The Best Time to Visit Hawaii | Best Weather, Smallest Crowds, and Best Prices are in this Month

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when is the best time to come to hawaii because there is a best time and when is the worst exactly i'm going over the three c's cost clouds and crowds to figure out the best time to come to hawaii he came up with that by the way no big deal i am erica and i'm jordan and we're from the hawaii vacation guide and this is the best time to visit hawaii before we get into this i just want to say the worst time to visit hawaii aside from the other worst time that we're going to tell you about but the worst time to come to hawaii is right now when there is still a mandatory 14 day quarantine for all travelers it is no joke it is very strict and you don't want to come here and quarantine so just i did the quarantine it's not fun no it's terrible so so we're talking about 2021 for coming here so what's the best month to come 2021 and it is october october is the best time we love october it's not just our own opinion we ran the numbers on the clouds the cost in the crowd to figure out the best time to come and that's why we love october for it so for this we looked at the data from noaa and and we also looked at hawaii tourism authority we love the data they have so much research data we're looking at 2019 um because that's the best representative sample for like the trends that are going on so of course 2019 crowds are expected in 2021 the same patterns are going to happen for it so number one is clouds weather is probably the most important thing right so why we love october is that it starts to cool off the temperatures start to dip they start coming off those summer highs and even september september right now and it is hot right now it's hot so october starts to cool off but you don't have to rain yet which is really nice and let me put this in perspective because you might be saying oh i want a hot vacation and you may but it is still very warm in october oh yeah it's great it's hawaii it's great even december it's warm it is beach weather yeah but it's no longer like in the high 90s with high humidity it starts to cool off which is really nice before we get into the data all these numbers are from the leeward side of the islands right so these are the resource sites because the leeward side is the dry side of the island so for example on the big island you have kailua kona in the kahala coast on maui you have wailea in kanapali on oahu you have waikiki for the most part indian colina very dry and koalina and then kauai you have the south shore like poipu so those are the leeward sides of the island all right so let's look at the numbers real quick the average highs in october is 87 degrees in maui and oahu 83 degrees in kauai in 78 in kailua kona so still great temperatures rainfall rainfall does start to climb coming out of september but you're still looking really low on kauai it's four inches on oahu it's about 2.2 inches then on maui and the big island's about 1.5 inches so not a lot and that's the thing with rainfall too we're not talking like a lot of storms those are the low numbers but you're talking about nice tropical storms usually like a cloud burst in the morning and that's it it's really rare in october to have like all week of rain yeah see that yeah maybe more december february october you're okay usually i mean there's always random years but for the most part it always happens all right so number two my favorites crowds and that's where october really sells october is one of the least popular months to visit least the number of tourists that come is october especially as a resident we like october because it's quiet so compared to july the peak of summer like in 2019 july hit a million people for the first time a million in 2019 so a lot lower in october what does that mean it means that you have more parking spots for snorkeling like you don't have to get there as early more things are open for it also you can book that luau a little easier without like booking weeks in advance yeah you maybe don't need reservations every time you go out to dinner um also the beaches are just a little less crowded right there's a little less traffic things are a little it's nicer easier like a little less planning because not everything's so booked up you're not worried about it buddy number three is cost that's probably a lot of people care about and october does better because there's less crowds you get more competitive rates right so rental cars are lower because there's less demand so they start decreasing the cost for rental cars and then two is lodging that's a big deal that's probably your biggest expense when you come to hawaii is lodging absolutely this is where you're going to save so much money oh my goodness so much money so lodging in october if you are getting a hotel it is the second cheapest month to get a hotel if you're going for a vacation rental it is the cheapest month to get a vacation rental so october you're going to find some really good deals it's really nice especially when you compare that to like december when prices double like in wailea and maui price will double during christmas period yeah so a lot better in october okay so worst time to visit now that we know the best time what's the worst month to visit the second half of december there you go it is it's tough and we just think it's tough because your dollar doesn't go as far right so everything that is cheaper in october is double or triple the price in december it is crazy it gets so expensive it's just because so many people come in december it's a christmas holiday it's a great time to come it's beautiful absolutely beautiful but that's one thing too rainfall it's a wettest month also so so crowds are high in december because the holidays and then also for clouds you get a lot of clouds because it's the wettest month by far that said we know it is so popular because so many people like have kids in school or maybe that's the only time they can get off work and so that said like coming in december over christmas is still not a bad option right you still get to come to hawaii it is so wonderful it is just our least favorite time because of the clouds crowds and costs exactly it just makes it challenging i mean in christmas and hawaii is so much fun right they really dial up the aloha there's lots of christmas events there's lots of singing it's a lot of fun during the christmas period um but i just think it's the worst time let's figure it out so other things to consider when you're booking your trip to hawaii for picking a month so a lot of people can't come in october because school's in session so if you need the kids out of school we love june it's during the summer break period it's busier but it's june's the least busy month out of june july and august it's also on the cooler months of june july august and then still prices haven't started to jump up to those peak summer highs either so june's a good time to come if you have to worry about the kids being in school so pick them up from their last day of school and head to the airport and everything will just be great so other things to consider when you're looking at times to come is the shoulder periods the kind of slower periods on hawaii and that is the fall in the spring so you're talking september october november for thanksgiving and then also in the springtime talking like late march april and may yeah so those are the shoulder periods we consider them other things to consider when booking try to stay away from long weekends if you can obviously like spring break president's weekend you see big spikes in lodging during those time periods other things to consider is thanksgiving i love thanksgiving i love thanksgiving on the islands it's nice the prices are good the weather is perfect it's nice if you can't do christmas thanksgiving is another great holiday to come to hawaii yeah i would say that might be like the best holiday i do love it yeah my family came last time we sat great time now that you know the best time to visit hawaii subscribe because next we're going to talk about the cheapest island to visit yeah you won't want to miss that and also if you are planning a trip to hawaii head to our website and you can get all of the free itineraries that we have for you to make your planning easier so head to the itinerary and there's a whole bunch of free itineraries for you all right so thank you so much for watching thanks for watching is it raining is it raining trying to touch the rain with his tongue
Channel: The Hawaii Vacation Guide
Views: 771,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hawaii, hawaii vacation, hawaii family vacation, hawaii travel, best time to visit hawaii, worst time to visit hawaii, best time to visit hawaii for good weather, hawaii good time to visit, maui good time to visit, best time to visit hawaiian islands
Id: cNDHNoAacoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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