The Best Way to Make Money in The Sims 4

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The Sims is quite possibly one of the most evil games of all time people sink years of their life and hundreds of dollars into making sure these fake people are as happy as they should be making themselves you work a job for 40 hours a week and then you die it's a sucker's game but you're smarter than that because you came to me you're here for advice on how to rake in the samolians and never have to worry about anything ever again I had some people complain in my last video that I didn't actually give them any helpful advice and yeah I might have gotten a little bit sidetracked but I promise that won't happen in this video instead I'm gonna present you with the information in the most boring and unfunny way possible because I respects the integrity between the YouTube content creator and the internet video telling people how to make money in a video game that came out three years ago let's get started make your character call her Jessica Fletcher or some start writing write your book call it Harry Potter 8 the chamber even more secrets 51 shades of grey publish it make a million dollars men will want you women will want to be you ever see george RR martin the man swimming in take your money to the bank I'm sorry sir we don't have room for all your royalty money ah if I the bank books are ridiculously easy to publish in the Sims so you can probably publish a modest three thousand before the Grim Reaper comes to collect did you know Angela Lansbury is still alive crazy thanks for watching don't forget to smash that like button and smash that subscribe button and smash the Bell and smash the comments section and smash the recommended videos playlist now you can live your life and die knowing you've lived your life and it's boring and uninteresting away as possible or if you think you can handle it you can come with me and make some real money the first thing we want to do is make our character we're just going to adjust this and this year and for a name let's go with maximilian underbite a proud member of the house of underbite a cadet branch of the Habsburg line but with even more inbreeding now max is relatively poor now we're not gonna build anything instead we're going to immediately move houses Jessica Fletcher needs a roommate she's lonely Here I am with my new roommate miss Fletcher now between us we have a fair amount of money but if she were to have an accident I wouldn't have to share it in order to induce that accident we're gonna need a pool our complete death traps it's best you find that out now backyard swimming pools kill more people every year than vending machine attacks dead in the pool Jess and now we're gonna brick it up like it's the Cask of Amontillado I was gonna say I feel kind of bad I like Jessica Fletcher and Murder She Wrote and Angela Lansbury and I was thinking maybe I should let her live but then I saw something that changed my mind and erased all doubt she peed in the pool I'm sorry but if you pee in the pool like maybe you deserve this and there we have it she's having a nice swim isn't she the grim reaper shows up to dispose of the evidence and just like that everything belongs to Maximilian underbite but you see that's not all with her gone we could sell all of her stuff including the walls but now you might notice that we don't have a place to live who can we mooch off of it looks like the BFF household has an opening for a new BFF we're just gonna head right over there and move in but max underbite doesn't really want to share a house with anyone so we're gonna just real quick build a pool and now we're gonna take a swim and now seal them inside forever oh look at that Travis Scott has identified a new type of fish you're in a pool mate oh well I'm sorry you won't be able to share your discovery of the miraculously occurring pool fish max is feeling lonely I know we can move in with someone else how about the pancake family they seem like they need some underbite in their lives merge households I think you might know where this is going Eliza and Bob pancakes held out as a housewarming gift a swimming pool and trapped forever uh-oh Bob's boss is calling because he missed work well don't fret Bob you won't have to worry about that much longer and they're having a great time a great time and dead and the Grim Reaper shows up to clean up the evidence so now I have access to all their stuff and I think you know what happens next except there's someone at the door apparently Bob's boss was Joey figaro son of Fat Tony Figaro of the fat Figaro crime family and I just took out one of his business interests I swear to God I had no idea Bobby pancakes was enjoy Figaro's crew in my defense what kind of a mob name is pancakes fortunately for me Joey is a pretty understanding guy we was able to arrange a sit-down for me with his father Fat Tony and I have struck a deal he's willing to overlook my transgressions if I build him a pool not at his house god no to build a pool at Kareem Madrid's house mr. Madrid is an up-and-coming deviant he was just released from a long stint at sing-sing and he has recently started putting out hits on my associates Fat Tony thought it would be a good idea to welcome him home with a brand new pool thanks for taking care of that one for me Grim Reaper I need a lot of money and I've come to see Fat Tony as a father to me but I promise that's the last hit I do for the mob I have another job for you made all kinds of jobs lined up for me most of them pool related Maxie I want you to call a friend of mine I think you could use your help hello max this is himi jaffa I hear you build pools that's correct sir I was hoping you could build some pools for me III could build pools for you sir after I started working for Jaffa we got close he became a dear family friend he also became close with my daughter Peggy him he helped people he was the head of the biggest union in the war life and he didn't live with the grim reaper for a month when the rent was thin listen Maxie you're like a son to me more than my actual son Joey we have a problem with Jaffa he's not kicking money back to us anymore if you can't convince him to change his tune we might have to build a pool for him and fill it in Kenny listening Tony told me to tell you it's what it is they wouldn't dare that's it don't sir don't say they would they wouldn't dare don't say they wouldn't dare they wouldn't say they wouldn't dare this went on for a while but then the word came down from Fat Tony Aimee Jaffa had to go we told him it was a sit-down between him and Fat Tony to clear the air before he could figure it out it was already too late again I cannot recommend the Grim Reaper enough he's like the most dedicated guy on fibre after him he Jaffa disappeared my daughter Peggy never talked to me again it destroyed me I have another daughter and she still loves me but compared to Peggy she's garbage but now I'm an old man all alone in a gigantic mansion with nothing left of it for I guess there's only one thing left to do and that's to leave a like and smash that subscribe did you like the video why not leave a like did you dislike the video you can still leave a like why not why not subscribe if you haven't seen the irishman I'm sorry that you didn't get any of the references
Channel: Big Beak Entertainment
Views: 117,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money in the sims 4, the sims, sims 4, make money, big beak entertainment, sims 4 gameplay, sims four, simoleons, no glitch, sims 4 money guide, sims money, sims 4 tips and tricks, the best way to make money in the sims 4, exploit, big beak
Id: sUGw0OwPRn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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