Deontay Wilder vs Tyson Fury 2 | ON THIS DAY FREE FIGHT

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tyson fury came in at 273 pounds on that 6-9 frame deontay wilder the career-high 231. tyson told the world he was going to come in big strong go for the knockout gentlemen chunks are just a tad high but on the upper half it's okay now gentlemen we went over the rules in the dressing room again i want to caution you to keep this fight clean at all times protect yourself at all times and when i say you must obey good luck and touch them up all right there is beauty in boxing's simplicity so after a year of debating it after months of training for it after a promotional tsunami that has hyped it it's now just the two of them opposite each other the long lineal line the wbc belt that has included ali the greatest of all time they are set and ready to answer who's the greatest of right now wilder fury too here we go andre ward lennox lewis round number one dre what's the big reveal early it looks like tyson fury is sticking to his word he's not moving backwards he's moving forward and he's forcing a man in deontay wilder who's not used to going backwards he's used to push pushing his opponent backward interesting first few seconds in this first round and i want to see how it plays out and that's true and he's doing some really good things by fainting and not coming out straight with the jab he's fainting he's still doing that twitching movement which is good jerry does so at 273 pounds trying to sweep across with a right hand is while they're able to roll with it and get out of the way then probing with a jab to the midsection wilder comes in with a right hand [Applause] tries to back him to the ropes six foot nine fury able to get that big left arm up in the way of him you know while he's showing his right hand we go straight away and uh sometimes you you know you can't just go out there and just throw the right hand as punches you have to throw before that guy's expecting the right hands plus is the first round remember how herky jerky and awkward and all the upper body head movement and fainting we saw out of fury it does not show up here fury on the attack going to the head of deontay wilder and now coming in again exactly like he said he would even though curious pressing forward and he's having success right now deontay wado still looking for the big hammer for right hand to land on the chin of tyson field most dangerous puncher in the game deontay wilder fury trying to inch ahead showing a little bit of a faint that was basically the first nine rounds of their first fight the constant awkward movement and thanks and beyonce's taking his time he's looking very poised calm collective thinking warming up in his first round which he should be they have talked about wanting to utilize the jab more of the camp of wilder [Applause] to the body here comes fury stepping into it [Applause] good job by tyson fury best connect of round number one comes in the last 10 seconds as he tries to chop down with a right hand and wilder backs up and the good things tyson fury's doing right now he stepped into the jab every time he chews that jab he's stepping into it even though wilder's being pressed right now he's staying under his legs that didn't land flush but it definitely definitely got tyson fury's attention here you see good job it didn't land but it sort of blinded fury just a little bit and that right hand grazed the right-handed fury obviously wilder wants to get that closer to the chin for more impact and then here's the jab at the end of round one yeah this is the jab where he steps into it and that is good a good jab he's making it long and strong in round number one wilder threw 18 punches landed five fury threw 26 and landed eight [Music] remember fury's first time with sugar hill steward as his trainer that was a good first round from tyson fury pressing forward but doing it intelligently and smartly and it was also a good round from deontay wilder to not allow himself to be unnerved and taken out of his game he's staying calm under his legs and he's still got that right hand he's he's got it cocked and his the movement is looking like he wants to take that step back before he throws that right hand he wants to throw that right hand over tyson fury's jab let's see if that opportunity presents itself there's another good jab from fury louder probing with that left hand you never know when the right's to come behind him [Music] jerry able to close range with that left there's a right hand by wilder that comes in from long range and then a jab to the midsection a bigger midsection than we saw back in september fury at 273 pounds remember when they first thought he was 256 and a half [Applause] able to get out of the way of that right hand and now kenny bayless will break them [Applause] listen if deontay doesn't jab tyson fury would jab and you know deontay shouldn't allow that that he he shouldn't allow him to jab before he and him not jab him so he should jab with the jabber these moments are moments of inches one mistake and the fight can be over for either guy that's the beauty of a deontay wilder fight any given second no matter where things stand the fight can be over [Applause] i don't know some stop punching stop punching let him remember fury in the entire lead-up to this fight during the entire promotion said i'm going to knock him out in the second round 45 seconds remain in the second round another jab off the hip from the 6-9 irish traveler gypsy king listen when you tell a guy you're going to knock him out in the second round like a van the holyfield told me in the third i was prepared for it and i said to myself he's not going to knock me out and i'm sure deontay's saying the same thing much like the parables here this is only a third heavyweight championship rematch in history after a draw stalking for a right hand was wilder there and trying to come in but he goes over the top and fury into the neutral corner right through the bell they go [Applause] to the warnings from kenny bayless both to listen at the end of the round and to watch the heads compubox stats are brought to you by bet thread you see both men in the first two rounds with 10 jabs landed in that second round wilder was 11-27 fury was eight of 27 on total punches [Applause] in the second round deontay was showing that right hand but he was talking from a distance fury comes in behind the jab the right hand came behind the jab and then tried a short uppercut on the inside he was also telegraphing with the right hand he's got to get closer to tyson fury before throwing that right hand big shot from here sure was top of the temple awkward but effective in the first minute here of round number three but the right hand of deontay wilder has a mind of its own you never know what angle it's coming from and you never know when it's coming so tyson theory has to be alert at all times all-time great power the highest knockout percentage of any heavyweight champion in history is wilder 95 but the big shots that fury has landed deontay wilder has taken them well he's able to block that right hand and tried to land a right of his own on the inside but kenny bayless really has his work in front of him with these two guys and tyson fury's doing the right thing too all that weight he might as well put it on deontay make deonte carry a bit of that weight that's the whole point of the weight gain and getting tired a little bit he is having an effective jab and now comes in with a sweeping right hand this is exactly what fury wanted to utilize the size and the strength to make it a different kind of fight there's that jab again short right hand behind it let's see if they can work out of the clincher if bayless has to get involved here stop stop come on let's go it's leaning on wilder [Applause] 30 seconds remain and fury has floored wilder deontay looks a little shaky on his legs right now that was a good right hand by tyson he said he would knock him out he's going for it here in the third round wilder is down [Applause] wow what an explosive round for the gypsy king [Applause] and then you see tyson fury throwing the left hook before right hand and the right hand goes right in the top of the head deante saying what happened that's the shot that tyson fury's been trying to land this whole fight is a right hand over the top he's landed it but he didn't land it quite like that that's the shot he wanted that's the result he wanted when he when he punched him with the right hand beyonce's right foot slipped out from behind him and caused him to go on the ground right hand landed his brother his wife paris fury just landed 14 punches in that third round the most landed against wilder in their two fights right now round number four does he get back after him tyson fury's doing the right thing right now he's not allowing deontay wilder to tie up without some resistance if you tie me up i'm gonna hit you every chance i guess he's doing the right thing right now kenny bayless admonishing both men saying i will deduct points [Applause] so wilder hurt in round number three a round in which tyson fury was able to land nine power punches including the right hand that scored the knockdown this is exactly the fight he said he would fight coming in big coming in strong pressing forward and looking to knock him down off balance that is a slick that was a slip even that slip right there no punch landed but i guarantee you it takes a lot for a big man like that to get off the canvas it shows you where he is there's a body shot that came in that time that was a left hand to the right flank of wilder how does wilder look to you right now is he steady enough for you another body shot by tyson fury this is a mauling effort from fury so far his legs look weak he looks unsteady but he's still dangerous he can't forget that point yeah part of the reason is dante's legs are far apart they need to be closer together to keep his balance so he's having a balance problem right now he's having an equilibrium problem there is no doubt about that and he's got a bigger man who every time they get to the inside is leaning on him 273 pounds six foot nine and executing the exact game plan he wanted to tyson fury has to be careful when he's coming in because deontay's got that right hand cocked but you rarely see deontay water throw a counter with the right hand cox he's normally stepping forward with the big step and the jab right back right in front of the right hand from long range it's like a guy holding a rifle yes but when you're smothering him when you're running to the rifle it's useless and again just leaning down with all that weight it's taxing it's training everything fury said he was gonna do he's doing thus far stop stop stop both guys have to watch their composure you know deontay has to watch his composure make sure he doesn't get all radical and all out of bent out of shape he's got to keep his box in position his legs under him and his hands up [Applause] [Music] it takes its toll advantage bigger man always good counterfeit four rounds in the books and tyson fury in command you've made the point that even the slip even the trip can take its toll on wilderness beyonce deante rada got off balance he tried to duck the overhand left and he fell to the ground that's partly because he was off balance and partly because he got tripped and his legs aren't all the way there but check this out getting that 231 pound frame off the ground that drains you if you do that enough time 100 percent what you're saying exactly the point that's why people go the point to be made there is at 231 pounds it's a career high that wildlife's dealing with and look at this as he opens up the round on the attack fury's all over him round number five you've heard sugar hill stewart from the famed crop gym tell tyson fury to make this easy he's ducking so just faint and then send it chopping shot to the head on the inside wilder is holding on with that left hand bayless is going to look for another break you know fury's going to come right out of him yeah i mean fury's doing the right thing make it make it a rough fight put that weight on him fling him around a couple make it a rough fight don't make it an easy fight for deontay [Applause] fury is getting in there with that one two so quick but man that's 271 pounds it's a quick step boom boom deontay wilder doesn't have time to compute that shot that has always been the thing with tyson fury his physical stature it belies his skill [Applause] to wilder second time he's been down deontay does not look stable on his feet right now right hand hurts him and grappling again halfway through round five fury has scored two knockdowns already oh he's chasing him down he's head hunting we could have history made right here already on the attack looking to close the show wilder doesn't look good at all still just over a minute to go in round five here he's just missing that right hand joe look at the mouth of wilder wide open and blood coming from it tried to get the right arm but this is the inside another right hand over the top and this is looking too easy for tyson fury right now good body shot from here look at him wrap up that left arm around the neck and then laying on him again the power punches this round dominating fourth a big right hand reigns in again kenny bayless is calling for time here oh he's taking a point deduction when tyson fury is trying to close the show so deontay wild benefits of getting a break with the point deduction oh absolutely i mean when the ref steps in like that he's giving deontay a little bit more time to recover and you know tyson fury doesn't want this right now but does not look stable on his feet he looks a bit tired he hasn't caught that second wind yet look at this rally to close out the round all fury every which way just dominating the wbc champ [Applause] and erin fury comes in again and he's looking for the spot hits him to the body deontay was off balance there and still went down [Applause] round number six watch for the equilibrium in the balance of wilder with what we just saw [Music] right hand raising wilder's hurt again looking to wrap up here he goes to the body trying to swarm him i don't know what deonte white is feeling right now but he's got to try to get a right hand in there the same punch that made you famous the same punch that got you here tonight you got to try to get one of those shots in to slow down the train and tyson field leaning straight back is a bad idea he almost got clipped again and once again just ragdolling deontay wilder bringing him around into that red corner there's a body shot right hand to the body from fury deontay wilder has to be careful when he's up against the ropes and when he's up against the ropes not putting his head down because a good corner man always tells his man we'll throw a combination but end with uppercuts [Applause] fury he's had success of the body and then coming over the top with the right hand stop stop stop [Applause] sometimes rematches are exaggerated forms of the first fight in the 12th round when tyson fury got up after the brutal knockdown he flipped the switch he said he figured something out step to him be big be strong take the fight go for the knockout and that is what he has employed here tonight and it has worked to near flawless perfection wilder look at his face there battered and beaten and bloodied blood coming from the mouth blood coming from the ear and a 273 pound wrecking ball continuing to press forward tyson fury is smothering himself after he throws the combinations what he needs to do is take a little bit step back and then throw a combination short punches and now blood is spraying across our position here ringside [Applause] and every time they clinch with deontay's left side going up against fury you can see the blood splatter all over fury's head he is wearing a lot of wilder's blood right now blood continues to rain down from the ear fury continues to press in against wilder and fury looks like if he lands a good punch deontay will go down he's definitely doesn't what was he just doing with his tongue right there he said in the lead-up i want to taste blood i believe that's what he was just doing there at the end of six tasting wilder's blood that was outrageous he said i want to taste blood fury did it and just look at his mouth and the amount of blood coming from there too dre he could have a more severe injury to the jaw [Applause] yeah deontay wilder's in a bad way right now the left side of his jaw swelling it looks like his eardrum may be busted he has blood coming out of his mouth and his corners not treating any of the injuries they're just telling him to press forward and when you have a reputation like deontay wilder and your team believes it and they don't challenge you to get better in certain areas it shows up like tonight they're even in denial they need to check on this world being are you okay can you continue and then start the coaching committee the funny thing about it is he's got his left hand down inviting the right hand by tyson fury which has been quite accurate in this fight big mistake by deontay right now keep that hand up keep that left hand up none of his corner mates are telling him to keep his hands up which is important and another head snapping jab from tyson fury we always talk about how deontay wilder has the ultimate eraser but you have to be able to execute on it you have to have a delivery system and right now his appears to be short-circuiting and there appears to be a hopelessness as this continues down the path of fury domination tyson fury did a great fake fade before throwing that combination and this is what he's going to be doing throughout this fight fainting and then throwing that big right wilder just coasting back into that neutral corner and now furious are going to split the guard as wilder's in bad shape this is the freight [Applause] there is only one there is only one crown the king the lone undefeated heavyweight champion of the world tyson fury the champion let me tell you the riff stepped in because he wasn't seeing any punches thrown back by deontay at that point the ref stepped in right as the towel was coming in and i'm talking about the towel from deontay wilderness that's correct deontay wilder's corner was throwing in the towel the ref stepped in he is battered he is bloody and that's the baddest man of all the gypsy king is king of boxing unbelievable performance yeah he's just hurt right now that's pride but once he goes back and watches this he'll understand why they stopped and he'll be thankful there's no arguing it that is just the spirit and fight of deontay wilder because that's the kind of champion that he is he was turning to his corner and saying why did you do that the bottom line is that the sport has a mega star a star is born vegas style deontay wilder was taking a lot of punishment it was just a matter of time before tyson fury landed that shot right there stood deante wilder up he's taking a lot of punishment that was a good stoppage by the corner they did the right thing they showed mercy deante wilder was getting ready to be knocked out and here you see it you don't just go back in the corner and hold up your hands and stay there because you're open target and tyson fury seen that and he just came rushed ahead with his killer instinct just with a broad branch of punches ended it but to wilder's credit he didn't quit and he wasn't looking for a way out here it goes straight punch down the middle garage of punches and that was it wonderful sign of respect two men who have shared so much the thriller in december of 2018 and now the utter beat down here in this mega showdown tyson fury delivered on everything he said he would let's make it official with jimmy lennon jr [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen we have the time of one minute 39 seconds in round number seven a referee in charge kenny bayless recognizes the request to the corner and stops the contest he is the winner by way of technical knockout he is still the undefeated lineal heavyweight champion and the new wbc heavyweight champion of the world the gypsy king titan [Applause] fury [Applause] up on the ropes to celebrate in front of his fans the jingoistic fervor that has taken over the mgm grand of the brits and the ethnically proud irish travelers the gypsy king is king of boxing and there is the famed and history rich ring magazine belt the green belt the ring belt and the lineal claim undefeated let's go back to the end of the fight and show you how he did it some more here's the end of the fight right here that's a crushing shot right there flick jab another crushing shot right there deante wilder better be happy that his corner has a heart you get hit with too many of those when you've already been beat up and you're already hurt you're not guaranteed to come out the same flick flick boom right on the side of the temple deontay water took it watch for the towel on the top left there's the towel from wilder's camp and there is kenny bayless stop stopping the fight with a tko victory for fury and it was right on time and this was the moment that jd's thought he would never see the long time trainer and you're right dre's got a lot of heart i mean deontay's got a lot of heart and he didn't want that fight to be stopped he wanted to go out on his shield but sometimes you got to save yours the trainer has to save yourself from yourself theory missed that big right hand the last couple of rounds he couldn't land it while it was just getting out of the way but jerry switched it up he flick flick faded then came in that's what i was talking about all night about having different aspects of your game different things you can do you come the same way against an experienced guy he's going to get out of the way you got to have something else to fall back on that was a nice move right there to get the crutching chakra but cause the corner to throw on the tower family his brother shane his wife paris his brother hughie overjoyed back into that neutral corner [Applause] wilder is going to clearly be headed to a local hospital so they can take a look at him he was brave he was game but he was utterly damaged tyson describe what it feels to do what you just did you said it you called it and you made it happen you know first and foremost i want to say thank you to my lord and savior jesus christ i said those who bring evil against me will not prosper i said those who stand in the dark can never come into the light all praise be to the one and only true god jesus christ secondly i just want to say big shout out deontay wilder you know he came here tonight he manned up he really did show heart of a champion i hit him with a clean right hand and dropped him and he got back up and battled on into round seven he is a warrior he will be back he will be a champion again but i will say the king has returned to the top of the throne big shout out big shout out top rank big shout out frank warren barbara mtk global barbara bt barbados uk wow hydrate second of all i said i'd sing a song tonight didn't i a long long time ago i can still remember how that music used to make me smile sing along if you know the words and i knew by having my chance i could make those people dance and maybe they'd be happy for a while but february made me shiver with every paper i delivered bad news on the doorstep i couldn't take one more step i can't remember if i cried when i read about his widow bride something touched me deep inside the day of the music [Applause] rock singing this will be the day that i die this will be the day that i die now did you believe in rocky road can music save your model soul and can you teach me how to dance real slow well i know that i'm in love with you cause i saw you dancing in the gym [Applause] see i knew i was out of luck the day the music died thank you las vegas have you ever seen anything like tyson fury unbelievable the ultimate showman
Channel: Top Rank Boxing
Views: 2,691,737
Rating: 4.7222872 out of 5
Keywords: tyson fury, tyson fury knockouts, wilder fury 2 highlights, wilder fury 2 full fight, deontay wilder vs tyson fury 2 highlights, deontay wilder vs tyson fury 2 full fight, deontay wilder vs tyson fury 2, deontay wilder vs tyson fury highlights, deontay wilder vs tyson fury fight, deontay wilder vs tyson fury, fury vs wilder 2, fury vs wilder 2 highlights, tyson fury vs deontay wilder, fury knockoutswilder, tyson fury vs deontay wilder 2, tyson fury vs deontay wilder 2 highlights
Id: KPCcGKKihys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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