Gone for a Week! Did the Kamp Survive?

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amazing stuff happening here today whoa you're tough take it easy she laid 20 eggs what do you think do you think i have a few sulcatus there are these little guys look at cersei oh look here's everybody hey guys it's okay i'm just scratching here he goes come on rubino come on see he's still goofy and wonky after we have the burglary earlier this year i don't like to leave my house unattended that's my boy you can give him snuggles kisses [Music] thank you he's a happy boy yes he is i love you [Music] okay this is a big super sized video get your steaky [Music] welcome back to camp cannon oh yes hello what's going on everyone i am back from a week-long trip it was an amazing experience i went and rode my bike we had a race at oram in north carolina in old fort 60 miles of what is it 10 000 feet of climbing uh and then i went up to pennsylvania to visit my mom and dad and it was a really nice visit kate and i went we brought lobo it was a lot of fun but right now i want to get back at it and get back into the critters here my buddy good friend and pet sitter rob hooked me up my buddy rob from riders only bikes uh he loves reptiles he knows reptiles and he has been helping me out so i'm just kind of walking around saying hello to everybody here at the camp [Music] we sincerely thank all of you happy campers out there your support makes a real difference in our efforts here at camp kennen this week's special shout out goes to nick horner thank you for all you do and for loving reptiles oh everyone's starting to wake up they're coming on out it's about 93 degrees the temps are finally cooling down because it's after 4 p.m here as i make this video so we're just checking everybody out right now the front ponds got a little fog here no big deal um awesome stuff let's wander over here and see sophia's pond i just love to do my walk around we have to feed some animals which is cool we have to feed some of the monitors uh which is always exciting but check it out look how good this pond looks i am stoked on sofia's palm check this thing out incredible i just love the um the vault systems uh right here with these intake bays i think that they are the best way to go as far as pond uh filtration look at the there are these little guys the central american sliders we've got a little pink belly side neck and then everyone else is hiding over here let's go ahead and get some fluker food for them real quick some buffet blend these guys are awesome look at that all four of the little central american sliders are back in here we're i think they're happiest there's the we're just gonna throw some food out there for them guys and they're gonna get to work and eat it all up just great little species i love this pond it's so much fun just loaded up with some food and these guys are gonna be having some good good little evening treat let's go see what's going on with the giant tortoises and also hold on a second before we go over there look there she is it's cersei she's walking around look at cersei oh my god she's getting so big hey girl hey girl yes she is everybody oh you're so friendly come on it's funny aldabra tortoises when nostradamus was this big he was just as shy as she was it's really interesting once they get to a certain size though they'll start to kind of relax a little bit come on girl just relax oh you're so scared you're so annoyed by me i'm so sorry anyway you can see a lot of cactus they can reach up and grab it they've been nibbling on cactus pads in the fall this gives them a lot of enrichment all the tortoises in here will kind of reach up and grab this stuff and i'll even grab some and i can do this who cares there you go then they'll go down they'll nibble on that it's a little treat for them no babies have hatched yet no babies but it looks like there's some dirt here what happened here though what's this all about did someone else lay eggs did someone else look at this someone else did lay eggs hey how about it we got some we got some randos laying eggs we still have this one this is awesome wow wait a minute i wonder if we should pull these eggs out eventually here oh that's so cool let's see these might be the original eggs i think this got moved oh that's probably what happened friends this i think oh yeah i think this got moved someone must have ran into it let's see maybe we'll pull these eggs out anyhow i don't know they're looking good this feels very light like there's nothing in it that's not good oh now let's see what's going on with this one i was doing the experiment and leaving these eggs in the ground because i did find a baby radiated taurus that hatched in the ground but yeah i don't know this egg feels like it's got some weight this one definitely has weight to it hmm i think we should put this one in the incubator this one is light bummer hey look it's an experiment what are you gonna do let's see i should move this let's put this right there and there let me see is that in fact were those the actual eggs or i don't know i'm gonna dig here though i think they were yeah those had to have been the eggs that were incubating in the ground for a while this must have gotten moved i need two stakes to really secure it but this egg is light as all get out there's nothing in that egg i can tell you that right now it's too light this one who knows let's go over here let's just go on over here into the incubator then we'll go back and check the big tortoises this is what happens i get sidetracked because things need to be done i don't know if this door's open it is not i gotta walk all the way around let's just keep this egg with us and we'll put it in the incubator in just a little bit i won't forget you guys help remind me not to forget the egg in my hand all right let's go see our big tortoises like we planned oh look here's everybody hey guys look how big nostradamus got oh my gosh it's so cool every time i see them they're definitely getting bigger and bigger oh yeah up there's a little tick on socrates hey socks come here let me get this tick let me get that tick off of you there you go you got another one too oh there's a big juicy one there let's kill these ticks and then we'll throw them in throw the ticks in oh look at this look at the size of this one we'll throw those ticks in for the cichlids come here come here i got another tick there we go see that let's see hi nazi oh careful nas it's okay nas it's okay i'm just scratching you what's up you guys get fed tomorrow huh yes you do you guys are gonna get beds tomorrow little tiny tick right there oh there's a couple of little tinies got it it happens what are you gonna do tis the season for ticks okay good to see you guys you're looking awesome let's go see your big mama over here darwin what's darwin doing i don't know i haven't visited with her in a long time look at the size of that turd though pretty impressive okay there she is hi mama hey how you doing you remember me oh man it was really cool roberto kind of house sitted pet sitted and then uh of course my family was here too which is nice after we had the uh after we had the the the burglary earlier this year i don't like to leave my house unattended so there's always someone here when i'm traveling so cool look at this hi girl hi you got anything oh she's got no ticky toes there we go no tickies on her hi hi big lady i'll give her a nice head rub oh yes that's good girl that's a good girl oh let's not have you step on that egg oh my gosh so cool all right well she's looking good let's go see lumpy man lumpy is over here uh if you don't know who lumpy is lumpy is one of my oldest sulcata tortoises i got him in 2004 when i moved here to florida and he belonged to a close friend's dad and he gave them to me in 2004 because he was getting too big to live in long island which is where i grew up and uh let's see where the lumpster is lumps is probably one of the biggest males i have and uh there he is look at him what a guy hey lumpy what's up buddy good to see you i'm over here i'm over here let's pull some weeds down maybe he'll be interested in eating some of these weeds lots of weeds here growing come on lumpy poo it's green it's leaves yummies he's a big boy now he was having trouble a couple of years ago when we originally moved all the solcadas to their new home i did that with uh lumpy and unfortunately lumpy didn't like it stopped eating stop drinking and was really really dehydrated but dr mike gillan helped us we put a feeding tube in him and we really nursed this guy back to health which was amazing so really really excited about that and as you can see he's starting to figure out that i just ripped some weeds down and just like a sulcata anything green disappears he is beautiful he's got these really nice flared margins here on his uh carapace and then of course his lumpy you're tough take it easy he's got these ghouler projections and he's back he's a tough boy he is a big boy he's probably uh just a little bit under about 130 40 pounds maybe um not quite as big as hercules but he's a big tortoise so i kept him over here because i don't want him to battle with hercules so uh he gets to live out over here he's got this whole place he's got water he's got shelter he's got bamboo he's got everything okay here we go we are moving along and we are looking at our good friends the elongated tortoises there's some right there in the cool shade here's some in an old watering hole that i had made a long time ago these guys are just hanging out in here one underneath the palmetto thicket and then of course there's a couple soaking in our pond right there now water comes on to both of these ponds and it overflows and i get in there oh that room got knocked down but i get in there with the broom and i brush out the old water which is what i'm going to be doing tomorrow i'm gonna have a lot of work tomorrow to get done but i love my job and uh hey what are you gonna do inky's up there we'll see here in a minute because we're gonna feed her but let's have a look at the baby snake necks which are hanging out over here don't worry i haven't forgotten my egg so okay the baby snake nicks are in this enclosure that we set up a few weeks ago you guys watched the video let's go ahead and see what's going on let's see how the baby snake necks are doing so awesome we got their fluke of food right here what i like to feed them is they really love that shrimp they love the river shrimp that is inside uh this buffet blend right here so i grab shrimpies and we just throw the shrimpies down in there let's throw some shrimpies and see if we find any of these babies i'm gonna probably reach in and grab one because they're so darn cute but they're um they're getting bigger and up there comes one right now here comes one right now do you guys see it here he comes he's gonna get that shrimp oh my god these guys are awesome get it yes awesome job man these guys are the best let me see if i can get a better shot for you guys just by dunking the camera a little bit do you guys see him there he is really really cool turtle they're doing very well in here there's a few of them in here we have eight oh he just disappeared there's eight of them in here and there are something else man let me tell you here comes one here comes one gonna get that he's gonna get it yes he got it there nibbling these guys wake up for food that is so cool these snake necks that is an awesome species which i am just loving uh i can't wait to these guys get bigger they're going to go into the front ponds seban rock snake neck turtles these guys from new guinea and they're really really special so i'm really excited about these guys um awesome stuff here where else the shadows kind of or the glare kind of keeps us from seeing them but they got little fishies in there and then the plants are doing well i mean it's all working out really really nicely here for these little boogers there's one he's going for it he's going for it where are you dude where are you oh come on come get your come get it come get it all right we're gonna let these guys do their thing they got their food in there and of course we also have the reeves turtles in here let's throw some food in here for these guys little reeves turtle see right there again loving that these guys are set up in here now because so much more easy for me to care for um it's ease is important here so these guys get fresh water every single day they've got plants they've got sunlight you know part of the day they get some sunlight i'm getting some food we're gonna throw the food in for these characters they're gonna nibble and uh they'll be happy okay awesomeness very very cool put that food back there okay this is empty now because leon went to live with sam as did that black mountain tortoise and uh before i get going any further let's go ahead and grab this chicken and these rats that i went ahead and had um on my good buddy roberto leave out while i was driving home this morning we drove from south carolina just about the end of south carolina we were almost to georgia and uh we woke up super early and we were able to get home today we took two days to drive home from pennsylvania i didn't want to push it and drive in one day like i normally do because my wife was with me and she isn't quite the road warrior that i am i can drive for hours but uh we stopped and uh worked out good i'm just gonna open this put that in there and then we're gonna keep on going gotta have a little offering for our critters let's go in and see everybody over here now the herbivores are gonna get fed tomorrow but the meat eaters are getting fed today but before we go any further i really want to see the blue ones because there's been a lot of action oh you see there's been a lot of action oh yeah look at this she looks kind of fat to me friends look at these two looking good looking good oh she's what is she doing are there eggs in there do you think kennen i don't know let me go over here and look she goes in there oh my gosh it's egg laying season for cyclora let's say i gotta look down in here i don't see anything [Music] keep going in in [Music] i don't see any eggs do you guys i don't think so but in other news the rhino iguana petra laid here she is she's a little skinny she laid 20 eggs 20 eggs she's insane so last year she laid 13 this year 20 and they all looked good um holy smokes i don't know if they'll all hatch but pretty amazing stuff okay i'm moving along we're gonna go on in here because we gotta see bobby robino we gotta say hello to uh guapo here senior rockwell that's my boy handsome man handsome man in the land love him man this guy's doing good let's get that spike off come on you know you want to see a little keratin uh on their spikes they shed it and then i like to help them shed by giving them scratches yes just rub that skin off see that no problem and then i pick them up and we're gonna bring them back over here we're gonna marvel at the gorgeousness look at that look at that [ __ ] oh he's growing still growing after all this time that's a boy oh god you're so handsome man i love you buddy i missed you i love this lizard he is just phenomenal before i got lobo this was my dog he was just a lover a little lover boy right you could give him snuggles kisses hugs he's the best love guampa i just love them and i love helping them shed just get this stuff oh yeah i don't like it's kind of like whatever will fall off is what i take off i don't really like to get too crazy i know that the the skin on this tail look at how beautiful that tail is cyclora right cycloir iguana which means circular and they get that name because of their circular spiky tail they've got these little spikes but the tail is more conical than flattened okay so these are a terrestrial animal and uh they're great and all cycler iguanas have that kind of circular tail uh which gets the name cyclora so the cuban rock iguana which we're looking at the jamaican iguana the the figan's eye you've got the rhino iguana you've got what else the blue iguanas we just saw look at that look at that you got those are all cyclora iguanas and they're awesome they also have a break at the nuchal here okay right above their neck their spikes stop see there's no spikes there and there's no spikes at the break between her tail and their body thank you he's a solid dude real solid guy we love him okay moving along hi chinese box turtles how are y'all doing we have some food for you guys tomorrow you were fed yesterday they get fed on a schedule uh every other day someone's here someone's here it's the female of the program it's la la la la la la la la lola who no longer lives with guapo because she beats the hell out of him we don't like that very much now do we no we don't we don't like that but she's shedding also right on the tail it's tail shedding season very nice i wish i could get babies out of these girls and boys but she don't want to hang out with him enough long enough to get babies which is sad because we do love her so much good girl awake you guys love her all right so where are we at well we're out over here and if you look over here you'll notice one grumpy dude named bobby robino let's give bobby rubino a chick he deserves it he deserves a chick he deserves a chick huh there he goes come on rubino come on see he's still goofy and wonky oh my gosh the wonky of them all look at that he's having a hard time finding the food but let's see come on robino there you go there he is man give bobby his food he still eats he just has a hard time catching it after the thieves took him and just carelessly dumped him while it was freezing cold it kind of set him back on all the good work we did he was never quite the same so those guys suck they stole an animal that was already compromised left that they stole them during a hard freeze and uh he was frozen when i got him so now he's got even more neurotic neurological problems which really really sucks so that was a bummer now i have to be careful with this next lizard it's inky she was also stolen but we were achieved her unharmed uh but she's so aggro and what happens is oh here she comes she's gonna grab it oh boy there she goes last time she decided to grab me but here she goes she's gonna eat very nicely she's getting bigger as you guys can very well see she's gonna figure out what side she wants to swallow that thing from i don't think she wants to start with the feet first i would highly recommend against that go for the head young lady so there she goes ow ow she manipulates it to the head and then right on down she's going to swallow that little chick up new problem holy toledo [Music] she's also pretty um she's not exactly the friendliest anymore which is fine once i get her into a new enclosure she's gonna just tame right up again i promise you'll just have to keep watching the videos to see how it all unfolds once i can get in there with her all the time and hang out um similar to what i did with slinky once she gets past a certain size i'll have no issues so let's get her to swallow that i like her to eat this whole prey it's got feathers it's got bones it's got meat she'll eat that all up and digest everything except for the feathers pretty good huh look at how she just pushes it down her mouth they have those very flexible jaws similar to a snake these monitor lizards and so that enables them to swallow things much larger than themselves and in the wild they gorge themselves because they never know when they're going to get another meal so similar to komodo dragons they'll gorge themselves but here we're going to give her three of these there we go three of these today oh god you're so mean so let's go ahead get one more out for her oh god yes you're so tough so tough you see here you see her doing that such a nut now she had some roaches that i guess she didn't want no big deal it happens we'll just toss those get rid of those little roaches she's gonna eat this we're gonna continue on our ear that's a nutty little broad uh she's just gonna uh keep slapping the cage here we're gonna keep on moving right girl okay yeah so awesome to see everyone thank you god inky you wish you'd be a little bit more enthusiastic about seeing her dad die i don't know what to say i don't know what to tell you hey wait a minute we got to get that egg almost forgot about the egg holy smokes that's going to be the next thing i got to handle that egg so you guys are actually seeing me process information in real time which sometimes the process you know gets a little messed up oh there's the egg we have to walk back here hi turtles good to see you all again all those little turtles are eating and this egg is coming with me because it is now going in with some other radiated eggs that i dug up and uh we'll see if it hatches i don't think it's gonna but it's worth a shot don't you guys think yes siree boy okay okay let's move on over here because um you might as well see the bow the low bow bow and you'll also see just a few baby tortoises living uh what do you think do you think i have a few sulcatus you guys are interested in solcata email me at canonh1 comcast.net we've got a lot of fun we've got sulcatas in here and we've also got red foots so we got redfoots sulcatas it's a regular tortoise tortoise tortotopia is that what it's called let me help you out here a little one but yeah we got one elongated we've got red foots they're all soaking right now they were just hanging out in that humidity there's a little red foot right there chilling so um yeah i think we've got quite a few red foot tortoises and sulcatus there's the back pond i just stirred it up it was crystal clear i just stirred it up i turned on a pump so all this stuff is getting stirred up so it goes on over there uh but what do you know good times okay here we go let's be quiet and let's look and see the bobo look at logo look how good this dog is that is that's lovo he did so good on the trip right lobo he did so good yes he did he went all over the whole east coast he's a good boy he listens to daddy and mommy and we love him and this is his little hangout and he's such a happy boy he's a happy boy yes he is i love you okay okay boy you can you may return to your uh slumber i'm sorry if i startled you i know you want to come walk around with me don't you i know he wants to come walk around but i need my hands and we're still training him so lobos still has to stay on the leash um that's just the way it is that's what we got to do okay so here we are um we got the radiators down here we got some radiata and a few more red foots and whatnot radiata and what nada right there that's it nothing fancy about this but then we also have there's 20 rhino eggs 10 10 right in here thanks to jerry for digging those suckers up we'll see what happens we're going to have um we're gonna have some babies um in october because it takes about 90 days hello little ones let's go bring these guys out you guys are doing all the chores with me this is a big super sized video there's a lot happening here let's not drop the tortoises we have a wife but we'll leave her off camera she's saying hello she's she's she's saying like this embodied voice there's our doggie the loboski the great the big lebowski and um out we go out we go gently gently shutting the door don't drop don't drop the baby tortoises let's put them in the nursery these are new recruits okay we'll put them in this one they just got done i threw a lot of lettuce in here today some romaine they were eating and then we'll get back to our super sized checking everyone video i made this very simple latch or rather lid so as to keep any would-be baby tortoise predators from eating our little ones see okay where did i put the uh there it is that's what i'm looking for let's go see the baby black throat shall we these guys are awesome uh they're doing very well we also have colin that needs to get a little rodente treat little call let's go get colin first look at how everything's grown so insane right i mean it is a jungle out here which i guess is the desired effect uh okay let's see the call stir captain colin there he is look at this carpet piping look at that guy hey guy what's up you think he's happy in this enclosure i do he's got clean water he's got his little hideout he's got a little snake shed we're gonna give him one of these watch this hey guy he's so old though he's an old dude nice and easy he does it nice and easy come on come on get your snakey food get you oh you got it you got it all wrap around wrap around and there you go you guys know the deal right oh excuse me you guys know the deal he's gonna eat that rat and it's gonna take a long time we're gonna let him do it in peace and quiet love you dude okay now these little dudes are not so little anymore i think you'll agree when you see how they can handle a full baby chick look at this there's one of them i don't know if it's whip or devo or who whip it or devo but well that's that's definitely with it okay we're gonna get a chick on the line here we're gonna squeeze said oh look they're both out this is gonna be mentile i might need to get a chick on the hand so i can quickly chuck it there's one for you one for you come on will you stop eat the chicken thank you all right see i had to i had to go ahead and throw a chick out here for this one so they don't go after the same prey look at this look at this guy chompers come on come on oh there you go they're gonna be able to eat this no problem how cool right this is so awesome these guys are getting huge i think what do you guys think let me know in the comments below they're getting big i mean they're not even a half a year old and i think they're doing great captive bred beautiful black throated monitors a beautiful species here and they get fairly large so not for everyone got to have a lot of space which as you know i do and i'm going to be building really cool enclosures for them but these two right now are just kind of getting this dialed here there you go good boys and girls eating everyone's eating and again guys do you have flexible jaws i like to give them a whole prey item they do get insects as well i chop some fruit up but this is uh definitely one of the ways i feed the black throats and uh those are very fluffy chicks okay so don't worry about these animals choking they have a trachea that is uh independent of their throat and they can breathe whilst they are swallowing large prey items so that's exactly what they're doing right now so this one's going to go eat in private i think meanwhile they'll just push it down their throats and uh yeah that's what's going on man okay moving along on our super-sized welcome home video welcome back to camp cannon i've missed it so i love my animals and uh shout out to my buddy my good friend roberto one more time and jerry uh they really helped me out while i was gone uh one week seems like just a long long time so i'm really really happy i got people that i can trust to make sure the animals are in good shape hi how you doing good to see you uh it's a red foot again they're gonna eat later um yeah we don't really we're not gonna feed the caymans but let's go see them uh let's see we're not gonna feed snaggy and dale but they are in fact in here somewhere let's see oh yeah oh there's snags the big snaggletooth is uh he's he's kind of cruising over here he's very large and in charge don't you think holy smokes i forgot how big he is hi dude what's up come on yeah i guess we haven't had a lot of rain here but uh it hasn't stopped him from looking huge thanks buddy all right who's gonna go under we're gonna go over to cayman creek leaving fred's lagoon and we're heading to cayman creek check it so cool all right i don't know where louis is i don't know if louie is out he is not out so it's not worth going in there to kind of try and feed because if he ain't out he ain't gonna eat these guys come out at night so i'll come back in here and i'll check them out but uh their pond is good the river system's good let's go see pinky and slinky so uh yeah good times doing this insane mountain bike race you gotta check it out it's called oram off-road assault on mount mitchell near asheville um north carolina and my goodness it was one heck of a ride it's just one of those races it's my first time doing an endurance race like that and uh the thing about those kind of races are just finishing them uh are an accomplishment there she is we're gonna give her a big rat oh let's see she'll eat a big old rat hey girl look what i got look what i got look what i got look what i got i think she might have some eggs in there come on there you go hi sweetie you are you gonna go in your house to eat it yeah okay go ahead go ahead she's gonna go ahead and eat in here um no problem i'm not bothered by that i'm just happy she's eating okay that's a girl awesome she shouldn't have much of a problem swallowing that she's uh grown up quite nicely i do miss our girl lagatha it's a bummer that she's not with us anymore because she had some she had some deformed follicles egg follicles when then and when they were developing they ruptured and killed her very very sad situation so what she'll do sometimes is that she cannot fit the rodent because of its big belly she'll cut the belly she'll actually slice the belly and the innards will kind of squirt out and she'll be able to finish swallowing this guy here she goes amazing how they get things figured out [Music] [Music] almost down he's pushing it against the wall there you see that so cool [Music] and here there's her breath she took her breath almost there little oh yeah so cool and once once she swallows it she'll be looking for a chick [Music] those legs are almost down come on [Music] [Music] that is so awesome i love watching this it never gets old i just love the way these animals are they're very very amazing to me how they're able to survive such incredible adaptations like a flexible hinge there oh there it is there it is good job that is awesome i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i do if you're watching these videos i think you may i think you may like this as much as i do it's so cool um and it's an honor to be able to care for these animals uh true true honor to be their caretaker so i'll just kind of put this here see if she's interested she's still kind of swallowing yeah here she goes she's got a little tail left come on get that tail down from the rat i won't take it away so this will be a good heavy feeding for her and i'll just go ahead and leave that right there and she'll find it and get another little bit of a nibble come on there you go girl good job all right let's go see our uh star child the star boy and give him a good feed um just amazing amazing stuff happening here today never gets old never gets boring i always love sharing it with you my friends i thank you uh for joining me but let's go now before we depart and see what's up with the slinkers slinky this awesome enclosure that was built by my buddy jerry my friends at aquascape and my friends are universal rocks it's amazing here comes the slinkster there he is there he is see that let's go go we'll start with rodents we got dogs in the neighborhood there it is oh yes he won't have any problems swallowing my bam that's a good one oh good boy nice job all right there you go good old slinks three rodents let's give them some chicks throw those in there i think that's a good amount don't you guys i love sneaky yes i do and this enclosure has just grown up beautifully and i keep saying if you guys are interested to know what cayman creek's going to look like in about a year look no further than slinky's environment it is going to be amazing so patience is a virtue we're going to make sure that cayman creek just grows into the most magnificent ecosystem just like slinky's house awesome stuff he's pushing down some food another little chick customary shake and right down his throat now if i were to shake these he'd get a little bit more yeah see he don't like that he don't want them to disappear there you go that's a good boy slinky that's a good boy that is my man that is a handsome dude all right man there you go people if you want to see more videos you know what to do go peruse around the channel there's plenty of videos over a thousand i think at about this point i just want to say goodbye thanks for joining me here i don't use auto-tune i'm just singing because i'm happy to be home hallelujah and slinky's happy i'm here too good man all righty people i am tired hey thanks for watching i'll see you guys soon a lot more to come some fun adventures hope you have a great summer we are we'll see you soon
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 87,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, action, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, vlog, learn, kachhua, back, excited, check up, check, caiman, gator
Id: wU9QhX5nJXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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