The BIGGEST DIY Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency SOLAR MINING FARM Tour!! ☀

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[Music] i let the sun go down [Music] [Music] hey everyone it's voss you're watching the vosscoin youtube channel i'm back here with crazydane for round two at your solar mining farm hey guys crazydane here glad to be back on boss channel so basically um what we got if we come over here we can see where the power comes in and up in here so this is basically a 400 amp service that feeds uh both the main residents as well as the shop building with the solar and the um and the miners okay and then you can see in here it's basically where you know the power comes into the the meter base then it splits off here you know this goes into the house and this end goes down into the shop building with all the solar what about the poop emoji oh yeah so and then i have here you can see there's some current transformers so i can measure how much power the house uses versus um the shop so is that how you get all the data on your computer is that where all that data is pulled from like the spreadsheet you showed me uh well actually i have a second unit uh from called the send power unit that's down at the shop so i'll show you that when we get down there that's the one that actually collects the specific solar energy okay this one is specific for the the power that the house is using and you you did all this yourself right like correct and you even did this panel install and everything yes yeah i had to have it inspected but uh yeah the power company and the county inspector were really cool about letting me do it myself as long as they came out to inspect it at every phase of the of the project that's awesome yeah there's nothing cheap about panel work no no definitely saved a lot of money by doing that myself yeah i'd like to take a brief moment to thank today's video sponsor the app which is available for android and apple ios without them this video tour would not have been possible they have an awesome app to let you easily buy sell trade and state cryptocurrency to earn passive income there all from your phone and you can buy in with us dollars you can link your bank account and do a normal of ach transfer or you can buy cryptocurrency with a debit or credit card if your bank allows that they also have a 50 sign up bonus if you complete the terms get 50 bucks for free pretty cool stuff links out in the video description below so then if you walk down the hill here we can see the um the various solar arrays i see the expansion took place yeah yeah so what what wattage are your panels now so they're still the first ones i installed back in uh oh what was it 2015 i think it was there were 260 watt panels and now the latest ones i've done at 290 watt panels okay pretty much you know again i've done all this work myself and it's roughly about um a dollar fifty a what you know by doing all the work myself plus there was a federal um rebate of thirty percent yeah you know which unfortunately this is the last year of that yeah or last year was 2019 was but it worked out you know pretty well and uh i would say i've got maybe one more year to go before it's a hundred percent um r wide that's that's awesome so you made like so you built this out in 2016 and you're going to break even within the next year probably probably with an expansion too right yeah yeah well the expansion still got a little ways to go i think to pay itself off but it's it's um but the other it's definitely getting there and so you had you had three units when i was here before ryder was a two it was i had these two you see here on the hillside and then the one in the in the front there and that's the new this one here is new okay and unlike these all the existing ones i did they all use microinverters you know meaning that um in each solar panel has its own dc to ac converter um and then you know that's mostly in hindsight i would have probably done it um using uh string inverters instead how come uh they're cheaper and i've had some issues with these failing they do have a 10-year warranty but it's still still a hassle still a hassle to have to replace them but you know i think i've gotten for the most part rid of all the ones that had issues so these have been you know knock on wood they've been they've been running pretty good for a year plus now without any of them failing yeah so how long did it take you labor-wise to put up one of these arrays uh i got a friend of mine that i use and we were able to pretty much um pour the concrete and set the steel do the steel framing on one weekend and then install all the rails and the panels the following weekend so not not too bad two weekends worth for two guys yeah to do uh two units like this and you're definitely obviously talented with this kind of stuff but that still seems like pretty good that's like that seems great timing for building out this kind of infrastructure it's yeah working hard no it's yeah and i i kind of try to keep all of this um you know in this area close to where the power was so i didn't have a lot of laws from you know voltage drop and so like to to visualize this panel like how many miners does this run um well so so all together i got about like i said 50 000 watts of capacity which might sound like a lot but um if you have like i do i have about 10 mining rigs that run 24 7 so they consume about um 9 000 watts you know all all the time so that works out to um whatever that works out to 9 000 times 24 you know and that's about how much um whatever that kilowatt hour is in the 24 hour period is about the same as what these panels produce on average you know of course today is a nice sunny day so they generate quite a bit i'd say today that between all these panels they're going to generate about 330 350 kilowatt hours yeah you know which is way more the miners they consume maybe 200 kilowatt hours in a 24-hour period but yeah you have rainy days and of course you have sad cloudy days yeah so this is uh the new one of the new arrays that is using a dc inverter so you can see that each panel there is no micro inverter it's just these uh dc voltage strings that are tied together yeah and then they come together here in this box um sort of improvised you know this is undercover i used some little rubber grommets to keep it sealed to keep water out of it and then so basically there are three strings total here um you know these are all connected in the series about 12 panels per string yeah so that gets up to about 400 450 volts dc per string and that is then fed over into this sunny boy like like the name sma sonny boy sonny boy and you can see here it shows you what the current what it says it looks like it's putting out about 5500 watts right now and you can see on the lower lower number represents how many kilowatt hours it has produced since it was installed that's fine yeah but it's like your little leaderboard yeah yeah and then here i can show you this is a sub panel that um that basically combines all the all the uh ac power from all the panels and then it combines it into a single feed that then goes over into um into the meter base here so if we look at that we can kind of see we can see that so and this is this is uh this is these big 500 mcm aluminum cables that's what runs up to the to the main residence in that um uh that splitter we saw before that fuse box yeah and uh so that you know being that he's a 500 mcm that keeps the voltage drop very low i would say i have maybe a one and a half to two volt voltage drop you know and it so it runs about 250 volts you know i know 240 volt is sort of the you know the standard but the power company likes to run a little harder to begin with and then i get up to maybe um i've seen as high as 160 volts here because all these panels when they run they tend to lift up the voltage across everything i have connected past the transformer on the pole well that's probably nice because that probably gives you a little bit better efficiency right yeah yeah exactly the higher voltage you know the ohm's law you know whatever it is voltage squared divided by resistance is yeah i'd rather be at 250 than 230. yeah yeah and then these are the uh these are the current transformers for that sense unit that um i showed you up at the house is that the tracks i'm sorry go ahead that yeah and that so that's what tracks the um you know the solar power generated as well as the consumption of the mining rigs yeah that's very cool i remember the pictures from when you trenched out the you trenched out for these wires yeah yeah it was a serious trench yeah yeah well looks good now you little grass seed you never knew yeah and then here these are the this is a ventilation for the miners you know basically build this out with these uh washable filters you know so about once a month i take them out and just back wash them with cold water yeah air dry them and then put them back in um do you have a do you have another set that you put in there when you're washing them or are you just like running out i just leave it open watch them start in the morning and then by afternoon i can um you know put the dried ones in there and it's all good yeah i mean if you remember my mining shed i ran that basically unfiltered for months before i mean it got gross in there but like it didn't break anything so yeah yeah yeah it does not recommend it but it's it's okay yeah it does get it does get pretty pretty messy i mean i got lazy i've done him once this year i probably should have done it more than once but um you're on the uh you're on the bear market cleaning schedule yeah that's right i get it so all right so moving along so we have those two so those are 24 panel um arrays each of those so each of those have two 40 amp fuses that they connect to in that subpanel we showed and then these of course are the dc string uh array so if you don't mind me asking you you don't have to tell if you're not comfortable but like what's like your cost into this like like so i'm like i want this how much is that so i got a good i'd say these panels were um well i can tell the string inverter over there on the wall which is rated at seven point seven uh kilowatts that was uh fourteen hundred dollars and then each of these panels were i want to say i paid like 120 for them which is a really good deal yeah and then you know the the three inch metal tubing was probably about seven or eight hundred dollars to build that and then the um all the the aluminum rails are all from iron ridge it's the brand i like them they're pretty pretty good um flexible and that was probably another grand so you know all said and done you know this is um four times i think this is 36 panels here so i would say all in all it was maybe um i ate eight ten thousand less than that uh but yeah about seven seven eight thousand i would say yeah all and then of course my labor that i don't charge for but um and then and then don't forget that you know of that you know i got 30 back as a federal tax credit so you know i made about six thousand dollars when it was all said and done yeah that's awesome i mean taking advantage of stuff like that is just like yeah super ben i mean you literally just cut your break even time down like instantly yeah so that's awesome and and this and this is the array that's running on the sunny boys so this is like on this nice sunny sunny boy yeah that's a good i like that branding yeah it gets up you know these are actually these panels are actually will produce as much as 9000 watts and that's only rated at 7.7 so what will happen is that it'll it'll flat line when it gets to the 7.7 and you stay there and then start going down yeah so um so that is a little bit of inefficiency but a lot of times unless it's a really pure blue sky like this you're not gonna hit that and it gives you more uh capacity in the am and pm yeah because it extends the the time that they can produce you know the more those you have in in series you know the more voltage you have and and it'll they'll start producing at a earlier time than having just have it sized exactly for the the inverter have you noticed any kind of kind of like manufacturing to fit like basically like discrepancies between the panels like say this one like you know it hits 300 watts and this one's a little bit lower and it's like producing like 260. right next to each other they've been very very consistent you know for these that are string uh string inverters where they're all connected in series or well about 10 of them 10 or 12 are connected in series you know those who do want to have matching panels if you use microinverters like i do with you know my earlier panels it doesn't really matter what the um you know if there are differences because pretty much once they get converted from dc to ac you know they just all connect um in parallel on an ac bus basically back to a breaker panel so it doesn't really matter if some panels produce more versus less another advantage of having microinverters is shading you know if you have a tree or some structure that's that partially shade some of the panels in in part of the day with microinverters that doesn't impact any other panels but when you have panels that are wired in series dc back to a string inverter you know if you have one panel that gets a lot of shade it's going to take the rest of the panels in that string with it yeah you know so so you don't so in my case i really didn't really need to go um micro inverters because for the most part you know everything is there's no shade here any time of the day one exception being you know in the wintertime these here do get a little shade in the morning because of that shop building there yeah so one neat thing i did over here is i wanted some more i wanted like a pole barn or a shed to store all my uh tractor implements so why not some more so so why not make the roof out of solar panels so that's what i ended up doing here that's so cool you live in the green life but yeah this i used um little filler strips between the panels and then silicone caulk to seal it so that it's it's um you know water tight yeah yeah yeah that's awesome i left about a quarter inch gap between them for expansion you know for when it heats but uh but yeah this panel has been uh uh has been great you know unlike all the other ones this one they're all mounted vertically instead of horizontally you know which has given me um it just worked out better you know what i end up doing is using these uh metal struts instead of the iron right aluminum so these are anodized gold anodized uh struts you know that are typically used for um electrical work to hold up sub panels and things so they're you know i could just pick those up at a big box store for pretty cheap you know yeah um and then i just found the right size screws and stuff to to mount the panels it was it's a lot more time consuming doing this and then all metal you know i mean building this structure took like you know i'd say probably five to ten times more labor than it was just putting those up you know but that's sort of you know this is a lot less expensive plus i get the utility of being able to store stuff inside of it yeah no it's that's super cool honestly i had i wouldn't really even thought to do something like this and that that's that's great see you're a genius i don't know about that but um so how would you what about like roof mounting because you have the panels up there that are roof mounted like does that is that like a total total pain to do and all right well i'll tell you yeah i mean it's it definitely you know those are also micro inverters and the way that that system works um you know i've had my converters fail in the middle of the panels to get to those you have to remove you know four or five panels from the top or the bottom to get to those to lift them up to get to the inverted replace it so in hindsight i would never and i wouldn't recommend anyone do a roof mount system with microinverters because maintenance after the fact is a huge pain you know if i had had a solar company install this and they would be on them to do that that would be one thing but if you're doing yourselfer yeah it's a huge it's a huge pain to replace those yeah so thumbs down from crazy day now that makes sense though because like my first impression is like roof mounted that makes sense you know you get the roof right there but then i don't know we start digging in a little bit more and start thinking about things especially from like the maintenance point of view it's like i mean you're saying like going up there it's already a drag to do anything like that let alone you gotta do three panels to get to the one you want to yeah i mean one one thing that was good with this is the orientation was right you know it's southern facing pretty much perfectly to begin with so from that perspective it did make sense to do a roof band because of course the mounting is a lot less expensive when you have the infrastructure already there you just need some some brackets some brackets pretty much to mount the roof uh to to mount the panels the rigs look cool all together last time they were all yeah they're all scattered in the house so i don't know if it's gonna be too loud in here uh but hopefully not but that's okay but basically yeah so these are what is that one two three four five six seven eight nine rigs here um it's surprisingly cool in here yeah well the the good thing is that the you know they went pulls in the air from over there that's the northern side where the sun isn't so it's kind of shady and you got that hillside right there so it keeps a little bit cooler but yeah generally speaking it it you know it's really not any warmer in here than it is outside in fact most of the time it's really cooler in here even with these miners and you'll see that in addition to that fan i have back there that's basically sucking in the air and blowing it across the mining rigs there's an exhaust fan um up in the up near the top there yeah i see you're still uh still working on the car yeah was it was it there last time over there oh it was over there yeah yeah it hasn't really that much not much coming with this yeah yeah that's funny and then if we um let me show you over here so i do have sometimes when um when it's really really hot outside uh both of these fans are three-phase fan so i can adjust the speed of them just by changing the frequency that that they run at so you can see over here i have this little converter it basically takes 240 volts single phase and converts it to three phase so i can change the speed of the fence right now i'm at 40 hertz you know which is fine for now anyways but some hot afternoons i might crank it up to like 50 or 60 hertz so to do that it's very easy you just go here and um switch to where you want and then you just hit enter and it'll ramp up to the higher speed yeah i heard them like just instantly ramp yeah yeah so that's pretty much wide open now yeah um and here's that um here's that sense device that um as those current transformers you know so it's pretty it's a very neat device you basically just hook it up um if you don't have solar you just have one set of current clamps that hook up to your mains and then if you have solar you have a second set of current clamps that hook up to your solar feed and then it just has the wi-fi and it connects out to the cloud where it collects all the data then you can have an app on your phone or you know connect to it on a web browser and pretty much gather all your stats and i'll show you some of that later up at the house you know how it tracks it um weekly monthly and yearly and how much you produce how much you consume you can put in your uh cost per kilowatt hour and it can kind of tell you you know how you're doing yeah so you said it's a neat device that's gonna be awesome just for tracking your data and uh making sure it's worth it i know it is but you also wanna know how much does it work yeah no and it's and i also got you know i got another you know i have another device here that also does it this one has current transformers for each individual circuit so i can i could track it down to the middle mining rig if i wanted to you know what i'm doing is if you look over here you can see you know i have a a number of 30 amp breakers that feeds uh power banks that then in turn feeds each shell for miners yeah and i track the power consumption uh for each of those rails that feed a shelf of miners that's awesome just nice effective simple so i know we talked about a little bit earlier but what are you mining with all these rigs uh i've been on on c coin for um since late last year and it's been pretty um pretty solid you know the rigs are very stable um once in a while try a few other things but i keep coming back to this you know as uh it's just been really good to me for for the last probably close to a year now and so are you are you mining and converting into like bitcoin are you holding them um i'm mine and i commit to bitcoin and then i tend to hold the bitcoin yeah in other words yeah sorry xenos i mean sometimes i go up to you know i mean i get um right now i'm mining about 200 a month yeah give or take you know and i'll you know there have been a few times not too long ago when it actually bumped up to like from a little over four dollars to close to eight or nine dollars i think you know yeah i caught that just about write a thing and and convert it to bitcoin and then that's awesome especially if you have a stash yeah so so yeah no it's been it's been um it's been fun you know i don't know what um and then also also by the way the way that this building is connected to the the main building i had to have fiber when i dug up and ran the power cables up to the house i went ahead and threw some fiber in the trench as well so i actually have a 10 gig connection between here and the house i know it's overkill but you know hey why not i figured why not it's just you know 15 bucks for some transceivers you know so why not one 10 gig across it so absolutely and so as far as the rigs um what are like the main cards are running over there uh it's mostly 1080 ti that i've been running since 2017 yeah i think i have about uh think about 25 1080 ti's and then the rest of them are basically a mix of uh 1070s and 1070 ti's i did have a bunch of um 1060s three gig cards but i i got rid of those because you know as you know three gig isn't really enough to uh to hold a lot of algos anymore yeah it used to be totally fine but yeah it's like yeah there's just not that many coins you can mine right and it kills that utility and also resale so yeah that's desirable but you had mentioned something about doing a little mini solar like standalone i thought maybe well honestly you really inspired me with that thing i have to like pay you uh royalty fees or something but like i would basically like i would love to have just something like this where it's not too like not too crazy crazy dane but um you know something where i can run like a handful of miners and i was thinking about maybe just doing to actually i'm going to ask you about that what's your battery set up so there are no batteries basically the way it works i have net metering with power company so anytime that i produce more than i use it goes back into the grid and i get credit for it yeah and i get full credit you know basically that they give me a bank of kilowatt hour kilowatt hours that i build up on my account and then you know whenever i need more like a nighttime winter time or whatever then i just pull back from that that bank of credit hours that's like so incredibly perfect for what you do because the way i was looking at it like if i couldn't get into like a great deal like that is you know i would just run it during the day and when the power is exhausted just have them shut off and just kind of almost have them because the research i did is just the you know adding batteries and and everything like that it just really makes it a lot more expensive yeah and there's maintenance you know because batteries don't last forever you know i'd say five six seven years typically now there are some places you know they don't do it around here but where your cost per kilowatt hour is based on time of day a time of year you know here i think most of virginia it's all flat rate you know whatever 12 cents a kilowatt hour on average but i know on the west coast there's a lot of places where you know late afternoon is peak usage and they're charging more yeah so in a setup like that you know there could be some benefits to having a battery bank yeah um one thing i do have i'll show you here i do have these two little panels that are just out here by themselves connected to this little charger here and i basically had this set up down down in the field by the river with a wireless link so i had some cameras down there to see what's going on the night down by the river so this is pretty neat you know so i have two uh two panels wired in series into this it's called a solar point from ubiquity they are mostly known for making network gear but they also um they also make solar gear in fact my initial setup here was all sun max as well you know by ubiquity i remember that now i'm going to be talking about that before but but basically what this is it's pretty neat you know so basically you can have one or two panels uh hooked up to you need 24 volts um so basically i just do two car batteries in pair in series to get that and then what this does is this manages charging the batteries you know uh and keep them at the full charge and then it has a four port poe switch built into it so that you can have this in a remote location and have some poe cameras and a poe access point or whatever so it's pretty neat you know i had this running all winter down in the field but once the leaves came out it blocked my transmission of the signal so i i brought it back up here um yeah but that is a pretty neat you know in theory you know i could hook up a small miner on the 12 volt post on one of these batteries and and run it that way and for all the excess power that'd be fun little pilot i mean they're probably boring to you at this point but like for someone who's just getting into solar that could be like a fun pilot experiment right exactly definitely learn a lot and i might do that with you know maybe one of those 1080 i mean 1060 cards that i still got laying around you know or something yeah just just say i'd say i could do it you know yeah just showing off yeah and then here is you know just to show you uh the details of this um shed building here as far as the um the solar panels this is a mix of string inverter and microinverter you can see that the last three over here are look like they're wired differently and that's because they are they're using microinverters why'd you do that uh the reason i did that is is once again you know i use the same uh sony boy string inverter that's rated at 7.7 uh kilowatts that's the biggest one to make you know so um so you just want to be honest so i just wanted so i didn't want to go too way too much past the capacity so i just had some spare um inverters like this and i didn't want to have a you know four bay pole barn here so i figure well so i just um you know did these last nine panels as microinverters and ran that down so so i have them both running here you know this is my ac for the micro inverters and this is my dc string on the big conduit coming down here and that in turn then runs uh up here and into the shop and over to where the power panels are the sub panels so awesome and while i was at it i went ahead and did a random ethernet cable to have a little security camera you know to keep an eye on the on the miners yeah because i know your top secret location now i've been here twice like i could almost just drive here by memory yeah and then um and in here so here's that second sunny boy uh i'm out of this one inside you know that basically shows the um you know that captures dc power coming from those from the pole barn over there and this one should be yeah you can see this one it's already at 6 500 watts so it's going to hit it's going to max out here in the next within the next hour or so and stay that way until uh probably three or four this afternoon so what so like time of day you you probably find like just based off the current time like maximum solar uh yeah output is like 12 to three yeah well so being that it's daylight savings time now you know the sun is highest in the sky at 1 pm um so yeah i would say yes around 1 pm not all the panels are aligned exactly the same towards the sun so so they don't all peak at the exact same time i'd say from about 11 in the in the in the summer time i say from about 11 till about three in the afternoon is it's where i produce my most uh the most kilowatt hours okay and are those panels easy to open or do you have to pop those bolts off uh yeah these are these are kind of a pain to open it's pretty cool it's very ruggedly built um and they get they get a little they get kind of warm to the touch yeah but they do have a fan that turns on keeping cool you know this one also has a built-in fan inside yeah yeah i mean once i get like up to about i think about 7000 watts then it starts to cool down but it's still very efficient you know i think the efficiency is about 98 on these and i think the microconverters are about 97 yeah so all in all you know very efficient yeah absolutely well and the other thing we can do you know we can't we can take my truck and we can go down and show you the river down there if you can you can film that you know rolling down the road there come and see what go on the crazy danes river that's right hydropower coming soon yeah yeah wait for part three hydro i wouldn't put it past you at all you already know i've been thinking about it believe me i'll i'll show you i'll actually hear what your thoughts are peter crazy dan thanks so much for having us over you're welcome boss it was fun this is miss voss the uh professional camera woman and do you have any final like thoughts or words or advice for anyone who are thinking about doing uh you know solar panels or especially like solar for mining just do it don't think about it just do it nike just do it that's right all right see you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: VoskCoin
Views: 975,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VoskCoin, Cryptocurrency Solar Mining Farm - Inside the Operations of a Secret Crypto Farm, solar mining farm, solar power, solar cryptocurrency, solar bitcoin, solar btc, bitcoin, btc, massive mining farm, mining farm tour, deeper in the mines, bitcoin mining, bitcoin mining 2020, bitcoin mining 2021, gpu mining, gpu mining 2020, gpu mining 2021, mining profitability, how to set up solar panels, solar panels review, ethereum, zcoin mining, ethereum mining, mining farm, diy, eth
Id: GrQ3-q2K03Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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