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[Music] uh hey team welcome back to our videos so today i'm going to be working and in the kitchen and showing you how i make my morning smoothie so i had this smoothie not every single morning i back in the day i did used to have a smoothie every morning but what i found is you know i wanted to change it up a little bit i didn't want to stay stagnant so i have this on mornings where i want to feel the body and i want to make sure that i'm having something that's easily digestible for the workout that i'm about to do and also there's i'm going to show you two options if i'm not training until later in the afternoon i like to add some extra ingredients just to keep me full throughout the morning because when i wake up especially through my training and just through my schedule lately i'm not hungry and so when it comes to essentially making sure that you're having the right nutrients and you are actually getting the right uh food in the body it's so important to make sure that you're on top of that and if i'm not feeling hungry sometimes i can miss out on on the right nutrients so that's what's so great about these [Music] smoothies [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so i have quick oats i have protein i also have some greens i you can use reds as well i've just got them there just to show you that you can use them as well but today i'm just going to be using the greens i have a banana some spinach some honey and also some peanut butter and i'll also add water to it so to start off with i have about 40 grams of quick oats so that's about half a cup it's probably important to also show that i actually have a blender to blend this and make it into a smoothie so i use my protein powder from uh first form and this is just vanilla flavor um you know you can obviously use whichever one you want but when i'm adding you know bananas i'm adding the greens and i've also got like some honey i just want to keep it a little bit more neutral uh i have experimented with looty fruit before and i just let's just say i'll keep it to just pure looty fruit for the future so i'll have a scoop of my vanilla protein next i like to add in my spinach leaves and i aim for about 50 grams of spinach leaves roughly and then once you have your spinach leaves in we'll go and we'll put some optigreens from first form as well what's so great about getting greens in with your smoothie is not only will the smoothie taste great because of the banana the honey the vanilla protein but it will also make having your greens a lot more enjoyable as well and with this first form optigreens back in the day before i even found this i used to try and put in every single green in ingredient that you could possibly imagine when it came to vegetables so i had like celery cucumber zucchini uh even capsicum i had spinach i had um even some carrots uh i added everything that you could think of and once i came across this it literally had that plus more so i had all my minerals all my vitamins that i was looking for from my greens and it gives me the confidence that i'm actually getting the right nutrients in my body and i'm only having to use a couple of scoops and i don't have to just completely bulk down my smoothie and and it just not taste very nice at all so um this is definitely been a huge lifesaver and something that now i look forward to when i have my morning smoothies alright once i've added my two spoonfuls of optic greens then i'll add my banana now today's banana it's roughly around about 94 grams um normally my bananas are around about 100 to 120 i feel like that's probably more of the medium to large banana honestly it shouldn't really matter too much but just make sure especially if you're measuring your macros once i've added my banana i then add on the back it actually says but it's roughly around one tablespoon of honey i like to make sure that anytime that i go into the supermarket i always read the label on the ingredients in the back this one has 100 pure honey so there's no added sugars nothing that has been added into the actual um food or ingredient and i know exactly what i'm having so one tablespoon is roughly 21 grams so that's something that i'm tracking and i'm measuring with my scales as well and that i'll also make sure i track down on my app once i've added my honey now this always depends on the day and also the workout that i'm going to be doing today i'm doing a workout straight after this so i want to have something that's already blended that's easy to digest and it's going to give me energy for the workout i'm not putting honey uh honey peanut butter in today but if i have this in the morning and i don't work out until the afternoon i add my peanut butter into it gives me a few more calories into my smoothie it also keeps me full for longer because of this fat and it also uh will make sure that i have enough energy so that when i have something to eat just before my workout later on this afternoon uh my body has been fueled and is ready to go when it needs to perform so completely up to you if you wanted to add in peanut butter it's a really nice uh treat i like to uh add in every so often but really just depends on you and obviously adds more calories to your smoothie uh if whether or not you add it or not so just be um mindful it's just another option and something that's really tasty all right so once it's all blended i know it doesn't look super appealing but i can promise you that this smoothie has been fine-tuned over many many years and this actually tastes very good it's super healthy for you provides all the nutrients that you need for a really solid meal and is one of my go-to smoothies so i hope that you enjoyed seeing how i make my morning smoothie i would love to hear any comments recommendations that you may have i know that this is something that i have constantly changed and altered depending on how i'm feeling where i am in the season what i'm doing for that day but primarily the same thing like five years ago is making sure that i'm getting the really good nutrients making sure that i'm having the right amount of greens because that is so important to have a healthy diet and so um i know along that journey people have made recommendations and everything which i've taken on board and i really appreciate so would love to hear your thoughts and comments and i hope that you enjoy the smoothie as much as i do don't forget to like and subscribe and i'll see you in the next [Music] [Applause] this one [Music] you
Channel: Tia-Clair Toomey & Shane Orr
Views: 53,571
Rating: 4.9524093 out of 5
Keywords: crossfit
Id: yggoVcyawSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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