There's been a revolution in home pizza makers....

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i really love the fact that there are companies out there multiple companies that are working very hard to give you an authentic wood fire pizza experience at home in your kitchen or in your backyard because you know if you've watched this channel i'm obsessed with pizza making it's very addictive once you start making pizza it's hard to stop it's like you're on a quest for life to make the perfect pizza but it's really difficult to make a great pizza at home in your oven it's not impossible but to make something with the smokiness with the perfect char the crispiness that ideal pizza that you would get from a restaurant with a wood fire oven well very difficult but today i am testing out a brand new toy you saw a few videos ago i tested out the breville pizzaiola and it was pretty incredible that's a completely electric oven that gets to around 900 degrees mimicking a wood fire oven but you still of course don't get that wood fire flavor and a lot of you commented below that video and told me to check out the uni pizza oven and i'm guessing uni saw those comments because they hit me up and they sent me a pizza oven well they actually let me choose a pizza oven because they have multiple different types of pizza ovens on their site and i chose one right here the unifyro which is their newest pizza oven specifically for a few reasons that you'll see throughout this video as i put the unifier to the ultimate test so for years uni has really been dedicated to bringing the pizza oven to you the home cook in an affordable way in a very accessible way and right out of the box one thing i love about this thing is just the the size of it the portability this unifira and all the uni products are crafted to be portable so you can take this camping with you you could take it to the beach which is one thing i'm very excited about it's not just a backyard pizza oven so the legs fold out and the hopper and the chimney are actually detached when you first get it and all you have to do is twist those in you put in your fuel tray and then you insert the pizza stone and you're pretty much ready to go which is such a bonus about this machine now also just the aesthetic of this thing is incredible for the fire they upgraded it to this like matte black finish because i think the steel starts to wear down and you really start to see that so with the matte black finish it not only looks cool but you won't see that wear and tear over the years but there's a few main reasons why i specifically wanted to test out the fire over the other models number one is the price 250 dollars us is pretty incredible for what you're getting here and very affordable for you know a pro home cook compared to the pizza breviola that thing was close to a thousand dollars so if this thing is good that price is spot on number two is the fuel source now this is very interesting it runs off pellets wood pellets right here you can get these in any flavor this is oak and it's just compressed sawdust they're pretty inexpensive and they also burn really quickly so this thing's going to heat up very fast and to light this thing is pretty simple you pop the cap off the chimney and that's actually a little scooper for the pellets you take one scoop of pellets put them right in the fuel tray and then you pop a fire starter on there light the fire starter and let that burn for a few minutes in the pizza oven and then you can just start loading the actual pellets in this hopper right here and once they're loaded completely that's going to give you about 15 minutes of fuel which is enough to really pre-heat your oven you want to preheat this thing for at least 15 minutes to get it ripping and that's how you're gonna get a really nice crispy pizza and my temperature reading was around degrees on the actual pizza stone that's closer to the back where the actual fire is so of course it's going to be hotter on the back and that's what uni recommends you get your pizza oven up to before you start ripping out pizzas now just like any wood fire pizza oven you have your fire which is creating convection heat within your oven and it's also heating up that stone or whatever the base is in this case it's a stone but of course when the pizzas buy the fire source that's going to be the hottest temperature so you do have to rotate your pizza throughout the process and in this case the way it works is you insert the pizza for around 30 seconds and then you pull it out you give it a quarter turn you insert the pizza back in and you keep doing that until your pizza is done around three or four turns so really the pizza is only going to take around a minute a half to two minutes to cook fully but there is some skill involved this is certainly not a set it and forget it experience you do have to be very aware of your pizza the entire cooking process or you'll end up with some charred pizza which we will get into very shortly so it's been a pretty crazy year for everyone for me i've moved like three i think three times this year which is insane you can see new kitchen here this is just a temporary set but it is never too crazy of a time to make homemade pizza but i have been making just a really quick pizza dough you've seen in past videos i've done the extended ferment i found that you can make a pretty incredible pizza dough just in one day so this is like my super simple pizza dough recipe this pizza dough is gonna make just about four pizzas depending on the size of pizza that you want and it starts off with two cups of warm water then i add in one and a half teaspoons of instant active yeast followed by a tablespoon of honey which is optional but it does give the yeast some extra food and i like the sweetness in my crust then two tablespoons of olive oil and i just give that a stir real quick and now we're ready for our dry ingredients i'm going to be adding six cups of flour so two cups of water to six cups of flour if you want less pizzas try one and a half cups of water to four and a half cups of flour that will be around three pizzas finally around a tablespoon of salt and i took my dough whisk and i just stirred that around just to incorporate all of the flour and the water together you're really just hydrating the dough then i'll just throw a rag on that and let that sit and that's called auto leasing letting those two ingredients hydrate together and just rest so it's gonna be much easier to knead your dough then in about five or ten minutes you can come back to your dough and start the kneading process [Music] [Music] i'm going to keep it really simple for the toppings tonight because i want to really nail down the pizza somebody's exciting about the toppings got some prosciutto we've got some pepperoni a few different cheeses i can grate over fresh mozzarella some olives a little more cheese fresh basil of course and then this is the tomato sauce just crushed tomatoes grated garlic and a little bit of pepper and salt boom ready to go [Music] do [Music] do [Music] all right so this thing is really preheating firing up and it's time to finally make some pizzas so you have to leave this on to get good pizza but there's actually a little hole you can see a little bit of the action not too much can i get the focus through there focus ah oh there we go okay we gotta turn this because it will burn [Music] look at this slice though thin and crispy that is incredible let me give this one a shot and by shot i mean straight to the face oh my god i rarely make white pizzas that is crazy so i've been testing out this pizza oven for the last week and i have some thoughts for you so i'm just going to break it down with my pros and cons of the unifira so the first pro that you can't deny is the wood flavor the smokiness the char these pizzas when cooked correctly tastes exactly like they're coming from a big or you know a normal wood fire pizza oven number two is the portability which is such a cool feature having the legs fold off having the chimney come apart and just being able to pack this up take it to the beach going camping like you're you're a star if you bring this out on a camping trip and you're whipping up pizzas so portability big plus the next is the price i really appreciate that uni keeps their prices affordable i mean 250 u.s for what this thing can do i dreamed of having like a big wood fire pizza oven in my backyard but there's really no point when you break it down they take so much more wood so much more fuel and what are you doing you're cranking out a few pizzas it's the same damn thing so this was just a major shift in in my pizza consciousness the last pro is easy cleanup the fact that it has this matte black finish you just wipe it down it's pretty much good to go and this is built to be outside so it really doesn't take that much to you know retain the beauty of this fire so the first con is definitely the learning curve it takes to really make a good pizza i've been cooking pizzas all week and a lot of them look like this like you let it go 10 extra seconds and this thing's on fire which i don't mind i i'm fine with the char but if you want pizza that is just perfectly like golden well it's very tricky to get it right and that takes me into the next con which is make a bigger little hole on here maybe there's a reason you can't maybe it lets out too much heat but this is the only viewing hole and it doesn't do that much if that hole was bigger or was some type of glass that was heat proof and you could really see in there and see what's going on that would be a huge benefit to nailing down the pizzas or maybe this is like just hear me out for a second what if the bottom piece rotated if somehow you could get a rotation down there like a mechanical rotation or you just had like a little knob and you could rotate the pizza stone then the pieces would be perfect every time but because you have to take it out it's a little trickier the second con is inconsistencies and a lot of that just has to do with cooking with wood that you can't deny so when you're cooking out here and the wind's blowing this way well maybe the flame is going to shoot up from all the oxygen and you're going to burn your side so it is tricky to get perfect pizzas every time but you know that's just the name of the game when you're cooking with wood fire and the last con is that you have to use this thing outdoors it's a lot of smoke you're making a fire but uni does offer a pizza oven that has a hookup for gas which is going to be much less smoky so if that's what you're looking for just check out the other oven and that's it this thing is fun i enjoyed using it i can't wait to travel with it take it camping take it to the beach i mean come on these flavors this char but if you really want to go deep in on pizza making definitely check out this video right here on 50 mistakes most beginner pizza makers make before you start upgrading with your fancy gadgets first you got to really learn how to make good pizza so click this video to [Music] learn [Music] you
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 779,962
Rating: 4.8909159 out of 5
Keywords: ooni fyra, wood fired pizza, ooni, is the ooni good, best pizza maker, best pizza oven, pizza oven at home, wood fired pizza at home, how to make pizza oven, perfect pizza, homemade pizza dough, pizza, smokey pizza, ooni pizza ovens, top pizza oven, new
Id: sdobPuhYrUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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