The Best Of The Internet (2019)

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hello everyone this is your yearly dose of Internet I had such a fun year making videos and I wanted to make a video highlighting the absolute best clips from my youtube channel from 2019 so sit back relax and enjoy the best of the internet from the past year this man for unknown reasons really wanted to shake hands with someone in the back of the plane become a riot [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this elephant was kind enough to pick up some trash that found the ground [Music] [Music] [Music] hey connect a make it one thank you this is a female blanket activist that was found in the Philippines the easy way to know that this is a female is because the females are usually over six feet long and the males are typically the size of a walnut the female uses her giant blanket of skin to scare away any potential predators [Music] this can't just smacked itself in this face with its tail these guys were on a motorcycle when a tiger started chasing after them [Music] [Music] [Music] this person likes to make cake disguised as everyday items a new bird driver gave his restaurant worker a lift to work on the way over the worker told the driver about her financial struggles a few hours later the uber driver surprised her with gifts to help her out Diane so this morning I gave you a override to work and we had a conversation earlier okay so I bought you a dress here's the dress and then here's a $50 Visa gift card so you can take that and get your house shoes and your roll when it's time okay [Music] the air vent in this person's car jumps to hyperspeed at the lightest touch this person went for a walk with their duck and the duck was wearing shoes this person was born with a really really long thumb yeah Michelle professor 20 we could save them Oh what some good eating nothing what about this frog didn't want to eat this bug so it's spit it out and slapped in [Music] these people were driving on a road in Russia when a helicopter started flying right over them the Tour de France is probably the most famous bike race in the world so this guy wrote his bike over the contestants and got away with it [Music] [Music] this helicopter pilot has some incredible aim [Music] [Music] this duck went for the right of its life this hedgehog was born without any quills whatsoever so it's just kind of squishy what you're looking at right now is a caterpillar with transparent skin those white lines you see is a caterpillar breathing through its respiratory system a dust devil appeared and started shaking this one ran a palm tree look at that palm tree this person stepped outside their home in Norway and found some mysterious lights floating in the sky it turns out that these lights were Rockets launched by NASA to study solar winds this dog is being trained to run over to her owner and then sit right down but she wanted to add a little something extra [Laughter] scientists are not entirely sure what this bird is doing but they believe the bird is searching for soft spots in the ground where worms could be hiding this cat was chasing his mouse when a totally lost track event [Music] this dog is really excited whenever it hears someone say popcorn this person dressed up as an astronaut to show how strange and exotic Earth really is [Music] this diver was swimming around when he accidentally created his own force field made of fish this person went scuba diving in the United Kingdom when a seal came right up and stuck to him like glue I really hope you enjoyed the video there were so many great clips that unfortunately didn't make the cut I really appreciate all the love and support that my subscribers have brought to this channel over the past year and I just really want this channel to be a fun place where everyone can just enjoy watching amazing and funny videos together so that's about it I love all your support hopefully I put a smile on your face and I hope to see you next time so yeah later
Channel: Daily Dose Of Internet
Views: 31,976,977
Rating: 4.9275937 out of 5
Keywords: best vines 2019, funny tik tok, funny videos, funniest videos 2019
Id: 8XkcbdSRdO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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