The Biggest Cheater In Rocket League History

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hello you absolute Legends it ain't what you do it's the way that you do it nothing better describes the art of freestyle in the esport rocket League the standard aim of Rocket league is simple put the ball into the opposing goal more times than your opponent if your score is higher you win the Indie developer psionics's 2015 release became a surprise sensation and has developed into one of the biggest Esports in the world what makes rocket league so appealing so popular and so fun is the incredibly responsive controls and depth of mechanics still to this day players are developing and perfecting new techniques new plays and new ways to get the upper hand the skill ceiling is extremely high and the way the professionals fly around the arena with such precision and Grace is astounding when a game like rocket league has such great mechanics it lends itself to offshoots being spawned the internet is abound with custom courses and maps that are not only used to practice call for mechanics but also to speedrun as well the movement in rocket league is so interesting that it has created entire subgenres of competition which aren't just about how many goals you can score and the biggest offshoot is freestyle freestyling in rocket league is a rather broad subject but the Crux of it is all about scoring goals in the most interesting entertaining and difficult ways it's an art form it's a display of skill and it's a celebration of the thousands of hours a player has put into honing their abilities over the past several years freestyle has gained in popularity with psionics themselves hosting massive tournaments with grand prizes of up to fifty thousand dollars and over the past year there was one particular player that started getting a lot of attention a freestyler who went by the name Shimmy Shimmy was always a pretty decent freestyler in 2020 his Clips were even featured on the channel rocket League FX in 2010 31 he started posting montages to his own YouTube channel that were good but nothing too crazy then in late 2021 shimmy became insane not only executing shots that were world class but even pioneering techniques and tricks that no one had ever seen at this level shimmy had become a God he had sold his soul to the devil in exchange for inhumane freestyling abilities but alas it was all a lie shimmy had been faking his freestyle tricks in a way never seen before Not only was he prolific but he was cunning and creative in his deception in this video we are going to take a look at how shimmy fooled the rocket League freestyle Community for almost an entire year and how he was ultimately caught I really hope you enjoy foreign s this video is sponsored by the military online game War Thunder and when it comes to vehicle combat games War Thunder is the most comprehensive ever made we are talking over 2 000 unique tanks planes helicopters and ships battling it out in intense PVP battles all of the vehicles are extremely detailed with each individual component handcrafted to make it as real and immersive as possible the vehicles in War Thunder span over a hundred years of development so if you're into history you can have fun and learn at the same time War Thunder offers insane graphics at 4K resolution and the sound effects seem very realistic personally I love how intense combat is flying through the sky with countless anti-aircraft shells whizzing past trying to outmaneuver enemy planes is pretty epic and what's even more epic is that War Thunder is free to play and is available on PC Xbox and PlayStation and if you use my link in the description there is a large free Bonus Pack waiting for you which includes multiple premium Vehicles a premium account boosters and much more when it comes to live competition like we see in rocket League tournaments or online play it's very hard to cheat in real time in fact it's basically unheard of you can't hack the game to get an advantage over someone else when you play or at least a way hasn't been figured out yet however when it comes to editing Clips after the fact or recording something in secret that's a completely different story this definitely lends itself to Foul Play and it had been seen before a good example is the player dlg who in 2020 claimed a new world record for the amount of chained flip resets a flip reset is where you turn your car upside down and let the ball hit all four wheels at the same time this resets your jump flag which lets you jump again without needing to land on the ground dlg claimed 14 flip resets in a row but there was something strange about his video on the bottom right is the Boost meter and the word boost is constantly flashing it always flashes at the same speed for for everyone but in dlg's video it was flashing way faster ultimately it was discovered this was because dlg used a mod to play in slow motion obviously making it easier the timer and the physics were slowed down to half speed but the speed at which the Boost was flashing remained the same then when dlg sped up the footage using a video editor everything looked normal except for the flashing boost which now flashed at twice the normal speed in 2021 shimmy was already considered a pretty decent freestyle clip hitter nothing crazy nothing world class but a pretty good mid-tier player at least according to the Montage as he would post on his YouTube channel which he would upload every few months but then in December of 2021 shimmy became possessed and took things to the next level in a montage he uploaded called find my way shimi's shots were no longer just pretty good they were top tier and he started to introduce a tricky maneuver called reverse cam this is where he would put the car into reverse and turn the camera so he couldn't even see the ball when he made the shot now at first glance this just seems impossible but experienced rocket league players are exceptionally good at reading where the ball's trajectory is heading so this kind of thing isn't completely out of the question Shimmy's Clips were so good that he was even invited onto the freestyle team redshift and as 2022 progressed he released more montages each one getting progressively more insane shimi's shots were amazing and the camera work was stunning he would seamlessly switch between ball Cam and reverse cam to produce beautiful looking goals and Not only was his camera work great and his Precision Immaculate but the ball speed he could generate was epic and In freestyle a more powerful shot is something everyone strives for the footage was so good that some YouTube commenters started claiming it was fake make no mistake though you YouTube comments mean nothing speedrunners get these kinds of comments every day but Shimmy's Montage in August of 2022 was so good that it even raised the eyebrows of a fellow teammate named taku taku was also an incredible freestyler into their own right who had even competed in live freestyle tournaments taku isn't just some random Youtube commenter they are legit and they notice something interesting about a shot in shimi's latest Montage so they reached out to shimmy and asked for the replay file so they could get a good look at it shimmy initially delayed which is not a big deal in of itself it does happen maybe he really was cooking up a four course Cuisine and it really did take one and a half hours to make food but eventually he sent the replay and it crashed taku's game they couldn't watch it or even open it shimmy couldn't explain it it was working fine when he made his Montage but now it's just not working and to this point taku is perked up and they became genuinely suspicious So what had taku seen in this clip that made them want to see the replay well the problem is that for several frames before the goal is scored you could see the wide open net but the ball was nowhere to be found shimmy was using a lot of blur in post-production but still you can clearly see that there is no ball entering the net and when shimmy couldn't even provide a functioning replay this was a huge red flag sotaku began digging and they also reached out to the leader of their team Nitro drift and after a two-week investigation what they uncovered was astonishing shimmy had been faking almost everything he had been directly altering the code of replays to show things that simply never happened taku and Nitro drift created an entire Discord server outlining their findings and there were a lot of smoking guns even without delving into the hidden values of the game just visually things weren't right for example when you score if you're close enough to the net you get pushed back by the explosion the direction you get pushed back is based on your car's placement relative to where the ball hits the goal it's pretty straightforward but in many shimmy Clips he would get knocked back in weird directions that didn't make sense this is because the replays in rocket League save positions and they don't recreate physics and what shimmy was doing is altering the ball's position to increase its speed and to change its trajectory so it went faster and placed higher into the net basically he just made it look better than it did in real life but then he didn't alter the car's position during the knockback so it wasn't consistent with the goal what's funny though is that when confronted about this shimmy tried to cover it up when asked for a particular replay due to the weird knockback what he sent was very strange in the replay shimmy provided the car seemed to change direction during the knockback which just doesn't happen however shimmy was in a difficult position because he had already shown the clip in his Montage which contained some of the knockback so if he altered what was already shown it would give the game away so we kept that portion the same but the knockback after the footage ended he altered to change its direction it makes no logical sense but shimmy was scrambling to find a solution to this insurmountable problem one thing that's great about using fancy camera work and not looking at the ball is that you can do whatever you like with the ball and no one would know unless of course they had the replay in this clip shimmy performs an amazing double tap off the back wall and you don't really see where the ball goes in fact in the frame or two before the explosion happened friends you do see the net where the ball should be but again the ball is nowhere to be seen once again shimmy was asked for the replay which after a small delay he provided but unbeknownst to shimmy this was a ruse for you see through a mutual friend whom shimmy had given the replay two months ago they had already acquired their own copy this was just a test to see if he would scramble to make it more believable now that they were asking him directly for the replay in the secretly acquired replay using a third person perspective the ball trajectory was very strange It sped up slowed down and sped up again and randomly zipped away from the goal before the explosion occurred I guess shimmy didn't want you to see where the ball really was so he just made it zip out of sight and didn't think anyone would notice because it all happened so quickly but in the newly acquired Replay that shimmy did provide after being asked the ball trajectory now looked much more realistic and now you could actually see the ball before the goal is scored it was where it was supposed to be shimmy had once again scrambled to make the replay more believable before sending it there were many more visual inconsistencies but at the end of the day that's all they were and while they are definitely proof enough to convict shimmy of altering replays the killing blow came with accessing the games Hidden values for this taku and Nitro Enlisted the help of the motto Martin n who built a tool that could show the ball's speed normally when a ball is struck it will slow down into the air due to friction and this is how the ball normally behaves in Shimmy's replays however when he would make the final shot at goal the speed of the ball would Peak and remain constant until hitting the net this is literally impossible and isn't how the game works at all this was hard proof that shimmy was altering the data and inputting the ball speed each frame to make it go faster than it otherwise would after their investigation taku and Nitro released all of their findings on August 28 2022 and removed shimmy from the redshift team and one day later shimmy confessed ultimately shimmy had been cheating in a way never seen before shimmy was a programmer who was able to get inside the game's code and change specific values essentially he could make whatever he wanted to happen happen and if he took more time and care with his work there might not have been any way to detect what he had done shimmy even faked the fact that he was playing against real people in many Clips he would play against himself and then edit the code to make it look like he was versing people online people try to fake freestyle Clips all the time but shimmy is the first case where someone was able to really fool the community for a really long time it's situations like this that birth better detection methods and now players have a much better idea about what to look for 4 when they spot something that isn't quite right what's funny is that while the situation is novel and new to Rocket League it's been happening in speedrunning for decades the unfortunate truth is that if someone is allowed to make attempts out of sight and then simply produce the video footage or replay later someone is going to try to fake it it's only a small minority of people but it's still almost a certainty and it's a lesson that the rocket League freestyle Community has learned the hard way now a huge thanks to taku and Nitro for not only uncovering shemy's deception but also having a chat with me about the situation please go and support them both by subscribing to their YouTube channels and checking out some of their montages also a big shout out to Rocket Sledge who makes really interesting and informative rocket League videos so check him out as well also once again use the link in the description to download and play War Thunder it's free it's fun and it's awesome plus using my link will get you a bunch of free bonus goodies so definitely click the link and check it out as always thank you so much for watching you Legends I hope you're having a fantastic day and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 2,013,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RyTlSAkoGJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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