The BEST RIG for COLD WATER Catfish!! (I could barely keep a rod in the water)

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rats i guess you could say it's been a slow morning the walleyes haven't exactly been my friend but uh what i didn't catch much in walleyes i did make up for it with shads now i'm gonna go do what i i really really love and let's try and catch some catfish well i got my walking shoes on so obviously a plan to eat walleye for lunch fell through but i had cheeseburger feel rejuvenated refueled and ready to go walk about 27 000 miles so i'm hoping there's catfish down at the end we're gonna go find out made it i've been getting plenty of exercise between pheasant hunting and uh this style of fishing i'm whooped i'm gonna prop this one up so it stays out of the sand or maybe not how about that [Music] until i step on it sinker bait and then i will uh also show you how to tie a what i call a double hook rig or hi-low rig or kentucky rig or i don't know probably another 27 names for it i'm using circle hooks because last time they were shorts they weren't getting the hook in their mouth so at least if the rod folds over i know they're going to put the hooks in their mouth these are a whisker seeker circle case big the triple threat seems to get all the glory but the light wire on these is great for cold water i've used them before in this situation either will work but i like the lighter they seem to have a better hookup rate seems like they get it in their mouth a little easier oh there's like a fish in an inch of water it's like a shark neato okay that one's gonna be out deep oh i definitely hit fish sorry friend you can come back say hi or tell me about it just tell me about it up here keep going like quick action like that oh there he is i wonder if he's still on well so much for the hook being the quick fix he didn't hit it hard a little less depth there it's probably 10 11 feet reel that one and check it here in a second maybe i'll just get this one in the water real quick and then retie it here shortly i didn't reel down rusty every one of them both bites been out of right there in the deepest spot maybe i just need to sit down that'll get him going backing up fish oh i got closer is he gonna do it this is a very weenie hit dude if i miss one more i'm switching back to j-hooks and we'll see that i'm gonna back up again fish everything's safe the coast is clear i'm even gonna sit down all right the suspense is killing me let's go guys i just want redemption that's all i really want take it down he's like running at me it's the fourth time a charm this might explain why they're hard to hook right here i'm dragging them up a ledge a little channel cat ain't that small ain't giant by any means but it's nice to see a catfish nice to be officially on the board with a nice eater except i don't want to haul him back because i got like a mile and a half to carry him see ya she tried to fluff up on me i was going to walk to get me a stump to sit on no no i mean i guess not literal stuff but like a log i can't pull stumps out of the ground but it'd be cool if i could this stump appears to be a winner no problem right here it's not as easy to move around as a lawn chair but they're more readily available in places like this there we go just there yep sweet getting them riled up it's kind of funny you catch one and then everything starts falling in line i don't know i'm dragging him up a ledge so who tough telling how big he is he might be the exact same one tell me about it hooked him in the tail too casualty maybe i just need to get that maybe i just needed to uh keep our circle hook dialed in thanks for playing homie yeah get another bite he ran at me like 20 feet a little more weight to him stay on that is the kind of action i really enjoy the old double hook rig is getting him yeah he's a little better oh he's fast a little more robust i don't even break out the big camera for him deep water a lot of times i like shallow water right now good thing i diversified there is no substitute for a properly set circle hook for keeping fish on the line though he came off it was hook was not set well definitely a nicer fish and more the one i'm looking for so fun size i mean he'd be edible size too but i'm not hauling them out of here unless they have teeth and are named walleye but that might be later fingers are crossed but these guys get a free ride today is there enough water for me wrong direction you just missed me already little catfish submarine taking off and all of a sudden i have like no real meaningful rods in the water i think i'm gonna reel that one and show you how i tied that double hook rig [Music] all right step number one you need your supplies and pull off way more line than you think you need for real like five or six feet snip that all right next thing i do you got your like six feet of line right here you make a loop and this is where you're gonna tie your sink around just do an overhand knot you make the loop with an overhand knot or yeah double overhand knot battery exhausted all right battery died round two okay so you have your line right here double it over and then i make a loop right there and then run the end doubled end through the loop twice and this is your sinker dropper or your sinker connects right there and then i'll turn that right there snip like so all right now your loop you want it to be about twice as long as you want your hook dropper to be ish maybe a third anyway that's plenty long enough for what i'm doing channel cats then i'll put it like i don't know six to eight inches above my sinker okay and i have the loop made right there see that then i'll spin it twist it whatever you bop it whatever you want to call it but i leave the middle open and i do it about six or seven times with 30 pound mono if that was 50 or 80 i'd probably do it like three or four but i have that middle open and i take the loop and pull it through the middle now this is where things get kind of weird um see wet the line [Music] um yeah it's gonna be even more weird than that if you don't have a cleat to like put your loop on to pull i use my tongue right there it's about what six eight inches below yeah and i have the rest of this to work with i do the same thing up here about whatever spacing i'm feeling this feels right twist twist twist twist and if you're worried about spacing and stuff the catfish don't care tada double hook rig right there i'm gonna tie this end to my swivel then we'll put a hook here and a hook there and then on the very bottom i'm gonna put my sinker and then the catfish will come hopefully like they've been coming all right back fishing put the hooks on you just take your loop push it through the eye okay pull it over the hook that's it pretty strong connection too same deal with your sinker you can't really do it with an egg sinker very well but these guys you just push it through loop it and then you're set okay now i'm gonna have triple or triple double hook rigs and then uh i'm gonna cast this one deep water too hopefully we have like musical rods going off just like every one of them okay pretty deep there put these other ones in pretty deep areas too that was kind of instant as it touched the bottom he was on it never really pulled it down though because he's a weenie apparently no he heard me came back and have him to the bank before he pulls it down oh he just came off because he is small see if he will not hit it long enough for me to cast my other one over there yeah it's way deeper right there yeah it's almost oh now i'm getting hit on that one i'm gonna lose this one messing with the other one getting greedy those are the things that happen when you're greedy yeah this explains why he was tough to hook catfish barely hooked oh that one got hit too all kinds of crazy stuff oh no i was reeling that one then duh let's see maybe it did get hit i don't know i really didn't find out do not believe it got hit but i got a leaf on it so that's exciting all right bud to the deep stuff hey he's got a little more not a lot more a little bit he's all wrapped up in it never mind he was just wrapped or do i have two i got two oh man oh shoot well i'm getting bit on the other one let's have three cats get out there for a minute he's still there oh had this one half reeled in it just got hit is he still there i don't know that was fun look at this oh man double hook rig double catfish rig right now that's awesome i don't care if they're big or not it's a whole lot of fun and uh no wonder he felt a little bigger oh there's him got a lot going on right now you don't feel tiny either but he ain't doing a whole lot tell me i got doubled up again no i'm bringing it backwards or did i well he's about a cookie cutter to the other ones but i'll take him this is getting out of control am i gonna quad up on three rods that would be pretty intense anyway like i was saying the rig for catfish when it's cold water double hook rig seriously because oh okay bye because you can put two smaller baits and it's got the same amount of scent as one uh one big bait but it gets the inactive ones a little more active okay bye the downfall of the double hook rig dude knitted me a sweater i thought he was being generous can't say i agree with the little uh elbow grease and determination you can get them untangled tada i just need bait lots of bait hey got him that time maybe i'm getting the circle hook thingy down well i have to screw up 25 times and i'm about to officially have no rods in water which is kind of neat no rods no bait i'm catching fish all right this is getting to the point where i'm pretty much expecting it to get hit as soon as it oh that one's not going to get hit i swear i fished before well that one's getting hit though yeah oh hey can i even fish three rods i paid to fish three rods i kind of want to in highway you got to pay an extra 12 bucks for your third line i know there's a lot of states like that what a problem to have all right happy nice and easy there we go all right attempt two bait third rod round 12. i'm going to start chopping them smaller too because uh we're getting low on bait ain't very big fish anyway ah you carried in long ways is he going to stay on he's wrapping all up in it oh that's more of a solid take down on that one or solid hole oh hey okay i'll just keep an eye on the other one yeah this is a better fish all right entertaining i hope i'm entertained oh yeah that's nicer i'll get hit this one to the bank wrapped up and bringing him backwards then i'll get that other one not a giant for the better one i stepped on my bait god well they're about the same size that one was just more excited that's kind of funny actually the one i put down is actually bigger that's funny still have not got the third rod in the water that's a pretty sweet problem to have all right guys you get to go home oh you missed me oh you both missed me bye bye you kind of kept her down a little bit he's not that big he ain't bad been pretty standard sized one to three pounders or so i'm getting bit on that other one now oh what's that you say that's not very polite oh there's a carp there sweet he's even got the little freckles on him he's still going well i'm officially down to my last shed which is a great problem to have for being quite honest oh am i gonna get him i got him he is so tiny oh but he's feisty hey for effort are you even a catfish you are a walleye uncut shad that's hilarious you are also gonna get eaten can't catch a walleye while i fishing maybe i should just go catfishing more often all right let me get my strainer well river rats uh the sun's getting lower which means i can take this stupid buff off i don't have a giant neck but it's just big enough for these things to be annoying anyway that was uh quite the enjoyable afternoon of just beating up on some channel cats and i also have dinner so call them this overall win if you want to catch more catfish when the water gets cold seriously double hook rig you have two small baits put out the same amount of scent as a big one and then fish come up investigate when they're in a neutral or negative feeding mood they're more likely to eat it's science i think so anyway i hope you enjoyed it and if you did hit the like button if you want to see more hit the subscribe button regardless i really appreciate you watching seriously hope you catch giant [Music] you
Channel: Spencer - River Certified
Views: 331,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lake fishing, kayak fishing, bank fishing, best, spot, location, river, lake, stream, iowa, midwest, pig patrol, kayak catfish, catfish dave, flathead, catfish, blue, channel, hook, rig, rod, reel, whiskerseeker, tackle, giant, huge, enormous, monster, survival, bait, kayak camping, creek, shallow, exploration, exploring, ty pigpatrol, missouri, mud cats, Missouri, catch and cook, hook and cook, cold, water, winter, fall, The BEST RIG for COLD WATER Catfish!! (I could barely keep a rod in the water), fishing
Id: BJOXSg1c-pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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