$72 MICHELIN Cantonese All You Can Eat LOBSTER & CRAB + LUXURY Japanese Roast Beef Ramen

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hey guys good morning it's Mike Chen today I'm in Vancouver Canada and this is going to be a spectacular food day it's cold and rainy outside so it's a perfect day for some Japanese ramen first place I'm going to search up something really special a bowl of roast beef Ramen then I'm going to a Ramen place I've been wanting to go for a long long time hopefully I'll be able to get in because this place always align and then for dinner all you can eat Kony style Lobster and crap I've never seen anything like this before before Hing out a little breakfast from the sponsor of this video sakuro and Tokyo tree so the sakuro box it's a Japanese subscription snack box comes with 20 traditional authentic artiso Japanese snacks where all the snacks are sourced locally in Japan and delivered to your door anywhere in the world some of which been making snacks for over 100 years and this month's theme is holiday hokido and every single month you'll get Japanese teased you'll get a table wear item ooh squid s shaped like a squid it's basically a try squid rice cracker delicious a bum Cochin cake that will go really good with the gimm it and the table wear item for this month a little dish Tokyo treat and this month's theme is snacktacular Christmas and the Tokyo treat box features more popular snacks you'll get up to 20 of the most exclusive seasonal limited edition that are only available in Japan for a limited time and as soon as you open a box you'll get a booklet detailing all the snacks also little fun tidbits of information about Japan love reading this little corn snacks ooh these are amazing truffel chips try this when I was in Japan so good coros basically little crispy fried doughs Sesame flavor awesome there's also chocolates strawberry gummy I look forward to the boxes every single month when they show up at my door you just get so excited and I love the mission of this company which is to promote traditional Japanese culture through the medium of snacking which is just just such a great way to do it I mean you're eating delicious snacks you're reading the fun little information to have in the booklet it's such a great experience especially when you can't get to Japan this is the taste of Japan and if you want to get these Christmas boxes you have until the 15th of this month to do so so if you want to grab one for yourself or gift a box or someone you care about just go to my link down below use my promo called dumpling you'll get $5 off your first Sakura Co or your first Tokyo tree box if you love food if you love snacks if you love Japanese culture if you want to get to know more about Japanese culture you'll love this all right I'm going to get a little more for breakfast and then get our food Day [Music] started today's going to be another amazing food day and it all starts right here where I'm trying out my first roast beef Ramen this is really really interesting there's a lot of specialty Ramen on the menu the cream truffle surf and turf spicy [Music] miso so this is a relatively new Ramen place here in Vancouver and they serve up a bowl of beautiful roast beef Rose mazine some crispy garlic chips scallions and a ton of roast beef on top so roast beef is marinated for 24 hours then is slowly cooked and sliced to order this is a tender looking roast beef mazman of course dry noodles and this one has a show you base whenever it's a cold day a pipe and hop Ramen is always just so exciting and the ramen itself wavy noodles each Trend easily grabs onto the sauce There is a ton of wami in the spoil noodles but the first thing you notice right away is how amazingly chewy the noodle texture is I mean this thing is just scrumptuous covered in some oils some soy sauce the whole thing just youits an enticing Aroma that grows stronger as you chew I think this thing will definitely be helped with some vinegar and also I love this all the garlic chips you want if this isn't garlicky enough for you just add some more I love garlic chips this bow noodles is so good and I haven't even got to the roast beef yet even better with some vinegar and the ex extra garlic chips highly recommend crispy and garlicky adds additional layer of flavor and texture to this B Ramen let's try the roast beef that is a juicy slice of Rose beef with a beautiful subtle hint of smokiness to it and they say they marinated this for 24 hours there's definitely a lot of flavor in the roast beef also very peppery I like it that goes very very well with the bowl noodles also want to add some heat hot oil just going to add a little bit I love the pepperiness of the beef just going to go ahead and add some more pepper in here oh yeah a little extra heat even more perfect this is just a very well-rounded bowl of Noodles noodle texture 10 out of 10 flavor nothing's overwhelming just really good solid flavors and ingredients I think the added crushed pepper goes really well with a roast beef that's already really peppery I haven't had a bowl Ramen for about a month which I think is a record for me so this has just been tremendously satisfying after this I'm going to try their most popular Ramen Bowl the show you [Music] Ramen so I left a little bit while the beef soup finished cooking and this thing oh my God this smells so good such an intense beefy fragrance and also you smell the earthiness of the truel that they added on here usually the SP of ramen comes with oi as well but they're out of unie today and this beef broth is simmer for over 6 hours with giant beef bones vegetables and of course their famous thinly sliced tender roast beef on top this looks and smells absolutely incredible wa this is a really really beefy broth really fatty as well and that richness is even further enhanced with the added Truffle in here the same wavy thick noodles oh my goodness this is a really intensely beefy broth I like them it's rustic I think the added truffle gives us another layer of intense flavor add a little vinegar just to cut the richness a little bit m some chili oil same chewy deliciously Al Dente noodles and this thing has soaked up all that great beefy broth the different oils they added in here completely boosts that delicious fragrant flavor from the broth I haven't had a lot of bowls of beef Ramen before and it really is an entirely different type of richness done with pork broth and if you love all things beef you'll definitely enjoy this couple slurps your body warms right up especially with the added tender slices of roast beef and that Tru is really a perfect ingredient here also this thing just like the first Bowl explosion of lanu the show you provides that rich deep flavor Foundation that just makes you want to keep slurping I think noodle texture wise I like the mosman better but if you're looking for a slurp worthy bowl of delicious broth with your noodles this is it also this place every day lunch and dinner time lying out the door all right I'm going to finish this up and there's another Ramen place I really want to try right down the street so this is one of the most popular Ramen spots in Vancouver there's a line pretty much at all the hours of the day right now it's about 1:00 p.m. I've been waiting for about 40 minutes so when you're ly to bring over a little sheet you can choose which Ramen you want the thickness of the noodles to richness of the broth the amount of [Music] heat I like the seating here when you're seating by yourself they got a little Ramen booth for you to give you some privacy while you slurp everything looks phenomenal beautiful six thin slices of pork chashu chilies on top and also mixed into the Tatu broth scallions throughout is just beautiful this broth is so crazy good I ask for a really rich broth cuz that's what I like yeah I could definitely afford a house here in Vancouver spicy thick gelatinous seet super thin cut some pork wow that thing just fall apart when I TR oh my gosh you can't even pick this thing up it's so delicate feel like I need one of those spr out stickers for this Cho melt in your mouth fatty J delicious pieces of chacho Chase it or some of that broth you taste that awesome Porky flavor this is basically like a bow of M bomb needles typical Fukuoka fashion straight and thin I asked for some firm noodles these are definitely it they soak up that rich Porky broth very well again the chili doesn't take away from that deep Umami flavor reminds me a lot of ichon [Music] ramen these are some absolutely slurp worthy noodles everything from the awesome crunch of the scallion to the chewy noodles to that melts in your mouth pork Cho kashu got some nice Smoky flavor to it as well this is one of the most bombastic ball tasaran you can find anywhere outside of Japan this is for sure one of the best bowl of ton coner Ramen here in Vancouver if not the best I like mine a lot of flavor a lot of richness lot of spice is 100% hits the spot also my combo came with three gilza and a little bhad pork over rice M yoa very thin skin and really juicy pork feeling that is almost like a soup dumping amazing Porky flavor as well the pork in the bson is good I wish there was more juice from the pork to get the rice with so I'm just going to add some soy sauce nice good as the gilza not bad I waited about an hour to get in it's freezing outside now I'm burning up definitely worth the way come check this place out dinner and this is an amazing deal I'm going to the Grand Neptune seafood restaurant where you can get unlimited servings of their lobster and crab dishes let's go check it [Music] out this might be the most incredible all you can eat to lobster crab d anywhere if you ever been to a Chinese seafood restaurant they usually offer such a wide array of dishes so you have two options you can get all you can ye crab for $88 Canadian dollars which is about 64 us which includes so many different types of crab like crab noodles ginger scallion crab noodles usually any one of these dishes will be about $30 $40 dang you can have soup you can have appetizers like chicken feet or pig feet two of the best tasting feet out there or you can get crap and lobster for additional $ 10 Canadian dollar 98 Canadian doar so about $72 us you get all the crab dishes and you get ginger scallion Lobster noodles if you never had ginger scallion Lobster you got to try it butter ain't got nothing on this let's do the crab and lobster let's get a lot of [Music] stuff this is one of the most incredible spreads I have ever seen this is kind of stuff that I will see at Chinese wedding Banquets let me show you what I got spicy crab stir-fried cauliflower Lobster and rice cak scallion garlic crab salted egg fish skin stir fried Verma chili noodles Lobster and cream sauce over noodles duck breast chicken feeds there's pigs feet mango pamelo Sago pretty much the the entire menu is represented on this table and what's most incredible about this and again I can't believe in all you can eat deal like this exist everything is fresh it's Atlantic Lobster flown in the crab is fresh everything you see here fresh as can be honestly don't even know where to start sometimes I I I sit in front of a feast and I I honestly do feel overwhelmed let's just do a little appetizer one of my favorite things garlic cucumber salad garlicky refreshing cucumbers to kind of wet your appetite a little bit pickled chicken feet I would buy pounds of this stuff and you can get this in Chinatown or some local Chinese restaurants this is so good Spicy garlicy Pickle chicken fee the ultimate keto snack this looks like smoked duck breast with that beautiful layer of fat and the skin intact little bit of seaweed salad on the side put it on top of the duck [Music] breast oh that's so beautiful fat instantaneously renders on your tongue really nice flavor in the skin and that meat it's just infused with smoke you don't see that dish a lot in Kony SE restaurants that's delicious and here we go Lobster and cream over noodles so what they do here is they fry the lobster first and then it goes into the walk gorgeous piece of lobster covered in cream sauce oh that's so good that's some creamy extremely buttery Lobster the cream sauce is a little sweet very creamy and the sweetness of the sauce does not at all cover up the natural sweetness of the lobster itself again this is fresh as you can find Lobster and it's just so naturally sweet me's got a nice texture too after a bite of the creamy lobster definitely need a pickle radish to cut through the richness Singapore fried verm [Music] maell this is such a classic dish it's something I love to order whenever at a Kent Se Restaurant this thing it's just so fragrant lot of really nice delicious curry flavor cooked into every strand of noodles with a nice crunch from the pepper and delicious pot from the shrimp this is a dish I always love to see fried fish skin covered in salted egg sauce oh my God that's so crispy and nice I love lobster and crab I love Singapore fried vellis I love chicken feet but this there's just something special about this salted egg one of my favorite ingredients grew up eating that stuff sometimes I would just have salted egg in a bowl of rice that's enough for me and if you never had a crispy frish skin ship with salted eggs before you need to try it they cook this masterfully as crunchy as can be deep rich salted egy flavor this is so perfect again keto friendly that dish 10 this next crab is one of my favorites of all time scallion and ginger I don't care if you scallion Ginger Lobster scallion Ginger crab you could scallion Ginger broccoli I probably eat it this is a classic Lobster or Crap dish and is served over noodles and the best thing about restaurants like this all that delicious iners of the crab the most tasty part of the crab it's fried up so you just grab it and eat it with your noodles that's just like the Pinnacle of seafood noodles pure seafood crab Umami Essence with the delicious thin chewy noodles and the crab leg just munch right into that Ultra sweet succulent tender crab meat in that delicious Ginger and skion sauce if you guys never had this before come here and give this a try the crab itself sweet and tender the ginger adds a bit of warmth slightly spicy Pung and kit which really compliments the sweetness of the crab and that's why these two ingredients go so well together and the scallion brings a slice sweetness onionlike taste to the dish with a hint of freshness so all combined together it creates a dish that's aromatic with the sky and ginger really highlighting the sweetness of the crab one of my favorite ways to eat lobster or crab rice cake Lobster some scallions rice cake on top that rice cake is nice also I forgot to mention all these dishes you you get that beautiful Wang and that's the thing about Chinese dishes in Chinese cooking the prep takes much longer than the actual cooking process itself so all the ingredients are prepped and in the walk most of these dishes will be done in under 30 seconds because the fire is so hot all these ingredients are cooked together and the dishes finished so quickly and that's why you get that beautiful W flavor all these dishes there's the head for those of you interested in the lobster brain which might look a little scary pure wami that's awesome that W hits me even before the sweetness of the lobster I again get that sweet oniony flavor from the spring onions and again all these ingredients just work to enhance the natural sweetness of the lobster which it 100% does garlic cauliflower refreshing and nice that's actually pretty darn good this is a really refreshing dish that kind of acts as a palet cleanser I really just I mean I'm complimenting a veggie dish amongst all this meat and seafood so yeah it's really good I've been waiting to try this this is the spicy dungeon's crab again that delicious fried inard and look at this a ton of chili stir fried with this dungeoness crab whenever I bite into a new lobster crab dish it always shocks me by How Sweet It Is and this one the sweetness hits you first and then that nice simmering slow heat from the chili that at no time ever overwhelms the sweetness of the crab that might be my favorite sweet spicy garlicy with a Slow Burn yeah this is amazing oh I'm so excited for this pigs feet I know this might scare some people but if you try this and get hooked on it trust me you'll be hooked for Life what I love about the PX feet there's so many different textures here you got that gelatinous skin from the pig there's collagen there's endon there's meat there's fat it just got such a great mouth feel it's covered in this soy sauce based sauce with chilies and garlic and onions give me a plate of pigs feet a geny soda in an episode of Supernatural I call that an awesome Sunday afternoon totally forgot about the hot and sour soup and I never seen this before inside the hot and sour soup they're shrimp in their [Music] scallops this is some Next Level hot and sour soup I've had a lot of different versions of hot and sour soup before never seen Seafood inside this this is freaking ridiculous spicy Rich thick with sweet versus Seafood this has been an incredible Seafood feast and all these dishes not only do they taste amazing they're so nostalgic for me there's a couple of dessert items left one is the mango gelatin so the mango gelatin has little pieces of leachi inside so not only is this got a beautiful burst of mango flavor you also get a little pieces of sweet Ley and then a classic dessert mango Sago sweet creamy really really refreshing it's hard to believe how much value you get from this all you can yeat Feast like I said this is going to be something that happens periodically for them they're still trying to figure out whether they're going to do a weekly or monthly so definitely follow them on social media for the announcements like I said you walk into any Cantonese seaf restaurant you water a plate of scallion Ginger Lobster that's going to be at least $40 this is definitely one of the most value for money all you can ye deals anywhere on the planet and again it's fresh Lobster and fresh crab that's shipped here they get a shipment every couple of days and it's a Michelin restaurant which doesn't surprise me one bit also staff here incredibly nice this is a can't miss type of feast highly highly highly recommend and that wraps up a another amazing food day here in Vancouver again all the places I went to listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 369,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michelin Star Dining, All You Can Eat Lobster, Cantonese Cuisine in Vancouver, Luxury Japanese Ramen, Gourmet Food Adventure, Culinary Exploration, Vancouver Food Scene, Seafood Extravaganza, Exquisite Dining Experience, Gastronomy Vlog, all you can eat, lobster buffet, crab buffet, all you can eat lobster, lobster, cantonese food, cantonese, michelin restaurant
Id: 9bNz3_HYJCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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