The Beverly Hillbillies - Season 1 - Episode 3: Meanwhile Back At The Cabin (1962) (HD 1080p)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well jethro what have you got to say about that i didn't bust it honestly he's telling the truth mr drives deal he was hanging in pieces like that when we moved in yes sir no it's supposed to be like that it was made that way it's been like that for 200 years 200 years this house is older than it looks oh a plum forgot granny wants to see you let's get out pull right up again nice boy is it is more my cousin pearl will give me the notion to move out here well i'm most grateful to her oh but first i wanted to explain about this priceless crystal chandelier it was designed and made for louis xv hung the hall of mirrors at versailles napoleon bonaparte planned campaigns for the light of that chandelier talirand used it wellington israeli bismarck wilson mr drysdale we're just plain folk we don't mind a few things being second hand getting back to my cousin pearl she's looking after the old home place for me you ain't never seen my family home have you no i haven't mr clavic it's a dandy yes those southern mansions are beautiful i suppose it has the large white pillars it did but we bring them along put them on the beds out here no you see i was referring to wooden pillars oh i never slept on one of them we had everything first class back home pearl's taking good care of that place [Music] what hello there oh wow why you mr brewster from the oil company that paid cousins yet all that money for his swamp 25 million to be exact you ain't here to back out are you no no indeed your your cousin's money is safe in the bank in california i just thought you'd like to know that i heard from the bank and your family arrived in beverly hills safe and sound oh that is good news my son jethro drove much you know because i know he did oh i have something here from the bank i think you'll i think you'll enjoy it for me they told me it's your house i'd find you here yeah well i promise cousin jed i keep an eye on the old home place for him it's a long trip from my house but uh i i i i'm glad to do it for jed that's nice yeah well you know uh can i help you look for that money what is the money it's uh it's pictures of the estate that mr drysdale president of the bank purchased for him in beverly hills this is now the dead clam for the state land to mercy look at that why it's bigger than the state capitol it's quite a change from this place all right what in the world is that oh that's the swimming pool swimming pool yes quite ornate oh my son jethro's gonna like that [Music] granny when we's done washing can i go swimming here in the cement pond of course not i don't allow nobody splashed around on my wash water ain't there no place else you can wash this cement pond's the only water we got place ain't got a whale it ain't got a creek they even got a rain barrel to catch what comes out of the sky well when that banker fella seen me unloading your wash tub and scrubbing boy he said why you can throw that away we don't use them things here in beverly hills now you listen here to me boy i don't care how other folks live in beverly hills but us clamping is going to be clean ain't not having as nice as we have it back home in the cabin right in the house and everything but we ain't going to lower our standards no ma'am here wrench these things out for me we gotta get this tub back in the kitchen really fast yep being seen as a strict rule with your uncle jeb let me look you over many of the time we've been down to our last piece of fat bag i'd say shall i cook it to eat it or shall i render it down for soap he'd say no render it down for soap granny the lord will feed us poor folks but we got to do our own washing but uncle jed ain't poor now granny he got 25 million dollars how long do you think that's going to last if we go throwing it away on store-bought soap we stop what not [Music] now here's a here's a view of the entrance hall my stars and garters palace who ever would have thought that my cousin jed would be living in an estate like this well the credit is yours you're the one who talked him into moving oh well i put the notion in his head but it was really kind of ali may when yes his daughter will have a wonderful life as the beverly hills debutante can't you just see that beautiful girl descending this magnificent stairway i sure can oh really me i don't reckon that's the way a young lady comes down and sits in beverly hills is it mr dry jail oh not as a rule no no i can come down now the way watch this well that's not exactly what i had in mind [Music] no my secretary will show you oh she's in town doing some shopping for you oh what's she giving me now that's going to be a surprise ellie but some things you've been in need and they're going to be pretty and you're going to like them things i've been set of muskrat traps a three blade frog sticker already made slingshot and are you way off the track are you waiting miss hathaway gets here and you see yes well i'll be pushing along to the bank [Music] now don't you worry about your daughter mr clapping when my secretary gets through with her you'll think she's been to finishing school i sure wish my cousin pearl was out here fixing ellie up she's a wizard fancy someone oh is she a dressmaker that woman can make anything why she could pick up a handful of straw and before you know it she's made a hat that's remarkable so she's a millionaire oh she's a clampy compared to bodine i don't recall knowing the milliners milliners are women who make hats that's pearl all right but she's a clampett you talk about making hats pearl made herself a hat one time was shaped just like a bird's nest and in there on the nest was this blue jay is sitting on her eggs well sir they come from everywhere to see that hat to study it to see how pearl made it so they could copy it well there was dozens of them from all around hot designers no blue jays never did catch on too good with people for a while there pearl couldn't hardly go out of the house without a bunch of blue jays taken out after sure wish she was out here she'd have ellie slick with a picture in a catalog yep i ought to be out there in beverly hills helping cousin jad well he certainly has plenty of room for you this mansion of his has 32 rooms and 14 baths 14 bathrooms yes a sunken marble bathtub ah i can just see ellie maya having herself a bubble bath in there i tell you mr booster the more i see these pictures the more i want to get out there and he'll cousin jet first i wouldn't go without being asked well actually but uh you know i i think you should go i've been asked well now it's not exactly my province i mean i uh well why don't you telephone your cousin and talk to him oh why they ain't a telephone within 40 miles of this place nearest one i guess is uh at the international emporium clean over to oxford well i'll be happy to drive you over there oh i couldn't let you drive me all that way just to use telephone busy oil company man like you that's 40 miles there's no trip at all in this car now i couldn't do it why folks that see me riding in this big shiny car with a tall good-looking city fella my sure is the world they'd think that let's go well what about your horse and buggy oh just untie you go on home well uh bessie's headed for home all right uh mrs bodine how long has your buggy been hitched there by now why why uh blue jay built her nest on the seat and she was sitting on her eggs oh shoot i wanted to wear that [Music] [Music] aided and abetted by the gossamer garments exotic lotions and other feminine impertinences within these curtains i'm ready to assume the role of pygmalion and transform that barefoot galatea into a striking and sophisticated paragon of beverly hills lucotour that's yes the hard way well duty calls i leave you in capable hands goodbye mr kravitz thank you sir chief well that sure is neighborly of you miss hathaway you reckon you can handle me uncle jaden granny says oh hi miss hathaway no bonjour hear them things in for miss hathaway general i think she kind of likes you boy she does well i can't take him into the house that's what i come out here to tell you granny says that all the men folks got to stay out of the house while ellen may's taking her bath oh but is nellie mae bathing in the privacy of her own bedroom suite hear what she call you sweet [Music] what's the matter with him why doesn't he answer hey he's just a little shy i reckon ask him again is ellie mae in her bedroom sweet i know she ain't darling i'll find it myself uncle jed i got me a girl your hair boy and a city girl too [Music] some city girls i worry about death or such a good looking boy every girl in the fifth grade was after him i hardly take anything serious can develop between boys and girls in the fifth grade oh i don't know so far this year there's been three couples out of jesus class get married fifth grader carson's nearly as busy in that school as the teacher amazing oh i've heard him oh oh wouldn't you know it there's that snoopy oh bernabrancho and her big mouth door sitting on my front porch oh i can just hear the stories they'll start going around if they see me in this car here with you alverna it's me terrible gossip that woman always making trouble she tried to talk grindy out of going to california she ought to see grimy now leaving like a queen in that beverly hills maintenance [Music] yeah i should have listened to elvenar rancho and stayed home he had a pump right in the house didn't have to tote water a quarter of a mile are you ready to get rinsed off haley well not yet granny should have washed my hair no you better wait till i can kick some rain water that pond water smells like it's got medicine in it i wondered why there's no fish in that pond yeah i reckon that water killed them fish don't you worry my life soap will kill anything that killed them fish have you seen what in the world's going on here well there's a bath going on that's what's going on howdy but i don't understand well when somebody ought to explain it to you woman if you first heat some water then you put it in a great big tub like this you put some soap in it and then you get in it and you start to wash and that's what you call a bath brandy you don't have to do this sort of thing in beverly hills don't you listen to her ellie ain't you ever heard that saying that cleanness was next to godliness but of course john wesley said that and i bet he didn't live in beverly hills dry yourself off with this nice big bathtub did you say lies so that's right i make it yourself but that will ruin this beautiful girl's delicate skin i've been washing with it for 72 years look at my skin it's like leather yeah i seen it bernie i hope you will forgive my momentary bewilderment at this primitive form of ablution but please let me explain i'll first explain what you just said well ellie mae has a beautiful big bathtub upstairs upstairs it was hard enough carrying the water in here i ain't going to talk no water upstairs you have to there's a big beautiful haven't you been upstairs no jen said that probably belong to somebody else ain't that right ellie yeah paul said he heard tell that folks sometimes live one family right on top of another but that's only in apartment houses this entire house belongs to you and each one has his own individual bedroom suite come along and let me show you and also the lovely things i brought from town yeah you go ahead i'll be up directly what all did you bring from town everything ellie everything from chapeau to pumps pumps praise the lord now i won't have to take water yeah uncle jed now you're gonna be keeping company with a girl is any questions you like to ask me what kind of question [Music] about girls how much you know about girls they softer than boys yeah i reckon generally speaking and they shorter and rounder yeah and the hair's longer and it smells sweet when your snuggles up to so you've been doing some snuggling have you i've done more than that you know i reckon you better tell me about it who was she prettiest girl in the hills big mouth bradshaw hello ernest girl i hear tell she's kind of fast is she ever uncle jed i was walking past the cabin and big mouth she calls out the window to me she says hi jethro she says my mom's just made a big batch of cookies come on in and have some and i says sure your ma won't mind she says ma is gone so is pop i'm here all alone well uncle jed i was in that house before you could wink an eye no sooner was i inside the big mouth she puts a music record on the phony graph machine and commences to sashay and around a twisting and a turn dancing yeah i reckon she says put your arms around me jethro and i'll teach you the two steps when you see i says listen big mouth i says here we are all alone your ma and your pog gone and you think that i'm going to waste my time dancing i say it's not me sister bring on them cookies [Music] what she said well you and jessica can start digging the well that city woman brought us some pumps that's fine granny we'll get right to it what that bradshaw girl say when you said bring on them cookies well she just held up them cookies like this here kind of blinked her eyes at me and said jethro which do you think it tastes sweeter these hair cookies on my lips well uncle jed right then and bears when i found out she was fast i grabbed them two cookies and it took me two miles to outrun that gap some of these days you and me has got to have a long talk no yes he's a lady killer that far mine while verna bradshaw's daughter chased him all the way home one day sounds like jethro has a lot of charm and sex appeal oh he has it's a funny how daughter can take after her father and a boy can favor his mother yeah i have i ought to be out there looking after jethro you know jed's gonna need him to help guard in a place this big well most beverly hills mansions have regular gardeners and of course a complete sprinkling system franklin system oh yes indeed that entire lawn is crisscrossed with underground pipes bound to mercy [Music] 500 yes real there's water all over this property ain't too deep neither i know should i commence to digging well now let's get as close to the house as we can that way the pump won't have some further pull just bro oh oh here comes your sweetheart it's clapping i cannot handle that daughter of yours what happened i opened that box of beautiful clothes turned my back for a moment and she bolted like a wild cult i was weird is what happened where is she she's up there i'll go right up and talk to her jethro have have you been upstairs yet no man then you've got a surprise coming to you what is it feel sweet so are you i'm ashamed of you running off from miss hathaway why did you run away from this hathaway what'd you climb up here for to cut a fork for that new store-bought slingshot she brought did she bring you a slingshot that's this thing you ever did see just a minute i'll hook it up and you can see for yourself look at that a store-bought lace trim double barrel slingshot [Music] things are doozy i don't know how good i can aim it but it'll sure throw a heap of rock [Music] yeah they really need me out there well i could work wonders for ellie mae with my fancy stolen and beauty secrets and hair styling and everything of course i had to learn all those things not having a husband to support me didn't you say it was 40 miles to the town of oxford that's right well we've already driven 110 miles left to mercy i forgot to tell you the turnoff [Music] well as long as we come this far maybe we ought to go right on to [Music] california i tell you granny there's so much water here you could shoot a load of buckshot in that ground and bring up a dozen springs i'll be right back [Music] [Music] i never missed yet [Applause]
Channel:™ Cartoon Channel
Views: 401,397
Rating: 4.7995028 out of 5
Keywords: Hillbillies, Enertainment, Classic TV Show, Classic Cartoons, Classic Cartoon TV Shows, The Beverly Hillbillies, Sitcom, Classic TV Cartoons, Funny Tv Show, Comedy Short Film, Comedy, Funny, Entertainment, Cartoons TV, Classic TV, Buddy Ebsen, Donna Douglas, Irene Ryan
Id: Gx6MxoIhtKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2013
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