep down in your heart you believe i don't need to be able to beat you saying vote but i can beat you in a fight that's all in the meantime everything was plain sailing for the man who held all the belts on another left hook unbeaten in 10 years and 22 fights his size power and great fundamentals made vladimir an incredibly hard puzzle to solve vladimir klitschko retains the title and with four of his last five opponents being unbeaten the 38 year old showed no real signs of slowing down hey maybe father time's catching up with him 760 get on for 70 fights all these training camps three months at a time in austria someone could be in the right place right time and beat him as the end of 2014 approached there came a glimmer of hope for the brit klitschko definitely wants a fight with tyson fury it's looking like a big stadium fight in the uk announced as the wbo mandatory it gave klitschko until the end of 2015 to fight him would you go to germany hamburg tyson will fight klutco anyway he'll fight him on the moon which left fury an opportunity to showcase the best of himself in february against christian hamer if i make it easy then i've done something right pressure's on to perform with the stage set and his wildest dreams on the horizon the gypsy king went to town the uh pantomime hostilities are over now see what the real ones are like in one of his most underrated performances fury toyed with his romanian opponent winning every second of every round after his pugilistic splendor just in case we weren't already sure he made his intentions known man you know how i feel i want please go next with a landslide points victory klitschko ii made light work of his opponent overpowering and outclassing the younger man and still the unified thankfully after years of disregard the post-fight press conference saw him finally accept fury as his next in line though unfortunately for him this is where the headaches began vladimir give us a preview of what the fury fight is going to be like just the verbal assault that's going to go on it's going to be a lot of talk it's going to be a lot of talk and it's going to be a lot of talk so but the advantage eventually we're going to meet in the ring and they're going to be fee stock uh i'd like to fight vladimir first because one on his mandatory two he's number one in the division and three is an easy fight so then i fight wild the new guy is coming along nicely the old man's getting older and older and older no any heavyweight that puts on 18 ounce gloves man got a winning chance the bookmakers and public majority had fury as a huge underdog from the offset and not only did he know it but he thrived on it vladimir you're 40 year old how can you beat me 27 year old you're getting knocked out mate i'm the man i'm the king you're going to sleep you're a fool a husband an old man the first press conference in dusseldorf offered the first bout of mental sparring and it didn't disappoint personal business between me and thee understand yeah i'm interested in all of titles all m belts you've got on there i'm interested in breaking your face in that's what i'm interested in is he better than all the great champions from the past i think not and all the great champions from the past are 39 years old are over the hill or on the decline rapidly coleman collected fury picked holes in vlad's game letting him know straight away that he had his number chasing you around the ring with your jab and grab style your three punch combinations your one two and a hawk that is your full array of punches that ain't good enough for somebody like me you ain't messing with a small guy you ain't messing with a guy who's afraid of you i don't look at you and i'm not feared i'm very unpredictable and psychologists and all educated people hate unpredictability so right now i'm already inside your mind how's that for psychology truth be told the ukrainian wasn't used to confrontation certainly not from a bigger man brought an interpolation and so his attempts to humiliate the brit were shut down in a surprisingly articulated and self-assured manner the first time i actually met you face to face was in uh in your training camp in austria and i expected this great guy this great champion and what did i find a man for a pair of boxing gloves on throwing jabs on one twos and whatever the same thing over and over again and i went away from that training camp with pure confidence in the fact that you are nothing remember that you are nothing yeah most importantly the brit flourished in the limelight he looks the biggest who knows the heaviest who looks the smartest we often see great fighters swallowed by the enormity of a big fight and failed to capitalize however he was visibly unphased and what better way to prove it than his unforgettable bizarre entrance to the london press conference just like you are look at it that's how you'll be looking when you face me 24th of october you look up off your back like that though it wasn't all fun and games as in due course the pressure and abuse resumes [Music] welcome to my city welcome to my town uk baby i will definitely walk across that room and give you the biggest hawk shouldn't go wrong and say you're a great man well you know what i can see but looking at you not that much look by this point fury's confidence had thrown doubt into many people's minds doubt that would only increase by the time sky sports released their gloves or off feature and i faced a lot of guys promised a lot before i haven't delivered anything in the ring but i ain't gonna make the same mistake i ain't looking for that i ain't looking for that one punch that's going to knock you out i'm looking for an accumulation of shots but what i have is the agility and the speed over you no matter what you think you can ask the fighters i've sparred the speed of me and the movement is unnatural for i got one of my size and that's where you're going to come on stalk promises of the future and reflections of the past but it was fury's reference to their old training camp days the infamous sauna story that put the final nail in the coffin it's all in the sauna a few guys in there everyone starts popping off around us and it gets down to him and i'm over the other side but still in my mind i was mentally in a competition with him what was the perspective what are you talking about um i believe i i don't know i mean i don't remember exactly that who got out first [Music] he got out first and what did you think about her for mental victory that you built in your own world yes i don't know what you're talking about you can say you don't know what i'm talking about but i'm serious and you know it did exist just a boxing match but i'll be victorious but i wish you them well it's a dedication to vlad and jonathan and bond [Music] trying some mind games of their own the klitschko's made every attempt to unsettle the brit at the last few opportunities they had come on it's over we're cheating all the way these people we are getting reports that team fury have been and had a look at the ring and they're not happy with what they've seen either way by november 28th for both men there was nowhere to hide the big question what happens next will all times above all protect yourselves a long time let's go it's a career defining moment of truth whether it was due to frustration anger or theory's awkwardness the ukrainian simply never got started he looked to run out of ideas almost immediately with no answer to the size and movement of the bridge from the most experienced of world champion totally nullified there was little to no danger of either man being knocked out though as the rounds progressed the result drifted further and further beyond any doubt and with it grew fury's confidence but the feeling for me is that tyson fury deserves to be crowned world heavyweight champion and that was the hardest night he's had in a decade we go to the scorecard to the winner by unanimous decision from the united kingdom everybody wrote us off said we had no chance i kept faith he kept faith we all believed we could do it we came here and we done it this moment i couldn't land the right punches i congratulated tonight he won the fight and to be continued if i could be half the scottish champion as vladimir klitschko i'd be very very happy one of the sport's most sensational told you so performances the shutout represented a huge turning point both for british boxing and for the heavyweight division when klitschko got in the ring before the fight he just didn't look he was on edge because of tyson's unpredictability he done a job on him in and out of me he's defeated all odds nobody give him a prayer back in the uk the bookies have lost a lot of money you know when i said it all along what he'd do i didn't mix my words listen all you non-believers you know what i'm saying did i lie to you not only that but despite a temporary downfall it allowed fury to become the force and inspirational figure he is today i'd like people to get to know the real tyson fury behind all the bravado behind all the tongan qi he gets thousands of messages of people saying you've inspired me you've stopped me from doing this you've stopped me from doing that it's important to recognize and impossible to forget just how dominant and supreme of a champion klitschko was though both inside and outside the ring the gypsy king was a stylistic nightmare i'm vladimir klitschko's bogeyman and i've been saying it for a hell of a long time we've seen from recent performances that night certainly wasn't a fluke i'll fight you in your backyard like a young klitschko as wilder an equally loud and outspoken character tasted some of the same i wanted to be dead in the center of the ring let's have a swordfest best man stands off loser goes down wilder i don't think he's got that and he's gone he's gone i tell you what this fight is going to be all over they'll have the most charismatic the most colorful the most controversial champion since muhammad ali and that's what the world's been waiting for and if i ain't no man to fill them boots they'll be waiting the hell of a long time more as part of a previously mentioned required test protocol we can no longer lie to you the enrichment center reminds you that the weighted narration cube cannot speak in the event that the weighted narration cube does speak the enrichment center urges you to disregard its advice when the testing is over you will be missed until the next moto pdf presentation
Channel: Motivedia - Boxing
Views: 2,878,527
Rating: 4.8683071 out of 5
Keywords: boxing, fury, fury wilder, boxing mental, fury vs klitschko, fury vs Wladimir, boxing mind games, wilder fury, fury funny, funny boxing
Id: TJiOSYt3ffw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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