The Best Video Caption Plugins for Premiere Pro

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so as you may be wondering that you've clicked on this video how do you create those animated social media captions well you cannot do it with the built-in Tools in Premiere Pro I mean you can but you literally have to do key frame by key frame animation which just takes too much time even if it is just for a 60c video so people out there saw that there was a need for this and there's now a variety of plugins for Premiere Pro that can do this for you the goal with this video was for me to review the top four ones that I've used and tried out so that way you can see which one might be the best one for you to use in your workflow it's also important to note that none of these plugins have sponsored this video I've put time coded chapters just down below if you want a review and let's Jump On In First up on the review is fire cut now fire cut has been the tool that me and my team have been using for C optioning the most this year but there are a couple quirks that we would like fixed as well so if there is a tool out there maybe even in this video that has a better workflow we may make the switch so let's do our honest review here first of all the installation is really nice has one of those walkth through guides that you can click to install and once it's installed in Premiere Pro you just go up to window extensions fire cut and here's the panel on the left all right so as you can see with fire cut there are a lot of different things that you can do with fire cut not just captions but for this we're just going to focus on the captions but I have done a full review of many of these tools already which you can watch that video I'll place a link in the description so let's click on add captions one thing that's a huge benefit compared to Premiere Pro is that there's 50 languages we mainly use English us but it's good to have these options right also if you're an editor you may want to do the full sequence or just a particular area which I love that they have the In-N-Out here in this case it's just going to be the full sequence cuz we only have one clip in our timeline we're good to click on transcribe and it's really fast at transcribing and this was just a minute long clip and only took a few seconds if you scroll down you can see a preview of what the captions will look like and you can click on these different styles here do have different types of looks so if you want to go with harosi you can do that what's also cool is you can position it here inside of the frame I do wish it was inside of the program monitor here but because it's its own panel it kind of has to be in here I do wish the animation preview was here too it's just a static image but that's okay so I recommend an area right here because we have our social icons and remember we have our description on social media as part of the UI of the social media platform so just bear that in mind and then you might be wondering well how do I review the transcript you click here to review and what's really cool is you can go through read and you can click at any point here for example when I ask my dog something here it said Tiki but actually her name is Kiki so I'll just change that and then I'll just go through and make sure it did everything okay another cool thing that you might want to do is separate a line if one is too long for example here if you just hover between a word you can click on that slash mark to turn it into two separate lines which is just really really useful so then from here you can go in and you can change the preset if you want so you can see that this is the font it has an outline you can adjust to make it bigger but you always have to scroll up to see what effect it has but I wish that you could see the style as you scroll down like it floats down so you don't have to like scroll up each time that's one thing that I wish that we could do they also added emojis here and you can see that it added emojis related to what you're saying there's other things you can try out wiggle tilt animation for this let's stick with highlight if everything looks good to the adjustments here you can go ahead and click on plus and give your preset a name and save it so it will always be there you can of course edit your custom presets here you can delete them at any time I do wish though I could send this file to my editor easily and just have them hit plus and they can import this preset so one last thing is the save location feature at the bottom which I think should be up at the top especially if you share projects with multiple editors because these are actual files PNG files that are saved to your computer and if you don't save this location to like a shared folder these will be offline if the other editor opens it up and you saved it locally on your computer and then from here you can add sted captions to sequence and this is where the magic happens it just starts to add the captions to the sequence for you now we can see what it looks like we have an update to the premier G toolkit 3.2 so if we zoom into the timeline here you can see that these are PNG files the benefit of it is that you don't have to render anything out they perform faster than Motion Graphics templates but you cannot edit a PNG file but that's not really a big issue because you can just select all of these delete them make your changes here inside of the panel and then read them and it works pretty fast right but now the question let's talk about pricing so with fire cut you can get all these features free for a 7-Day free trial but after that the pricing is actually more on the expensive side so with the starter here for $11 per month build yearly there are no captions included you have the other features which I don't really use so you would have to go pro and if you pay monthly it's 34 that's more than premier Pro cost as an editor each month so I do think it's a little bit pricey but it is really easy to use so if you try it out and you do lots of shorts depending on how much output you're making and how much revenue you get this monthly cost might be worth it cuz at the end of the day it's you know five four cups of coffee maybe less depending on what you order when you go out so you have to make those justifications there's lots of other features that you get with this that I encourage you to check out also as an affiliate disclaimer I have put my affiliate links to each tool in my description box below so if one of these tools stands out and you decide to purchase with my link I earn a small commission from that purchase and no additional cost to you so there's that next up is brevity which is fairly new and let me tell you I'm really impressed with this and I think that you guys are going to like it unlike fire cut it doesn't have that walkthrough installation it is a zxp download and installation but that's not really a deal breaker if you guys have worked with plugins or extensions before there's a free zxp installer you just drag and drop the zxp file in there and then you go up to window and Premiere Pro Extensions and you'll find the extension here and you can see that there are just two options in brevity but for this we're just going to talk about the captions first of all you choose your caption style and when you select this dropdown you can scroll down and hover to see the different animation which I haven't seen yet in fire cut you do not get that animation preview I think I'm gonna go with this last one that just has the moving text with the background cuz I like having the background cuz it makes it easier to read so let's use this one and then transcription there's accurate or fast I think it's better to go with accurate even though it takes a little bit more time you can also turn off auto detection if you don't want that on there's also lots and lots of different languages here too there must be at least 50 here I didn't go through and count all of them you can also translate the language now I tried this before I tried to translate into Indonesian and I got an error message still resolving that maybe it was just something weird with my use case but try this out if you need to translate I love that it's here none of the other tools have this yet and let's go ahead and click on create now remember all these tools do require internet connection because it's transcribing right one benefit of the built-in Premiere Pro transcription is that when you download those language packs they are local so first of all I like that the transcript is here visible as captions plus you get a preview directly in your video inside the timeline already as one layer so once again I do recommend going through here and updating anything that's incorrect for example here it made the same mistake as the other one so you have to click on the T here and then you can go in and make edits so that's just one little qu work that I noticed but it's not a huge one just note that you have to go to the text tool to do that another thing that's really cool before we get into stylization updates if you go to effect controls you can adjust the position just using the motion controls so you can select motion and then move it up or down within the program monitor or contrl Z that and you can just have it remain in the center by just pulling up this vertical position you might be like well what if I want to customize the style you can click on style here and from here you can choose to do anything you want basically it's pretty easy to understand once you read everything here but for example background enabled okay let's maybe change that color do we want it to be a little bit darker of a color select do we want it to be not transparent or just a little bit transparent you can also adjust the padding and how much roundness you want another thing I noticed is that when I play this back the captions kind of jump between we have an update to the premier G toolkit 3 see how it kind of does that bounce when it switches to the next two lines you can actually remove that animation by just going down to none or you can try out different animations so if you just want it to be on lines in 15 characters you need to click format captions now and now it changes it now let's go back to style again and I don't like it to be all caps so let's make it normal and I love how it automatically updates for me there's also suggest emojis if you're into that or suggesting Clips I think it is a little bit easier than in fir cut because you don't have to save them as PNG files and you know if the editor forgets to set that location and things are offline here we don't have to worry about that because this file itself is actually saved in your Motion Graphics template media folder which is what Premiere Pro creates next to your project file on your computer so you don't have to worry about things getting offline one downside is that you do have to render with brevity but as you can see it's actually going pretty fast you have to decide what's easier having to redo it with PNG files or render at the end and here's what it looks like we have an update to the premier G toolkit 3.2 I think it looks great and I love the subtle little bounce we also have to talk about pricing right so with brevity you can see there's a specific plan just for captioning without having to use the AI cutting tools which is something that I'm not really interested in so this plan works for me and it's a little more than half of what you would pay per month for a yearly plan with fire cut so it's still expensive but if you use it enough I think it's worth it by the way I'm Kelsey I'm the Creator here of Premier gal and if this video is helping you out so far do me a favor and give it a thumbs up I also want to thank inato elements for sponsoring this video and making it possible for me to create these instructional educational videos on YouTube over the years they've been a partner of mine for many many years and my team and I absolutely adore elements they have an unlimited creative stock Library where we find a ton of great stock video clips as well as graphics for our thumbnail so if my thumbnail designer wants to have a thing of me kind of like sinking in an ocean clip he can download an ocean clip and I can be sinking help that would be so funny we have a lot of fun and elements helps us have fun and we can get unlimited downloads for all the projects that we do here on YouTube we don't have to worry about any copyright strikes it's really been our friendly editing companion over the years and better yet they have this new panel in Premiere Pro so you can search for stock video clips and sound effects directly in your app it's all about removing those steps to help save time and VOD elements has hooked you guys up with a discount code to get 70% off your first month if you want to try it out so thank you so much to elements for supporting the channel and now let's get back into our caption in review now autocut just like fire cut is also really easy to install they have this nice little walkthrough just like fire cut and then once you are ready to open it up go to window extensions autocut and here it is open and since I've last used autocut they've taken a lot of feedback and they've made the design of the homepage much nicer with a little preview of all the different things but I don't really find that the auto zooms and the auto cuts that AI does is the same as what humans can do it may help you get a rough cut but it can cut out some of the natural funny things the mess ups per se that you actually want to keep in especially in our edits when we like to keep it fresh and fun I think so here we're going to just click on autoc captions here we can see that it's loading up a preview you first need to kind of design it here using these controls so down beneath here you can actually select these presets here this doesn't look like Mr Beast it looks like one of the fonts is offline these fonts should be installed automatically with autocut so something is disconnected here same with the Alex harosi it doesn't look like it's displaying correctly for some reason but when I click this one it appears to be working okay and this Emoji is kind of random because I didn't select emojis and when I go over here I can't really find why there's an emoji but after I like went through this I realized that that's just showing where the Emoji might be if you add Emoji you can also search Community presets which I think is very neat so other community members can publish their presets I don't know why I have my arm like this that's weird anyway um you can see here that uh there's different styles that people added so for example if you wanted to add this Cris brown one from the community thanks Chris Brown import preset here it is so if you wanted to use that as a starting point if you go in now you can adjust the font let's try monsterra bold text color let's say we want it to be white um we can keep this background color you can adjust the padding you can choose different animations highlight with audio or you can do text with a box instead let's try that there's not as many animation presets as with brevity and with fire cut but I do like this design they have where it's like step by step and it has the floating box pop out I really like this UI that they created so with these transitions between lines you can choose to have zoom in or blur in or none at all let's keep them on text formatting if you want to have two lines or three lines I really like this I think that's really useful and then the maximum width you can adjust how wide you want this to be again it's hard to see the what's going on because this is covering our preview so you kind of have to just guess here I wish there was a way that you could see how it's actually going to change your text which is why I think it needs to transcribe it first before we we styliz this so I almost think this needs to be reversed although I do like this design I think it needs to happen after the transcriptions are created if that makes sense and then there's the Box the text box itself behind all of the text if you want to add that and transform this is vertical and horizontal which we don't want to change too much of all right so save current parameters we can create a new preset let's just call it g for now and you can choose to save it to the community or not now we need to select the clips to subtitle so just select this and here you can choose your clip language and you can see that there's a lot here just like with fire cut so we have our clips that we want to uh transcribe and autoc caption click process now it's uploading the audio need to be connected to the internet just like the other ones cuz it needs to process so now we just wait this is where it gets a little weird for me because these icons here kind of distract me while I'm editing my transcript I just want like a clean version to edit and then deal with the captions but I understand what it does it just means like merge these two together but let's not merge them right now let's just see what happened here oh okay so this one didn't get part where I was talking to my dog so I can say that this one did Premier gal correctly it even capitalized toolkit but it didn't do Kiki's name correctly so let's scrub to this part here sending messages and what else do we add Kik what else did we add so here we want to delete that and change this to kiky there we go so this is where you make the edits you can also generate emojis here which is useful let's just do add captions process completed that was really fast so what it did is it actually created a nest which is a sequence within a sequence here so I like that it's one layer also and wow it's big I didn't know it was that big when I was stylizing it again that's kind of my feedback is I wish the stylization was kind of after we generated the captions if that's possible so if we double click on this you can see that these are all kind of like Motion Graphics templates that it generated here and that's really nice and so here if I want to make this smaller I can actually go to effect controls and just make it smaller and all of them adapt let's see how it looks we have an update to the premier G toolkit 3.2 so now I know what that merging was for because it's almost word for word if you want the sentences to be longer you can merge them together and that's why it was there before there is a little bit of rendering that needs to happen you can see the red right above here so let's just hit enter and sometimes Motion Graphics require some rendering again just a little bit of quirks there but the end result actually looked quite nice so autocut great job so autocut has a 14-day free trial which is nice and then the pricing here you can see that it actually is cheaper here from the basic plan but no captions are included I wish the captions were here cuz this would make it like probably the best deal I would say great job autocut I think the pricing is fair but you know just fix that stylization issue because I think it just makes it difficult to know what it will look like before you generate it which is the whole point right all right so last but certainly not least is Submachine now this one is kind of in the classification of requiring a little bit more steps to do but not that much and you get a little bit more customization so it's more of like a pro tool plus a huge benefit CU normally I talk about the pricing at the end but for this one they have a lifetime option and a subscription option and both of them are really reasonable there is a subscription option which is just $8 per month and then there's a lifetime for $150 so you can try the subscription and then you can move to lifetime which is really really nice also Submachine has a really easy installation it's the guided walk through so you don't have to install a exp file and again you go up to window extensions Submachine and here it is so by a little bit more work this is what I mean you need to drop in an SRT file and an SRT file is basically just a captioning file so first of all you're limited to the 16 languages that Premier Pro has so you need to go to the text panel so if you go to transcript you can see that Premier Pro automatically transcribed my video for me this is automatic you go to Premiere Pro settings transcription and you can have it automatically transcribe Clips only in the sequence and then you can edit this here just like a Word document really easy to do so then you need to go over to captions and create captions from the transcript and this is where there's a little bit more work but just follow my steps here you need to reduce the character length to the minimum the minimum duration in seconds and change it to single line and click create captions this is where we get our SRT file that we need to use with submachine so go over here to the little three dots export SRT file and here we can save it to downloads for example Submachine test cuz this is just for our demo here so now we can go to Submachine click on SR T and let's import our SRT file so now we need to import a murt and you might be like what the heck is a murt well it's actually a Motion Graphics template that can hold different animation Styles and this is what I was talking about as it being a little bit more customizable so if you're a part of the Submachine Discord you can see that they have this presentation that shows what all of the different new Murs look like in their animation style and these are just presets that you can customize in Premiere Pro by the way so it's really really nice that they made this another thing you need to be mindful of is your frame rate of your sequence so this is what I was talking about why it's a little bit more technical it depends on the frame rate of your video so for this video clip I have it at 24 frames per second so I would choose the 24 or it won't work and now we can choose the character per phrase and I really like this because it visually makes sense right so I'm working with 9 by 16 we are in this kind of dark blue Zone we can make this a little bit less if we want to like 16 and then if we're in kind of a square they recommend here landscape here so let's go ahead and click create subs and then we have this nice bar that's animating and you can even see it dropping inside the timeline as we speak also you can see that when we generated the text originally you can see this kind of white Times New Roman here we can get rid of that just by turning off that subtitle and now you can see that it's kind of small and that's because this video is in 4k and these mogrts I think were designed to be in a HD we can use these motion controls to scale it up and change the position on this particular element here and then we can copy and paste it to all of the different captions but better yet you can go into window essential Graphics over here is where you can make it bigger so we can scale this up let's do 195 and then we can adjust the position as well if we go too far down notice that it gets cut off and that's one downside about using these Murs instead of using these position controls you can go back to effect controls and you can move this down one thing that I'm not sure about here is that why there's two lines I'm not sure about this because it looks like characters per line if I decrease that it just adds to this line oh there we go so I needed to change it to like 24 to make it one line I just answered my own question what's kind of cool about this is that you can play around with this unspoken word opacity those future words so background fill color let's say we want to make this kind of a purple color we can also make it kind of a white color so unspoken we can do white and then the future can be lighter so we can reduce this so it's like it's being filled in over time and I kind of like that look because it's more simple and it's easier for people to read but this is very important this is only for this particular murt so follow along here because this requires attention so keep the playhead at this moment then zoom out and select all of these elements okay cuz these are all the mogrts that are affected then go back to Submachine and we need need to sync all of these updates that we made so sync all and now it's doing its little percentage race here to 100% and now all of them are updated so you can see we have an update to the premier G toolkit 3.2 you notice with that playback that there was some drop frames right and that's because these are murt files and they take render time so it's not going to be completely smooth until you render it out if you find a typo afterwards it is kind of a pain to update I mean it doesn't take that much work but for this line if I wanted toolkit to be capitalized I need to select this murt and go into essential graphics and update the T here and then you know I can copy this and then I have to go to the next one over cuz it's also uncapitalized here and paste it and do it for each word of the line it didn't take me that much time to do just copy and paste it copy and paste it but if you didn't know that beforehand there is that learning curve right so that's why I'm kind of walking through this here because I think it is a very good tool and there's lots of different effects that you can make with it all right so now we're getting to the portion of the video where I'm going to make my recommendations from all four of these tools so if you want something that's the easiest to use and you don't mind the subscription fee just something that's reliable will get the job done that's not over complicating it I would go with brevity because it is the cheapest option that provides the most now if you're more of a pro and you don't want another subscription fee then Submachine is the way to go cuz as you've seen you can pretty much get any style you want plus you can also create your own custom Murs inside of After Effects which I talked about in a previous video thanks so much for watching I really hope that this was useful the whole goal of it was to really do a very very indepth breakdown so you can EAS decide which option is best for you and if I achieve that please give the video a thumbs up thanks so much and as always keep creating better video with gal see you next time bye
Channel: Premiere Gal
Views: 3,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Premiere Gal, Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, video editing, adobe premiere pro, ai video editing, premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro, captions, subtitle animation, text animation premiere pro, caption plugin for premiere pro, firecut, auto cut, brevidy, submachine, subtitle tools, ai video captions, super easy subtitles, submachine vs firecut ai, editing captions, subtitles in premiere pro, how to add captions in premiere pro, premiere captions tutorial, social media
Id: fPITmB4aMaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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