The Race To Beat Tidal Wave (Geometry Dash)

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Geometry Dash while it appears easy at first glance is a complete understatement as behind the play button shows the levels created by its developer robtop and while these main levels fundamentally show the creative aspect of the game nobody could have expected the lengths in which the geometry Das Community would go with the help of one simple click while being given a handful of options to experiment and test the game's limits two of which is what made the community spark on its own by one you can create your own levels and upload them for the community to see what you built and the other for players to view it but with this comes a very important task you see in order to upload your own levels you need to beat it whether it is easy or difficult it is what needs to be done but that shouldn't be much of a problem unless you want to verify something unbelievably difficult it has been done many times before to further expand the lengths of players skill and precision and while there were many players that broke the barrier to what was once demon impossible one level in particular has done just [Music] that when creating a level that you want to stand out you need to choose between three different routes the creative route difficult route or a mix of both and if you are lucky your level could be featured this means that the developer robtop has approved the level to stand out with the tens of thousands of other known creators instead of it being lost to time and with these thousands of levels comes different varieties of difficulty going from easy all the way to extreme demon which is the hardest difficulty category the game presents and with the hundreds of extreme demons out there one stands Out Among the rest and that level is none other than tidal wave [Music] created by Ani link it is arguably known as The Hardest Level ever legitimately beaten it took the verifier zo almost 50,000 attempts to beat it and while most people wouldn't bother even attempting to get progress on this level a few however did the first major progress ression video uploaded was actually done the same day tidal wave was verified on the 10th of September [Music] nice 24% achieved by Vision it was the start of the race to become the first Victor of this insane level but there was a problem the first drop of the level is infamously known as the hardest part because of its Precision needed to pass through it so if there was anyone to make more progress it would take a little while for someone to pass it but on October 23rd trick one of the best players as of right now achieved 43% moving past the hardest section of the level hell bro I just got 43 Dam oh my God at this point trick is now in the lead hundreds of thousands of players cheered him on for his progress and what's crazy is that he wasn't done from there because 4 days later on October 27th he would achieve a new record of 62% oh my God bro yeah holy oh my God his dedication and consistency was insane and to everyone it looked like he was going to be the clear winner of the race to become the first Victor however something would put a halt for anybody to have additional progress months would go by without any major progress from trick or vision and nobody else wanted to give it a try why exactly well you see 2 months before Trick's 62% run Geometry Dash had its 10-year anniversary and some major news was announced in that video the release of geometry Dash's recent update 2.2 it was to be released at some point in October and for the meantime everyone was focused on waiting for this very long awaited update but weeks would go by and there was no update it turns out Geometry Dash was going to be pushed back to November and while that doesn't seem far away the hope for 2.2 to release would sadly diminish again weeks would go by with no update until robtop actually released it the news spread like wildfire millions of people looked away from the hardest levels and wanted to experience the new update in all of its Glory testing out many new mechanics the new platformer mode breaking Geometry Dash and more and while everyone is having the time of their lives a massive controversy would unleash and it would draw everyone's attention back to tidal wave despite zoink verifying the level 5 months before tidal wave never actually had been rid everyone didn't think much of it at first first but because it has been 2 months since robtop released 2.2 people thought he'd finally have the time to rate it but it never happened which made people so mad to the point that Geometry Dash mods were getting attacked which eventually ended up with robtop being the decid to rather rate it or not and well it was raided with the community now focused back to tidal wave progress would slowly start returning because a day before tile wave's official rating Helix would get a run of 40% making him Trick's first competitor and one of the most underrated players in the race what although this competition was shortlived because in helix's own words this attempt was crazy blessed I am not getting back there for a solid minute meaning Trick's title as the dominant player was safe but only a week later trick would meet his new competitor oh my God what what the now you have more focus on zero than trick somebody had matched Trick's 62% run and not only that but this player had just barely beat Trick's record by pure decimals this was W pop off with both trick and pop off having the same percentage the race has officially started people have been chanting both players for the new and surprisingly fast progress on the level while the community questions who is superior both players have been non-stop grinding tital wave and on February 25th pop off would get a new [Music] best what 76% dying at the second last part of the level and while the community starts shifting sides on who is going to be first trick would get 73% just a day later 73 the race was getting closer and people were excited and curious on who would be victorious but 4 days later pop off would literally pop off I know I'm sorry 95% he would die at the last click people were thrilled and upset that pop off would die because of a simple misclick but at this point he was far above in the race with trick having 73% and pop off with 95 the race seemed conclusive with the belief that pop off would win but something would happen that would have everyone edging on their seats on March 4th trick would return for [Music] vengance no no no oh my gosh no what no there's no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I couldn't breathe i l couldn't breathe 95% dying just barely before pop offs run this is by far one of the closest races that the community has ever seen not only are we witnessing two absolutely amazing players making history but it made everyone glue to their screens to find out who would finish the level off for good and and on March 8th someone would finally put an end on tidal wave I beat TI wave I beat it I beat it oh my God I beat it oh my God no there's no way there's no way I just did that there's no way I beat it there's I beat it I oh my God I beat it after over 70,000 attempts trick would become the first Victor of tital wave finally closing the race after many months and while the story would normally end here there are some last minute updates pop off would become the second Victor 3 days after trick it's crazy to understand how determined and connected this community truly is both players supported each other along the way and it's a journey that no one should ever forget I hope you all enjoyed this video and I apologize if I missed out on anyone's progression or any additional information this is my first geometry Das video so please excuse me thank you all for watching and uh numo in theography
Channel: Wrongway98
Views: 211,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, geometry dash tidal wave, gd tidal wave, tidal wave, tidal wave geometry dash, the race to beat tidal wave, trick tidal wave, wpopoff tidal wave, the race to beat silent clubstep, mathgenius, zoink, trick gd, wpopoff, robtop, robtopgames, geometry dash 2.1, geometry dash 2.2, geometry dash update, geometry dash 2.21, tidal wave controversy, vision gd, tidal wave remake, zoink tidal wave, tidal wave verified, geometry dash first victor, tidal wave cherryteam, gmd, gd
Id: 15BefZ3nasI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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