THIS is the Best Time to Visit Hawaii | Best Weather, Fewest Crowds, and Best Prices

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as Hawaii sits in the tropics the air is warm and the ocean is ready for a swim year round but there is a best time and a worst time to visit Hawaii so in this video we're going to go over the three C's of visiting Hawaii cost clouds and crowds crowds there we go goodness she's here hi I'm Jordan and I'm Erica and this is the Hawaii vacation [Music] [Music] guide it's raining on us the beach is empty we're going to jump to the chase y the best time to visit Hawaii is during the shoulder seasons of The Fall after Labor Day to before Thanksgiving in the spring in April and May the best month to visit Hawaii is September and or October during these periods you'll find the best weather fewer crowds and the best prices after living on Oahu and Maui we use data plus our own experience to bring all of this to you so wild data can tell you things like temperature and cost I think having been there month over month we can really tell you like the experience the atmosphere the vibed Island yeah there we go and we're going to be putting up lots of graphs and tables up you feel free to pause it or we have articles Down Below on all this stuff oh yeah the data comes from Hawaii tourism Authority the Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism dbgt as we say at home everybody knows that and also Noah data too and our most popular comment we get cuz we're reming this video actually we have another one but this is is updated for 2024 is April a good month to visit is a May a good month to visit so we have articles down below for every month that we go into like the details so there you do but we want to be like sure there's a best time sure there's a worst time but it's nice to be flexible if you have the flexibility to go to in these times or not go that's wonderful but Hawaii is great all year long it's really splitting hairs it's in the tropics it's wonderful so go when you can go and don't stress the details cuz it's a trip to Hawaii yeah so after much deliberation let's talk about the best month to visit again visit when you can because it's wonderful all the time but if we had to choose a month or two months to visit it would be September and October is close second it really is so September has a little better weather especially for the ocean less chance of big storms September's a little warmer too some people would say it's too hot yes but October has better prices usually better prices and I got admit we've been looking at the data pretty hard for the last 5 years and it goes kind of back and forth in these two months too yeah so these those shoulder Seasons because the busy Rush from the summer has died off everyone's gone back to school so you still get the good weather in these months and the good ocean conditions but because supply and demand you get better prices and anecdotally I feel like the best sunsets are in October I've never heard anyone else agree with me on that so take it for what it is and but there is sharktober which we'll talk about at the end of the video whenever you choose to visit Hawaii make sure you know what to pack for the weather and the adventures that you're about to go do we have a free packing list down below it's for most popular articles take a look at that and don't forget to pack our itineraries because we take you on Excursion days around the island showing you the best places to go the best places to eat all on a nice planned out route I mean we make it really easy and fun so check those out the Hawaii vacation itineraries and I love this testimonial because the itineraries plan such a great trip for them their biggest issue was to get ice cream or no ice cream with their Shave Ice pretty sweet ice cream no no ice cream I want ice cream just keep it natural just do the original okay we'll talk later so let's dive into everyone's main concern when visiting I feel like it is the weather or clouds one of the first Seas of this video so Hawaii has two seasons not Four Seasons like on the mainland you have the winter and you have the summer mhm the summer is between May and October and winter is between October and April Hawai is in the tropics where the length of day and temperatures are relatively uniform throughout the year hence we're splitting hairs a lot mhm we'll show you some graphs right now to prove that point yeah the islands start to cool off after August which is usually the high month September and October you'll see it's still warm you should expect temps around the 70s during the summertime sometimes it hits in the 80s even in the winter temps are still in the 70s temperatures will be highest on the leward side of the island cuz that's the dry side of the island especially near the ocean if you're looking for cooler weather stay at higher elevation like in Kona coffee country on the big island UpCountry Maui or volcano Village on the big island and here's a tip on using weather apps because they throw people for a loop a lot of times a lot of people will type in oaho to check the wether on on oaho or Maui don't do that because it gives you an average for the island and there is such a vast difference between temperatures up on the top of the mountain and down on the beach in kakona so make sure you are searching for the specific town that you are going to to check the weather rain the probability of rain increases November is usually when the big storms start to come November December I see big storms so big caveat here right first of all they're tropical rains they're lovely usually they come in the morning and that's it you don't have to worry about them it's like a quick shower it's done worst case scenario is to get an all week storm some those happen two three times a year four times anyways they're hard to plan for so don't stress about it this is January rain so it does rain in Hawaii it definitely rains sometimes it comes off the mountains you feel it feel a little bit feel a little dusting and we'll show you this right here of the popular resort areas in Hawaii they are strategically located on the dry side of the island or the leward side of the island so that's why you really don't have to worry about rain you're staying in the best part of the island and that links to our Pro tip most sunny hot days can be found in the resort areas this is where you'll stay so resort areas you got leward and Windward the trade winds hit the windward side of the island causing rain to fall but also on the windward side you'll find the very tropical Lush you know rainforest climate that you're looking for so for a Beach vacation in the winter stay on the leeward side cuz that's the dry side and maybe you know think twice about staying like on qu's Northshore because you can expect a lot more rain over on that side and bigger waves and bigger waves too so the shoulder Seasons like we talked about September October April May are best if you are looking for warm temperature that isn't too hot yet yes there we go yeah and Rain brings rainbows the best time of the year to go swimming in Hawaii all right so the ocean temperatures are usually during the winter in the low 7s to the summer they can hit a peak of 80 so a lot of people you won't see wet suits in Hawaii very rare the coldest I've got is swimming off of laai and we're in the water for over an hour in February that was a beautiful swimming day I didn't get cold no you did there you go that's the difference right it's okay the best time to go swimming in Hawaii is the summer as you'll have the higher probability of calm conditions on the North and South Shores of the island and because we're talking about swimming and I love peppering in little safety things to make sure you are safe Make sure you check ocean conditions lifeguard flags and the Hawaii ocean safety website before you head out because the Pacific Ocean is fierce and if you don't understand that you can get yourself into trouble really quickly yeah exactly don't turn your back on the ocean always go swimming with a buddy especially snorkeling with a buddy and if in doubt don't go out we want you to come back to play if you're worried about visiting when it's too busy then pick a month where the average visitor census daily census is low and those are January and febru February and September October there you go and November actually before Thanksgiving and I will say February you want to avoid President's Day week because a lot of people have that off for school there you go some of these holidays you'll see surge the same spring break yeah as you can tell by these graphs the busiest Island by far receives the most visitors is Oahu so if you want to miss the crows on Oahu then go to kaii or the Big Island cuz those have less people average visitors in there and the big island to us always feels the least crowded because it's so big obviously it's like 63% of the Hawaiian land mass is the big island and it's the third most visited Island so it's spread out by everybody so anyways just some tips for you all right the third C is cost and man this is something that can catch people by surprise especially if this is their first time to Hawaii or it's their first time in a long time to Hawaii accommodations are expensive a lot of people get tricked by a cheap airline ticket like oh man get a great flight over to aahu but then when they look at the the rates for the the hotels it blows everything out of the water so let's throw up some graphs $377 that is the average daily rate in 2023 for ohai hotels but it changes a lot by Island and Resort the cheapest hotel rates are found in September October and November historically as we mentioned Oahu has the lowest overall hotel rates by far and watch our video on mistakes when booking a hotel room in Hawaii before you book we have that video right up there for you vacation rental rates $31 is the average rate in 2023 three the cheapest months for September and may the shoulder season the winter was actually most expensive time for rentals because you got all the snowboards visiting and hit subscribe because we have an update video coming out hotels versus vacation rentals CU V vacation rental can get tricky and there's a lot of pros and cons on it so that video is coming out soon another big cost is car rentals those track with demand the computer has algorithm just prices them based on how many people are visiting so obviously rates are higher during the summer when a lot of people come to visit you can get better car rental rates in the shoulder season we recommend getting rental car to explore the islands It's usually the most cost effective way the only exception to that is Oahu really good public transport or you can just do Beach vacation in W key or Turtle Bay and then a circle Island Tour to see the rest of it exactly during one day out airplane tickets are similar they change with supply and demand we recommend booking about 6 to9 months in advance the budget carriers to Hawaii are Southwest Alaska and Hawaiian Airlines all right the worst times to visit Hawaii stay away if you want or maybe you'll love it here too cuz I got admit we say the worst month was December and we still say that we do but it's the Christmas in Hawaii is a magical time with melee and hoola shows and parades and it's lovely but December is the worst time because you have the highest probability of rain yeah in cloudy days cuz you're in the winter time and because so many visitors come during that Christmas break period it can get very expensive and very CRA and very crowded too so that's why we say December is the worst month to visit but then we also say heck come when you K come right it's beautiful another busy time to a is the summer as you can tell by the graphs it's a peak season that June July August time frame school is out everyone's on summer vacation so it gets very busy on the islands they're expecting 2024 to only have like a 2% increase in visitors but still it's to be busy higher costs but like we said it's still a nice time to come everyone comes it's wonderful great weather but those yeah the summer is usually when you see those highest costs in crowds regardless of what time you decide to come to Hawaii our wayfinder itineraries are here to help you I don't like self-promotion but they're awesome I think they're awesome and they will help finish your planning for you we always get just so many wonderful emails from people who have said you've made this so much easier for us and we want to make it easy for you too so check those out at the Haw Vacation itineraries all right now let's talk about the final two things you need to consider hurricanes and sharks o hurricane season in the islands is June through November yeah historically they've seen the most hurricanes July August and September do we stress about hurricanes no but there has been some in the last few years a good example is Maui last year got affected by Hurricane Dora which is 500 miles away but it had a slight impact on the winds or is part of the reason for the high winds that caused the wildfires so you never know the repercussions of what these hurricanes can do same thing you don't know when they're coming keep track of the weather reports um one thing we we were here on the islands for Hurricane Douglas and luckily there's no damage in one heck of a sunset afterwards yeah so the big storms bring amazing sunsets so I don't worry about sharks I do at all she does she does she has a lot of great articles on our website about sharks and like safety right everyone always asks in sharktober I thought this was made up but there's been lots of studies on this in Hawaii and in the red triangle which is like the the area of white sharks off of San Francisco yeah San Francisco right there all right so there's actually data University of Hawaii monoa has tracked sharks so 25% increase in Tire sharks during it's not just October it's actually October November and December they come in the fall months to give birth and get this ancient Hawaiians actually has saying when the Wheely vely flower blossoms the shark bites and that's in those fall months so they found that pattern too pretty fascinating maybe we should change this video no October is still great it's fair shark attacks are still extremely rare no one stresses about them especially locals and Island some ways to avoid shark attacks is don't swim in murky water don't go too far away from Shore it list what theard are about situ you know those reasons right there arek attacks usually happen very rare though don't want to freak you out I'm freaked out she's freaked out sorry too late how we start the video the weather really splitting hairs in Hawaii but it's nice to know best time worst time to come just so you can plan if you have that flexibility that's wonderful you can save a few bucks you can avoid the crowds all that good stuff all right tener show you the best place how to get around the island regardless of the time you come and click down below we said we have all the articles on the best time in each month so we really dive into the data on on what it's like to come in January for example yeah right and oh my gosh whale season too we forgot whale season oh we forgot whale season it's our favorite time of year it is December through March especially on Maui but all the wine Islands got whale watching wow great time to visit thanks so much for watching thank [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Hawaii Vacation Guide
Views: 14,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hawaii, hawaii vacation, hawaii travel, best time to visit hawaii, worst time to visit hawaii, when to go to hawaii, cheapest time to visit hawaii, fewest crowds hawaii
Id: tweRl3e-iME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.