10 Mistakes When Planning a Trip to Hawaii

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[Music] special guest today [Music] all right you're planning a trip to Hawaii there are some things you should know but more importantly there are some mistakes you don't want to make these are mistakes we've made our community has made these are mistakes we don't want you to make so stay tuned for these 10 mistakes that you want to miss hi I'm Jordan and I'm Erica and this is the live vacation guide she wants to play with the camera thanks to get web store for sponsoring this video number one jump wait before that oh excuse me we just want to say if you have made mistakes that have not made this list share them in the comments below because yeah help help everyone out yeah these are just 10 of them we know there's a lot more mistakes [Music] mistake number one is not realizing that you will be jet-lagged whether you're coming from California or the West Coast or you are coming very far from the East Coast you are going to be up early my friends and so you should plan for it especially for the kids that's a big time difference for them so it's common in Waikiki you see people running the beach running the boardwalk at like four in the morning right it's like especially when you land just be careful going out that night because you're gonna be very tired you're gonna be very excited to be here but it's gonna hit you later on yeah so plan for the July especially with the kids maybe don't do a lot of hola activities or you know what a lot of people take advantage of it breakfast is really popular especially Waikiki and Lahaina and Maui hike Diamond Head at 6am exactly do a sunrise molokini snorkel well that's a good wheel watching tours they have discount Sunrise tours take advantage of that jet lag to make the most out of it foreign number two we're out of phones Edie's taking up both of her phones [Music] number two mistake is not calculating into your budget Resort fees and parking fees at the resorts yeah these these these hurt to be quite honest it's an extra fee I know a lot of places in the country also charge Resort fees but Resort fees can be up to like 45 dollars yeah the resort views include like activities like hula lessons and Lane making and like cool stuff to do at the resort but still kind of stinks yeah sometimes they're free they wave them but it's rare very rare another big one is parking Park can be 35 to 45 dollars a night this is a popular feat in Waikiki but also even at other Resorts too you're in these middle these resort areas there's nowhere else to park so they get you sorry to say so plan for them and make the most of it so go do the resort activities exactly that's a great Point yeah take advantage of all those free activities yeah the wailia beach resort they have so many free activities why cultural experience with Hawaiian bowling we even did free our canoe ride that's like a hundred dollar value per person yeah so yeah take advantage mistake number three is waiting till you're here to book activities you don't have to book these foreign Events maybe two months of month in advance yeah but the problem is when you land you're like oh I wanna go whale watching our snorkel tour and it'll be hard to find a tour that fits your schedule fits your itinerary or maybe the one you want to do is sold out yeah so then you're stuck doing one that you aren't really that stoked on yeah or maybe it's more expensive if you want to find the best tours we believe in Hawaii ones that we've most most of them we've done 80 we've done or we've researched heavily if we haven't done them check out our website the yvacationguide.com activities all of our favorite tours are there you'll have a great time on that no booking early if there's a special dinner that you want to do while you are here make sure to book that in advance I we had a friend show up and she was like I would like to book a special dinner for me and my boyfriend at Mama's Fish House I'm Maui yeah that's like four months in advance you gotta make that so absolutely can we recommend month in advance for most restaurants you can walk up sometime you can yeah a lot of people are gonna say in the comments that they walked up and got a reservation it happens it happens but clean energy for a good place like Merriman's there's Merriman's all over the islands month in advance be safe yeah this next one is near and dear to our hearts especially if you got kids people underestimate the Ocean Hawaiian islands are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean why there's nice protective bays and coves you can still have very strong currents and big swells come through here rough oceans so we really want you to be careful look at lifeguard Flags check ocean conditions before you go out understand your ability as a swimmer to go out and even they did a study and they found that you can have a respiratory problem when you come off of long-haul flights like these big Mainland flights right so they recommend waiting one to two days before you go out snorkeling famous saying here is if in doubt don't go out we love that while we're talking about snorkeling let's share some more snorkeling mistakes first of all not snorkeling with a buddy big No-No not wearing a floatie two reasons for your personal safety and so you don't accidentally step on the reef all the cool kids are wearing floaties right now we don't recommend snorkeling murky or poor visibility Waters because sharks and you can't see anything also not wearing properly fitting snorkel equipment we recommend avoiding the dollar 50-day snorkel gear rental or the big box source for snorkel equipment we want to thank get wet store for their continued support of this channel now we've been traveling with our get wet store snorkel gear for over a year now and it's been holding up really well our two main takeaways are first the price it was a great value quality gear that hasn't broken on us or showing wear and tear ready and it's been all four major islands it still looks great and feels great too second the gear fits really well the Silicon masks fit snugly to our faces if they don't fit you can return them give them a try if you wear glasses check out the prescription goggles I have a pair absolutely love them so check out their Facebook page link down below you wear your water bottle [Music] then next when we see this a lot for first timers especially you can't choose what island you want to go to so you're like oh let's see them all we don't recommend that on average in 2022 people visited Hawaii for nine days and they visited 1.2 Islands yeah most people go to one Island and that's fine you can Island hop but we recommend just one other item yeah just check it out because it's a full travel day it's a 20 30 minute flight but it can still be a 45 hours of travel time you want we want you to relax right so the caveat is if you're coming from let's say a really far distance away you're staying for a month you want to see all four you do you but don't try and jam four Islands in a 10-day trip because it's pretty exhausting yeah this is the highest one 300 feet and oh wow number six malama Aina means care for the land and the mistake is we see we don't see it actually but we hear about it and we want to make sure visitors they come to Hawaii that they respect the land there's a lot of sacred Hawaiian land here and just it's a beautiful area right it's Paradise we'll keep it that way so how can you do it as a visitor pack in pack out don't leave trash if you see trash pick it up wear mineral base sunscreen you know that's the best for the reef is what they know now bring a reusable water bottle so you're not packing plastic water bottles everywhere and keep your distance from marine life make sure you are respecting the rules so stay at least 10 feet away from turtles in the water don't crowd them just let them do their thing enjoy them from a distance yeah especially monk seals and sea turtles on the beach keep a distance over 30 feet away from them it's the best thing to do so they're around for future Generations number seven mistake we are all about minimalist packing Hawaii's hot sweat right now all you need is like shorts and a t-shirt I like tank tops one mistake we see so we plan to go to a cold location you don't bring warm clothes yep so this is like the top of Haleakala on Maui when a Volcanoes National Park that's at four or five thousand feet elevation this was amazing about Hawaii you have all these different ecosystems and climates mostly climates and you can have some cold weather here you get snow on the top of you know the Big Island yeah so if you're planning going to one of these places like for stargazing highly recommend it bring warm clothes absolutely it'd be amazed how many times we've seen people in a bikini at the top of haleakal it's not that's what I feel bad for they don't have no not at all we're gonna go get warm now hot breakfast and get some pancakes number eight is not understanding how large the islands are and that they have both a Leeward and a windward side so on the windward side you are going to get more rain things are going to be a little bit cloudier but it's also going to be beautiful and Lush and super tropical on the leeward side things are going to be drier and sunnier so you'll have some pretty pretty beautiful beach days over there what we see a lot is we see people checking the weather for an island in total so they'll check the weather for Maui and they will email us saying it's going to rain my whole trip should I cancel my whole trip or it's 60 degrees I should bring jeans in this other case they're averaging like the high elevation balloons are big and the weather is different want different parts of Texas if you want the most accurate weather check the specific place you're going like Lahaina ka'anapali Kailua Kona Kailua Waikiki kilo kilo those are the places where they'll give you an accurate forecast of what you should expect most people stay on the leeward side of the islands where most of the resorts are located because that nice drier sunnier weather [Music] number nine we hear this a lot assuming all the islands are the same yeah now they're all tropical they're all beautiful rich in Hawaiian culture and history but they offer different things right if you want to see a volcano erupting you go to the big island if you want to see an older island with lots of beaches and lush tropical rainforests you go to Kauai right they all offer something unique and special and that's why you need to figure out what you want your Hawaii vacation to look like before you come because if you expect all the islands to be the same and you just pick one you're gonna be in for a disappointment if you come to Maui and want to go night snorkeling with manta rays because that happens on the big island exactly check out our guides we have free guides on our website that break down what all the islands are all about we also have a fun little quiz too figure out what Island's best for your Hawaiian vacation our website is full of resources to help you plan your Hawaii vacation and before we get into mistake number 10 here's a little 9B bonus mistake for you is not checking out our itineraries these itineraries make your travel planning so super easy these are download grab and go itineraries that send you on Excursion days around the islands on a planned out route we also include our favorite restaurants I gotta say people love them people say I wish I would have purchased these sooner they're a lot of my planning so easy so check them out foreign number 10 saving the best for last is try something new right the mistake we see is a lot of people don't try something new yeah there's Denny's here on Maui there's Starbucks you can go to them try local coffee shop try a local restaurant they call it local grinds oh there's so many great great Foods here to eat and great restaurants and even like experiences like manta ray nice snorkeling we mentioned earlier snorkeling out a molokini crater on Maui like you gotta try something new challenge yourself push yourself I mean there is even tours here on Maui where you can go out hunting for wild boar or spear fishing out on the reefs yeah you can find a little bit of everything here yeah you just won't believe this place it's it's magical so while we understand you probably want to have a relaxed vacation relax and then do something really cool and memorable that you are gonna just enjoy and cherish for the rest of your life if you haven't scrubbing a cup of Kona coffee 100 coat of coffee thanks so much for watching check out our itineraries for more information to finish your planning figure out what you got those itineraries are also great for planning you won't make these mistakes when you read our itineraries they're like ebooks yeah yeah and just our web ton of information so head to the hawaiivacationguide.com and you will just get just all the great information you need to plan your trip and make sure you head to get wet store for quality and well-priced snorkel gear for your Hawaii vacation and follow them on Facebook for your chance to win one of three snorkel sets Erica and I Thanks so much for watching you have fun making these videos I hope you enjoy watching it thank you and like we said all those ex all those subscribers and other viewers that watch this all the time we know you come to Hawaii all the time leave a comment down below my mistake you've made something fun or something you don't want other people to make [Music] foreign
Channel: The Hawaii Vacation Guide
Views: 521,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hawaii, hawaii vacation, hawaii family vacation, hawaii travel, hawaii mistakes, hawaii trip planning mistakes, hawaii planning, mistakes hawaii
Id: qEVQ9r7azQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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