Damn Nature You Crazy | Insane Animal Fails

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what is [Applause] that oh my God I my [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I'm still looking for a perfect this oh my god get this get the snake get the snake get it yes please don't hurt me please don't hurt me [Music] high five b me going I'm going to punch your head in look at my dog Hy not feeling so tough now are you dude where were you to save him and you oh magificent [Music] uh-uh hey no barking no bking uh-uh hey sit sit Jesus cushy [Music] quiet if anyone was wondering oh there he [Laughter] bubbles w oh my God holy I'm got it this time I got it this time oh my walk I run yeah run oh he didn't come at you [Music] [Music] Jesus player can you please stop chewing my wall I know you want to okay I know you want it but buddy you put a hole in it where hey [Laughter] [Music] hey hello this is uh one of those kill it with fire moments we'll just close him back up oh oh he just he just came in oh my God he's washing his hands with the soap he's washing his hands with the soap he's using the soap to wash his hands I think it went down your shirt you don't feel it feel really you don't see a spider uh oh it's under your collar no like right there right [Music] there my God remember that don't ever come this L go somewhere else please okay remember that okay goodbye get out get out of the house get out get out get out get get going to go I don't care as long as [Laughter] here hey who [Music] up you so cute oh drop it Dr it buddy he right at us oh my he's coming for this fish dude I'm going to catch a killer wheel right now wow uhoh no no no no no hell put this still put it [Music] around it's pretty beautiful isn't it is a he got your he got your pick me up Jesus oh my God that's so tra oh my God that's so traumatic he's going through the whole entire thing he's going through bro let me go oh on there bro you in the [Laughter] [Applause] bushes oh my gosh okay my go okay I guess we don't get too close go oh my gosh oh my gosh he wanted the me oh my gosh that's just gross look at that oh my gosh oh my God oh my God that's [Laughter] [Music] me here we go you've eaten that L Jesus christs holy moly right in the corner of the jaw oh no they're shut in there no oh honey that's not a [Laughter] toy oh get don't take it get up get the paddle com a [Laughter] [Music] it stinks get off of me no no Skyler skyl can't breathe it stinks big catfish woohoo my biggest catfish what it's got to be get him off the bottom is a little bit tough yeah we'll be eating good tonight let's see yeah B catfish not a catfish holy oh my God oh my God oh my God [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] this is James from the TSA swarm hotline at Shadow Mountain Honey company where Walgreens at 50 person Lewis and we got a be swarm on a car check that out [Music] for oh he's on he's on oh oh he's going to come off oh he's going hard oh that's not funny though cheese dang it you better not take my back you going to eat the bowl [Laughter] whoa oh my gosh big old tortoise how that's my finger hey you can't steal the plate dude oh he's too tired this is your fault I blame Tyler damn snake that's a where's this head at I don't know I can't see his the time they get along if they've grown up together have his fingernail usually but they have to be the same size two will never no never never there he goes there he goes there he goes there he goes what does that mean that means he I'm dominant I'm better I'm better than you and I'm dominant and you better not come near me that's a challenge oh my gosh be scaring me [Music] oh
Channel: FailArmy
Views: 3,885,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: failarmy, fails, fail army funny, fails of the week, fails 2022, fails compilation, epic fails, epic fails 2022, funny videos 2022, funny videos, try not to laugh, fails of the week failarmy, car fails, expensive fails, worst fails, truck fails, skateboarding, animal fails, funny animal videos, best fails 2023, best of the week, fails 2023, instant regret, funny people, funny fails, funny pets, pranks, scare, best fails, cctv, cctv fails, idiots, fail, memes, extreme, stunts, 2023
Id: EO4qnCXZjXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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