FINALLY Making Bitcoin Mining Farm Progress

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this is so crazy we just went over two pay to Hash a second one pay to Hash was my initial goal for this year we blew right past that technically pretty early in the year but there were some Farm stability issues uh now we've gone over a a stable 2 pahh a second so that's a lot of Bitcoin mining power historically the last few years that would be considered you know 20 plus uh Bitcoin miners we're doing a lot of immersion mining which is liquid cooled mining out here uh so I want to run through you know how much money is our Bitcoin mining Farm actually earning with over two pay to Hash a second of Bitcoin mining power right so how much money are we earning how much Bitcoin are we mining how much money am I spending in order to do this right so what's up I'm Vos you're on the vcoin YouTube channel you are at the vcoin mining Farm I want to take you through the vas coin mining Farm kind of you know where we're at what we're doing why have miners taken over the boscoin HQ uh oo that's a cool cool change right there uh so I got one Bitcoin miner right there and uh in the corner over there those are a bunch of Casa miners so I'm just going to kind of you know focus on what we're doing uh with Bitcoin here uh today uh I've got a couple Bitcoin miners actually I lied we took the Bitcoin miners um out of here uh this is where I had originally set up my first Bitcoin miners about a year ago which so it's super cool to see the transition uh we actually just ran another circuit over here uh so we're pulling even more juice originally I only ran 13 amp outlet in here uh so we just ran a whole another circuit uh that's important for a couple reasons one I can't keep this building warm enough uh in the winter where I could just not winterize uh the RV that we're renting uh which we used to take this bad boy to the track that was such a fun project and that is such a fun car that I'm going to finish building here over the winter uh and bitcoin's heating up and I think that the interest in this car will heat up next year and it'll be a really fun way to just generate some organic buzz on bitcoin and it's just you know for what it's worth is my like way to just have fun and be like yo Bitcoin guys check it out what's up because my intention with this car was never to be like oh look at me I I got Bitcoin it was more like hey bitcoin's really cool and here's a cool car with a cool Bitcoin design uh and it's just I don't know I've always wanted to do some kind of unique Livery my whole freaking life so this was a fun way to mash it all up we've got one of the next immersion uh minor deployments over there that's the dcx bit pod uh fits two units uh so make sure to uh subscribe to the channel and uh you can watch that upate date uh when we get there uh right now I've been working on a lot of immersion mining right immersion is a great way to mine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies but I'm I'm personally only mining Bitcoin with the immersion miners in that regard uh there's a lot of good firmware uh specifically we've been using brains uh to deploy an immersion uh so that's just tried and true you know proven methods uh so I just have a couple little lonely guys up here just want to show you real quick so I have an s19 K Pro and then an L7 uh so that's a Dogecoin uh Litecoin script Miner and uh that's all I've got up here we're going to work on uh trying to finish some of this building over the next year there's just there's just never enough time in the day but you know I'm happy with the progress uh you may also notice that we got a little mini split up there uh so you know we're chugging away uh it's a it's a process it it's it's a journey but the immersion mining is really cool because it's so quiet I mean you can hear the minor noise and hum in here uh but you know the immersion mining is so [Music] quiet it is uh you know efficient it's just a really cool unique way to right right right right come on camera it's over we [Music] hey [Music] but yeah I mean you can overclock more it's supposed to increase your uh efficiency it's an interesting and unique way to cool things so you know there's that whole aspect so let's head over to the immersion shed uh and and check that out in the meantime let me tell you kind of what's changed uh since the last video uh so right now half of the digital shovel mini pod is not working man I don't know why this isn't working in our testing seems to be a faulty Rock pie uh that's uh basically not turning on the the pdu on one side that we need uh so you know with the way that's designed we we've lost literally half the Pod thankfully though uh we were just getting ready to deploy and then we did deploy our next immersion setup uh and then by stealing space in uh the F what we call the fuel building the Vos Vos Queen HQ the building we were just in we were able to get all of our miners back online especially after we added that one more circuit uh so I'm only running one fan there's only 12 miners running in there and uh you know we're working with uh digital shovel uh to try to get a replacement and get that fixed up uh and really there's there's mainly altcoin miners running in there there are a few Bitcoin miners that have just kind of been in there uh but you know anyway they're in there doing their thing this is a concrete pad which is a really interesting project which I'm excited to share and talk with you all about it's related to this just monolithic Monster uh but we'll get to that when we get to that that is one of the next immersion installs we have to do here on the [Music] farm like I said it's a work in progress so we've got a new container uh for the next immersion install here and uh that's the same case for that and you saw the other immersion container uh that's going to go over there uh that's in uh the RV garage we are working through the power panels here uh this is very challenging uh it's very interesting it's uh this is advanced stuff and in the corner we have the fog hashing unit if you want to learn all about that you should watch our fog hashing video but that has just been a very very intriguing deployment you're going to want to watch that whether you mind Bitcoin or don't or whatever it's it's pretty cool and then the other corner or should I say the blue Corner we have the dcx immersion en closure there's eight uh Bitcoin miners in here that you can see you know they're just chugging along in the fluid uh so eight Bitcoin miners over there six Bitcoin miners uh specifically uh there's a bunch of s19 J Pros over there and then there is three s9j pros in the fog cashing and then two minor s19 XPS and one s19 k so yeah it it's getting pretty serious you know it's quite literally heating up uh when you tally all these miners together you know from in here uh the couple in uh boscoin HQ and then the rest of them are mining the pod that's where I get to 23 Bitcoin miners due to some issues with the mining form over the past year I've kind of struggled to say that I've had a consistent one pay to Hash uh and then at certain Co I ran out of electrical capacity and I would unplug Bitcoin Miners and plug in more profitable altcoin Miners and uh maybe even at times just be mining Bitcoin indirectly with those altcoin miners right uh there are some mining pools that automatically convert your uh altcoin miners earnings into Bitcoin and then pay that out straight to your uh Bitcoin address you know this is a critical deployment for me out here because you know in this emergency I mean this one this is not quiet it is that's crazy truly uh so it's so freaking cool uh but this is you know a dedicated Bitcoin mining building right here uh and all these emerging tanks are going to get straight Bitcoin miners uh and so once I get all these deploys I'm going to pretty much have maxed out uh my 400 aamp service on this uh building and what I'm going to do is I'm probably going to cut a bigger vent into that just with more like surface area on the vents and then somewhere on this wall I'm going to cut exhaust fan in um and I need to run the numbers and see where everything ends up but uh I may need to put you know a little bit more intake vent area in uh you know maybe I'll just steal some space from down there um I don't really want to put it by the door it be kind of ugly but it's cool right now so like all these things radiate a little bit of heat and it's fine cuz it's cold but once it heats up I can't just have a bunch of stagnant air in here just baking and baking and B baking and it basically will like hot box the shed so that's pretty much where I'm at uh you know in the field with all this stuff I don't know if it seems like whoa that's crazy that's a lot or like not really honestly this is a ton of work this this is like this more than kept me busy right uh dealing with concrete like that that has been an interesting Endeavor uh because that those big black dry coolers I don't know if you noticed there was a one in the shed and then one outside the shed uh they need to be mounted onto concrete basically that's a short of it and then we also have the fog aing dry cooler and then we also have the dcx dry cooler uh so you know it's starting starting to get serious it's starting to uh you know really really get going and and and be industrial out here if you're wondering what is the green shed uh so half of that service is dedicated for the green shed the other half is dedicated for the next electrical service uh or or mining Farm build out for that we're working on uh but this is a dedicated uh basically DIY data center it's a hard drive mining shed it functions as a field office and it's a totally clean environment because there we don't run any external air through this uh so basically the mini split uh you know keeps everything flowing in here and so you'll notice there are no fans there are no vents it's just these and it's configured to only cool and it only cools when the temperature goes over 70 3° F and it's 73° F in here right now which is uh you know nice and warm I need to finish out the inside get some shelves set up a desk and all that uh but the key takeaway here is that uh you know this whole this whole building operation I'm standing in right now cost me less than $100 a month to run you know with fees with the you know mini split Bill everything it's super tight super efficient super low cost but High Capital to deploy all right so let's jump behind the screen run the numbers how much does the Bitcoin mining Farm make how much does it cost to run uh you know is to pay a hash of miners really worth it and kind of what goes into to getting there and doing that all right so let's crunch the numbers let's look at the data and let's look at kind of where we are today be proud of that hopefully and then also you know where do we go tomorrow what does the future look like for the mining form where is it at in a year so I moved all my Bitcoin miners over to the brains mining pool many of these Bitcoin miners are also using the brains firmware now so you can see I have 23 miners online these are all of the Bitcoin miners I currently have I have a couple more on the way but as it stands 23 miners you know it's kind of funny to end 2023 with 23 minor but is that like when you're looking for a sign right and there's really no sign but you're like yeah yeah that thing that's there's some deep meaning to that that's that's why that happened but to get back on topic the bottom line here is that I am consistent ly mining over two pay to Hash a second one pay to Hash a second lifelong goal especially became much more easily attainable uh with the s19 bit main series we could say on average those miners are doing about 100 ter second or more uh so it's like okay I need 10 minor it's very possible for someone to deploy 10 miners at home truly I mean you can drop a shed throw 10 miners in there uh whatever your electric service is whether it's 200 amps or 400 amp residential electric service you can pull from that make a sub panel and you can run 10 Miners and get one pay to Hash a second especially if you're running efficient or nextg miners uh so the earnings have been good they've been impressive uh brains has moved to fpps which is basically giving us consistent payouts uh and when you look at these like these right here these are a couple of days of uh you know $280 mining rewards yesterday we pulled 245 we've also been building out the altcoin mining farm that you can see here and and this is actually pretty much rivaling uh it actually beats the Bitcoin mining side of the boscoin mining Farm as far as profitability goes it also costs much less in electricity I'm getting towards these higher profitability numbers with much less juice but I'm mining cryptocurrencies that are very volatile and and have a rapidly changing mining landscape I mean you look at the ant Miner ks3 pulling over 100 bucks a day cool crazy profitable but the question is always for how long right these Bitcoin miners have actually only gotten more profitable over the last several months uh you know a few months ago they were even just breaking even for me at times with my electricity rate uh but bitcoin's gone up in price and I've made some of these miners more efficient so reducing my electricity bill and then pushing up uh my Daily Mining profits in USD on average over the last 4 days I would say that I'm earning 0.6 Bitcoin which is about 256 bucks a day at current price the daily emission of Bitcoin is very good right now at over $40 million per day but the elephant in the room okay is going to be that Bitcoin haves in several months but a lot of people think okay it'll have new alltime high things work out it'll be so profitable it'll be good people uh you know building these big money Farms are literally banking on bitcoin going up in the future and staying up so things will get much more difficult for me after the having if nothing else changes let's kind of look at the miners and and run some numbers and then see what we're really kind of ending up here uh so again I've got 23 Bitcoin miners uh I have only one new generation minor so far it's the m6s micro BT what's minor um this thing is a monster you can see my uh one day hash right here is 193 ter a second this is consuming about 3,400 Watts right so we can say you know 13 yearly 14 amps on singlephase electricity 240 voltage by the way I'm not going to go and heavy detail on how to set these things up or break down everything and all these terms in this video if you're new to this and you want to learn more please watch our 1hour video guide on everything you need to know to get started uh Mining profitably and safely you know with all that said that this Miner essentially has the density of two miners so this is a standout performer among the others and we kind of go through this list right I mainly have s9s that hash around 100 ter has a second or at least out of the box uh from the factory I have a lot of different ant Miner models I have a a couple you know quite literally a couple of pair of ant minor s19 XPS XPS have better efficiency I have a couple s19 K uh s19 K honestly are very comparable to s19 XPS as far as their mining efficiency goes uh but they're not quite as powerful so you get less minor density uh but the XPS have always carried a big premium uh in price point so the Ks are making a lot more sense for most Bitcoin mining operators right now I have a m30s that I brought back from the dead uh that's back in the mining equation here and I have one Canon Avalon Miner and I have it on the efficient mining setting uh so it basically functions like an s9j Pro but is not quite as efficient so already walked around the mining farm right but let's kind of really break it down and get a visual a two pay to Hash Bitcoin mining form consistently over two pay to Hash a second now let's look at the D CX mining container uh immersion container so this is liquid cooled Bitcoin mining um this is really cool stuff it's very interesting watch the full video if you want to learn more about it we've also deployed our miners in the fog hashing emerging container watch the video on that one if you want to learn more about that uh but the key takeaway here right is going to be we have six miners in the fog cashing unit and eight miners in the dcx unit uh and they are all mining in the dcx we have eight s9j Pros the 104 ter of pych model they're all underclock to use about 2,200 watts each seeking efficiency over mining density and then in the fog cashing unit I have three more of those with the same efficiency settings of 2,200 watts each and then I also have two s19 XP and an s19 K those are using pretty much the stock settings those are using a bit more juice than their counterpart parts we took a reading at the panel so this includes everything includes the dry coolers the pumps for these all the miners we were pulling 135 amps at the panel that that's you know total power that equates to about 9.64 amps per minor so 135 amps for those 14 miners roughly for the nine other miners we're still running them for bo uh so some of them are a little bit more efficient a few of them are are actually underclock let's just say that they're consuming about 12 amps each so that means we have plus 9 minor at 12 amp each which equates to another 10 amps of electrical consumption meaning that right now our Bitcoin mining Farm footprint at the vcoin ranch is 243 amps 243 amps on single phase 240 voltage equates to about 58,000 watts and that's 58 kilowatt now if you take all these Watts right 58k and you mine 24 hours a day which is always the goal in the plan then you would consume about 1,400 KW hours per day my cost is about 10 cents per kilowatt hour right now that means that I'm spending about $140 per day to run my Bitcoin mining Farm which means that it cost me about $4,200 a month month to run my Bitcoin mining Farm which you know extrapolates out to a whopping 51 Grand a year to run my 23 Bitcoin miners in their approximate current configuration when I looked at my digital shovel mini pod last month uh and we were running about 24 miners I believe or 25 miners in there we received a power bill of $566 there's a different assortment of miners in there that have varying power consumption uh they're not all Bitcoin miners a lot of those Bitcoin miners that were in there have since been moved to immersion mining containers uh but the bottom line is you know that's like an example like I received a $5,000 electric I like to say loud $5,000 I received a $55,000 electricity bill from my electric company and all I can say is ow ow I'm working on deploying three phase at our mining Farm uh but it's still a work in progress and we'll be able to get our electric uh cost down to 78 cents per kilowatt hour then hopefully that's the plan we're also looking at deploying solar to further offset our electrical bill uh but at the end of the day I've made the decision to push forward with the mining Farm build because it's been a bare market and I think it's been the best time to build out the mining Farm aspect and honestly when the market gets crazy and hopefully we hit a bow run sooner than later I'm going to stop building the actual mining aspect of the farm and pivot and turn around and start working on solar and other things but it just makes more sense to build a solar farm in a bull run and build the Bitcoin and crypto mining Farm in the bare market and uh you know I've noticed on some comments that's some like I've got some hate on that front I and I just think that I feel like people don't see the vision that I see uh you know we'll see who's right in the end maybe there's two ways to get there uh maybe I'll never make it right but I'm going to keep trying I'm going to keep grinding all going to make I'm here in brains remoting into the mining Farm um actually this is an update that you know just recently came out so not only can you go on to more control boards with this now but it also has improvements for the s19 K Pro and in our initial testing it seemed that they were able to get brains working on the s19 K Pro but there was definitely some refinement there so it's really cool to see them continue to push and grind there full disclosure they sent me this t-shirt I think it's cool and that's not why we're using brains so anyway here's one of the s 19k Pros I have it's got great efficiency it's working well and I bring this up in particular just to kind of bring you in here and show you how I'm easily and quickly fine-tuning my farm right so you know I come in here I enable autot tuning and I pick power targets so so far I've just left the s19 K Pro on their normal Power targets but let's go into one of my s9j Pros so we can see this one's bouncing around between 24 25 watts of terahash efficiency right uh so you just divide the you know power consumption by your uh mining output and you get your efficiency rating and basically the way this breaks down if you're unfamiliar is the better watts per terahash the lower number the higher efficiency you have you are mining more with a lower electrical footprint which means you have a lower electrical bill right and we compare that uh to the s19 K Pro we have here I I watch this thing go between 22 and 24 Watts terahash uh so it is a little bit more efficient but to illustrate my Point here is this is a minor out of the box consuming 3,200 watts and bitman gives me no ability to deal with it at some point they have released some low power modes but it it's just very lackluster support uh for their minor so you know we come in here we go to the configuration we go to the performance and I can choose all these different uh metrics they also have power Dynamic power scaling uh and so basically when a minor gets hot it becomes less efficient uh so if it's becoming hotter and hotter and hot hotter then it will dynamically uh scale its power consumption back to get itself cooler and running more efficient these should be running great because this minor in particular has been dunked it's an immersion it has you know basically high-end cooling capabilities uh so I'm not going to enable Dynamic power scaling at this time and just have this very efficient underclock uh so you know what's what's crazy too about if you think of like the increased density I've given my mining farm with this two miners right out of the box consume about 3,200 watts of this minor series I brought them down to 2,200 watts each if you take two miners of full boore it's 6,400 Watts I have three miners consuming 6,600 Watts I am deploying almost a whole additional minor per that Electrical uh you know cost uh pros and cons here right I have more efficient miners but I have to buy more Miners and have more infrastructure but as as far as my electrical service and where these are it's a 400 it's only a 400 amp service where uh a lot of these Bitcoin miners are so trying to fit my whole Bitcoin mining Farm in there in my electrical build it all just points back to basically efficiency make these things efficient so this thing could be mining 104 ter a second or even more if I overclocked it I forwent that 20 terahash a second approximately to bring it down to be able to deploy more miners with less electricity consumed and have better efficiency right and basically just put more money in my pocket but obviously I have to buy more miners but this minor particular is one of those miners if you watched a crazy video and it was just a classic vcoin moment where I was like hey babe I'm I'm meating this guy for lunch and then I'm going to buy 10 of his miners um and so we bought 10 miners for 10 grand which is so crazy because just a couple years ago these miners were selling for 10 grand each and uh you know that's how quickly the times change but these miners will probably never never be valued at 10 grand again maybe not even close because a new generation of the S21 which is basically an updated version of these and the micro BT what's minor M60 series uh you know they're just more efficient they just have more density they're just better miners uh but they're newer and they cost more personally I think it's like one last ride and the next bow Run for the s19 series and then beyond that they're probably just not going to be all that worthwhile they're going to become you know like an S9 yeah it Minds Bitcoin but not that efficiently compared to the competition at least right but overall it's an exciting time um you know I'm very proud here and it and it's just very cool I've also had my Min miners spread over a bunch of different mining pools and I've had downtime issues in efficiency uh whatever and to have all these things in one spot be able to get good long-term data easy to read Daily Mining profitability and operate this thing more like the actual you know Bitcoin mining Farm it has quick become as opposed to like my crypto Fantasy Factory this here for this video this here for that testing kind of thing it's interesting and it's a nice fun change of pace you know we kind of looked down this list and I look at all these minor at Miners And I see a lot of fine-tuning I see a lot of ways that we can uh you know refine this further increase our efficiency get the electric bill down um and you know still only minorly decrease our hash rate in uh that Pursuit uh so it's it's a really exciting time it's crazy to see two pay a hash a second it's crazy to see 20 plus you know just Bitcoin miners alone you know we're running over 50 Asic miners out here now uh there some people that may seem crazy there some other people that may seem like not that many uh but you know the mining Farm in between everything else we do here at boscoin uh it's a lot I mean I I you know I essentially work or think about work all day every day um while still trying to you know find time to you know be a good family remember be a good friend be a good Doge dad I mean that's my number one goal really make some quality content here on the tube and Chase a million subscribers so I think on that note that's a good note to kind of close it out because we run 10 seconds of tails on every video she's our CSO here at the vcoin business uh that means she's the chief sniff officer so as always thanks for watching watching watching okay um you know this is just a fun quick you know update light one it's a milestone and and I think you know I want to take a deep breath and and slow down a little bit with some things and and really kind of get back to my goal I've been trying to have is to you know just get back to having fun get back to having fun doing cool uh you know everything else will kind of fall in its place after that and uh you know it's so go go go go go go go go go go this project that project you you barely even or at least you know me personally I barely even kind of been taking a second to be like wow like we did some really cool stuff like we we should be proud of that like this is impressive this was difficult uh this is not common you know we set out to do extraordinary extraordinary things right and this isn't just you know me trying to come off like a bragging or something I also want this to be like reminder for you like to you know keep grinding and keep pushing and when you hit milestones and when you hit your goals take a snapshot look at it look back smile be proud take a moment to be like man this is really cool this is like a milestone this is a stopping point this is something to be proud of right cuz at the end of the day we live we die and we just need to try to do some cool stuff and have fun and find some meaning in between so hope you found meaning at least a little bit in this video thanks for watching I'll see you on the next one baby [Music] don't you see I'm sh
Channel: VoskCoin
Views: 19,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VoskCoin, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency mining, crypto mining, bitcoin, bitcoin mining, how to mine cryptocurrency, how to earn passive income mining bitcoin, passive income, chia mining, hard drive mining, chia, immersion mining, dcx, digital shovel, voskcoin mining farm, mining farm tour, how to mine bitcoin, foghashing, altcoin mining, mining pool, nicehash, f2pool, how to mine crypto at home, dcx tutorial, braiins, how to mine with braiins, how much does mining crypto cost
Id: eoaxi-aUSEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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