McDonald Foods I’ve NEVER Tried Before | Greek McDonald’s vs. Portugal McDonald’s

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[Music] so you're in a hurry well you better calm down we're all you just join the nail kit toothpaste check out A View From the bedroom so this whole thing is one Villa you got a little shading here where you can eat and look out over the ocean infinity pool stairs leading down to the beach this is by far the most extravagantly beautiful place I've ever stayed [Music] at show you guys what I'm looking at right now there a shipwreck down there this beach is only accessible by boat and you wouldn't think the water would be this blue just by seeing it in pictures it's really this blue checking out today I'm getting off the island tonight but right now uh going on a little boat ride because the cheapest only non-stop flight off this island is tonight at 10:00 it's only um 11:00 a.m. right now so kind of got a day to kill here so go swiming one last time the Black Pearl [Music] nice and uh we just passed Turtle Island and it's shaped like a turtle if you guys can see like the head in the flippers and that's where a lot of the turtles the sea turtles lay their eggs now in the this area called the carry caves and there's tons of underwater caves people usually scuba in and we just took a little swim off the boat and came out to this little outlet look at this so there's a giant earthquake in Greece that kind of just formed this new beach you can see the mountain part of it just broke off and just slid down to the ocean and it's all just white Pebbles on this beach and look how amazingly clear and blue the water [Applause] is good morning from Athens been in GRE for quite a few days now mainly on the islands I think it's been about close to 2 weeks since the last Chinese meal we had so found this local Su restaurant in hard up Athens so looking forward to [Music] this oh I missed this flavor the Mala the super spicy and numbing flavor of Citron food the level of spice they put into this dish wow I love it when Citron restaurant has to hurt you a little bit fatty intestines that's something you can easily find I really like this place oh got to check out this fish of course grease been having a ton of fresh fish look at this though covered in two different types of Chili's and scallions in the middle this looks fresh it looks spicy look at this yeah that's a fresh fish so tender the Delan meat with the chilies is just absolute perfection and going to dunk it in some of the sauce as well this is a fish it's good size too ever in Athens craving spicy like really spicy make you choke on your food kind of spicy Chinese food this is where you get it at this little tiny eery that serves very authentic local Greek food and trying out the musaka here layer of meat layer of eight PL cheese and bachel sauce one of my favorite Greek dishes just everything about it to the beef to the potatoes to the cheese is soft it's chewy love this dish grow the eggplant yeah it's always so fresh and naturally sweet I cook it with just a tiny bit of olive oil that's so nice finally rice sardines oh these are so fresh that's what I love about Greek food it's fresh it's tasty it's healthy especially when you order the seafood so eating a lot of fish lot of seafood octopus and wine sauce this might be the best thing here I think this is uh Hadrian's Library these ruins right on the foot of a propolis that has been on my bucket list since basically the start of the bucket list this is so cool just walking along and seeing these ruins that are all over 2,000 years old now all these ruins it's just a permanent residence for cats cats now live here pretty good houses for lemon Coke Zero it's not bad I guess you can also make this by just adding a lemon to a Coke Zero but they got some good and unique drinks here in Greece there it is this is going to be a long walk up it's a really hot day here in Athens it's about 100° outside luckily hotels had umbrellas on a sunny day this is amazing the theater of dianis feels so surreal standing here everything was built almost 2 200 years ago this is the paron you can see the whole city from here also the ocean too I don't know what all this says but I'm pretty sure that says fu lunch Greek McDonald's let's go check it out all right let's see what's available beef chicken oo single big tasty double big tasty look at the chicken big tasty chicken chicken McNuggets okay nothing too special fish fileo fish fish and chips so I'm leaving at a kind of a bad time a few days after I leave they actually come out with a pretty decent Greek Centric menu onc McDonald's the only thing they have in McDonald's grease that's kind of unique fish and chips so basically McDonald fries in about six fish nuggets and sweet and sour sauce I got to admit though the fish nuggets this is pretty darn good I don't think I've had a bad bite of seafood after arriving in this country and that did not end at McDonald's I wish the outset was bit crispier right now it's kind of soggy and I really haven't had my order that long and it is freshly made besides that a lot of fish inside the Nugget ious flaky the flavor is nice not too bad just for fun got a big tasty a lot of time beef patties taste different in different countries wow the beef and grease just Europe in general for some reason it just tastes beefier the sauage delicious little zesty good burger anyway I just got back from the Acropolis we need to get out of su for a little bit a little food in me and then go for dinner later last meal here in Greece definitely need to find a pretty traditional spot this seems like it the prices here are really really reasonable you can choose four of Aller dishes with two drinks for two people and comes out to30 and then if the dishes come out to be less then you pay the lesser amount which is really fair another very affordable restaurant so got a plate of beef with lemon sauce musaka again one last one before hting off and each dish you get a lot of food M beef is pretty good also got a lamb dish cuz I haven't really got a slow cooked lamb so far is awesome this thing just melts in your mouth look at this falls off the bone clean potato is delicious bunch of different herbs on the meat you taste the Citrus you taste the olive oil what you don't taste is the gaminess of the Lamb this might be the best musaka of my trip this thing is so creamy this is just on a whole different [Music] level wow you barely need to chew that I never used melting in your mouth to scrab calamari before but that's pretty much what this stuff is oh a really good place [Music] good morning this was my fourth spinach pie about 6:30 in the morning we got about 10 minutes for breakfast and I have to rush out to the airport but oh my gosh I'm going to miss this spinach pie a little egg yolk going to really miss that view as well first bite of food in Portugal got to grab an in [Music] Target just ceiling is so flaky and it's a hefty portion too of custard and an egg in the middle amazing would be an understatement I think it was years ago I was just layover um in Lisbon and I had an arar from the airport and I proclaimed that was the best arar I've ever had and of course actually being here in Portugal and trying one this is an experience this is one of the flakiest Zar I've ever put in my mouth the top has that great burnt caramel flavor the custard is so creamy and smooth it's sweet a little egg I love egar it's one of my favorite things for deserve this is just indescribably good all for about one year I'll be eating a lot more of that while I'm [Music] here wow no way cabbage soup [Music] sure all right so just got in waiting for our hotel room to be ready and a lot of places not open right now they're closed for lunch where they're opening at 700 p.m. um found this little food court that's right next to the hotel the McDonald's had a few interesting menu items so figured try this out and this flavor is Bava de Camelo which translates to camel slobber and it's a Portuguese dessert made with condensed milk and I got to start with this before it melts yeah this is definitely way milkier and creamier than traditional McDonald's Sofer it's so creamy and milky it almost reminds me of Hokkaido milk or ocado ice cream so smooth so good I wish it wasn't so melted this is excellent I don't think I've ever said this at a McDonald's before in my life but I'm going to start my meal off with some soup and they got a bunch of different variations of soups here some vegetable soup uh that was solded out so I got the two soups they still had a cabbage soup and a pea soup first off the cabbage soup strands of cabbage it's kind of thick this thing tastes like cabbage and potatoes absolutely no salt I don't know if they forgot to put the salt in here or this is supposed to not have salt oh this is horrible I mean I could be wrong maybe that's just how the soup is supposed to be and this is the Pea Soup really not much salt in here either I just forgot to Salt the soup today at McDonald's this is a CBO it looks like a onion bun with some bacon bits on top this looks like a beautiful sandwich by the way inside cheese male crispy onions on top big fatty piece of bacon and a fried chicken sandwich the next one that looked really interesting this is a rustic chicken sandwich oh this looks so good batter fried chicken looks like some cheese lettuce and on top the sauce is mango chuny and the final sandwich this is the Kansas Steakhouse burger looks like a couple pieces of small GAA bacon crisp onions to beef Petty never seen anything like this before start out with the rustic chicken with Chutney this is a delicious sandwich first of all the outside batter is so crunchy inside the chicken is tender it's juicy Dom Mingo chut is delicious so is that gooey cheese that just melted all over the chicken McDonald's especially other countries when it's fresh out of the cooker it's really good all right the CBO I love this this might be the best chicken sandwich I've ever had in McDonald the Patty is a little different than the last one this Patty is more of a traditional like chicken patty the outside is crispy the chicken is tender but this thing though every bite you take you get that nice fatty piece of bacon which just brings so much flavor also every bite you take you get a bit of the crunchy onions and a bit of the bacon that's on top of the bun everything about the sandwich is delicious this is the best bun by far of any burger or sandwich ever had in McDonald's this is a great bun nice and fluffy so much flavor in the bun there's actually a petition to bring this burger back to Italy maybe that's where it's from if I lived in Italy I sign it okay the Kansas Steakhouse burger like I said it looks like a couple slices of guda giant pieces of bacon this is not the Wimpy little strips of bacon you typically see on McDonald's sandwiches and burgers it is not I mean the bacon here has all grown up it's got a job it's got a mortgage it's got car insurance this is so good all these sandwiches are so good I want to try out this this cheese a little bit I thought it was GAA it's not GAA but it's definitely some sort of smoke cheese which I think they should add to every single McDonald's burger the cheese is amazing it's adding that Smoky goo to every single bite the beef is delicious I said this when I was eating the Greek McDonald's burger beef in European countries is just where pretty much every other country outside the US it's so much better the Greek beef burger I had is probably one of the best tasting beef burgers I have from McDonald's and this is not far behind I mean it started off with a couple of really mediocre saltless soups but the burger and dessert absolutely phenomenal all I'm going to finish up and see what else I can find in this frood cour oh I forgot about the sauces this garlic and meal sauce I'm about to get like 10 more of these and sneak them back to the you watchh the garlic flavor is so strong in that sauce I don't know why we don't bring a lot of these sauces over to the US they're so good this is a a potato sauce not sure with a potato sauces this one's okay with that garlic sauce that's something everything should be dipped in oh the steakhouse looks really really good each plate of steak is from 7 to 10 girls this place you basically just go in you tell them what kind of meat you want fill your plate up with SS or rice and beans dessert this is really really really really good first of all rice beans are delicious the steak is cooked fresh just like you would get at a Brazilian barbecue buffet where they cut it right in front of you yeah it's smoky it's juicy incredibly succulent with pieces of fat and every single bite as well all right I'm going to finish eating hopefully the room's readying hi just took a nap woke up um found this cozy little restaurant called drogaria just sitting here by the steps in this charming little neighborhood going to count this as our first official meal here in Portugal first dish sardin Bretta and it's sardine season right now so this is just as fresh as they come some capsicum Tomatoes The sardines are tendered perfectly seasoned not overly salty balanced so well by the veggies on top that was perfect in every which way and a first impression of sardines here in Portugal I am a big fan especially having it little slightly seared even the aftertaste right now that just makes you happy dish two razor CLS garlic chili cilantro they were so nice to bring out some homemade sourdough to dip it in the sauce and this one has a bit of olives in there the razor clams are just perfect this deliciously rich sauce should not be wasted and dipping it in sourdough is just a best cuz the sour bounces out that rich rich flavor so far so amazing at this place octopus with sweet potato puree just cutting that I know this going to be tender put this restaurant on your list if you ever com to Portugal everything has just been so good the sweet potato puree usually I'm not big not sweet potato anything perfect with the octopus octopus little pickle veggies on top has t as it can be mind-blowing next dish The Catch of the Day which is Corvina with a couple of cockos over rice and tomatoes at this point anything this kitchen comes out with I will happily devour broccoli pudding if they cook it I'll eat it wow skin is perfectly seared the amazing balance of tomatoes and herbs and the slightly griny Seafood that's inside the rice I don't understand why this place is not packed right now I hope people are coming later I know people do tend to eat later in this country I think this one may be it's little off the beaten path but it's so charming and nice if you're in Lisbon definitely show this place some loved I mean they really deserve it people are so nice as well food is absolutely [Music] amazing been trying out all the best egar places today is Monte garia this is the third eggar place I've been to since getting oh look how look how beautifully charred it is oo this thing might be one of the flakiest of has so far this might be the best one I tried for all you egar lovers if you can try a Portuguese art from Portugal there's just nothing else like it the flaky crust a [Music] custard been eating it multiple times a day just makes me want it more and more [Music]
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 254,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greek mcdonalds, portuguese mcdonalds, mcdonald's portugal, portugal mcdonald's, mcdonald's, mcdonald's fast food, fast food, greek vs portugal mcdonald’s, greek food, portugal food, egg tart, portuguese tart, greece food, greece travel, burger, burgers, hamburger, hamburgers, mcdonald's in greece, mcdonald's in portugal, greece, portugal, greece tour, mcdonalds mukbang, mcdonald's review, mcdonald's burger, travels, mukbang
Id: j9tU-OTTs8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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