The Most DELICIOUS Food Served on MasterChef!

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there have been plenty of times when homecooks serve restaurant quality dishes on Master Chef but this dish from season 11 was an absolute showstopper so I'm talking about the P The Challenge from episode 7 when Master Chef decided to invite celebrity chef baker and author Nancy Silton and for one particular contestant standing in her midst was a dream come true she is the queen of Italian cooking obviously I'm Italian I got red sauce running through my veins well Autumn made it her top priority to impress her Above All Else adding to the already intense pressure the challenge was to make a very important staple of Italian cuisine drum roll please fresh pasta yeah it couldn't have been anything but fresh pasta now if you've been watching my videos for a while you might know that making pasta from scratch isn't an easy task as you might think although pasta is a blank canvas that can take up any flavor or seasoning imaginable Chef Ramsey made it a point to remind the contestants of something really crucial if you're not careful making fresh pasta trust me that can sabotage your entire dish in other words it all comes down to how you prepare the pasta and thankfully Joe and Chef ncy stepped up to show the homecooks exactly how it's done we're going to make or from the region of Pula so we use four yolks two whole eggs and Chef Nancy was very precise something that absolutely blew the homecooks minds away down and let it roll like that and you want to invert it meanwhile Joe couldn't help but add a dash of humor the old lady with the big apron on you calling me the old lady with not a careful careful anyway Jokes Aside Joe joined Nancy to prep the sauce as Autumn soaked up every step without missing a single beit I'm going to slowly sauté them with the garlic a little bit of salt and chies you see Italian cuisine is all about Simplicity and all it took was just three ingredients to whip up a restaurant worthy classic Italian pasta a Master Chef Legend and her hble assistant make a pole of orim thank you with that little demonstration out of the way it was now time for the home Cooks to get cooking and whip up their own killer past the dish and guess what whoever won the challenge would receive a Next Level prize get an exclusive VIP dinner for two at oia moza here in Los Angeles yeah if that was an incentive enough then I don't know what is anyway soon enough the 60-minute challenge had kicked off and all the contestants rushed to get things started as for Autumn this is what she had in mind I'm doing a beat in ricotta toini but that wasn't all she decided to go the extra mile and add a little twist to her dish while she was at it I did two passes and I'm going to try to do them stripes for the toal given her Italian background her desire to experiment with pasta wasn't exactly a surprise for Chef Ramsey but would she be able to wrap up in time and here's the thing she came from a family with a long-standing tradition of making pasta and if she messed up today she wouldn't be able to face anybody back home the pressure was real but Autumn was determined to see it through halfway through the cooking and Autumn's dish had already managed to grab the judge's attention she's doing a beetroot flavored pasta with a normal pasta that's cool when judgment Came Calling it was now time to see who cooked up the ultimate past the dish the judges meandered around the kitchen eyeing each plate and giving a taste of the sauces and once they reached Autumn station Chef Nancy was quite surprised that is a stunning dish hope a taste as good as it looks oh things were definitely looking up for her even from a plating perspective she was running away with the competition but as you all may know it all comes down to taste at the end of the day so was she able to deliver as it turns out autum comfortably made it into the day's top three dishes my n would be really proud this is her recipe and I did this all for her and believe me it was a hell of a showstopper lemon ricotta and beet toini white wine and leak sauce and some pea tendrils gee I'm suddenly hungry now Chef Ramsey had plenty of praise for her though and this dish screams at at itude and passion it was truly one of Autumn's best creations yet but as you know above all Autumn wanted to impress her role model Chef Nancy let's see what she had to say about the dish one of the most difficult St pasta shapes really well balance huh the fact that she aced one of the trickiest pasta shapes and even put her own spin on it really showed off her skill and passion and then there was Joe the King of netpix but this time he couldn't find a single thing to complain about the crosses just the right reduction of intensity structure of the torini are perfect as for Aaron I just love how refined it is and its flavors you know suddenly Autumn was surrounded by a wave of compliments and she couldn't have been happier I mean imagine hearing something like this from someone you've looked up to for your entire life I wouldn't get rid of anything on the plate it's perfect thank you so much but it was Chef Ramsey's comments that put a nice little bow on everything I'd be happy to serve that in my Resturant this evening it's that good well done Autumn swept the wind that day no contest however despite having the best dish in the challenge something tragic happened with this next contestant after losing the 101 Farmers challenge Andrea found herself facing off the remaining contestants in a challenge which was a classic in All-American sense contestants had to whip up a dish that screamed quintessential Americana any ideas on what the dish might be sausage in a bun classic indeed but as always there's a catch Master Chef worthy sausage from scratch yeah you heard that right the contestants had to start from scratch and to pull this feed off the home Cooks had just 60 Minutes to complete it and Andrea wasted no time in getting things started I need to go to the gym sometime later when judge Edward Lee swung by Andrea's station to see what she was cooking her response had everyone around her drooling for more what's going on top I'm doing some beer butter caramelized onion but despite being from Miami Andrea decided to go outside of her comfort zone and take the midwestern route a curry worst ketchup and then a pretzel roll and guess what she had the perfect explanation to Edward's concerns I'm a traveler and I love food from other countries so that's what I'm giving you guys today Andrea was quite confident that she can nail the dish if only she had a little bit more time on her hands with less than a minute left Andrea did something Unthinkable that's not working out what she just running out of yeah she put her sausage back in the pen and the judges start to get really concerned Andrea move there was barely any time left for her to walk her play to the front and Chef Ramsey was real worried Andrea you've got to be down here would Andrea really be able to make it in time she didn't make it well she was 3 seconds late yeah 3 seconds this had to be first in the history of Master Chef she was so caught up in making sure that everything was perfect that she completely neglected the fact that she had to bring the dish up in the ant anyway Andrea was the third contestant to have her dish tasted was it really worth the extra handful of seconds well let's check it out this is a brw sausage hosted pretzel bun tomato curry sauce beer butter caramelized onion it was perfect it was so good that Chef Ramsey couldn't help but pass it around among the contestants for a taste peaceful ni but the famous chef was nowhere near done with the Praises he was singing seasoning is on point the texture and the ground the size of the way you ground that meat what's more Chef Ramsey thought that it was a recipe that was worthy to go in one of his books and Andrea was on Cloud 9 however when it was time for the results the judges seemed to be taking more time than usual and the reason well it all came back around to Andrea everybody needs to be down on that front bench Within for 60 minutes she was not Wasing CL Chef Ramsey tried his best to defend her for having the best sausage of the bunch but Chef Christina was really firm about the rules I don't think we could have made it any more clear she had the best sausage of the night okay finally a decision was made Chef Ramsey walked up to the front to share the news you arrived 3 seconds after time was up Andrea for all the deliciousness that she put into her dish broken important rule along the way and she would pay the price for it one of the youngest inspirational amateur chefs we've ever had sadly going home not going into the top 10 Andrea's time on the show came to an abrupt end making her the second person to have ever been disqualified poor Andrea couldn't hold back tears admitting that she totally screwed up Chef Ramsey however urged her to keep cooking you have been incredible you shouldn't be this good at 21 on thank you despite the tragic turn of events and getting kicked off the show for a 3-second delay Andrea walked out of the master chef kitchen with her head held high in the end after all she did make the best dish of the challenge and no amount of technicalities could ever take that away from her but hey let's keep the momentum going because this next dish came very close to Andrea's level of perfection so episode 10 of season 3 was a wild ride all thanks to an intense pressure test but there was one contest Who Rose up to it in such an amazing fashion yes I'm definitely talking about Monty she Rose to the occasion of what could have been the most intense pressure test the show's ever seen believe me it was no Cakewalk a pizza stone wow confused well me too basically the theme of the next challenge was to use different tools of the tray so the judges had Becky the winner of the previous challenge choose between a pizza stone a Chinese walk and a deep fryer while she took the easy routes and chose the deep fryer for herself she gave the pizza stone to everyone else the home Cooks had to utilize the pizza stone to make one dish that would be their ticket to the top but let's not forget that they only had 1 hour to prepare the dish what am I going to do with a pizza stone in under an hour the pressure was on but Monty kept it pushing Becky wants me out of the competition Becky wants everybody out of the competition at halftime when the judges walked over to Monty station they were in for a surprise price where's your dough my dough is in the oven already really Monty was working at lightning speed the judges couldn't believe that her dough had already hid the oven and this peaked Joe's curiosity about what she was making and her reply wasn't exactly what he was expecting making a soda bread I make it for my son all the time a soda bread he was genuinely surprised but Monty was unfaced I'm going make a cured carrot soup with a touch of Ginger and lemon sest given her colorful description Joe was really skeptical but he was really curious to see if her confidence would show in the end result however hey what's a story without a good plot twist huh and she's now roasting the carrots and blend them into a carrot soup I mean completely all over the place despite being the first one to get to the oven Monty had hit a roadblock with time running out she still seemed to be working on her carrot puree things weren't exactly going in her favor and Monty was left scrambling Unsure how to fix the issue but her nightmare didn't end there it was just the beginning as Monty was working on her puree something unexpected happened I'm def it left everyone shocked in the realest sense of the word Chef Ramsey immediately rushed towards her station to check what was going on but he immediately stumbled over something else entirely what happened you burnt the bread out of all things that could have gone wrong it had to be this holy freak out Batman this is my main dish the bread was the star of the dish and without it all she had was a bowl of carrot soup which by the way wasn't even ready yet all of Monty's efforts had quite literally gone up in smoke but with just 5 minutes left on the clock there was no way she could start from scratch the pressure was at its peak and Monty could barely think straight the only thing left for her to do was to salvage whatever she had at hand and so she took a deep breath and got to work as Joe looked on in horror go slow go slow go slow go slow the judges had no hope for a dish I mean we all saw what happened right plus none of the contestants actually considered her a threat in the first place but this isn't like the best budget cooking mom show you know she's not a Master Chef anyway she was eventually called to the front to present her dish and just as she walked up Joe had a genuine question for her how do you make soup on a pizza stone that's a pretty valid ask in my book now let's not forget that the contestants had to use a pizza stone and Joe was visibly perplexed how Monty whipped up a soup from it however Monty's reply really turned the tables I roasted carrots on a pizza stone and I pureed them but wait it wasn't just the carrots I made soda bread on the pizza stone as well what I would cook for my son and I on a rainy day she had certainly thought it through huh what's even more impressive was the sentiment behind the dish but as you know Master Chef values quality far more than sentimentality and I don't think I have to remind you about what happened to her bread anyway Joe took a bold step and dug in I love the soda bread it has a depth of flavor every ingredient makes sense yeah for the very first time something that he was skeptical about truly won his heart and he didn't stop there and I would like to on a rainy day eat that whole Bowl coming from Joe this was a huge compliment especially after all that Monty had just gone through as for Chef Ramsey well let's say that his reaction was even better soups delicious but the bread is phenomenal great job what's more is that he wanted to know if this was just a fluke or or if she really knew how to nail this one and Monty came back with a bold reply I'm not a fluke sir well done thank you sir pretty well done ah you owned it Monty totally it was like a slap in the face for all the naysayers both on the show and watching from home who had absolutely no faith in her as a cook in the end Monty's soda bread with carrot soup was the best dish of the night mistakes be damned but here comes a contestant who made an impression the moment that he set foot in the competition for this one we're going back to the season 10 auditions when one contestant wowed the judges with both his humble personality and bold dish well everyone meet Fred a young 20-some Revenue analyst from California with hopes of making it big in The Culinary world you see this dude was a master in the kitchen but once he actually stepped out into the real world he turned into this shy awkward guy that nobody would take a second glance at are you nervous a little bit you know serving a dessert to the judges I'm just actually more excited apparently it took a great deal of effort and kep talk from his mother to even push him into signing up for the competition in the first place literally the reason why I started cooking I just can't believe and that I'm doing this but hey what are mothers if not lifting you up to surpass your own limits huh and so Fred found himself auditioning for the show and he wanted to start things off with a bang he decided to win the hearts of the judges with sweetness a dessert I would say I'm definitely nervous because my dessert tonight has a ton of components going into it so Fred with anxiety written all over his face walked up to the judges with his dish resting on a black plate my name is Fred and for you I have today a black vinegar and Ovaltine infused chocolate cake as Fred started to describe his dish it seemed like he'd put everything but the kitchen sink in it moed masarone cream caramelized white chocolate and burnt miso ganache togarashi Walnut crumble the judges couldn't help but wonder how he' managed to whip up something as complex as this as Fred continued dishing out even more details chocolate twigs and edible flowers and here's the thing he had taken even more time to put some deep thought into the plating of the dish which isn't a super common thing for contestants to do at the auditions I plated it so that way the cake looks like little cubes which represent the seeds of my dreams had Aaron not cut him off I'm sure Fred would have gone on and on for at least another whole minute but hey maybe he was just nervous so let's cut him some slack nonetheless the judges were floored by just the description of the dish and hey don't even get me started on the presentation like I said the guy had it down to a science the fact that this timid guy was able to come up with something so beautiful white cream meering on the plate surrounded by cubes of cakes and flowers H it was too good to be true but here it is anyway and the story of his life the life that inspired him to make it to Master Chef was heartbreaking I grew up as a very introverted person a lot of people telling me that I wasn't good enough but Aaron was quick to interject with some feel-good wisdom let's not even pay any mind to those knuckleheads that doubted you all that's important is your belief in yourself well said my man well said if you ask me Fred stole the show here because again the judges were in complete awe of the dish visually absolutely stunning but what about the flavor so light thank you that's the black vinegar it tenderizes the crumb if the first words that leave Joe's mouth are even remotely positive then you should probably know that you nailed the dish as for Aaron he was equally floored this is all the superlatives you give dessert ooey gooey decadent and while Aaron and Joe got busy talking Chef Ramsey got busy in another way even in restaurants we really struggle with desserts that are flavorful and light so people can really enjoy them even after eating I can't stop eating this personally he wanted to waste no time in talking while the other two judges laid out their opinions Chef Ramsey thought his time would be better spent licking the plate clean don't believe me well watch this more times than not Fred we struggle with making decisions one full for work after another Chef Ramsey couldn't help himself now how many times have you seen the judges finish their plate on Master Chef not often I'll tell you that much even if it's a showstopper if you can think of any let me know because I could think of like maybe two or three off the top of my head so yeah put it in the comments down below meanwhile I think we should all give Chef Ramsey a moment to finish what he started and I think that says it all right there guess Gordon likes it there's no debate Ramsay tossed the apron at Fred and couldn't believe that someone could actually perfect a dish like that as Fred headed out to the front to share the news with his family it was then that Chef Ramsey finally shared his feedback with the other two judges one of the best desserts I've ever tasted in this competition but after all that there was one thing left to do look at that come on Oppa so could you think of any more dishes that were the best of the best on Master Chef don't forget to let me know in the comment section down below and if you enjoyed this video make sure to visit my social media Pages drop a like like subscribe and turn on my post notifications if you haven't already and if you thought this video was crazy wait till you see my next one right here since it's even better
Channel: Film Insight
Views: 7,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hells kitchen, hells kitchen chefs, hells kitchen chefs today, gordon ramsay, ramsay shouting at cook, master chef, chef ramsay, ramsay, gordon ramsey, hells kitchen moments, masterchef best dishes, masterchef, masterchef usa, best dishes on masterchef, best dishes, ftv, foodie tv, best moments masterchef, masterchef cookbook, #masterchef, best dishes of all time, best dishes of all time masterchef, 2024
Id: JMtzxWcW3AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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