The Best of Season 1! | Marvel's Spidey and his Amazing Friends | @disneyjunior

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we've lost her how will we ever get my vibranium back now um i know doc ock she's probably still here trying to steal anything valuable she can get her tentacles on let's split up and look for her good idea but if she's found we need to try to defeat her together now that she's got my vibranium she's too powerful to fight alone if i find her first i'll wait for you so we can catch her together oh with all my new power i'll rule the world now i just need a crown uh-huh oh now i can take anything i want and not even spidey and black panther can stop me that's what she thinks i'll wait here quietly until she moves then i'll go find spidey to help me there she is i know i told black panther i'd wait for him but i can't let her get away put down that crown doc huh it's not yours and neither is that vibranium spidey no don't you ever give up good i'm unstoppable now oh that was close one too close i thought we agreed to do this together spidey you need to have patience slow down and think before you rush in oh someone's coming it's not doc that's a relief but you're right i have been rushing too much gotta work on that sorry black panther apology accept it but doc has gotten away again doc ock is greedy she has lots of power now but she's bound to want even more she's probably still in the museum somewhere so we wait if we have patience she will come this way sooner or later right she'll come looking for more vibranium and then we'll catch her but i don't have any more vibranium with me you just leave that part to me here it is it's just a cat toy that looks like vibranium we bought it for my cat bootsy but it might help us catch stock ock i must say it looks very realistic a little squeakier than the real thing but if we can convince doc ock it's a real vibranium we can catch her she's coming okay spidey patience this time it's a good thing you brought more vibranium with you black panther yes do me a favor to check to see if the museum doors are all locked we don't want dog oak to steal the rest of the vibranium if she gets her tentacles on this she'd be so powerful that nothing could ever stop her nothing could stop me i like the sound of that okay spidey patience wait for the perfect moment then make your move sorry doc not this time oh yeah says who yes with another piece of vibranium i can rule the entire huh it's a toy you tricked me and the trick's not over yet huh my power it's gone [Music] excellent work spidey your timing was perfect all it took was slowing down and having some patience and don't forget some great teamwork i salute you my friend oh what kind of salute right back at you black panther uh oh yes i should have been patient and waited until i came down huh [Laughter] anyway i'm glad we could get your vibranium back no i think this one is for your cat bootsy [Music] [Applause] hey spin i'm almost at the library now where are you [Music] yeah hey i got here as soon as i could spidey what's the trouble glad you could help spin someone set off the alarm in the library who'd steal from a library you can borrow the books for free huh good question that might give us the answer that's green goblin's glider he must have broken in i think the best thing to do is sneak up on him super quietly and find out what he's doing right with my cloaking power nobody's better at sneaking up on bad guys than me go webs go looks like gotti broke through the window look that room with the light on is my favorite in the whole library that's where they keep all the books about legends exactly books that are filled with stories from a long time ago so what's green goblin doing in there [Laughter] there's green goblin and he's reading this story about the pumpkin king will tell me how to find his sword once i figure out where it's hidden i will be unstoppable it says if you wish to find the power sword go to the place where his armor is stored huh where could that be goblins after a power sword wait what's a power sword let's find out get ready to surprise him and web him up got it what who's there oops sorry two spiders good thing i brought my bag of tricks with me they're full of goblin goo look gotcha gotta run spiders and i'll be taking this book with me that book staying here cubby you'll never find the power sword yeah no matter i already found the clue i need in that book all i have to do now is find the place where the uh what was it again armor is stored yeah that's it sword rhymes with stored easy to remember you'll never catch me whoa what's up good thing we have a web shield i'm sorry spidey my hiccups earned our plan to sneak up on green goblin ah it's okay spin you know when a plan doesn't work i just find another way to save the day it's a perfect warm summer afternoon here in the city and we've got more clear skies and sun in the forecast reporting live i'm chief meteorologist ginger z breaking news we are seeing unusual winter weather all over the city you have to see this we went from summer to winter in an instant in all my years of studying this science i have never seen something like this see those nimbo stratus clouds those make snow they shouldn't be here in summer and they shouldn't be green this insta winter is really causing trouble all over the city people are leaving the parks picnics are cancelled bike rides are ruined huh what this doesn't look like summer folks this is no ordinary cold snap my prediction this is the work of the batty green goblin it's bad weather and more bad weather thanks to my goblin gauntlet at the press of a button no more sun no more fun looks like my forecast was right gabi is behind this weird weather but wait it looks like spidey and miss marvel have teamed up and are moving in from the north those green clouds look like big trouble i don't think i'll be able to stop them without stopping green goblin first and there he is hold it right there gobby i'm here to help but you'll never save the whole city from my bad weather yes we will let's get them miss marvel [Music] can spidey and miss marvel weather the storm together to stop green goblin's device before it ruins everyone's day yay well almost everyone [Music] give it up doc ock you can't handle spidey team but can you handle the might of gigantic squishy [Music] squishy how did you get so big what other scientist is brilliant enough to invent a gigantic serum now squishy is big enough to capture the whole spidey team at once way too big when you silly spiders are out of the way i'll be able to rule the whole city now go squishy keep those spiders away from me so i can take over the city for no fishy treats for you we have to stop squishy she can accidentally crush everything in her path yeah okay she might be a giant octopus with giant slimy tentacles oh we can handle this but first let me whip up doc go let's go too bad you missed one of my tentacles and my giant octopus distraction is going perfectly a plan [Music] [Music] hey i got her [Music] or maybe i don't okay let me try hang on spidey i'm coming for you this isn't working there's only three of us against eight tentacles and she's really strong ouch squishy let go you're holding us too tight huh are you two okay yeah we're fine squishy isn't trying to hurt us she's just too big and dog ox making her do bad things to get treats squishy defeated you spiders easily now no one can keep me from taking over the city and she's not even done growing yet she's already too big to stop we need a plan the best way to tackle a problem like this a giant octopus problem is to break down a plan into parts so we each need to do something to stop dog well i know a lot about octopuses they're curious and playful so maybe i can try to keep squishy busy so she doesn't go into the city and squash everything good thinking ghost spider then i can distract doc doc great spin that'll give me time to figure out how to make a serum to shrink squishy back to normal size so we can bring her home to her parents sounds like a plan to me let's save squishy [Music] magnificent my giant octopus is about to help me take over the city but that'll never happen i'll get you for that spider not if you can't catch me [Music] now i'll reverse ox formula to make a serum to shrink squishy [Music] hey there squishy come on squishy come play with me hold still little spider i can't keep this up much longer whoa i think i better turn invisible with my cloaking power [Music] here i am come and get me foolish spider time to cloak what where did he go hope spidey figures out how to make a shrinking serum soon whoa [Music] squishy ow play time is over hang on go spider did anyone order a special delivery of my super spotty shrinking serum [Music] [Music] wow happy halloween absolutely [Music] happy happy halloween happy happy halloween happy happy halloween happy halloween [Music] [Applause] we like treats better than tricks [Music] happy halloween [Music] keeping the pace [Music] she's a superhero [Music] together [Music] is [Music] together [Music] [Music] put your hands together [Music] she's [Music] she [Music] [Applause] way to go ghosty what name should i use maybe it can be the name of one of your powers [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] i'm on it hey miles what are you up to today there's no trouble in the neighborhood so i'm gonna practice my drums whoa your drumming sounds good gwen i'm gonna practice some of my web moves all right stop the landing nice hey come check out my new invention guys i can't wait to see it i invented a new formula for super sticky web fluid a little bit of this stuff will hold just about anything watch miles hop in and drive the web crawler are you sure this thing has a lot of power and that is a skinny web it sure is gwen miles give it full power well no way very cool peter that stuff is super sticky all right but how can you get it off i thought you might ask that with this can of web off another new invention of mine check it out wow with your web offspray those super sticky webs fall right off oh spidey whoa gobby's got cameras all over the funhouse he must have been watching us on these screens when he was playing his tricks and it looks like he's playing another one on spin right now should you save yourself or that nice lady oh tough choice here let me help okay gobby i choose both i'll save myself save the night ladies wow that was amazing oh thanks hey the boxing gloves are my favorite he's not kidding about how much he likes the boxing gloves what happened to the power oh looks like we shut down your tricks scobby yeah we've had enough goblin pranks for one day well i still have one left and it's all i need to get all of you i don't think so [Music] way to go [Music] ma'am well guppy fun is done yo team spidey plus one for the win the damn is just up ahead the water's already starting to come through let me take a closer look i can see at least five leaks whoa that's a lot more cracks than i expected i got those i'll do a glide by and plug the holes with my webs [Music] uh-oh i think this is gonna take all of us working together if we keep using our webseal and stop the water i'll handle this big leak myself let's do it together i'm sure i can get this one fixed on my own thank you we're a team you should let us help you i i thought i had it just let me give it another try you can try again but with our help yeah the three of our webs can plug up the last leak okay let's give it all we've got oh we did it for now at least hopefully it'll give my dad enough time to get those foxes to safety come on team let's see if we can catch up with him to help where'd he go a giant pumpkin float [Music] now you're trapped right where i want you you won't get away with this green goblin i don't see how you'll stop me while you're in this sticky situation why am i stuck in a pumpkin oh not just any pumpkin it's the biggest pumpkin prank that ever was isn't that right you leave her alone bobby tracy no we're all coming for you you're too late spiders my unstoppable pumpkin float is going to splat goblin goo all over the parade and ruin halloween me and your spidey bot here will have a front row seat go spider you get that remote i'll get spidey out get off my glider i'm not going anywhere until i get that remote now to get you out there's no time you have to stop this pumpkin before it reaches a parade you're right i can use my super strong wax to stop it oh the little spider thinks he can stop my giant pumpkin with webs i don't think so no one ruins my plans to ruin halloween give me that remote hurry we have to find a way to stop this pumpkin okay i've got another idea [Music] we won't let you look the parade give it a break already break what a good idea what are we gonna do we're running out of time i didn't get the remote from gobby he hit the brakes and threw me off his glider the brakes that's it maybe we can break the pumpkin ghosty see if we can pull the top off [Music] this will take two of us oh that was close amazing work team you spiders may have stopped my giant pumpkin prank but i still have your precious spidey pot tracy quick get me out of here okay team it's gonna take all three of us to rescue tracy maybe you could both keep gobby busy while i swing in sure i'll confuse him with my cloaking power so he can't see me then i'll glide in and surprise him great plan that'll give me a chance to flip tracy back no sign of those pesky spiders i guess i get to keep you after all little spidey bots sure or [Music] don't worry i'm coming for you yeah gotcha i'm really glad to have you back too now where's green goblin coming your way i got it you shouldn't have tried to ruin the parade [Music] no why did i have to make this goose so sticky yeah someone get me out of here i don't think so gobby you're not going anywhere green goblin almost ruined the halloween parade but now he can't thanks to our teamwork [Music] welcome back tracy you know we can still check out all the fun costumes everyone's wearing in the parade look those kids are dressed up like the spidey team for halloween she thinks we're in halloween costumes happy halloween [Music] oh have to try harder than that oh this one is just right oh what am i thinking i already have avocados at home ready to work together to get this problem all wrapped up got it okay spiders give me your best shot one two [Music] now let's bring it down [Music] i don't think so robot there right through my web he clawed through mine [Music] ah our plan is not working his closet his tail and his teeth are all too sharp attention attention everyone this is your unfriendly neighborhood dinosaur i declare this mind had a smashing success there's gotta be a way to stop that guy we'll figure it out come on whoa hang on i stepped in honey there's a whole big puddle of it too bad it's not stickier we could use it on that robot dino well hey wait a minute that could work trap it in something sticky yeah just like animals sometimes got stuck because of the tar pits remember [Applause] i don't think honey is gonna keep that thing stuck down honey won't we've got something way stickier we can make a whole puddle full of webs like a tar pit good idea it's spidey time oh how about i turn those potatoes into mashed potatoes hey green goblin over here run alongs he's spidey you're no match for my t-rex your robot dino might be big gobby but bigger isn't always better we can use our spidey webs is that all you've got nope hey our spidey speed yeah looks like you're all tied up no more ruining stuff for you [Music] oh you think so do you wait i can't move oh yeah i forgot to mention we also have spidey smarts you can't move because while spidey was distracting you we trapped in our super sticky webs this dinos days are over okay you can have the dinosaur i'll just be going now oh no more fun for you gabi webster showed that kitten was right around here i'm not seeing anything yet let me use my spidey vision for a closer look there's the park and the trees aha i see them snuffles please come down you'll fall and hurt yourself it's time to spidey swing go go go go wait what here i am it's me green goblin do not fear citizens i've come to save this kitty cat now now little one um [Music] i'm here to help yeah here you go come on hey green goblin what do you think you're doing i was just rescuing this cutie pie right here such an adorable little fluff nugget now remember big tall high places are for heroes like green goblin and his amazing friends you're no hero gobby safe and sound he did save my little snuffles thank you green goblin so you're a good guy now you rock oh all in a day's work my good citizens oh okay seriously what's going on here gobby yeah we know you wouldn't help anyone all you ever do is cause trouble usually that's true but lately as i've watched you spiders swinging around doing good and getting all those cheers and thank yous i couldn't help wondering how much fun that would be oh really yes really and you know what it's a blast so no more super villain for me i'm off to save the day [Applause] [Laughter] team we need to talk okay that was weird do you think he's really given up on being a super villain no way i don't trust him me neither we better watch out in case he tries one of his mean tricks what's up spidey alert there's a bus crash on the bridge oh looks like we've got another emergency but hey now that you added voice commands to the techno racer i can call it to help techno racer me me at the river bridge [Music] okay the techno racer should get to the bridge around the same time as us let's swing team spidey yeah there it is on the bridge and the bus is hanging over the edge let's wet it before it techno racer just in time go see spidey hold on i'll tow it back onto the bridge [Music] yes all right cow with my new and improved octosizer i can make anything super small or super big don't worry i'm not going to make you small it's why we came to this wide open park so i can make you bigger than big [Applause] found it bootsy bootsy [Music] bootsy uh where'd you go [Music] now sit still pal are you ready to get super sized excellent goodbye little cow hello super cow [Music] that cat got in the way [Music] i can't wait to see the cat show i think my favorite cats are those striped ones that look like cute little tigers how about you miles hmm probably the ones with white paws like bootsy gwen miles boy am i glad to see you bootsy ran off i could really use a little help oh bootsy whoa did lucy since we last saw her how'd she get so big [Music] she must have something to do with it yep it's time to spotty [Music] best swing skills combine their science smarts and they'll put their heads together cause they're craving clever it's time [Music] spidey ghost [Applause] [Music] leave him alone that's my little octobot stop right there doc ock what'd you do to bootsy this i have a little cow to catch so don't try to stop me after her doc off use that divisor first to make bootsy big hand over that gizmo doc you'll never get my octopizer come on i bet that device that got used to make bootsy big can make her small again we'll have to get it from her to find out [Music] okay go see and i can catch boots and i'll catch doc off let's swing out [Music] hey where do you think you're going spiders hand over that opto sizer doc hawk never yeah i won't let you or your pesky spider friends get in the way of me and my cow taking over the city i'll get you next time [Music] thanks [Applause] [Music] bootsy put the tiny octobot down gently [Music] okay doc hand over the octosizer so i can fix this oh you spiders are always in my way i'm coming for you cow i'll be taking this if you don't mind look at that fancy bow come in come in this is detective stacy at the central mall you need to give that to me detective stacy never mind everything's fine oh these look nice hey you give that back doc ock why should i no one ever gives me a holiday gift so i'm taking everyone else's not so bad dog don't you know what's better to give than to receive or in this case here you go ma'am yes thanks now you're in trouble go get em team spidey i figured you three would show up sooner or later we're not gonna let you spoil the holidays doc ock oh i think you'll be too busy to stop me thanks to my not-so-little helper not you cal huh remember thank you [Music] look out thanks spidey we can't let doc doc get away with this yeah we better stop that tree first before it hurts someone this isn't yours thank goodness thank you no more stealing for [Music] you those tentacles can break right through our webs now where was i oh yes filling up my goodie bag how does a tree just turn into a robot anyway that dog must have attached them to the tree when the wall was closed but all those robotic arms would still need something to control them something like that that definitely does not look like a regular ornament actually it looks like something knockoff so if we grab it off the tree tree will shut down i bet it will let's go let's go for quick go see do your thing i'm on it look out [Music] huh it works now to take down doc ock fly away little pigeons hop away little frog leave the park like everyone else has i thought you superheroes gave up you won't lose us that easily yeah we never give up you should know that by now oh the gang's all here i guess this is the part where i'm in big big trouble blah blah blah it is over green goblin i don't think so can't catch me if you can't see me hold on to your i believe i have got him a statue i do not have him at all he got away again huh there's simply too much gas to find him that's exactly the problem if only we could see him but he could not see us hey wait i can make it so we can't see me that's right you could turn invisible that's how we'll beat him we just need to find a way to get close to him i'll web him up before he even knows i'm there but how will you get close to him if you cannot find him it is so hard to see we can't see him but we sure can't hear him so what if we get him to come back over here you know maybe shout something that would annoy him i know just the thing oh i love it i've spoiled the part for the people for team spidey for the squirrels the little froggies and the birds hey wait a minute is that a bird green goblin should be here soon he'll come to see why there are still happy birds chirping in the park great plan black panther you sound just like a real bird and green goblin's so mean he'll definitely come back to chase them away all right time for me to get into position what's that bird doing in my horrible no-good gassy rotten part i'll find you little birdie no one is safe from my goblin gas spidey it's working here comes green goblin oh little birdie where are you i've come to chase you away with my icky purple gas no birds here but there is a panther and a spidey oh it's you guys again all right time to fly away and hide in my dance what's that what's the matter gobby can't see me [Music] [Music] these pointy rock things are great for swinging i know right they're called stalactites formed over hundreds of years from water with minerals in it dripping from the ceiling of the cave fun fact now the next clue to the treasure is a picture of the sun and it says look for sunshine and there you push the sun in a cave well that's what it says [Laughter] hey right there yep sunshine on the cave wall i bet this is what wetbeard meant only one way to find out look the pirate ship [Music] but remember webb beard like to set traps so we've got to slow down and be careful you're right let's go but slowly okay take it slow hmm no traps over here check out this bridge to the ship i'll see if it's safe huh no trap let's swing over just in case right good idea now keep an eye out for that treasure um there it is look right there nice but don't forget red beard like to set traps [Music] oh another web beard trap looks like i found the trap and helped me find the treasure oh thank you so much spider pests now all these riches are mine now what lucky me there's still a little space for me to get out of here tata spideys she's getting away we've got to stop it look the bridge the boards are so old they're falling apart dog docks gonna break right through them and that's a long way down come on team you're right we can't let her fall through over spiders the jewels the gold it's all mine hey where'd they go [Music] but i was almost out how did this happen to me next time you should slow down and be more careful doc now we'll just take that this treasure is going to the museum where it belongs all i wanted was that treasure [Applause] okay team let's quickly put a stop to rhino and gobbie so we can get home and finish that dinner for aunt may ooh i spy with my little eye three little spiders here to ruin our fun please do me a favor and get rid of them you got it wait is rhino stopping right toward us it sure looks like it let's shake things up here comes gobby i'll go after you with my ghost copter i've got rhino covered and i'll sneak in from up high okay little spider let's see how you fly [Music] it's super slippery careful up there copy that thanks huh i see you spidey stop moving not a chance then i guess i'll just super slimey [Music] [Applause] please your ghost copter is no match for my goblin glider and it's extra slimy surprise all of the slime is making my engine malfunction oh no ghosty [Applause] [Music] thanks guys you lose team spidey the bridge is ours i thought i had gobby b but he totally surprised me yeah and i thought i could capture rhino easily with my techno racer this is a bigger problem than we thought stopping those two could take all night so much for your aunt may surprise dinner hey wait aunt mays dinner that was a bigger problem than i thought it would be but when we worked together it got a lot easier you're right so we just need a plan for all three of us to work together on this we'll outsmart gobby and rhino at the same time i can spin the tires on my techno racer and make a bunch of smoke hey yeah that could help me sneaking closer to rhino to stop him shooting all that slime perfect and i'll distract bobby so that he doesn't see you i don't think i'll ever get tired of this plan isn't working out like i thought it would let's just take everyone's stuff and destroy the bridge oh i like money and i love destroying stuff we take everyone's stuff first and then we destroy the bridge oh right what's that gobby it's hard to hear you from way up here no never mind i'll handle this okay i've got bobby chasing me spidey are you in position i'm in position spin it's go time right spidey my turn to distract rhino oh no you don't get any closer and i'll slime you okay i guess i'll just spin around right here hey where'd everything go looks like your sliming fun is over rhino surprise huh [Music] oh my goodness what have you done painting of a handsome gentleman by greta von hoffenflatz it's so so perfect look at that face now that's what i call handsome it's a masterpiece please green goblin you must leave these paintings alone oh mr museum man try and stop me i'll just goo you up too oh no you won't thanks spidey friends spiders yeah always getting in the way of my creativity you won't stop me this time it looks like green goblin wants to ruin all the paintings in the museum you have got to stop him team spidey don't worry mr von carnegie we will thank goodness i'll make sure all the visitors get out safely now to take care of gobby team look he splattered la class de ballet by coco picante we have got to stop him don't worry we will come on this way [Music] oh yeah he definitely went this way how in a cornfield another masterpiece ruined the curious mr maurice they were such beautiful paintings we'll get him let's keep looking splitting up these paintings is so much fun delish there he is we got you now gabi time to stop messing up masterpieces oh but i'm having such a good time no matter there's another right here missed again no you three are starting to annoy me it's okay i don't mind a little yucky goo if it means i saved the painting which i did oh you spiders are trying to ruin my fun it's time for me to splat the most famous painting in the whole world you don't mean the lady in the green dress no i mean what good's a green dress without a green face to go with it i'm off to find her too low let's go after him actually wait a sec but god he's gonna ruin your favorite painting we've got to stop him before he gets there or we get there first green goblin doesn't know where the lady in the green tress is but we do remember he flew off in the wrong direction that's right mr von carnegie told us room 13 all the way at the end of the main hall and to the left nice when we get to the painting i have an idea how we can use it to stop guppy go let's go a little more here hmm oh that's looking good and i think some here that ought to do it wow you're a great artist it looks almost exactly like the real thing thanks like i said i learned a lot from studying this painting i'll go hide the real one so gobby can't find it when spidey gets back you two take the fake one to gobby when he sees it he'll think it's the real one and want to do it up let him chase you for a while to give me time time for what time for me to make one more painting and this one will stop gobby for good time to fly go let's go hop on we've gotta figure out what's happening on that island [Music] what is this place i have no idea i don't see anyone hello [Music] hey we're here to help let's go check out that lighthouse maybe a distress signal came from inside there hello hello it's all locked up this place seems abandoned well somebody had to be here to call for help [Laughter] that somebody was me but you're the ones who need help green goblin calling for help when you didn't need it is a dirty trick yeah what are you doing out here getting ready for you of course welcome to goblin island i have a really bad feeling about this i worked hard on turning this lighthouse into my biggest prank yet and now i'll take my prize oh i just did time to fly to the city and show off my new toy and you little spiders are stuck on this island forever [Laughter] but don't worry you won't be alone my lighthouse will keep watch over you i can't believe he stole my ghost copter i wonder what he's planning to do with it i have no idea and what did he mean by the lighthouse will keep watch over us i don't know pumpkin prings [Music] i got you spidey black panther are you all right spidey i was about to ask you the same i got your signal and came as quickly as i could my signal what signal your distress signal i was flying to see you but then something strange happened to my jet i lost power and was forced to land here in the park but i never sent you a signal hmm i have a feeling someone is playing a trick on me and whoever did it probably knocked out the power on your jet but how perhaps those are the answer doc rocks octobots but these look a little different they are covered in electricity i call them shocktobots they're like an octobot with some added shock the one and only choctobots get them hey that's the way to make friends ah come and get me tricked you now that my little helpers have forced you to crash your jet i'll just help myself to what i really came for spidey look here it is vibranium and now it's all mine stop do not take that vibranium is more powerful than you know i know this little hunk of metal has more than enough energy to power your entire jet i'll use it to create super shocktobots then i can take over the city give it back doc ock it's not yours it is now i'm off to create my army of super shock dobots after her all right ghosty copies distracted now's our chance huh yeah oops i wet the necklace oh no well i'll go help web up gabi while you sort that out what now you i guess i'll just have to speed up what spidey got he's being so careful with it it must be important i could really ruin his day by taking it for myself [Music] let's swing [Music] yeah where did that slippery spider go [Music] ah safe for now gobby can't see me up here huh oh no i got it oh thanks that was close i'd feel awful if something happened to ant-mace necklace catch oh no thanks for the gift spidey bobby that's not yours give it back wow spidey really wants this thing bad it has to hold some special power hmm i don't feel powerful just heavier spidey's gadget is going to get me caught i need a place without spiders to figure out how it works [Music] this'll distract them traffic signal it's falling huh what all together now thanks team spidey you're welcome [Music] and now i just put a new motor in and there we go that was easy uh hey tracy how are you feeling look at you go she's so cool i'd love to have a little spider bob buddy like tracy hmm i still have the instructions and i've got a whole box full of parts let's build another spider bite just for you no way really just like tracy sure oh yes it'll be funny and i'll teach you to do tricks and it'll spin around and ant-man [Music] she's in the house looking for you peter where are you you promised to clean your room oh no i totally forgot she's right i did promise i really better take care of it but don't worry miles we'll build your bot as soon as i get back as soon as he gets back how long will that be his room is pretty messy [Music] maybe i should just get it started i mean hey i've got the drawing i've got the parts that's part a this fits here and this fits here or maybe over here yeah that looks kind of right ah there we go all cleaned up peter peter oh hey miles i'm done with my room so i can come in oh it's okay turns out i could build my robot all by myself you what peter needs twisty you used my drawing of tracy and ended up with that amazing i couldn't find all the pieces i needed so he came out looking a little different but isn't he cool yeah let's see what he can do just gotta turn him on and [Music] hiya twisty meet peter he really likes to twist around that's why i named them twisty hey twisty can you do some other tricks huh well well if it isn't the spidey team i should have known stop stealing all that electricity but i need it to supercharge my shrink ray oh no she shrunk us that's right my new shrink ray can make anything big or small and now you three are so small i can do anything i want you'll be powerless to stop me oh way to go me this isn't over yet doc ock go webs go [Music] uh worth a try cow scoop up this teeny tiny trio and put them somewhere out of my way uh-oh [Applause] oops almost forgot here's some food for my little pets we're not pets you are now here's a little bouncy ball to keep you happy cow keep an eye on these itsy bitsy spiders hmm i'm going to make a list of places to make tiny i've always wanted to be the biggest baddie in town and once this entire city has shrunk i will be see anything hmm not yet bobby said my first little pumpkin is really quite neat you'll find it where bananas are a favorite treat monkeys like bananas maybe it's at the zoo let's head over there hold on it's true monkeys do like bananas but they're not the only ones look thanks check out that snack that girl and her dad are eating of course a delicious frozen banana and where do they sell frozen bananas the frozen banana stand there it is now we've just got to find whatever green goblin hit around here let's split up it could be anywhere excuse me sir by any chance is there a pumpkin in there hmm it's not in here not here either hmm oh i got it but oh i found a hidden pumpkin this is definitely one of green goblins but what oh traps you found pumpkin number one number two's at the museum what fun my next pumpkin's hiding with things that might go crack you three had better scramble to stop my big attack [Laughter] so this pumpkin wasn't a stinky prank it was just a clue but what does it mean his big attack is what he's gonna do to the egg hunt but the rest of the clue i don't get it he said the pumpkins at the museum we can figure out the rest of the clue there end of the road rhino this pipe should flush my problems away [Music] [Music] every time we get close to rhino he just smashes something and gets away and we can't just leave him he'll just keep scaring people and taking their stuff we'll stop him we just need a plan hmm wait a minute what if we scared him what do you mean i mean everyone else ran from rhino because they thought he was the wazzo snook and got scared so we make him think there's a wazzle snook down here too yeah then he'll run right into our trap well spidey you've got a pretty good growl [Music] you mean like that that's perfect you can be our wazzle snook hey look i already found a horn perfect nice start but when i'm done dressing you up you'll look just like him come on we better do it out of sight in case rhino comes [Music] oh looks like i got rid of spidey in his pals for good i'm a criminal genius i'm glad you're so here wait what hey don't don't you come any closer like i'm sneaky and i'm dangerous fat thing crap spidey well what do you mean grab spidey a crab ghost spider went to save spidey and he grabbed her too what grabbed her the wazzle snook [Music] wasn't good one there's no such thing it's just a movie i'm not afraid of some silly make-believe huh what's that oh it can't be what's it [Music] [Music] [Applause] hurry this way forget that this criminal genius gets out of here his own way the waffles look help it's got me help me help me stop me please no team spidey got you you know you shouldn't scare people and take their stuff you you tricked me there's no such thing as a wazzle snook there's no such thing okay hulk leap up and stick to the side of this building here okay let's give this a try i can't get unstuck once i stick you'll be able to once i teach you when i first got my powers it was hard to control them but i kept practicing first you focus on what you want to do which is unsticking now say unstick on stick oh it's not working it takes a little practice try again imagine yourself unsticking on stick on stick on stick it worked reach out and stick again i think i'm getting the hang of it stick on stick stick on stick stick on stick stick on stick stick on stick i did it good work spider hulk i don't see that pickup truck anywhere yeah spidey alert reports of floating objects one block over tuck must have found the octofloater and fixed it somehow oh we've got to stop her let's go let's go that's gotta make eating lunch tricky here let us help you get down thanks team spidey i was getting hungry you're welcome oh yeah any sign of duck spidey alert truck in the air one block south a truck in the air ah that has to be her go let's go they think i still have my octofloater but i lost track of it if i follow them those spiders will lead me right to it geez where are you huh i can never find anything in this purse wow all these floating objects have led us right back to your street spidey hey it's your aunt me i think she's got ox gadget in her hand how did she end up with it is that my octofloater i've gotta get it back [Music] you three are really starting to get on my nerves too bad looks like your floating days are over you think i'm gonna let you silly spiders stop me no not a chance let's weather look what i found betsy what a funny little thing kids come see this weird gadget i brought home from the antique shop [Music] i mean that lady must be pressing the button on the device look at youtube now completely helpless [Music] oh look there's a little switch right here maybe this does something what happened she must have found the switch that stops things from floating i'm going in oh come on i'll help these people to safety everyone please clear out heads up spiders spidey look out oh [Music] my toy oh i'll get it uh-oh oh yeah i forgot foam [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no that truck broke the fire hydrant don't worry i'll plug it up no wait [Music] something's gone wrong with their web shooters grab on hold each other up ice cream get your cold delicious ice cream don't mind if i do oh that's just what i needed [Music] it's rhino stealing ice cream on a hot date like this will stop him go let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this oughta keep me cool oh so cold so cold oh rain freeze hold it right there ice cream thief and litter bug these sticks belong in the trash huh ah leave me alone team spidey all i wanna do is cool off it's hot it is hot but stealing is not cool it's over rhino stop you again what's with the drippy whips the worms they're melting your webs don't work in this heat spiders i win [Music] oh so long spiders try and keep cool you know i will [Applause] whoa careful tracy i'm making a new extra sticky web formula i've got to mix the ingredients perfectly or it won't work right just eight drops of this chemical one two [Music] three four five six seven eight whoa that's some catchy drumming i almost messed up my formula listening to it hey peter what do you think of my newest beat sounding great gwen thanks all right just three drops of this chemical this time i really need to be careful one two [Music] oh no oh sorry peter here let me help what happened i was almost done mixing my new extra sticky web formula but when you hit that symbol it surprised me and i dropped it everywhere yeah and tracy too i knocked my chemicals all over the place i guess i got a little carried away i probably should have just waited till you were done that doesn't seem fair seems like there's got to be a way we can both do what we like at the same time or find a way to take turns we'll put our heads together and figure something out i like it oops huh look at that never seen that before something must have gone wrong with the formula let's give it a good pull on three one two three it's too sticky yeah we're really stuck whoa but you can unstick us right um sure i think i wish i didn't use up all of our web off good idea tracy i'll just tear it apart with these pliers [Applause] huh didn't even scratch it what about you tracy you're a super strong little robot oh yeah maybe she can shop through it go tracy go [Music] gotcha nice try tracy are you okay give up doc i'll catch you eventually i win yet another crime ingeniously pulled off by me stop och the most brilliant criminal who ever oh come on oh i'll just pull myself oh [Music] what's up with those tentacles don't you laugh at me i'm an evil genius oh i'll show you all oh if i can only get this annoying tentacle unstuck i'll take this ghosty catch got it no [Music] no no no no no no no yep up miss your pumpkin come back it's in the middle of the road we need to move it before a vehicle comes along hits it [Applause] wow the pumpkin is so heavy it just keeps picking up speed i've got to stop it quick do a runaway giant pumpkin i thought the fun was over but it's just getting started [Music] here let me help you there you go oh wow thank you spy you're welcome oh i've got to save that pumpkin [Music] yes yes no no maybe i can catch it with a net a web net oh no that won't do dobby i don't want anything to stop this runaway pumpkin fun not again this time i just have to stop that pumpkin oh but it won't be easy to stop that pumpkin if i'm in your way oh my whoops i'm so clumsy we're getting in the way too late spidey oh no it's gonna smash all those windows this just gets better and better please don't break please don't break [Music] time to get back to the fair watch out [Music] sorry gotti that's not the way to the fair i am not enjoying this thanks for letting me use your tractor i brought back the pumpkin wait where is it i don't know well i think we found your pumpkin oh i'm so dizzy [Music] webster please send the techno racer to my underwater location help is on the way that's enough doc no more world making for you thank goodness even underwater i can't get rid of you spiders but it's too late countdown activated in five minutes there will be a thousand whirlpools out there and the harbor will be mine i don't think so doc [Music] [Music] thanks why don't we shut this thing down for good huh out of the way oh you ruined my whirlpool machine [Music] [Music] hulk i got you as fast as i could what's the emergency oh that thing right up there i don't see anything oh none of us saw him at first he's sneaky and way more dangerous than he looks that sounds serious but what are you talking about him right there that sneaky me little squirrel oh no i guess when you called for my help i thought it would be something bigger oh that squirrel is a big big problem all right he kept throwing stuff at my crew i had to send him home for their safety oh we've been trying to catch him but he's so quick and tricky he threw acorns at me pointy little acorns [Music] take a deep breath big guys [Music] [Applause] bad news everybody it's about to rain on your parade only instead of water it's gonna rain slime we're not gonna let you ruin the parade rhino hey that's my hose slime time is over and it's team spidey to the rescue not so fast rhino you're not going anywhere let's web him up you three ruined my plan to ruin your parade good thing i've got my own plan green goblin is here too huh can you please help me set these balloons loose that's my plan wait rhino green goblin and doc doc oh wow it's a whole trio of troublemakers no problem we can handle this let's go let's go oh now that's more like it why set the balloons loose when i can just pop them with my lasers why didn't you mention those before well you were so busy talking about your own plan not this time [Music] we're not gonna let you pop any parade balloons out of my way oh my float god first balloon [Laughter] wait what's going on i'm floating away with it let's bring her back down [Music] don't worry doc i got the other two balloons [Laughter] hey wait now i'm starting to float away too this time i got you rhino well that didn't work we better get them too yet another amazing save by team spidey hooray we're not going up anymore but oh man we got caught by team spidey [Music] look it's cow the cow goes that's definitely not a detective book the she goes i asked you to bring me the rest of the detective books [Music] you were locked out what's the one thing i told you to remember i'm the boss no you're not the boss i'm the boss me dunk up doc is the boss doc ock is the boss why does she keep saying that i don't know and what do you think she wants with all those books let's whip her up and ask stop right there doc spiders no time to play i've got a brilliant plan to finish october get them [Applause] come on team we've got to stop them [Music] it's an octopod everyone get out of the library [Music] thanks look out hey books aren't for throwing huh excuse me you should probably head outside whoa good idea thanks team spidey only one got left coming at you spidey got it nice teamwork everybody [Music]
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 29,029,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvels spidey and his amazing friends, spidey, spidey and his amazing friends, spidey one hour, spidey compilation, spidey and his amazing friends 1 hour, spidey and his amazing friends full episodes, spider man cartoon, spiderman cartoons full episodes, spider man, spider-man cartoon, spider-man and his amazing friends, spider man cartoon full episodes, amazing spidey and friends, spiderman and friends, spider-man kids, spider-man cartoon full episodes, spidey and friends
Id: hpG0kTfHCSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 19sec (6259 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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