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the Splatoon 2 rainbow expansion mod has thrown tons of custom levels and nearly impossible challenges at us but today we're finally getting to the end once and for all with plenty of levels remaining a boss fight and a secret level waiting for us there's no telling where things are gonna go from here one thing I do know for sure though is that my mom says if I hit half a million subscribers she'll make pizza rolls for everyone so do your part thank you oh the whole gang is here we got Cali Marie Pearl Demon witch floating Pearl and space tinfoil Chipotle burrito Marina this is so excited everyone's cheering me on for beating the last level I appreciate that so much guys I'm already about to die inkjet yeah you know what that sounds pretty good right about now actually I can't see them they're all hiding in trees okay uh that didn't benefit me at all really maybe if I just ignore them do I have to kill everything surely I don't right feeling everything is messed up that's genocide we don't do that is there anywhere I can go in where do I go in at there seems to be something here so maybe this is it this is it oh my God what the hell was that for it's unnecessarily long invisible wall oh my God this looks familiar doesn't it wait wait wait this could be perfect inkjet go warm up blow him up get the goal get the gold please get the gold please done okay orb Deluxe Station oh my God defend the orb station I never get a break I never get a break we have a minute and a half here we go defend the orb like it's nothing baby you got it okay well already this is becoming a little bit of a mess just focus on healing the orb oh they're hitting that thing bad yo heal heal the rain is gonna hurt the Rain's Gonna Hurt but I hurt more oh not a good time to be out of ink and dead ah okay I see I see the challenge that lies ahead of me bring it on dude it's cool it's cool nobody panic nobody panic I'm certainly not I maybe it's time to panic maybe I should have panicked they know my Lord okay maybe maybe The Clash Blaster was not the right decision oh come on I don't want to use I don't want to use glass bus anymore dude maybe the special weapon is is important maybe I gotta pick some better specials here first thing I'm gonna do drop this down go get the two armors stopper shooter dude Jesus stop it stop it I need ink dude I can't I'm out of ink what am I supposed to do kill her she's so weak she's gonna die it's gonna die she the orb is now a she I'm weak I'm weak I'm weak and I'm low on ink come on 15 seconds dude come on okay okay I'm gonna start from the station platform and change my weapon because that is clearly not what I'm supposed to do here oh this is so frustrating it's just constant frustration that's all it is it's ceaseless Agony I'm using the splatter shot I get it I get that the Blaster was a dumb idea I learned that the hard way I'm gonna heal this thing I see the thing is like I know that I need specials I can't even get to them because if I'm away from it for two seconds they're gonna destroy it like like this is maybe feasible if I could have access to the specials but I can't even get close they gotta go around the perimeter kill them before they become a problem there you go there you go stop the problem at the source kill him before no what were they doing to it that could make it to get destroyed that quick this is truly the Kaizo of Splatoon I I never thought I would see the day where such a thing exists I think scanning the perimeter really helps you can stop them before they even get to it getting rid of the sprinklers will help too then they'll have less ways of getting to it stand up here and just watch from above these guys on the side there's gonna be one on this side there's two of them with ink armor see as long as we don't destroy those barriers or someone's attacking it go go go go go oh they're already in here just what I needed keep it alive four come on three two please just be done come on go we're good oh my Lord this is so much worse than the last ones were like I can acknowledge that rainbow expansion Rainbow Canyon even but especially rainbow expansion it's difficult it's challenging it's tough this is so much worse than it has ever been again I I tip my hat to you like these are in pot I'm tired of this crepe Buster station and the best part is you don't give me a break I can bust some crates I'm good at that I'm good at that dude two minutes I can make that work 92. excuse me did I am I reading that correctly there are 92 crates to bust here you're joking I can figure this out I'm a smart guy I'm a smart guy who's good at Splatoon a maze just what I wanted was amazed I was sitting here thinking man this sucks and I'm struggling you know what I need a maze that doesn't allow me to refill my ink in it oh my God look at this garbage they're just gonna be hiding around corners and I'm never gonna get all of them 28 seconds I can't do this this is actually doomed no okay okay there's obviously obviously there's something going on here it's okay good we might be had a schedule I don't know I don't even know which way to go dude I'm gonna go this way and just hope that this is right okay that's it it's just those two and then there's a few left okay so like I see what I need to do I don't know how I'm gonna do it this is there's just like four more right there okay all right I'll get it I will get it all right I'm gonna start attacking this These Guys these guys are gonna be in the way and go straight kill you all right looking good now we refill the ink we have oh my God this is cutting it so close dude I hate it okay okay no no I got this i got this i got this dude I got this ten come on two more two more where are they where's the last two oh no did I miss something where are they where are the last two where could they possibly be I actually think I've looked everywhere are they hidden somewhere let's go this way this time right start go from the back forward it might have been these two oh it was these two no and now I'm not gonna be able to get it because I did it weird ah okay okay okay fine fine fine I can do this now that I know where they are I got this I think the only reason I messed that up was I kept thinking that they were from somewhere else it was did but I don't get those two it's a it's a maze you made it a maze so that I would struggle I get it I understand what's happening and I respect it got it okay go go go ah shoot this cutting it close I just do not see myself making this oh [Laughter] yes I feel like a god when I accomplish these things I don't like what's going on right there I'm not a fan of that I'm leaving you guys alone okay just use the eight ball and and blow things up it's very easy to do there you go and one more uh the one space where it could fall off you're joking in fact let's start with this one right this one looks big open and fun you're so close there we go okay all right almost there almost done almost done almost done we are nearly done where's the ball what the hell is it doing behind that tree I can't get to that it's stuck it's actually stuck behind that tree oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it moved hold on don't stop going over there I can't see you when you're over there and I can't shoot come on that come on you want to do it you know you want to hit it you know you won't hit it there we go baby that's what's up okay oh my God I got it oh that was a nice shot okay that's everything on there there's apparently there's a bunch more I have to push it by hand and got it nice nice ggs finally you beat the levels we could see the special level rainbow expansion end maybe we shouldn't do that yet hold on hold on I know I said I would get there apparently this special level is the end of rainbow expansion and we are not there yet so we need to beat the other levels before we can get that oh I wanted to see it headlock station let me see if I remember that password it sounds fun this sounds like a lot of fun got an eight ball in it so you know it's a good time whoa pal where are you going oh interagent three just who I wanted to not see today better jump off that map yeah that's what you get you know what you deserve that stupid idiot stop hanging out with this guy he's a bad influence no no okay that was not as consequential as I thought it was gonna be do I even need the eight ball anymore pushing it along you're wasting all my time I could just go straight through here I could just go straight through here and not have to worry about anything feeling good dude feeling good we're almost at the end I could tell the end is right up there wait I do need the eight ball you're kidding dude as you have cleared the path ahead of me so there's nothing to worry about all right we just gotta bounce a little bit a little bit of bouncy fun Everyone likes a bouncy house except for me I don't like a bouncy house bouncy house makes me angry and upset where's the ball okay ball powered why you know what I mean you better he just squished the ball it's like he pushed it through the floor and then it was like well guess it's gone and then just oh it is all you need oh okay okay the the ball is in the basket whatever oh my God a checkpoint so needed you got me messed up if you think I'm using that goddamn cannon please I am done what could this possibly be oh it's urchin underpass oh my God okay all the boxes within a limited time that's great oh this is a joke wait maybe I can make this jump nice okay please don't fall off give good amount of time we're half done I might be able to do this there's 13 left where the hell are there 13 boxes hiding at there's a couple oh that's it oh we did it I thought I was gonna have to do the whole level over again I need like a like a salad you know what I mean like this is the type of thing where like damn bro I need like a vegetable or two that's really dark darkness station I can't even begin to guess what this one's going to be about I see the whole Darkness thing can't see God damn diddly Jack out here I have to defeat all the enemies that literally is the one thing I can't do I can't ignore them I was hoping that would really really that's how you want to play you want to snipe me from the other room douche oh I'm sitting on top of a bomb Oh there's no checkpoint oh okay I see the part where I hate this level now they're just dog piling on my corpse what is Autumn okay I'm I'm further than I was when I died what is this what even is this just focus on keeping your thing ahead God come on I'm giving this one more attempt I know I've come this far but I've been through enough today I didn't think they really meant it when they said are you ready to rage like I knew like this was tough dude this is no joke that's I'm done I'm not doing it I'm not doing this one where's my option to skip Pearl and Marina I need you guys to help me here you know what I can I can admit defeat that's really dark darkness station has more difficulty that I have patience and blood it is more difficult than I have blood in my body and I'm losing blood fast so we're going to move on to think twice Highway station remastered not that this will necessarily be easier look at this this is how I feel now get to the goal fine I'm just I'm just gonna ignore all these guys can I return the station platform I want to switch weapons I do not want to use a brush you got me messed up gonna use the end zap with burst bomb because I know how to use that better than I know how to use a brush we have the inkjet now the what the hell is this it's my obstacle clearly wait how the hell am I supposed to I got the key I got the key oh it'll send me back I was like bro what is this how am I supposed to deal with that I think I need to kill these guys I'm gonna die it's lagging so I could watch myself die in slow motion which is such a cool move by the way just do that all the time you got a number one fan right here can you can tell like I'm broken like emotionally physically electronically the thing about me is just not working dude what was the point of that oh I got the key I wrote them off I disregarded them as enemies I I was like this guy won't mess with me how did he even get over here he must have jumped this time let's be extra careful of these idiots well they are idiots because they just jumped off the maps get the key oh God get out I am so sick of seeing you um you like that oh you don't like that oh you don't like that or you want to jump off the map oh sucks to suck idiot move ignore that guy he's an idiot he's in complete awe they aren't even jumping they don't even know what to do because they're dumb oh oh sorry sorry sorry are you good I don't like that she's just sitting there like that I'm not I'm not oh God these guys will not leave me alone oh you guys want to come hang out with me you want to join other playing LeapFrog come on dude is this the end oh my God it's the end oh thank you every single level at this point is just like please be done is it a foot with a face on it wasn't even worth it dude that's what I get as a prize there's so many laser beams hell no I'm not using the ten umbrella what is oh it's Museum okay this is oh it's one of these oh great okay we can get this done real quick I'll have laser beams so they show up right in front of me yeah okay well uh that's never mind right when I thought I had this in the bag it's like oh maybe an easy level no no the more that I think about it 13 is a lot maybe it's too many they are swimming around like they own the place I mean they do you probably pay rent here I wouldn't be surprised it's clearly a frat house for octolings if such a thing could exist what the hell dude this is a jungle gym I swear to God if I die I'm not I'm not no I'm not I am there's only two more and I see them just get to the last two oh oh no bucket's gonna appear right here get her not the bucket okay there's gonna be umbrella right up here and she's dead there we go if I just if I plan this oh easy there buddy don't go dying like an idiot this is not the time for it just ignore her ignore her she's just trying to bug you and be a nuisance and she's doing a great job at it but don't give her that power come on almost done one more one more it's that last one no there's another one got it we are almost done there is one two three and then a boss and then the final level so we're we're almost done like this is the intensity is ramping up right now Marina's here thanks Marina I appreciate the emotional support I see you have a boyfriend what's his name they're cute I ship it there's Moray Towers when I thought I escaped hell I went to Super hell destroy all the eight ball targets that's like 732 are you kidding on Moray Towers it's gonna be some absolute garbage having fun at good Amore Towers I mean no one ever had fun at Mori Towers you can all agree on that don't you dare fall off there ah I gotta go up I mean I guess it's not backtracking but it's still frustrating this is so tedious I hate it you combine the two things that everyone hates in Splatoon this is like the most notorious Splatoon thing this is Moray towers as an eight ball station whose idea was this also known as ghee in the mod developer super villain dude it would be so cool and hot and sexy give you to put a checkpoint but I know you won't do that no there was a lot of rumors going around at one point that there was going to be an eight ball themed ranked mode added to Splatoon uh I don't know I know they're gonna add another ranked mode to Splatoon there's no way they don't right but there's no way in hell it's gonna be eight ball themed because if it's anything like this I'm not playing I'm actually retiring from Splatoon if I see eight ball on brinewater Springs I mean I'm just not gonna play Splatoon anymore don't you did don't you dare oh don't you even think about that for a second please don't fall off please don't fall off just get the last ones come on nope almost almost one left one left one that [Applause] I wasn't stressing for a second okay we're down to the last two levels Make It Rain Rainmaker station this is gonna be some this is gonna be stupid oh my God what is this maybe I could just power through it or maybe I can go f myself actually let me tell you I have over 2 000 hours in Splatoon or something like that I am completely capable of playing Rainmaker on Snapper Canal that is this is not outside of my skill level dude maybe it is maybe a little bit when you throw in a bunch of the extra stuff on top of it it's no longer a pizza what am I doing it's a complete shortcut and I should have known it wouldn't be that easy it's the safest approach here I think this way I got this i got this we're almost at the end oh my pain and suffering is almost over yup one at a time baby one at a time where do I go here where's the where's the end it's right there go go go go go go go go go go done I done I put that down this is the last one and then there's a boss and then that's it there's only one one checkpoint station the name of that makes me want to jump off of a cliff into a lovely pile of Oobleck and safely land and then drown in it here goes the rest of my sanity the little that remains all right I got this I think this means we're halfway done right you know what I'm gonna be smart I'm not gonna use a checkpoint yet surely this there's a strategy to when you activate the checkpoint I can I can do this I can do this this is fine this is nothing new to me I've been through this almost done and that was pointless I just needed the key I didn't need to destroy all of them I need another thing to get the checkpoint oh I see the checkpoint is the end that it's not a checkpoint it's just a level with no checkpoints oh look at this garbage okay here we go the right the left the right the left where where oh what's this my best friend no more okay well that solves that key okay it respawns okay this has to be it this has to be the end of level oh I think we did it I think we did it go done we've beaten every regular level of octo expand of rainbow expansion except for that one I didn't end up beating the darkness one I remember I I did skip that but if we ignore all of those I basically beat it now there's just one there's a boss fight and then there's a secret level we're going to defeat the boss this is the final boss of rainbow expansion I think I don't know just please don't be miserable what is that why is there a rubber duck oh yeesh okay this is this is one of my favorite bosses in Splatoon if not my favorite okay rainbow shower Supreme look how colorful it is come on stop running from me I'm not even looking at the ground beneath me oh Torpedoes thank you Marina for the warning about the torpedoes Autumn nice nice nice nice nice this is not gonna be that hard the map is just ground beneath me right while I'm flying it doesn't make a difference it's not even like a difficult boss fight it's just tedious trying to hit those things got him nice what is this is out of bounds where's where you going dude gonna play basketball what's the deal this is gonna be annoying though this might take me a minute to try and figure out while he's doing the special he kind of stands still that might be my time to strike maybe what I do is I wait out and then go attack one left one left one left oh come on he's almost there he's right there get up no the missiles get away with me oh my God it's like he's impossible to hit got him yes never mind I shouldn't have even said he was impossible because he was that's it baby the final boss of rainbow expansion done down for the count now we deserve that special level I need to know what it is it's gonna be some BS isn't it I have a terrible feeling this is going to be terrible rainbow expansions end the end I have such a bad feeling about this unless there's a there's some crystals and an Enderman I have no idea what I'm getting myself into just this is everything this has been years we've been playing this what is going on I don't even know what weapon to go with the carbon roller I guess oh no what is actually happening okay we have to climb my heart is like actually so scared wow and it also hurts because of that it's just making me claustrophobic dude okay we need a key this is so scary I don't know what I'm getting into dude oh God okay it's just a lot it's a lot that's going on wow okay this is um a mess is what it is let's get that and maybe run I'm gonna die here for sure there's no way I survive this yeah okay wow that's um okay that's a lot to deal with but we can handle this I have noticed that there's a key here I swear to God if I die here no wait I don't need to I don't need to go this way I have the key you know what fine good screw you dude I have the key why would I even waste my time with you oh no dude I know this all too well I know what this means for me again I'm not even gonna attack you I'm just gonna go oh no okay here we go what is this character what are you what am I experiencing right now I gotta fight you with a goddamn carbon roller this is a joke oh this is such a what is this what what is happening whoa wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let's talk about this let's talk about the fight we're having right now dude okay hold on hold on heal or don't what is what what in what world in what world is that okay you're almost dead you're almost dead just die just give up just die let it happen okay what the hell is going on all the bubbles okay the bubbles I'm used to this I fought any reason three plenty of times this is clearly a super version I could do this oh the ruler is great for this even though I'm about to die this is not fair I actually I'm gonna say it I don't think this is fair wait wait wait almost got her almost got her oh I got her yes one to go what do you mean one to go one what oh oh no no she's almost dead she's almost dead oh you're gonna face my wrath whatever you are Roblox creature I'm not gonna win I'm gonna die right away I can do this no I know I can do this dude come on almost there I almost got no splash cancel go go go no no it was so close I understand that this is clearly the challenge that I'm being faced with right now I need to just accept it okay well that's stupid let's get her in the corner go go go hey guys screw you whatever you even are who you are jifay what I don't care I don't give a damn rainbow expansion has been defeated I win yet again except for that one level that I skipped because I was I'm just I'm so tired dude but I did it thank you for joining me on this journey this was hell and back I'm gonna go take a nap for 42 years subscribe to the channel see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 258,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaymoji, nintendo switch, splatoon, splatoon 3, splatoon 2, octo expansion
Id: Rp5YR0fWA68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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