The Best Players in EVERY Geometry Dash Category

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who are some of the most skilled players in Geometry Dash you may think it should automatically be zo for verifying the top three but beating hard levels isn't the only thing that makes you skilled there are things such as the best Creator best speedrunner best Star grinder Etc so in this video I'll be showing you the most skilled players and creators in every GD category and if you enjoy be sure to like And subscribe and join my Discord server in the description anyways let's get straight to it category one creators when it comes to building levels many creators have different styles whether you are manx with futuristic decorations or caramel with uh interesting Creations the community has different methods of building amazing levels but what are the competitive aspects to creating them well there are two subcategories from rather being the best Creator in the community or someone with the most Creator points so who are the best of the two well let's figure it out every year the Geometry Dash Community hosts an event called the GD Awards where creators musicians players and content creators get nominated for their accomplishments and creativity each year one of the categories is titled the best Creator in which the Creator that won was named blee a player that built the famous levels change of scene in absolute garbage and even though the nominees didn't win they can be recognized as fantastic builders in the community blee may have won the best creator of 2023 but who is the creator with the most Creator points more specifically which creator has the most featured levels well for the longest time the Elder mod viprin was the number one player with the most Creator points but somewhat recently two players had overtaken him on that achievement on December 1st of 2022 viprin was dethroned from the number one spot after many years by a Creator named Yan houso 14 currently they have the highest number of Creator points but there was another person that passed viprin a little over a month ago split 72 with 287 points and I don't want to downplay anything about this as all three creators are fantastic so we have b as the best Creator in Yan houseo 14 with the most points what is the next greatest skill that a creator has achieved category two players well let's not make this redundant zoink is without a doubt the best player as of right now when it comes to the demonist rankings his verifications his amount of votes on the JD Awards it's obvious that he would be at the top which is nothing but amazing dedication but let's not focus too much on that how about the best Geometry Das mobile player well the competitiveness of this category is very interesting did you know that there's a thing thing called the giam chu Dash mobile demon list I'm not joking this shocked me too according to the list the hardest level ever being on mobile was Ariel gleam achieved by a player named ver toop and similar to zoink he also has the highest amount of points filled with Incredible achievements however a few months ago there was speculation of him cheating but most people stand with him on his records so until anything is proven congrats to him and the other talented mobile players I'm a mobile player myself and my hardest level is Hypersonic which is nowhere near as impressive as these people and if you're wondering if there's a best controller player I unfortunately couldn't find anything so we have the best player in the community and the best mobile player who is the best platformer player well it's complicated there's something called the platformer demon list and in it players are listed by their accomplishments on being rated unrated or Challen levels among those three there was one player that stands out with having some of the best stats in all three categories addin n an American player that is one of the top one players in the rated list the top one in the unrated list and the top two in the challenge list he has the highest records out of all platformer players and his skill cannot go unnoticed but now let's see what other skills there are category three grinders when it comes to grinding finding there are many different aspects you could have the most orbs diamonds user coins moons demons Creator points or stars and while it's very difficult to list each player with the most of each item I can list the people with the most of some things starting off with stars the person that has the most of it is a player named Smithy 777 the number one player in the game currently he has a total of 275,000 stars and not only does he have the most stars out of any player but he also has the most completed demons out of anybody so now we have mapped out who has the most stars and demons who has the most amount of moons well I apologize if this is incorrect but the player with the most moons for my own research is Montano with a total of 5,399 moons so now we have Smithy 777 and Montano on their own categories who has the most user coins well this category has a lot of competition similar to the moons since many players are neck on neck with the top one players but according to what I could find the player sakman has the highest number of user coins with a total of nearly 60,000 now we have one more category which player currently has the highest amount of diamonds well this one also has a lot of competition but as of right now the player with the most diamonds is paid demon with a total of 306,000 these players have absolutely amazing dedication when it comes to being at the top which is crazy to me but also cool to see now that we have seen the players that grinded with the most of those subcategories let's now move on to the next one category 4 speedrunners well this one is very obscure basically you can speedrun anything in Geometry Dash and while it is impossible to accurately point out every speedrun there is we can list official geometry TR World Records on ever since the 2.2 update released the platformer mode the need to speedrun user made levels and the Tower levels have spiked up tremendously primarily because the platformer mode has its own timer that shows exactly how much time you've spent on a level which resulted in making a category for official World Records on the Tower levels according to the website there are four different speedruns that you could try beating the tower the sewers the seller and the secret Hollow in the fastest time and among those categories three players stand out with having World Records vertic Finn 24 and sinos vertic has two World Records but no records on completing the seller in the secret Hollow Finn 24 has the world record on the secret Hollow second place on the cellar and third place on the tower but is not on the top three in the sewers sinos has the world record on the seller second place on both the Tower and the secret Hollow but not top three on the sewers so with those three players stats it seems though that the best official speedrunner as of right now is sinos and I don't want to throw any shade among the other two players as they are amazing speedrunners as well but anyways congratulations to sinos and now we're going to the last category Category 5 best of all who is the best player out of all categories mixed together well it would have to be someone that is a Creator a very good player that beats many featured levels that grinds many items in the game and can also speedrun so who is a player that stands out among all of those well according to what I could find there are two names that Stand Out Mr spaghetti and mber Mr spaghetti is the number three player in the world with over 200,000 Stars has completed nearly 6,500 demons has a total of one Creator points and has some of the highest stats when it comes to grinding items the only thing that he hasn't really done is speedrunning mber on the other hand is the number 49th player in the game with almost 170,000 Stars has completed over 2,500 demons has a total of 161 Creator points and also grinds many items in the game not only that but he has speedrun user made levels before so between Mr spaghetti having more items and achievements but not speed running and mber with more Creator points while also speedrunning before it's a close match on who was Superior so let me know in the comments Below on who you think is the best player when it comes to all categories now just a disclaimer it's entirely possible that some info in the video is not accurate and that there might be some other top players that I could not find so please don't kill me I hope you all enjoyed this video and if you did be sure to like And subscribe as this video took a very long time to make and I apologize if I missed out on some other categories thank you all for watching and uh triskaphobia
Channel: Wrongway98
Views: 14,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, gd, geometry dash best player, geometry dash tidal wave, tidal wave, aeternus, geometry dash aeternus, wrongway98, wrongway98 geometry dash, wrongway98 gd, the best players in every gd category, zoink, trick, wpopoff, vertop, bli, spu7nix, best geometry dash player, geometry dash world record, geometry dash 2.2, geometry dash 2.1, geometry dash update, geometry dash geode, the best players in geometry dash, geometry dash platformer, wpopoff slaughterhouse, gd news, robtop
Id: lPgKWT18l8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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