The best Puff Pastry butter Bread!Never seen this way to make bread

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Hello everyone, I am Qiong I made shredded bread today, share it with you This bread should be regarded as the overlord flower in the bread world It's the best bread I have ever eaten It is also my favorite bread The method is a bit similar to croissant, let’s see how to make it now. Put all the ingredients except butter into the basin Here I used 20g condensed milk Bread milk with condensed milk has more flavor, and taste better Add the yeast after adding the flour Salt inhibits yeast fermentation, so salt should be separated from yeast Finally, beat in an egg The egg is between 50-55g Then put it in the chef's machine to knead the dough Knead the dough until the film can be pulled out, we now put the butter in Knead the butter into the dough and continue to knead What we need is a dough that can pull out a uniform film Rub a hole to see a smooth cut Wrap the kneaded dough with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator to rest for 30 minutes Let’s prepare the butter slices where the dough is done. Take 120g butter and cut into slices about 5mm thick The butter slices used here can be salted or unsalted butter Take a larger parchment paper and spread the cut butter on top Then fold the edge of the oil paper and wrap the butter inside Fold it into a square that becomes 15cm in length After folding, turn it over, press it with a rolling pin, and roll it flat Roll into butter slices with a thickness of approximately 3mm Put it in the refrigerator after rolling it out Take out the dough from the refrigerator and sprinkle some flour Then roll it into a large rectangular dough The size of the dough is about 2 times the size of the butter slices To be able to wrap all the butter slices inside Now spread the prepared butter slice in the middle Fold the dough pieces over from both sides and wrap the butter pieces Try not to leave air inside, let’s compact it Turn over after wrapping the dough It’s not easy to roll out the dough at first, press it with a rolling pin Do not press too hard, it may break the butter It will be difficult to operate later if it is broken If there are still air in it, use a toothpick to pick it up to drive the air out Fold the rolled dough sheet in half, and then fold in half This completes the first 4-fold Place the folded dough on a cutting board and cover with plastic wrap Freeze in the refrigerator for 20 minutes 20 minutes later we take out the dough Roll out into a large dough sheet, and then perform another 4-fold Cover the folded dough with plastic wrap and keep it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes 20 minutes later we take out the dough Roll it into a large dough piece about 10x6 inch You can first use a ruler to mark and divide into 4 parts Then use a knife to cut into 4 segments with the same width Take two cut strips, cross and stagger and fold them together You can also cut off the head and tail of the strip to make it more beautiful Take 2 6-inch baking pans and spread butter on them I use the chiffon cake pan If you don’t have 6 inches, you can use one 8 inches In the end, I cutted off the head and tail. Then prepare a big baking pan and put it on it, now let it ferment Put a pot of hot water in the lower part of the oven and put the baking pan on top Turn on the oven light for fermentation After 2 hours, the dough has risen to twice its size Brush a layer of egg liquid on top Preheat the oven at 170°C (340°F) and bake for 22 minutes Then bake at 200°C (400°F) for 5 minutes to color For the freshly baked bread, let’s shake the pan to exhaust some heat Brush the surface with butter while it is hot Let it cool for a while to take out the bread from the baking tray Look at the bottom and it’s very beautiful, golden and crisp The torn bread with rich buttery aroma and milky aroma is ready The surface is golden and crisp, and the inside is soft and multi-layered Open crisp is slightly more complicated than other breads But it’s worth thinking about it. The so-called is that every effort is paid If you like the food I make, please help and like it And subscribe to my channel I'm Qiong, see you next time
Channel: Qiong Cooking
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Id: g9rtAvEXfVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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