9 Powerful Mac Apps in 7 Minutes.

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okay first you can transform your macbook's boring Notch into an exciting Dynamic Island you see just move your cursor underneath the Notch and a customizable shelf pops up with any folder you've added so just for instance you could use this for super quick access to project fights when video editing or simply create a fancy app launcher you just need to download the Mac app photop which you can do for free from the App Store and guys trust me that's just for starters coming up are eight more incredibly creative Mac apps and I bet there at least five that you've never heard of are you sure about that because I'm not like the completely free app only switch which lets us create our own beefed up control center I mean sure on first side it's nothing revolutionary it gives us oneclick access to toggle stuff like dark mode true tone or the keyboard backlight but here's the deal only switch bring some own stuff to the table or the menu bar like ejecting all discs at once hiding fights on the desktop or keeping your Mac awake we can customize all those things in the apps settings plus it also gives you the option to integrate series shortcuts or scripts so the number of switches you can add is basically endless and again only switch is free to download and open source now before we get to some even more lifechanging apps we need to check out three quick utilities I've just discovered recently including one for us Apple notes fans for starters hyperdog is a free app you install on both your Mac and iPhone and then let you send websites right from the iPhone share sheet to your Mac within seconds but but but but vins yeah what's that but you can already do that and more with airdrop yep you're absolutely right but hyperdog has a huge Advantage you see it sings over iCloud so it even works when you're away from your Mac and it's powered off whenever read an article or see a YouTube video I'd like to check out at work I share it to my Mac the next time I power it on it automatically opens the website right in front of my face so I can't ignore it again hypu is free to download from the mac and iPhone app Store the speediness app is the cleanest and most native looking Wi-Fi speed test of all times plus there's even a history of all spe tests you've done in the past so I sometimes like to nostalgically see what the Wi-Fi was like at that Starbucks 3 years ago what cool Hobbies I have PR notes is the best and only Apple notes extension out there but it adds some much needed features to notes and yet keeps the app clean and simple it takes those formatting options from the toolbar and places them right above your cursor when highlighting Text Plus what's even faster is formatting a line by starting it with pron no/ commands oh and before I forget it also adds markdown form commenting and exporting to notes now you can download the app for free from the developer website there is an optional subscription for a few AI chat gbt features but those are coming to Macos this fall anyway so the free version is more than enough and speaking of AI I've got two apps that make very good use of it you know this voice chat feature in the chat gbt app right I mean those voices sound pretty real a bit too real for Scarlet Johansson now the so creatively called voices app extracts those chat upt voices so you can paste in any text and get a natural sounding voice over within seconds okay hi I'm just going to take over at this point as Vince has rambled you paste in any text choose one of six voices I give you a voiceover and you can download it to your Mac super easy you just need to add your own open aai API key in the app settings but creating voiceovers costs little to none as you can see me speaking this passage costs Vince 0.0410 which I'm I'm sure he can easily afford with the fat checks YouTube sends him every month okay okay thanks for that the app is a one-time purchase of $5 from the developer website by the way you can find all app links in the description below and speaking of chat gbt you might have missed it but chbt now has a native Mac OS app and here are my top three features first hit option space to instantly start a new chat from anywhere on your Mac second you can snap and attach screenshots within the app to to ask about anything on your screen and third from the menu bar choose to keep chat gbt on top so it won't get buried behind other windows while you're working super useful if you're using the voice chat feature for ongoing conversations plus there are some crazy features coming later this year like screen sharing and even more natural feeling voice chats you can download chat gbt for free from the open AI website now I've heard a lot about this next app Ena it's a free and open open source media player and I never gave it a shot because one media players aren't exactly the most exciting thing around and two I figured ep's quick time was all I needed I mean after all it's been my home for over a year now but then I thought let's just give it a go for this video and honestly I don't want to go back I mean sure at first it looks just like quick time sneak and simple which I love but then if you want want to you can get way more out of it like thumbnail previews while scrubbing video cropping and rotation and buil in video and audio equalizers and it lets you take screenshots directly from videos plus if QuickTime can't open a media file there's a really good chance that Ena can not even mentioning that Ena can even play YouTube videos and again the app is free to download and open source now you know Al Dent right every app video seems to mention this app so I'm not going to do that I'm going to give you a more modern simpler and free alternative bfy is a battery manager just like enta but it looks way cleaner and more native I mean just for context batteries are a funny thing if you always keep them charged at 100% which I would normally do as my MacBook is plugged into my studio display for 8 hours a day sometimes 16 when I'm editing it can shorten the battery's lifespan bad can do two main things to prevent that it stops your MacBook from charging when at 80% and you can even choose to run your MacBook on battery when plugged in and if you want to take your MacBook out and about you can fully charge it with one click bfy is pay what you want so you could get it for free on the developer's website what's also free to do is watching the previous parts of the Mac apps video series all right I will see you there thank you so much for watching and have an amazing day oh
Channel: MacVince
Views: 85,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mac apps, best mac apps, macos app, macbook apps, mac apps must have
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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