The BEST Reptile COLLECTION I’ve Ever Seen!

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this is gonna be chock full of really  interesting reptiles today that you   normally don't get to see Under One  Roof outside of the zoo I am freaking   out right now if they are not fully aquatic  electrical humans I got a little confused   it happens guys I'm not perfect look at this  these are Darth Maul babies look at the eyes   you produce them wow that's so cool  these are just baby go outs [Music] oh you're tough uh you get distracted  incredibly fast look at this holy helioderma   that is one hell of a this might be one of  the greatest episodes we've ever done [Music] put this unbelievable I'm here with my buddy  John hi Decker and you are holding crocodiles   Johnson I the freshwater crocodile this is  so cool to see here in the United States I'm   gonna go ahead and just get some hours in on my  class one here with you already got a class two   with my Croc with my alligators and Cayman but  having hands on a juvenile uh Johnston eye or   freshwater crocodile John this is awesome dude  it's it's one of my favorite crops it certainly   is get check this out Matt look at the shape of  that snout right there that shows you what this   is a specialist of this guy wants to eat fish uh  he's got that really slender snout and he'll just   wiggle it back and forth in the water and catch  himself a fish uh and you know we were talking   earlier at the Cuban crocodiles they galloped  but you were saying these guys Gallop as well   they Gallop too the only the only two that gallop  are the Freshies in the Cubans that is so sick   these are crazy because to me um I mean that the  the Jaws disproportionately long with and those   teeth yeah so it's compact but just a lot of long  teeth in there slimy fish that's right man we're   hanging out here with Isaac also who is uh one of  the keepers here uh helps John out and uh my gosh   man that is so cool this this is amazing to me um  I've been in Australia I've seen these guys um out   there uh basically they're in all the freshwater  habitats in Northern Australia uh from you know   the western side of Northern uh Australia all the  way into Queensland but mostly in the interior in   areas where saltwater crocs generally aren't  necessarily because obviously these guys don't   get as big and aggressive as a salty and uh  they'd get snatched up full-size mail about 10   foot so we're not talking about giant crocodiles  but still large enough to hurt a human being but   the good news is they're shy yeah awesome and very  uh very populous in Australia too so they're not   financially endangered as the other I'm gonna let  this one go yeah I like I always well you know   what we'll do it in the one he's gonna wiggle  and sometimes they can flick back yeah so you   got to be uh pretty careful with them that's  awesome man what a surprise and you guys are   gonna love this because we're gonna go on a bit  of a tour and we you know John's a guy after my   own heart as he's uh the uh what's the what's the  name of your Instagram get shout out from a man   Isaac here swap Tarzan there you go check out the  swamp Tarzan all right uh this guy's a kid after   my own heart he has a lot of hair which I was a  hair farmer a long time ago but he's always out   there in the uh swamps and stuff so you may want  to check out his Instagram we're gonna give you   guys a cool tour of some place that you know you  don't normally see it's a private collection but   John is a good buddy of mine we met years ago  at the turtle and tortoise preservation group   and uh that's why it's so cool to go to those  functions because you meet like-minded people uh   and it expands your uh knowledge because we borrow  and steal from each other and trade information   uh he is also one of the three JS in the Three J's  toward a sanctuary you've met Jason on the channel   before now you get to meet one of the men behind  it uh you keep some glops up here albeit a little   bit smaller yes sir that's right we'll start start  going oh we got some more Freshies yeah I love   what you've done with the Waterland these Lids uh  this is really well done you know it's there they   are they're right there check it out can you guys  see so these are a little bit larger juveniles   they're Blended in really well so these guys were  not going to pull out because they're a little   bit more spindly and that's what he says we don't  want to get bit today but um he's a Croc lover a   tortoise and turtle lover and you might even see  uh some helioderma on this tour this is going to   be chock full of really interesting reptiles today  that you normally don't get to see Under One Roof   outside of the zoo what what do you got here's an  American Truck oh you got a cootas here yep wow   okay awesome man uh they you know the fact that  you have these species you're licensed for them   um it's Testament to how well you take  care of everything because they're not   giving permits away for no reason you gotta  know what you're doing and you have to also   be respected within that Community uh the zoo  Community which he definitely is look at that   little one again just look at you can see the  difference between the Johnson and I snout and   then uh still a slender snout because it is a  crocodile but this guy is a little bit more of   a generalist when it comes to eating when they  get full grown they're gonna eat turtles they're   gonna eat fish they're gonna eat small mammals  they're gonna eat uh basically anything they can   overpower so that jaw shape is kind of almost  like the Swiss army knife uh it's designed to   take larger and smaller price it's pretty cool  the fact um this one here is probably less than   a year old that's so cool John dude I love you  oh look at this guys I'm so psyched now when   I was doing work with bush wildlife sanctuary  uh we were able to get hands on these as well   um just a beautiful little uh crocodile and it  is the only endemic crocodile species in Florida   so there's only two species of crocodile in the  American alligator and the American crocodile   and South Florida is the northernmost range for  this species uh in fact though historically and   now in recent times they're actually starting  to find these guys they're making a comeback   um they found them almost as far north as Tampa  on the the West Coast of Florida and Vero Beach   on the east coast of Florida so it's interesting  now whether or not they can sustain that range   uh will will remain to be seen because these  guys are a little bit more cold uh sensitive   um than the American alligator but still so cool  awesome you know it's amazing yeah I'm sure you   do I feel unfortunate yeah you are dude this is  really really something you know so we're gonna   go let this little dude go look at that nice and  gentle right in the water beautiful use of these   Waterland tub shout outs and my buddy Pete Jensen  uh out there in California makes these tubs when   you can make these Lids it just makes all the  difference I mean these are well done mate I   stole the I stole the blueprint from the alligator  farm there you go St Augustine giving people ideas   and that's what we do man we just borrow from each  other and I give to you because I want you guys to   get this done if you have any outdoor enclosures  you can use these for Turtles you build a lid like   this no predators are going to be able to get in  and mess with your animals which is key especially   when you're dealing with endangered animals not  necessarily the Johnson eyes the Freshies but that   is definitely an endangered animal so you want  them to be safe although I don't think there's   very many raccoons in this building at the moment  so pretty cool which way are we going this way I   do let's check it out come on guys this is so  Random look at this he you know we're we're at   an undisco disclosed location where he works but  he can't be away from his animals so he actually   has oh my God look at that radiana look at her can  I oh absolutely I gotta say something because it's   important in the scheme of things all right um  so I've been hatching radiata since 2006 every   year a lot of them and you know I used to be busy  I mean I'm always busy but when they weren't under   my nose in here I would throw the food and I may  not see him again until the next time I'm throwing   food well when I brought him into the office once  I got all the debt paid off and different things I   had to borrow and jump through hoops once I got  all that resolved I said to myself you know I'm   going to bring him in the office I'm going to  hold back a few I fell in love with the species   all over again because they're under my nose and  I'm in the office dude throughout the day wait   a minute yeah some what there's some special ones  yeah wait this is Radiology this no this is insane   dude I've never seen radiata this beautiful I am  freaking out right now look at this the white high   white on these guys are you kidding me this was  this was sire these were sire by um a male that   443 produced oh my God you you've got yourself a  science project here yeah this is insane look guys   have you ever seen radiator tortoise that high  white or yellow rather high yellow I'm colorblind   don't forget I mean some look white to me some  yeah I mean that's gorgeous look up here guys   it's just come up here look at this it's now I  know why you keep such a close eye on them look at   that look at that oh my God yeah that's gorgeous  these guys are gorgeous dude I almost honestly I   almost misidentified the tortoise I thought it was  like a star tortoise or something I mean that's   how you don't see like that what's that you don't  see them like that I know that's just so bizarre   an aberrant one that almost looks like a spider  tortoise because it's really the color in the who   where is it all of the skew okay let's see this  he's gonna get through go ahead you get I'm sorry   the office is a little tight I don't think you  guys don't care do you what's this that's a damn   box turtles look at this Infamous Wayne Hill oh  it looks a little is it an albino no not just like   that that's how they look what a Yucatan this  is actually guys an aquatic box turtle it's a   terrapine but it is pretty much fully aquatic this  is uh this guy well that's that's the that's the   coolant okay I'm sorry wrong guy go healing thanks  for correcting me uh it happens you're just giving   this guy a soaked what is that what is that this  is another you can tell but this is okay Captain   horn no way well these guys don't live far from  water but they're not fully aquatic electrical   healings I got a little confused it happens guys  I'm not perfect but we just keep rolling that is   awesome so that's another subspecies of Believe It  or Not the eastern box turtle right can you guys   believe that so there are quite a few there's  the three toe the Gulf Coast the the ludiolo   which is the desert oh what is that so this  hold on wait you gotta wait until my brain my I did myself and you had this service friends from  not being here beautiful Yucatan box turtle I'm   gonna put that Turtle back in here shut this  and now I'm gonna geek out on what I believe   is irradiated tortoise that should not look like  that no it shouldn't and it's just it's missing   the color in the midpoint of the skew right and in  the middle it's just it does look like a spider it   looks like a spider holy smokes oh it's just  dazzling to the eye that is amazing that's   what John just loves these really uh you know  magically morphed the animals I don't know how   to describe it they're just really bizarre isn't  that beautiful have you guys ever seen anything   like that let me know in the comments below what  you guys think of the animals you're seeing so   far this is just berserk what is this special one  yeah so in just to compare you see the the areola   of the skew basically in the middle all of them  have color that's the only one and I've seen a   lot of baby radiata I probably produced flip  it to the back there look like a little like   that little Sunburst so you know it's like a dark  sun and then flip it in there yeah that's really   cool I I never even noticed that yeah so they're  all they're all like a where does this guy live   Madagascar no no I know that he lives somewhere in  North Florida okay that's what I meant right there   he lives here he lives in my office holy smokes  man yeah this is I mean we could stop the video   right now and it would be an awesome video because  we've seen some amazing animals but you know what   more is more and we're going to give you more  let's see what else we got in here three-year-old   core of the albino from gal bill for a flower  back box turtle these guys are from Asia uh who   discovered these was it was it um who found these  holes it wasn't uh McCord was it no he found a   lot of other ones but not Bill McCord look at  that there's the flower shoes in it yeah this   is you guys know that I have the flower the look  at that black blast on that's really neat that's   really really cool but then you that's what the  difference yeah the gabina France from the beretti   and the picturata is the black classroom so this  is how you know it's got bill of France yes oh   it's interesting so guys this is uh an animal  highly endangered in its native range of Asia and   um you know all the quora uh of which I have two  I've got the Malaysian box turtle and I've got   the yellow marginated or flavor marginata uh  box turtle but this is is another level dude   and that's what John's all about John likes to go  you know John I like doing projects with different   people so I I spread things around so I don't  and I'm gonna give him a pop right now a good   one when you're a good dude people want to work  with you uh when you're man your word so and so   forth and that's what this guy is Top Class app  uh so you're able to build these relationships   um with Zoological institutions with  different Keepers uh and you can see   how he takes care of everything this  is just the nursery okay we haven't   even gone outside yet right are we gonna go  yeah can we go let's go all right here we go   here they are these are the sires of the babies  we saw some of us some of them but not all   um Bloodlines we've got 2.2 but that red dot is  the famous four four three that's four four three   yeah oh that's Dimitri Arc of the high yellows and  all her her Offspring Have produced High yellows   incredible and right now itself is you know  average I mean she's a beautiful animal and   they all always exactly I agree but it's it's  any any combination if you have two dark ones   produce a high yellow two high yellows produce  a dark one yeah that's half the fun variability   the surprise so awesome man oh look at this  yeah that's beautiful that is that's pretty   amazing yeah that's a nice adult look at that guys  that's gorgeous that's why it's a baby really yeah   oh my gosh and it really just kicked in breeding  this year amazing now every night since we're up   kind of far north do you bring these in are these  okay out tonight well tonight they will be but I   just brought them out yesterday right you'll see  the habitats where they were in okay now we're   going something near and dear to you and one  of the things that started our friendship okay   I think you know it is Darth Darth Maul produced  the four animals in this one okay let's check this   out I have not seen some Darth Maul babies four or  five years on I guess I thought I saw maybe maybe   longer look at this these are come on man these  are Darth Maul babies look at the eyes look that   might be longer yeah these these were at my house  as little tiny babies these are Darth Maul's kids   they're literally Mall kids yes small kids careful  kids this one's outrageous look at that look at   the eyes guys this is what you're getting when you  purchase a Darth Maul holy smokes you grow them up   and you just got this beautiful tortoise but if  you recall yeah these are also 100 head for hypo   melanism that's right because you sent us that's  right you sent me fire chief that's right oh my   god well fire chief was the marbled one that was  almost all blonde that was a straight yellow hypo   male okay that was with Darth Maul for a couple  years oh my God and I want to say these were 2016   produced by you and we split we split the babies  yeah I kept the four that I got oh my God and this   is the largest they're all female oh that's good  news so but they're all 100 head holy smokes I   can't tell you how many times people try to pry  these off of me yeah but they're particularly   this one oh my god well that would be horrible if  somebody took one of these animals and uh that you   know that just would not be a good thing to get  four of them yeah come cheese and I'm teasing   awesome yeah look at that I just you know my  favorite uh you know my favorite trait they have   of those those eyes yeah you know I think they got  these really cool eyes with that a little bit of   that orange in there and uh look at how beautiful  their shells are I mean hey you know what you're   doing I grew them slow they were out eating weeds  they they were exposed to some cold temps up here   yeah and they're they're Rock Solid yeah these are  good these are party animals man you produced them   wow that's so cool I'm glad I'm glad you're glad  to come I'll even see them have not that's really   really cool man choose one more oh let's see that  last one all in that perfect of grass yeah and   it's it's interesting also the variability well  I like that they've got these interesting black   marks you know they're they were these they  they're Cherry heads but they're not giving   us because they're the hybrids right between that  hypoallanistic they've got this really cool seam   here and not the black that you'll see in most  Cherry heads so that's interesting but it has   the color characteristics exactly and they're  keeping Cherry head colors on the legs yeah and   the head because usually by this size there would  be there'd be a yellow head in a proper um in a   proper red foot so these are your own line these  are something totally unique and new and you know   I can't wait to see what they'll produce I wish I  had a brother or did you know yeah well all right   I hear what you're saying you have to go through  the herd yeah I mean that's what's specimen so I mean I always think of you when I'm out here   messing around I'm glad you got  them they look happy I love them you come of it I got some other ones I got a  lot of hypos uh not from Darth Maul let's go see   I love it this is the this is gonna be a major   I mean people are gonna be stoked  on seeing all these different toys random out all right dude there you go police what  is this this look at this oh my God your place is   awesome dude this is a treat guys oh so these are  not big glops these are just baby gloves beautiful look at the shells man let me tell you the credit  goes to Dr Peter Pritchard he grew these up for   collect okay and upon this passing um from  the zoo in terms of you know they're on low   uh rearing well that is I believe a Brother's  sister so when they get big enough we'll figure   it out where the genetics they are pure  microphones they are yeah these are a pure   Island species of Galant usually they're usually  they're kind of muddled um because it isn't   because years ago when they pulled these animals  into the country they didn't keep records of the   breedings right right yeah so they just said  we have tortoises from the Galapagos but they   didn't take into consideration that each island  has its own endemic species or subspecies of the   Galapagos tortoise so these are in the micro what  micro fees micro Feast what island is that from   Isabella it's one of the four that our  found one is about so crazy yeah yeah   that's awesome beautiful love the flaring  of the shell in the back um just gorgeous oh yeah last sunlight check it out Matt got a few more over here  beautiful home for them this is a nice little   shelter do they go in on their own they do that's  never perfect that is awesome when you get large   tortoise look at this and they're they're  so when they see someone in their enclosure   just like mine they run over to you hi they  just run right over to you that is amazing   uh amazing hi my friend yeah you know  I know you want to eat but you can   Mommy it's like a tortoise Turf  they've kept it mowed down nice huh   but yet it doesn't turn to dirt it's just big  enough that's perfect and I just opened that area okay and they've got great posture also yes that's  great look you guys again look at the posture   his whole foot pad is on the uh floor when  he walks so he's got the proper way to walk   as a glop so he's getting the right type of  topography and of course he's got the right   diet so awesome I mean that's what you need beef  safe that's amazing yeah check it out Matt we've   seen these before at Jason Ables so it gives  them the ability to stretch up and uh you know   really uh Society through the bottom yeah and  to be honest we had a situation with one of our   most productive breeders Lauderdale who had an  inner ear infection and she held her head to the   side for so long until we figured out what was  going on that the muscles atrophy oh really was   because of this and she re-stretched her neck out  so getting up and moving was definitely stretching   out that neck muscle together all right where are  we going now going this way so over here we have   dwarf crops oh no way now this is something that  you and I made potentially down the road uh do   something with because this is a species of Croc  that I'd be able to keep with my class 2 permit   um all right as soon as I produced two years  in a row but then I went offline for three   years okay another female so uh there's going  to be a female over here not not over here now   uh and a male and a female here so we do the  howdy introduction with the guillotine door   okay so they get to know each other before  we introduce them you know through the fence   and stuff so so it's not just and you've got  well water running right now to keep them warm   right yes okay so these guys love their  habits they love them look at this oh my   gosh look at this and they come in on their own  they come and go see please that is holy [ __ ] and so they just stay in  here guys you're looking at   uh what is it it's crocodile steel anus what is  it or is it uh no osteomises yes osteolamus I   don't have to say anything that's the genus and  uh these are that's as big as they get guys this   is as big as they get much like my dwarf came in  they feel that same ecological uh role in Africa   um these guys found an Ivory Coast East Africa is  it or West Africa right well there's two there's it traps this Osborne eye okay and  one of them's West West Africa and   the other Central of Congo Congo okay I  don't know what these are there's blood   tests pending I've had them with Dr vlie  oh for a few years he has to get a certain   amount of samples to run run the test  so uh we'll see but they've got such a   um you know that that appearance is so almost  like a bulldog you know they kind of got that   face you know and they're constantly digging  and burrowing and making caves underground it's   not easy oh my gosh so interesting Behavior  out of them yes yeah another foreign [Music] to get out you've gotta it's always  better to over build with these animals   than find one wandering where they  shouldn't belong that's cool though   American allergies oh I love  Gators check out this big pond guys   there we go they won't let anybody else in there  so no way oh he's a good size he's a really good   size yeah he's a nice pushing 12 feet oh yeah  he's well now where are you going oh see you later they move fast when they happen and I take it this  Pond was already here it was yep so the plans are   I'll probably get some more glops too okay  decent sized ones but also as one does   I also want to do uh Croc row outs here and it'll  it'll be easy to run the well and let it drain in   the pond and drain and the pond drains out over  there along the fence line it goes out the front   here this is an amazing place to come because I  can't believe it's taken me this long to get here   I love it man just uh glad you're here dude the  jewels living Jewels he's got here and as far as   radiators and uh I know you really don't promote  yourself much you don't do you don't care don't   have to I mean that's it I just want to enjoy the  animals we do we do some events here in there this   is a stepping stone to do some other things down  the road and bring the animals along doing some   sort of hospitality related Venture so very cool  well more to come these animals certainly are   hospitable as the uh our friend Tarzan Isaac is  uh trying to call one up for the female I believe see anywhere else we think this guy was a  cuckoo bird but we kind of get it and he   knows what he's doing too how cool is that  all right guys I just want to say thanks to   my friend John hi Decker nice to meet Isaac  pleasure check these guys out online what's   that is there more you want to see a [ __ ] yeah  I thought you were going to see some other stuff let's go we're not done yet I was just faking you   guys out why did I tell you super  size so we're gonna go check out   a venomous lizard we've got a lot of super-sized  episodes lately come on man we're we're amazing so a lot of this is right back outside but all right come here guys  one of the galbenefons just woke up from Winter   from winter and cold smokes she is a specimen  that is gorgeous the flower back box turtle   look at that face holy smokes is that beautiful  friends that is incredible I mean you can see why   these are sought after and why they have become  almost uh extinct in the wild that's beautiful   man wow I'm kind of speechless I'll just shut up  and let you guys enjoy this turtle glitter eyes yeah that's pretty so cool she's got sharp cloth  yeah amazing I can't tell you how many times I   watch your video when you're up at TSA or the oh  yeah yeah Turtle survival set when we walk out I'm   going to show you I'm basically setting up exactly  how they have set up with that modeled uh Roofing   okay and then the cement blocks okay individually  capable exactly like they they have it I got the   blocks out there I got the that's how you get what  I tell you at the beginning of the video we beg   borrow and steal and share I'll probably watch  a video again tonight that's cool man yeah it's   cool so again this is just because of winter this  shed fills a great purpose but again everything's   beautiful we've got all these uh prefa you kind  of fabricated your own filters yeah it's great   simple I'm simple John but it works for me simple  John that's pretty funny dude no way little tiny   broadies [Music] because of the filter yeah  all right so let's see don't you love it when   your friend just says help yourself and you get  to come in here yeah oh no no no no oh yeah oh   you're tough oh you're coming okay come here come  here come here oh you're too fast for me oh my God   there we go guys baby broad snout Cayman  these are the Bizarro Critters man they   got that tiny little snout so what did we  learn this week or rather in this video   being that this animal has this kind of snout  that means short and oh and a powerful bite to   crush hard shells and uh oh listen I love  the little talking to me and everything   these guys will use the snap they'll eat mollusks  and freshwater you know snails and small turtles   so these are really cool species but they're  very bizarre when they get bigger they look   so different and um I'm gonna put this animal  back because because what happens here at John's   at simple John's Place is uh you get distracted  incredibly fast look at this go look at this holy   helioderma that is one hell of a morph that is a  gorgeous animal man that is a Hilo a gila monster   dude that's a venomous lizard right there  I've seen these in a while you were with   me I think we're at Bob Bloom's house many  years ago we were at Bob blooms in Arizona   and we saw one walking around his backyard  that right there is gorgeous now the thing   is I never realized how variable their colors  can be really true it's almost like a radiator   yeah that's something but one of the pink  ones oh my gosh this is really cool bro   I love it this is venomous it's a bit yeah don't  get too close it it's venomous it can bite you the   good news is that they're unusually docile yeah  yeah usually docile but and you're not going to   die from the Venom gotcha you're just gonna be in  a bunch of things yeah it'll hurt real real bad   it's sort of the Navara one it has almost like  this wrist watch bands but little little color   a little dark so it's like opposite  they're sought after when it comes to   a reduction of pattern or color but in this one  there's a lot of there's a lot of color in the   toes the eyeballs the nostrils I love the black  on the front of the Jaws there that's really neat   like a mask now you guys remember a couple  of years ago we did a video with John brugin   from the alligator farm in his private residence  he's really into the helioderma so we got to see   a lot of cool animals with him and now we get the  follow-up uh with John just seeing what he's doing   here with these uh incredible lizards man really  highly specialized Venom uh we know that a lot of   lizards actually have a mild Venom in their Salata  because that's what Venom is it's a modified   saliva uh pretty interesting though to see it uh  on these guys and now they don't really have the   same delivery system as a as most really evolved  snakes for Venom what they'll do is they'll just   bite the saliva mixes in with the wound and you  get sick so the delivery system is a little bit   um you know primitive but works well well for  them yeah they've been around for a while they're   beautiful in this cool little line right here  you don't see that a lot yeah that's a really   it's such a cool lizard man just such a little  bizarre dude and the fact that they spend 75 of   their lives underground underground exactly man  that's why you got to follow his uh Instagram   account because he's not just about jumping around  with animals he's giving you guys good information   and I'm behind anyone that wants to teach so  and and you mentioned John Berean a dear friend   of mine okay he I think he has the best Gila  setup in the world I mean I don't know of any   any more uh you know a more elaborate more  thought out set up that he has it's absolutely   stunning and when we come in you know what  and that's why he's so successful breeding   them because he's breeding numbers with small  quantity adults he's producing them it's almost   unheard of oh my God that is almost a stunner that  is awesome it's pink but it it's super aberrant yeah I want to get that guy because you'll you'll  notice that the banding isn't uh you're gonna   pick this one up yeah okay cool I just want to  pinch them a little just because when they're   that small it's hard to just grab yeah smart  this one is that line look how apparent that   is really it's missing it's missing a link it  has a line going down the back like that it has   the bands that are super faded reduced solid  symmetrical you know little things like that   I just get obsessed with looking at you know  the aberrations of them where the color is   I like what he's doing his tail now I got to  mention about his tail look at that so there   we go I don't even know just doing that yeah  he's close that's how they'll teach you yeah   yeah so I was going to talk about their tail  these are desert animals they store a lot of   moisture and fat in their tails uh [Music] as long  as you pinch the head you're good I can't get you   that's good look at this guy that is amazing man  we are hanging out with the Gila monster here   right in his gaping moth and that's you know look  he'd nail me if he could because he's a little   dude he's a little scared in the wild they might  open that mouth just kind of scare you with it but   generally guess what you leave them alone they  want nothing to do with you they spend most of   their time on the ground thank you Isaac and  they're nocturnal as most desert animals are   but uh still beautiful cool species I love them  yeah that's awesome it's um really a treat man all   right let's see put what's that when you want to  say behind that there is a male picturada another   flower back species oh wow look at this friend  of mine produce that you're welcome thank you   everywhere you turn yeah there's a we thought we  were done 10 minutes ago exactly can you believe   this this might be one of the greatest  episodes we've ever done uh how cool man   pretty yeah really neat and last but not least  oh sealer separate blood lines of giamatta   Japonica Japonica yeah I know nowhere get me  excited when I watch your video with Charlie Charlie's outrageous male or rather red  red specimen so we got a couple Reds on on   the left side they've got two Reds on the on  the left and two regulars on the right these   guys are really cool big eyes these guys will  run around and grab worms they're kind of a   um they're a terrestrial animal they love to  soak in puddles but they are a forest turtle   uh very agile believe it or not and fast for  a turtle because they grab worms and insects   so very very cool I love it I love how you have  everything it's so clean and everything's just   it's functional when they're small this is an easy  way to care for them he's got a large collection   so he wants to make things nice and easy and  you've done that and I want to track Bloodlines   too like those habitats are the breeder gave  me the egg they came in all the stats the birth   date what pairings did what so they're all four  from science projects unrelated I get a little   crazy with that stuff but that's awesome look at  these incubators by the way nerd out on that Jason   Abel's got me into the Redwood incubator how cool  was that and uh I just started collecting them at   some point I'm gonna convert them but I just  love them it's a gorgeous piece of furniture   yeah it's pretty and Jason Jason got me into the  computer science all right well hey you know what   I think we're done are we now we got a little  side you want to see some Valderas because   we're gonna need another battery let's go come  on because of your Nostradamus I thought we were   done I got in this I got some aldabras from Sam  of course you did because of your Nostradamus it's so cool man this is great what a treat uh you  do Inspire each other yeah I I was watching your   videos at Sam's a few times and I woke up one day  needing an Alabama Taurus and instead of just one   Sam happens to be four Jesus and it's because of  Nostradamus too so I went through 80 animals you   know messing around so that's why Sam loves me so  much there's two glops and uh four rounds there's   a little loud look at this guys all this little  Clover oh I love baby out the average now yes   yeah come on look at that it's best look at that  oh did we wake you up so sorry how cute uh one   day this will be a 500 pound tortoise and there's  the other one thank you so much Isaac look at this   beautiful beautiful little dudes I remember  when Nostradamus was this small yeah Nostradamus   started out like this when I got him he was just  a little bit smaller than this size and we've been   together 19 years he and I and I love him yeah I  love him to death I just got my first Galapagos   oh congratulations bro it'll be with you the rest  of your life and then your kids will have it Sweet   Holy Smokes man good old high Decker look at that  dude they're kind of cloth clunk right into the   wall you know they're just kind of loony ticks  check this out oh wait what are we doing oh a   full-size Blue Book owl boo book yeah they're from  Australia no way this is the actually the only one   in the southeastern United States that's the only  one full size in the United States full-size wow   little dinosaur you got here no way good old Loop  awesome look at this there's a little aldabra oh   my gosh look at that and look at that collapsed  shell man yeah holy smokes it's gorgeous dude   wild alligator farm started these guys out threw  them for three or four years when covet hit I   helped them out with a surplus situation and man  so all the credit goes to them that's beautiful   who makes these cages it's called animal house  but they went out of business they were out in   Oregon yeah that's a nice that's a nice cave  I used to have four Bells phase laces in here   I got out of them and tortoises are in here  now smokes dude this is awesome man I got a   some of the head hypos and hypos and what'd you forget to go to one more stop geez  let's go twist my arm holy smokes this this   I'm five hours from my house by the way I don't  care I'm excited that you're here I'm excited too   thank you so much I forget what you know it's over  it's interesting dude this is so cool this is so   flipping gray boxer into this gray box this zoomed  box all right uh what is this four different typos   paradox stranger and stuff what the heck no way  guys what are we looking at here I'm colorblind   and I can see that there ain't no color in here  this is beautiful these are the hypos so yeah   Darth Maul was paired with one that looked exactly  like that so yeah did you hear that Darth Maul was   paired with one like this as an adult and uh  we'll see what uh you know how they grow up   their hats so well it's a long-term project when  you're dealing with it it is look at this this is   neat because it looks like someone got a Sharpie  and just thought start drawing on that it's just   a a paradox so crazy it's a full hypo that has  some of the like like pied if you will I guess   look at this too look at these cups this is so  these are siblings but just how different yeah   yeah and no one knows exactly why in a hypo  setting why that color came in but the other   is going to come in like like a normal material  guys you realize the normal Cherry head would be   black black shell with maybe some marbling and  so on but this is berserk but look at the face   look at the heads the skin has coloration yeah  that's so amazing it really is yeah that's that's   something that is unique holy smokes I don't  think I forgot about anything else wait no are   we really done I think so it's the video that  won't end and I don't think we wanted to other   than the fact that we have a five hour trip home  but um Hey listen thank you Isaac yes sir thank   you John it's amazing man this was great thank  you for sharing thanks for coming up please I   appreciate it this was so worth it guys let me  know what you thought of today's video it's huge   uh what was your favorite animal that you saw and  uh you know what you can always go to the Daytona   reptile show if you ever want to say hello to John  tell me something right here on the channel thanks   for being a part of my channel and I'll see you  guys soon we all right gotta go later [Music]
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 103,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, action, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, vlog, learn, kachhua, caiman, gator, rare, greatest, personal, collection, private, freshwater, crocs, American, box, box turtles, radiated, specimens, cherry, head, darth, darth maul, morphs, broad, snout, list, truly, incredible, paul cuffaro
Id: euRm2cFcKBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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