THE BEST WAR MOVIE OF ALL TIME HAD US SHOOK 🫡 😢 Saving Private Ryan - First Time Reaction & Review

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hi M and I'm D welcome to the channel today we are watching Saving Private Ryan yes let's go guys I am so stoked I drink a lot of coffee also by the way I am very stoked for today's film that we're watching because everyone in my family loves Saving Private Ryan and guess what everyone has seen in my family except for me and now M so yeah we actually run a poll cuz we're trying to watch more movies for the channel different genres so right now we're doing War film type movies or like we were going to choose on one and actually on our patreon we did a poll and then glorious bastards won but we're secretly praying that Saving Private rhyme is going to win so we can film it first yeah but we filmed in glorious bastards like yesterday so today which was a really great movie too great movie and I think during our intro and our outro we'll probably be doing some comparing contrast just light just light comparing contrast um I mean that movie is a little bit more comedic and Ser but yeah Memorial Day is coming we want to do more a serious T movie and I Private Ryan isect for that and neither of us have ever seen this I couldn't even give meech like a short synopsis which I know we don't read any synopsises guys but we are super excited to jump into this movie and I think it'll be a perfect uh contrast to Eng glorious bastards correct if you guys want to watch the full movie of us it will be in the link in the description and our patreon and if you are new here please like And subscribe right let's get into this has been a long time coming I don't even know who's in this movie Tom Hanks Mt Damon those are the only two people I know oh this is like a Flash Forward maybe and then he's going to think about all the people that that died yeah damn the French flag oh he's already getting all is this the person playing Tom Tom Hank character maybe Matt Damon's character oh in this movie too I'm totally guessing D they're really starting the movie like this I know like end I thought they were going to start I know did we start at the end or something must be a present day and then they go to the flashback look at his whole family though ah damn you're already going to cry I know you don't even know the story yet the story and I really want to cry I don't even know why he's crying could just be his dog or something fian he could just be crying about his dog I wouldn't know 1944 oh yeah this is during World War II then let's go maybe it is Tom hanks's character no I feel like it's Matt Damon yeah take take us back take us back in time dramatic intro yeah took him forever to walk there June 6th 1944 oh he's puking oh Tom oh there's Tom Hanks damn young tomong Tom Hanks oh God that would be me oh my god oh jeez everyone's throwing up those actions clear I'll see you on the beach he's [Music] praying oh [ __ ] oh my God damn they were getting shot at straight into action they're getting head straight head shot damn damn bless our all our veterans man yeah that whole boat almost got all that whole front line pretty much got headshot in oh my God [ __ ] damn shooting in the water what did that guy just do did he just kill himself oh this is directed by Spielberg too this crazy po this already yeah such a good directing oh oh oh no right in the heart he said thank you right when he was saving him it's a pretty good portrayal for 1998 too right I mean tragic as it is this is a great depiction of War yeah and what they went through very realistic oh my God jeez oh my God oh my God just bodies oh my God damn they don't get like earplugs or anything oh my God it would be so deaf their ears are probably ringing I know you can't hear [ __ ] a look like just a boy I [Music] know damn this movie is starting off hot I know where are they even supposed to go to they just were raiding the beach oh my God oh my goodness oh my God you just seeing your whole Squad dying ohing he went to grab his own arm oh my God people are running R yes it's definitely rated R bro you better get you better wake up oh my God there's so much blood in there get your helmet on and get to safety going to blow up what the hell do we do now sir yeah where are they going to oh he's a captain I just realized that he's so out of it yeah move your men [Music] up yeah what the rallying point Anywhere But Here Yeah get the F out of there you stay here you're dead here they don't want to move damn so crazy yeah they're like hiding behind nothing oh my God my God he's crying out for his mom bro you just have to kill him oh someone take him out of his misery medical you a [ __ ] medical get rid of that crap grab yourself some weapons follow me get rid of that crap all the medical supplies holy sh oh damn all that dragging for nothing this is oh my God he's dragging a have body no way bro oh man oh my God how do you make it past this beach this is way crazier than glorious bastards someone need to take that guy out yeah my God this body is exploding jeez oh my goodness your party how could you plan under this condition I know oh my God he doesn't even have a face God he already got blown up he has no face jeez move on to somebody you can help let's go Balan surge sir oh the surgeon you got to save the surgeon so hard to get anyone's attention I know oh stop the B just give us the chance you son of a oh my goodness this is horrendous this is so crazy oh oh oh my goodness oh my God they're just taking their ammo they have to yeah bangal bring up them bangal coming I'm stressed I know me too I don't even understand half of the things that they're saying too I feel like they're like talking all in code yeah come on shoot back no I feel like they're not even they're just we're trying to make it to the line huh oh my is that the doctor God the surgeon is the one that's performing oh oh my goodness oh put your no I knew that was going to happen he said put your he goes put your help and then he got head shot yeah business defate what kind of suicide mission is this they have to they want to stand his chance yeah give me that morphine oh what is happening that came from his mouth oh oh he's using as a mirror smart mg42 two M 20 left 30 go get him grab some cover and put some fire on that crew Davis de Bernardo young both get ready let's turned us around yeah just attack them there we go oh [ __ ] always kissing his cross oh oh you got it come on that's a brave kid you're not that far from me oh Lord snipe him yeah snipe his ass B let's go finally hey to help me nice nice right here this finally okay they're advancing yeah they found it cuz they got that whole little Tower down oh oh [ __ ] imagine how long it took for them to film this whole war scene for like like 3 months okay know right just the detail yeah of everything it's really good yeah this was for 1998 oh [ __ ] very close range yeah close range oh just Sho everyone that comes out of there yeah damn it's going straight in yeah I just got to throw a grenade in there yeah oh a no one surviving that let himn yeah oh God yeah don't waste your ammo this whole intro scene is so crazy this is crazy like 30 minutes of War oh oh yeah right oh they're all Dam they're surrendering yeah what are they going to do they are surrendering oh oh damn this is insane just attacking the bunkers shooting them down yeah what I'm sorry I can't understand what you're you they really couldn't the what language were they even speaking look I washed for supper Jesus I know crazy that some of them are really AR it's is that Vin Diesel oh I did I thought that was him earlier yeah me too oh this guy too I didn't know Vin Diesel was in this this guy's in a lot of stuff too FR oh wow oh oh they're in France obviously all the German occupied France taking all the dirt from all the yeah the places that they went to damn I guess that that first person I guess it was Tom damn the whole opening scene jeez oh my goodness the bloody sea yeah this type of stuff like really makes you open your eyes to like what these people there's no wonder I mean this is just a movie ever understand yeah no wonder why for the people who say we don't need men watch this movie yeah these Veterans Memorial Day so it's a perfect thing to watch damnn look at all the blood in the water like straight blood look all the fish is that fish damn the fish died too why are they zooming in on this guy Ryan priv Ryan that is that Private Ryan he was a fine Soldier he believed very strongly it's no secret anymore that's so sad so sadbe it's more sad that it's just more of like a template that probably the same template plugin yeah being real chat GPT what's she reading maybe someone survived what's going on I know right tell us to ches me oh his arm oh yeah Peter Ryan oh oh that's uh B Breaking Bad this man was killed last week in New Guinea all Ryan Ryan the three men are brother afternoon their mother's going to be getting all three telegrams oh jeez oh three that's not all there's a fourth brother the youngest he Parish first Airborne night before The Invasion he's somewhere in Normandy we don't know where is he alive we don't know they have the save him that's the last Ryan yeah Dam yeah all boys that's why they showed the other Ryan that died yeah that kind of confused me yeah me too I thought he was like still he had survived but he had died at Omaha I thought they were going to show like another pth yeah is that the mom oh she's familiar too oh no it's always bad news when you see damn three some oh those are all her four boys in the picture they're going to give her the American oh that's so sad she really knows when they deliver the American flag to her jeez that's so sad after brother died on joural in fact he's probably Kia damn they went to the chief of army chief of military so this whole movie is about trying to find and rescue the last Ryan yeah I think I think so mother sons who have died glor ious ly on the field of battle jeez Fallen Pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar freedom very sincerely and respectfully this D be making you feel proud to be American just just the alive the feels we are going to send somebody to find him let's go he has alive D-Day plus three yeah D-Day was June June 6 the Figures were 35 dead times two wom he just didn't want to give up those 88s yeah looked like more I got another one for you yes sir this one great from the top here we go oh get Private Ryan it's not going to be easy to find a one particular soldier in the middle of this whole damn find a needle and stack of needles this such a crazy Mission yeah huh to it was the army so they told me anyway yeah be ring on B Jackson Wade Beasley and interesting is that really priority well I think that's like the whole point of this right very interesting story line and then saving like a a low yeah low rung low status or maybe that's like we don't understand how yeah well we don't know yet I thought you liked it in the ass that's probably what all those guys are saying too they're like why are we trying to save this private there are a lot of Germans in the you have a problem with that no sir just if you consider I've never been in combat sir I make maps and I translate that's I need someone who speaks French and German my two guys were killed yes it's just that I've never I haven't held a weapon since basic training sir did you fire the weapon in basic training yes sir oh he's all nervous hey I mean he's still useful yeah just bring your typewriter bring whatever you want bro poort kid oh he still has more skills than that a souvenir I'd rather take him than a Master shooter or something I rather take the Master shooter but what are you going to do if you don't have a translator you know there's no Google shoot there's no phone shoot you don't need to carry those you'll need that need this so cute that guy looks like he weighs 120 lb I'm so scared for him every time you salute the captain you make him a target for the Germans so do us a favor don't do it especially when I'm standing next to him capish hey capish I mean where's the sense of risk the of us to save one guy oh yeah anybody want to answer that remember him from the holiday oh yeah see they're questioning it right now oh I am mother maybe not the captain but the rest of us got mothers's talking about our duty as soldiers they all have moms too what're why save and risk life for this guy let's say you weren't a captain or maybe I was a major what would you say then well that case I say this is an excellent Mission Sir with an extremely valuable objective sir I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of private James Ryan I'm willing to lay down my life and the lives of my men especially you Ryan good answer I don't predict good things for this kid I know in it yeah D already ha wom yeah right it's like they're in a neighborhood or something oh oh there's like civilians how many are you just eight of us we're not your relas sorry what do you mean we're here for a Private Ryan who we got stopped by some intense Rifle action from the Eastward the Germans have been re forcing two regiments all day oh that guy too lots of uh actors in This Big Fat Liar Big Fat Liar yeah your father was circumcised by my Rabbi you oh those peaches like fire peaches are apples they're small oh oh jeez yeah wake up get your [ __ ] together they probably are hungry oh bro down wasn't that time to [ __ ] talk short runs high and low with the corners it's going to be tight be prepared for close contact go oh you stay with st and hard back hey right here I'll wear them like underwear Captain I'll wear them like underwear is that the translator Papa come to showel oh there's one right there oh but he's surrendering looks like a family right oh it is a family it's a baby translate about the children kids you want us to take the children no we can't take the kids oh my God can't take the kids oh no oh my God don't this guy don't take the kids stop it they think they'll be safe are you nuts listen to the captain this is so sad oh my God give them back to the be put little girl back oh my God I feel like they're all going to get shot we not here to do the thing we going to follow take oh my God Vin Diesel Ray died no oh he got shot oh B diesel damn it where did that come from damn it get that girl back to her family oh someone in the bell tower that's that's where I would be I didn't see it snipe his ass out let's go get the [Music] sniper Vin Diesel man oh this guy's a Sitting Duck he's bait now yeah I like this guy oh where's he shot Captain where did he get shot oh my God Captain is that your boyfriend you stay there damn it stay down yeah can you stop moving is that your boyfriend or something why yeah let not my enemies triumph over me oh that's a sniper get him get him get him no he knows that he's talking to someone so he's going to try to find the see he sees that he's talking to someone he's going to go for them oh fudge oh oh in the ey sniper scope that's how skilled that the American Sniper is we got him through that guy is so good through his own sniper scope that was crazy oh long shot got Lu you V diesel yeah yeah all that for he said for family she didn't kill the the dad that's why we can't take children and he a man he is like for family harv this ain't Fast and Furious yeah sure ain't f it a little bit better Tower hle back here oh no he died still yeah what do you mean that was Oh shot you missed the whole part no I did I missed the whole part or he was already dead let me get this damn out of my boot how do I feel like he's going to get shot oh oh my god dude they're like all screaming each other they don't even know what they're saying Get the [Applause] translator yeah yeah translate oh God Dam Sho who how did they kill all of them oh they're up there where did they come from holy [ __ ] be no more worm movies in a long time after this my heart pal my this guy surprises yeah my heart is palpitating this the past two days oh guy's still sitting is he still alive oh tenant redeploy that bazooka to the right side of the road yes sir get Ryan up here oh oh they have him they found him pretty fast comes our boy all right all right here comes the boy sir private R reporting is ordered at ease oh that's him him I thought it was Matt Damon is Matt Damon in this movie I don't know maybe I'm tripping sorry guys if I'm wrong I thought it was Matt Damon the whole time your brothers are dead cuz you're going home damn does he even want to go home of course oh shoot God my brothers are dead so awkward and sad they will killed in action I can't be I can't be my brother's still in grar school that's not him oh you're James Ryan grammar school yeah it's different James Ryan Francis Ryan M Fredick Ryan Minnesota you got the wrong guy your brothers are probably alive God damn it does that mean my brothers are okay yeah I'm sure are you sure [ __ ] this poor kid this is just a big fou oh damn damn how many I me guess James Ryan isn't pretty okay sorry I had to go back to war he should have just lied get this part damn the whole Squad is like right now so it is Matt Damon figures what units you're rying in Baker company 506 the guy with the broken foot he's 506 yeah Charlie I think broken foot don't know man where was your Drop Zone just inside oh this guy where is this guy find them get them home damn what was the name of that kid that ano the one that was always walking around on his hands you know and he was singing that song about the man of the fly TR pce beoo this is how they keep their self entertained while there's a war outside shouldn't they be sleeping I would love to sleep how did you oh he's reading his note oh he's reing rewriting it for him except this time the mission is man yeah yeah think he's going to start questioning the mission this Ry better be worth it actually the trick to falling asleep is trying to stay awake well when my mother was an intern she used to um work late through the night sleep through the day so the only time that we ever got to talk about anything was when she'd get home so what I I used to do I used to lie on my bed and try to stay awake as long as I could but it never worked he's in a lot of things too I still wouldn't move I'd still pretend to just be asleep we only got a couple hours shut up for asleep I was just about to say that I was like you guys can get some shy sir it's their bonding time yeah or it's actually quiet and they're opening up to each other you all right he look shook wonder if we don't live that long 5 minut 500 would be good you you think they'll be able to sleep through the night or or they'll get ambushed who knows you know please let them sleep I mean the bombings sound far but anybody can sneak up yeah hopefully he gets them sleep he probably has to keep an eye out did the first watch yeah that was so funny that they found the wrong Ryan maybe not funny but he's like not funny for the wrong Ryan yeah you see all the guys too they like all look relieved and then right when he says he's the wrong Ryan they're like like the Miss Wade yes sir see what you can do yes sir hold on waade won't be much longer damn we doing here oh he's the medic oh he's a doc didn't realize that worry fellas 29th Infantry is breaking through they'll be here soon plas anybody got plasma he just got his dead for next him check out that Squad see if Ryan's in it yes sir jeez can barely to carry his gun oh that's all the prisoners I'm what is he saying to them keep moving oh oh kid I'm Jewish we were just we were just we were just too too damn heavy you know grass was wet downward slope and all 22 guys dead damn oh you might want to check these out sir dog tags oh oh dog tags Jackson start going for those I'll help yeah they're hoping it's they're ready to go home just keep looking that's a lot I know that's M of yours there's a lot damn lots of do tie I think I got a winner what are you talking about oh Ryan you know what you're a genius you're he really are r i e n n i me he could oh oh there's woman hand with that can you read that [ __ ] oh I gu notet what is he looking why is there music in what is that what's going hang on oh they're like oh it's disrespectful hey they could be a little discreet about it yeah can you do it not next to them maybe the locals have seen it hey you know excuse them probably Ryan James Ryan Mercy Mercy Ryan anybody know Ryan Airborne Ryan knowy it's going crazy get desperate Len uh mson P around with Ayan from C company yeah I think so we'll bring him up here would you oh I don't want to get my hopes up but I know maybe you're going to have to speak up my hearing it's not so good and go the German grenade went up right by my head all the all their hearing is messed up yeah who that guy's familiar yeah James Francis Ryan Iowa please remember him yeah any kind of lead yeah of course I know him sir finally yeah yeah we missed our Drop Zone by about 20 miles ended up way over by a bu this poor kid screaming ran into a colonel who was gathering up men to go to uh Romel the babysit a bridge the last I seen of him great thank thank you right thank read read finally finally let's find this kid take him home guy Mommy I hope no other men have to die tget has always been we can't push on Paris until we take a deep water hand still so shaky yeah what the hell is that is that the bridge I'm simply saying seems like an unnecessary risk given our objective sir our objective is to win the war sir I just uh I don't have a good feeling about this one what are they trying to do they're trying to when was the last time you felt good about anything they don't want to get have the other yeah in danger and then they don't want they're like well we don't want the next group to get ambushed either the hell is he going to do then just going to take the risk this guy's Fearless I know three three runners with suppressing fire melish you hook to the right I'll go up to Middle up to Middle going left none of them who's going left I'll do it oh not the sniper and you linger in the rear someone's going to die I know oh oh they just went straight damn they just going Free Run damn they're shooting the cows someone's dying yeah I feel like it's going to be what's his name the sniper the guy from hopefully not him I feel like it's going to be the guy from ryber or him yeah hopefully not oh oh who was that damn they just thring straight grenades but I feel like someone's going to come up behind him no I think he's going to get shot oh my God why do I feeling oh who's that oh the medic he's the dock that's not good fudge it how's it look going to be okay going be okay oh he's going to [Music] die oh God are this oh God this is so gory use a little morphine damn the doctor this all worth it like I know I think maybe they'll pretend like they're all going to turn on him after this saved so many lives but they can't save his they just like don't want to let him be in pain yeah that is so sad that's the second one oh he's the one that wrote the letter for been diesel too huh mhm and he's the one that was talking about his mom how you pretend toep doctor yeah oh there's a letter more blood they're just going to keep passing that note on yeah oh that guy's still alive let him get some information at least translator not yet yeah ask this piece of [ __ ] if he's the one who way ask him shut up with that filthy pig oh he got hit too oh his arm oh are you going to let them kill him this is not right you can help him with the bodies what is happening I thought they're going to get him for like some information or something yeah and then kill him yeah yeah two guys down out of eight there's only six left now oh must be so hard mhm such a good actor yeah why do you keep going after this I know I mean they've lost two men already they know where he is Hope y oh that's no way he's smoking with the prisoner they still haven't killed him I don't trust this guy I beat his ass you over here smoking with him please I like America Franc M what a sense goly kite your tongue be he just saying he knowsy boob what a dish a nice GS oh I say can you see I say can you see he's trying I say he's trying everything at least they're not going to torture him hopefully not they just kill him they're like okay you can live sir he says he's sorry about way he surrendered sir you don't give any [ __ ] yeah I mean you just can't what like what are you going to do with him just going to let him roam and then tell other people to March th Paces in that dire my gosh they're going to let him go can't take him with us our guys will pick him up sooner or later oh my God this guy's for sure going to snitch how do you not trip yeah only if he doesn't get picked up by his own vermo first then throw back into circulation yeah C you just let the enemy go They're gonna start turning on him all get yeah they don't even want to do this mission get your gear let's go yes just know that's going to bite them in the ass or maybe you're them later in the end then again we haven't found them yet have we have we I'm done with this Mission oh no see they're dropping like flies now wait wait is it uh $300 is that it 300 I'm a school teacher oh that they have a wager on him I tell people what I do for a living they think well that figures but over here it's a big mystery so I guess I've changed some it's crazy yeah sometimes I wonder if I changed so much my wife is even going to recognize me whenever it is I get back to Herm where changes you yeah I feel like I'm changed from this movie I'm stressed man means nothing to me it's just a name but if you know if going to raml and finding him so he can go home if that earns me the right to get back to my wife well then you're just trying to complete the mission that assigned yeah hopefully they can just all go home I just know that every man I kill the farther away from home I feel damn he's still going to go he is the biggest complainer out of all of them for sure it's almost like even if he goes home like how would it even be safe for him just to be by himself to leave you know I think he's he's not going to leave yeah he's probably safer going with them I canot imagine being in the military oh I would be in War I would die memor are they supposed to just be walking in the field all open like that feel like something's going to happen I hear something yeah they're like in an open field half cover oh [ __ ] get down get down oh my God who is it it's going to be I swear if it's that soldier that they let Americans [Music] ooh who's doing a [Music] shoot oh my God oh God get ready to move on the left FL take their left FL hold on and make sure they're down yeah make sure they're down who was shooting at them can't believe it was a third grade school teacher oh [ __ ] damn where did they all come from huh we're coming out oh Private Ryan please tell me private R Recon element second SS second SS Corporal Henderson Easy Company 501st first 506 Matt Damon come on finally Francis Ryan yes sir how'd you guess that let's go we've been looking for you bro oh they're like thank God finally their faces I feel so relieved this whole entire movie now get his ass back damn it took half a movie to get find Matt Damon he's so young yeah he such a cutie yeah oh God that was cool reveal CEO would have been Captain Jennings sir oh he died afid the best we can muster up right now is a Corporal oh wow we're here for him Ryan uhoh oh damn he does look so young huh got to break the news to him no that he's the last child your brothers were killed in combat [ __ ] which which ones all of them all of them all of them damn Ryan lost his brothers which one all of them oh [ __ ] he came all the way out here to tell me that you're you're going home I feel like he doesn't want to go home so there's no way to tell I mean we have no idea what's happening in South I have my orders too sir they don't include me abandoning my post I told you he doesn't want to leave sir I can't leave until at least reinforcements you got three minutes to gather your gear sir what about them I mean d who of our guys already died trying to find you all right like I just be talking out of pocket it doesn't make any sense sir why why me why do I deserve to go yeah why not any of these guys they all fought just as hard as me is that what they're supposed to tell your mother when they send her another folded American flag tell her that when you found me I was here and I was with the only brothers that I have left and there's no way I was going to Desert them it's honorable I think you'll understand that yeah can't blame him yeah can't get a free pass out of everyone you can't blame him but at the same time I thought they're all meant to follow orders and his ORD to go with them that's why I'm not in the Army oh my God they even think about this like that he could have possibly say no and that they basically came all the way over there for no reason I don't think they're going to take no for an answer yeah I know right they're like I'm bringing you back Dead or Alive what if by some miracle we stay and actually make it out of here Saving Private Ryan was the one decent thing we were able to pull out of this whole God awful shitty mess Silver Lining like you said cev would do that we all earn the right to go home so they're just going to stay and help brother he's like I'm just trying to get back to my wife yeah hit them hard we can one-onone I fall back to the bridge machine gun to move down here number two up high somewhere there a little bad news down on their heads Jackson if we can i' like to get you up in that Bell Tower yeah get him up there auor with about a th000 rounds be okay th rounds you could hit the tank in the tracks yeah but with what we could try a sticky bomb sticky bomb what's that are you making that up no it's in the field man you can check it out if you want to but we seem to be out of field manual [Music] sir damn all the TNT Jesus just run it around like that sticky bomb be so mad if you to get rid of your socks you'd be so you'd be so mad it would be so close yeah oh athletes foot gross Captain where am I during all this never more than two away from me that's not negotiable never never more than 2 feet away from him damn they got to protect him yeah quite a situation is he the guy from The Mummy is he he plays Benny remember the one that gets that steals all the jewelry I don't remember I'll have to look it up but then it's going to be a real show huh you already know some crazy [ __ ] is going to happen in this scene oh God I know you already know it's coming [Music] that part must be so nerve-wracking just waiting waiting for war she comes into my mom's shop to try on a few things all right and she's easily like a 44 double e 44 are mass God damn I think of home I I think of something specific I think of my my hammock in the backyard my wife pruning the rose bushes and a pair of my old work gloves it's so hard to go to war and leave your family behind there was my oldest brother Dan with Alice Alice Jardine picture a girl who just took a nose dive from the ugly tree and his Branch coming down DN that's rough and Dan got her shirt up oh he's working on this bra and he's trying to get it off and all of a sudden Sean just screams out Danny you're a young man don't do it that's the story Tom hears this and she screams and she jumps up and she tries to get running out of the barn but she still got to shirt over her head she goes running right into the wall and knocks herself out oh my goodness he grabs her by a leg and he's drag he's dragging her at the same time he picks up a shovel and he's going after Sean and Sean's saying what are you trying to hit me for I just did you a favor it's pretty funny he loses the shovel goes out of his grasp and hits a kerosene lantern oh my good explodes Barn almost this is a crazy story all because of the girl that was it that was the last that was damn the basic the next day that was the last night the four of us were together damn uhoh there's some rumbling uh-oh here they come turn off the music wake up how how are they able to lure the tank in yeah C the record oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] here we go feel like this going to be another crazy crazy scene coming up he sees tiger tanks two of them tiger tanks two of four tanks four tanks 50 infantry plus change damn lock Lock and Load you already know this scene is going to go crazy people are going to die it's going to be tragic yeah I feel like this is like the the scene that everything built up to you know up him hustle up come up them yeah your ammo he's a guy with all the ammo is he putting down gunpowder or something explosive power maybe that was crazy sounds like a lot are they going to take the bait getting the explosives ready this is L like the worst part just waiting waiting for the war to start just staring at him this is all for you yeah pan didn't take the bait cuz you're were supposed to come up that that alley oh here they come they're taking the bait oh God my God they're so close they're right there jeez they don't see him I know how do they not see him him so many I know oh here we go oh nice oh here we go here's a start of it all what are those oh stick bombs sticky bombs come on don't miss damn I imagine you have to time that perfectly he's so close oh bro why did he throw it why did he stick it on he supposed to light it and then yeah well cuz he threw yeah you're right he didn't throw it he just ran with it and then he just exploded himself which was that some we knew no I think it was just someone random didn't show his face at least oh [ __ ] oh my goodness come on up them ooh oh my God oh my God up him can you get down sticky bomb come on throw it you got to throw it bro you can't hold on to that they're so close I know that [ __ ] oh there you go they blew the tracks off finally oh he pretty brave though though Y how did he make it through that oh my God skin yeah damn that looks so crazy oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God there's so many of them in there oh my goodness [Music] wow you see he really sa tried to like save his life off me I'm fine too Captain than that's all he cares about yeah he's pretty much a ticket to get back to his wife yeah oh oh my face damn grenade ohm take it out [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my god oh my God heavy weapon is Def a below I ain't got a shot oh sniper can't die sniper can't die yeah God grab me strength yeah say your prayers [Music] yeah oh God oh my God oh God God this the ACT scenes here are crazy oh my God don't tell me the tank is going to point up at the Bel Tower teaches My Hands to War am I finish the fight oh no they're aiming for him are they take him down my high tower and my deliverer oh my shield and he in whom I trust this guy is badass I know get the tank get the tank what I feel like I know someone's going to come up behind him he had another oh they're aiming for him oh no get out of there oh Fu [ __ ] get out oh no I knew he was going to die they shot the Bel out oh [ __ ] no one can come up from behind them cuz there's a second guy in there but I I was scared of that too I knew theing though yeah cuz it was so obvious that I mean that's smart oh my God just straight out running oh God oh my God it just came in there and back thre it back out keep thr it out Dam yeah he has to get up there come on up them wake up oh my God they're right there they're right there they're right there oh my God just oh oh no just do you have a grenade or something help him they shot up them oh my God I think you're right why would they do that why would he not respond though because they were there who is it oh right in the throw God what a terrible way to die is right getting shot barely in the throat wait is that the same guy is that the guy that they almost they let go is that the same guy that is him ah they should have just killed his ass see they always come back I think up I'm still alive but where is he yeah oh he got the Bazooka let's go bro let's go right in that [ __ ] up oh my God he got the B oh he's right there he here's them struggling cuz they went the other way behind him yeah oh yeah it is him you're right see he came back killed him come on you got to move faster bro grow some balls get up there come on come on hurry oh my God he's moving so effing slow I cannot [Music] let's up listen to me let's up I hate this guy so much he's killing him oh [ __ ] I hate him so much what a little [ __ ] you better kill him upam sweating all over him too you oh my God he got oh oh no oh no oh no everyone's dying they're all dying this guy is badass I'm sweating you L you're and you're going to see that same effing guy he's going to let him go he's going to let him go what a stabed him right in the heart oh you're such a bro he's going to let him go because he let him go you deserve to die such a you know he was literally right there walking so slow he's scared he's he's not you go through all that just to be pass this whole War he hasn't killed anyone see and because he had mercy on him in the beginning it didn't help his teammates out but it helped him yeah Tom Hanks is a little too cuz he let him go damn he got stabbed in the heart so slow and then the other guy super slow through the and they were calling him out too calling for up I thought they killed him at first me too me too there's so many of them oh my God oh my God see the body is just [Music] flying that's what oh my God this movie is crazy this movie is so I've never seen anything like oh my God oh my God they going they going in hot there's so many of them oh my God this guy's still alive oh not with this guy he's over here crying they're both going to get shot D this guy's badass he's still walking how can they possibly win this or get away I feel like they're so outnumbered you fall back you'll be right behind us wor oh this guy is MVP yeah he's a real daddy he's a real daddy oh oh my God here comes the oh oh I know like it's going to be pointing at them how does he get away every time he just got all the ammo around his neck you need to redeem yourself oh fudge oh d his finger off ah did it get blown off yeah why was he so calm about it I know oh oh this guy going to go out like a g yeah [ __ ] I do like that guy a lot he had all the honor yeah blow up that bridge get the Bazooka at least from him just got the wind knocked out of me get out of here take cover we're going to blow the bridge yeah blow the bridge come on yeah ASAP ASAP across the bridge go go go go oh my goodness how do you survive that my God who is that Tom Hanks oh who is it all his friends oh he's about to get shot shot oh he's having that moment again yeah like the beginning of the movie this is so traumatizing that Damon's teeth look perfect oh I mean he was already dying get the Bazooka bro I thought they were going to explode the bridge they haven't done it yet right oh I hate that guy what are you going to do oh my God he's literally right there you better kill him he's going to redeem himself oh there someone else oh oh [ __ ] he literally saved your life too was that Tom Hanks look like him I know it looks like him huh is that him yeah that's him he got shot damn that what's he even shooting at oh he's just it's over for him damn just a handgun he's already dead well the sticky bomb what's he hitting I think he I don't think he's shooting at anything I think he's just yeah he's just trying to shoot the tank over oh nice oh for Ms oh my God they got so lucky right when he's about to die wow please translate surrender oh same guy yeah kill him first oh good that way the rest of them get scared what we were calling him his name spin that oh he let them go I can't believe this guy actually survived ryber Reuben R forgot his name thank God Matt Damon didn't die I know they kept Private Ryan alive how is he dying earn what oh damn I wasn't I didn't imagine Tom Hank's dying I guess it kind of makes sense Dam earn what [Music] damn Dear Mrs Ryan even after he was informed of the tragic loss your family has suffered in this great campaign to rid the world of tyranny and oppression I can't believe this guy survived the Fallen Pride must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom oh damn damn it C Marsh general staff that is so good all right even though why I'm crying oh it was oh it was Matt aond it was Ryan we did call it no I didn't call it I thought it was oh oh Tomy X that's why he's still alive cuz he was able to go home damn [Music] damn is that the whole the whole platoon that saved him you were crying right in the beginning at this exact spot and you're probing at the end at the exact spot full circle guys full circle look at his family think what you said that was in your eyes I've earned what all of you have done for me this is so sad let it out baby oh my God who would have thought this old guy really got to me this is so sad it's okay babe this is why am I crying so much cuz it's sad for all the soldiers they did all die for him this movie just won't stop I need to blow my nose is that the end oh thank God that was it finally watch that movie you almost died step Spielberg oh my God that is you okay the hardest I I you really went to war was d i my whole I was hot I was sweating you know when we shoot this we turn off the air conditioning CU I like already hot from that and just Delirious cuz it's a little bit late too and the letter I think that the chief of staff of the military or whatever or the of the military sends to the mom orever and saying like your son's coming home yeah so I started crying from that part and then m and saying like tell me I'm a good tell me I'm a good man and then I just like you know when you cry you just can't stop crying multiple men risk their lives even died for him even though all that happened he was honorable and he wasn't willing to just leave so I think that's what makes him a great man God yeah and you even hear too like right when they come up to they're like he's like why me like why why do I deserve to get a go home but no one else does yeah Tom Hanks oh sorry he was the one that was motivating and pushing everyone to go save him and he ended up dying and you can tell like he wanted to get back to his wife he ended up dying my eyes are literally still red and my nose is all stuffy look at me she looks perfect she looks Model status and I'm over here crying my eyes out I just don't cry Kim Kardashian I'm not a CER I know that's why we're we we are good balance we Kim Kardashian cry there's nothing wrong with crying though ugly crying nothing wrong with crying I just been trained not to cry so I just this is how I am I was I was literally good all the way until the end damn at first I was like damn I don't want going to cry this movie little dad know I was going to cry the hardest you cry in everything so I knew you were going to ball in this movie yeah I have cry I know a lot people C in this movie this movie does really make you feel hella proud to be an American and that's without any of the politics without any of the other outside noise especially World War II and all the other Wars too but yeah this was such a great classic movie I they were so realistic in the war scenes like every little detail and all the guns that they use and it was super realistic with the way that like all the bodies that dropped and like all the C that's why I think it makes me feel proud to be an American because I think you just think of like what all the troops have been through what they sacrificed what they've sacrificed yeah all the everyone in the military that and the veterans that have sacrificed to put their life on the line like makes you like oh my gosh appreciate you feel like Private Ryan you're like oh my God what did I do to to deserve this you know like I said without putting all the politics and everything aside but it's like War unfortunately is NE is necessary for for certain rights you know so and you know you just feel it stronger and stronger when it comes to like Memorial Day or 4th of July where you feel proud every American needs to watch this movie and like realize what the veterans has their sacrifice that they did for this country yeah God bless all the veterans and and people in the military we thank you for your service cuz this movie really just shook me to my corner yeah we watching glorious bastards just to do a little bit comparison compar is completely different that's why I'm kind of glad we watched in glorious bastards first cuz it was just a different tone and it that movie made me to be an American too right well a little in a different way I think that's like probably one of the best war movies I've ever seen I think it's the best war movie I've ever seen and you know why I think and it's a classic and it's old movie and it's so good like Stephen Spielberg did an amazing J the dialogue's amazing the acting is amazing like the camera angles of when they're during the war scenes are really really good so real you feel really immersed you feel like you're in the war you feel like you're with the soldiers right next to them and it doesn't feel fake it like like you said it's everything is depicted so real even though we've never been obviously we've but you can imagine it's like that it feels very realistic especially for 1998 so I think they did a really good job depicting that and now I can see why this is like one of my brothers or like not just my brothers but why a lot of people probably love this movie because if you really think about it there's no like random love scene there's no random it's like all war and Brotherhood and like fighting for your country like that's it's all war yeah that's why I feel like this movie is so um beloved because there's no B yes in the movie it's like straight perfect way to put it straight honor yeah oh my God too much honor for me I'm like damn can they throw like a Little Love in there like Pearl Harbor stuff you know like how Pearl Harbor is like all love like it's like the opposite of War yeah yeah next next genre will be much more up on the up and up so yeah well thank you guys for joining us today and thank you for not hopefully laughing at me too hard for crying too hard kardashi mean no please yeah if you haven't already don't forget to like and subscribe and we'll see you in the next movie happy memorial dayice for all the veterans out there yeah peace out
Channel: Meesh & Dee
Views: 96,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ww2, war, world war 2, saving private ryan, saving private ryan reaction, war movies, d day, world war, war movie, steven spielberg, tom hanks, matt damon, ww2 movies, classic movies, vin diesel, history buffs, machine gun, world war ii, 1998, saving private ryan opening scene, action scene, omaha beach, normandy, battle scene, war videos, war movie scenes, ww2 movie, saving private ryan sniper, rescue mission, ww2 battles, meeshanddee
Id: 9eaQBZqOo2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 2sec (4262 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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