The Beverly Hillbillies | Season 2 Comedy Compilation | Episodes 1-19 | Buddy Ebsen | Donna Douglas

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eighth man DVD some Beverly hillbilly what I hate is sick is all that okay I can do your bed and stay there alright I'll do it if you just calm down Holly come quick uncle Jed SiC your paw or sick yes ma'am granny but don't worry they won't catch numbers missed some rich weed some I never know how to be sick before man's never alder day in his life what's your wagon it is city living that's what it is for a man like Jim first thing you know all the outdoors is gonna be indoors what time nation I couldn't find no stumpwater granny so I dug this up now you can make your own don't you know that stumpwater has got to sit on the stump to green up 30 to 40 days in order to get any power your mainly the rich we didn't get this mess out of here final wretch weeks there dogbane either couldn't find no lizard eggs nor dried beetle how can you be a doctor in Beverly Hills without the proper medicine what we do how we gonna get power well well I'll have to make do or some old-fashioned remedies now you go out and set it with your paw and let me know if he goes to sinking yes I'm good what do you want me to do get this stuff out of here don't make any noise don't you know that your uncle Jay there's a death's door no II got him Duke nice big fat honker flying south really got us another one we gonna have goose and dumplings tonight terrible worried you ain't never been sick before you worry le ain't nobody better doctoring and granny a ball granny can't find a proper medicine and you might sink away and pass before she can save you know granny pull me through hey don't go to crime look if you can keep a secret I'll tell you the truth I ain't really sick I'm just pretending for your granny's sake what do you mean well marry back home my folks was always coming over to our place to let granny doctrine yeah remember how happy it made granny yes best if one of them got better hopes out here got city doctors and they don't need granny and she misses it something terrible you reckon that's why she's been so down in the mouth here lately of course you should have seen her when I told her I was ailing why she commenced to bouncing and jumping around worrying about me being at death's door I ain't seen her so happy in a year kid I don't want to worry you Oh save your strength you're wrinkling awful granny yes Bacchus is all steamed up that's dude did I don't want to worry but you're awful man no granny anybody can save me it's you that's the truth ain't nobody can doctor like you it ain't no credit to me are we born with the gift here's your medicine granny hey Uncle Jim you don't look sick to me hey come on lets you and me go hon come on you see granny he's dressed to go out now I'm ashamed of you now granny here don't you know that ever my man wants to go to his reward with his boots on and he's gonna decide not all the way ain't gone yet I ain't gonna let you go jid Thank You greenie let's get busy jestro my medical training set it on the bed yes great hey Li Mei shut the door in the window sir we gotta trap them city germs it's in here and commenced to frighten them yes please stop this is my boiling water and get my vapors to fusillade this is a make-do remedy Jade because Jeffro couldn't get me any stuff water dog Bane or lizard Age what is it you fixing to give me granny brand-new kid it's in the trying out stages who have you tried it out on no he wouldn't be in jail but I did give it to that big black bear that used to come around the old cabin honey stealing all the time I believe that's his hide hanging there like a fumigating candles get through it start a fire and throw some of that skunk weed on it I'll put them germs down with my putting down powder nothing can live through this did I believe you boy great you sure are giving him city juris what for betwixt a fusillade and vapors fumigating candles and putting down powders them germs has got to give up save that poor sick miserable frail old man or my name a doctor you poor sick miserable to go fetch my shoes oh good morning Elly May doing well I'm taking my morning constitutional ah yes it's got me in the best shape since my army days I feel that and they say bankers are soft eh well you sure nice and soft maybe by mountain standards I'm note Azam but I assure you my Beverly Hills physician is going to be amazed when he examines me this morning how come because of my condition every every morning I walk all the way from my front door across your lawn and over to that birdbath why ain't you got no place to warsha how's your father well right now I was trying to give granny cheered up she's been missing the heels back home something awful what's the matter is something wrong well you see back home folks was always coming to granny for doctrine nothing places her like telling folks what ails them and what to do about it well I'll do my bit mr. Drysdale wants to talk to yes granny I need your advice and your help who's nailing granny they didn't write poorly it's them sitting judge yes I agree now can you help me I'm probably the only one who can get him up to the sickroom and see that he gets to bed right away no no I don't have time for that just a little pulled isn't something I can take with me to the office get him up to bed room it's not that serious besides I had an examination at 10 o'clock you'll get examined when I get around to you now give him up to bed Jethro go find me some stuff water easy being a doctor in Beverly Hills uh-huh yes oh all right Thank You mrs. Drysdale I'll try there she thinks you mashed up at the Clampetts next door you're going to be amazed when you examine the chief I am he's in splendid physical condition then walking every morning to the bank I'm glad to hear it most bankers are soft as marshmallows don't you try to borrow money from them oh hello granny finding out the way here is mr. Drysdale they're noise what sickened bed at your house boss and his doctor right over what's valid I said he's already got the best doctor in Beverly Hills now excuse me I'm too busy to talk she says he already has the best doctor in Beverly Hills I better get over there right away best doctor in Beverly Hills how can that be two of us mr. Drysdale why are you doing up here a funny thing happened to me on my way to the birdbath granny be up you directly to give you some more medicine what a junk I'll do with my clothes I'm gonna give him the granny to heaven fumigated well clothes are no clothes I am leaving you ain't got no chance of gettin down them steps granny watches I'm like a hawk let's go take a look out the window it's pretty far to jump maybe you can make a living that tree yonder well I'm in pretty good shape but not that good feels pretty good I think maybe he's whale you get back a bit he's right granny I feel wonderful perfectly marvelous course you do I'm in doctrine yet oh and you're sensational you know you've made me well that wind and breathed in some more germs oh no I get an honest honest I open the window but I didn't breathe I held my breath didn't he mr. Pamuk Annie I swear I ain't actually seen him take a breath in 5 or 10 minutes different kind of medicine I'm going down to the kitchen and flop it up either one of you get a foot out of that bed you hear me you just lay there and listen to that music I know somebody was coming the minute I heard that music just the Clampett residence oh yes sir I'd like to see the doctor that's taken care of mr. Drysdale hey granny words getting around here no I'm staying for a while as long as necessary baby here's one that understands a great doctor and takes a little time thank you you what do you reckon the problem II well I won't know until I've had a consultation in my own examination is completed we're gonna get along just fine thank you you take into the sickroom oh did you hear that wait here joy you make doctor in a real pleasure thank you thank you take him up to the sickroom jestro I got work to do in the kitchen I'll be up to see you directly oh now you won't have to climb these stairs again I'll come out to the kitchen and see you there love you you're so nice yeah Bob got me the ball don't you worry if great doctrine can do it we'll come through as good as new she sure is hey this way to the sickroom hey what you got that there little bag and everything I'll need I'm sure well that's good cuz we're running low on nightshirt guru snake and I hope Mary sulfur shot water ain't got none granny you know that last patient it was so nice yeah well he weren't so nice when I asked him to take off his clothes what happened he commenced a bucking like a steer kept yelling for the doctor but I knowed you was busy so I just put into bed lock the door that's her ele I got a pull limb three back from the brink of the grave lizard eggs ain't got none granny God will give me some gunpowder sometimes that works just as good careful 3 a.m. is enough no any funny story well the good doctor they're usually regains his patience with a few of the ladies how about it doc all right have you heard the one about the busy doctor who made a house call we seized forcibly undressed and thrown into bed no what happened well his patient was a rich bank so this busy doctor doubled his fee and if he has to stay locked up here much longer it's gonna triple it I didn't ask you to come here but if you're going to charge me then by George you're going to examine me so get your bag of Tinkertoys and get at it so a little more respect for the dignity of the medical profession shall we hey what's this rubber hammer yeah well I see where it be nice and quiet but I don't see how you driving a nails with it don't use it for nails oh good what's that thing this is a stethoscope with it I can listen to the patient's heart and lungs like this oh it's cool what'd you say I say that's cold mr. Drysdale did the dr. freedom well yeah but there's terrible trouble miss J that last batch of Medicine blew up Britain air rule at the whole kitchen medicine booth well yeah granny said it was mixing the corn squeezings and the gunpowder that did it would you please explain what you are talking about that time now Miss Jane there's 360 and lying upstairs and bed and I got to get these things sharpen so it's granite and go to cutting on well yeah without we got no medicine this is the only thing that'll save them trying to become how is mr. Drysdale one of the men that granny's going to cut off yeah mr. Drysdale uncle Chet and the fellow that came last by the name of Claude Bert you'll have to wait your turn I've got to get upstairs and commits whacking on those three men that I got up there bring my tools patients more than I can take today now Ellie Mae you get her out of the way and keep her out you come with me I don't think jag will put up a scratch but their mother too might have to be held down to you later I've only got two hands she ain't gonna operate Miss Jane she's just gonna whack off some of their hair and fingernails heron finger nail she'll dig three little holes in the ground bury it say some magic words and that throws a spell on their sickness say doctor I bet you he could talk he'd better if you took that stick out of his mouth your honor get back in bed I got to do hurt get that junk over there there's the finest medical instruments that money can buy it's on you know what what do you have in mind with that knife and those scissors yeah I got a cure somehow and without medicine there's only one way left I can get you any medicine you require simply by telephoning a pharmacy can BAM they will deliver to your front door oh that's just dandy I'd much rather use medicine it's a lot easier than cutting and snipping exactly what I keep telling my surgeon friends don't just lead me to a telephone wait Charlie's pharmacy hey Dee yeah it's me and look I'm gonna put this lady on she'll tell you all the medicine she needs I want you to give her a one service attaboy right I'll go reassure mr. Drysdale he seemed a little panicky oh you got a pencil to mark this down with all right now I want a quart of good raunchy stuff water would stuff it's been sitting there from 30 to 40 days and it's nice and green cup full of lizard eggs a double handful of dog bean and a couple of dozen of bride beetles and I wanna mud dobbers nest I mean a big one don't send me over one of them little two hours all right wants to talk to you yup et look I don't care what she ordered you get it over here fast no this is no gag now look you pride yourself on having the finest apply a pharmaceutical I'll call another pharmacy you just keep my proper medicines you ready I'm gonna have to go to cutting and snipping on those three sick ones oh not me I'm getting out of here better than brand-new great you've done some doctorate in your term but today Vito he bowed to me did especially clipping and burying all that hair and throwing my spell on I reckon it would words it yonder comes a living proof fine doctor oh just mine come back and see me anytime you need me yes we will it didn't take considerable hair off and granny had to their nails were so short small price to pay for good heads this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD the Beverly hillbilly now granny I realize that back home you are considered a doctor but this is Bentley Hills and you are not allowed to practice medicine here in Beverly Hills especially the way you practice it cutting off a person's hair and burying it in the ground overnight to cast a spell on his sickness this is it no more doctoring how's that very good chief now get up there and tell her well you don't think I'm crazy enough to talk to her like that do you squared is at this hour of the morning look who's come out here help us celebrate the holidays what holiday she gave me man you better not mean it granny don't get riled up ms Jean is just greeting us she knows what day this is why everybody knows what day this is I guess it just slipped my mind you gonna feel like a Dern fool when I tell you it's possum day anybody who just remembers ought to be stood up against a wall and shot granny just slipped her mind for a minute didn't come back to us you got downtown seen the breed sure boy I can't wait to see that parade what time do they hold the possum Day Parade out here we can watch it from mr. Drysdales office at the bank yeah it looks right down on the Main Street you get a good look at the possum jugglers he can juggle three live possums in there at the same time whilst the fourth sits on his head and wave the flag can we watch the pasta bait parade for mr. Drysdales window oh I'm afraid not what's the matter with me they wouldn't have that banks open on possum days just leave running get good places could we miss Jane and until he's gonna help us a hoedown you see I really came to deliver a message for granny from mr. Drysdale I reckon he went to thank you for curing them of his sickness did take a heap out of me Jed throwing them spells well mr. Drysdale says to tell you Roy will you relax what are you complaining about she whacked off my hair too but I am a doctor you have any idea what I've been going through this morning a lawnmower now remember your Hippocratic oath I have a few oaths for you that Hippocrates never even heard of see if word gets out that my hair was snipped off buried by a little hillbilly witch doctor the cast a spell on my sickness do you think I'd have one patient left yes I see what you mean they'd all be going to hurt nice day I am going to the state medical board and when they get through with that little woman she won't be able to prescribe an aspirin for her own headache Oh Roy will you relax I've already taken care of that yeah my exact words to her this morning this very morning I said Ronnie this is it no more doctoring man what did she say well I won't know it'll my secretary gets back your secretary to tell her that well she's much more persuasive than I am she knows how to handle them so do i Roy I burn to you doctor I I appeal to you as a poor helpless patient you don't even appeal to me as a rich helpless patient if you make trouble for the Clampetts I'll be facing major surgery what major surgery the removal of 35 million from my bank is here she is tell him tell the doctor you gave Ronnie my message no more doctoring and she agreed well you heard her now get back to your office and forget the whole thing I want to hear exactly what you said to granny and what granny said to you well upon my arrival with the Clampett mansion imagine my surprise to find them a raid in their Sunday finery and have your square dance look who's here to help us celebrate the holiday exclaimed mr. clapper happily holiday I inquired innocently awesome day he replied earnestly well you never mind Tom Swift dialog did you tell granny to stop practicing medicine well no when there's words no no she said it in much stronger language tell me and without the adverbs please I am a busy man I still have a medical practice as long as I keep my hat on what happened gee are you going to allow him to treat me this way no I'll do it watch the possum Day Parade from your window hear that does it not listen you listen that little woman is a menace to the health of this community she is going to celebrate possum day in the clink possum Roy boy you are constricting my brachial artery with your hemostatic grasp well get your cotton-picking meat hooks off my arm I'll talk to granny I'll give her the message myself I'll give her an ultimatum I'll give you one hour oh thank you thank you you are you are constricting my dorsal metacarpals at the parade any big possum of course not don't you listen to him window you know it's getting Lord heat possum on possum date I was only spoofing uncle Jed you know maybe we don't need this little letter tall find a good place to park the truck and we could watch the whole parade right from the truck I got a dandy place to park we're bout to throw right smack-dab in front of mr. Drysdales Bank sure that's all right sure look legit a policeman he'd give me a ticket and said it was for parking there Sanctum property sure did granny well he said he was just giving me a $5 ticket this time but next time he's gonna give me a $10 ticket oh you remember that Jes room folks appreciate politeness especially any young what else can happen to me today chief don't get so upset faster faster I reckon that's everything come on let's keep going oh I'm so excited this is the first time we ever watched a possum Day Parade in Beverly Hills yeah we're gonna do it up proper out here oh hey uncle Jed shouldn't we bring a long old Duke I know where can I be such a good idea what do you think granny I don't think so the way he's been eyeing old Wendell here I reckon is gonna join us for the parade where are you going we gonna watch the possum Day Parade from your baby well I'm afraid there's not ready mr. dog still has something very important to discuss with you well can you wait till after the breed yeah we don't want to miss a possum juggler that's the best part of the polite way to pee I believe the medical crisis can't wait not even for one hour oh yes granny may I speak to you alone oh yes you you go on inside I'll be right in it's doctor and he wants to talk to me about ain't it no wonder he didn't want to talk but the mornings go in fast in all the history of Beverly Hills there has never been a possum Day Parade in the morning that's the trouble Rani I don't know exactly how to say this I I hope you won't be upset now when you've been a doctor as long as I have there's nothing you haven't heard doesn't you better come on out let me whip you up a Polish for your hey no don't leave no more medicine especially not today guys deal a doctor's Duty never stops even on possibly ready that's what I'm here to talk to you about you see cutting off a person's hair and burying it in the ground to cast the spell is not the approved method of practicing medicine here in Beverly Hill I don't like it myself the proper medicine I had to make do with old timey ways for you no granny I'm sorry you'd like to have you hear back wouldn't you well not after it's been in the ground overnight no oh it will it'll probably take a month or so not I'll make you one of my ear growing polishes granny that's what I'm trying to tell you you cannot do that anymore not out here okay oh please please don't go back home don't leave every workout something creamy remember I whacked off kids hair clear across the back there yes Joe my hair growing POTUS did for you Jen it's my dragon it ain't been trimmed yet impossible you can't grow hair like that overnight wow it's real it's actually growing right out of his scalp this doesn't just draw the hair atopy hi Mike too long didn't you did Nora slept in come on I'll whip you up one Randy how did you discover this hair growing poses whoa it goes way back to my great great great granny you see in her day they had considerable trouble with Indians man they right your honor it doesn't have to be a big parade just a high school band a few horses and you banners mmm my secretary is looking for a possum juggler he's a possum juggler hey juggles three live possum - the same as Ark meet the article agency Oh fine well we're looking for a possum juggler for a parade you have a Clarence is one who juggles possums now we would prefer one who can juggle at least three look hello dr. Clyburn what a pleasant surprise I said muscle spasms I was right I'd have to hobble all the way it's your office don't do that I might get worse here let me see your foot mr. Drysdale is not Hey don't you wish I could stay out of my office have you any idea how it destroys the confidence of a patient to be examined by a doctor who keeps his hat on patient gets the feeling things aren't going well doctors ready to skip out of town but everyone knows you're the finest doctor in Beverly Hills now don't try flattery on me now what about granny flat hey it was I just said don't try it now what about granny did Millburn speak to her absolutely I drove him there myself did he lay down the law tell her no more doctoring what did he check him out as usual mr. Drysdale was not one to check him out he has an excellent wall record yes I've heard I resent that fiber no I was decorated yes I see you're still wearing it is that not all this well my my head was called I presume that's why you were hiding under the desk as a matter of fact it is now I'm busy get going what about granny I took care of granny I want the truth what shall I do swear on my honor as a banker no I want the truth you don't have to worry about granny and I'll go back to your own office I'm busy wow I'm running late I hear as much as one rumor about granny oh how do you hey thanks both here granny first we find the bank open so we can watch the parade from the window and now here's mr. Clasen notice in your hair growing polders over by Miss Jane hair growing potent hmm say yours is coming along just fine I mean yours a Mike Lucia because I didn't know just when you were gonna use it so you're still making medicine I'm a doctor a nut better run along Roy your patients are waiting oh no oh no this is much more important you heard him Mulder some Jethro yeah granny please wait wait that your tower that man's gonna have an awful hairy forehead honey my critters could take back home with know that you didn't bring with you it's gonna remind me of this miserable place well how about my skunk he won't take up no room leave him here he might get come on ain't got many skunks in Beverly Hills there's plenty of the two-legged time good-for-nothing climber and fellas so yeah granny it's coming on for nightfall what'd you say we all get a good night's sleep and we start out for home first thing in the morning I ain't spendin one more night in this Beverly Hills and that's that I'm going back home where folks appreciate your doctrine I'm back to help and Pope's hair on their haste at Clyburn fella was plumb ungrateful was he downright nasty why he's claiming that he wasn't even sick when he came here yesterday he says the death row put him to bed against his will why he's even claiming that he's mr. Drysdales doctor i cured him both now he's walking all the credit let him have the credit it ain't that kid but it's the meanness of the man why he yanked my potes off his head and thrown it out the window then he poked his finger in my face and he says he's gonna get after me with a doctor's board what's a doctor's board I don't know but it must be big he says for a doctor said on its one Jethro came in right Jethro yes sir uncle jet I said you take a board to my granny and I busted over your head here how many doctors is sitting on it I reckon he was considerable provoked to see that I was pretty provoked myself waiting outside why what happened you well as you know this policeman give Jethro here a ticket for parking it from the bank a $5 ticket well when the policemen come by and try to give me another ticket I said no thank you we already got one it's all same to you I'll take the money well he commenced a mean mouth and me and I said no hold on there if that's the way you're gonna be we won't take your money or your ticket I want to come down the station with him and I said no I don't want to miss a possum Day Parade what did you say he said there wasn't no Postum day no possum day that's what he said these folks don't appreciate nothing out here yeah so you call mr. Drysdale at his bank and you tell him to send over your uncle judge thirty-five million dollars right away we want to take it with us yes I'm ready none of that paper stuff we want real money silver but Jethro listen to me there is a possum day and there will be a parade mr. Rogers working on it right now all right now look how about this couple of elephants calliope a few lousy balloons is that too much to ask suppose we put your name on the balloon elections coming up you know please you can't leave tonight let me talk to granny all right one small elephant few balloons and an opossum jug they're 35 million in cash you can't possibly you wanted it what nickeled done raised all arranged first thing tomorrow morning let's see we're gonna have an elephant on a tree the Clampetts are leaving no tonight no taking their money I thought I'd drop by on my way to the Medical Board they'll have my report in case granny tries to practice medicine again how many doctors did you say we're on that board for on top man well you're gonna need look Millburn aren't you content just to look like an idiot you have to act like one too and will you take off that silly looking baby bun hey bear where of all places on your head it is a medical impossibility to so stimulate the cranial integument is to produce in a few short hours more than a microscopic filamentous outgrowth of modified epidermic tissue known as hair did that little hillbilly witch doctor stop eight years harvard medical school two years internship twenty years practice thirty years of accumulated scientific knowledge right down the old tube refused me you're my doctor you have possum day out here they just celebrate one day later and we do you have to go help a bride tomorrow on and mr. Drysdale amiss Jane say we can all be in it I'm am too we might even let him in it I play bass drum in the Harvard band I was once a drum majorette it would be a bit of a shame to have him marching the possum Day Parade looking like this is it would it would all right I'll make your polders and you can sleep in it tonight thank you dandy parade she's doing the best she can expostulation be good enough to lead a parade you this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD dog Beverly hillbilly go on Haven daybreak here Earl did you have to crawl this early ya did fine Earl the early bird catches the worm when we plow up that front yard out there you're gonna be up to your wishbone in him lazy to your feet before the whole morning is wasted already past four o'clock clucks powerfully no not when you have the whole front yard to plow and corn to plant and taters turnips rue de Baker's and onions and oats and barley and watermelons all right all right now you get in the kitchen and get some breakfast on the table and we'll be in directly see that you do let's use a good big breakfast Jethro cuz you and me gonna be pulling that plow Bob no L mean I know you're strong and you willing but this year's Beverly Hills just wouldn't look right for a young pretty girl to be pulling a plow uncle Jay he's trying to tell you is that we went out last night and got a mule to pull that plop you did well yeah like you were saying this here is Beverly Hills and we got to keep up appearances it started that big tree out back well just grow and look too happy there so I bet him down good girl I didn't see no new laying on my floor couldn't have seen you laying on the floor paint no more speak ready Oh fine you're fine good did you notice anything unusual about the kitchen this morning nope unless you mean that mule sleeping on the floor over there praise be Jed I thought I was having visions you know as well as I do who's always and bringing outdoor critters indoors well see if you can get him back outdoors again I don't cotton to booze laying around my kitchen taint neat I take care now then young feller if you'll just come along with me quietly don't rile him dude I'm not kidding buy a new ones I want to tell you it's smart get that mule out of here you sure Kenny won't move for me well y'all just stay here and I'll talk to Mills else she could just talk to folks away she talks to critters we'd have us a politician in the family well get that mule bed out of here and wash up for breakfast all of you harnessed that whole front yard mr. chairman mr. chairman wait wait wait Wow want me to stick the rest of things in the ground for you yes Haley just be in the dark of the Moon we'll plant the things that grow underground first icon taters and house turnips and our onions and our beets and my radishes then comes them I to the moon and will pan our corn and our beans and our tomatoes see granny you know more about farming in anybody lookee yonder the sun's full up and we ain't plowed one furrow what the folks think of us around here folks ain't out of bed yet folks around here sleep my lighter than I did back home I reckon so Ellie you know what I miss most Ellie what granny well back home when we've commenced the plowing and a platform and a harvesting and a barn reason or any kind of a big job the neighbors should all come by to see if they can help you folks don't do that out here in Beverly Hills they don't seem willing to help you like the folks back home what is granny the clothes are coming on a run Oh too fast he ain't only willing he's anxious Oh mr. Drysdale them you work close so Ellie and just because you're such a nice neighbor I'm Laura let you pile the Hersh Harold that tough feed you better put on some shoes folks with the plow I think no use uncle Chet this here mules done made up his mind he gonna sit for spells like I do we might as well sit for a spell - you know something uncle Jed smarter than us this sitting beats ploughing any old day work done I oughta take a switch to the three of you these are one it's a low phone anything we can do till he gets his feel mr. mule call this thing Nelson now you get up off of your big tailgate and commence to pull in that cloud here it's gonna be real battle of wills I'm betting on the mule I ain't so sure if there's anything muley er than a mule it's great what's the trouble le mr. Drysdale said if we go to plan up that front yard a whole night we would have come storming over that's dandy we got enough work for all of them well I think you better have a talk to him granny sure is stirred up alright but you get that Muir on his feet Nelson volcanic it is he had that's a fact you wouldn't understand Jethro it's mute all you granny to understand it things like turnips and onions here in front of the house that's turnip and onion soil if I ever tasted anything there's a zoning ordinance here now you tell me I already swallowed it miss you I thank you granny you don't use on your feet ha ha - Drysdale Ella got the mule up granny uncle J will be here with the flour directly I've got to get on and get some clothes on or I'll catch pneumonia promise me you won't do anything until I get back no hey you better never say no to granny less your hide once Dale no Drysdale I say let's commence power well you promised him he could dig the first furrow granny look at it it's real for a city filler we get away to might longer gonna come some more help we're doing that's what it looks like you're doing yeah you city folks are willing but you sure don't know how to dress for plowing mister guys you don't know about this oh yeah we waiting for him to ply the first Pharaoh granny Audrey come flower wouldn't be so all-fired H miss Hathaway my plan to see you so chief you can't plow up this front lawn as a zoning ordinance here fertilizer will take care of that I have no intention of flying up this long nor ever line the clappers to do it what did you say now granny mr. Clavin let's all go into the kitchen sit down have a nice cup of coffee and talk things over a that's a city farmer for you he turn one spoonful of dirt and already he's tired as your friend and neighbor I I beg you I implore you let me explain the whole thing well why you two or John I'll be plowed he may pull up their markers I'm gonna start to work yeah mr. Drysdale seems right an earnest reckon little confab first won't hurt nothing I'm it's a dry day we done scouted the whole that state and that piece of land out front that piece of land out front de sintra that's the third breakfast you've had this morning uncle Jeb plowing give us a bell an appetite but you eat plywood none yet I know but we've been talking about it since 4:00 this morning Tim it's got me starvin get into the pantry you're making more noise and a heifer going through a drive thick just cuz the fella gets hungry talking about plowing you gotta throw him out of the kitchen just as much as I do seeing that piece of ground out front is the best on the whole place for gardening it's nice and level it's got no stumps or brush to clear it's handy to the house and it's handy to the street so as granny can set up a little stand and sell something so she grew I reckon mr. Drysdale got up a mite too early for a city fella le may give us more coffee mr. Clavin your neighbors in this lovely and exclusive section would never accept such action they would originate petitions that would bring legal proceedings they would take every means to protest vigorously I'm vociferously you mean it get him riled well now we sure don't want to do nothing to rile the neighbors but granny's powerful set on plowing and planting that piece of land out front mr. Clavin I will explain to granny that in addition to the aesthetic depreciation and the local hostility that would obtain the net results in volume will produce weight against volume per acre make the driver sorry but if you're gonna explain it to her that way I might judge we'll start plowing you Bona Kelly Lee to get that mule up or am I gonna have to start turning that ground by hand granny just bank your fire for a minute ain't you done join yet oh not quite what time is it almost straight up for 9 a.m. here's that kid we've done wasted the whole day poor you granny cup of coffee you want to do your granny a favor you get that four-legged friend to yearn to pull in the plow like he was pay this bucket of oats to do granny a Destin with that pulp tells me it's alright to do are you gonna tell not right this minute now sit down setting is for hands not for farmers no I'm going out there and looked that mule in the eye till he does my will I want to warn you get Clampett you're gonna own a mule with a powerful headache and a broke spirit now mule you gonna do pull that plow I say yeah all right I'm gonna put the mule hex on you think it's funny do yes all right mr. mule look me in the eye and I hope your field trip idea works that little woman out there is harder to convince in a bank examiner don't worry chief I shall carry the message to Garcia or in this case to granny I'll change boat and get down on the bank lot's of luck so we put brandy in the front seat with me well I kind of favor the backseat quicks Jethro and me I figure maybe we got the best chance to hold her in the car yeah granny ain't gonna take this setting still that's a fact well I got her hat and a rake you granny won't go no place without you tow to Reddick you uh how far is it to the place we he's going Miss Jane who's about an hour's drive from here that's gonna take considerable holded good right out there is two of the stubbornness critters that ever faced off I sure AM mo granny was all going for a ride well if that don't take the roof off in the barn no fern isn't bad enough now it's joyriding on plowing day getting exactly you're ridin granny we got something to show you did we have brandy this will be a ROG will never forget that's for sure cuz there ain't gonna be no ride to remember pleasure is considerable if you come granny miss jeans gonna show us all about gardening and crop raisins that'll be the day when a city woman can show me correctly in order to save time and flour you'd miss fetch granny alone granny you know I got to do whatever uncle Jed saves yeah you have yourself a good time till we get home there's lots of food and water and you can go for a swim in the sea me a pond if you want to my god you are to graduate get something now do you see why we brought you here Julie do you want to ground me be sensible these people make farming their life's work by their efficiency in modern methods they raise better crops and more of them then you and I could ever hope to speak for yourself shitty woman each one feeds 28 people I hear that granny you don't want to put men out of work with families that be how come we stopped in here miss Jane please only 1/2 am off home we got flour - no granny ate you convinced youth precisely why I was top - mr. clam but I have something else to show granny and I think you'll find it very rewarding you're gonna get a reward no granny while the others are exploring the rest of the market I want to show you how unnecessary it is to plant a garden look could you grow a watermelon like that that's a watermelon yes back home let it be a cucumber but I must admit that's the biggest cocklebur I ever did she sure hate the coma message a matter amuse tale this is a pineapple all the way from Hawaii back there are fruits and vegetables here from all over the world come on ah you know what this is it looks like a hairy hickory nut from the Philippine Islands no we're here our bananas from Central America and here our nuts from South America well that's one thing they don't have to bring to californee nuts won't take me seriously will you well everything's so mixed up out here it's not me discombobulated now everybody knows that you plant turnips on July the 25th and out here you can't tell the difference tricks you lie in October well why bother to plant them all when the best in the world are here at your fingertips look at these turnips now you got me beat hmm I once wrote a double turnip but I never pulled for out of one hole well Brandi how'd you like to trip I like it fine wasn't that supermarket an eye-opener mess middle store ever did see wonderful now let's get busy and start plowin granny I thought you done give up the idea growing you own vittles I did till I went through that thing they call the checkout stand where you pay for what you got well I went through one of them iPhones pretty fair well by Biggie's when I can't buy a sack of littles for five thousand dollars and I want to start growing loan five thousand dollars cold cash my life saving I handed that girl five thousand dollars and she handed it back to me said it wouldn't buy nothing so am I you this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD some Beverly hillbilly I sure would like to know what all this excitement about wish I was darling you might as well give up Jed she's made it to the big tree me I'm going up after and bring her down that's a mighty tall tree Jed and she's going plumb to the top this is something that can't be put off no longer that girl has got to start to school really me take to that girl's finishing school I reckon you ain't much interested in school you'd rather be chasing a raccoon up a tree wouldn't you free it Ellie would too did you get her into a dress not her hair up braids too kind of favor enemies hair hanging down nice and loose and pretty oh said she's come into school and a school girl should wear hearing breeds oh girl that's so the boy that sits behind her can stick her pigtails and eat well that's how they get acquainted night work alright back in the Hills but here in the city things is am i different boys his boys and girls girls city or country I'll bet you Ellie Mae has a boy total her books home tonight I'm afraid not granny you seen the school where he's going ain't no boys there what kind of school is that dry deal here it was her idea I'm not ignored that woman is a troublemaker she never did cotton to us living here and she's up to something now I'm gonna learn her to mind her own business Ms Drysdale done telling me a favor to get her into that school that's what's called a girls finishing school without any boys I don't know how they'd even get started well here I am pow you are prettier shut up and you want a waster on a school full of girls come on and see yourself in the looking glass hey that's the dress that your aunt pearl made for you yeah this is all handwork Ellie pearl spent four weeks on this fifty cents in cash telling me you just be thankful well there won't be a girl and that exclusive finishing school with a dress like this I'm shy fakes for you I even throw it in a soup fries with the teacher a nice big fat fake don't possum swimming in gopher great you're gonna cut a wide pass through that school oh why can't I wear my regular clothes to school because this is Beverly Hills and girls good grandpa speaking oh how did they make dried deal well yeah she's just about ready to go now but she's wanting to wear her old pants and shirt and I told you that yeah well I'm sure he's gonna place your Ellie well thank you Miss dragged down by Drysdale said be just fine for you to wear your old pants and shirt to that exclusive finishing school oh wait a minute chief your wife is here yes I know you would hello yes yes you'll be in Friday oh good I rather imagine the campus will have moved away by then moved away what have you done mrs. Drysdale only what you would never have been urging me to do he helpful I recommended his school to mr. Clannad for his daughter Ellie Mae well that was very what school when visiting the doctor of a Beverly Hills multimillionaire our most exclusive private finishing school not the Willows where else you and Milburn keep reminding me that under her blue jeans and faded shirt any maize as good as anyone she is but those girls that the world's are insufferable snobs they'll kind of ribbons well don't blame me if she finds herself beyond her social and intellectual depth I've been saying from the first that the Clampetts didn't belong I tried to spare them this humiliation you are all hot they must be on their way to the willows reception they get there I rather imagine there be on their way to the use of the caves or wherever it is that came from mrs. Drysdale this may cost me my position here but there is something I must say you are a Fink you're attending school in such casual attire none of the other girls are wearing slacks and sweatshirt the other girls look to me to set the pace tomorrow everyone will be wearing mink sweatshirts and then of course I shall switch to chinchilla oh I'm taking the same subject since last year Golf and Singh tennis riding history and water-ski don't try to stick with it this time Cynthia you're becoming a finishing school dropped off for you soon I'm not cute or yeah but of course the idea was mine oh well I'm afraid my French is a little rusty I am from Boca Jersey famous Parisian fashion magazine oh well this is my own concept we cannot all be creative nesebar but they're getting back to Mademoiselle Clemence we understand she isn't holding here today and nothing more she would set the new style plan justice you always boss clamp oh yes Z Z has just moved here from their Mountain Shepherd nonconformists fiercely illusion as if sometimes weaves their own plot arriving in their own trap that must be part of the overall motif she spares no expense to go in with you see you get a good desk I'll be all right huh I see Miss Jane a few under by the porch yeah I bet you miss Drysdale senator over CL he feels at home she's just wearing blue jeans and a shirt and a rope for a bath a basic I'll understated oh she looks like a hillbilly you have given this new vogue in a sweep at us like like whining fire here's your possum Ellie and I remember when you give it to the teacher don't slap no hot go for gravy honored Cynthia she's carrying a bucket yes it's the ultimate simplicity in purses next week Jackie Kennedy will have one I do hope she will remember me to be such a love is so flippancy ground kasha my I can't figure what you say she's even mastered the oxygen and I ain't fun for telling you how to raise her or where to send her to school unless of course it was to ask me to send Ellie made to school where there's no boys that's your business and you ain't gonna get one word out of me unless yes you're making a mistake hi there miss ginger you didn't spend no time at all at school well I know pal I met just one girl named Miss Jane said with our late well I thought of Jane you didn't give the teacher her possum well Miss Jane wouldn't let me why oh well you you see granny there are a dozen teachers and I was afraid they'd fight over one possum wouldn't hardly feed them weren't to people that's right go back tomorrow why not well I'd you mean Ellie Mae ain't good enough for them other girls oh it's not that that's hair the truth now well if you want the truth they are not me don't you listen to that kind of talk miss Jane we don't hold what some folks thinking is better than others mr. clad but not everyone feels that way anyone can get a spiteful spell down to him yeah now you take miss Drysdale for a time there she was treating us like we was polecats at a picnic dance today she turned real nice and she told me about that school for Ellie to go to see this is going to take time and must get back to the office now don't let le may have anything more to do with those girls at the Willows I declare I never thought miss Jane would put on airs me neither enemy I hope them girls over to the school didn't get the feeling that you held yourself above them I'm not - oh why don't you invite the whole kit and caboodle of them over here for a possum supper hey I just met one girl Cindy Fenwick well they invite Cynthia and her whole family hi mommy golly homework tonight forehand volley the most ghastly person he's been falling for you today mommy I don't even know any ghastly person precisely but I said I said see here miss carpet you dust slippers Elly May Clampett has been calling me yes cheek to invite us to her home I suspect the kidnap Club she has the strangest birds are the avant-garde social leaders of the season are you serious you mean we should accept don't just accept call them immediately and beg to be invited Beasley where's the nearest phone truxedo back Francie I tell you granny I never talked to nobody so pitiful anxious to come for vittles as M Fenwick's he must have fell on hard times Jim hey you know it turns out she's the winter woman Oh I'm a Miss Fenwick called back and she's coming for supper at her and Cynthia oh good Paul said this sure looked like she could use some vittles powerful skinny girl I told you did they fell on hard times that's fact Cynthia was wearing the oddest looking clothes I ever did see she won Hanover first you must add about 15 years ago it barely come to her middle pants have been war till his plum shine more shape than she is that poor old widow ain't got nothing to wear you don't say well much ashamed hurt something terrible that said but write on the telephone she asked me did she have to dress for dinner always trying to Windows you're everywhere man I've been very generous and I've been a very understanding mother but I'll refuse to go to do not in blue tea oh honey either we go dressed in the height of fashion or I shall hold my breath until I turn purple we'll go this orange pen whoa but dear they're not showing blue jeans not involved not in Harper's and implicit area with cold because Elly May Clampett has decreed it think of it mommy we can wear them before Princess Grace and Jackie Kennedy oh they're going to be in the cabbage Oh mommy neither will we unless I can find some blue jeans I best call Ellie Mae and explain why we're running late well sure simply you and your mom just take your time that's all right bye Paul you sure was right about them folks being hard up they's gonna be late because it can't find clothes to wire you're thinking about the same thing I am taking some of mine I had done in a way that don't rob mother pride gets raw I want you to grab that I mean she's going over the Fenwick's take him some clues oh yes sir oh they can have some of my ado this is the right place is thoughtful little yeah this is it all right Haley says right on it Fenwick out no one's home that's good we can leave these clubs without shaming I'm not yeah I'll sit him right inside the door look at Ellie just one teensy little room look he's trying to grow a little garden right here in this box no wonder poor sympathy is so thin there's enough in there to feed a baby rabbit Cynthia perhaps we could buy boutiques already made a damn what are they calling him a clothing store be crude about it mommy are you expecting a call there seems to be someone at the gatehouse no no Jason mummy the gatehouse the gardener sometimes we've worked close they are surely you're not suggesting this is an emergency - right down to the gatehouse and have a look Jason have the car rode around immediately broke your heart to see where they live their whole house ain't no bigger than a chicken coop they don't even have a place to roost one stick of furniture no cities except some little old greens there's trying to grow in a box just pitiful you know I always wondered why the Lord give us so much but I reckon this is the reason he wanted us to share with poor needy folks like the Witter Fenner can have Yemen now enemies brought him some clothes granny's gonna give him some food what do you need now is furnishings for that poor little house in there quick let's load up the truck before they get here granny and Ellie you get some dishes and some eating tools yes your own mediafire knits and furniture all right what do young into learning something now and I hope you'll abide with you for the rest of your days the greatest joy of living is a joy that comes from giving it worked that movie room for one bid you through just barely reckon it'll be big enough for the both of them well hear from Ellie that Cynthia Fenwick is so skinny you couldn't hit her with a handful of corn god I saw you moving things out I hope you're not angry over Ellie Mae's experience at the Willows but apparently it did open your eyes it sure did we didn't know there was people like the Fenwick's in Beverly Hills the fabrics did Ellie Mae meet Cynthia Fenwick yes ma'am that's our company's loading all this stuff I thought yes true no use Robin folks are their pride he's right Jethro the less said the better just load up and go please hurry and quick as we can let me that's mighty neighborly of you I'll go see how her granny and Haley's get along in kitchen mirror mirror on the wall who is the most understated and Zen of all you Cynthia found with you little darling mums let's see how you look don't be silly now here's your pocket but it's part of the clan but look now of course you must picture your hair and braids Jason come quickly bring some cold champagne to pour over mommy it doesn't matter any vintage year will do five dollars I never seen a woman so overcome with a spirit of giving as mrs. Drysdale she's still talking things out spirit start giving some of her own things you don't let up soon I'm a hint about that good clamoring speaking Oh y'all coming over today well I'm afraid mommy's not well might we have a rain check why are you bet you you can just a minute a grade you gonna rain tonight all the signs point to it granny says you'd best keep you more inside in the dryer tonight I shall uh how about tomorrow oh just a minute how about tomorrow granny bear and Sonny granny said tomorrow be fine you all come over and spend a whole day oh thank you mr. camp but thank you and bless you we are so deeply grateful to you for your kindness and understanding well I'd really just love to say more but mommy's fainted and I must attend to her yes ma'am you do that in Fenwick's you still overcome by that little short kindness are is that Cynthia just about bawling and the wither fainted dead away yeah you best come see to mrs. Drysdale I'm afraid she's gonna sprain something working the way she is yeah you get the truck under cover for it ring Haley we gotta get upstairs you closed down winders tomorrow's another day oh you're will continue woman tomorrow you promise there's been the whole day that's making the families happy and me I'll come here ready to help well why don't you just rest up tomorrow you let me know I never did see such a change of heart come over oh yeah well granny let's have it'll surely so we can all get to sleep early tomorrow's a big day ain't none of us gonna get to sleep early tonight Jed Clampett why not miss rhymes Dale done emptied out all 12 bedrooms this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD The Beverly Hillbillies oh good you're both here when I have a family contract where's Ellie she's out back with her critics hey come on in here gonna have a family car fab hey y'all ooh poor or with a family and her young and she's coming to spend a day and we all gotta lots to do right away like say a few words first no let's commence with the Biddle's I mean the Middle's for the finish what you got planned Oh awesome stood ritm showers from cornpone and some pickle crawdads little rich for folks who they eat for a while yeah maybe you're right kid to get the wrinkles out of there Billy I'll start them off with some nice hot our soup you jethro delivered them that box of clothes right that's right pal I never knowed there were so many needy folks in Beverly Hills doggie you gotta admire that Widow Fenwick she's poor but proud Jethro Nelly tells me that right up across the front of this little house of her she's got red big his life Fenwick house it's just that I can't bring myself to wear those dreadful clothes they are not read for they are very latest fashion introduced at the will I was finishing school - Elly May Clampett herself you understand mommy the latest thing is to look basic and understated it has something to do with Zen they just don't look right mommy when a girl is rich as Elly May Clampett wears something it's got to be right yeah come on let's not be the last millionaires in Beverly Hills to get the new look look how lamp it look weights gonna Jethro Frenchy take out the thin wings again how do we know that the family's gonna need all this stuff like I told you uncle jet they need just about everything well how do we know what their planes gonna hold it all let's go over there and take a look yeah I'd like to see the winners place granny I think the women folks better stay here in case they get here while we're gone how about you men folks Taylor well you win folks don't know how to drive the truck maybe I can't paint ever tried grannie down we'd be back directly the winner is liable to be rat stove up when she gets here walking all the way don't worry kid one slug of my room which is medicine and she'll be as good a new hey can you row material sure enough cure rheumatism I didn't say it computer room it is early but he can sure make haplotype pure pleasure now we want to embarrass him Jethro so if they steal the home wheel right quick drive-by don't look like nobody's home uncle did oh come on let's take a look around they found the box of clothes Uncle Jim right here's where Ellie and me left her get room I seen places with little or nothing then I'm with this is pitiful a chair dissented no bed neither ain't got a wash Bowl or a picture to fill with water or a win they're big enough to throw it out Jim we gonna bring you some stuff no Jethro you couldn't squeeze enough stuff in this place to make it fit for two women to live in Oh what are we gonna do we got to get him to move into our place ain't gonna be easy it would have been such a prideful woman but it just ain't right for us to have so much stuff and to let them live here in a place like this I'll hear something I just can't understand how can folks live in a big fine house like that and let a poor starving Widow and are young and live in a place like this right outside eggy let's go up and give them what fer it ain't for us to speak judgment on them maybe the spirit Allah will take hold like it did miss driving why not well we're hoping that the Fenwick's will move in and use them here Henrik's missus radnoff Fenwick yes ma'am you know the widow with the skinny daughter name is Cynthia they are moving into this house well we're hoping they will this is marvelous I've been trying for years to meet mrs. Brad North End wicked now she's going to be my next door neighbor for certain you have you engaged a real estate agent to help you sell them on the place no ma'am well you're just kind of figuring on talking them into it when they come over - oh man change and come back she gonna mean Jess true spirit of love is put wings on her feet how could you just let her go over that head oh really mummy and that make you look just like any other common ordinary everyday millionaire and I take it I just can't just go to mummy if anyone actually to see you I would die of mortification mummy I thought I told you no joke oh no I feel positively nude without diamonds I'm trying to achieve the choir but look look I've studied slovenly nozomi mummy yesterday Elly May Clampett carried one to school and the effect was devastating hold dear your father could see us now he just turn over do this Marceline excite quickly we'll call you if we need it's busy pocket close by yes I'll phone you to the front seat number this graceful it's fabulous unbelievably on the state it is probably the only purely existentialist car in Beverly Hills must have it copied we've used nothing but rolls for decades Oh mommy this is progress don't you understand no I seem to have lost all sense of values it's like a nightmare well here come sit down and pull yourself together before we meet them I just know this never could have happened if Coolidge were still in the White House don't you want me to set the table in a fancy eating room I recognized early we gotta be special careful not to put on airs around the poor with let's even make it your family's time right we always have that's a good idea if we want defender wicks to move in here with us we got to make him feel like his family Jed is the favorites moving in with us lock stop hey The Phantom Exene got a lock stock and barrel to move in with right that's right Paul not even a ride back got a pump you got a place to wash it all well the best thing to do when they get here is to stick them in the tub and scrub them down don't think they'd take to that right off hey come on Haley let's go swimming what's the matter with you we've got company coming Oh granny I'm hot and tired get into some decent clothes Oh ready I think maybe yeah Oh Sal their problem you see their granny I solved your problem what problem getting a Fenwick scrub without shaming him not do you mean I should do it you just go for a swim in the sea man pond and take along a keiki granny's life soap and a nice stiff brush head of me when the Witter and her young and kid over here you invite him down to the cement pond for a swim okay Paul when they get down to the pond Jethro you commenced us open and a scrubbing and a splashing and they'll get the ID first-rate notion there goes that spooky music coming out of the walls again gets here my cheer up someone best opened the door as soon as that music starts to play someone's gonna come a knocking at the door dad and you get your nakedness out of sight come on I'll help ya thanks coming but that poor old what a woman can't hardly make it I'll get good jug you say wearing the clothes you brim yeah Paul told me buckets carry home leftovers Lord lovin let's go give me healthy this year's motto and I recommend Sherlock welcome welcome Lord if you ain't plumb tuckered with a Fenwick but don't you worry granny you'll fix that folks take their buckets out to the kitchen here Lee yes sir pal see you in a little bit sympathy thank you darling too low me you sure they're scoured good and don't leak I do it quick yeah with it this will brace you up oh thank you orange pekoe oh I'm not familiar with the blend Baptista and I may have a cigarette darling the flames are closed you're more just yet you just might set her off let's go to the kitchen I'll give me a nice hot bowl of soup Oh oh please no mama she's right Witter you don't need no rolls granny's baked some corn pone mister Clampett if I might be alone with mommy for just a few moments I think I shall be able to compose her okay simply just follow your nose to the kitchen yeah the grits and Jones will lead you right to the door sit there did she say grips and Jones yes mummy doubtless the maid in the battler do get a grip on yourself Oh a trouble the Clampetts have taken to achieve a total look the truck those clothes their speech why they even we need we've to if you ever drank their tea this house to the bin weeks we can practice on the cleaning woman howdy there are you grit I beg your pardon oh we all is looking for Richard John well you find them in the kitchen and please stay there out of sight now see here we unzip friends of the clampers and the sooner you're all out of Beverly Hills the better meantime stay out of sight in the kitchen sir it's cleaning woman I've ever seen MAME even the Clampetts have a servant problem yes for the first time I'm beginning to feel a common bond with them we're both members of an oppressed minority group millionaires the panic sniffed her way to the kitchen yet well not hip how should I go and find him let's have a little confab first now Jethro is getting powerful hungry paddling around in a cement pond with that brush and soap Hayley you hinted to the winner and Cynthia about going swimming well ain't had a chance Powell you must be Nile to starving granny can we skip the wash and go at Eden Jean and what you tell me about the way they've been living I feel much better if they were washed down good before they said at my table we're still looking for grits and jowls oh we get to them directly Emmy oh oh I'll bet you and your mom would like to go swimming huh I wouldn't and now neither would I we got a dandy pond ol made out of cement nice clean water in it too plenty of room to splash around and work up a good lather yeah I'll pass too maybe just like look at the pond sure Millie okay no no we're not interested we didn't even bring Sue's pitch and I'll try and find one for you winner based my possum gin yeah now come on ladies on right out here come on here you go was right over there to the right it's peculiar behavior why do you suppose they're so insistent that we come on my mine okay they're magnificent a special might have manhood who do you suppose you that's fine out Oh mr. Clampett who is that I'm darkness by the side of the pool adonis their magnificent creature with the rippling biceps take a look man that's why they wanted us to see the pool they're going to attempt a little matchmaking doot-doot he has a title Duke Google where's he from well a he was born in Oxford he's been with us since she was a little fella bet he's the Duke of Oxford I reckon so we just call him dude he hasn't got a wife Percy well he had his share lady friends but nobody rides a moment Jordan off you change mind about going swimming oh I have I you see right far too Duke if you want him to like you just tickling behind the ear he just loves that same thing and when he leaves over on his back gum scratches belly okay I Cynthia and I do appear a bit eager but I want you to know that my daughter is worthy of royalty we Fenwick's are a very very old family Oh now whether don't talk like that there's many a good tune left in a wool fiddle here's a brand new swimming suit never been more before it was buted gin here for a wedding present remember German too big wouldn't be enough left sticking out to wash oh and we'll make do you better leave the room Jed and peel your shirt off oh excuse me howdy man your grace yours too permit me to present myself to you well thank you very kindly but I don't think monk oujet it let me keep you gray there's two I am Cynthia Fenwick oh hey is your mom coming no we are quite alone well shall we go in the water I know I'd rather not well then why don't you just sit here and you can watch me oh great now watch here are you watching something oh yes all right here we go well it looks as if you are taking a bath you're right your mobile operator give me jail one three Thorburn one no no make that one two I want the front seat I thought I told you to stay out of sight in the kitchen no look I have taken all the abuse I am tend to take in this house look or note rabbit look Duke or no Duke I refused Oh business quickly please this you get cold yeah and take that other antique with you I refuse to take orders from a poorly dressed ill-mannered overweight cleaning woman why you lucky hillbilly hi and mrs. Milburn Drysdale what does that mean it means that I am a pillar of society you were pillar I am cutting you down to a stop don't you dare pull a knife on me I think I'm going to pour on Jewish yes granny said she had trouble scrubbing the whitter how'd you do with the daughter I tried on good yet but that girl he washed him so long I couldn't sell her on the idea and he said DeWitt her buck like I'm you too and then she busted loose around can we eat now yeah Jethro screwed up the back way and get some clothes on hey you know something Uncle Jake that skinny little rascal all she wanted to do was tickle me behind the ear and scratch my belly hmm come quick miss drive down the widow fin with he's having a real catfight in the front hall you're right all right Beasley's here what's the matter ask no questions just flee for your life Beasley just grab the winner they're young and made off with him come on we gotta catch him now the gates are closed well I've been doing on that mealy fellers or one who lives in that big mansion and he's taking the Whydah and set the into his house Marylyn scraping - him - uncle Chet you was right about not speaking judgment on that rich fella yeah it looks like the spirit of love sure took hold him all right come on Jethro let's go home had some pasta this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD some Beverly hillbilly you be back directly granny I got it runnin runnin we're way to town back uphill down hills round of golf pasture what you tryin to do to that boy smarten you had him swimming up and down the sea man pot like he was chasing a catfish I'm just testing him granny see he thinks he's got a hankering a go court court yes bro yep what girl is he hankering to card I don't think he's got a girl yet he just got the hangar maybe is maybe ain't that's why I'm running in and swimming him I figured in Della's edge you might then if he still feels like chopping wood he's ready yonder he comes he needed I don't think he's gonna be able to stop where she could have took out five ten for the wall I'm sorry I bust you dispense advice but I reckon I got going too fast I reckon I've heard you run Oh a bigger 15 20 mile top speed oh no sir I stopped once well they was some fellas digging this here ditch and they look right tuckered so I dug him a block or two a ditch while they rested but I run extra special fast the rest of the way home to make up for it we seen and heard you well boy you slum about five miles run 15 to 20 dug couple blocks a ditch I feel about courting right now huncle Jane if they was a pretty girl on the other side of this house I'd so clean over it Alan jestro let's talk about Cortland where are you yeah I'm fixing to advise Jethro on Cortland yes sir I want to give the advice tip well advice to girls it allowed to be am i different than advice to boy well different huh you go ask you granny granny what you doing in there I'm listening Watford you liable to hear anything you don't already know I'm just checking my memory you women folks you have you talk someplace else yeah through me it's fixing to talk man to man come on greenie let's go talk outside one-to-one then we'll go mate boys girls just sit around and wait kid you sure got your work cut out for you thank Israel how much you know about Cortland well it's kind of simple or you find a girl and then you marry you boy I want to tell you something there's a whole heap of in-between like what like finding the right girl for one thing sometimes that ain't so easy well uncle Chet how all I know when I find the right girl well the wait happened to me I knew just like that I looked at her she looked at me and music commenced to clean well where was the music coming from from my heart to reckon well I never heard no music come from my heart no one else is neither foolish not cuz you ain't met the right girl yet but when you do you I heard a bell ring does that mean something somebody's cold did I by any chance leave a large brown envelope there last evening yes ma'am right here by the window good I'll have this tree go drop over to yes mainly right here I'll drop over and pick it up you do that I'll have Jethro fetch him right down to the make team Uncle Chad I want to come in Skorton just a minute the bank is a fine place to commence there's lots of pretty girls work day oh oh yeah yeah it'll be down directly soon co-wash is up and puts on his good clothes well no bothered oh by will carry this down to the bike and then we'll carry me girl back alright even if you should find the right girl you got to make Courtin talk first I do my car well okay how do you make court and talk we gotta kind of sidle into it like you start over I stay in it and then you work around to where it looks like you're gonna be nice night for a walk or drive or dance and of course along the way you gotta throw in a couple of my cute pretties and your dandy dancer we talk like that I get y'all now I'll cook it alright boy you got enough to get you started yes sir girl is in for am I now then type up a business expense voucher for last night's dinner conference food $150 beverage 200 entertainment 15 entertainment at a business dinner guest speaker gave a very interesting demonstration of the twenty seven and a half percent depletion allowance benefits I'd better make a note of his name of course CD Laverne that's right now I'll take a letter to welcome excuse me I'm sorry but there's a chickadee Laverne who insists on seeing mr. Drysdale chickadee what you tell old chick I'll call him from the club you RCD miscomi gee that was a very interesting demonstration of depletion allowance benefits miss Laverne I do this dance where I take off everything except 27 and a half percent howdy well howdy to you your Jethro aren't you oh yes ma'am you hear any music no should I oh yeah I should too but I don't burn it wait I'll hum something for you Oh something wrong no just listening for music what kind of music what music hard music try me again to the secretarial pool I shall return Jethro here you are chickadee oh thanks mr. Drysdale you know see you next dinner you ought to use my specialty act so what I'm famous for bring out this great big egg there's music coming from it the emcee says where's chickadee and I pop out of the egg and I go into my dance tried to Chase Manhattan Bank they love big eggs you don't even have to hire an orchestra look this little transistor radio see what you tuck it in here that's very interesting don't call us we'll call you my specialty I have to charge a little dwarf those big eggs close to light up money keep you a fine uncle chip yeah he said that I know you was the one just as soon as I heard the music oh I forgot it's a nice day hate it I mean it's gonna be a nice night for a stroll a driver a date you sure are pretty I bet you're a dated dancer lots of sweet talk like that come on let's go you're Dravid speaking Oh howdy Miss Jean general get there all right yes and he brought the envelope but now he's disappeared I can't find him any place I see yeah well tell me is a bank missing any girl I mean get him I thought it went off wait a minute there is one possibility a girl from the secretarial pool de Vos along no girls missing oh that's too weird well thank you Miss Jane bye what's too bad jade Jethro didn't find him no girl down to the bank I told you that youngin wasn't ready for Cortland yeah maybe just as well I was worried I hadn't give him a good enough talk first with Jethro it takes a little extra that's the last I heard he thought his mom found him under a cabbage leaf really I'll finish cleaning my rifle when he comes back I'll take him up he'll give me a chance for a real man to man talk the talk Jethro done all right found yourself a girl from here it looks like you found himself a girl in a Hance kid is this where your uncle lives yeah me too he must be a millionaire well he's got 35 or 40 million does that make him one does it ever tell me something why do you drive this truck well I already run to town and back once today thanks Jeff and girl like that can sure help you with the housework granny I finally made it a private engagement in a big Beverly Hills mansion oh hey hold on you're not engaged yet that's right where's your uncle hey uncle Jed I don't find her come see here she is I heard the music just like you said I would uncle Jed the girl the one and only miss uh I don't know your name chickadee Laverne how do they miss Laverne chickadee Laverne this hairy granny honey howdy you people live here you own this mansion yes ma'am they find oil on her place back home so we moved out here oh you're one of those oil millionaires I played all of Oklahoma and Texas don't say here's my daughter Ellie me howdy honey I don't want to worry you but your fur piece is moving these here's possum it may take them critters outside I told you again and again a house is no place for him yes sir Paul well when's the engagement tonight tomorrow night I'm ready me too maybe we better get better acquainted before we start talking engagement why don't we all sashay out to the kitchen oh come on miss tickety I'll take you uh why do you women folk think of her well don't you think she's a little bit too old to marry up with Jethro Pugh of course she is kind of worried me too especially her talking about playing all over Oklahoma in Texas take a heap here just to do that yeah why don't you marry up with her pop they're not gonna have a mom why should I kind of talk to both you she's jestro's woman he found her according to what he told me who was true love - he heard their hearts making music and everything I still say she's too old for Jethro you can't tell about City women granny I've seen old ones that look young and young ones I look old well I'll just go a nice girl she is now way Tilly if we're gonna find out mister chickadees age we got to do it in a kind of roundabout way I don't want her embarrassed now you leave it to me Jed come on what a catch yes ma'am this here's my favorite room in the whole house because this is where granny keeps the vittles do you like to eat vittles I don't know I don't believe I've ever eaten oh just call me chickadee I love this mansion and this kitchen is the end Oh knows a lot more out back ain't that right granny how are you crazy that ain't hardly what I call roundabout just feet here ma'am oh that's all right by the way I don't want to rush you but I'm ready to work anytime it's gonna be a thrill working in this beautiful mansion hear that granny yes right I'll say this for you you didn't pick a lazy woman thank you maybe you better get bitter quitter with granny here coz she's one you're gonna be working with you gotta be kidding huh I can do anything you can do honey granny's living but she's wiry she moves her ari I know but I mean well couldn't I work with her oh sure you'd rather well I mean she's younger and all jeez I hate younger than you Oh how about you and Haley me whompin up some vittles from his chickadee and I'll sure around the outside can I go along with y'all catch it oh yes no you finish your children boy you're kidding you're my critters well yeah we can do that later LMA right now miss chickadee and me got a little talking to do yawns you better clear out something tells me there's gonna be fireworks any minute I realize that yes true looks like a full grown man but he's still kind of a boy yeah he's cute though I'm glad you feel that way define young and now I'd like know little more about you miss chickadee oh you mean about my work yeah everything just everything right from the start well I got my start in burlesque New York mmm sounds like a nice place how long ago was that you don't have me exact I'm just trying to get a new all about 18 19 years ago that's when I first broke out of the egg you come from my egg don't you yeah of course I'll tell you what why don't you go over yonder and look around to cement pond over there I want to have a word with granny Oh swell I love this place it's beautiful well thank you ma'am see you in a bit you know granny baby miss chickadee ate the right woman for Jethro course you ain't to offer well he'd add so much fact is she's only a little older than Jethro who she said she told me she was born 1819 years ago in a town name of burlesque New York palm wash Gino 18 or 19 well well as years or whether she ain't there is a bigger problem what's that well you know what with Jethro thinking he was found under a cabbage lead and her thinking she come from a head I just don't see much future for them too sure do appreciate to show me how to work with you miss tickety I'm glad to do it kid say when you get you gobo that's when we commence to working yeah that's when we really get started tell me something your dad's worth like 35 40 million bucks right why do you want to work oh I don't mind besides if I don't grinia want me mm-hmm I'd mant like that she shoved me out on the stage when I was 15 I never knew my mother me neither you mean your father's a widower yes ma'am I was kind of hoping he and Mary up with you so's I could get me a mom really I like you and my critters like you too and when critters take a liking to folks days generally good and not mean enough yeah hey you want me to show you what Alma can do now watch him take this your grape out of my pocket say he sure is clever with those little hands could he untie a ball Alma you and I may be working together according to what I've been told one year your life is the same as seven years with human folks I doubt I put you close to 100 years old I didn't name to worry you none just did if I'd lived as long as you did I might be able to work out this vexing problem I got with Jethro and Miss chickadee well if there's a to find how to do you said they're equivalent like ain't got a care in the world when you're all kin it's fixing to marry up with a woman old enough to be is more I'm studying on the problem granny well you better study fast cuz the sewers Jethro is don't eat he's gonna want to come in score it's a Glavine I'm sorry to trouble you but I need one more signature no trouble at all I've come here to the trouble we got the guest rope Oh granny well house near out home yet oh of course he's right out there in the kitchen now poking down the middle I shall pop in and pass the time of day with the handsome lad Jane would make a heap better match for jestro's in that old don't bother mr. Drysdale with our fairly problems how mr. Clavin as I've said before your problems are my problem I am willing and I hope able to help you in any way possible that's mighty neighborly I mean to take so much interest but don't think nothing of it we bankers like to take as much interest as we can I was making a joke indras banker I suppose you might call that an inside joke come on inside jokes Jeffro is a head into the auger with the wrong woman what's this granny mr. Dresner got a bank to run precisely why I'm interested in your problems now I'll tell me more well you see just rose and love of this girl girl miss chickadee does look I'm I told four years did you say chickadee yes sir miss Laverne chickadee Laverne where did death-row meet her now buy your banker thing mr. Clampett that girl is a steamer what you stripper someone who takes off their clothes what's wrong with it but she takes them off every night well I don't sleep in my clothes music wait Jethro has run afoul of your chickadee Laverne yes Ivan thought mr. Clavin believe me this is not the right girl for Jethro I told me your show please mr. clapper let us get her away from here as quickly as possible well I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings huh she's right friendly and a willing worker here she comes hold on I reckon is my duty to talk to her first mr. chickadee yeah about the Whitney oh that's gonna have to wait uncle sugar I got this great new act that's gonna make me the sensation of show business now you watch right away he starts and fasting let's hurry down the bank and I'll sign you up for the big convention yeah where's mr. Drysdale taking my sweetie never mind you throw but I found her she's mine i quartered sweet doctor no forget about her after all go take yourself a swim well we got her that's a blessing more of a blessing than you know granny I was falling in love with her no yep I looked at her she looked at me music commence to play my two this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD The Beverly Hillbillies mr. Drysdale - what miss chickadee Laverne Tripp are you engaged for one of your business dinners I am NOT a stripper I am an exotic interpretive dancer I've got a great know a few bankers convention mr. Drysdale that is Elmer and me who's gonna really make clampets raccoon yeah gee it's a cute act see I'm Little Red Riding Hood and I'm walking through the forest with a basket of food with my granny and I get lost and this raccoon finds me he's sitting on a rock I pass by he reaches out with these cute little hands and he unties suppo that holds up my skirt interested in the sordid details of your Deezy astral performance don't ask me for contributing to the delinquency of a raccoon I shall Harbor him safely in my office until such time as I can return him safely to Ellie may come Albert get yourself another raccoon but not for the bankers convention I don't think the act is suitable oh so you're backing out on me too just like the Clampetts did the Clampetts yeah I was promised and engagement up in their mansion then they change their mind Jed Clampett would never hire you his idea of entertainment is square dancing well I've danced but plenty of squares it's speaking of squares it was that big cuchara that asked me miss chickadee I love you will you marry me good throw your granny tells me you got through it out of school today yes sir uncle jet I got throwed out for writing on my writing desk what's wrong my bad I think it was cuz I'd done the right with my pocketknife a lot of foolish things lately what's come over you I think the boy is ailing Jed looky here it's rich owls and hawks and Pope how come you didn't eat him boy uncle Jed can I tell you the truth I hope you all will I ain't hungry for grits or jowls or Hawks are pone neither all I want his chickadee well what didn't you say so granny Fridays glory up a nice big pan of chickadee what's this that's my writin Diskerud Oh ain't that that big strappin girl you bring home today the UN cordon yes sir uncle Jed found her and Miss Hathaways office she's a mighty handsome woman said in the FIR and I'll say it again she's too old for Jethro I'm deep in love with her granny hogwash how come you never spoke up about this before well I knew granny was again er I was afeard you might be too so I thought I'd run off and marry her and live happy ever after yes you it takes two people to make a happy ever after marriage what makes you think of Miss chickadee is in love with you well she loves me enough to get engaged well you all girl happy she was about that come to think of it I recollect her seeing somebody engagement granny she shows up here I would shed the most of them but I'm telling you the truth yeah big kid Jethro was sitting right here and when I came out of your office he jumped up grabbed me put me on his truck and drove me out to his uncle Jed's mansion where I was promised an engagement Jethro is a headstrong impetuous lad given to irresponsible behavior at times but I assure you mr. Clampett would never engage the likes of you ha listen honey you don't know those oil minyan there's like I do they give some pretty crazy parties mr. clapper now take your tawdry bubble and go gee where am I gonna find another raccoon that knows that unfasten a dress I'm sure you have a surfeit of ignominious methods by which to practice your reprehensible art I know you have lots of Acts yeah I got dead bubbles and fans maybe I could even go back to my old dad the one I'm famous for you know the one where I break out of the egg that's how I got my name chickadee but that Red Riding Hood bit sure had zing took a long time to learn to yes now if you'll excuse me miss Laverne I want to give Ella Mae the good news about Albert I bet if the clam bit so am i Red Riding Hood act where they would hide please go well alright to Jane Hathaway here Oh miss Hathaway I'm sure glad you called I've been trying to get up nerve to call you all week you see I'm deep in love and I want to get married right away you live happy ever after Jethro you know it ain't well I've been in love ever since that day in your office when we looked at each other and heard music playing heart music now come don't dear boy I'm coming up right away to bring Ellie's raccoon and we shall pursue this further oh thank you Miss Jane I figured if anybody could find miss chickadee it's you Thank You Jethro I'll find who chickadee Laverne Jethro I'm flabbergasted well thank you we find her and bring her up here so I can marry her and live happy ever after I'll do what I think is best I'll do my best for you Jethro well chief the facts of the fire now you and your exotic dances corrupting that sweet innocent boy what are you babbling about Jethro is in love with chickadee Laverne Maloney and his age I was in love with every showgirl I saw it's puppy love Jethro thinks it's the real thing he says they looked at one another and he heard music play music oh I know how that happened when chickadee left my office the other day she had this little concealed transistor radio so obviously when she ran into Jethro in your office he heard the music and thought it was love horrible ah forget a Jed Clampett couldn't handle a case of puppy love miss Hathaway there's a raccoon in your office oh no no no Jeff don't panic you've seen a raccoon before not like this one it keeps trying to undress me couldn't get you Marley no sir Jethro's running top speed and he just keeps yelling for you yeah we let him Circle a house again hit him or fight he run me down even stop he's gonna stop him this time around well when you catch a mouse or a smoke in British forever like he's round in the fire turn trip him instead Oney Paul no I'll head him off le come in slowing down now Jess wrong right yeah now what is it boy miss Hathaway is gonna find miss chickadee it fits her over yeah I'm gonna see my sweet death row we'll put that truck jam Jethro use acting like a beast dog Bob kid he's in love really Jethro you go have yourself a nice long swim in the sea man pond will let you know and mr. chickadee get you dad man I could bite nails you forgot how it feels to be in love why do you suppose answer dad burn you you know Duke just being you and me I can't blame Jethro for his feelings toward miss chickadee I was about to fall for himself that's the truth I didn't name to just happen I looked at her she looked at me and dugged if I didn't hear your music playing Oh Your Honor she come howdy mr. Clancy it's me chickadee yes ma'am no ma'am I reckon you will see Jethro right this way ma'am you don't want to see old broken-down mom gold like me or crippled up and wore out different me ma'am I'm older than the hills cares now turn around I want to talk to you what about about the engagement you promised me no no that wasn't me man that was just wrong about her do I get it or don't I yeah we're folks to keep on a word ma'am if he was promised I'll see his kept good I'll go get my clothes in the car already brung your clothes man yeah it's the outfit I work in Red Riding Hood where do you see it yeah now miss chickadee I'm hoping you ain't gonna rush things god I think a long engagement is gonna be best for everybody oh and I'll suit me fine the longer the better I don't hardly think you're ready what do you mean I'm not ready well you told me about coming from a big egg I've learned something new since then yeah that's a step in the right direction now a raccoon finds me in the woods miss Jane I sure do appreciate you bringing the over back my pleasure Ellie could you tell me where I might find your handsome because Oh Jethro Oh Jethro he's asked women to see me upon thank you something tells me we're finally going to make music together who's that I have your conscience and I am shocked at this nefarious scheme to trap handsome and innocent chair oh is that what they taught you at Vassar Wellesley and Smith no matter of fact I got the idea from stripper this is not a matter for levity remember your sorority motto super omnia few days yes yes of course honor above all conscience yes Jane I'm sorry I must have lost my head forgive me conscience yes to him go take a flying leap Oh Holly misty hey did you bring miss chickadee no forget about her Jethro look deep into my eyes and now stay tuned for the news hey what a me you're are you pal good now miss chickadee is in that room up top of the stairs area fixing to change of clothes why don't you run up there seeking your helper yes sir pal oh yeah you better leave Elmer here him being a boy raccoon and her being so innocent that'll be powerful modesty what's me pop well let's just say that she'd had things explained to her too good now run along and see can you give her a hand goo and Miss chickadee she in this house right to top the Skyers I'll give her a hand riper it'll do the most good maybe you better hear this setting down here why Jethro is engaged to miss chickadee no he knew his word and she's holding him to it he too over to marry Jethro she's too old to marry anybody why she's done past 20 years maybe but in some way she's just a little child besides women gets married older out here what you mean I hear tell of a movie star that got herself a man when she was 27 oh and then just to prove it wasn't no a fluke she got married five more Jethro just once more is deeply into my eyes please just give me one more chance another thing about a granny she'll easy why she's up there right now putting on her working clothes we'll see we'll see I'm sure Morgan Co yeah I reckon that's a dust cap on her head you got in the basket miss chickadee why it's a basket of food for granny I'll wait a lactation for I get too excited now stand over there you can see me work better oh well they have you gonna show off how you work I'd miss go fetch Jethro he'll be right interested all right now stand right over here so he can get a good view of everything that's fine now you just watch shame on you Alma I'm sorry you think she's here yes ma'am I think she's fixing the dust of all-first ready for a wedding everybody just throw her miss chickadees gonna get married right away who says so knock hold of the hill who says so he done seen her in her under clothes chickadee Ellmers off the story about what he done oh that's all right kid anybody could miss acute how'd you like my egg well I thought you acted real nice considering I'd have been heat more flustered than you was that's experience honey let me see my basket no man but me and they all helped you look I don't want to lose it that Prop food costs plenty of money what's brought food oh it's made out of plaster and cement stuff like that wait for a spell what'd you do with him for what I'm in a cement pond I told him swimming five miles was part of getting proper Indies oil swallow anything you have a time swatter miss chickadees cooking you know that basket of food that she brung me that she was so all-fired proud of yeah she bakes you nice-looking a loaf of bread yeah I see you slice don't you to be strictly fresh why don't you come right up and say it's as hard as a rock taystee might like see man I don't think she used any baking powder her yeast neither I am sure she use flour that's a fine looking slab of ham ain't got much of a Hickory cured smell to it ain't got no smell at all you know granny I think this woman's trouble is your cooks everything I sure do feel sorry for Jethro yeah the boy sets a great store by his vittles well I'll just have to pitch in and learn miss chickadee about cooking how do you know you're gonna have to learn what do you mean well laughs remember how she thought she'd come from an egg yeah she got herself a new notion now she thinks she was found in the woods by a raccoon God if she comes you took off her work clothes sure now that she's got jestro hooked we ain't gonna get to work well come in Miss chickadee I hope you're feeling right to home oh oh I see you changed out of your working clothes oh we thought everyone had seen enough I've seen too much chickadee I hope you still favor a long engagement like we talking about Oh like I said uncle sugar belong and it better I'm glad to hear you say that now I'm gonna leave you two alone here to have a little woman talk woman talk while we talk about everything honey right from scratch commence with vittles what a noodles yeah we gotta start somewhere do you know how to fix a possum supper I don't even know what a pasta needs for supper no no association scheming how dare you order me out of my own kitchen Thousand apologies for ever allowing this woman who come in contact with your wonderful family well if Jess rules got a choice I know he'll take cooking over dancing that boy is overpowering father vittles who cares about Jethro I hope you do seen his how are you gonna marry him I wouldn't marry Jethro if he had your money I wouldn't marry you'd neither miss chickadee why suits me fine give me my best get me out of this nuthouse I thought you said you were deep in love with Miss chickadee you said you wanted to marry her and they're happy every granny I could never live happy ever after with her why not uncle Jed it was all I could do to choke down one basket or her vittles I had to eat him every day I died this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD some Beverly hillbilly I caught you what Tolu you're the rascal Lisbon poison in our pond I'm not poisoning anything if you're not poison in the pond let's see you tip up that jug and take a swig I can't do that it's concentrated chlorine it kills the algae and fungus it kills fish too we've tried two or three times to stop this pond but this water is only for swimming what do you think fish do walk lady I'm only following orders of mr. Drysdale put you up to this did yes ma'am and now if you don't mind I'm running a little late my granny much read something all right just wrote read me that letter for mr. Drysdales Bank I don't think you're gonna want to hear it uncle Chet it's terrible news like what like you ain't got no more money I don't want no more money I got more than I can huge right now thirty five forty million in it not according to this letter you ain't got nothing you're broke broke did Clampett yes ma'am that's a fact he's what they call over drawed what does that mean well that means that you owe mr. Drysdales Bank $34 and 70 cents that's why he wanted to get said of us putting poison in our pond next thing you know they'll be burning down our barn who mister guys Dale that's who oh he was nice as pie to you when you had millions in his bank but now that it's all gone he has no use for you how could all that money be gone Jethro you for sure - positive certain that letters for me oh yes sir Uncle Jim there it is wrote in black and white mr. JD clapping why don't you go out and get yourself an honest job an action must keep himself available in case of studio call oh you you are going to regret that when my big break comes and it's you Charles Boyer has switched to character parts so so what do you think it's gonna take his place as the suave continental leading man not you Jake but Chuck that's sure oh maybe the good news it's right here in this mailbox now you listen to me you open that box and you're gonna pick up every single bill that falls out someday fan mail can't even go home to mother we're living with her someday I will open this bank statement and it will say that I am worth 36 million four hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars I'm 36 million four hundred thousand dollars well don't just stand there Liz help me look where your money went Jed Clampett why you're flat busted broke you're living too high on the hog hello could I speak to mr. Drysdale plead oh thank you very kindly enjoy jail then left for the bank what do you mean too high on the hog that's what I mean too high on the hog back home used to holler two miles to your neighbor I hear you can't even haul a next-door gonna have to use an expensive telephone yeah I don't hardly think I spent 35 million dollars on the telephone look man come instead of having our cow and squeezing I wrote there you know using your finger instead of your lungs now granny the banks about a four to five mile holler legit I'll Drive you down to the bank in the truck that's the most sinful waste at all I am expensive gasoline for that fancy truck instead of walking a paltry 8 or 10 mile walking she's got my shoes fixed and you wonder where your money went granny sheep here and buy him a new pair yawns don't need shoes out here in Beverly Hills that's one thing this place has got better foot weather the whole year round mornin pal can I ask you something sure early there you are there's the whole thing in a nutshell take a good look everybody well what's the matter granny I was just fixing to give winter less breakfast that's just it back home we used to live off opossums I hear but some driven off of us fetch me my big large barrel Jethro Lord barrel I'm fixing to pack up our things and all I belongings and go on back home and stop this mad crazy spending spree before we all end up in the poorhouse or maybe you get poison from the poison pond well great a man window was just going swimming yeah save your swimming for the creek back home yeah simmer down granny I don't believe mr. Drysdale poison our pond no more and I believe we spend all our money hey granny hold it Jethro put that down well they've spent where is it that's what I'm calling up to find out good morning to you Lou Commerce Bank of Beverly Hills is here Jed Clampett could I speak to mr. Dryad LP thank you ma'am everything must be fine is real friendly mr. Drysdales office no I'm sorry he's on his way to the airport for an out-of-town trip mr. Drysdale leaving town that's where your money went leaving town with him could I please talk to miss Hathaway well I'm afraid she's with mr. Drysdale he's both gone it took a boat to tote your money come on everybody let's get going Paul granny says she ain't coming with us to the bank she's a killing all right I leave her here she's liable to move out before we get back but Paul she's a pack of the balances that she ain't gonna lady don't you worry about this hop on they're ready he's all going down to the bank you want to sit up there next to Ellie you want to ride in that barrel but only because I'm sitting on the cabbage crater yes Lena no gasps sweetie he's all gone down to the bank and see about the sewer draw a letter at her old room hey you and that truck you can't stop there move on what mr. policeman we got business in the bank care move on or I'll give you a ticket Oh No thank you we already got a ticket for parking here five dollar ticket and a ten dollar - we should have burned my long move on or I'll give you a $20 ticket thank you very kind about we couldn't let you do that what we still got our pride even though we is flat busted broke oh you're vagrants no sir we clamp us I'm sure there's LMA and sitting next to her yes you want me to run you in oh no sir you just stay inside I'll walk it we got business in there oh you're not only traffic violators and vagrants your bump tech artist now get that heap out of here before I arrest the lot of you I'm sure in being very friendly we don't want your kind in Beverly Hills now move it you wouldn't talk so sassy I'm a gun I got the feeling that we and welcome around here in a war there's a maybe you shouldn't try to cash the check maybe it's the bank's mistake not mine beside is a man with 36 million dollars gonna miss a few thousand yeah but it still seems dishonest it isn't your money baby you get a break in Hollywood you've gotta put up a big front this is my chance next week when I'm a big star well Janet mr. Drysdale is winging East and that leaves you and me to man this nerve center of our mighty Bank a little frightening isn't it whoo yes miss Hathaway know during the Chiefs absence I shall occupy his office and you will remain at my desk miss Hathaways office one moment please it's the new teller mr. Wilson he said there's a rather shabbily dressed man by the name of JD Clampett wanting to withdraw $10,000 Wilson other way here don't let appearances deceive you mr. JD Clavin is good for any amount up to 36 million four hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars 36 million needless to say here's mr. Drysdales favorite depositor oh that reminds me the chief is having some work done at the cloud but a state no filtering system for the pool repairs to the driveway I'll get on the phone and see that these things are taken care of oh and by the by if Jethro should stop up to see me just send a midden hmm Jethro oh he's been big good-looking kid I'll be watching for him Yelp's stand up dude could you walk for me please turn around for me Janet please you took the chief's office I'll remain out here how about it oh good yeah we gonna pack up and go back to the hills it's up to you to decide you'd you're the head of the clan whatever you say go what's it gonna be pal go back home I'll stay here we're gonna stay here it's gonna whop you brainy wampum poisoned or shot down by mr. Drysdales hired killers what hired killers that policeman out front of his bank he was going for his gun when we draw it away let's go back and want that rest wait a minute ain't nobody going nowhere it or do nothing till I am dead for certain convinced that mr. Drysdale had turned to Guinness and he's trying to get himself rid of us why does he have to do the convention kid who's that I don't know but I smell hot tar me too well Jed there's tar and feathers convinced I'll just calm down everybody hey mister but you got a little tanker akhtar is it for anyone in particular yeah fellow named Clampett this your idea or did somebody put you up to it man named Drysdale hired me for the job William Kidd heard enough convinced now of course he's convinced let swamped that little rascal and head back for the hills Oh hold on now I can handle that little feller as far as the leavin goes no matter how sorry mr. Drysdale goes to treatments we gotta stay in Mike longer it says here in this letter we over the bank 34 dollars and 70 cents and we can't leave town on money we got 34 70 then we got to go out and earn it ain't never been a Clampett no one to do a dishonest thing and we ain't gonna be the first no don't you and your mother wait dinner for me doll I'll grab a bite at the studio commissary what studio well how can I tell into after I've weighed all the offers and start packing doll I can't wait to get away from that old broken-down heat now that's no way to talk about mother's house who's talking about her house Jake Lanza Jacques dear Jacques oh and doll here get yourself some decent clothes don't worry I'm on my way to the bank for more get yourself a mink after all your husband's and pictures now you are the wife of a star little mean can I talk you out of this why don't you stop bugging me I got a job to do yeah like I keep telling you I don't think you're man enough to do at least weight not alone please won't you give up this notion wanna know something you're gonna get hot tar all over you I'm sorry you're such a muley little feller just be thankful I didn't hit first into the hot tar yes sir thank you sir now let's go figure out how to raise that money now about rusty my swimming bird love and cat oh do I have to sell it okay Ellie we do need the money and swimming bird loving and Katzie to count might bring good price how about Earl my band a rooster that plays dead good banty roosters it plays dead is kind of rare oh do I have to sell it Arnie well I'll tell you what Ellie I figure on making so much money cutting and selling wood and with Jethro helping and granny peddling their pickle crews Gidget you're selling your animal level of burden is done with a lot of money that we just don't need so turn them all loose how you killed your through putting everything all together and we got 80 cents no 34 dollars and 70 cents how much does that leave for us to have to earn well let's say thirty four seventy not take away not leaves not seven take away 8 leaves - 1 4 take away not carry over - 1 and bring down the 3 shirk in cipher one thing we got out of Beverly Hills a fine education for you I'll pay the cement pun says he's gonna shut off our Watford Drysdales orders he's putting in a new system I reckon that means he wants to get rid of us you believe a man and be mean enough to thirst us out of here I say it's time we've been provoked beyond human endurance I did miss a boy I'll take good Clampett speaking but mr. Clapp but how can you be at home you were just downstairs drawing out another $10,000 what stay there I'll pull you right back Wow Jake you made it just like you said you would there you are in front of a movie cameras action God Thank You mr. clamp it oh thank you thank you kiss me on the five o'clock news thank you so much well did you hear that Jake you're gonna be famous just like you always promised so maybe you produce it we'll see me call the studios and tell them to catch the 5 o'clock news of course mere words can never express our deep humiliation over this unforgivable error but your bank account has already been reimbursed and mr. J clapping is safely in jail you claim well yes I don't hardly think we can hold steel for that but he took your money oh hey Keenan - welcome - whatever I got but you don't know but he is you again we don't know that he ain't neither I reckon we'd like him fetched out of there just as quick as can be all right if you insist now this is what I mean by putting up a front Wow that's jock I warned you not to try and take advantage of this situation I am certain there is not the remotest possibility that you could be even distantly related to these wonderful people and I am rushing back to the bank now to check you well thoroughly you must be mr. mr. Clampett cousin jeigh to meet you yeah what side the family in from this is my wife opal and darling this is my long-lost favorite cousin Jed Clem this here is granny cousin howdy granny this young lady belongs in the movies and I'm good to see that she gets there Wow thank you can we all go dice gonna be a double feature tonight she's so wonderfully naive and unspoiled and it shares my nephew Jethro howdy I can tell you're a movie actor quite right my lad hey that's all Boren has fiddled get better quitter with our cousins opal and Jake that's jock that's Jake well I reckon you being married to a movie actor it ain't quite what you used to you can say that again we got bigger rooms down ho no no no this is fine fine oh by the way don't let this thing fool you either way it done granny she thought it was some kind of a fancy bathtub hey duck your head when you walk under this thing course you can't hurt a nun it's been walked into so much it's just hanging there in a hundred pieces but that's a crystal chandelier yeah but you don't want to try to light now them candles I retched up stuck with finger in one of them one night to feel for the wick knock me clean across the room electrically wired oh yeah it's hell together real good that's one thing Jake doesn't have to worry about being too tall yeah he's like the shortest clam but every day you can say that again short of money old bull was just agreeing with you that I am short come in really handy with these beds here Jethro and me was to sleep in one of that weed hangover from the knee down company I bet you choose home you can say that again let's go wash up oh yeah excuse us I reckon cousin Jake's woman is kind of hard to hear and that's the third time she's asked to have something say it again maybe get some help from these pickled crow gizzards she just might be nothing here is bearing the crew chargeable oh yeah you made these to pedal to help raise money yeah but now that we don't need the money we got ourselves a couple of weeks of company finger-licking good granny can I have seconds hold on hold on here comes Jake and his missus well now isn't this nice of you I reckon it is take care being our cousin and a movie picture actor you deserve the best hope you folks can stay a spell oh well we wouldn't eat and run I think we can manage at least a week crow gizzards what did you say they were 56 yards we can have them three meals a day I can Jeanie partial to Chrome users what do you think I'm gonna say oh I'm staying a week this isn't the first time I've eaten crow this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD the Beverly hillbilly you'll have to wait a spell for the rest of your breakfast Mickey movie stars come first tell granny more juice for ain't opal and uncle Jake would like another pot of coffee right now don't forget tomorrow it's my turn to serve and breakfast in bed well all right Jethro hurry now goodness knows yet I eat one to complain but when able-bodied folks have to have their vittles toted up to bed to them I think it's downright sinful and lazy especially when they bear the proud name of Clampett well I reckon movie picture actors like cousin Jake is used to live in a different kind of life from us granny Sanji young uns don't seem to mind fetching a Totenberg hey granny I don't want some more juice oh and I'll need this pot of coffee for my uncle to move east oh I did you think we were the poor relations instead of them two upstairs granny I don't hardly think it's fitting for you to be calling a big movie star like cousin Jake poor relations I had never seen him in a movie picture have you yeah you and me don't go to a whole heap the pictures neither yeah well I've seen enough to know who stars who ain't ice-born he does what do you mean asking him questions last night he don't even know who everybody knows who gives no he don't know Dustin foreigner can Maynard he don't even know Jack Hoxie he was a green in you wait a minute is right in the street is shooting moving picture stars aid of course do you know who your cousin Jake wants to put in a movie picture who some fella by the name of Marlon Brando I kinda admire that and cousin Jake ain't everybody take a chance on a new fella nobody ever heard of how long do you think you're gonna get away with this movie star masquerade it won't be a masquerade once I make a picture with Marlon Brando I'll be a star you've never made a picture with anybody what makes you think you can get Brando with this mansion and cousin Jed's money I can do anything huh it's Hollywood psychology when you look like you don't need a job everybody wants you in your case it'll be the police maybe I am NOT doing anything illegal I am merely accepting the hospitality of my cousin Jed Clampett you're also spending his money and you're not even sure that he's your cousin neither is he which makes it all work out very nicely how do you know he's your cousin cause he said so in a word of a Clampett is good enough for me he's being a clamp but don't make him your cousin no but he's saying soda how come cuz he's a Clampett yeah weird of a clam but it's good enough for me hey come quick everybody my uncle the movie star is about to come down the stairs and we can all watch it what fur does he come down the stairs different from other folks for a fact he does granny I watched him yesterday and he is something else hey come on granny let's all watch y'all all set right here and be nice and quiet watch that door up young pretty soon you'll see an honest-to-goodness real life movie star either door down them stairs well don't stand in front of our critters I promised em I could say y'all could take it's the first time I ever seen him come down that way granny told you he's worth watching she what can't take a combo kami I bet you can get shot off a horse on Grand I still say ain't no hoop Gibbs now Jethro or I speak to cousin Jake you sure it is what you want to do for a living yes sir uncle Jed I've done decided I won't be a movie star you give up the notion to being a pig farmer are you Sarah would you I give that up to be a brain surgeon what steered you off or being a brain surgeon well I give that up all together now if I don't like movie star and I'll go back to brain surgeon it good thinking boy never put all your eggs in one basket excuse me cousin Zig I hate to bother you I know you're powerful busy being a movie star and learning your parts and all but if you could spare me a minute I had like the sq.feet fight all right doesn't it what can I do for you I know you're figuring on making a picture with this feller Brando Marlon Brando yes yeah yeah that's a feller well doubt Jethro here he's got a right powerful hankering to be a movie star and I figured since you're using an actor nobody ever heard of couldn't you just as well you Jethro Jethro instead of Marlon Brando I'll make it up to you any way I can of course I ain't got much to offer except money well you're welcome to that how much money what you need five 10 million you know there's a lot of Brando in that boy it's fantastic he is Brando Jethro let me hear you yell hey Stella I don't know nobody named Estella pretend you do howdy Stella good just like you noted cousin Ted I think that you have come up with a great new discovery well now I can't clean the credit after all it was you discovered he was a great actor yeah well no but you know what just throw this Marlon Brando movie playing in town I want you to go see it study Brando learn all you can all right is it all right uncle Jay Happ do it boy we are laughs Thank You cousin gee thanks a million oh I thought you said five or ten oh you mean where's just from going in such an all-fired hurry better in like a bee stung cat he's going into town granny cousin Jake here done made that boy a movie star well their cousin Jake here can just do that boys choke ready movie stars don't do chores like common ordinary people they do lot of special stuff like getting shot off a horses and open the whole saloon full of bad men a derating right right right well now if you excuse me see granny that's gonna be dad I didn't say ain't no hoot Gibson pretty early movie well now that you're gonna be an important movie producer you deserve the best you mean issues for me with my compliments you had no what - done that I ain't no movie produce hahaha you certainly are you're financing my picture and that makes us partners you own 50:20 I am cutting you in for 10% of the profits whose car is just bought it for me with what with the profits from our a picture yes ma'am he's gonna star my nephew Jethro Bodine who among others I'm also trying to get to Rock Hudson Doris Day Cary Grant Liz Taylor that's a dandy idea give it a lot of new folks a change F roads gonna be a movie star I want to be a movie star too well right here's the fella can do it was him discovered yet through how about it Uncle Jake can I be a movie star like death row like Jethro possible my dear with that figure I figured oh the right clothes and makeup you could be sensational ople take cousin Jed's daughter into town in cousin Jed's new car and get her glamorous at cousin Jed's expense darling he's producing the picture now run along girls spend all the money indeed ma'am turn her into a first class movie star regular Lillian Gish glad to do it when I sure am beholden to you could my pleasure of cousin she just got the floor half scrubbed and she ran out she won't be back for a spell granny cousin Jake here done made that girl a movie star - well then cousin Jake can just dog gone finish the floor like I tried to explain to you movie star just don't do ordinary labor oh that's right that's right thank you well I'll see you later he getting better every time granny he ain't no hoops move into your house granny I don't hardly think you ought to call cousin Jake and his woman Hollywood slickers well you tell me what kind of folks lay in bed till after sunup and stays up to 9 or 10:00 at night I got some folks get ready for the treat of a lifetime I would like to present Hollywood's newest and most glamorous star that queen of the silver screen that dazzling beauty miss Venus adore any man how deep are holy jumpin toad to search was it you call her Venus a door that will be her screen name well get him you're seen and heard enough do you want me to take my shot I think I hear my wife calling if you'll excuse me please keep the engine running just in case jumpy and I'll never catch you all very very funny if I could just figure a way to get around cranny I'd have it made did you ever hear of hoot Gibson must be a rock and roll singer Gibson used to be a Western Star in the old silent days my mother used to talk about him Western so that's what she's so heft on with all that talk about buck Jones Dustin Farnum did you see that we have found her we have found the dancehall queen for the new hood Gibson picture okay take her down to Western costumes immediately and have her outfitted for the role of straight shootin Jean the dancehall queen oh I can see that big scene now with her sitting on the piano singing her song and hood Gibson comes riding into the saloon on his horse sweeps are up into his arms and rides off it hold on you're just wasting time standing there giving me talk don't you like me as a movie cyrene Paul well yeah of course I do you're something to see I bet you you're gonna be a bigger movie star than pearl-white oh you're gonna look a lot better when you get your hair fixed oh it is just listen you can't ride those things in the house pretty C's jazzer arrived that thing where did she sees cousin Jake even hoot Gibson don't do trick rad no better than that you she we weren't expecting you back for a couple of days how was the trip fine I'll the Clampetts to say fine now there was a little mix-up the day you left Oh what kind of a mix-up seems there are two JD Club it's back here J Club is an out-of-work actor who is a filippova tron his statement was sent to the tour now friends in fact Jake it is why for visiting at the club at mansion hello who is it this is JD Clampett who's this this is Milburn Drysdale president of the Commerce Bank are you the actor uh yes yes but I already have the financing for my new picture my cousin Jed Clampett is putting up the whole ten million try me next time all right let's try it again hello look mr. Drysdale we are very busy rehearsing for the new picture oh listen you crook something a mischeif woman's intuition tells me all is not well you are fired I was right as soon as you drive me up with the Clampetts reprieve you can read perplexed first le then jethro now granny all acting like there was chickens got into the corn man IVA did of course I could anger myself up put a stop to the whole thing with it much rather than seen through the sails that nerd foolish she looked uncle Jed luck how about you Duke but it's getting too noisy for me out here now I'm going to show you the Stanislavski method of acting make your mind a complete blank and we'll start from there excellent now become a tree tree yes think think tree tree tree your green and your leafy do you have branches howdy howdy do come on dude I don't hardly know her myself Oh Jed come and listen to the new song I'm gonna do in the new hoop Gibson picture let her rip what whop hoody rode into the dance hall scooped up his Amy rolled out from oh don't go just come in these 12 or verses it comes out not on the motorcycle hey Stella we say baby you want drag me not heat I got split I see you still I'm afraid of wood mr. Clavin I want to talk to you let's go inside fingers worse in there Lee is out here why don't you both get in you can talk while I Drive that's a dandy ID but mr. Clavin even if he is your cousin you can't let this foolishness continue I'd be right pleasure if my family would just go back to acting like my family again they probably don't realize how ridiculous they are Peter others I tried hinting at it but it just don't seem to take ahold now the lure of show business has turned many a head chief if I solve this problem may I have my job back with a raise hang on everyone hey Stella what is the scoop mr. Drysdale I will explain everything ready chief well ladies and gentlemen thanks to mr. Jake Lambert here his cousin Jed has decided to get into show business like the rest of without further ado allow me to present the newest sensation of the entertainment world pause acting like a Dern fool sure does look funny making noise like a stepped on frog I reckon the main folks in this family just ain't got good sense talk so much if I with you - you look pretty darn foolish yourself are you something I guess we all were during foolish oaks next number is a special for my cousin Jake here cousin with him may be what I am right now yeah now ease of that show business and you're scared here for a minute this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD dog Beverly hillbilly don't pay no attention to what granny singing Turkey you go man II don't mean oh hi I'm Rochester my stuffing I mean bread see gravy to Billy Boy Billy Boy fixin giblet gravy to for Thanksgiving yes she's fixing gravy to like her mama used to do she's a youngin thing cannot be her mother and she make a pumpkin pie Billy hold on Ellie Oh Martha what you got there oh this year's a raccoon named Valerie Circle I know that's a raccoon name Aylmer what you got in the sack what's it sank utopian sec i'm totin yeah the second turkey just stuck his head out don't just stay outside yes sir pop Ellie Mae I told you not to go friendly enough with that turkey bird so close before Thanksgiving it wasn't made part was over here was it Elmer chucked him in that sack he didn't do it alone I helped him take him out and put him back in his pen mr. Drysdale give us that bird for a meal not a pen he's awful smart pal and friendly too well I learned him to shake hands really he ain't likely to be going into politics I'll just take him out the sack and he can shake hands with you I don't want to shake his hand what's gonna happen to him is bad enough without him thinking a friend done it to him believe me mr. Powell come on nail my let's put Paul Herman back in the pan Herman I declare Duke if mr. drainie he'll give us a string of weenies that girl make pets out of them can I borrow that old hound dog for a minute well sure granny what fer the turkey got away and I want old dope to sniff out his trim oh you don't need old Duke granny yes I do Jed my nose ain't what it used to be it was Elliott Herman out the turkey Herman don't tell me she's making a pet out of our Thanksgiving middle is his she know she's putting him back that's better it's been a whole year since the guys they'll sit down at the table with us we got to put on the dog we don't worry Duke and folk says he's putting on a dog it just means they're doing things fancy I dress it up in your sunday-go-to-meeting best in the room remind me I told Jasper or to put the company chairs around the fence eat to you mr. Wynn see how are you doing didn't Angus period ooh come on now get them worried wrinkles out of your heat I don't folks he's got to stick together couch and granny le me mr. Drysdale mrs. Drysdale Miss Jane Oh fine uncle Jeb my doggies there's one thing you got to say about the folks out here they believe in building a good strong eating table y-you could serve up Oh barbecued stare in this thing and not going man sir yes sir you remember that little feller that came home from school with me the other day yeah well he says this here room is what you call a billiard room ant this here table is what you call a billiard table know what I got figured up right this here rascal must be what you call a Billy oh I always wonder what that critter would mean look at 80 that's a fact judging from the size of his head it must be monsters big I reckon that's why they had a build extra strong table you reckon we could shoot one of these sometime we live around here and Beverly Hill I reckon so I said a feller says his paw shoots billiards couple nights a week and I do think yes sir I ain't so sure I'd want to run it to him in the dark that's one good thing about kitchen as a billiard I don't reckon even Eliot want to make a pet out of him what stamp turkey doing in my sink well he's just watching me stir him up a pan of grits granny with my gravy that's right partial to your grits and gravy granny why you'd like to shake your hand well mighty pleased Esther ready for the oven oh that kind of talk it seemed all skeered great was just a greeting you her no I wasn't now you take him out to the pin like your part told him and take his last meal with shake hands with the turkey I ain't grabbing no drumstick that wraps back up Oh granny Harmons a strut nice feathers for you get out of here granny I'm ready for that gobbler freeze be if we leave him around Ellie much longer he'll be wanting dessert and coffee with his meals all right now Herman yeah I ain't gonna let him scare you no more is it a deal hey boy you do your best to make friends with everybody oh why would you do a favor what's your pop would you were shitty up that walnut tree up back there and pick me a nice big second nuts I sure will pollen you can visit with Herman well now Herman mr. gobbler I reckon the quicker we get this over with the better oh I'm sorry I don't usually refuse a hand offered in friendship but in this case I just got a feeling that wouldn't be lasting no hard feelings right I got nothing again you hear it's turkeys Dora can you're right up there with the best but I appreciate it if you wouldn't look at me like that Oh what's the use I can't do it can we just gonna shoot us one of them billiards for Thanksgiving at there is what you call up Beverly Hills Billy yard I don't care what you call the folks who live here for us must have found a pretty tasty this here table was built just special for Billy arc anything that looks that name gotta taste me it's too big to cook you get a barbecue pit out back no mr. Drysdale give us a turkey and I got the stuff for me and no more foolishness I'm sorry granny I just can't do it maybe just rule Kim he ain't got acquitted with Herman like I have do what granny clean and bris a turkey can you do it I reckon so well get at it it's back at the kitchen and that pin yes ma'am I declare I never thought I'd see the day the Jed Clampett were scared to kill a turkey heaven help him if he ever meets up with a Billy yard well I did the best I could I didn't have no closer to fit him I borrowed their clothes from a little feller down the street I think he's kind of cute myself so does he even shook my hand I wonder if I might borrow one of granny's ancient outdoor cooking pots oh you bet you can but ain't you taking Thanksgiving riddles with us oh yes if he'd I merely wanted to borrow the venerable vessel as a photographic prop you see mr. and mrs. Drysdale are posing as governor and mrs. Bradford in a recreation of the first Thanksgiving some three hundred and forty-two years ago on the Algonquin Squanto in Massasoit befriended the beleaguered pilgrims and so made it possible to perpetuate the Plymouth Colony and bring them to be what is now one of the most important holidays in the American calendar so sorry for the delay miss Hathaway is out getting a kettle and mr. Drysdale and let me have his costume bothers yet paleface qua descendant of pilgrim he present when read brother bring Turkey for feast me grateful to read brother what was he talking about as near as I can figure she's got a brother who's autonomous nation you from you from Mohegan Katie Boeck Algonquin where are you from central casting here you are Miss Jean now you've got somebody to help you unload it over to the dry day oh yes and thank you I'm so grateful my pleasure see ya maybe you can tell me something lovely whereabouts what a fella go around here to shoot yourself a billiard Lily oh oh you mean the game shoot beards yes ma'am ordinarily one would go to a billion billiard parlor parlor in Dover oh oh not a parlor as you know it mr. clamp it no it's a large room with several tables and people come in and shoot birds in no you see the tables on which wait a minute you have one in your bedroom yes ma'am when I got to see it's a ugliest thing I ever did see that's a matter of individual taste they're quite expensive and many Beverly Hills mansions have one usually you'll find them in the play room with a game room or the billiard room what they keep them in the house sure would have figured billiards for outdoors you never out the weather No Oh Drysdales awaiting see you later anyway you believe it meet Beverly Hills folks keep them big ugly Billy arse indoors and for pet yeah don't that take the rag off in a bush now you go and take the head off of that gobbler I just can't do that to a critter that keeps wanting to shake my hand I'm back home you used to bring home a great big gobbler every Thanksgiving yeah but he was wild turkeys are the hunted and shout out in the woods they had a sporting chance well then you take iron out and turn it loose in the woods and hunting dinghies I think you've got our ID there I hope so when the Drysdale come to eat they want to see that bird second on the table not at it sorry to keep noble Chiefs waiting husband not in costume yet if Indian thirsty may if a be happy bring refreshment crazy I'll have a beer make my toe dry martini very dry ten firewater to one vermouth hey where y'all go with Herman Oh Oh Jethro me taking him out in the woods to go huntin oh good you like that you want to go hunting with us Ellie i brung Randy shotgun well no boy I can't do that you gotta take him walnuts into a granny and then she's got to go find a granite Sabrina where Paul I'd seen a single haircut read on this whole place well why don't you try over to the dry damn they might just have one yes sir why they ain't got none they hurry what the hickory nuts drywalling Jethro Miami yeah we're going to have a very authentic reproduction of the first Thanksgiving Massasoit and you are Squanto no lady that's the clown that rides around with the Lone Ranger faceball speak with forked tongue no bring firewater way quickly one beer and one firewater I mean it dry martini I could use one of those myself I'll fix you a drink myself I just don't want to disappear again I go of me sorry mister you know pose we know get paid she rose to Turkey Brown charm and believe she can roast a turkey round and shoot down engines do misgivings yes ma'am days on the warpath they done captured mr. Drysdale to the woods with him this morning when he went on hey man yo ho said them Redskins wait until the men folks disappear with the guns our scouts dear come on travel but protect your hair now then happy pilgrims happy Algonquin chief you look terrible what do you want for this kind of dough Custer's last aid I met my chief mr. Drysdale now that everyone smile smile wait upin the next is the most important picture of all where the Indians give us the turkey Oh Margaret I shall reload the camera while you get the bird where is the turkey it was in a crate right over there yeah well that's the one you mean I gave to the Clampett you what well they did invite us over for Thanksgiving dinner it seemed the least I could do I am NOT easy with those dreadful people then I am NOT posing for these dreadful pictures go get the turkey back no they'll think I'm an Indian giver no offense felony so no I'm not gonna have you insulting them look tell us where the turkey is and we'll get it at the Clampetts right through that hedge right through there no tell him you just want to borrow it they can have it back two of them coming through the edge they ate top guns will hide an ambush them remember now don't let him wrap your hair bell ringing we gotta go in face granny she's gonna be powerful mad but Ellie's gonna be powerful happy with her and that's too Happy's to one man I'm kind of happy myself so am i Jethro well let's get him around the back you fetched a gun come on Herman cuts that of a politician I ain't never seen any critter so all-fired anxious to shake a man's hand keep a sharp lookout Ellie em Redskins is tricky bastards just some granny glad you don't you try to signal arrestee or try it's a turkey gobble there he is again don't let it fool you child it's an old Indian trick sneaking up to attack okay yo it comes poncho throw with the guns and don't you never go off and leave us without any firearms unless you want to come home and find the top of the bald-headed women yeah they've tried to scalp us we jumped him first world could be wild Indians in Beverly Hill any place they can have them on arelooking billiards can have engine the next time you get me a job like this I want stunt bands fake engine I reckon you better stage my uncle Jed says you can go yes me anybody understand engine chop yeah have a slug in granny's rheumatism medicine thank you the kinks are you joints yeah so yeah you are lollygaggin while we awaited and you always after the firewater never work for me again if I do I'll want to read the script first shame on you no I warned you not to come over here and insult these people I'm not insulting anybody I'm being insulted means to me that Thanksgiving is a mighty poor time for folks to be yelling and arguing at one another I realize we got a whole heap of misunderstandings to sort out and I think we all know to sit down and start sorting them out mighty fine Thanksgiving vittles best tasting fish I ever ate what you say is it's Carl again chief gefilte fish my mother fixed it a new Indian sure do know how to cook back ready that's their chicken soup was the best ever everything is delicious marvelous dinner delightful Herman inmates your liking don't we hermie by the way mr. Clavin you know you're eating on a billiard table yes sir I do next year we're gonna have us write a marasco's for Thanksgiving this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD the Beverly hillbilly where's your granny elbows see me a pond I'd like to strike up a bargain with you what's that pal if they won't eat my kitchen I won't eat in their treat when ain't their fault they're in here dead heat rather eatin a tree and more a tea cuz granny's making soap on it they spoil little critters couldn't hardly stand it yeah grannies live super cooking does give off some red powerful fumes whose jane says it's commencing to kill miss drive there's hot biscuits what's the Hibiscus some kind of a flower plant miss Drysdales got a prize one that sits right next to her patio your idea please just sit down wind of our pond owner yes sir yeah I'll have to speak to granny about cooking her soap someplace else you know I've seen em fumes bring a full-grown mule right down to her knees Ravenswood my pruning shares the Sherwin says it's a losing battle madam unless you can stop those noxious vapors being wafted from the Clampetts swimming area your hibiscus will have to be taken out go over and speak to them emphatically me up begging your pardon madam the last time I spoken thetic Lee I was picked up and tossed into their pool Jethro granny ruin my garden party this afternoon I shall speak to them myself oh good show better if I hear a splash I shall come immediately hey granny some more the bark off this tree just fell into your soul that's all right here for a little diesel have you noticed some of the branches is turning to Mike Brown Walker and up could it be yourself bugs won't go near my soap could I speak to you over there don't you cry whatever's troubling me I'm fine damn tears until Oh granny what's got you to ballin like that it's your soup oh you can have all you want feel better now yes in fact I've just had dreadful news for my nursery man what'd he say he said unless you do something he's going to have to take out my hibiscus don't let them go to cut not gonna do them right sir about your hibiscus Jay maybe she'd rather not talk about it in front of you no that's alright I'm glad mr. clamp it this year as you know your pool area practically adjoins my garden yes ma'am well I'm giving a garden party this afternoon about 3:00 you will be through cooking soap and hanging wash by then won't you give me oh please do the very best people in Beverly Hills will be there and I I was hoping that you folks would cooperate oh we be glad to cooperate you betcha we will but even with our help should you be giving a party with your ailing hibiscus I surprised about that don't let him take it out Oh doctor back to hillford thank you perhaps tomorrow and now remember the party is from three until about 5:30 and I'll appreciate it if all of you will be as inconspicuous as possible Jethro could drive you around in the truck oh no need to do that we can walk over to your place be on time to three o'clock sharp this poor little critter just can't stand no more you stop cooking we don't let him go some other place they take him over your place for Guaymas drive down you want some hot soup take home with you your soaps done granny its commencing to thicken I'll put the fire up thank you Jim now Ellen get rid of that skunk and start taking down the clothes we gotta all pitch in and help me spice Dale with her party is she having a party she is with our help poor one she has an ailing hibiscus I know miss Jane told me hey granny what's a hibiscus never mind that's doctors talk well he's been studying the human body over to school but we never studied that course not that's for grown-ups now Oh Willie it's a long time since I run into anyone without a limb hibiscus hey funny thing not everybody has him in the same place I reckon that so yeah did Miss Jane happen to mention where mr. Drysdales is yes ma'am granny she says it's right next to her patio that's where the general he is right awkward place to pose us to they might add that the construction of high-rise buildings in the Beverly Hills area is a contributory factor in the financial ups who let these traps in get out of here see here you tear elect your that's only a toy I was handed the real thing what's the meaning of this masquerade it's a graphic illustration of what will happen this afternoon unless you do something about those Hillbillies what do you mean they're going to crash my formal garden party Oh nonsense they couldn't care less about that tea sipping poodle pack you run with that's truthful they think they've been invited and I warn you Milburn if they ruin my pattern no Margaret Margaret will you relax dear I'll solve this problem just as I've solved dozens of others now you and Ravens would run along home and I'll handle everything all right all right sir and please take the freight elevator don't reach if just just how do you plan to solve this problem just as I've solved doesn't have others I'm turning it over to you well II mean now we got your granny's soap by the way I reckon it's safe for your critters to get back in the tree well I'll tell me what Jethro don't take granny's soap in there yet what's the matter with that girl are you just proposed to certain but I got my suspects right earn her critters uncle Janet was getting so I couldn't even go swimming in the cement pond there were so many of them but I fixed that what do you do well I seem to be a big rubber alligator at the store so I up and bought it and put him in the cement pond there has been a good at near it since fellers are right Shire come on away from here I'm not finished to cook from his Drysdales garden party what's the garden party granny oh I ain't sure I know you jib yeah I've been studying or some I think I got it figured what's he got figured well when folks has their barn raised and party everybody comes over and helps you build a barn when you have a gluten party everybody gets together and makes a quilt so I reckon when you got a garden party everybody comes over mix garden that figures they throw you and me got to get the shovel and the speed and a tater fork all wound up nice and bright the chances aren't he's Beverly Hill society folks is gonna show up with some fancy shiny tools just a doggone minute what's my well when I wanted to plow up our front yard and make a garden it was the Drysdale said I had Nora how come these making one I think I got that seed what you got figured I here tell me is Drysdale is overpowering fond of flowers I reckon she wants to make a flower garden you have that figures come on yes really proud of etern yeah that fingers how's this tater pork look uncle yet here were a few more licks Jethro greetings mr. Probert and greetings to you too Jethro you're looking handsome as ever it looks as though you've decided to forego mrs. Drysdales party oh yes ma'am Huizar for going no no I mean it looks as though you are not going we wouldn't want to disappoint mr. Drysdale she invited us special and she'll be glad she did when she sees me get going with this nobody can swing a fork like this young Jeff oh I know how much you like food but that is ridiculous put an edge on this thing while I have a little private talk with Miss Jamie yeah well where is it granny I promised miss Drysdale that I would do my best to doctor her hibiscus oh that's wonderful of you I know she's terribly worried about it yeah the poor thing was crying the last time I seen her killer just how bad is it well I'd say it's about half gone no this one's heart is withered and turned brown it's just gonna take some doing to save that yes the nurserymen is in favor of just taking it out completely told me I just don't let don't let him do that cutting something out is the last resort mrs. Drysdale agrees with you she wants desperately to save it she's had two blue ribbons on it don't you tell her I told you that ain't gonna help oh thank you Jim come on out to the kitchen Miss Jean I mentioned me some crawdads for Miss Drysdales party oh no no no wait that's what I want to talk to you about please don't go why and disappointment drive Dale just when she needs us and we give our promise please believe me you will not enjoy it well this is a poor time for us to be thinking of our own enjoyment when you-know-who has got a withered you know what no Ellen I hope none of you will go either what what's got into you I hold on everybody I'll handle this Miss Jane you know how far we are you you've been a good friend to us but I reckon the time has come when we got to do what we knew was right and we're going to that party alright if you insist but you can't go to a garden party in those clothes Oh course not we're gonna put on our old clothes yes ma'am you can't expect us to do gardening work in our good clothes but you don't garden at a formal garden party what do you do you stand around and sip tea and listen to music and boring conversation now do you still insist upon going alright but first but you do one thing for me gee I would like you to meet a society family who are on their way to your wife's formal garden party are you kidding I've got no time for those professional tea tasters I think you're going to like these people having me Jethro and granny can that be you I ain't sure miss hat wait how did you do it well chief the fact that the bank held a mortgage on a certain movie studio was a great help mr. Drysdale you coming to the party well I don't ordinarily but I will today where we see there that's a long five he don't act a bit worried about his wife's hibiscus he couldn't care less his wife's the one of the green thumb oh gosh where it is come on Oh coach yeah the party's starting your that music yeah but we gotta wait for our women folks yes true come base late women is always late Jethro how come no one can answer that probably no women needed there sure is a lot of pretty girls over there at the party can i sweet-talked me one uncle Jed chances are I should be with a feller if I whup the fella can i sweet-talked her then would you throw this being our first Beverly Hills High Society garden party I reckon we ought to just watch the folks and not go to scrapping unless of course everybody else does in which case be carefully your borrowed clothes yes sir yeoman mace ready I don't recall a Omar being invited to the party can I take him please Paul I reckon not really no fighting or scrapping neither well this part you aren't gonna be much fun remember now granny Truitt is medicine too just for old folks with rheumatism I referred not so old folks who want to ward it off providin of course they is married cut through the hedge and get to the party I beg your pardon gentlemen a remit I hope to kiss a peg we have he's your next-door neighbor all right you young and get them chitlins and that drawed a dip on the table over there it's finger-licking good ma'am and so is he's little hot possum sausages just to swimming in hog renderings good a few swigs of this brings a couple of jugs to barn raisings and quilting parties I've seen agenda this razor barn prettier single-handed and it gets credit for some Rhett crazy quilts - want me to put these on the table uncle Chet yeah yes sir over to pass the word around nobody to touch it but married folks what can we do to help you the most how soon did she say the overflow would commenced overflowing over here she didn't see no particular time Jethro but when it commences please in charge or it let's see how it's going over there my possum sausages don't be stone-cold me want me to take them in put them on the stove for your first bail Thank You Ally but be careful don't splatter any hog renderings on your party dress I don't believe them young and forgetting Restless I'm gettin a mite squirrely myself granny I'd ask you to dance but that is the sorriest dancing music I ever listen to one thing sorrier what's that stuff they call fruit punch don't have much body to it tastes like it was growing off a barrel of rainwater that some apples dropped into it beautiful you know what that stuff needs don't I sure do there whistle problem you Junior how's the party going Jethro terrible everybody's just standing around the only one movements that Fiddler's player he woman yeah he keeps walking up to different people playing in their faces and they still won't dance he played that thing like he stove up with rheumatism I'm getting tired of standing around these here clothes can I go swimming yeah I reckon so a guest room granny and me take care of overflow yeah judging from what showed up sulfur that alligator in the pond could handle them I wasn't sure granny you know real live alligator kid ain't now I blowed a hole in him you could swim a catfish through and yeah I reckon it's a mite late to be telling you now but hey hey what happens everybody all right how are you young fella wrong my name is Jed Clampett Kirk Massey this year's granny hottie how do you do hey we listen to you song on that thing kind of sluggish in it well that's what they want over there well I think what we went over here come on we got the overflow here come on let's liven things up a little bit may I have some of the punch for recommended it's a punch here comes the hot sausages this here is my daughter Ellie Mae and that young fella carrying the sausage is my nephew Jethro well Harvey Wow hey Fred Odie Wow hey Doris hey granny hurry up with a possum sausages and we need more crawdad dip 200 more people just come through the head Craven's what did you find anyone in the house no madam it has deserted us the garden dad might I have the rest of the afternoon off well oh yes I suppose so thank you Beth party over so soon it's only 4:30 those dreadful Hillbillies have stolen all my guests all 300 of them right there can I see you for a minute dear farmer hi best decision Danny party was great thank you you this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD you dog Beverly hillbilly are you wait here I'll go and see mr. dr d letter to mrs. Radner Fenwick in reply to yours of the 10th seeking capital for your contemplated housing development mrs. Fenwick is seeking capital with her Millions well she's too smart a businesswoman to take the whole risk er so excuse me someone to see you I told you no interruptions I told you no interruptions sorry mr. crane but no interruptions Clampett oh it's always a pleasure to see you mr. Clavin coffee for mr. Clavin coffee mr. Clavin you helped well now don't make no fuss over me oh it's my privilege do make a fuss over you mr. Cabot I was going over your account just this morning and do you realize that now you have almost 40 million dollars in my bank reckon that money of mine is getting to be powerful nuisance to you what well I'll oblige you for storing it here but seems to me like I ought to be paying your rent or something oh I'm delighted to do it that's mighty kind of you I've come to ask you another favor more money to store I'd like you to get me one of them airplane tickets to go back home oh my pleasure home oh you mean just for a little visit oh it's more neck right what's the matter did someone offend you was it my wife has she been shooting off her big Boston bazoo again been surpassing good to us Ellie Mae is the reason I want to go back to the hill Oh homesick eh well I tell you what I'll have your cabin flown out here log for log and every tree and bush around it and we'll put it in your backyard then we'll dig a creek just like the one at home it will stop the whole place with possum raccoons hound dogs bobcats and whatever Ellie wants she could just run wild but that's when I moved out here to get Ellie away from I was hoping you folks had turned her into a lady but I think she's getting worse oh you're to blame for this it was your responsibility to turn that wild girl into a lady and you fail what have you done now you overdeveloped fixin her I'm talking about Elly May Clampett Drysdale Miss Jean done the best she no doubt where as matter of fact was her got le her first ball gown that's true by the way I haven't seen that gun since what happened to it I kind of hate to tell you but I reckon you got a right to know first time I seen le in that gown she looked like a dream of walking but when she come back ah you sure I was right you don't have to wear bow it's close to have fun with Bali May you promised me you wouldn't wrestle I been rasslin and what do you been doing in your ball gown doing what I'm supposed to do playin ball my two touchdowns and keep free field gonna give that gun a good scrubbing with her live soap and patched it to but it never looked quite the same after that mr. Clavin we have failed you and when I say we I mean you but she don't argue with me are you standing here for less work to be done just don't argue with me like I'm causing a lot of trouble for folks at eight to blame now if you just give me that airplane ticket no not mr. clamp it will work on Ellie Mae will polish her no Ellie Mae don't take a Polish real easy we'll have to face a gentleman Ellie Mae is a wildcat on wheels oh you heard about this morning did you heard what Ellie being on weald wheels already and me was having a cup of coffee and all of a sudden we heard this roar annoyed misfire speaking bicycle then I'm gonna take a hit Harry stick to it through this way I never went at Carter if she hadn't rode that thing into the cement pond poor granny when I pulled her out she was madder than a wet hen waiter two right then her and me decided that what Ellie needed was a full-time mom do you mean you're getting married oh I got two fairly sick that's the reason I need that airplane ticket I'm fixing to go home and court myself hill woman how about I Beverly Hill woman all these fine city women wouldn't look twice at a grizzle up old mountain goat like me what are you talking about mr. Clavin you are one of the most eligible bachelors in this entire city when word gets out the JD Club but is seeking a bride there will be women beating down your dog hmm might be a good test for him it takes strong when the handle Ellie that's the reason I think I'm best you according back home and quicker the better no no let me take care of everything I guarantee I will find the woman right here in Beverly Hills and today that's mighty nice of you my pleasure thank you chief I am as eager as you to find mr. clapper - made locally but should you have guaranteed to find him one today I'm not worried beside me stalwart and true as always I have the finest secretary in the world Thank You chief a loyal and dedicated girl to whom responsibility is a sacred word a girl who will never fail me when duty calls Thank You chief he'll make Jed Clampett a fine wife who promised you me uh excuse me mr. Drysdale Hey what about her she's too young for mr. Clampett I mean for Jethro your is it Janet a guard downstairs just phoned to say that mrs. Radner Fenwick is on her way up to see you oh yes it must be about that new housing development season hey wait a minute she's a widow chief mrs. Fenwick and mr. Clavin have absolutely nothing in common are you kidding they've got a hundred million dollars in common and if I can get them together I can have all right here in my back I'm looking for the Office of the President aye mr. Pires day I'm a sky is daily or something well oh you're mr. fly is there that's your service madam very well Beasley bring in the maps of the blueprints huh let me take your money mink granny can I ask you a favor next time you ride my sickle will you please not leave it at the bottom of the cement pond I pretty near drowned trying to get that thing started down there on purpose ship turn what is that let's hear some of that store-bought court and candy I fetched for uncle Jed please be quickly he gets home and courts a good stout woman to tame that daughter of his in the better well I think he's fixing to do his courting out here Beverly Hills a city woman I think so he's upstairs right now putting on his courting clothes and he sent Ellie Mae out to pick him some posies honey no man my name is Jed Clampett mr. Drysdale my neighbor said you primed for Lee Gordon I brung the guitar and if we can set in your porch swing out yonder I'll take a crack at serenade you believe me ma'am I ain't done no whack is serenading Courtin in nine to twenty years and Oh m'darlin Oh m'darlin what's all this nonsense about you court inner city woman well it was mr. Drysdales ID well it ain't worth shucks dad yells gonna call through a bunch of them and try out the best of the lot all they think about is smearing themselves with Beauty grease fancy smelling renderings why if he was to hug one of them he'd squirt out of your arms like a pulpit my age I don't figure to do a whole heap of hugging your age why you're a fine figure of a man I hate to good for these Beverly Hills society women good cravat speaking oh hi damn it's a dry deal you got any prospects for me did I have ever hear of mrs. Radner Fenwick of Fenwick Hollis thank you wait wait oh yeah that's the wit of Fenric got the skinny daughter name is Cynthia that's the one and she's very interested in you mr. Clavin very interested indeed you don't say granny you remember the widow Fenwick yeah and you ain't gonna get no dowry out of her who wears a church bounce honeymoon Lane that's a very appealing name for a subdivision I'm out to attract the young married leather this bill for senior citizens I want those long-term mortgages with interest payments that never stop how much for the product cost a hundred million dollars so I'm not risking one penny of my own well my contribution is the idea the experience and the new house now cries did that's fry still mrs. Fenwick dr y dr yeah so and how about some TV good idea mr. clapper is very interested very interested indeed just how interesting it I don't need 10 million dollars to get this project rolling well I believe I could recommend that as a good sound investment as Brenda provided you and mr. clamp had hit it off person personally this is business well mr. Clavin is that kind of man and it is important that his family like you to know time to socialize with those eccentric hillbillies I have here my general contractor's license I'm ready to start bulldozing mrs. Van Wyck both you and I know that those first ten million are very hard to come by I control this honeymoon adventure I'm not anyone tell me what to do with their money I still say that you ought to go back home to do your corner where the woman could bring your dowry you can bet dollars to dumplin's that with a family ain't gonna come through that door leave no big fat witness got experience she read the daughter of room you remember skinny City I do here's the Gorton cameo cuisine oh thank you yes there put it in the truck and put my guitar in there too because Ellie fetches my flowers I want you to drive me over to the widow printers is that what you go to court that's what I'm starting with uncle jet now that you're here in Beverly Hills why don't you court one of them Hollywood movie stars well if things don't work out with a widow I might just as mr. Drysdale can you fix it so I can meet Lillian Gish Mary Pickford Mary Pickford is good for a herd of milk cows and a barn full of names you don't care who your cart but get to Cortland I don't need help with that Jelena need it fast how come you're wearing that I want the court and Derby to blow off and get dented look as we get to the winter time so change back there's like these still living in this little house still good to me mother big his life yeah poor but proud hey uncle Jed I got an ID how about me going inside with you in court in City well you court DeWitt I don't hardly think there's room in that little house to do double court in Jethro what you come in see howdy and then take synthy for a walk leaving the widow and me alone yeah John you hunt do some spark give us what our family anybody home wit it don't fear to be nobody home a Hot Diggity Dog now you're making it again do you wish the mink madam no I think better psychology not to appear to effluent in front of these hair types however I will take blue chip there's always make such a good impression I wait in the car I'll telephone if are you doing very good now why do you she's coming out of the ceiling walls you never play nobody always comes to go in that music plays never break and that's what brings them in they hear it playing out on the street go see who it is I'll do it you get that contraption out of here well in toto do I see you managed to scrape up a dowry little a maybe Oh indeed he is much but it shows your hearts in the right place come on out to the kitchen will commence fattening marriage you'll bring my sickle back here quiet down yes true looks like we got company the site your signal no more it's mom tis so I don't want no more of that kind of talk Jethro you put that sickle in the shed and get this truck out of the way yes LM a I want to work with you yes sir Powell I'm fixing to court you more then we don't come over she sure is mr. Beasley under brung over in his new car I sure hope mr. Beasley got first call on the Witter wouldn't want to be grazing in another man's pastures being a soldier in uniform I reckon ours at your place when you is coming over here well we're together at last and now we can make up for lost time yeah why don't you go out back see if your granny needs some help well uh we're seeing as we entered your house and he's over here you mind stepping into my parlor the sooner we get down to business the better sure you don't beat around the bush man mr. captain may I ask you a question yes ma'am your banker tells me you're worth to me and done well that's what I hear give or take a few million do you drive around suck em dress as you do and and eat grits and hug dollars well the way I look at it Witter if you got it spend it all right thank you well mrs. fan we crossed me up went over to see Jed Clampett I want to do preparing before she got there chief you're a banker not a matchmaker aren't you medley where you don't belong anyplace with us one hundred million dollars floating around I belong hello granny no burn Drysdale yes may I speak to mr. cravaack please no we can't he's in the parlor fixing to spark the widow well I've heard of skin the cat spin the bottle but what is spark the widow spark the widow you see it's already working now who says I'm not a matchmaker Hey come on let's get over there and help I smell money what are you doing can't we get to my proposal well ma'am I kind of like to tune up sing a song or two first kind of get you in the mood I'm in the mood sorry but I hate when I go to court I always like to build up to it Gretchen but you're not going to call it I know there's no need for that once we reach an agreement Milo you can handle everything don't kind of take the fun out of it mr. camp that I have not in this for fun now look I put my car's right on the table you are the man I would like to have come with me it's a honeymoon Lane oh thank you ma'am has my flattered you old goat like me I'm looking for so now what is it yes or no you kind of got me pushed into a corner Witter I thought I was gonna be the one to do they ask you're not the answer I have nothing to hide I won't even doubt about your banker likes what I have to offer dun and bradstreet have given me their highest rating the city engineer has a broad my construction don't ma'am but dams things a man kind of likes to find out for yourself I'm sorry to rush you but time is money to me there are several very wealthy men in this town that would jump at my proposal like that but I like you now I have the license and I have the heavy equipment then if you'll just answer yes we can get started on honeymoon leave today now what do you say Witter thank you being a mite pushy if she's this pushy flat busted broke thinks what she'll be when she gets her hands on your money did I hear you use the tab broke it referring to me I did you might be as proud as a peacock but you're as poor as jobs Turkey and you know it my dear quaint little woman I am mrs. redblock penwick of Fenwick house at home alone cost me three million dollars for that little place later you got slicker honey may you have done root that door hot to delete I think I'm ashamed no you didn't call you just don't Jethro to PUD attire I know you ain't one to beat around the bush and I'm gonna speak playing myself that young and am I gonna take a hepa taemin are you willing are you kidding way to reach your moral as we get proper married married you want me well I don't hardly think we get to honeymoon lane without it I once said I would do anything for enough money and I will retract that state what you meant by there mrs. Fenwick is still here that's a good sign she and Jade must be hitting it off ah mrs. Feng knows of my weight right clear should something go wrong that hillbilly untouchable wants to marry me honey you can't blame him mr. Spang weak your ravishingly beautiful devastatingly seductive woman you who are intoxicated oh darling I almost left to come to my arms I'm sorry Witter I just don't think we'd hit it off here's your dowry back with a family sometimes a happiness were looking for is right in our own backyard now you take mr. Beasley there thank you I shall quickly be easily take me home Oh kind of a skimpy diary but don't set too much store by that how long you been the service 50 Musa long huh well maybe now with a good woman behind you you'll soon have some stripes on them sleeves where are all the happiness to the booth you this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD some Beverly hillbilly my dog is granny you sure you're doing some hype i rockin doing some high-powered thinking thinking and rocking goes together well tell me granny what is this problem that's got you two Rockets ooh it's us kid we don't belong out here these lobby Dodge City folks don't want our kind around now whatever put that notion in your head well here it is partner Christmas back home folks should be stopping by passing the time of day fetching presents and heft and her friendly jug with us well you got to remember one thing granny back home we know what everybody and everybody know does out here we ain't much acquainted yet you can't get acquainted with these folks out here I've been trying all morning I put on my friendly hat wrung out my rocker and a jug a hard cider and I've been sitting here waving and hollering had folks him an appointment image ugh nobody stop only a policeman that's where I'm a jug winner to the police station I bet you got a bunch of friends down there by now might as well face it Jed we ain't out as many friends out here as a horse has toast Turkey spoke too soon granny you gotta come is dry Dale and she's fetching a friend will you please take this animal and keep it here well thank you very kindly and will you please tell everybody that we have a pet ordinance well I'd rather not you b11 come on sit down miss Drysdale will chew the fat we'll have to jog together 30,000 people in Beverly Hills how did I get you with my neighbors just lucky again if I find any more animals in my flower garden I will give them to the police hey you wouldn't appreciate it why they took my jug without so much as a thank you by your liver kissed before true I do hope the new year will be better well thank here the best wishes to you too you gotta admit that was right friendly house doing found your baby her neuro now Andy's been looking all the house for that little rascal me is this your baby go well Thelma is your mom but there's both mine come on everybody let's go swimmin well even I'll put in with you gettin our own goat give to us here comes some more friends well that's the bus fetching Jethro home from pot school in the middle of the morning oh look who's driving miss Millicent Schuyler Potts herself reckon she's come to visit mr. grandey I wonder if I could have a talk with you oh you bet you see granny she's come to visit granny can I have some petals why'd you do with your school lunch oh wait that recess Oh bye miss Potts thanks for the ride you want to come into the kitchen have some grits and owls with Jethro while we visit no thank you well you said yourself you can have a bench bucket or a rocker no what I have to say is quite brief it's simply that Jethro has become my number one problem student where did you hear that granny you deserve all the credit miss Potts I beg your pardon well when Jess who started in your school he couldn't save for a problem for shucks but now he's number one you don't understand your nephew is a most disrupting influence well let me put it this way it will not be necessary for Jethro to return to school after the holidays that's smart is he you dumb it was pot why back home he couldn't even keep up with his class and here he is graduating the head a everybody no no please Oh Jethro is not graduating he is being expelled I don't know how to say this but Jethro is ruining my school and I do not want him to return well for not knowing how you said it pretty plain yes really good enough for you huh damn movin like your troops are doing if a rooster can swim so can turkey gobbler how bad you willing to try let's shake hands oh boy I sure would appreciate if you wouldn't chase the ELMO it shakes your all up I'm going to call the police and have all these animals taken away why they done nothing this is Beverly Hills not a jungle they shall all be locked up in cages don't do that please they wouldn't be happy all caged up we have the C man pond but that's miss Monti she's trying to steal at least chicken probably wants to give us that for New Year's you get your hands off Margaret I'm very busy I haven't time to listen to goat stories stop sneezing what fool with your clothes on I thought you were having some of your bridge club ladies over this afternoon well stop sampling the punch I'll call you back cuz your night aren't you about through you haven't finished dictating not you him sandy Cindy Styne pheromone boasts of her Indian Day go away so mr. Drysdales our friend is he and didn't sound very friendly to me we all know away do you fill these sacks with our money to talk with us uncle jets got forty million dollars in your bank and we got four sacks and dividing four into 40 that figures to ten million in each sack that boy saccharine that's one thing we're gonna miss about Beverly Hills yes we're getting a fine education what are you talking about where you going we're going back home mr. Drysdale you mean for Christmas no ma'am for good what we gotta face up to the truth where is out of place here is four cars in the cream crock all right take those sacks down to where they keep our money and come in filling them up no wait listen come back get out of my way quickly come with me no wait right here and don't move Oh measure him up for a complete table vestido normal CT man you're fixing the time.he yep that ain't enough rope and you ain't enough man Davida study fair miles lamentable very mean listen I couldn't catch them chief well phone gong have them lock the outside doors but it isn't closing time it will be the clappers withdraw your money you never get to be this big germy again what did you do that for get up lucky little feller through this keep you little rope around me real breeze no no he would just measure you for a new suit a Christmas present for me Oh help me get him down you feel my shack up for me I got a few words to say to mr. Drysdale before we go Oh granny this little fellow is this fixing to sew me up some clothes like you're done for mr. Drysdale here shame on you for doing woman's work don't you sass me little man I'll hang you back on that look they won't give us your money let's get the guns off in the truck we're gonna field the bank that's the stock it's over it's too late we assume he's talking before we doing any phew lookie here what I got it I just captured me the first prisoner turn her loose but she's one of the bank people maybe she can get our money first please mr. Clavin let's talk this over we will all right sit down everybody where he's gonna have a count for him thank you he's gonna have a card fab told you turn her loose now do it Oh shucks somebody's always taking the fun out of feud head along come his pots annex Bell Jeff throw out of her school and him the number one stupid Justin ciphering problems granny I want a football championship for the 6th grade - who was it you beat in that last game Jethro uh some outfit they call theirselves the Rams believe me I can explain everything that's happened you can yes I can wife said she's gonna lock up all my critters and mean mouths and me when I pull her out of the pond oh I can explain it no I have a better idea I'll have my wife and mrs. Potts talk to you themselves and they can explain it they can they can and they will for my desk mr. ego mr. Paden Randy Jethro Ellie Mae it's almost Christmas peace on earth goodwill toward men especially to bankers please go back to your home that is the home in Beverly Hills and everything will be explained to your to your satisfaction well it seems fair come on trailer let's go oh thank you thank you now on your way home if you see anything you want for Christmas just pick it up and charge it to me thank you thank you come on oh goody I don't pick down my prison oh yes you will and if I refuse if you refuse the only thing you will find in your stocking on Christmas morning is your foot Beast you are married to a desperate banker and now I'll reason with you mrs. Potts let me start by reminding you that I hold the mortgage on your building so so how would you like to have the only private school in Beverly Hills holding classes on the side wall this is extortion so so I don't do it now here's what you're going to tell yet clamp it so you'll see mr. clamp it I I expel Jethro so that I could come here every evening and give him private instruction trouble for you miss Potts oh nothing is too much trouble if it brings me nearer to the man who's captured my fancy who's that man can't you guess oh man oh man folks around here just ruined me you see Jethro every day and I don't I must say I'm forced to say it's you but you could but but you're fine educated high class big city school teacher but I'm also a woman and you're a man yeah I gotta go along with you on that but and the kind of a man I've always been attracted to raw bone shy clean-cut but basically very very come on now granny is lonesome she doesn't have any friends your bridge club is the answer doesn't even play bridge but you're going to teach granny to play bridge Oh bad as all that you have mrs. Potts to help you and Jane Hathaway to even if she learns to play bridge how could I possibly present that homespun hillbilly to my club miss Hathaway is taking care of that granny will look fine just in time to see your hostess and her beautiful new hostess gown granny Oh granny you are a vision of a chic Beverly Hills hostess from your head right down to your room where's your showing again this thing needs so begin to process what Caprice is supposed to show pumped up to high I feel awesome twice your feet won't show under the bridge tables what kind of a table bridge mrs. Drysdale here and some of her friends are going to play bridge with you oh yeah who shakes he says my wife has a club she better have more in the club if she's gonna walk on me gave a card game a fun game now Margaret you and miss Hathaway take granny into the card room and get things ready I'll send in Miss Potts where is she her in gender sparking in the parlor here's a little verse I made up for you while I was changing my duds Wow very flattering I can hardly wait Oh m'darlin Oh m'darlin Oh m'darlin Milly sent just to see me every evening to such trouble you have you expelled my nephew Jethro just to give you a excuse and your mind said don't you do it but you're hard you'll watch the years you save get up and say now you got my heart too wondering are you the Morpher LM a perfectly divine ballad that mister Clampett has composed just for me where's your wife now she's going to teach granny to play bridge they need a floor so I'd better get three women and one man I'll think about now you just stay right here and listen to mr. clamp it's valid I'm sorry mr. Drysdale but I feel like a Dern fool singing this to you right besides I have some very exciting plans we'll keep you busy for the rest of the day you do yes I want you to be a guest at my club we'll shoot a little golf oh you mean go over to the golf pasture yeah we call it the Country Club uncle Jed I don't want to watch them women play a old card game why don't you come with us yes sir we're gonna shoot some golf yeah I'd like that but you ain't gonna go shooting in your courting clothes are you oh we're gonna best change mrs. Drysdale no use you waitin for us Jethro he'll meet you there all right Jethro I'll see you at the Country Club and meet me in the locker room I'll have some golf clothes for you to change into oh yes sir thank you oh right there done he was 12 cards that's right your Vicky to give us one more yes each player receives 13 cards not this player nobody gives me 39 which is played not by me give me your lucky doesn't you keep the rest let's all just play with 12 cards take the other card Randy I might give you a slam well here we are these two lockers there for you and Jethro somebody's clothes in there I got them for you now I want you to change into these clothes before we play golf then we'll spend a nice relaxing half-hour and the steam room over there yes sir now when you change leave your old clothes inside the locker and close the door I'll see you outside yes true you're younger and Laura willowy than me you try it first yes sir Uncle Jim he never did room he's City family sure must be run one thing certain we can't strip make it out here in the hall tell you what that's cool they're into that steam room and wait for mr. dr Dave you can't see nothing through this little windy well could it sure is hot in here right smart human dude Hey look over here there's rose benches going up just like in a theater well let's climb up the top get us a good seat wait for the show what happened something go wrong with the bridge game hey shorten up did granny got robbed busted it up what ride your granny well first off their mother women wanted me to put my cars down on the table so all of them could see them don't hardly seem fair and when I asked them why they said because you're the dummy ain't nobody called granny a dummy and gets away with it you better believe it how did you mean folks make out it that their country club Katie food just beautiful granny they got the hottest steamiest theater there is that wasn't bad enough they put on a worst show ever did she that's a fact but a bunch of fat old man parading around wrapped in towels and not even know music pity surely Hills can keep their own friendly city people come on Annie may I want to get into some decent rosenhan trabajo yeah we better do that - yes early just kind of shrank up and soggy jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way o to ride one-horse open sleigh we wish you Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry this has been a filmways presentation you long Beverly hillbilly freestyle for did see mr. Drysdale miss Jane said there was gonna surprise us make sure not dead what you lookin fer granny come for the hole in the roof what out the hole in the roof that snow comes from but lookee yonder it's all over the tree and all over the floor telling you sweep it up before it gets to Melton and gets everything sunny you climb up on the roof and patch the hole that it comes to snow at oh it ain't cold and it don't matter I bet you this is what they call artificial snow I don't care what you're calling get up on the roof and patch the hole it comes through yeah throw me just Beverly Hills snow at the kite it falls down from the sky that's right you just throw this around by hand don't even know proper out here Christmas ain't no day to go lambaste in Beverly Hills again hey this one's to you from Miss Jane listen to this - Ellie Mae so sweet and fair use this gift to have dry hair sounds like it's going alright hey Jethro this one here is for you Amy - hey it's from mr. mrs. Drysdale what do you think's in it there's one way to find out open it up look it's a hat hey Dad pretty you like a rain hat yeah this is short enough to keep my hair dry when I'm walking in the rain what's his hose here in the back I recognized let the water drain off Hey look who I got a brand-new suit of clothes made out of rubber fella sure could keep drying this rascal alright guys for walking in the rain I Gilley's hat I reckon these go on my feet we can tie awkward walking in these I'll tell you what why don't you put the whole thing on we see how it looks Hey yes sir oh good you what you got there granny near as I can figure it's one of them electric water machines like we got our back boy this one's got a toes Brian wrap on fancy I can't figure out how to get the ocean on let's turn that and see what happened a lot quieter than the other one I don't think it's working Randy how do you see how it could now way to put water in it lighten up he's done got water in it I didn't say what you see I ain't gonna wash none of our clothes in there and your waters been key well give us a pretty moisture machine pop the Dryad deals o area did you get miss Drysdale present sure did I'll fetch it what's that girl got on her hey that's her new rain hat Miss Jean give it to her I thought it was you supposed to rain out here much sure it is what kind of a varmint is that it's what Miss Drysdale wants most evolved for Christmas a mink especially wanted a full-length mink this one fillable your search as long as they come no answer to this but I'm gonna ask you anyway you didn't buy a chance steal his critter did you no sir well I knowed you hadn't but Miss Drysdale made such a point of it she said she didn't want no mink stole just what I wanted most of all I'm glad you like it dear well now I got a dash over to the Clampetts before they go outside and discover their boat now what we gave them a boat for Christmas among other things and I had the boat cut me deliver it and put it right in front of their door Oh Ravenswood the skipper dressed very boat and skipper isn't that overdoing it all part of a very clever strategy Margaret now I might get jet hooked on sailing just want Ellie Mae on skin diving and granny on deep-sea fishing don't never want to go back to the hills those are things you can't do without an ocean but Newland I don't want them to stay here but Margaret I do now you don't get a coach like that but bottle caps and just for insurance I gave them a television set that's something else they can't get back in the Hills hey no it's a chip and L email be crazy about it oh I hope so sir I would not like to add to my regular duties the daily grooming and dressing of a anthropoid well let's take a mix door we'll put him on the boat ring the doorbell and run yes madam sure is hot in this thing here is meant to be worn mostly in the read how come the guys are giving us so much rain stuff when I ain't supposed rain out here maybe they know something we don't granny well I'm gonna get out of this thing there goes a brats go play that music again pinky learn something new for Christmas I heard somebody drive off maybe I fell on it plays the music well we can't begrudge you taking Christmas day off Rainie you recollect hearing a train last night no how about you Ellie no sir I didn't hear well we must have slept through a regular cloudburst what you mean what I mean is that sometime during the night somebody sailed a boat up our driveway how do you reckon anybody could sail about up here I don't see no high watermark on the house there wasn't no water you must have gotten caught in a heap of wind he bets Jethro out here I'm gonna need help moving this thing yes sir pal whoever done this wears a mighty poor sailor maybe he would just celebrate a mite too much last evening he was drunk as a skunk granny we don't want a mean mouth that sailor too much if I looked like that I might take to drink myself great clouds of blue net area so do you see her I ever did she we don't want to hurt his feelings he might have gotten lost at sea and hadn't had a chance to change yeah don't be afraid you and dry land now you're among friends ain't coming out maybe you don't understand our kind of talk maybe he an American Hopi he's no bigger than this and belated to boot doggy's I'm glad he and one of our boys - that's a sample of what's running our Navy our country is in for a whole heap of trouble sailor talk to him you know when he's stealing to talk I heard something let's see here hoist your lane lover and starboard your anchor out of their budget John did you see Ezra hot-diggity-dog does this ship horn no I think it's water there's a little sailor boy in there he looks like a monkey Jethro don't see things like that he don't want to come out as it is well that first would you call the chimpanzee thank goodness he ain't an American boy go veggie mama reckon if anybody can make a sailor leave his mode it's telling me yes sir he best go along with her looks at him he's been to see you power for a long time oh come on Margaret hurry up I'm counting little bit who are we going to drop in on the art Linkletter the gorge princes the chat dummies the jug Lavin's I refuse to go slumming on Christmas don't suit yourself oh I understand they have a sensational gift for you Oh what is it well who knows with our millions that could be the Hope Diamond goodwill hey granny bills Bob ready I'm hungry you ready in a minute where's your uncle Jim he's still outside puzzling over what to do with that they're both yeah go sit at the table and wait yes ma'am hey you don't expect me to sit at the table with him why not we use a chimpanzee I don't care what country he's from he's home and he's welcome at my table yes ma'am show granny your hands did you like your grits and jowls with sailor boy you don't talk much but he has a ride friendly smile but I'll see you puto I did a mr. middle-drag Daniel merry Christmas to you tell the same to you and many many more I'm sorry about this boat kind of blocking the driveway here was sealed up there last night by a little critter called chimpanzee the chimpanzee didn't do it he's presently made from new pen and me we know how fond the dear girl is of Christmas yeah thank you very much I had the boat but there mr. clapping it's a gift for you from New Britain and me we know how fond you are of outdoorsy things yes oh by the way you'll find a trailer for the boat in your garage trailer from Melbourne indeed we know how it has wheels you can put the boat on it and haul it any patient's like to go well no we sure are obliged for all nice things you give us we got a mighty nice present for you too miss Drysdale how big how nice well speaking of size LME says it's the biggest day oh you shouldn't have done it I shouldn't wait I don't know we could all take it back oh no no no that was just an expression like a diamonds are a girl's best friend Margaret why don't you go on in there are some features of the boat I'd like to point out to mr. clever yes this is working day honestly isn't it and you show where all the water coming from from Lake Erie this is going Lake Ontario I hope it don't flutter our house on the way mr. Ciampa tells me you have a gift for me Oh make sure we have it remains got it out back in with it oh goodness I hope she doesn't lose it oh no no she's got it on the chain oh well that's hurry anyway all right you beat me bananas but you got to admit I up to eating grits I'll bet you I can beat you drinking milk too first I got a rest of my you won skipper run out back and fetch le main tenor miss guys Dale's here for a present yes granny how did mr. Drysdale know Jethro dear boy Hello Sailor you don't talk American ma'am he's a chimpanzee come on skipper sit down Miss Drysdale while we're waiting for Ellie Mae and I'll give me your other present Oh another prison yes ma'am this here is my special Christmas gift pack chock-full of good things to eat Oh simply beautiful what are these divine looking more Souls well up here we have demold hot eggs they don't croak is your true possum sausages candied catfish and over here we have something happen good little teeth the owl burgers please no more sorry but I lost you present oh no I was playing with you by the cement pond and the chain broken it Godwin I just can't find it this is awful sorry granny oh don't worry Ellie I'll make it up to her I'll give her two of my special Christmas gift packs yes mr. Clavin I predict that you're going to get many many hours of enjoyment than that little craft booting has become a tremendously popular sport here it how do you like that that hunk of fur lying on the floor is worth $10,000 you don't say I only paid two bits for him when he was a pup you were $10,000 you rascal my wife's brand-new clothes oh I gave it to her this morning already she leaves it lying around on the floor expert course you Tim come No yes it did that's a heap of money to pay to keep warm and the place is warm to start off with yes you're right but this is a Beverly Hills status symbol oh honey I'm gonna teach her a lesson that woman thinks my money grows on trees where are you going mr. Drysdales I'm going to take this home and hide it I'll see you later never will understand these city husbands back home and a woman done something to rile her man he just take her over his knee and womper whew mr. Drysdales fixing to play hide-and-seek you want to get a better look at skippers boat well that's our boat Jethro is breathing for mr. mr. Drysdale oh by the way le mean did you give me a ride to her present I'm awful sorry pop I was playing with the little critter and it got away miss Grimes alias fit to be tied hey you ought to see her uncle Jed well she's crawling around on her hands and knees rooting through the bushes like a hungry hogs she doesn't give the little critter name and everything you don't say yes sir she calls it Jim she's a crawling around a moaning and a saying where is it where's my beautiful Jim May is fond of critters why that woman is like to go out of her mind over that pesky little varmint what'd you say you called him again Ellie a mink offer to give him a squirrel my polecat I'm a possum or anything she wouldn't even listen right ahead a moaning in a root two of my special gift packs even that didn't quite know down hungry he'll show up come on let's go look at our boat this boat is something else why these beds down here and even a washbasin I don't think so it might just up and sail off with me tip off without water you throw you got to bring your truck ground so we can find some water to sail this rascal oh yes sir hey Uncle Jim hey what's this thing well miss Brad told me that too lifesaver Oh take any dog it's the biggest one I ever did see stay for eatin you can say that again not no taste at all Oh where's my me beautiful oh come summertime I will show up granny even early wouldn't be that grieved over a lost critter especially once you never laid eyes on their so busted up she even forgot for special gift packs well we can take them over later yeah and the special one I made for mr. Drysdale it's four feet high right in the middle that has a smoked pig with a hedge apple in his mouth now we go out and find some water to float our boating who's that sitting up there beside Ellie that's skipper looks like they got a coating ahead on him I keep skip right girls all hat and coat because he's from the warm country oh great reckon we ought to look first well here till there's a Los Angeles River how about that yeah sounds like gotta float a good-sized boat let's get rolling beautiful call that thing a river oh yes ma'am granny that there's what they call the Los Angeles River beautiful beautiful Venice for certain we can't float our boat in there what are we gonna do that uncle jet let's take a drive around see what other folks does with their boots how about we drive up onto the freeway let's go hey uncle Ted yonder is a boat that boat was rolling on wheels mr. drives he'll give us we use for our boat to gender goes another one let's get off the freeway yes throw try some other streets everybody keep your eyes being water and boats Dodgers one there's a whole lot full on wheels - what's y'all Jan through you run into that uncle Jay are we I know now mr. Drysdale gears and wheels for our boat there's not enough water in this place to boil an egg let alone a boat oh we got to put our boat on wheels and haul around the street well that wouldn't be much fun you can't dive off it you can't fish y'all well I don't know Jethro it must be some fun or all them people wouldn't be doing it no one knew we couldn't find any water lookie here even the washing machine has dried up babe it's been a drag Christmas but right Mary one this has been a filmways presentation you you dog Beverly hillbilly there's no taters uncle yet don't hardly look at you through well a Pinkerton or two dozen better fetch me the peelings I got a feeling that's where most of the taters it noogie how's it taste uncle Chet it it for maybe the peels will help don't men dog gonna just don't seem right us doing woman's work whilst granted sets in front of that TV set all day ever since she found out it wasn't a wash machine she had been more than three feet away from it he's like a young with a new toy like Elliot with a new critter how come she ain't in there doing this cooking yet room I just don't believe Ellie was cut out for fixing vittles I never forget the time she made that gooseberry pie ruined our best goose and a whole bucket of berries she put together and it was a mess out there looking for stuff to put in this here onions hey they ought to go dandy in here Blonsky forgive Nepal Thank You skipper he's here Beverly Hills onions he got a little bite to them tops sure do flower up pretty horsies and drop them in the pot tops it off yeah we need all the flavor we can get where'd you find him Ellie oh look a the Drysdales good yes your ideals good you very much oh yes sir pal miss drive DSS go around to the kitchen door and get some from the cook but skipper bounced them on the way and we didn't have to bother Dumbo drop them in the bud yes no don't you stay in here sniffing would you like some more there's a whole big patch up a few more might help really that's do ain't got too much going for it how's it going boy better steal pitiful you need onions ain't doing nothing just got to get granny to help us you ain't gonna pry loose from that TV set now this is the time her favor ID his own you mean that big strapping cowboy star that's right marshal quark manly too gun tamer of the Wild West sneaking up behind you Hey oh you're done for now a boy corn after him I can tell you where they headed quark to town to hide in the saloon it won't do you no good to hide in that saloon your dirty yellow coward to find you do you no good to hide Matt salut I don't quark where to look say your prayers ela Bellas I'm coming in is he gonna tackle a whole saloon full of bad men whole by yourself you betcha quite manly don't need no help even worse earlier 40 bullets in them he's more than fresh totally you didn't need no help right smart of a man all right chase them next time oh so easy oh yeah granny he sure is a rip-snorting fighter Oh quick look now he's fixing the rest of his horse no no Jim after a fight he always hugs Oh silver tree then he rides off into the sunset I'm figure of man sits toll in the saddle don't he have no sweetheart like hoot Gibson Oh his hand no ain't no girl good enough for Pammy he only loves his horse his dog even Elliot sure hit it off without being finer critters and neither one of them having a sweetheart yonder goes a man frilly me Wild West IRA and he can tame one wild girl leastways he'd have a fighting chance whereabouts with a fella go to find old quick off into the sunset awakened a big place to commence looking prize barber Cody and Vernon that's the botanical term for daffodils get a good boy Jane has a reward for you a genuine quick manly cowboy outfit oh honey Miss Jane Jethro and I was my strong handsome manly hero today well you'll have to ask granny she's the one who watches him soon quick manly to the television I know you're hungry skipper so am i but this still ain't nearly ready yet stew what are you putting in there everything I can lay my hands on I ain't got no flavor at all you need a woman to do this kind of work for you that's a fact you can say that again there happens to be such a woman available I know but I don't stand much chance with her would you not gonna take over right now and prepare your delicious meal I sure would and drop to your knees my handsome and ask me the question that is in your heart please will you go get granny get up off that floor and stir the stoop will you stay in and have it with it such as a year well yes but let me do what are you doing like to know where to find that quick manly well if you mean the television star he lives right here in Beverly Hills you did could we get him to meet up with Ella me sure mr. Drysdale could arrange it I sure wish she'd hurry monkeys liable to get yourself hurt I see you got some vittles oh yes sir good yet told the fellow down to the store about granny watching TV all day stead of cooking so he sold me these TV vittles all packaged up and ready to eat that's fine now one quick manly gets here we got something else to offer and besides that pitiful stew is quart manly coming here yes right now I want you to get the truck around back so when he rides up here his horse won't shy at it but yes sir and see your guns clean good we'll ask him to give us some shooting lessons but we know how to shoot I'd like that rascal granny says he can drop seven eight wrestlers with one shot they know he's got a couple six shooters that shoot all day without reloading I can't wait but it's grabbing over granny little leather pouch no bigger than that there's in it no there's 22 men tearing each other apart trying to get a big pad sitting there watching him but not one of them has lifted a finger to stop that terrible fighter in a striped shirt seems to be trying him he keeps growing up whistling hoppin around the minute he turns his back they line up go to spin again yes I knew mr. Drysdale could arrange it quite could whoa balls come on ready mister you find elevating get her into a dress all right I know silver triggers may any place about them - gunshots hey yourself kid we're able to find 30 or 40 wrestlers layin out front please friends miss mammy how come you ain't ridin silver trigger it damn dirty wrestlers get him I ain't no quick manic okay there's only one man like him why he's the biggest the bravest the fightingest the strongest the hard rightness and the straight shoot this man alive are you people put me oh yeah sure it was huh I got a sore throat sometimes the voice just sneaks out that way come on Edward I'll doctor you ain't got the time ma'am ain't got the time still out I'll autograph a couple of pictures for you before I go yeah well so long now I've got to be driving off into the sunset what about enemy enemy skipper and refuses to come down I'll go fetch you down if you can keep mr. manleigh from leaving please don't go quirt well sorry man but gotta hit the trail well so long mule hold on there mr. manleigh my boss mr. Drysdale has been speaking with your boss the sponsor and he wants you to stay here and meet Ellie Mae oh well in that case I I reckon I could spare a couple of moments container it's big quirt friendly well thank you ma'am thank you I wish I was ten years younger I'd end you right now I do that Ellie Mae a run for her money oh it was partial to tall man come on you and me are gonna have to jug together oh I know you don't grip but it won't hurt you're just fall off the wagon just once hey I don't want no more arguments from you you need up them backs there's a change you to address well why can't I wear cowboy clothes like court merely because a man like manly or what's a woman that's womanly no yes really did you what are you pouring into the stew cornmeal somebody you set down and make yourself to home I run upstairs and fetch any man if you wanna see a real rip snortin fight turn on the TV there's twenty two fellers are having a real hot Dowland random course you could flip him with one hand yonder he said that's him with the broad shoulders and hat sits tall in the chair Dhoni sure does granny well you leave stands up yeah and he did let's make the acquaintance ready he done run off of the best part of it Oh granny I know you've had a cruel blow seeing you here will come apart like that right in front of your eyes but you can't drown your sorrows in a jug I don't take nothing before and you know it turtle fly off it man by the way where is your drinking symbol right here ready yeah how about we all take a nice ride in the truck little fresh air might do you some good after if they were full of that it's the first time I've ever seen a swimming chicken that's nothing I got a captive swims Tim and a rooster that plays dead a dog two climbs trees and a turkey that shakes hands my goodness I just love animals like these and it's the little ones big animals like horses kind of scare me like the window TV oh that's not merely me that's my double he does my ride shoot fighting falling off cliffs and things like that I have another double who does the deep force for me I called him my double double do you do mr. manleigh oh please Ellie Mae call me Henry that's my real name you see I'm only on the show because my father's the sponsor they just used me for close-ups they say I have a sincere face got an I like it Oh Thank You Ellie me I like your face too and now that I come to think of it I like the rest of you did you notice that right well that's what I really like to do makeup poems for girls like you well there goes another one just bottom in time would you like me to make up a poem about a raccoon I sure would and Alma what dude very well I like the raccoon because he is so filled with goodness and generosity well look how he gives us his skin for use on our garments and other apparel in addition raccoons act natural and don't put on airs as diff skunks and old turn out to be on TV I only mate excuse me little fella can you tell me where I could find mr. quirt Manny I noticed you was toting his hat for him well this here is port man I just Rob stop joking LM a I'm in a hurry I want to ask him if I can borrow his pretty car to drive around the block a couple times oh yes you made Jethro the car belongs to my father so it's alright yeah hey do you think he'd tear me to pieces if I borrowed his hat too I can promise you he won't mr. manleigh a word with you please I know what you're gonna say mr. clamp it and I don't blame you for wanting to shoot me oh wait nothing like that at all I just want to talk about granny I guess I must have been a terrible disappointment to her she is might let down but I think we can pull her out of it every all tug together now first off I'm gonna learn you how to shoot a gun and Ellie here you're gonna learn you how to fight I'm afraid of guns but I'm not like learning to fight Pam you had naught to jumped in the car like that especially with me going bertin at 30 miles an hour I do anything sit next to court manly but my teammate quirt manly don't think you can fool me I've seen you on television and I dreamed of the day when I could get close enough to throw my arms around you and kiss you like darling court honest ma'am my name is what my name is Kirk Bailey I tell you granny that little feller is a crack shot he could stayed on our front porch and light a match clean house by the front gate with a six-shooter I don't believe it come on I'll show you Jen tells me you're pretty good with demo six-shooters granny he's a blue-tailed marvel he's gonna whip out their guns and Bam Bam Bam to light them three matches stuck in the ground down there this side of the wall I believe it when I see it alright where are you going oh I can't bear to watch him he puts me plumb to shame come in shoot you count to three and I'll draw a far one Juicery fondo you see granny some heroes as fighters and some heroes as lovers and I recognize a cowboy where'd you get all these girl they think of a rich TV star see ya you girls cocking the money how sure you are you can divide up that whole role he's a little cowboy inside there all you gotta do is go in there make a big fuss over him and take on about how cute he is will you do it as soon as they show granny what a ladies man little quart is crazy you this has been a filmways presentation you the Beverly hillbilly you see them it's easy I just throw this stick out Yahoo you pick it up and fetch it back okay I will do it again all right I'll show you just once more now you watch Duke boy shucks you know some Uncle Jack there is a real dumb dog I don't think he should know yes sir oh he just learned you had a fetch sticks for the dog he's the one that's supposed to do the fetching why does the fellow down the street that has the dog that fetches sticks for him all day well next time you want some sticks fetch go down the street and let that dog fish you just don't care nothing about it you want some vittles today I do granny I've worked up a ride smart appetite fetching sticks for over we gonna do four middles hey I remember something mr. Drysdale told us when we first moved in here what's that he said any time granny didn't feel like cooking there was some folks that had fetched food over to us here in Beverly Hills this man all you got to do is call him on the telephone and tell him what you want oh no he's that's mighty neighborly you're calling named Jethro let's see cater and call my first name it's a woman Beverly Beverly caterer I feel Witter woman is cooked in they had more time let's call up the winner and see what she's got cooking today just a minute Jen I want it made clear that I'm gonna do something for her in return Oh naturally we don't take charity right again a haughty miss operator this year a Jed Clampett well I'm wanting to call her with a caterer never leaves a Christian name I don't rightly know what her late husband was called anyway she's the one that cooks the food and takes it around to folks yes ma'am that's it Beverly caterer Oh caterers is it more than one the fact that litters got some young uns to help good most times they leave home just women why thank you ma'am I was saying that most times young uns leave home just about the time that you well how'd it to you miss Beverly cater this here is Jed Clampett sound like a right friendly woman howdy Beverly this year's brandy I'm a winner Michelle and I was just saying it's nice when the others stay home to help you so many times he leaves just when you need a most I'll let you in and folks talk about the middle but first I just want to say if you ever need a fence minute or a well bugger any hate me where could tell he just called on just thrown me now here's granny Emily once you got on the back of the stove this morning I don't want to put you two no extra trouble huh well me I'm partial to bake possum but we'll take down your fat backer shall belly any kind of Eagle pleasure is considerable once your nuts I never know anybody could turn nasty quicker hurt hard to tell Jed a generous woman like her probably gets took advantage of a lot and tired to boot I reckon yet I can't learn this dumb old dog to fetch a stick Duchaine a bunch of wasted time chasing a piece you wouldn't know well can I take him hunting in like to see him chase something crazy that's idea that might put some fresh meat on our table alright boy it makes more sense than fetching a stick specially the Duke you want to come along granny no I better stay here and guard my kitchen okay come on Duke let's get the guns alright you kitchen against hooray against Ares critters that's who is beginning to take over why I can't hardly open the icebox how do miss Beverly it's me Jed Clampett it sound like you're in the right friendly mood again Jethro's going out to shoot us some fresh game eating a monkey got in the icebox and granny's right upset now Beverly could you spare us a jar of pickle pawpaws what's that I miss Gator I never hello hey Uncas hit that mr. Kator being a widow such a good cook and friendly and generous not how about you kortner get Ellie your new ma huh I don't think so guess Russia got a temper goes off just like that and what it does she turns plumb nasty matter of fact I'm beginning to wonder where the mr. Kator passed on natural or not mr. dighby come on dude how come you toting so many guns and that shovel Jethro granny gave me strict orders not to come back empty-handed I'm ready for anything the jumps flies runs or digs into the ground good luck boy oh thank goodness you're back I didn't want to disturb you from eating but your wife has been calling frantically y'all that woman gets hysterical over nothing what's it now well it seems there's a kangaroo in your backyard you see the slightest little what kangaroo where did it come from Australia that's the only continent where oh I know that how did it get in my backyard well your wife was rather incoherent but Ravenswood said it's from the second National Bank of Melbourne Thank You national man oh that's where gene Sandler was transferred to from ha ha that explains his Christmas card the humor of the situation chief well I sent him an alligator wallet so he said he was going to send me a kangaroo pouch humor yes we'll have the zoo picking up our coal market mister gardels office Oh randoms wood uh-huh mm-hmm good I'll tell mr. Drysdales oh and don't worry about the kangaroo does it we'll take care of it right shitty Oh Ravenswood has your wife under sedation and she's resting comfortably oh good mutton and Yorkshire pudding should hit the spot you baby from Down Under but we're all part of the Empire Bret the zoo must have already come for you oh I'm Norma cook up my ramp it's too soon to be one or two just a ream to go hunt head yeah well he needed to bothered there's a jackrabbit I tell you I ain't touched a drop and there is a giant Jackrabbit out in our backyard and it is this you and me has seen some good-sized Jackson are today but not 5-foot tall yeah there's a lot of things we never seen back home that we are seeing out here and that's one of them I pee my plan ice box opener go take a look at you jack no no sure as I live and breathe he was sitting right there i foot totally look at me in the eye look tall second was he yes he was where did that Jackrabbit go yeah well why don't you look out front maybe you hopped over the house it's like you say but you see cuz I'll find him what sounds not about bringing nothing Oh tell her Jed I don't want her making a pass out of all that meat in the kitchen get out my biggest oh never mind Ellie just try to keep your critters from pestering grannies you got a so upset she's got into her jug and now she's seeing visions what kind of Asians yeah arrogance alright to tell you granny thinks she's seen a five-foot Jackrabbit howdy mr. jackrabbit the weather's turned off real nice ain't it Heidi fine so we're out there on the lawn if you want to fatten up I mean if you're hungry you go away there's somebody I want you to meet I'll be right back the giant rabbit you better lay down spam no no you get away I lost my glasses but it must be out there somewhere we are Sam easy I want Lonnie covert great big old big jack rabbit don't get upset there's other college too there's a blue one there's the green one it goes one with purple polka dot what's how'd you say mr. Jack Rabbit alright I'll tell her he says he thinks you ought to go in late error I think I better hedge it howdy Miss Jane cuz I can't find no good huntin place that's why granny give two strict orders to bring home some meat Jethro food should never be a problem to people of your means there are markets supermarkets caterers uncle Chad call dr. Beverly cater and he got me Myles something awful mean yeah he says she's a nasty tempered woman that ever answered a telephone well mr. Drossel hear this the bank has a substantial interest in Beverly caterers you wait here what I had it Beverly this is Jed Clampett you're sounding the right blood again no wait ma'am I ain't cold ask for middles is just that granny's laying down with a right smart headache I was wondering what he could fix her poultice I don't see how that could help hello hello hello have you spoken today is your name what do you mean well then we gotta catch a snare and put a snare out for him granny wouldn't you draw the lay back down let me bring you a nice big cup of black coffee whether you help me or not I don't care oh yeah I'll help you all right now you get me a nice big stout rope and put some bait in the snare yeah take about two dozen carrots for a rabbit that size oh you're thinkin straight yeah just took me away restitution is about to be paid yes now I'll give your uncle Jed a message tell even the telephone will arrive in person to offer her abject apology yes and tell granny she needn't worry about food the young lady will also bring with her a truck full of delicious piping hot vines and an assortment of tasty beverages all of which will be offered at your pleasure yes no no chief I think you've said it all that sure is gonna make uncle Jed and granny happy Thank You mr. Dodge day not at all don't you think you should reward me for my efforts well oh my god with me is a nickel and two pennies but you can have that always for a handsome young man's reward a young lady they is yes tell me do you enjoy kissing I like to kiss girls I'm going to close my eyes and I want you to enjoy yes ma'am let's see if I were to tie another rope on to the bottom of that limb pull it down then take my loop and put some carrots in it mr. Jackrabbit would you like to step into my kitchen get away from me again I can tell you that are you gonna come peaceable or do I have to take you by force yes my plan to go granny where are you hiding them judge granny you don't have to do no cooking like I said that they're Beverly caterers gonna bring over a whole truckload of ions and beverages I ain't dependent on nobody where the temper as bad as her next couple of weeks we're gonna be high on the rabbit where'd you get all the rabbits one rabbit Jethro one rabbit he must be a whopper big mountain jacks we used to see back home yeah I see me a jackrabbit that could put a pair of in his pocket pocket sure he stands five feet tall and he has a pocket but you don't believe me and do you oh yes I do granny no here down Oh granny I sure I do no you know all right I don't believe you mr. Tinsman do I have to face mr. Clampett all by myself yes you do you're the one who insulted him on the phone and you're the one who'll expect an apology from but he talked like a nut Billington a man as rich as mr. Clampett they talk like an eccentric but never like a nut I sure hope you'll forgive me he'll forgive you if he's anywhere between 15 and 95 he'll forgive you I'll take the food rather the kitchen is mr. clamp don't say much but he'd read smart mr. Clampett I'm here to apologize about the way I spoke to you on the telephone earlier today your bear really caters yes sir well your deal Junger - figured he prettier do thank you I'm awfully sorry about losing my temper when you called oh now now I understand woman works hard all day cooking doing for other young men is hanging on her apron she gets a man lost fish and you not having a husband to help yes that's right I don't have a husband how many young had you got young uns helping you with a cooking and fetching over to your place Oh help well let's see 7/7 you must be from our part of the country got started young didn't you wait come on right ever you wanted to meet you cheat on the kitchen that's mr. Tinsman at the back door he's my boss I mean come here now get ready a real pleasure mr. Cabot I'm bill kinsman I hope everything has been straight enough and the Beverly caterers will always be welcome in your home are you bet your life is mighty fine young woman she says you're her boss that is right I own Beverly caterers ticket you she can you do that of course oh uh mr. Drye still holds a small mortgage and as soon as that's paid off she's all mine don't take the ham off the hog these folks is fabricators and Bill Tinsman he's the one that's all the cooking I hope we can cook for you with Randy with this one Jackrabbit that's what I wanted you to cook for me we stand about five foot tall and brown eyes and a puppeteer don't go away we be back directly y'all go into parlor and let the little fella play pie Annie for you you say eccentric I still say nuts see ya right let's get out of here understand it he was free why should he return something was to frighten him I'll say if he prefers his crate to freedom what could it be yes granny what is it no we have it you won't find any jack rabbits and Beverly Hills granny I'll telephone the zoo's coming later I'm gonna get that nice Beverly caters to make a Poulos tree he didn't you caught some in you Schneider she did wanted to take what you can't jelly this has been a filmways presentation you you the Beverly hillbilly oh that don't sound like old lathe creek from back home he does for a fact what do you suppose that know it's around here your polygons yes so Jen every but always did say we had two pretty girls now you bet yes hey what's difficult home from school yet girl I had to leave my woman home to do the tours granny Ruth needed batch and Wael caved and had to be dog out you'll need to chew lots of little things like that no we just bought gully jumpers we don't roofs high on a hill like you folks spilling out in the corner mrs. Craig Mazin I believe my woman to home any minute and it's Belle she's over at the motel unpacking a party in herself up motel marlis we got plenty of room to take care you and actually been right here well now dead you know I want to trade on a friendship of course after get through with se Belle's property Hicks then we're gonna be wanting to live near arcinfo hitched Isabel you mean you don't know but that boy's been up to no I can't say it's our newly and we've got some talking to do man to man come on II will make a pot of coffee say you got a couple of five women folk there I reckon you're as proud of them as I have a mind all right I reckon you'd want to see right done by leb just the same as I'd want to see right done by acid better I reckon all right you wouldn't want no a young man playing fast and loose with her feelings supposing you stop blowing on the fur and get to the hide what are you trying to say don't call me easy saying what I got let's go and sit down and give it a try you've got yourself a regular palace here you know just rolling as available well to speak plain out your jethro done grabbed ahold of my ass the Bellas I don't recall Jethro mention se bells name since we last summer once you win our beauty contest that's when it happened what happened this has loved by your Jethro to my hair smell love letter steaming hot I gotta have a long talk with that boy you see the letters Deb I had better you having a Purdy sweet innocent young daughter you own you might just anger up to the point where you hurt that boy gets real got out of line did he well I wouldn't exactly call it getting out of line providing his intentions he is honourable these letters wrote wait last summer how come you're just getting here well no I ate a Waller any money like you Jim I had to scrimp and save to get to where I could afford to make the trip well I'm a poor man only treasure I gots my little ass about all right Lacey not knowing what just rural road it's hard for me to speak but I know he'll want to do the right thing and I'll see that he does spoke like a true heal man why I said the morning before I left my dry eyes Morty Jed Clampett Sam an honor I says he'll see the Jethro does the right thing by our Sol and I will to believe you can count on it yes sir Jed you sure got yourself a palace for that honey old Jethro when he gets mad even being almost like a son to you and all chickens before they're hatched I want to hear yes row side of this first oh you're a good man Jed fair like I said Nancy barrel I said dry your eyes honey Jed Clampett is a fair man he's gonna do the fair thing he's gonna see you married fair and proper to Jethro like I said to you later what was driving that trucks mighty Shayan brain that's Jethro fine boy a fear says it last summer ye root some love letters to his daughter se bear love letters why it ain't nothing to be ashamed no son will snatch the thing in the world boy like you to write letters to a beautiful girl like yesterday they must find letters to you should be proud on them thank you how come she never answered him well son right after she won that beauty contest he must have got hundreds of letters like yours proposing marriage and things what took her a while old only get through did you propose marriage and him letters most natural thing in the world my handsome boy like you give me a chance to think leave it eat something comes easy to come from the heart never said he was in love with us he been well he always was you remember when you used to tour the books home from school old man Pat he took him away from me and beat you up yeah but he was twice as big as me yeah but if you was to marry Isabel now that would sure leave old Mel Pratt thank you for my name you have to decide about right now well of course you don't you just think on it for a while think about how asset bells the prettiest girl on the hills yeah best answer do ya how much you'd like to marry ya think what you knew you sure you're ready to support a wife could be you'd have to quit school Diggity Dog then I'm ready I'll bail over for supper but first you go down to one of them fancy Beverly Hills jewelry stores and you pick out a great big diamond ring all right and while I'm here I'll get something for a seatbelt ooh see you later someday yeah I should have had a long talk with that boy maybe they'll make a good wife for Jethro boy ready to get married granny he just don't know what it's all about he's a heap smarter than you give him credit for why he's halfway through the sixth grade and it is a book learnin but when it comes to knowing about life hey great hey you gonna dance at my wedding and show them they're pretty ankles a yarn listen to me boy Mary there's nothing fun about now are you sure you're ready to give that see bell creeks your name if she wants it Jethro seems like a rat poor name for a girl see what I mean granny said he'll pick out you in ghent throw me I don't reckon a jewelry store is the best place for this little feller he's right giving a picking up things and slaughter them see what you mean Oh skipper you stay here why used eat some of them diamond ring they give you the stomachache just a moment please I'm sure you must be in the wrong place is this a jewelry store would yes but we sell only the very finest and most expensive pieces I suggest you try an ocean store yes Road don't got the notion what he needs now is a ring please no I sure then red diamonds is Purdy those are rubies well Oscar if you are sell one Ruby I'm referring to is not a lady how she got them rings is your own understand how out of place you are when I tell you that no ring in this case sells for less than $10,000 and I wouldn't you like to look elsewhere yeah sure you keep the good stuff Georgie God please mr. Drysdale said we should always ask for the best you mention the name Drysdale yes sir yes sir door neighbor he keeps judge thirty-five million in his bank I ain't sure it's 35 million no more might be close to 40 by now who's closer for me stand by till I make one call things have been so since Christmas you did a mighty why I say you decide the valuable jetrel I didn't decide Paul you did I didn't even answer his letters well it was a good thing I did discover those letters you'd have been very good at no account males black male driving a no-account he's a good strong hard-working boy you can learn to keep your mouth shut girl you've got to learn to keep your mouth shut especially when there's any food around I still can't figure out where you found vittles enough to put all that weight since last summer now Pratt's been feeding me he wanted me to get good and strong so I could help him clear that acre of land that ain't lamb girl that's rocks to marry up with a boy that's got an acre Roxy sort of these two having cotton pile up into a fire palace like loves me and I love him I don't want to hear that name no more Isabel you gonna marry into the lap of luxury girl you're gonna wear fine clothes and tools you're gonna have servants to wait on your hand and foot you're gonna have a button run in the head of your opening doors all kinds of things like that how is a bit you don't want him to think we ain't never seen a butler before I do hope you'll tell mr. Drysdale how well we have treated you here here we are now this is the engagement ring thank you and you might in a subtle way of course let the bride know that she is getting 10 perfect carats mylashia nice my foot after the money you spent he could at least send her a smoked ham I'm Adams lovely necklace and earrings about fifty but of course they're not perfect well in that case I'll take turns for Mademoiselle this beautiful diamond bracelet do I get some carrots too oh yes indeed about 30 you sure are generous with your vegetables no I you said we're going to be sending me a lot of cabbage yes a cabbage is money your store but I'll be dogged if I see how you stay in business you know something power I think that that their butter is nothing but a monkey you ever see a monkey playing a pie Anna no sorry - what's up girl let me do the talking mr. bundler that's mighty fine it's not too many fantastic bellies here yeah I want to see my sweetie through you get ahold of yourself I don't want you running in there and picking up that little girl and scare and a half to dead and put the truck away I'll wait for you here we're all going together like a proper family order at a time like this yes don't be too hard on him Jed now that I think that he must be desperate in love what makes you think so for the past week here at is supper for Jethro that's desperate boy I'll eat anything I don't bite him first looks like that Beverly caterers yeah young cooks for folks ready ready for what ma'am for a regular date hi Mary sure is good to see you are you right on time let's go wait a minute Boy you got a date with this girl get a surrogate ed boy every day after work she picks me up and we drive up into the hills and park and watch the Sun go down then you know what we do enemy you're the house what do you do boy well then we climb into the back of the truck and eat all the vittles it's left I've got your favorite today Jethro Swedish meatballs the girl you're gonna marry is waiting in the house you can't go running off at her and leave se bail okay hey Marian you reckon there's enough meat balls in the truck for the three of us forget it yes your blushing bride come give her a big hug excuse me ma'am I'm looking for my sweet little oh that's about your s about Crick yes email I hope you ain't taking this too high it's hard time like this I understand so you just listen first off I want you to know that we getting Jethro back for you at least cut across the heel and your paws took out after him in his car with Manny riding shotgun I don't excuse the boy for what he'd done but you have cheesed imide since I seen you last filled out you might say Jethro he's got kind of used to these puny city girl Missa Gail I just can't stand - what you suffer ain't there anything I can do thank you what's up no not right now you don't appear to be too unhappy oh heck no as well as Apple I mean about gifts or running off mmm mr. Clair but if I told you something would you promise not to tell Paul that I told cuz he told me not to tell you and if you tell him I told well there just ain't no telling what he might do maybe I can sort out the details and the tolls I think I can promise me it ain't Jethro I'm in love with it's big ol Mel Pratt back home well now uh tell me more or what your part told you not to tell let's have no more this running after other girls no boy can love two girls that leaves this Abela she's about two girls my height yeah but she got worse before I got married come on boy let's start talking about this wedding well mr. Crick you call me daddy now you'll man up with my daughter I don't think I want to get married to nobody I want to finish the sixth grade so as I can be a brain surgeon you should have started thinking about that for you wrote as a beldam hot steam and led us full of love I don't remember no love talk you don't huh now just how'd you stop them with us do your se Bell well ain't that love talk calling a woman dear I'm in trouble with a lot of women men too fixing backhaul right now yes room you get upstairs get back for your honeymoon Oh get up there do like a 1000 yes sir good man cab fare I try to be what do you think of my giving Jethro an s she bailed my house for a wedding present oh really what you call courses just a little too room placement here may cap ie the best accountant yet but I done told up well Rob since I've been there oh talking about this place I'm giving him my little Shack back in the hill back to home yeah there's a half acre land goes with it courses mostly rocks and stumps but a couple of strong young uns like jethro and se bill have that thing cleared four or five years Oh Oh shucks new AC bill fit you in there other wedding present I gave you that's better I always said you as a generous man why just boy I left home I I said the mone I said why did better a generous man while they just no telling what what why why are you doing with him you you can't take him home with ya folks is liable to think he's my grandson or you could tell him he's a monkey I oughta clear it up leastwise for some folks did you mean you ain't gonna give the young uns no money oh you bet I am he is a man here's a brand-new penny for you to nail up over your cabin door it doesn't bring you luck like a new penny thank you daddy Clampett look ain't it shiny yeah well you'll be better off marrying that Mel Pratt he's got a whole egg on a nice cabin and you got a sound with the little pigs just a minute eres Missy bill was promised to Jethro while we're on that subject let's have a look at her dowry I got no dowry better Clampett yeah you don't want to throw Mara no girl without a dowry no meal pack you don't care you take a dollar odo ain't gonna be no wedding granny I'm taking my a sea otter dance now let's have it well she's going to marry Mel Pratt don't bother me with details let's get on with the wind dance for a fact I do daughter always say to you is a tenders mange forget it leaves old school cost me some cabbage this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD some Beverly hillbilly telling me you better learn skipper some table manners a granny ain't gonna let him eat in the kitchen I'd rather have him eatin in my kitchen than that big overgrown lazy good-for-nothing leaf trick honey don't start on leaf again he's gone he's on his way back to the hill he don't live in the Hills he lives in the gully and it's his kind of give the Hill people a bad name way back to the gully and his daughter with him now let's forget him granny don't get yourself all angered up who's angered up you are because that Lake Creek tried to get you to marry his daughter ain't that right shucks no thanks both going back home sorry thing when a poor old stove up wore out gray-haired old granny has to do all the grudge-holder than the family's gold lace is gone and you can't start a fire I thought you got two sticks to rub together you calling me a stick starting on me here and some of this scalding hot coffee it'll cool you down here we are mr. Crick ma'am I just don't know how to thank you a fine beautiful young city girl like you given a poor old hound dog like me a ride in your beautiful automobile nonsense mr. Crick the moment you told me that you were mr. Clapp its nearest and dearest friend like that trip me two peas in a pod oh I'm so happy that you're staying over miss my own daughter's wedding to do it but I says to myself I says leaf I says if you can pleasure Jade and granny and then young even that itty bitty bit by staying over here like they begged you to you just gotta forget your own pleasure just like mr. Clavin always thinking of others like that Jade me too birds in the Mules tail always works I wish I could stay and see this joyous reunion between two old friends but I must be getting back to the bank yeah you take good care hold dad's money you're here you keep a tight hold on it now don't you worry it's safe that's comforting no mr. barrows friends like you I hope you can stay for a while I'm gonna try my best you've got my word you burn me I'll be back to help you with the dishes planning with petitions and that's what you get when you deal with those gulley people late for the brick milk I reckon we gotta let granny blow off that head of steam she built up over lathe quicker she's gonna be sputtering and hissing like that for weeks I reckon had pleasure heap to cut loose and speak her mind ready what do you think a leaf why he is the laziest go granny go he ever done was to turn over in bed nothing to do and by nightfall it's only half done ready me mouth I'm good woman does all the work over at their place and the only time she ever got him out in the fields she had their sharpen of stumps so he couldn't sit down he ever earned was when his paw paid him to bits to stay away from whitewashes all long and rent her out the hall houses why he's so busy even his scarecrows have to sit in a chair talk about a Meyer why not he wouldn't know the truth that he stepped on a bare forehead go granny catfish no brains got whiskers like how catfish shifty-eyed big feet I don't to talk about know that good em last two wasn't much anyway he better don't you I feel wonderful and I'm gonna cook up a mess of the finest riddles at this family and replant their jaws on I just wrote on me is got some wood to cut out back see you later grant what you got there skipper you speak to me boy mr. Craig I get to my feet honey I'm so tired from walking all the way up here I thought you went back home first bells win Oh Ellie darlin promise me you never gonna treat you poor the way that girl treated me what did she do went away and left me stranded without no car no money no food all second stop we got plenty of food and granny Oh doctor you back to hell no no honey I don't want to burden nobody but I would like to see your paws face just one more time before I pass on to my reward now maybe if you was to help me I could get to my feet and make my way to the table I mean to wherever your paws in the kitchen good charmander's will be safe now oh dear sweet little granny what's a mightier a creek down lazy middle stealing liquor drink and dully jump I thought you'd blow it off all I'd seen ladies back yes but not for long give me that it old friend I didn't have it minder bother you none but they may found me and then forced me to come in and have some vittles to help me get my strength well your own welcome in our table leaf oh no no no no I I ain't looking for no handout leave quick ain't wanted to be asking for charity no siree Lafe Creek wants to work for what he gets I know there was too late Creek well II know call free to work plate whatever make you feel any better here's act you can help Jethro you're on your cut some wood I'd be glad I'd be proud to do it but I think first I'll change into my work clothes I wouldn't want to get my son to go to me suit all my stuff but if you're sending him out there to work I'm going out there first and sharpen them stumps I need it bad hours worked you through I'll say any can we stop for vittles now Uncle Jim quick his lathe gets through eat and granny's feeding him first I thought granny didn't like him well it ain't dad it's just that it's dangerous for other folks to sit at a small table with late when he's eating like a snare drummer and a possum Dave read what crippled your knee well the rumor to his granny now if you was to give me a little bit of you already go to work he'd hardly wait sail into a get working clothes on now you know what's the only places working closes past don't you granny maybe he's turned over a new leaf not unless food under it what you got in the pan nothing I was using it to dip grits and dollars for leaf I couldn't keep ahead of him with a spoon I can't believe it I can't believe that one man could work like that he's another jet club how do miss Hathaway ma'am I'm afraid you caught me resting a bit well you deserve to rest why from my place it sounded like there were three or four men over here sawing chopping splitting logs well that's just the way I work sir mr. quick permit me to introduce mr. clavin's next-door neighbor and the president of our bank mr. Drysdale allows you to meet you mr. quick I ain't good enough to shake the hand an old bank president sir now don't be ridiculous I'd be honored to shake your hand it's all rough and full of calluses from working everyday from sunup to sundown you and Jed Clampett are certainly cast from the same mold two peas in a pod sit down man you must be exhausted oops no mr. banker where I work I could go on like this for days catch up with me a mite I ain't a young fella like you oh I'm not so young the judge are his exact words to me he says now you be sure and speak to young mr. Drysdale about that job John Doe gone and I wasn't gonna let that slip out I was bound and determined not to will you just forget it mr. bank it's Jed's ID not mine not tell me all about it any idea of Jed Clarence I want to hear well JD had this notion that you might could hire me to watch his money form down to your bank oh you mean like a guard night watchman night I'd watch that sounds like I've said it before and I'll say it again a man made quick around will lead to nothing but trouble you're right granny that's a fact yes ma'am I know the Crick's better than any of you I knew his Paul and there's Paul before him and the three everyone put together ain't worth the powder it would take them roll em up you're right granny that's a fact yes ma'am mave creek is all talk why he'd merely mouth you out of your eye teeth and selling back to you leave Creek I know what I'm talking about I've just left your friend life Creek but a hardworking industrious wonderful man he is what did you say then it's subtle if Jed Clampett once yours a night watchman at my bank a night watchman you are if you put it that way I'm afraid I can't take the job oh why not well it makes me feel like I'd treat a possible Jed's house right Boris I see your point you don't want to feel what's the word beholden to Jed Hey that's right mr. Kahn stare I'm a poor man I'm as rough as a cob and plain as dirt when I got my pride you are like mr. Clavin like that get me do berries on a bush all it was I'll say it was my idea to hire you now when do you want to start to work about tonight get some rest rest what's that mr. Creek men like you are few and far between balls Frannie the man is a veritable one-man sawmill cutting chopping splitting logs you see granny old leaf has changed well have he edge I'm gonna jump in that pond with all of my clothes on in a bank at night with a gun and 40 million dollars I told yourself granny she was right granny always was a woman of a word my fishes shoots out of the pond granny I'll set him in the oven let them dry out much obliged shoot boy fetch is your rheumatism medicine oh never mind I can't believe it I seen it but I can't believe it lathe creek swinging an axe you ain't heard the best part granny Oh leave done got yourself a job a job leave Creek that's right I've changed my mind Fitchburg yes sir old Leafs gonna work down to mr. Drysdale Bay the bank where you got your money that's right good turn it no Masco loose like that in a bank it's like putting the hungry fox in a hen house made a chance granny maybe it's a good thing for a lathe to learn a trade at least now folks will know what kind of work he's at it want me to fetch your drinketh devil no this calls for a cool head and warm feet ready to go mr. Crick I so do appreciate you caring me to the bank boy glad to do it if I stayed here I'd have to dig a hole under the alum tree for granny and that there's hard work I mean wor K granny told me never to say that word around you get you to cussing you should do work like taking a whole fine handsome boy like you shucks it's no harder than cutting wood wow I wonder clearing stoves you ought to get yourself married huh then you wouldn't have to do woman's work bankers of comfortable mr. prick mr. Drysdale we'll be right back thank you ma'am my my this must be the finest most beautiful office in all the world oh well I'd hardly say that well that reckon it must be you man birdie girl always makes a room Purdy you devil deads money is it yes the Commerce Bank is very proud to be the guardian of the fortune belonging to your nearest and dearest friend like that Jed me to drip Sardu all's bus make yourself at home I'll just have a few words with Jethro fine boy Jethro looking for a wife you wouldn't even make up might a handsome couple blue blazes - they keep kids money good to see you Jethro mr. Crick what are you doing giving thanks rise there sir it's even thanks for a fine generous upstanding young man like yourself letting a pole Razorback like me work in his fine Bank looking after the money of his nearest and dearest friend hey rich you're a good man Jed Clampett is wealthy and more ways than one he is yes a friend like you is worth more than $1,000,000 oh I do hope to be sir that no-account overgrow big lazy yeah told you ladies got a job I'm talking about destro he promised to commence to dig me a root cellar well Jethro is taking length to work I'm gonna start the root cellar for you one bad apple spoils of Errol you mark my words that leaf is gonna turn those young uns into a no-account like yourself ready for me Freddie root cellar don't look like them to a sport man given time leafing gonna be around do much smaller I bet you mr. Drysdales got him working to beat the band right now I didn't send your whiskers did I hmm suppose time have it tied into one of these is it all for me or do I give you a hat no I don't smoke them mr. Crick would you like me to send them for my barber no no no I can smoke it by myself no I thought you might want a shave and a haircut my barber would be happy to come over here to my office and give you one you mean right while I'm a setting here all I have to do is call him that sure is handy yes I'll just keep that in mind if I ever should need a shave and a haircut right now I'm anxious to get to work that's kind of a man I am I'm not much of a one for setting around good what are having mine for night watching old Jed's money is if you was to put it into some gunnysacks I'd set on them sacks with my shotgun across my land now then you wouldn't have to worry at all you could just go off someplace and sleep like a baby I'm afraid you have a slight misconception about the way we guard our money here at the bank in the first place mr. klappas fortune isn't actually here it ain't no most of Nate is and the money we do keep here is locked in a massive steel vault which cannot possibly be open tonight uh that the kind of worries me or get me being like that well you can stop worrying and mr. Clampett knows his money is perfectly safe and he knows he can get all he wants anytime he wants it and is all that huh he doesn't even have to leave his house that is all that daylight out there why I've got time to chop all dead another quarter would a two for Sunday you sir are the hardest man I have ever seen habitable lifetime sir what you were staying here he's gone home oh well it's only five or six miles to old jets place I guess I'll just run it good form aroma tears of course fantastic man a human dynamo music granny insisted the entire fortune be changed into silver so it could be buried in the backyard what did you say their yard Jethro now get out there and convince digging your granny's root cellar but uncle Jed mr. Crick says I ain't supposed to do woman's work see tolya the bad apple is commencing to spoil the barrel yes no you don't listening what mr. Crick tell you you do what I tell you now get on out there I'll join you in a minute with a shovel yes sir ah here comes the wormy lying sack now stop your granny yes sir but what you fixin to do Jed I'll do it for ya no I want to do it all myself I stopped drunk again well let's come into digging under that big old alemão no Jethro I want to do all the digging around here late the kind of digging the granny one's gonna take one man all day well hard work never hurt nobody I'll see you tomorrow it's a miracle a miracle I said it last night and I'll say it again this morning if that glaive Creek has dug me a root cellar I'll jump back into the cement pond with an anvil in my arms I wouldn't say too much granny leaves been riding full of surprises lately nothing seen enough granny yeah the endless being gonna handle I was counting on that nice deep enough place very little to the right this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD dog Beverly hillbilly don't be such a pig sorry y'all didn't mean it you're crowding me out of my own kitchen how soon you gonna have my root cellar ready well it won't be long now ready lathe Creek cut the most of it done yes sir on me he's going in there square off the corners and putting the framing well let's hurry it up I need a place where I can get off to myself Oh Jethro die in the hole now let's go see how are you doing Oh dark down there how's it going Jethro okay boy one grinny ain't gonna bother you down there that suits me just fine for service like home comes up I'll let the rest of you join me in my cellar ready what you got smeared all over you this here's all you done hit on ice one my pick pretty soon was puddle up it's burned all over the place seller let's look on the bright side granny I think we're in time to plug it up help me fill in this hole don't you want the oil I need more oil like Custer needed more engines hurry up let's go morning can you think of any reason why Jed Clampett would be digging a large hole in his backyard no not unless he's going to take his money out of your bank and Betty it do not joke about such things now find out why the Clampetts are digging yes that's it big hole what's going on in my office yes that well it seems some girl from secretarial pool has been chosen to represent the bank and the contest for queen of Beverly Hills oh gee it seems to me that intellectual measurements should determine who will represent this Bank you got something that of course she's got something there too we have a picture of you with your bank's representative well seems only fitting and proper fine right over here in front of the desk right me chief I thought you agreed with me that if elect was more important than cheesecake oh yes we we do want an intellectual look you are a secretary right oh yes sir mr. Drysdale that's that's Betty excuse me now let's have a nice big smile hold it Thank You mr. Drysdale I'm sure your representative will win the race for Queen oh I hope so after all that's what I'm paying you for good morning mrs. Drysdale no I need what I use my husband's secretary she's in his office with him thank you do you really take shorthand well not very fast it's not too important she is a secretary word of honor this is what is your name kandi Davis yes well this is my name is mrs. Drysdale see that your employees dress properly yeah see that our employees that's probably there is another explanation that I'd like yes dear those hillbilly friends of yours are defacing that beautiful estate next to us they're burrowing about like so many Gophers I wanna know why well I did ask somebody to look into that you chief I forgot you forgot I'll look into it immediately Billie Milburn I've taken all I can from those Clampetts well I haven't that oil money still keeps rolling in that important who steals my purse steals trash shake hands with a dedicated trash collector I'm terribly sorry that was Commerce Bank forgot her banner what is this beauty contest nonsense well it's in connection with Beverly Hills 50th birthday celebration these semi-centennial you see Margaret it is important the spotlight of the world will be on our fair city and what will the spotlight show for unkempt hillbillies digging holes in the ground who's going to look at them with a hundred girls like this parading yes ma'am I hope you're not going to overlook the intellectual approach to this contest we will reign as Queen of Beverly Hills and she wins a trip around the world that's it winning this beauty contest could solve everything Oh Margaret Jane couldn't win with a rented figure but Elly May Clampett could win and naturally her family would want to go around the world with her hmm I don't like the idea oh please Milburn just during the semi-centennial Oh Margaret I don't like it very well mother will arrive tomorrow for six months visit I like it are you gonna drop down goodness sure is hard to wash off let me look at your boy that oil give your life I don't want nothing said about us striking oil why not Oh somebody are just go to for some more money on us so we got more than our share now okay granny I reckon this Trump down good enough come on let's go get me a hand yes sir pop come on skipper don't just stand there with your fingers stuck in the ground do like Gilly said no matter what we do I declare some days it just don't pay to get out of bed for me a year ago digging a hole in the ground but every time we talk about their holes remember well I am I was just trying to tell Miss Jane that everyone outside worship mr. Clavin we shouldn't have secrets from one another now let's discuss those holes you're digging mr. Drysdale level to get you all stirred up what is it about your money tell me you see you're stirred up already let me ask mr. clavin's help with my problem perhaps that will solve yours could we step outside yeah but not too far outside why don't you stay and visit with granny granny let me tell you some of the advantages of the modern day bank vault over say a hole in the ground city of Beverly Hills is about to choose a queen you don't say yes number of beautiful girls have entered the race how many you got running quite a few but there's always room for one or two more and another advantage is that our vault is nice and dry in fact air-conditioned things become moldy and damp when left underground too long but it would be a mite on handy for me to have to go clean down to your bank every time I wanted something now that you won't have to you just picked up the phone tell me how much you want and when you want it and it'll be here like yes ma'am now that'll be much handier than using your own backyard voted especially after all the trouble we had trying to dig them holes out now here are some of the other advantages and in addition to reigning over the city of Beverly Hills is queen the winner will also get a trip around the world yes they'll be parties and dances she'll be the center of attention besieged by handsome eligible men you know something like this is exactly what Anna Mae needs to turn her into a lady you are right she's got a chance of winning mr. Platt but if Ella Mae runs for Queen I can practically assure you that she will win the race I hope I can get her to run talked me into not diggin any more holes come on help me tow something you know what great the city of Beverly Hills gonna have a queen no and you know how they're gonna pick the Queen you're gonna have all the girls run foot race I'll be switch congratulations chief you did a great job I was mildly magnificent how did you do mission accomplished Ellie Mae will enter the race for Queen and the finals will be held beside the club at swimming pool by George that calls for a raise chief it's it's all the line of duty oh no it isn't I deserve a raise and I'm going to have it granny tells me you gonna keep all these little fur down the vault your bank he's gonna fetch it out here yourself until you get it down without air conditioned vault huh granny's got cheese in there or walk down to the bank by itself you give it a chance look up teeth half of victory is better than none wait who's gonna run in the race for queen of Beverly Hills I heard and I think Ellie Mae will win who could possibly beat her I'm great it's gonna try so don't just stand there pick up your basket and let's get back to the ball come offstage and I ain't got a chance to be queen I'll cool down granny I reckon they just never seen how fast you can run ready your now they're ready to run I start you could either get this pistol loaded okay I want you to run your best to give me it'll be good practice for us how can we have to practice granny your knowing bt city women yeah but this is gonna be a wingdinger of a race but twixt you and me and i ain't done no top speed runnin lately Greg you don't have to be made a big queen of Beverly Hills oh dear shucks about it no Emily your Paul wants you in the race and I got a beat you fair and square Artie mark now do your best to give me well he passed me he's like le was out in Frontierland I don't mean nothing she's out in front of me standing still hey you better sit down first bill you sure you want to race against all em young girls young children I'd do anything to be queen of Beverly Hills how come you so anxious cause when I'm Queen folks will have to do what I tell them to and I got a lot of changes in mind for this town sorry I beat you granny you only beat me because we was running on level city paper I'm a stunt jumper and ahead trapper you and Jeff will wrestle me up something to jump over I'll show this young and how to run granny you might get hurt it's like I said gray I don't care nothing about being Queen you don't have to race me now you listen to me both of you if I'm gonna sit on the throne of Beverly Hills these ladies are gonna take me there get ready to run and don't hold how do that time jitter I'm afraid to yeah I miss you again you ready to sit down rest now well not well I don't care what it smells like it stays in the fall until I say take it out I've got some great news mr. Drysdale what is it come in candy we have just come from the first press party and I went around and spoke to every judge personally this young lady was the unanimous favorite a sure winner kitty took a lot of your money mr. Drysdale but wining and dining those fellas sure paid off tomorrow this girl will be the queen of beverly hills chief she would use the intellectual approach as i urged we would not be in this mess what do you mean we this is your problem we remember if you'll excuse us we'd like to go downstairs I got a great idea for a picture yes he's gonna photograph me inside the vault go this might eliminate her right Queen no Queen you've been running for two hours straight and soon as Ellie made this your wind granny I'm stoked you immediately about running for Queen you know I'm I'm hardly my best new bathing suit agent shoot why would you wear one of them things well all the contestants after wear bathing suit I don't believe you granny why if I was to show up in one of them skimpy bathing suits it might start the men folks to fighting over me Rascals might run up and grab me and hug me and kiss me and toke me off and marry me and I just put myself back in the race so you see Miss Davis being a beauty queen isn't all fun it's lots of hardware it - oh I won't mind that I'll just keep thinking about that wonderful trip around the world wonderful have you ever had those shots they give you it's a nightmare wipe your arms will take four weeks and you'll break up these large black and blue bumps and sometimes break out in a rash well other people have gone through it I guess I can now wait you haven't heard the worst part I'm representing your bank don't you want me to win of course I do but I feel responsible I feel duty-bound to show you both sides of the picture you might want to drop out now don't you worry about that nothing can discourage me I'm gonna win that contest for you thanks a million accomplished Ellie Mae will be the sole and fit in the classic family how did you know no good shut up Ellie has a good chance of beating her Oh miss halfway mr. Drysdale can we be getting back to town I have a date tonight with the head judge ladies and gentlemen we have reached a decision the finalists are the representative of the Commerce Bank Miss candy Davis and our unspun surd contestant miss Elly May Clampett excuse me mr. Milburn Drysdale the president the Commerce Bank has announced but today thank you miss coming due due to circumstances beyond her control miss candy Davis has been forced to withdraw from the contest however ladies and gentlemen she will receive a trip around the world at the expense of the bank and a substitute will appear in her place our two finalists will please come forward mrs. clap it first and now the new entry representing the Commerce Bank are you kidding the Commerce Bank feels an intellectual measurements are more important in fiscal policy and we have every confidence that you will agree with us are you kidding each contestant will now step to the microphone and tell us in her own words how she intends to represent the city of Beverly Hills as Queen on her world tour Miss Jane Hathaway ladies and gentlemen if I am so fortunate as to win in the rest assure that I will carry the message of our cultural and intellectual achievements to our sister cities from from boom to boom and now we will hear from the from the winner I mean miss clap well first off I'm gonna take my critics especially my skulk along with me this critters especially skunks don't get much of a chance to trial gonna take my paw and granny and Jethro and our hound dog Oh Duke with me be mighty proud to represent the city of Beverly Hills but just the tricks you and me I'd hate brother Mustaine here would win one moment please first write yourself proud ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please quiet please after due deliberation our judges have come to a unanimous decision the young lady who will represent the city of Beverly Hills as queen is none other that our distinguished judge Miss Karen Crandall I'm so grateful to Bob I'm me mr. Cummings I mean the head judge where you going ready this has been a filmways presentation eighth man DVD
Channel:™ Cartoon Channel
Views: 361,209
Rating: 4.6101265 out of 5
Keywords: Cartoon, Cartoons, TV, TV Series, TV Shows, The Beverly Hillbillies, Buddy Ebsen, Donna Douglas, Irene Ryan
Id: rQchGThHb38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 488min 55sec (29335 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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