The BEST Shinkansen BENTO BOXES & Traditional 14 Dish Kaiseki Dinner at Japanese Onsen Ryokan

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[Music] a [Music] good morning today I'm on the shinen on my way to shis an area known for the Wasabi the Macha and breakfast I got about five bentto boxes [Music] Bento boxes on Shan con is one of my favorite Customs so I always make sure I never eat breakfast until I get on the train but the train ride is only about 50 minutes so I got to hurry and I got about five boxes so I got to start eating this is a seapro box with ink seaweed giant scallop eora and this is really interesting ooni I was a little hesitant about this cuz I never had cold crumbly oi before it's not as obviously Mel in your mouth and it's soft and creamy as fresh we it's definitely more solid and crumbly but still has that nice sweet slightly Briny flavor don't love it it's just okay look at this giant scallop though that's good that is a really sweet scallop chased out with some of the popping cor the see we is crunchy and Briny not bad the next one's really cool if you don't want a c Bento you can always pick up one of these self-heating ones and this one is coob steak Bento I think this is going to be really good all you have to do don't even take the cover off all you got do pull the string out and let it cook can already see steam coming out of the Bento and while this one is cooking let's eat this crab one wow look at this box is shaped like a crab the container shaped like a crab same super convenient Chopsticks this one looks a amazing strips of snow crab two giant scallops snow crab meat this is the best part Connie miso sitting on top of the crab are you kidding me I already you know I love these scallops little bits of egg yolk in the rice below the snow crab in Japan is always so sweet this might be my favorite bento box ever I do feel like Bento boxes though in general way too much rice but this box mixed the K miso in with the r he were not good enough of that this seems like a sweet Momi bomb if you love sea food highly recommend getting those Bento the crab meat that's mixed with the con miso to the crab legs to the scallop is like going from sweet to Sweeter to the smoothest these scallops are so intensely sweet and delicious but I am so excited for this Bento I always try to get a wagu Bento whenever I'm on a train wow this looks so amazing little bit of glass little look at this thin slices of wagon in all its fatty marbled Glory some scallions and see all that wacky juice leaking and saturating the rice below it on the other side couple pieces of yam ringing and thick cuts of wagu yeah you can definitely see the marbling in this wag look at that that you could tell right away it's just going to melt in your mouth sor video is a little shaky the TR is a little shaky right now self-heating bentos are just the best I really don't like cold rice the rice is piping hot wagu hint of sweetness melts in your mouth it tastes all that awesome beef juice and the rice this is the thicker cut just like I thought you can taste the marbling right away and as you chew that beautiful fat of the W just renders on your tongue leaving this little layer of fatty wami M noodles are really good this is kjck noodle very Snappy very crunchy no calorie yeah this is a winning box for me oh my mistake I thought this was Tero or yam it's actually potato iura uni sake which means salmon so here Chopsticks and a little bit of soy sauce for this pencil box just pop end and it slice out this is a really pretty one too little S size this box the same ooni that I had before with some seaweed sh crit crab some salmon sashimi and Pearls ofur I think maybe e this mix the cor my rice salmon sashimi oh that's very nice M the salmon is marinated a little soy sauce that thing's just got tons of flavor the uni texture is not my favorite cuz point cuz kind of tastes like an ACH yolk flavor is still very good crab the crab is sweet and vinegary I think overall this is a fantastically flavorful Seafood box love the salmon Decora just does what it does little popping pearls pure flavor I like this especially the cut of salmon this is very very good the last Bento comes with a spoon Chopsticks napkins whoa inside some tempora some fish check this out that's just the top layer set this aside and you have a little bottom layer of rice tempor shrimp going to set this aside for now it looks like a piece of Snapper set that here too some pickle mushrooms chaiki Mochi fish cake there's a lot of different ingredients in this Bento Box wow actually this is not a snapper fish is a seaing this is boiled CL this is actually minced bambo Sho chicken in a little container of sauce that's Wasabi wow it's good put some Wasabi on the tempora this thing may not be crispy anymore but it's still very light it has a giant plump sweet shrimp inside the flavor is very very good chaste out with some boiled shrimp and rice mhm and some SE Bri theous bik still really tender wraps on mushrooms mushroom is good bamboo chicken is sweet that's really interesting it's got a really nice very significant Smoky flavor to the bamboo chicken Shake mushrooms delicious overall today that's been a really good box hul I got about 10 minutes left to finish everything so see you [Music] [Music] outside so here in shizuka it's Sakura season already in February also this land is known for their matcha so I got a Sakura matcha latte it's beautiful by the way M there's strawberry on the bottom matcha in the middle I think I was supposed to mix it up a little bit but also look at this spring season Starbucks Coffee notes of Honey Bush and [Music] Coco this is so cool because right now it's the middle of February and Sakura is already blooming in this part of [Music] Japan besides the cherry blossom there's a whole field of tea right beside [Music] it such a perfect place just kind of sit down and stop and smell the [Music] Sakura next upop is going to be a Wasabi I'm so excited for this I love Wasabi real wasabi [Music] [Music] so it takes 1 year and 8 months to grow Wasabi and they need continuous fresh clean water my first time holding a Wasabi that just came from the ground and this thing has been growing for one year and 8 months exactly shy Wasabi oh so you cut it off from the growing point this kind of like cabbage scall so to grow Wasabi they can either clone it or they take a section and plant it or the flower right here you get the seeds from the flower so some things I learned about Wasabi today apparently Wasabi Grows All Around the mountains here but they need a lot of water to grow bigger so the wild Wasabi they do exist and I think that's where they originated it was in the wild but they don't have enough water to grow bigger and that's why there's all this flowing water to cultivate the Wasabi and make it grow also whenever he's replanting a clone Wasabi he needs to match that particular Wasabi plant with the best source of water for it to grow and that process could take 5 years so farming Wasabi it's not easy and there's so many factors for what makes it taste good the soil the water and the neon green stuff you usually get when you're eating sushi in the US that's not Wasabi that's horseradish and all the tents here there Wasabi ples at different stages alive and this is 2 weeks old Wasabi look how cute all these Farms are kind of built on the slope so the water just runs through the Wasabi plants all the water is spring water so mountain spring water and it has to be kept at exactly 50° F no more no less that's pretty incredible so so many conditions has to be met to grow Wasabi so now we're sampling different parts of the Wasabi this is the Wasabi Leaf sweet wow really bitter wow Wasabi LEF is delicious tastes like a very bitter wasabi wasabi stem less spicy than the leaf but a burst of water from the stem less bit less spicy it's like a burst of Mountain Water that's how pure and refreshing the water that came from that stem that was a heart of the Wasabi a way spicier spicier more bitter this is the root of the was wow that's the bitterest part spiciest part now I feel like it's coming out oh the same feeling you get if you just accidentally ate a chunk of Wasabi so right by the Wasabi Farm is this beautiful realon called [Music] onoo little sink right over here bathroom little patio with a little Bamboo Garden this is so caling this place is amazingly tranquil all right time to go take a bath and then get dressed for dinner this place is absolutely amazing there's only a few guest rooms and there's private bath so you're you're literally sitting in the woods outside in a hot spring tonight it was raining a little bit of sprinkling the Cozy level was way up there you get back and they brought some tea over fresh green tea in this region of Coors again is known for their green tea sip on some green tea oh that's so good eat a cookie I'll leave the information for this real com for you guys I never been here before I think the onim is probably my favorite so far just because it's so peaceful you don't have to be with other people you can use it whenever you want a lot of real cons have set times where you can use the hot spring here you can use it whenever you want it closes at 11 that's it not as many rules here the rooms are gorgeous it has all the amenities the only thing about these rooms is that there's no shower so if you want to take shower you would do it at the Onin and in 30 minutes I'll tell you how the food is see you at [Music] dinner [Music] so today went to the Wasabi farm and now get to grade my own Wasabi so then take the Wasabi and just put it next to the [Music] Sashimi let me tell you guys what's going on here at this meal in the middle of the room there's a giant PA setup inside it's a hot pow made made out of vegetables and wild boar aono it's a sweet fish that's roasting by the fire right now and then in front of me there's Sashimi there's seam there's tuna octopus there's fried Amo grilled eggplant shashido peppers pickled Wasabi stem which I had earlier stir fry shaki mushroom stems the nanu and this is the Udo and everything is sourced locally from shizuoka it's going to try everything on this plate this the Udo wow pickled vinegary little sweet and this is the mountain asparagus so it has that beautiful Crunch and it's so so refreshing this is the fried Amo the sweet fish with the skin and everything oh my gosh this looks so good oh my gosh someone should bag this and sell it it's a lightest crispiest fish chip maybe in the world I want to just chase that with some of the wasabi just to balance out oh yeah fish is nice and fatty that completely balances out the fattiness of the fish I want to try this before it gets cold this is the wild bore hot hod with vegetables it looks like some Wasabi stems and the kjac jelly in here in the boore is just nice and fatty oh oi oh wow oh the broth is just so much food flavor the Bor Meats it's tender it's fatty it just melts when it goes into your mouth the vegetables beautifully crunchy that is 100% the Wasabi stem little bitter little spicy and the chef's relatives caught the wild boar like from these Woods everything again ingredients sourced locally this Bo has zero gaminess to it and the broth is a miso broth there just so much mommy oh this is one of the greatest dishes the Dashi the Miso the wildo combined together is just a Wonderland of flavors I'm just like eating everything fatty with just a Chase of Wasabi next this is the eggplant shashido peppers and the bottom the green is wasabi miso oh that's nice little sweet beautiful fermented flavor of the Miso M the stir fry shitaki mushroom stems robust and earthy every single dish just abundance of flavor the N Han is covered in wasabi sauce little bitter little spicy the sweet fish and this thing you can just eat the whole thing from head to tail and it's just covered and natural salt also sourced from this region and just roasted over wood charcoal oh my God get out of town with this Chas my was sappi I want to eat for the rest of my life everything with a little bit of wasapi on the side that tail was just crispy Smokey and with a little bit of the tender meat of the fish oh wow the meat of this fish is just remarkably tender and Flaky zero fishiness to it very clean tasting just has a hint of natural sweetness all right let's try the Sashimi seab bream a little bit of Wasabi little bit of soy sauce fresh and sweet and mild and tender I'm just kind of overwhelmed by all the flavors of the different ingredients every single thing is as fresh as can be in the highest quality look at this tuna it melts in your mouth like nothing [Music] else this fish raw is so much sweeter very buttery but was Sai I feel like it's such a integral highlighted experience in in this meal and the meat it's not just wagu it's shizuoka wagu I love trying the different cuts of Wago from different um cities and regions I feel like there's a ton of different varieties so first thing we're going to do is Grill the vegetables couple scallions and a [Music] pumpkin [Music] [Music] Wagg you just a little bit of salt and wasabi [Music] absolute butter melts in your mouth like nothing in the meat kingdom is pretty much beef butter that's just the best way I mean I've described A5 wagu many times in the past they're just no getting around the sheer Euphoria you feel every time you put that thing in your mouth no matter how many times I've had a f IU every single time I eat it it still sends shivers down my spine wag you go send the Wasabi Leaf more wasabi on top sprinkle of salt wrap that up that's amazing you get that nice refreshing flavor from the Wasabi Leaf a slight little bitterness works really well with the fat from the Wago this meal just keeps getting better and better a little sweet grilled pumpkin after the meat that's very very nice next dish is pasta with temporal Wasabi leaves on top is in the shape of the family crest of the owner of this establishment with pasta on the bottom and to make it into a Wasabi tempor Leaf Taco crunchy Wasabi Leaf little bit of bitterness and there's a slight hint of bitterness in beautiful fragrance coming from the pasta itself because this pasta is made with fermented tea leaves ever seen this before for Tea Leaf pasta try some without the Wasabi Leaf M oo oh it smells like Wasabi without the Wasabi Leaf you definitely taste the Tea Leaf it's so unique I never had anything like this before next dish a trio of tempura first one is fava beans and then pmen with cream cheese in the middle and then shitaki mushroom with minced chicken and you put a little flaky salt on there fava beans light and crunch also a hint of sweetness and bitterness everything is just so fresh and delightful like you saw on the pmen this is some Next Level temporo I don't think I ever had this before this person is so good again that beautiful light texture on the Outside Inside sweet and fruity with the richness of the cream cheese unbelievable Chucky mushroom a little salt and put some Wasabi on this so I think it's going to go really good with Wasabi mhm oh yeah that's right that was a very earthy rustic Rich bite of food and the wasab just went perfect with it check this out first of all this bowl is beautiful inside is a Kani made from the leftover four hotot that we had earlier oh it smells so good all that awesome flavor from the Bor Hot Pot infused into the rice add a little Wasabi into the hot pot mix it up because it is a very rich hearty kanji oh yeah adding some Wasabi to balance out the richness amazing dessert is a Mona vanilla ice cream there's whole cha powder and of course this is wasabi country so got to put some Wasabi here Wasabi ice cream is actually really common in this region crunchy Wafers the Wasabi add a spicy element to this ice cream just like hot oil tastes good with ice cream Wasabi is like a different type of spice that also works really well with ice cream I really like this and that wraps up a super fun day of visiting Wasabi Farm Farms Bento boxes on Shen Consin and all culminated in this wonderful locally sourced traditional meal I had many things I never tried before for hot poot amazing and be able to grind my own fresh Wasabi such an incredible experience the next day good morning got to eat breakfast really quick before hopping back on the Shen conin and breakfast looks beautiful eimas there's rice looks like beans tomatoes onions Peppers mhm again all the ingredients locally sourc that tomato is so fresh and for breakfast IU this is one of the most Exquisite indigenous Japanese fish you can ever find and it's amazingly expensive this is roasted with some salt this is the fish that I had when I went to geu Japan went into the river and caught with the fishermen and this thing has a very fruity flavor a little Shabu the shaboo has some Wasabi flower leaves shitaki mushrooms tofu carrots miso soup with little clams inside oh also there's squid Sashimi of course with the fresh Wasabi and that's it for this real cone most time to leave and as always all place I went to listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 222,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Shinkansen Bento Boxes, Kaiseki Dinner Japan, Japanese Onsen Ryokan, Traditional Japanese Cuisine, Luxury Dining Japan, Cultural Culinary Experience Japan, Seasonal Ingredients Japan, Japanese Gastronomy, Gourmet Travel Japan, Epicurean Japan, bento, kaiseki, ryokan, onsen
Id: TsCrTBIoTd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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