The Best Yet | My First Time Reading Naruto

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part two of my discussion of part one of Naruto if you didn't see my part one uh video where I talk about the first 12 volumes of part one of uh Naruto watch that first probably because it talks about the first 12 volumes now I'm going to talk about the next 15 I believe bringing us to the end of the part one bringing us to volume 27 of Naruto so this if you don't know this is my first time reading through the series so I am not the smartest person in the room I'm not the most knowledgeable person in the room but if you want my thoughts as a brand new reader who went into this series knowing nothing completely spoiler-free I'm new to manga generally relatively speaking I've been very obsessed with one piece and I'm finally branching out to other series and Naruto is next on the list and these are my first time thoughts of the series this video is titled probably something along the lines of the best scenes so far uh the reason being because this section I've split uh these two videos up not perfectly in the center because right around here is when we kick into what is in my opinion what contains the best scenes of the series so far uh part one I had some highs I had some lows that I wanted to talk about some things I wanted to whine about some things I wanted to praise and this section is going to be a lot more praise so this video is going to kick off with gar and Sasuke and a couple of things that happened before the battle actually started first of all we learn that uh gar kills indiscriminately without without thought without consideration he has no problem with it he just kills if someone is in his way and then he speaks to the sand I suppose and talks about Mom I'm feeding you these people's blood did that one taste good don't worry I'll get some good blood for you the kid is tormented he has a lot going on inside of him and at the same time we also have Rock Lee kind of going through a range of emotions being really excited for his friends and wanting their success but also feeling feeling jealous and struggling through the fact that he has worked so hard and it's still not enough every time so Sasuke returns from his me mentoring with Kakashi one he now uses Rock's uh moves and I don't know how I feel about that entirely because he learned them in a month when it took Rockley I don't know years of training to get here and I know that Sasuke can do it because he's seen it already with rock Le and he knows Rock Le so he has a learning curve I guess and also he is you life isn't always Fair Sometimes some people are just more skilled than you are but a month feels just like a slap in the face a little bit and I feel bad for Lee but he also shows us that Kakashi has taught him his lightning uh 100b bird strike and it looks incredible oh my goodness this is probably my f oh I don't know this this is in my top these are this and gar I think are my favorite two moves visually I love the way gar looks when he's fighting with how the sand moves in the really unique ways he uses it as a defense as a shell as an attack but I also just think that Sasuke's moves look amazing in the manga but even better in the anime oh my goodness I still haven't watched very much of the anime but I am picking key scenes to watch in motion and SAS looks amazing I also love in this fact that there's some internal stuff that's reflecting the external like gar is stuck in his shell he's made this armor as a defense to try to keep Sasuke from doing any damage and at the same time internally he's trying to work through the shell that he's created asking himself what purpose do I exist why am I alive what is my reason and Sasuke is able to break through his shell and issue some damage and that really also reflects the fact that Sasuke is able to break through his internal shell and his internal armor as well that he is doing his transformation too early he's not following the plan and then when he does do a transformation he's not able to do it entirely at first he's like this sort of half done like half of his body is transformed and then another layer of that and then finally he can reach his full transformation so he's really internally battling the same way that he is externally and internally Sasuke is is breaking through that armor and breaking through the defenses that he's laid just like he is externally and I really like that those two things that this fight has that Duality at the same time we're learning a lot more about Orochi Maru he has kidnapped the third ho ho hok hok I think I said it wrong in the last video I am primarily reading the series and I'm not watching a lot of it so some of my pronunciations are really bad and I'm truly sorry for that but I'm trying to correct the ones that I've learned are wrong so the third H hokaj he's uh kidnapped it turns out he has a history with him he wants trained under him and wanted to become the fourth but he wasn't selected because of his Twisted nature I also really like the duality in these two characters as well in that the uh third Hokage is growing older and because of that he doesn't have as much control over his chakra it's not as strong anymore he's not at his full strength meanwhile we have Orochimaru who is he has obtained some level of immortality I mean he can be killed but he's been seeking immortality and has been successful up to this point on a level and uh and he's he's more youthful than he should be he's more powerful than he should be and he's on this quest to learn all forms of of J of Jitsu Jutsu now I'm concerned that I'm saying that wrong too um he wants to learn all the things and to have all the power available to him and he will do anything that it takes to gain that power um which fits really nicely in with the themes and with the struggle that we see with Sasuke as well but I also really like the duality of these two in that so okay so this is a war torn world this is this is a series where uh there's constant War happening and because of that the Shinobi are constantly in action and they're even raised up to defend their Villages and to die for their Villages so we have children who are trained up as Warriors which we're obviously seeing throughout this entire series and we're seeing how this affects them we're seeing how this mentally um changes them in a lot of ways because of the way of the Shinobi because of the isolation because of the pain because of the loss because of the people that war tears from them and because of how this life um forces them to try to become emotionless or to be isolated like there's a lot of there's a lot of layers in what this war torn world and the systems that they've put at play in order to survive it how that has caused so much trauma on these characters so you have the Hokage who I forgive him for being like a Dumbledore essentially where you have the main character who's being bullied and being mistreated and isolated and just deeply depressed and then you have like the wise old Mentor who just kind of watched and I I forgive him for that because I don't know what could he have done be nice to that kid even though this is a generational issue and I I don't know people have issues with double door too and I kind of do too it's just it's one of those kind of gray what do we do with this the story needs it what do we do kind of situations but also it's the fact that he's leading this group of child soldiers essentially and I it's just one of those really interesting moral situations where I don't entirely know what to do with the Hokage because he clearly the third hok because he clearly loves these kids I mean he calls them his family and he he he cares for them deeply and he's trying to create a sort of family within this horrible situation so I guess that's how I slot him in the moral spectrum is that it doesn't feel comfortable to see some of the decisions made because this is war and war is horrifying right like is that is that the decision I'm supposed to I feel like I need to reread this series in order to know what to do with Hokage but anyway I do like the parallel between the two the third hok that's not his name but I do like the parallel between these two in that um the third Hokage has this this group of people that he's raising up that he's training to fight that he's training to die for the cause and then you also have Orochimaru who's collecting his pets as they call themselves uh who he is training to be isolated who he's training to be ruthless who they having similar trainings but one with an emphasis on camaraderie and love because of the people and one that has an emphasis on whatever it takes and then we even see a little Flash in his past of him actually using people for experimentation and it's really horrifying anyway their fight was crazy and this is one that I haven't watched back in the anime yet but I really want to um with the god of death and with the hand that's grabbing them and H the third Hokage is trying to take him with him like he knows I've I've doomed myself to death at this point by using this but I'm going to take you with me and this leaves Orochimaru for the rest of this section in dire Health his arms he can't use them anymore he's bleeding constantly he seems to be on the brink of death which is why he too is going to be seeking a Healer moving forward so I really enjoyed this section I tried to get through it kind of quickly and failed a little bit because there's other sections that I want to put more emphasis on but I do really like the buildup of Orochimaru his motivations what he'll do um what what he'll do in order to get what he wants and how that will and how that ties in with other characters that have similar goals as well as showing the difference between Orochi maru's goals and methods versus Leaf Village's goals and methods okay so back to the big fight with gar and S and Sasuke those all that kind of interrupted this fight so gar feels like he really understands Sasuke at this point he has those angry tortured eyes that GAR understands he knows the need to kill he knows the isolation and pain that Sasuke lives in but Sasuke has friends and that doesn't make sense to Gar he's like gar but he's loved and that tears gar apart it makes him undone he can't stay focused he can't stay on plan and like I said before he can't reach his transformation like he should seeing someone who's so like him in his his eyes but also in what's going on internally but he's loved torments him and Sasuke is obviously an extremely tormented character as well we talked about that a little bit in the first video and we will talk about it more in this video but he's obviously a really tormented character as well and uh for him it's more focused on needing to be the best needing to be strong enough needing to have enough power to be able to get revenge uh for the people that he's lost the people who he who he so saw die and was tortured with that information so naturally when Sasuke's curse starts to take him over and he becomes immobilized and then Naruto comes in and saves Sasuke that doesn't help his internal struggles at all but I'm really really glad that we took the time to see what made gar what got gar to this point seeing him so isolated and hated as a child because of how he was born he didn't have that love that was a turning point for Naruto he was haunted by the spirit when he slept so he can't sleep out of fear and when he was awake he was so hungry for any sort of connection that he ended up causing greater fear in other people because of this curse he was so filled with pain that he didn't want to live but he wasn't even able to take his own life because of this curse and when he told his caregiver that he doesn't bleed but it hurts right here in his chest he said it always hurts it doesn't bleed but it hurts right here that innocent childlike explanation of loneliness was so effective and then the scene where his aunt who raised him tried to kill him and she revealed that his father sent her to do it that his aunt never loved him even though she tried she wasn't able to she couldn't and even his mother never loved him she gave him the name so that he would have that philosophy to love himself and to fight only for himself so that he could survive and be a reminder to the world of her hatred his aunt had told him that cures of the heart can only be received by another through love love then she told him that he was never loved that he never would be loved and that he didn't deserve love this poor lonely broken child all he wanted in life was love and he believed that his mother loved him that his aunt loved him and that he was worthy of some form of love but he still felt so lonely and he sought more only to learn that even the love he thought he had was not present and in fact he was taught that he was completely un deserving of that love it's natural for us to start drawing these parallels between gar and Naruto as we're seeing G's flashback to see that he is a child who was who had a curse put on him that he didn't choose and was hated and isolated because of that and how damaging that was and how much that hurt him and that culminates to a scene where in Naruto's story in volume 1 he has a display of love one that he felt he didn't deserve and that he didn't understand and that shaped him and for gar that scene should have been or we would have expected it to have been something similar but instead for him it was a scene of you are unworthy you will never be loved you never were loved so we see that GAR is essentially the dark timeline Naruto he is what Naruto would have been if he never had that display of love and that display of loyalty gar is a child who's been subject to the same things but never given any Mercy I did love the imagery in this one where it drew that parallel for us through the mirrored image and through uh G's mirrored part cracking and Naruto laying his head against it as we're seeing G's armor crack and shatter in real life we're seeing the backstory of how he as a human cracked and shatter I also really appreciate after they go into full fight mode we get to see Fox spirit in full form and we see these two uh go head-to-head that it's a headbutt that actually finish it finishes it which is nice because in that paralleled image with the with the mirror you have Naruto laying his head against the glass and it cracking and then we see uh we see Naruto with the headbutt being the thing that actually stops gar now this fight was incredible everything that led up to this fight was incredible it's the aftermath of the fight that might be my favorite scene of the series so far Naruto drug himself to be able to speak to Gar at the end of this fight when they were both spent I really think that in this scene Naruto was the display of love that GAR has been craving his entire life and that his personal character Arc was lacking it may not have been the same kind of display of Love That Haku or that Naruto got and Lee and many others but he told him that he understands his hurt and he showed him a real kindness and tenderness and look at gara's face this is an encounter that he's never had before and it's something that means something great to him now he's had someone see through the spirit that torments him and see him as gar and still show him kindness then he followed that up by speaking on the relationships that Naruto is fighting for solidifying that camaraderie that is essential to the core themes of this story gar asked the question why should you care about others and then he reflects that perhaps someday and then it cuts to the kanji that says love I really think that here he's reflecting on the fact that Naruto understands him that Naruto has been through something similar the whole this whole time gar has been comparing himself to Sasuke he's been looking at Sasuke and saying you I understand you you have Hate in Your Eyes you have revenge in your heart you you want to kill you and I are one and he's he's been understanding Sasuke and then Here Naruto is who shocks gar by understanding him and then gar reflects on his own life and and thinks is there hope for me that maybe someday I could experience love as well this isn't the same Act of Love That Naruto experienced that changed him that changed the trajectory of his life but it is a start it's hope that maybe gar could have that that experience too at least I think that's the way I interpreted this scene and I really really really loved it the story constantly has scenes where words change a person's Arc words change the trajectory that a person is going on over and over again this happens with the side characters and with the main characters alike and I don't know how G's Arc ends but I just really hope for the kid I just really hope for him the funeral for the third Hokage was a really great scene I love the way uh sadness is portrayed in this series it's almost always coupled with rain or at least from my perspective that's what I've tied to it a lot of times and how these characters have these sort of solemn Stark faces in the midst of that sadness it also I think probably is indicative to the fact that they're taught not to cry and not to show emotion and so it's almost like external factors are being that sort of release for them like the rain is the release for the tears that they're not supposed to shed which only makes it when characters do cry in the series it only makes that so much more impactful of a scene also IIA I offended so many people by not learning his name in the last video so I learned it for you oh but I bet I'm saying it wrong jeriah that looks right to me the the per ninja he is given the title or at least they try to give him the title of the fourth hok but he refuses and instead suggest I don't know how to say her name either sunde that can't be right tnd tnd I'm going to go with that um I I'm sorry s anyway he thinks that she's going to be the right choice and I tend to agree I think she's going to be amazing in this role and he offers to hunt her down and takes Naruto with him because Naruto well one he has a Target on his back and two uh he has the will or the spirit he has the ambition of a Hokage himself and I think he probably because he knows tnde because he knows her so well he probably knows that Naruto is going to kind of rekindle that hope because he will remind her of those that she lost I love Itachi he showed up and it was horrifying he is such a fascinating character that I'm so excited to learn more about but every new layer that we peel back about why he did what he did when we get the flashback I'm getting ahead of myself of his childhood and how he acted as a kid and the the reasons he does what he does and the callousness of it is fascinating to me I love his character so much I love that he shows up to these really strong people and they start to fight him and he's just like this is nothing to me like it doesn't even phase him his tsunami Dreamscape which I've learned that some of these moves are translated differently in viz than they are in the anime or in fan translations so we may have different ideas of we may have different names for these things but what it's called in viz or Shonen Jump I was reading in Shonen Jump I think it's the same thing is tsunami dreams Dreamscape and it's a true Terror he pulled Kakashi into this other realm where he controls time and space and subjected him to just being stabbed over and over and over again for 3 days straight and then when he snaps out of it Kakashi collapses and everyone around him is like what you were fine one second ago because time stopped because to everyone else nothing has moved and to Kakashi he's just been tortured for 3 days and now he has to stand up the that's a terrify and this can all happen just by looking him in the eyes I love guy who shows up and is like everybody just have a look at his feet like let's just let's let's be smart and let's be able to fight just by looking at his feet guy is such a great character he's just I I love guy we also learned that Itachi is a part of the same group as Orochi is Orochimaru sorry one piece nerd the same group that Orochi Orochi Maru is in and he too is seeking to be able to attain all of the different forms of Jutsu and all the power he wants it all or searching for new Jitsu I think is what Itachi specifically is doing which is why he's after Naruto which is why he's after the fox spirit because of the amount of chakra that it contains meanwhile we have everything that's going on with Sasuke it's killing him that there isn't as big of a gap between Sasuke and Naruto as he has thought or as there as it always has seemed like there is Sasuke has always been the most skilled of the three of them the most inherently talented and also the smartest I mean he's just like he's the best of the group and now that Gap is severely quickly closing and that's killing him on top of that he learns that his brother the one that he's living to kill the one that he's his whole life purpose is to get revenge on is in town but he's after Naruto Sasuke has had a childhood where he has never been able to keep up with his brother he's never been able his brother has always been the Prodigy he's always been the one that his dad pays more attention to he's always been the one and Sasuke has worked so hard to narrow that Gap he's worked so hard to be able to be recognized by his father and it's only through that extreme skill it's only through incredible Improvement that he's finally gotten approval of his father only to have all of that ripped from him when his brother killed everyone and then tortured him for I think it was 24 hours no 72 hours for too long tortured him but this time not with knives like he did with Kakashi not this time this came first we're talking about a flashback now when they were children not with knives like he did with Kakashi but I believe he tortured him with the with having to watch his family die over and over again with suffer like mental torture I mean it's not just the comparison stuff which gets to any kid but tack that on with mental torture that he endured after after watching his entire or after coming on his entire Village after they were slaughtered no wonder this kid is so tortured like no wonder Sasuke is working through he's fighting some real demons so attach that to the fact that his best friend who he loves dearly he also has this rivalry with and it really is getting to him that he's not the best anymore or or that he's quickly not he's quickly losing that title that Naruto is catching up to him really really quickly and he doesn't want to be outdone again he doesn't want to be second best again he wants to be the best so then his brother comes into town Sasuke finds his brother after after Itachi has found Naruto then Sasuke finds him and Sasuke has Itachi's full attention only to lose it and for Itachi to just kind of shove him aside so he can focus on Naruto it's like it's like salt in the greatest wound we're back to G's question why am I alive Sasuke is asking that same question why am I alive what purpose is my life and his answer is this this is my purpose to fight my brother to avenge my people that's his whole life purpose and then here he is watching the kid who he already loves dearly but has this struggle with because he's seeing him Advance we now see his brother his purpose the reason he's alive deem him valueless not give him the time and attention not give him the time of day because his focus is on Naruto and the way he's batted aside not only physically but he's also once again trapped into that mental torture for an additional 24 hours just as a sort of like handwave like that's the way I read this scene is Itachi was basically hand waving Sasuke away by subjecting him to more torture because he just wanted him to get out of the way so he could focus on what he actually cared about Naruto I feel like this scene is a huge piece of of the deciding factor of what makes Sasuke seek out more power whatever it takes and to seek out a path apart from Naruto so Naruto has to kind of relearn some magic that he or some chakra uh usage that he learned previously I mean he was walking up trees because he had to focus his his chakra in an in an isolated place and now he's kind of relearning that and learning it to an extreme with this chakra ball um that he trains to use to learn to use I think it was a really effective training montage I don't know how long it was in the anime but in the manga it really wasn't super long it was a it was a pretty condensed Montage that did a good job of also showcasing how unbelievably hard Naruto worked for this he trained every waking second and pushed himself to his limits to be able to figure out this move so I like to see the determination in him I like to see that even though he is inhabited by this spirit that has all the chakra that is very very powerful even though he does have that ability that is both a curse on his life and an asset to power he still has to work so hard to improve and we actually see that effort on page which I like T day soon sunde is an amazing character when we finally get to meet her oh man I love her so much she like so many other people in this series is someone who has a guard up she has a facade she has a demeanor that kind of masks the amount of inner pain and turmoil that she carries with her every day because of this war because of this this hard painful life that they are they're having to live through she hurts so much from losing the two people that she cared about the most and when Orochimaru promises to reanimate them for her that's near torture because all she wants is to be able to hold them one more time her flashback was so effective especially with the quick changes of her kissing them on the forehead and giving them the necklace and then the pain of losing them accompanied by the rain the death that brought on the trauma that causes her to freeze at the sight of blood is written in a way that makes it so understandable to us why she carries this with her and why she can't shake it and it makes seeing her overcome that really satisfying she's so strong both physically being able to split the Earth with a touch I did I did just say that my two favorite fighting styles to see in action were Sasuke and gar but I'm actually going to now we have our top three it's going to be her because she can touch the ground and split it open like her strength is unbelievable so she's so strong physically but also emotionally to hold all this pain and still have the capacity to love and to have hope in this fight she wouldn't stop fighting for Naruto even when it near killed her and she does take on the title of the fifth Hokage even though previously she said she never would seeing Naruto hold the same dreams as those that she lost it restored her hope and her ambition to do something in this world and the scene where she kisses him on the forehead accepting him as a part of her family because of how much he reminds her of them I love that Naruto 2 has some great scenes in this fight um I love when they arrive and everybody looks so cool and then Naruto shows up and he sees the guy with the glasses and just goes Ah that's so funny to me but also the fight when he when he Masters his chakra ball and he shoves it into glasses guy rips a hole in him and actually does even though he's able to start healing like he does fall like he does it does the job and I love the tenderness in the scene right before he passes out and right after the bond between these two that's built in this scene is really beautiful and I hope we get to see these two interact a little bit more I hope we get to actually see them continue to build up this Bond and become family to each other oh also after this fight I love the panel where um Sasuke is in the hospital and Sakura runs up and hugs him and you can actually see Naruto's reaction to that his slow sort of acceptance It's like we can see Naruto maturing on page because previously that would have really bothered him he would have reacted like a 12-year-old because they're 12y olds are they 12-year-olds that's what they are in my brain they're children and he acts like it but we're seeing him mature we're seeing him have more mature responses to situations like this and I love to see it but then Sasuke challenges him to a fight and he accepts immediately and then we get the water tower scene where they both go at each other with their new killer moves and they're they're about to attack life or death and um Kakashi thankfully steps in and grabs them and Chucks him at the water tower we can see the damage that Sasuke has done when Kakashi asks if he was actually trying to kill Naruto and then we see his face change when he looks at the damage Naruto's attack did and again it just reminds us of this thing that Sasuke is struggling through and that's that comparison that started when he was a child and his happen now with his best friend and this realization that Naruto is not only catching up but he's passing him by and that torments him and Kakashi again kind of belabors the point lays it all out for us that Naruto too is just looking for approval from his friend he just wants his friend to recognize him and to appreciate his progress but Sasuke refuses to give that to him which has caused them both to have this pent up anger at each other now I will say I find this fight to be a wee bit abrupt on Naruto's side I don't find it to be abrupt on Sasuke's side we've watched this tension build up in him we've gotten the backstory we see why he's struggling with his best friend so much Naruto when Sasuke's like Hey we're going to fight now and Naruto's like yeah let me get my ball of chakra that cuts through a tree and that shredded this other guy open and his insides exposed let me grab that and let's fight it's so extreme and I know that they're kids and they're idiots and they're just like two kids with a lot of B built up trauma and tension and pain and they're directing it at each other but also for Naruto to go into the most extreme to me it felt like he went into kill mode right alongside Sasuke we'll never know because Kakashi stopped them but for me Sasuke getting to this point made perfect sense Naruto it felt like a flip got switched in him almost like he was not this aggressive towards Sasuke until this singular scene now I've been told that the anime actually fixes this a little bit with its filler it kind of builds this up a little bit more smoothly than the manga did but again the Sasuke jumping into this fight makes perfect sense to me Naruto on the other hand that felt real abrupt not a huge complaint not a big deal but it did kind of Jar me a little bit I love the scene where Kakashi confronts Sasuke and tries to get him to make things right between the two and he tells him that the most precious people to him have already been killed again over and over again we see this people who have been affected by this way of life have been affected by this war and lost so much and they have these masks they they have these facades that they hold up but inside there's so much pain that they're carrying and we see people like Kakashi who are making a point they're they're giving so much effort into trying to keep the these people together to not let them follow the path of isolation because they see how destructive it is and they want them to have specifically in the case of Kakashi I really view the scene differently after you know reading the final volume he doesn't want them to go through what he went through he doesn't want them to learn the lessons he had to learn the hard way he wants to keep them together he wants to teach them from what he's learned Stay Together be Comal ades don't lose each other don't learn this when it's too late while all this is going on Lee is going through his own really tough time man learning that he has to get this surgery this magical surgery that if he doesn't get he has to surrender his dreams and if he does get it then he only has a 50% chance of survival and this kills him I love Lee and guy so much we got to see when Lee was young and guy believed in him and told him you are a genius at hard work he taught Le to believe in himself but now in the face of an illness that could take his dream from him or his life it's the hardest thing he's ever gone through the scene where he begged a guy to teach him how to overcome this too that killed me sickness isn't something that you can train to overcome sickness isn't something that as a parent which I now view guy as Lee's parent you don't get to correct me on that as a parent you can't with if your kid comes to you and says teach me how to overcome this sickness teach me what to do what do I do when my sickness is stealing my life from me how do you respond to that how do you answer that as a parent or as a mentor that who's basically a parent to him like what how what do you say this scene really got to me in a personal way seeing Lee who will work so hard he will devote everything to improving and then finding a hurdle that he physically can't just train past seeing him tearfully turn to guy and ask him what do I do how do how do I beat this one and like what is the answer to that guy told him to follow his dream and he told him that guy's dream is to make him into a splendid ninja so if if Lee doesn't make it through this then guy won't either and I don't know if that's the right answer but it was the thing that gave Lee the hope to be able bble to move forward it gave him the hope that he needed I think the scene was beautiful I loved it so much so now Orochimaru has sent uh his pets to uh to Sasuke to give him guidance so that guidance to get more power coupled with Sasuke feeling understood as this curse is something that's overtaking him but he can't let it overtake him he now sees other people who are cursed in a similar way he has camaraderie in the this path of power of seeking more power whatever it takes along with that we also see Sakura begging Sasuke to stay with her it was a really sad seeing seeing her just beg him first beg him to stay then realizing he won't changing her tactic to saying take me with you then I'll help you I'll help you with whatever you want to do we all know that she can't help him get revenge she can't help him on the path that he's taking but she's so desperate not to lose him that she's willing to or at least Le In This Moment she's willing to offer a sacrifice of what she believes in just to stay with him and he did end up not taking her of course but there was so much emotion in this scene and I thought it was really really well done as well I also love how Naruto handles all this he's been rejected quite harshly earlier in the series by Sakura he knows the pain of unrequited love he knows the pain of rejection and he's able to support her here and promise her that he will bring their friend back again I'm seeing Naruto mature on page and I really like that okay I have a meeting in 20 minutes so I'm going to speed this section up a little bit so that I can give the the final uh Naruto and Sasuke fight the time that it deserves so I'm going to condense this next section so the next like four maybe even five volumes were the the split um Naruto and his team working together against the um the team orochi's crew Sasuke is in a casket um but these people going up against each other it's it's the camaraderie that we've built up to this point it's the teamwork it's fighting together we show off some really cool and horrifying abilities I don't need to see someone's Bones come outside of their body and attack me like that I don't even think I'm very sensitive to gore or like I read I read junjiito and I'm fine but like that I don't want to see that ever again I don't want to see that in the anime either but anyway we see a lot of cool abilities in action but we also get a lot of stuff that ties back into the core themes not just the camaraderie and the teamwork and depending on each other uh or the Loyalty but it's also even that one kid the one kid who can make himself ginormous and we get a quick flashback of him being being rejected and being mocked and being bullied but finding a best friend someone someone who accepts him and loves him and that builds a loyalty between the two of them I just I loved it so much as well as getting some really painful losses in these scenes Side characters that weren't built up as much as others and yet they were built up so well in such a quick amount of time that losing them really truly hurt we also at the end of this we got to see Lee again he's back he he the the operation was successful he's doing great he's also a little bit drunk in this fight because of a little mixup that was hilarious and we have gar showing up gar showed up he has he it's because what what was the line that he gave it's because he has a I owe kohana a great debt I don't even know if I'm saying the leaf Village Naruto where he's from he owes them a debt it did it did affect him that scene Naruto his words it made a difference now how big of a difference I don't know because also said some other stuff that kind of makes me go what oh no are you still not you you're still on your journey probably maybe so I don't know what else we're going to get from gar I'm desperate to see it though I'm desperate to see if he is able to find what he needs to be able to choose a path that won't be destructive for him and for anyone he comes in contact with or if this is an option an opportunity for him to do that but that doesn't mean that that's what he's going to choose you know he might still just be too affected by everything that he's been through and still choose to go another route like Sasuke is I don't know but I desperately want to so Sasuke and Naruto face each other again uh Sasuke is going full force he's not t he's not holding back he is fighting him for the kill this time if not last time if he wouldn't have done it last time which I don't know they both pulled out some pretty intense moves this time for sure that's the plan and and it kills Naruto I mean it hurts him so much that his friend doesn't seem to think that what they've been through together and what they've built up together is actually worth anything and Sasuke assures him no it's actually worth everything we got the same flashback again um of Sasuke's childhood but this time we built on it a little bit more and saw that his brother actually told him if you want the same eyes that I have if you want to have this power this horrifying power that I have you have to kill your best friend it's what I did it's what you've got to do and so here Sasuke is faced with that choice and he's choosing at least in this moment to to do what it takes to become more powerful earlier when he faced his brother it was that ability that trapped him in his pain in his in his mental Terror for 24 hours while he dealt with Naruto he can't keep doing that every time he faces his brother his brother can't just keep pulling out this move and and keeping him from being able to fight him so I guess at least this is the way I'm interpreting all this I guess I again I really do think that that scene is is the determining factor or at least like the final straw for Sasuke so he tells him no actually you this has meant everything to me and that's why you're the one that I have to kill I did watch this fight in the anime and it was incredible in both Manga and Anime it was beautiful visually but also emotionally Sasuke has made his choice he says in the battle that he believes that solit ude is what will make him strong this is the opposite of what we've been learning with Naruto this entire Series so far other characters like Zabuza and Haku Kakashi T sundai and many others have taught Naruto how important it is to stay together and to fight for each other that your comrades are everything Sasuke has been split between his journey with Naruto and his quest for vengeance and in this fight he's displaying to Naruto that he's taking a path opposite of the one that they've been learning together he's taking the path of isolation and power Naruto believed in his friend and he believed that he could convince him out of this path that his words would have meaning in Sasuke's life like it has in other people he's faced against but he was wrong and that's devastating to him I do wonder how this is going to affect Naruto moving forward if this is going to sort of have a traumatic effect on him that his best friend turned on him that as he was on this path of learning how important relationships and friendships are and loyalty and his devotion for Sasuke and his belief in Sasuke and to have that ripped from him I mean he does declare at the end of part one that he's not going to stop fighting for him and I love that but I also wonder if this is going to play a role in the way he moves forward and the way he trusts going forward I also really like that uh during this fight Sasuke has this curse on him that's taking him over that's changing him that he's he's learning to feed and to give into and Naruto is he's been on this journey as well where he has this fox spirit in him that has all this chakra and all this power and Naruto has been trying to learn how to tap into the spirit and how to utilize it but in this fight it starts to take him over it starts to actually control him so he too has a curse that he hasn't fully controlled that he hasn't fully worked through and that also is affecting him that he too can easily lose himself in so I like and I could be wrong you can you can give me feedback on this but the way I'm interpreting this at this point after I'm new the way I'm interpreting this at this point is that these kids they have curses on them curses that they didn't choose that they don't want curses that they're trying to figure out what to do with and it is a curse that can lend them strength they can learn to control this and force it to work with them on the path they choose or they can let it control the path they choose control the direction that they go in and in this fight we saw we saw that struggle in both of them we saw both of them kind of have that physical representation of what internally they're also battling learning to either control the curse or let the curse control them I like when siries do that when they have that external representation of what's going on internally and I think that narut does that you know quite a bit and I enjoy it a lot but anyway this fight ends with Sasuke not killing Naruto he won he won the fight Naruto P Naruto was knocked out and he was vulnerable on the ground and Sasuke was right there and he left he left Naruto to be picked up by Kakashi so what he chose not to do the thing he chose not to do the thing that would give him the the the ability that he was after when he sought this fight with Naruto now there's so many different I don't know what to do with this maybe this fight wasn't entirely for the ability that his brother promised him if he wanted maybe it was also for his own pride and his own struggles of once again being outdone and he didn't want that maybe he did go into this fight fully intending to kill Naruto and when the time came he found that he couldn't do it displaying to us that there's still hope for him displaying to us that he's not completely chosen this path yet that that internal struggle is still going on maybe it was an act of defiance against his brother I don't know but I do know that he didn't make the choice when he could have done he had the opportunity and he chose to walk away so the rest of part one was sort of wrap up after this Naruto is not giving up uh Sasuke isn't either she actually her name's Sakura Sakura is not either she actually says that she doesn't want to be standing on the sidelines anymore she wants to actually be in the fight now so Orochimaru also mentions that he can't actually take take over Sasuke's body yet he needs I think it was 3 years he needs an he needs a manga timeline so so that we can have our manga time skip that allows our characters to train up and become more powerful um is Sasuke and Sakura is Sakura going to do that she says she doesn't want to fight on the sidelines anymore is she going to do something I'm so happy with that I would love to see her train up I'd love to see her train up with Rock Lee because she is not an anomaly and Rock Lee is not an anomaly they're both normal powered kids living among giants so I would love to see her train with Rock Lee and just become a really powerful fighter or train with sunde and become a Healer or some like you don't have to become a superhero among other superheroes but I would love to see what you can do okay I have a couple minutes before my meeting we have to talk about the bonus story after part one with Kakashi see seeing Kakashi at this stage of Life as a detached kid who lived by the code because of the choices his father made down to callously letting Ren get taken away and they just move on it's the Shinobi way we don't abandon a mission but once again it's relationships that Forge who these characters become Kakashi is powerful he's also determined but his morality and his standards are not fully formed yet and it's his friend that changes his view on the choices that his father made that his father choosing his comrades was the heroic choice we learn how he got that eye which never made sense up to this point we learn how he lost everyone that he loved and it recontextualizes every scene that he was in before this it recontextualizes his entire demeanor it recontextualizes why he fought so hard for these kids to stay together it recontextualizes even the Bell scene and the tombstone that he showed them at the end of that I feel like Kakashi is a character that I appreciated this entire time through but getting this short little flashback this short little moment in his life changed the way I viewed every single scene that I've had with him up to this point which makes me want to go back and reread because I think that those scenes on reread knowing what he's been through knowing what he's lost and how he lost it it makes me want to go back and see it all again through that lens what an incredible way to end I mean it's part one ended before this and I thought we were done and I thought this was just you know a bonus Side Story that happens at the end of volume sometimes in manga but it was incredible anyway I have to get to my meeting I have really enjoyed the series I've really enjoyed getting to know these characters digging into the themes And discussing it with y'all again I'm the newest kid in the room so I'm sure a lot of stuff is going over my head but I've enjoyed myself quite a bit and I will be reading part two I'm really excited especially to see more of Sasuke and Orochimaru and what is going to forge there with their relationship with their Dynamics with how Orochimaru is going to shift and change Sasuke and what his path is going to be so I can't wait to see that anyway I post videos every Monday and Friday on this channel Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays on the book Channel which is always Linked In the description I'll see you again soon bye [Music]
Channel: Merphy Napier | Manga
Views: 68,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vXqnOu8qsY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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